
Rate the Mapping Technique - Round 46 : Drain Sections

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5 - Love Them!
4 -
3 -
2 -
1 - Hate Them!
Total votes: 236
Topic Starter
Round 46 : Drain Sections

Nominated by SapphireGhost. Basically, sections in which a beatmap suddenly get slower or less difficult in an attempt to either match the song better or cause the HP bar to drain. This is done usually by placing less notes and/or slowing the slider speed. To illustrate this, look at the two screenshots. Both happen in the same difficulty, the second one is dramatically less difficult as the first one.

Map(s) that use this technique
Renard - Banned Forever mapped by Blue Dragon [Nogard] (02:37:144 -> 02:53:371)
nomico - Bad Apple!! mapped by James [Hard] (01:51:608 -> 02:05:521)
zts - WhiteBlue mapped by MoonFragrance [Maximum] (00:56:604 -> 01:22:854)

~Mapping Technique Nominations~
4. i love it, but in fact don't see much could use it in a correct way.
^ a much better example.
Like to play them a lot, voted 4.
Uh, where it gets easier just for draining it's a 1, just stupid fake difficulty and in most cases is a symptom of setting the drain too high

When there are no hitobjects for a couple seconds, where it fits, it's a 5 - Sexy when a song goes super quiet for a short time, and it's a sensible replacement for hold sliders

So, I guess that averages as a 3? lol
It's ok if you match the music and don't feel like adding a pause, but if used just for difficulty then you're doing it wrong.
Basically, sections in which a beatmap suddenly get slower or less difficult in an attempt to either match the song better or cause the HP bar to drain
This is what Banned Forever was supposed to do, inb4 complaints.

Whoa first time I'm getting a map there :P

Well, I don't like them too much. Only if they really match the song. 3'd.
I'm currently working on a song that has many places to use this technique and I have to say that it creates a nice effect so I'll give it a 4.
2. Failing songs when you have a 100+ combo is just stupid.
I HATE passing a hard part of a map and then dying in an easy part.
When done to "cause the HP bar to drain", that's stupid.
When done to "match the song better", it should be preceded by something moderately easy, to allow going into it at full health.
Fucking love them! DJ sharpnel, strange program! <3 <<3<3<3
18 people can't defeat airman (by HolyCOW).

I luv them when fits w/ the song xD
It's so agitating when mappers add long, tick 0.5 sliders on Insanes just to drain half the HP.
I hate it when they go on for long and you get into an unavoidable death situation long before you actually die. in my opinion those things should not exist.
2. Easy to use incorrectly and potentially very frustrating, as it is a technique that affects the game in an unavoidable way, regardless of player skill. Can be effective if used just right, though.
I suppose it is hard to say.

For example

consider the map Last Remote (by shinxyn,

the first section has not enough notes to keep the hp full, that is , player should keep their acc over 93% to avoid fail without miss.

but, AR and OD are still the same, it means this section is just a little easier than the follows.

Maybe it's not a problem to pro, but i could be a big trouble to others.

another example is the map Shounen A (by Mystearica,

the first section is not hard but hard to keep hp full, and the section is very hard and player will fail due to the severe contrast.
5. 'cause I like challenges ;)
Minty Gum
I like a bit of variety in the speed of the song, to make it interesting. 5, but only if used correctly.

because it makes no sence if you lost hp without any reason
4 if the song suggests it
1 otherwise

Also, I find Drain Sections can be used to (quickly, it might applies for the Pro) hand reposition and (also?) for a bit non-lazy recovering.

NoHitter wrote:

Round 46 : Drain Sections

Nominated by SapphireGhost. Basically, sections in which a beatmap suddenly get slower or less difficult in an attempt to either match the song better or cause the HP bar to drain. This is done usually by placing less notes and/or slowing the slider speed. To illustrate this, look at the two screenshots. Both happen in the same difficulty, the second one is dramatically less difficult as the first one.

Map(s) that use this technique
Renard - Banned Forever mapped by Blue Dragon [Nogard] (02:37:144 -> 02:53:371)
nomico - Bad Apple!! mapped by James [Hard] (01:51:608 -> 02:05:521)
zts - WhiteBlue mapped by MoonFragrance [Maximum] (00:56:604 -> 01:22:854)

~Mapping Technique Nominations~
There is also another map

LeaF-I (Terror)
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