
angela - Asu e no Brilliant Road (TV Size)

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Add ertyukjh010 to the Tags.

00:00:100 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - It would be better if they're all spaced constantly. It kind of looks odd with inconsistent spacing. Case in point.
00:25:700 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - I'm concerned about the readability of this, especially as this is an [Easy] difficulty. The 1/2's were kind of surprising, and I was expecting the vocals to be mapped here.
00:48:300 (1,2) - I was expecting (1) to follow the vocals at 00:48:100, and (2) to be at 00:49:500, but it's fine as is. Though would be less confusing if you followed the vocals.
01:03:300 (4,5) - Shouldn't the Finish be at (5) instead of the end of (4)?
01:04:500 -> 01:14:100 - This part of the chorus feels more empty than the first part. Perhaps switch them, so that the first part is the one less dense?
01:16:900 (1) - Don't anti-jump this to the previous note.

00:00:100 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Same comment on [Easy], perhaps distance snap these notes?
00:09:700 (1,1) - Ugly overlap D:
00:16:500 (1) - I think you have to make the previous slider end at the center for this note to look in-place.
00:47:900 (2,1) - Suggestion: Remove one repeat on (2). Add finish at the end then move (1) to 00:49:500. Basically the same thing I suggest in [Easy].
00:51:300 -> 01:16:100 - This part definitely lacks hitsounds other than the claps. What happened to the finishes I heard in [Easy]?
01:16:900 (1) - Don't anti-jump this.

ertyukjh010's Hard
00:00:100 -> 00:12:900 - If you include this part, then there's four different slider speeds, which is one more than the three slider speed limit. It plays fine though, so I think they're ok to keep.
00:16:100 (1) - Perhaps map this with notes and sliders instead (including the empty space after?)
00:29:300 (4) - Move 1/2 later?
00:40:900 (2) - This doesn't repeat on any beat at all. Change it?
00:47:300 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Whoa, I think that's overdoing it with Patternmapping and jumps. I don;t even hear anything significant to indicate a Jump.
01:23:300 (5) - New combo?

00:07:500 (3,4) - Speed-up feels sudden compared to 00:00:300 (2,3).
00:10:700 (1,2,3) - Not too sure about the spacing.
00:47:300 (1,2,3,4,5) - Accelerated Spacing doesn't fit it IMO.
00:49:100 (1,2,3) - Same as 00:10:700 (1,2,3).
00:55:300 (3) This doesn't repeat on any beat at all. The vocal is 1/4 back.
01:20:100 (1,2,3) - Not too sure about the spacing.
01:21:700 (1,2,3) - ^

00:02:700 (2) - IMO don't jump this. At least not that far.
00:17:900 (1) - ^
00:30:000 (1) - Spinner plays oddly. Perhaps move it to 00:30:500?
00:33:700 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Why does it jump suddenly without anything significant from the song >.>
00:36:100 (3) - This jump feels sudden.
00:42:300 (4,5,6) - Spacing change suddenly...
00:44:300 -> 00:47:300 - I suggest you tone down the jumps in this part.
Chorus jumps are fair enough, but most other jumps don't quite match the music >.>
Topic Starter

NoHItter wrote:

Add ertyukjh010 to the Tags. - A big OPS. Added.

00:00:100 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - It would be better if they're all spaced constantly. It kind of looks odd with inconsistent spacing. Case in point. - As I tried to explain, but I guess most of the modders here are modding without video. Just a tiny effect I wish to show with the video, but no one noticed it yet. Still keeping this.
00:25:700 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - I'm concerned about the readability of this, especially as this is an [Easy] difficulty. The 1/2's were kind of surprising, and I was expecting the vocals to be mapped here. - I'll keep in mind.
00:48:300 (1,2) - I was expecting (1) to follow the vocals at 00:48:100, and (2) to be at 00:49:500, but it's fine as is. Though would be less confusing if you followed the vocals. - Will still be sticking to the same red tick emphasis. Sorry.
01:03:300 (4,5) - Shouldn't the Finish be at (5) instead of the end of (4)? - Can't believe I let this slip. Fixed!
01:04:500 -> 01:14:100 - This part of the chorus feels more empty than the first part. Perhaps switch them, so that the first part is the one less dense? - After some play through, yea, added some beats.
01:16:900 (1) - Don't anti-jump this to the previous note. - After distance snapping this, the X pattern at the end crosses out Xebec(In the video, of course). Fun stuff. Changed.

00:00:100 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Same comment on [Easy], perhaps distance snap these notes? - As explained in [Easy].
00:09:700 (1,1) - Ugly overlap D: - Finally get my lazy arse to fix both sliders. Should look much better now, with both start and end point aligned.
00:16:500 (1) - I think you have to make the previous slider end at the center for this note to look in-place. - Related to above. Fixed.
00:47:900 (2,1) - Suggestion: Remove one repeat on (2). Add finish at the end then move (1) to 00:49:500. Basically the same thing I suggest in [Easy]. - As also explained in [Easy], sorry. Keeping this.
00:51:300 -> 01:16:100 - This part definitely lacks hitsounds other than the claps. What happened to the finishes I heard in [Easy]? - Hitsounds blunder. Probably never triple checked while I'm adding whistles and finishes on all difficulties. Fixed.
01:16:900 (1) - Don't anti-jump this. - Changed to stacking instead.

ertyukjh010's Hard
00:00:100 -> 00:12:900 - If you include this part, then there's four different slider speeds, which is one more than the three slider speed limit. It plays fine though, so I think they're ok to keep.
00:16:100 (1) - Perhaps map this with notes and sliders instead (including the empty space after?)
00:29:300 (4) - Move 1/2 later?
00:40:900 (2) - This doesn't repeat on any beat at all. Change it?
00:47:300 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Whoa, I think that's overdoing it with Patternmapping and jumps. I don;t even hear anything significant to indicate a Jump.
01:23:300 (5) - New combo?

