
Poll 10: Do you delete map elements?

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Do you delete map elements?

I delete everything on _every_ map (SB/Background/Skin).
I delete elements on a regular basis.
I delete elements only when they severely interfere with playing.
I play the maps as they were made.
Total votes: 271
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Deleting storybaords, backgrounds and skins is possible due to the currently open nature of beatmaps. Without getting into a debate over what is right or wrong, I would like to know the general ratio of people who do this -- mainly to reinforce my beliefs that the number isn't as high as some people think.

If you make a post starting any kind of debate it will be removed.

If you choose the last option, providing examples of maps is highly encouraged!
I've removed nearly-invisible objects and wrongly-coloured hitbursts because these interfere with my playing.
I delete everything on every map (SB/Background/Skin).

I only like to play with my skin. Rarely any other, unless they're bland and solid like a few maps out there. THough I didn't notice the BG, I only delete this when its a bad BG and blends with stuff.
Only when it interferes with gameplay - usually spinner/cursor combos that just go practically invisible during spinning and sometimes hitbursts, but that's pretty rare when the combination of mapping style (lots of overlapping) and hitbursts covering too much becomes a gameplay issue. In general, this has only happened with very old maps for me.
Firo Prochainezo
I delete elements only when they severely interfere with playing.
I hardly never delete elements, but if they are distracting I remove them or just play another map.
Only when it interferes with playing, namely colors that don't distinguish visibly between 300's and 100's, and BG's that make the circles hard to see.
When causes me lag or they severely interfere with playing.
My eyes are really bad,so i delete most of stuffs in mapsets
it`s just me, most people will vote 3 or 4 i guess
Not delete, just moves them into a new folder. If the SB is very nice, I will move it back.

Yeah almost in everymap.Includes SB,SKIN and BG.
I always delete the following:


I usually delete the following:

hit 300, 100, 50 (if it's difficult to tell the difference between 300 and 100 while playing; this is usually the case in map specific skins)

I rarely delete spinners. If I'm deleting spinners, it's because they blend in way too well with the hit-circle overlays and approach circles.

I sometimes delete SB flashes if they are incredibly flashy, like and

Side note: Due to the nature of Hard Rock and Flashlight (and probably Doubletime), these mods are quite a bit easier without a background due to the higher contrast between the (lack of) background and the followpoints and/or hitcircles.
I play the map as they were made

But that probably because I play to enjoy everything on the map even if it interfering with playing
I delete elements only when they severely interfere with playing.
And I restore them after playing.
Apparently I'm really tolerant with map elements because I don't remember a case where I have deleted any. Anything that I think would interfere with me playing to the point of me having to delete the elements would probably never be ranked in the first place or be an intentional novelty that I wouldn't remove.
Ibuki Suika
I delete elements only when they severely interfere with playing~
  1. sb that causes lag
  2. sb that makes me feel sick (eg. with the whole image flashing/rotating/moving)
  3. hit 300 100 50 if the colors look alike
  4. spinner without center
  5. approachcircle and hitcircleoverlay sometimes
  6. ...
I delete elements only when they severely interfere with playing.
After playing, I restore them.
I delete almost every skin, as I can only play with my skin (the default one without 300). But I keep the storyboards, especially if they are well-made.
I rarely delete things (ok I'm rarely playing), but generally, I delete skins that are kinda "lol" and completely different from mine.

I generally leave the SBs unless it is REALLY, but REALLY problematic.

Some maps where the SB makes the map live won't be deleted (like StrangeProgram for example :p )
I only take stuff out of the song folder when I am playing in a tournament. And even then I am moving everything back aftersaid tournament.
So yeah never removing anything.

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

I hardly never delete elements, but if they are distracting I remove them or just play another map.
I delete elements only when they severely interfere with playing.

if the BG or SB is too annoying or white flash askljdalsbdjkadbajd ill delete it

but ill always delete the skin elements in the map

since i cant play well with other skins except the one i used to play
No deleting, but I move elements into a new folder when I experience lag.
There were only 2 or 3 times I did that solely because of eye sore.
yes, whenever they worsen the gameplay of a map and I feel like getting a decent score on it

edit: skins apart, of course. Playing with a different skin is almost like using a different mouse which I'm not used to, so I delete about every custom skin I get from maps...
I've often thought about deleting elements when hitobjects start blending into the background- especially when both are very bright- but never actually done it. Not so much out of consideration for the feelings of people who created the map as out of laziness. If there was an option to override the forced skin I'd use it, sometimes.
Yes, if i don't like the skin or storyboard is quite annoying.

