
CTB Converts Tournament (CatchConV)

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He Ang CTB
Yes that's right, more CTB Osu!Catch tournaments! \o/

- This is a team based Catch The Beat (Osu!Catch) 3VS3 team-based tournament.
- There is no rank requirements to join.
- There will be entirely no CTB specific maps in any map pool.
- There will be 16 teams.
- Each team must have 3-6 players.
- The maximum difference in time zone within the team must not exceed 8 hours.
- Team name must not exceed 16 characters.
- There is no Group Stage.
- All Stages are Best Of 9s (BO9), AKA win 5 maps = win match.
- The scoring metric is Score_v1.
- Please help spread the word, to kick start the tournament as soon as possible.

- Champion team: 1 month supporter for every member.
- TBP (Tournament Best Player) will receive extra 1 month supporter regardless of team position.

Stage info:
- There will be 4 stages:
Exhibition match between staff teams if there is a stream. Players will not be involved.
Round of 16 (RO16)
Round of 8 (RO8)
Semi-Finals (1/2F)
Grand-Finals (GF)
- Each stage will be completed on a single weekend consecutively.
- Due to Bancho and referee issues, some matches might be postponed to later timings. Please be alert and be responsive to messages. Failure to be contactable and co-operative in such scenarios will result in disqualification.
- In scenarios where a match has been decide to be postponed by a week, the next week will only host the matches that has been delayed.

Match info:
- Referees are to create the room 15 minutes prior: CatchConV: (Team A) VS (Team B)
- Team captains will be invited into the room early.
- Captains will invite the members.
- Incomplete rosters after 15 minutes will result in disqualification.
- Team A is Blue Team, Team B is Red Team.
- Blue Team will occupy the first few slots, Red team will be below Blue Team.
- Blue Team will pick 1 warm-up map, then Red team, if time permits.
- No warm-up map is to exceed 5 minutes in total length.
- The entire team can join in the warm-ups.
- Subsequently, each team gets 2 bans.
- Winner of the roll will ban first, then the loser.
- Winner of the roll will pick the 1st map.
- The loser of previous map will always pick the next map.
- In case of tie, the team that picked the tied map loses.

- In case of tie on TB, the TB will be replayed over and over until the result is conclusive.
- Once a map has been picked, it cannot be changed. Choose your maps wisely.
- Be alert during matches, tell the referee to hold if you need to attend to something. Once the map has started, it will not be replayed.
- Both the referees and the participants are responsible for the accounting of scores.

Map pool info:
- Map pool and map pack will be made public every Sunday or Monday evening.
- Once announced, there will strictly be no changes in maps.
- In case of deletion of maps during the week etc, that map will still be played. Participants are solely responsible for getting the maps as soon as they are announced.
- Mod brackets per map pool:
6 NoMod (NM)
4 Hidden (HD)
4 HardRock (HR)
4 DoubleTime (DT)
2 FreeMod (FM)
1 FlashLight (FL)
1 Easy (EZ)
1 TieBreak (TB)
Total: 22 selectable maps + 1 TieBreaker.
- NM, HD, FL, EZ picks are to be played with its respective mods only.
- No more than 1 member may use HD alongside HR & DT picks.
- No less than 1 member are to use at least 1 mod on FM picks.

- No DT, HD+FL, are to be used in FM and TB.
- Any number of allowed mods/mod-combinations can be picked on TB.
- No HalfTime (HT), Relax (RX), SuddenDeath (SD), NightCore (NC), NoFail (NF), are to be used in any circumstance.

- Teams will be seeded and matched according with regards to the following considerations:
Ranking & Scores.
Personal impression of players by staff team.
Performance in past tournaments.
- For any re-scheduling to be valid, it has to be made no less than 24 hours before the match.
- This tournament is not for:
Wussies D:
Noobs D:
Crybabies D:

- This is standard convert tournament, do not expect easy map pools.
- Please practise the maps.
- Be a good person.
- Don't cheat.

中文翻译 (谢AngularJS):
- 這是一個以團隊為基礎的 CTB(OSU! Catch) 三對三錦標賽
- 沒有任何 Rank 排名的限制
- 沒有任何 CTB 專譜在圖池內
- 總共會有 16 個隊伍參賽
- 每個隊伍必須有 3-6 個成員
- 在隊伍內的成員時差不得超過 8 個小時
- 隊伍名字不得超過 16 個字元
- 沒有小組賽
- 沒有敗部復活
- 計分的標準是採取 Score_V1
- 請幫忙宣傳這個比賽,使得這項活動能盡快開始

- 冠军 : 1 個月 Supporter
- TBP(錦標賽最佳選手, 不論隊伍在比賽的情形):1 個月 Supporter

- 將會有 4 個階段:
RO16(初賽,16 取 8)
RO8(複賽,8 取 4)
Semi-Finals(冠亞資格賽,4 取 2)
- 每個階段比賽大約以一個星期間的時長完成
- 由於 Bancho 和裁判的問題,有些比賽將會推遲到較晚的時間,請時時刻刻注意並
- 若當周比賽決定推遲一個星期,則下周的比賽同樣順延一個星期.