00:07:500 (3,4) - Speed-up feels sudden compared to 00:00:300 (2,3). - Still keeping this as yet. I do agree it feels sudden, probably due to shorter slider compared to the pattern before.
00:10:700 (1,2,3) - Not too sure about the spacing. - After a lot of changes, I'm not even sure I'm using this jump on which particular section anymore, not even after going through all my records here. Rearranged.
00:47:300 (1,2,3,4,5) - Accelerated Spacing doesn't fit it IMO. - Rearranged to a hexagon shaped pattern, distance snapped of course.
00:49:100 (1,2,3) - Same as 00:10:700 (1,2,3). - It's distance snap here, but yea.
00:55:300 (3) This doesn't repeat on any beat at all. The vocal is 1/4 back. - Hmmmm..Temporary keeping this yet for the pattern. Will consider if there's other modders feel awkward about this.
01:20:100 (1,2,3) - Not too sure about the spacing. - Fixed pattern.
01:21:700 (1,2,3) - ^ - Fixed pattern.

00:02:700 (2) - IMO don't jump this. At least not that far.
00:17:900 (1) - ^
00:30:000 (1) - Spinner plays oddly. Perhaps move it to 00:30:500?
00:33:700 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Why does it jump suddenly without anything significant from the song >.>
00:36:100 (3) - This jump feels sudden.
00:42:300 (4,5,6) - Spacing change suddenly...
00:44:300 -> 00:47:300 - I suggest you tone down the jumps in this part.
Chorus jumps are fair enough, but most other jumps don't quite match the music >.>
Also did some extra changes on my own(On the other thought, I probably do that lots of time. Self mods.) Thanks NoHItter!
Gomo Psivarh
Hi :)

00:56:100 (4) - new combo?
01:08:900 (5) - ^

nice :) BONUS 80000!
Topic Starter
Thanks to Gomo Psivarh for the mod...although looking back(and probably including this) I think I've misgiven some kudosu. Oh well. :X
Should be stricter on how I give kudosu....or.....whatever. D:

Some pattern help done IRC

01:07:700 (1) - Eh I'm not sure about this. I don't like the angle of the curve. Maybe it might play better horizontal.

01:14:700 (1,2) - 1.0 distance snap??


00:16:100 - Add a beat here. It wil be part of the purple combo.

00:31:900 (2) - Remove clap

00:31:900 (2,3) - I don't think these play right. I suggest placing them inbetween the inside of the slider and stacking them. Fix the spacing with the notes after it.

01:15:900 (1,2 ,1) - This is weird. Maybe don't have a stack or add more notes to the stack.

Erty's hard

00:05:700 (2,3) - The jump here seems a little too big.

00:20:500 (3,4) - The pattern sounds weird. Maybe delete note 4 and add a repeat to 3. It more closely follows the beat.

00:53:700 (2,3) - This jump should be 2.38 like the other jumps. currently it is 2.47.

00:54:500 (1,2) - I think this jump is too fast for the pacing. Reduce. 3.00 works nicely.

Fun map.


00:11:900 (1,2) - Maybe reduce to 2.0 and angle to the right?

00:33:500 (4,1) - bad anti stack. Don't skip beats and have an anti stack. It's very hard to read.

00:35:100 (4,1) - ^

00:43:100 (1,2,3,4,5) - <3 I love it!

01:07:300 (1,2) - IDK about this transition.bouncing back off a speed up isn't the most flowing way to transition. IDK how you would fix it though. Please try to make it better and if you can't I guess that's fine.

(This diff by itself is worth a star from me.)


Difficulty name? What is it supposed to be? KPY's Insane? It shouldn't just be KPYs.

00:01:700 (1) - This slider feels too slow.

00:09:900 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - Do you actually have fun hitting jumps like this? If you just spaced these like this to make it harder fix this, because 1/4th stacks shouldn't be separated by jumps like this. If you must kep the jumps reduce them to a pace that is more fitting to the rest of the map and the song in general.

00:17:300 (7,1) - This beat doesn't sound like a jump and the jump is extremely excessive. Please do something else with this.

00:20:500 (7) - This plays really strangely not following the pattern started by note 5 and 6. I think it should follow that pattern instead. It works better IMO.

00:29:300 (3) - I don't like that there is a hitburst right in the middle of this slider. It's a lot harder to read and doesn't look very good obscured by that.

00:33:700 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:33:900 (2) - New combo.

00:36:500 (4) - How about removing a repeat and adding a slider here 00:37:500 - that ends here 00:37:700 -

The pattern transition can be jumps.

Please test this addition before rejecting it. Backup your difficulty if you need to.

00:41:700 (1) - Center within the pentagon?