No other reasons :/
I play the maps as they were made..

I deal with annoying songs, especially K-on skins where it will lag/distract too much..
Minor Lag/Distractions are parts of a game.. its a challenge for me I guess? :P
I play the maps as they were made.

if i can't play well with them i'll choose to play another map.
I have never deleted any element of any map even if they annoyed me, because I respect mapper's work.
I play the maps as they were made.
Personally I have deleted every hitx from my songs folder. When playing maps for the first time unless the BG/SB is highly interfering with my gameplay I won't delete it (mostly because I play the map once just to get the S). When playing maps where getting an S becomes harder, I usually delete the BG and the whole skin (sometimes I even let the SB there, like some slowly moving lyrics, in fact on most of S i R i R u maps I deleted everything but the SB, since they aren't really distracting).

Of course, when getting ranked scores or trying to achiieve something really difficult, deleting everything from the map is a must for me, specially while doing HR or Hidden since I need to have a clear vision of the map itself.

P.S.: By deleting I mean moving then into a New Folder I create on the song's folder, I usually do that if I like the stuff I'm removing for playing reasons, unless the elements I'm removing make the map awfully unplayable (like most NatsumeRin map's BG) I just move them.
i almost always delete de skins (i play with a custom one), and hit 300.
I delete de BG and SB (rename them inside the same folder) when i want to play DT, HD or HR. And also delete the SB with a lot of flashes cuz i'm hipersensitive to light u.u

ps: I have to say that any skin that is not my own (default skin a bit modified) severely interferes with my playing :/.
skin elements is an always (except in some cases where the skins are actually simple and clean enough for me)

SB depends; if it lags, delete. If it's like flashing all the freaking time (*looks at a particular recently ranked map*), delete. If it's just simple lyrics or something simple that doesn't really detract from playing, I don't see any value in deleting it.

I don't mind BG, so they stay.
Aki Evans
If map have SB folder I only change name this map for play time, and when i complete work with map i change all to normal. I respect mappers work, but sometimes this SB lookig so weird and can't play with it... I always think the best alternative to SB is make it like a movie in some video editing program, but this is easy way form my because i work in this programs.
I sometimes delete skin elements when they make playing the map impossible for me, some examples would be or I'm getting used to play with them though xD too lazy to get on the folder =w=

I rarely delete storyboards even if they lag me, but there can be exceptions, pretty much like the maps Lybydose already mentioned.
Generally disable video and combo fire. Former is a distraction for me and heaps pressure on me. Skins....well they don't affect me too much at all really, and background is something I hardly take notice of while playing.
I think I've replaced one or two skins that came with the map but that was because they were utterly horrible in my opinion. In most cases I don't bother deleting things.
Card N'FoRcE
I used to remove only hitbursts in some extreme cases (when they're all the same colour, for example) a lot of time ago, but it's been a while since i decided not to remove anything from any map.

I can concur that some maps have disturbing elements (mostly epilepsy inducing SBs), but if i can't play with them i just flat-out delete the whole mapset and forget about it.

On the other hand, some maps should NEVER have SB/skins removed, such as Don't stop me Now, I Can Be Your Friend, and most of the fully storyboarded maps you can find here: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=28932&start=0
I think I deleted an SB only once (I just can't look at this strobe)
Or a couple of times because of the same strobe..
Or this:
I can concur that some maps have disturbing elements (mostly epilepsy inducing SBs), but if i can't play with them i just flat-out delete the whole mapset and forget about it.
Skin elements are usually fine for me
I delete elements only when they severely interfere with playing.

