
The state of Bancho

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Right, peppy. We could see a decrease in load if Japan's repairs are done.
oh my!.. that's why i can't play OSU with my friends...
:o, i hope OSU will be good as fixed well :D
BTW thx 4 the information :cry:
thanks for the info. I got many times DC today
we only have to wait

This is the best signature ever :D
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Bancho is currently running at full capacity. Disconnections today/yesterday will be your end (or the routing in-between).
DJ Angel
full capacity? wow.
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As in it is fine.
yay, thats good to hear. *high fives peppy*
I miss when the max # of users was like 800.
Damn, Peppy, you should rest a lot after this Bancho job.
Seriously, it's for your own health.. I'm worried about you.
Players should stop complaining about 'I always d/c.. I hate bancho..' blah blah..
This guy.. created Osu! for the computer.. and I never ever thought Osu!'ll grow this big!
P.S. Shinde.. I miss it when it was like 80 players max. That was fucking awesome!!
Ziggy Zigzagoon
Other than not logging into Banchoo, is there another way to reduce the load?
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The test build is now updated to connect to the new version of bancho. Can anyone who has a bit of time connect and check it out, make sure everything is working correctly?

peppy wrote:

The test build is now updated to connect to the new version of bancho. Can anyone who has a bit of time connect and check it out, make sure everything is working correctly?
Bugtracker is filling slowly :)

peppy wrote:

The test build is now updated to connect to the new version of bancho. Can anyone who has a bit of time connect and check it out, make sure everything is working correctly?
If you have your Online users sorted by Accuracy or any other tab that has been removed, it just crashes when you hit F9.

Kitsunemimi wrote:

peppy wrote:

The test build is now updated to connect to the new version of bancho. Can anyone who has a bit of time connect and check it out, make sure everything is working correctly?
If you have your Online users sorted by Accuracy or any other tab that has been removed, it just crashes when you hit F9.

peppy wrote:

Let me guess: one male and one female bancho so they can have banchobabbies? :roll:
How cute. x3
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*points and smiles*
and I'm not experiencing Disconnections :)
Good job :D
YuZuKi Kenny
Oh no~Lag
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kenny012012 wrote:

Oh no~Lag
What does this even mean?

peppy wrote:

*points and smiles*
Easter Holidays :D *Gets online*
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