00:41:700 (1,2,3) - This can barely be considered part of the beat nevermind call for increased spacing. I highly suggest you delete 00:41:900 (2) - as there isn't anything behind it at all. The beat sounds a lot better after this is done.

01:07:300 (5,1) - I think this jump is too large. Reduce it?

01:09:300 (2,3) - This jump also seems a tad too big.

I don't want to star this until KPY is fixed somewhat.
Enna Alouette
ok done but can you just fix the hit sounds plz and hope you like it :3

Download: angela - Asu e no brilliant road (TV Size) (Soul-less) [Sekai's Normal].osu
Topic Starter

TheVileOne wrote:


Some pattern help done IRC

01:07:700 (1) - Eh I'm not sure about this. I don't like the angle of the curve. Maybe it might play better horizontal. - Made adjustment including previous sliders too.

01:14:700 (1,2) - 1.0 distance snap?? - Sorry, after some consideration, I'll still be keeping 0.8x.


00:16:100 - Add a beat here. It wil be part of the purple combo. - I used to do that, but a couple of modders pointed out that stacking a note under that long slider that soon is quite confusing for a Normal to read. Sorry nope.

00:31:900 (2) - Remove clap - Similar clap pattern were used for all 3 difficulties. @@

00:31:900 (2,3) - I don't think these play right. I suggest placing them inbetween the inside of the slider and stacking them. Fix the spacing with the notes after it. - Interesting suggestion.

01:15:900 (1,2 ,1) - This is weird. Maybe don't have a stack or add more notes to the stack. - Semi followed vocal. And also similar beats for Easy.

Erty's hard

00:05:700 (2,3) - The jump here seems a little too big.

00:20:500 (3,4) - The pattern sounds weird. Maybe delete note 4 and add a repeat to 3. It more closely follows the beat.

00:53:700 (2,3) - This jump should be 2.38 like the other jumps. currently it is 2.47.

00:54:500 (1,2) - I think this jump is too fast for the pacing. Reduce. 3.00 works nicely.

Fun map.


00:11:900 (1,2) - Maybe reduce to 2.0 and angle to the right?

00:33:500 (4,1) - bad anti stack. Don't skip beats and have an anti stack. It's very hard to read. - Circular movement...hmm.

00:35:100 (4,1) - ^

00:43:100 (1,2,3,4,5) - <3 I love it! - Thanks.

01:07:300 (1,2) - IDK about this transition.bouncing back off a speed up isn't the most flowing way to transition. IDK how you would fix it though. Please try to make it better and if you can't I guess that's fine. - Ah haha I've been frowning on this pattern for quite a while. Rearranged.

(This diff by itself is worth a star from me.)


Difficulty name? What is it supposed to be? KPY's Insane? It shouldn't just be KPYs.

00:01:700 (1) - This slider feels too slow.

00:09:900 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - Do you actually have fun hitting jumps like this? If you just spaced these like this to make it harder fix this, because 1/4th stacks shouldn't be separated by jumps like this. If you must kep the jumps reduce them to a pace that is more fitting to the rest of the map and the song in general.

00:17:300 (7,1) - This beat doesn't sound like a jump and the jump is extremely excessive. Please do something else with this.

00:20:500 (7) - This plays really strangely not following the pattern started by note 5 and 6. I think it should follow that pattern instead. It works better IMO.

00:29:300 (3) - I don't like that there is a hitburst right in the middle of this slider. It's a lot harder to read and doesn't look very good obscured by that.

00:33:700 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:33:900 (2) - New combo.

00:36:500 (4) - How about removing a repeat and adding a slider here 00:37:500 - that ends here 00:37:700 -

The pattern transition can be jumps.

Please test this addition before rejecting it. Backup your difficulty if you need to.

00:41:700 (1) - Center within the pentagon?

00:41:700 (1,2,3) - This can barely be considered part of the beat nevermind call for increased spacing. I highly suggest you delete 00:41:900 (2) - as there isn't anything behind it at all. The beat sounds a lot better after this is done.

01:07:300 (5,1) - I think this jump is too large. Reduce it?

01:09:300 (2,3) - This jump also seems a tad too big.

I don't want to star this until KPY is fixed somewhat.
Thanks TheVileOne for the mods. I'll have to apologize due to laziness, I'm not adjusting anything major yet, only a few tweak on certain parts. Guest difficulties will be up to the respective mappers to decide.

And real sorry - S e k a i -, I afraid I cannot accept your difficulty(even if the hitsounds are fixed), I was expecting something better than a normal full of quarter beats. Even the sliders are 1/1 sliders except for one.
Fix some.
about my difficulty name...It mean's the most difficult difficulty.Same as <Kana> - KanaRin . <Rin> - <NatsumeRin>
I think player can understand it.
about the spacing.I thnk it is playable and readable.
expectation jump can make more fun also Is there mean all jump should follow the music? Mostly I think some pattern is allowed to jump.

Download: angela - Asu e no brilliant road (TV Size) (Soul-less) [KPY].osu
Hi hi

* Title : Asu e no Brilliant Road (TV Size)?