If they don't, I'll keep them.

since i'm using a PC that barely can run osu! ;_;, i'm deleting most of the SB elements (unless they're really simple, like speed-up warning, lyrics and stuff). about skin elements, i delete them only when i find them distracting and they're making the map harder to read (like same color hitbursts, ugly approachcircle.png and hitcircleoverlay.png). and finally, the background. i usually leave it as it is, but sometimes it blends with circles' colors and makes them harder to read (also, like Lybydose said, deleting BG can make playing with hr/fl quite easier), or it's ugly in general :p
"I delete elements only when they severely interfere with playing."
I mainly delete Aproach Circles and lkeave the skin as it is though, because when the combocolor choice isn't nice I just like to replace the aproach circle for something that's more readeable (visible) than the default one. Aside from that, I mostly play with all the skin elements and SB
I delete stuff if it bothers me while playing.

Massively flashing SBs like or 90% of Nightcore maps
Skins where I can't read elements correctly (for example if the combo number blends in with the hitcircle overlay or the score sprites are too similar/not intuitive to me) - prime example for the second case:
Also, Spinners where you can't see the center since I have the awful habit of spinning in way too small circles and I fail spinners if I don't see the center
Backgrounds only if I can't see the hitcircles properly - mostly Jumpmaps with weird patterns ( or sometimes maps with AR9/10 but there are some maps where the combo colours just blend in. Ephemeral's Bad Apple, I'm looking at you :<
ummm, the only time I delete things is if the elements make the combo colors blend or if the score sprites look similar.
especially those flashy SB and semi-transparent SBs. which its , 1) escape to song selection and delete.
I sometimes deletethe bgs for maps that I am DTing or have high AR rates
I delete Skins in every map that has a skin (yes , i hate the ones that forces the default one lol) , and keep the SB's .. i got used too much with my skin and can't really play with another one without playing really bad , the SB's doesn't really bother me , in fact they make the maps more fun to play :)
i never delete anything, unless someone wants me to test play something and my pc is in a bad mood and lags up (happened once with me and ouran :/)

but yea i kno how much work go into SB's and stuff so i always try to leave everything as it was made, dang im that bad i rarely even play no vid xD
Only storyboard i deleted was this and that was because I was at school :P
As for skins, I usually delete the fruits for catch the beat since it screws me up
I always delete the custom skin because I prefer to play with my own skin, I don't dump the SB unless it's full of annoying flashing shit (aka every nightcore BGs ever).
I stuck between second and third option. But i finally chose third.
SB: I delete it when map is hard, and SB flashes and blabla makes it even more harder and makes me blind. Examples: DJ Sharpnel - StrangeProgram, System of a Down - Vicinity of Obscenity. Also when SB contains colorful fast moving object, or when I just don't like the SB.
BG: I put it to trash when Combo colors are the same or very similar to BG which makes approach circles barely visible (i'm still wondering why BAT's are ranking maps like this). Also when it's very colorful. Ex: Hatsune Miku & Megpoid Gumi - MATRYOSHKA [Insane].
Skin: I delete EVERY hit300, hit100 and blabla objects, and usually hitcircles, appcircles too. I usually don't mind of the rest. I say "usually" cause i delete it too when it looks ridiculous for me and annoys me. ^_^ I'm not giving examples here, cause there is very many custom skins and it's not hard to find it. And because i'm lazy to continue this post. :P
I hate to say it, but I'm also guilty of occasionally removing skin elements. SB/Background? Maybe once or twice, but only in extreme/old cases.

However, when I remove skin elements, it's usually only the hitbursts. I can think of a few skins where the hitbursts are all one color (e.g. red or yellow) and it makes it too difficult to tell how I'm playing. I think I'm doing fine, but then get to a break and find out that my acc is below 90% due to high OD and indistinguishable 300/100s.
I would never delete anything at all.

Centereless spinners really piss me off though
I don't think i have ever deleted a SB because usually SB's won't cover hitcircles so they don't really make it harder to see :P (unless it has retarded strobes).

The only reason i delete elements is usually because they hide the hitcircles somehow, or make them more difficult to see (hitcircle overlays being weird, hitbursts blending in with hitcircles and BG, spinners with no center point). But i also get distracted easily, so i can really only play osu! properly with my own skin (or osu! default skin) so i usually end up deleting most skin elements.


A skin like this won't really distract me cause it's pretty simple

However, a skin like this with transparent circles and different hitburst is really hard to see.

So what i'm hoping to see when osz2 comes out is being able to disable skin, allthough i guess we shouldn't get into that topic here.
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