- 裁判將會在比賽前 15 分鐘創建房間
- 格式: CatchConV: (Team A) VS (Team B)
- 隊伍的隊長將會被提前邀請至房間內
- 未到齊的隊伍將會在 15 分鐘後取消資格
- Team A 設置為 Blue Team(藍隊) Team B 設置為 Red Team(紅隊)
- 藍隊將會先佔據房間前幾個位置,紅隊將會排列於其下方
- 藍隊將會挑選 1 個熱身圖,然後換紅隊挑選(如果時間允許)
- 熱身圖總長時間不超過 5 分鐘
- 整個隊伍都可以參加熱身
- 隨後,兩個隊伍將可以拿到兩個 Ban 圖權力
- 在 Roll 點中勝方隊伍先 Ban,輸者隨後
- 在 Roll 點中勝方隊伍可以優先選擇第 1 張比賽圖
- 而後輸方隊伍將可以優先選下一張比賽圖
- 平局的情況下,將會選擇平局決勝圖進行殊死賽
- 在平局決勝圖平局的情況下,將會反覆地在平局決勝圖比賽,直到結果是確定的
- 一旦比賽圖已經被決定,將不能被改變,請明智地選擇你的比賽圖
- 在比賽時請提高警覺,假使你需要什麼,請告知裁判一旦比賽圖已經開始,將不會重新開始
- 無論是裁判或是選手,都有責任進行得分的核算

- 比賽圖池和比賽圖包將會在每個星期日或星期一的下午公布
- 一旦公布後,將會嚴格限制任何在比賽圖上的改變
- 一周期間內比賽圖缺失時的情況下,該比賽圖仍會被進行比賽,選手須盡快為他們所公布的地圖負責.
- 每個圖池的 Mod 範圍:
6 張 NoMod(NM)
4 張 Hidden(HD)
4 張 HardRock(HR)
4 張 DoubleTime(DT)
2 張 FreeMod(FM)
1 張 FlashLight(FL)
1 張 Easy(EZ)
1 張 TieBreak(TB)
總計 22 張可選擇比賽圖 + 1 張平局決勝圖
- NM,HD,FL,EZ 選擇比賽圖只能開啟相對應 MOD
- 在 HR,DT 選擇比賽圖下,隊伍內至多 1 人可以開啟 HD
- 在 FM 選擇比賽圖下,隊伍內至少 1 人要開啟 1 個 Mod
- 不會有 DT, HD+FL Mod 情形出現在 FM 與 TB
- 不會有 NightCore(NC) 和 未明列於上方之減分與特殊模式出現在任何情況下

- 團隊將會根據下列資訊被匹配與安排:
- 任何重新調度對於比賽都是有效的,但必須在比賽前的 24 小時
胆小鬼 D:
- 這是標準轉譜的比賽,請不要期望有簡單的圖池
- 請練習比賽圖
- 做個好玩家
- 別作弊

Player teams:
1. Horse Taco: Wesley, -Ken, LechuCzechu, Vincs, Crystallize, Kyuare.
2. US Redemption: -Kurisu-, chickenbible, Del, Zak, Colin, Jimmy Rustler.
3. 123: VagaNNN, Chara, Quit User, [224]Hyperw7, eauikk, 473147315371.
4. Osu!SpaceTime: ExMono, sweetbravery, moncar321, Tasked, Real14Hero, Nanodayo-ssu.
5. W Styles: Chris13579, KaguyaHouraisan, Haarashi, Orinoshi, Vinci007.
6. 456: Rurree, Liilium, LeRenegat, Lume, Verosan, Tenshichan.
7. war of lolis: nacho-s-m, [Nico], Lechuguin, Jusenkyo, Breathless, Silent wave.
8. Ichigo Nyan: Catch The Beat, PM____, Intensity, Suigetsu Kyouka, TeruTeru, Soulbreeze.
9. The Nice Team: floflim, ACinfr, Nepgya, Tsukiyama.
10. Janchoke Team: Minalinsky-, Galaxi, MizzoKing-, Cera-, Kamisama-, Kageyama - Kun-.
11. America is bae: TheFlameWind, Litooo, GreySuka, ShipShup, Hanik, Efusion.
12. Circle Dodgers: Digitalfear117, yaityboi, raspberries, Zelatra, ralip, Nature Of Dying.
13. Where is my skill?: Feel free to, - Akisame -, Setomi, -Nicotine, Kosmit, M a s t e r.
14. No idea: Beizer, Amlink, DamnEasy, FastYoshi, A Moon Gust, Chloebe.
15. CtB!Norway: Kiwi-P, BennyBananas, Mile, Vanilla-, Cameragod, Jack-.
16. Fierro pariente: [Kami], [-Flyingcat-], man_alive, Cxlucha, blacklotus, Kashou.