00:26:300 (2) - Inconsistent spacing/no jump in easy diff please
00:27:900 (2) - ^
00:29:500 (2) - ^
00:32:700 (1) - ^
00:38:500 (1) - Bad spiral slider
00:44:500 (1) - Inconsistent spacing/no jump in easy diff please
00:58:100 (1) - ^
01:14:700 (1) - ^
01:16:900 (1) - Bad spiral slider
01:20:100 (3) - ^


* Some spiral slider are ugly, like 00:09:700 (1). You should make it neater like this one

00:26:300 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - Can you spread this stuff away? It's ugly to see overlapping like that
00:45:700 (4) - Inconsistent spacing
00:47:300 (1) - ^
01:07:700 (2) - Please make it wavy this slider. It a bit parallel
01:09:300 (2) - ^


ertyukjh010's Hard
00:37:300 (4) - Not stack perfectly with tail slider, or it'll be weird stack during gameplay


00:08:100 (4) - I think would be better if this change it into 0,5x slider. Like 00:07:500 (3)
00:09:700 (5) - Ugly spiral slider



* This diff is fucking awesome

00:07:300 (3) - Not stack perfectly with previous circle, or it'll be weird stack during gameplay
00:19:500 (3) - New combo?
00:39:900 (5,6,1) - I think stack with head slider of 00:39:300 (4) would be better


Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:

Hi hi

* Title : Asu e no Brilliant Road (TV Size)? - Mentioned about this somewhere before, original japanese title is 明日への brilliant road. But hmm.. will probably change this to english capitaling way for romajis.


00:26:300 (2) - Inconsistent spacing/no jump in easy diff please
00:27:900 (2) - ^
00:29:500 (2) - ^
00:32:700 (1) - ^
00:38:500 (1) - Bad spiral slider
00:44:500 (1) - Inconsistent spacing/no jump in easy diff please
00:58:100 (1) - ^
01:14:700 (1) - ^
01:16:900 (1) - Bad spiral slider
01:20:100 (3) - ^
- Fixed some tiny spacings 00:58:100 (1,2) and tried to improve those spirals. Hope they looked more spiral now. XD

* Some spiral slider are ugly, like 00:09:700 (1). You should make it neater like this one

00:26:300 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - Can you spread this stuff away? It's ugly to see overlapping like that
00:45:700 (4) - Inconsistent spacing
00:47:300 (1) - ^
01:07:700 (2) - Please make it wavy this slider. It a bit parallel
01:09:300 (2) - ^
- Adjusted 00:44:500 (2,3), and of course improving those sliders. Sadly not changing the overlaps though. Splitted 01:23:300 (1) into two separate half round sliders too.(Originally another spiral slider, I think Normal had too many, looking back..)

ertyukjh010's Hard
00:37:300 (4) - Not stack perfectly with tail slider, or it'll be weird stack during gameplay


00:08:100 (4) - I think would be better if this change it into 0,5x slider. Like 00:07:500 (3)
00:09:700 (5) - Ugly spiral slider
- The first one was mentioned before, will be considered. That ugly spiral slider is a hastily done work I admit. Hopefully it looks better now.


* This diff is fucking awesome

00:07:300 (3) - Not stack perfectly with previous circle, or it'll be weird stack during gameplay
00:19:500 (3) - New combo?
00:39:900 (5,6,1) - I think stack with head slider of 00:39:300 (4) would be better


Thank you Leorda~
Also did some self mods on hitsounds, a few missing whistles in Hard. >_<

Leorda wrote:

* This diff is fucking awesome lol Thanks

00:07:300 (3) - Not stack perfectly with previous circle, or it'll be weird stack during gameplay Fix
00:19:500 (3) - New combo? Fix
00:39:900 (5,6,1) - I think stack with head slider of 00:39:300 (4) would be better X,but change an another position

Download: angela - Asu e no brilliant road (TV Size) (Soul-less) [KPY].osu
Follow up

00:38:500 (1) - I think this slider can be touched up.

Look at where I put the waypoints.

You'll need to fix the sliders after it to match the fixed curve.

01:07:700 (1) - I don't agree that this should be moving down like this. How about this? (I messed up the size of it. )
01:11:300 - Add note? I think its necessary to transition well into the next note.
01:11:700 (1) - I changed how this slider looks a bit to make the transition with that note I suggested fit smoothly into the next pattern of yours.

Notice the timeline. The Note completes the pattern.

01:16:900 (1) - Fix this the same way I fixed the other spiral.

00:16:500 (1) - Since you don't want to add a note to improve where the note is. I suggest you don't stack it at the end of the spiral. It doesn't work. Just stack it outside the spiral roughly where 00:17:300 (2) - is. It plays a lot better.

00:26:300 (1) - Mess with the waypoints so that the edges of this slider completely cover up the white edge of the slider that is in the middle of it.

00:27:900 (1) - ^
00:29:500 (1) - ^

01:03:300 (1) - Remove new combo?

01:15:500 - Just fully map to the beat here. Forget those vocals.
Add notes
Suggested notes)
01:15:500 -
01:15:700 -
(Required notes IMO)
01:16:100 -
01:16:300 -
01:16:500 -


I still think those 1/4th triples jumps are slightly too large. Maybe 2.2 may work better than 2.37. Eh I guess they are fine for the skill level that would be playing it.

00:41:900 (2) - Seriously I don't like this.

