
The state of Bancho

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I realise I haven't given much information about the reason for the recent downtimes during peak periods, so here you go. The issues are not hardware related, but rather the bancho implementation is being pushed to extremes. This stems from the sheer amount of data which is exchanged to provide every user with every other users' status, resulting in an exponential increase in server load with more players. I am working on a fix for this, and hope to have it implemented by next weekend. This does assume I can take the week off my day job to complete it (there's a lot to be done).

Until this is completed, you may notice some functionality temporarily disabled in order to keep bancho up and running. Currently this includes status updates (for in-game user panels) and rank letters being displayed on song select beatmap panels. Please understand these are temporary measures.

This graph should give you an idea of exactly how much more data we are sending when the player count increases from 3.2-3.5k up to 4k and beyond:

For those saying things like "peppy needs to upgrade the servers", please understand that I am aware of the capacity of the servers, and it it was resolvable by upgrading hardware I would definitely resort to this first.

Your patience is appreciated.
thanks for the info. I got many times DC today
we only have to wait
I guess we have to wait for now.
Great to know you are working on it
A week off work to fix this is dedication :)
Nice to see that you're working on it and i sure have noticed that the ammount of players have increased so i kinda figured that was the reason anyways, good luck with this peppy and thanks
Ah, so that's why. I was really concerned about recent lag, but well, at least now I know what is the problem briefly, so I feel relieved now.
More and more people like osu ))
gogogo peppy :D
Never really noticed much until now.
Thanks for working hard on osu!. c:
It's just proof that osu! is getting extremely popular :)
Good luck
Sounds like you are going to have your hands full with this peppy. Good luck.
Fight! :)
Yay! Glad you're finally working on it ^^
Ever 14
poor bancho

suffering a lot
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Backfire wrote:

Yay! Glad you're finally working on it ^^
I don't even want to start to explain how wrong this sentence is.

peppy wrote:

Backfire wrote:

Yay! Glad you're finally working on it ^^
I don't even want to start to explain how wrong this sentence is.
Oh wait, I see. Sorry D:

Backfire wrote:

What do you mean...?
Finally working on it?
Good luck peppy, this is a sign from what's coming in a nearby future xD!
Let's get prepared for 10k players+ online :D!
What I meant to say was glad you're working on bancho, since I was worried that it might go into downtime again, making me lose scores like it did last time. If that also makes no sense, then I apoligize.
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