Wandering players:
1. Nelly
2. Realmas
3. Steffen
4. Sinnoh
5. Toxic Bacon
6. HFL
7. Beerus

Staff team:
- Tournament Managers (TMs, minimum 1):
1. He Ang Erika
2. Future_miku95
3. [- Saki -]
- Referees (Refs, minimum 5 of different time zones):
1. He Ang Erika
2. Future_miku95
3. Pew
4. AngularJS
5. forgottentaco
6. Dreamless-
- Map Selectors (MSs, minimum 1):
1. He Ang Erika
2. Future_miku95
3. Constantine
4. Myle
5. geraldwch
- Streamers & Commentators:
1. PastaCats (com)
2. Julie (com)
3. Dohland

If you find that the rules are unreasonable, or there's something else you want to suggest, feel free to do so on this thread!

is this the singapore heroine
Topic Starter
He Ang CTB

Histoire wrote:

is this the singapore heroine
Nope D: Don't want to die at the end of the film :X
no CTB specific maps?? meaning that none of maps are ctb right?? since i play most normal map can i be map selector?? //runs
Topic Starter
He Ang CTB

Future_miku95 wrote:

no CTB specific maps?? meaning that none of maps are ctb right?? since i play most normal map can i be map selector?? //runs

He Ang Erika wrote:

Future_miku95 wrote:

no CTB specific maps?? meaning that none of maps are ctb right?? since i play most normal map can i be map selector?? //runs
i can be both referee and map selector if u want.. i agree to help u for this upcoming match

ohh btw i also have something to say about mappool info.. how about u make 2 member instead of 1 may use hd when picking hr/dt maps?? because my opinion having 1 player picking hd is kinda rough what if that player making a mistake... since its 2 hd players at least we can depends on another hd player if 1 of 2 hd player making a mistake (carry to the end,, something like dat?)
Topic Starter
He Ang CTB
i can be both referee and map selector if u want.. i agree to help u for this upcoming match
Yes thanks for the help! o/

ohh btw i also have something to say about mappool info.. how about u make 2 member instead of 1 may use hd when picking hr/dt maps??
It is to limit the amount of advantage a HD team has over a NM team :O DT and HR map pool is to test the players' abilities to do just that, having HD alongside is to accomodate for players' preferences. Imagine going against a team that always use HD whenever possible, technically you have huge disadvantage for more than half of the entire map pool.

Because my opinion having 1 player picking hd is kinda rough what if that player making a mistake... since its 2 hd players at least we can depends on another hd player if 1 of 2 hd player making a mistake (carry to the end,, something like dat?)
That's precisely the reason, so to add pressure onto that one player. Even though it could be argued as a play style, but that play style gives a default score advantage, and score advantages must come at a price in order to maintain a fair tournament D:
Cai <3 Thanks for organizing all these CTB events guy :).
Not sure if ill play this tourmanent but if theres someone in Russia who plays good with converted maps (like me) ill take a shot (I already PMd to VagaNNN about this :d)
Will we play this tourmanent on weekends?
Nice but I not played last 15 days but you can add me on the list.
I want to be mappool selector again :^)
If there is guys who wants to participate but don't have teammates, I'm here. (If playing with a noob isn't a problem for you)
peppy pls give the winners profile badges so i can make jimmy join

This is a cool idea and I definitely want to join once I get a team together :)
Hey, can I join staff? Although I'm not sure what role I want to assist yet
Topic Starter
He Ang CTB
Guys if you have difficulty finding a complete team by yourself I can add your name under the "Wandering Players" section. I can make teams for you if you don't mind!