I have a different suggestion for it though. How about replacing the note with a repeat slider that repeats here 00:42:000 -. Once that is done please keep a single distance snap throughout this combo. Or if you have to break snap space 00:42:300 (3,4) - greater not 1,2,3, because those notes have the strongest tones. I used the 1.5 snap for the first pentagon and made another pentagon with the new repeat slider.

Please consider this. It uses more of the beat and in a nicer sort of way.

I have a .osu backup with the pattern.

00:59:100 (6) - New combo.

01:12:100 (7) - New combo should go here according to the song, but if you don't like where the combo starts making note 8 the start of the new combo works too.
Topic Starter

TheVileOne wrote:

Follow up

00:38:500 (1) - I think this slider can be touched up.

Look at where I put the waypoints.

You'll need to fix the sliders after it to match the fixed curve.

01:07:700 (1) - I don't agree that this should be moving down like this. How about this? (I messed up the size of it. )
01:11:300 - Add note? I think its necessary to transition well into the next note.
01:11:700 (1) - I changed how this slider looks a bit to make the transition with that note I suggested fit smoothly into the next pattern of yours.

Notice the timeline. The Note completes the pattern.

01:16:900 (1) - Fix this the same way I fixed the other spiral.
- Fixed, but in different ways, except the spiral sliders.
00:16:500 (1) - Since you don't want to add a note to improve where the note is. I suggest you don't stack it at the end of the spiral. It doesn't work. Just stack it outside the spiral roughly where 00:17:300 (2) - is. It plays a lot better.

00:26:300 (1) - Mess with the waypoints so that the edges of this slider completely cover up the white edge of the slider that is in the middle of it.

00:27:900 (1) - ^
00:29:500 (1) - ^

01:03:300 (1) - Remove new combo?

01:15:500 - Just fully map to the beat here. Forget those vocals.
Add notes
Suggested notes)
01:15:500 -
01:15:700 -
(Required notes IMO)
01:16:100 -
01:16:300 -
01:16:500 -

- Not changing any beats here, sorry, but I did adjust the 00:26:300 part.


I still think those 1/4th triples jumps are slightly too large. Maybe 2.2 may work better than 2.37. Eh I guess they are fine for the skill level that would be playing it.

00:41:900 (2) - Seriously I don't like this.

I have a different suggestion for it though. How about replacing the note with a repeat slider that repeats here 00:42:000 -. Once that is done please keep a single distance snap throughout this combo. Or if you have to break snap space 00:42:300 (3,4) - greater not 1,2,3, because those notes have the strongest tones. I used the 1.5 snap for the first pentagon and made another pentagon with the new repeat slider.

Please consider this. It uses more of the beat and in a nicer sort of way.

I have a .osu backup with the pattern.

00:59:100 (6) - New combo.

01:12:100 (7) - New combo should go here according to the song, but if you don't like where the combo starts making note 8 the start of the new combo works too.
Thanks TheVileOne once again for the follow-up mods and kudosu star. :D
00:09:700 (1) - make it more symmetry


~ertyukjh010's Hard~


00:32:500 (3) - end on red tick
00:34:900 (7) - ^
00:50:600 (14) - start slider on red tick, add circle on blue tick instead

Topic Starter
Rescaled a round shaped slider based on spinner to replace Easy's 00:09:700. Should be symmetrical now.

Thanks DJPop for the second MAT mod of this map~
:) star~
Topic Starter
Updated KPY's difficulty, and thanks Shiki. :3
Kiai time in ertyukjh010's Hard ends a bit later than all the other diffs

Everything else looks good to me :)

good luck

~Twinkle twinkle little star~
Got request :3


When this beatmap ranked call me.
I'm gonna SS hard diff.
hahaha , jk jk.

00:00:100 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - try to make its spacing consistent ~
00:25:700 (1) - delete change it to one circle and put it at 00:25:900
00:38:500 (1) - spacing
01:02:700 (3) - don't block 01:04:100 (5)

00:00:100 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - make it consistent
00:16:500 (1) - try to put at place that it visible
00:58:100 (x) - add a circle
01:03:300 (1) - Remove new combo

[e(something) hard]

00:00:100 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Creative
01:01:500 (9) - new combo
01:02:300 (x) - add a circle
01:11:100 (x) - add a circle
01:28:100 (x) - add a circle


HP drain rate -1
AR -1

00:33:900 (x) - add a circle

Fine for me.


fine @_@


nice , star ~ *
Topic Starter

HeatKai wrote:

Got request :3


When this beatmap ranked call me.
I'm gonna SS hard diff.
hahaha , jk jk. - Still need some time till this goes ranked, unless I have some lucky MAT/BAT mods? D:

00:00:100 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - try to make its spacing consistent ~ - Video.
00:25:700 (1) - delete change it to one circle and put it at 00:25:900 - Hmm. Nope for the moment.
00:38:500 (1) - spacing - ??
01:02:700 (3) - don't block 01:04:100 (5) - Only slightly covered by the 300 burst. Can't deny it's slightly crowded there though. Hmm.

00:00:100 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - make it consistent - Video.
00:16:500 (1) - try to put at place that it visible - Only slightly covered. Will consider.
00:58:100 (x) - add a circle - I think I'll still keep my pause here.
01:03:300 (1) - Remove new combo - Sorry, still prefered my NC here. XD

[e(something) hard]

00:00:100 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Creative
01:01:500 (9) - new combo
01:02:300 (x) - add a circle
01:11:100 (x) - add a circle
01:28:100 (x) - add a circle


HP drain rate -1
AR -1 - It isn't that fast? D:

00:33:900 (x) - add a circle - Nope, keeping the pauses for each similar "rotation". XD

Fine for me.


fine @_@


nice , star ~ *
Thanks Heatkai for willing to look through this :D
And a real late thanks thread to Haneii too, since I never posted any updates after his post. >_<
[*] I'd say +5/6 ms as offset. If you fix this, don't forget to Resnap All Notes (Timing > Resnap All Notes)
[*] You should capitalize letters in the title (because official title is "Asu e No Brilliant Road")

Recalculate Slider Lenghts, some of them are not snapped correctly with ticks (due to an old BPM change or offset) [To make it automatically: Timing > Recalculate Slider Lenghts]

00:04:900 (1,1,1) - Considering that in the next pattens you used the symmetry, I bet it would be better if you made the same thing here :) Same thing in Normal
01:07:700 (1) - Too many repeats for me XD since your slider'speed is quite low this would make the flow really boring. Consider to divide it in other sliders, please

Awesome, I could just complain this:

00:27:100 (2) - 00:30:300 (2) - Confusing position, not because of its different spacing but because you used the same distance snap here 00:31:100 (1) - and here 00:29:500 (1), so a new player may hit the last two hitobjects early. Consider to fix it in another patter, or at least, to make the Approach Rate lower than 6.

[ertyukjh010's Hard]
Recalculate Slider Lenghts, some of them are not snapped correctly with ticks (due to an old BPM change or offset) [To make it automatically: Timing > Recalculate Slider Lenghts]

00:43:100 (1,2,3,4,5) - What a nice fake stream, many players will hate you for this (I tested it with another player two players, and he says that it's confusing ;_;)
01:16:900 (1) - Confusing position, because in the previous pattern you used some jumps, plus in this case you used a low slider velocity.

Recalculate Slider Lenghts, some of them are not snapped correctly with ticks (due to an old BPM change or offset) [To make it automatically: Timing > Recalculate Slider Lenghts]

00:12:900 (1) - I expected a finish
00:36:500 (3,4) - Hm, you may kill me, but this is still confusing because you didn't use repeats in the previous pattern. plus 00:36:500 (3,4) - are unexpected jumps...

00:52:800 (5) - Cannot see this triplette because of the previous (2)'s fading, but in return there's a visible approach circle. Btw I strongly reccomend to move (5) some squares down

Apart from this, nice difficulty, lovely jumps
Topic Starter
Thanks Armin. =)

Had to agree with that Easy's seemly ever repeating slider is boring, changed it, thus huge rearrange for the last part. Strange part regarding the recalculate slider length part since I've never changed bpm/offset since I had started on this map, but checked nontheless. Approach rate for Normal is only 5 D:. And the first few beats for Easy/Normal is designed due to the video, but I doubt anyone will look at that.

Won't be changing offset unless a few more agreed that offset needs adjustment, sorry.

Armin wrote:

[General][ertyukjh010's Hard]
Recalculate Slider Lenghts, some of them are not snapped correctly with ticks (due to an old BPM change or offset) [To make it automatically: Timing > Recalculate Slider Lenghts] I am sorry but I didn't calculate. I must recalculate.

00:43:100 (1,2,3,4,5) - What a nice fake stream, many players will hate you for this (I tested it with another player two players, and he says that it's confusing ;_;) HaHa, I know that. I think any player need to play second time in this.
01:16:900 (1) - Confusing position, because in the previous pattern you used some jumps, plus in this case you used a low slider velocity. done.
thank for your modding.


Soul-less, 我沒有更改offset和tittle


Download: angela - Asu e no brilliant road (TV Size) (Soul-less) [ertyukjh010's Hard].osu
Topic Starter
感谢 Regou 支持 =)
I suggest to turn off kiai time in all diffs at 01:18:500 (like in KPY)

HP -1, OD -1
00:25:700 (1) - I listen this moment a couple of times with 0.25x. There is no music at 00:25:700. Remove this slider, add note at 00:25:900, add whistle
00:28:900 (1) - sounds strange too. I suggets to remove this slider and make this :Whistles at the reverse and at the end
01:14:700 (1,2) - make this:
01:15:900 (1,2) - like in easy : 00:27:100 (2,1) - pretty confused antijump for 1st trying.
00:28:700 (2,1) - ^ etc

ertyukjh010's Hard
HP +1

use slider tickrate 1... I think you could make it too, as other guest mappers in them diffs (0.5x sliders and different tickrates looks ugly)
00:43:100 (1,2,3,4,5) - make a distance higher in this combo please
00:50:500 (1,2) - i waited 1/2 jump here,not 1/1 confusing spacing %)

That's all, star~
good :)
Topic Starter

Aleks719 wrote:

I suggest to turn off kiai time in all diffs at 01:18:500 (like in KPY) - Hmm no imo. KPY ended differently due to that spinner.

HP -1, OD -1
00:25:700 (1) - I listen this moment a couple of times with 0.25x. There is no music at 00:25:700. Remove this slider, add note at 00:25:900, add whistle - Fixed this.
00:28:900 (1) - sounds strange too. I suggets to remove this slider and make this :
Whistles at the reverse and at the end - But not this though, sorry.
01:14:700 (1,2) - make this: - Slightly different changes.