He Ang Erika wrote:

Guys if you have difficulty finding a complete team by yourself I can add your name under the "Wandering Players" section. I can make teams for you if you don't mind!
I would like to be in this list if possible :s
But please when you will do the teams, don't put too much high tier players with me, I don't want to make them lose ^^'
I just got a team so you can remove me from wandering players ;w;

Team name: USA Redemption

1. -Kurisu-
2. chickenbible
3. Del
4. Zak
5. Colin
6. Jimmy Rustler
I love my cat
Mappool needs a HT map tbh
Topic Starter
He Ang CTB

-Kurisu- wrote:

I just got a team so you can remove me from wandering players ;w;

Team name: USA Redemption

1. -Kurisu-
2. chickenbible
3. Del
4. Zak
5. TBA
6. TBA
Found my 1st Top Seeded team C:

Colin wrote:

^ USA outcast ><

raspberries wrote:

Mappool needs a HT map tbh
2 digit players will still miss because they don't practise XD

:) nice
"- No more than 1 member may use HD alongside HR & DT picks."

But some players are cannot play HR & DT without HD
Interesting, But unfortunately my laptop is still unusable.

I might want to join this if someone want to team up with me.
Topic Starter
He Ang CTB

Phantom_Stella wrote:

"- No more than 1 member may use HD alongside HR & DT picks."

But some players are cannot play HR & DT without HD
But some players cannot play HR & DT with HD :X If I allow a full team HD, how would the NM team match up in HR & DT pools with 1.18x times default score disadvantage whatever they play? The NM team can triple SS and maximum spin, but they will still be far behind of the HD team that misses all droplets and caught no spinners and each have 12 misses near the end of the map. Then my question would be, is this really how HR & DT skill should be tested? When teams are given massive advantage simply due to playstyle? My take is simple: Any score advantage should always come at a risk. Otherwise the fairness of the competition will be compromised.
team name: 123

1. VagaNNN
2. Chara
3. Quit user
4. [224]Hyperw7
5. eauikk
6. TBA
My Team :D
Osu!SpaceTime :
- sweetbravery
- Real14Hero
- ExMono
- Nanodayo-ssu
Topic Starter
He Ang CTB
OMG guys the post is made less than 24 hours ago and we already have 1/4 of the teams! :O If we keep this up we might be able to start next week!
I'm interested in joining. I don't have a team though. :p

He Ang Erika wrote:

OMG guys the post is made less than 24 hours ago and we already have 1/4 of the teams! :O If we keep this up we might be able to start next week!
NEXT WEEK??!!! k gonna start searching maps to play... :D :D
Topic Starter
He Ang CTB
NEXT WEEK??!!! k gonna start searching maps to play... :D :D
COULD BE next week if advertisement and recruitment is OVERDRIVE XD
I want join but i dont have team ...
I'd like to sign up but I don't know if I will be available is there like a list that I can get my name on like a waiting list and if i don't get a team or if I'm busy with my job or I'm afk that it won't ruin anything idc about what team I am on it just sounds fun.
I'd like to join aswell and but i don't have a team either :p
Topic Starter
He Ang CTB

Tasked wrote:

I want join but i dont have team ...

Amlink wrote:

I'd like to sign up but I don't know if I will be available is there like a list that I can get my name on like a waiting list and if i don't get a team or if I'm busy with my job or I'm afk that it won't ruin anything idc about what team I am on it just sounds fun.

- Yaeger - wrote:

I'd like to join aswell and but i don't have a team either :p
There's a place on the main post it is "Wandering Players" (right under player teams), where lone players have showed interest but have yet been able to find a complete team :O You can be there until you've got a team ><
How about a team filled with wandering players? LOL
wandering player
My Team
W Styles:
Topic Starter
He Ang CTB

Rurree wrote:

How about a team filled with wandering players? LOL
Will happen if there is too many wandering players D:
Topic Starter
He Ang CTB
So many big guns in this tournament XD
Team Name: 456
1. Rurree
2. Liilium
3. LeRenegat
4. - Yaeger -
5. Verosan
6. Tenshichan

Two Beers In
Does anyone want an ez mod player for that 1 EZ mod pick :^)
Wandering player
Topic Starter
He Ang CTB
By the way guys I have just changed the prize pool :O Please refer to main thread if you want to check it out!

4 + 2 + 1 months supporters for 18 players is $162USD, which is $218.70SGD. I do not have 220 dollars to spend even on myself for the past 3 months. I'll have 1 month supporter for all 6 members of winning team, and 1 month for TBP. That is $35USD ($47.24SGD), which is still very difficult for me, but I'm willing to pay that amount for you to enjoy.
If someone needs a noob on their team I'm here!
.......ehhehhh...... rank is like 9k

KaguyaHouraisan wrote:

My Team
W Styles:
that team name is top tier im loving it

also can I be on a team with the lowest ranking players if i am available that way i look even worse in comparison :d

VagaNNN wrote:

team name: 123

1. VagaNNN
2. Chara
3. Quit user
4. [224]Hyperw7
5. eauikk
6. TBA
gg team.. someone pls recruit exgon/dusk to counter this one pls xDDD
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