01:15:900 (1,2) - like in easy : - Slightly different changes.
00:27:100 (2,1) - pretty confused antijump for 1st trying.
00:28:700 (2,1) - ^ etc - I'll still say no atm.

ertyukjh010's Hard
HP +1

use slider tickrate 1... I think you could make it too, as other guest mappers in them diffs (0.5x sliders and different tickrates looks ugly) - Agreed. I can't even remember why I used tick rate 2 here too.
00:43:100 (1,2,3,4,5) - make a distance higher in this combo please - Nice catch, this isn't even a pentagon(Scale up, urgh). Increased distance.
00:50:500 (1,2) - i waited 1/2 jump here,not 1/1 confusing spacing %) - D:

That's all, star~
A huge belated thanks to Aleks719 for the mod, and ありがとう pekosさん~

00:30:500 (1) - 加個whistle?
01:26:500 (1) - 也可以加個clap進去

01:26:500 (1) - 同

[ertyukjh010's Hard]:
00:51:300 (-) - 這段以後為啥不繼續使用N1音效呢?
01:21:700 (1,2,3,4,5) - 試著擺開?
01:26:500 (1) - 同

00:48:100 (5) - 加個折返?


Top diff:Hard KPY

Topic Starter

Clare wrote:

1.不加個無聲normal-sliderslide進去嗎? - 感觉没那个必要。

00:30:500 (1) - 加個whistle? - Ok.
01:26:500 (1) - 也可以加個clap進去 - 只有个clap在那儿感觉不太好,没放。

01:26:500 (1) - 同 - 同上 >_<。

[ertyukjh010's Hard]:
00:51:300 (-) - 這段以後為啥不繼續使用N1音效呢?
01:21:700 (1,2,3,4,5) - 試著擺開?
01:26:500 (1) - 同

00:48:100 (5) - 加個折返? - 改了,稍微调整排列。


Top diff:Hard KPY


4 months and counting....looking back I never realise my second ranked map took me half a year. Almost thought this one is my longest pending ever.While leaving Amadeus rotting in graveyard, I might get back working on that. Maybe. Me lazy. :S
I've been wanting to mod this for a while. !request gave it for me to mod~

  1. Correct artist is Angela (capitalized A...).
  2. Correct title is Asu e no Brilliant Road.
  3. Why "astuko" and "katsu" in the tags ?
  4. Disable "letterbox during breaks" as you have a video. When in a break, black bars appear at the top and bottom of the screen - disabling this will prevent them from appearing.
  1. The beginning feels extremely awkward. You start off with 4/1 rhythms, then throw in a long slider followed immediately by 1/1 beats, then a spinner, then a break. While the 4/1 fit, the 1/1 beats don't fit much because they introduce a fast rhythm that doesn't really fit the song, rhythm which you cut instantly after with the spinner and the break. I think you should re-think the 1/1 spinner part (and map in the break).
  2. 00:09:700 (1) - This slider could be greatly improved. Here's an example of what could be done: 216,72,9700,6,0,B|108:116|92:224|136:312|200:336|256:337|312:336|376:312|420:224|404:116|296:72,1,700 (note that the top isn't perfect)
  3. The rhythm after the break is extremely confusing (and the placement doesn't help). I don't think it even matches the song (?) and is quite unintuitive. Try making something simpler - for the easiest diff, it would be better.
  4. This is more of a personal opinion, but I greatly recommend not to use kick sliders in an Easy/Normal (that is, 1/2 or faster sliders with more than one repeat), because the number of repeats can't be expected, and they are generally short enough for the cursor to hide the repeat arrows, which makes the number of repeat unreadable.
  1. It's a bit sad that the beginning is exactly the same as in Easy (I really mean the exact same). You should try to do something else (a bit more complicated).
  2. Such low spacing might be very confusing. Because if how it is (0.6), it means the distance between two circles is half the length of a slider ! This will lead to confusing patterns. :/
  3. 00:47:300 (1,2) - These are too far apart. Their spacing look like the previous 1/1 spacing but they're 1/2 apart. And then 00:49:900 (1,2) - is spaced with 0.6 once again, which is extremely confusing.
  4. 01:03:300 (1) - Remove this new combo: you're still mapping to the drums and didn't change your pattern or anything, so it is not needed.
ertyukjh010's Hard
  1. 00:25:900 (1) - This comes really too soon after the spinner, and the distance from the center of the screen made me think it was 1/1 after it. You should make the spinner end earlier (like 1/1 earlier) should you silence its end.
  2. 00:43:100 (1,2,3,4,5) - I don't really agree with the anti-jumps, honestly. Their spacing makes them look like they are 1/4 apart, and I don't think anything justifies an anti-jump here at all.
  3. 00:51:500 (2,2) - These should end 1/4 later to match the lyrics. I was very surprised when I played this because I expected them to go for the 3/4 rhythm in the lyrics.
  4. 00:54:500 (1,2) - For ^ these reasons, replace them with a 3/4 repeat slider ?
  • For consistency with the other diffs, use tick rate 1 ? You'll need to remove the slowdown sliders if you do this. I personnally think they don't fit at all (and their rhythm is wrong anyway, the vocals go for 3/4 rhythms) and introduce lots of speed changes which play quite bad.
  1. 00:01:700 (1,2) - and 00:26:100 (3,1) - and 00:26:700 (3,1) - and 00:34:100 (2,3,4,5) - I don't understand these jumps at all. I don't think they make sense (?) to the music and were really surprising while playing (especially the first one)
  2. 00:52:800 (5) - I didn't see this note while playing because the approach circle blended in with the video and the note itself is covered by a hitburst.
  3. 00:58:300 (2) - I didn't see this note while playing D:
Ah, this mapset needs some work, but it's far from being bad. I'd have liked it if one of the Hard diffs was easier for a better spread, but that's for you to decide. =p good luck with it

Odaril wrote:

  1. 00:01:700 (1,2) - and 00:26:100 (3,1) - and 00:26:700 (3,1) - and 00:34:100 (2,3,4,5) - I don't understand these jumps at all. I don't think they make sense (?) to the music and were really surprising while playing (especially the first one)
  2. 00:52:800 (5) - I didn't see this note while playing because the approach circle blended in with the video and the note itself is covered by a hitburst. Feel much better after add a new combo here.
  3. 00:58:300 (2) - I didn't see this note while playing D: I stack this at the end of the slider.

Download: angela - Asu e no brilliant road (TV Size) (Soul-less) [KPY].osu
Topic Starter
I apologize for the long absense from osu!, will be finding time to look at this.

Late update 1: Busy schoolwork, busted laptop monitor, and a series of unfortunate events forces me to delay this map(and all my modding queue works D:), I apologized for any (in)convenience caused. =S

-Revival + Mods edit-

- Updated KPY's diffiiculty
- Correction on artist + title
- Adjusted beat placement according to Odaril's mod.

Really sorry(yet again!) for actually letting this graveyarded. Most likely won't happened again, probably.
It happened. Me fails. D: *Slight bump in hope of some fresh mods*
Hiho, some suggestions, you don't have to follow them ;3

Nice map and song
Great slider art :P
Nothing more to add ;3

00:00:100 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - I don't know if you did it on purpose, but placing of these notes looks random, use more sparse grid level for a sec and make it more symetrical?
00:48:300 (1,2) - This will confuse beginners for sure, try to avoid placing notes on red ticks in this way. I prefer start this from 00:48:100 and place 4-5 notes on the following white ticks. And if you want to let this pattern be as it is now, maybe make the new combo color more contrasting to the previous one.
01:15:900 (3) - I'd better move it to 01:16:100 (remember about spacing)
01:23:300 (1,2) - Looks quite ugly, very close to the left side and without shape. (previouse ones were nicely curved)
01:15:900 (2) - Consider removing this circle? Sounds better IMO.
Nothing more found. Slider velocity is a bit too fast for a normal (especially at the beginning, which isn't very fast), but I think it's bearable
[ertyukjh010's Hard] <<< Geez what a nickname T.T
01:02:100 (12) - Move it to 01:02:300 and place it under 01:01:500 (9) and see if it's better
01:13:700 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I'm sure there's a way to make it prettier
Wow, another hard :O
00:04:900 (1) - Place the slider that it's end lead straight to the start of the next slider.
00:11:900 (1,2) - I'd prefer a little smaller distance snap.
00:50:500 (1,2) - How about moving both of them few grids up?
00:12:700 (12) - It's out of rhythm, I'd never click it as it is in the map, consider moving it to 00:12:900? (of course you'll have to move and shorten the spinner)
01:12:100 (1) - New combo?

Anyway, Good job out there, I hope my suggestions will improve your map even if it's just a bit.
Good Luck, I think it's time to ask MAT's and BAT's :D
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod Amaihachimitsu! Wasn't really expecting any mods at the moment as I only post my request on #modreqs occasionally, which doesn't works well in most of the time XD.

Time to find MATs and BATs eh....hard task indeed. =P

AmaiHachimitsu wrote:

Hiho, some suggestions, you don't have to follow them ;3

Nice map and song
Great slider art :P - Now I look back at this, some spirals looked silly.*shrugs*
Nothing more to add ;3

00:00:100 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - I don't know if you did it on purpose, but placing of these notes looks random, use more sparse grid level for a sec and make it more symetrical? - Gave up for this on normal, guess lots of people didn't notice why I positioned those beats that way - related to video. D: Still no change though, I'll insist this on easy!
00:48:300 (1,2) - This will confuse beginners for sure, try to avoid placing notes on red ticks in this way. I prefer start this from 00:48:100 and place 4-5 notes on the following white ticks. And if you want to let this pattern be as it is now, maybe make the new combo color more contrasting to the previous one. - Suggested quite a few times before by other moddes, I'll still stand firm on this though. Sorry no change.
01:15:900 (3) - I'd better move it to 01:16:100 (remember about spacing) - A very interesting suggestion for this one, but due to the way I mapped Normal and Hard, don't think I'll change this.
01:23:300 (1,2) - Looks quite ugly, very close to the left side and without shape. (previouse ones were nicely curved) - Yea, looks plain. Now it's curved!
01:15:900 (2) - Consider removing this circle? Sounds better IMO. - After some consideration...yep removed.
Nothing more found. Slider velocity is a bit too fast for a normal (especially at the beginning, which isn't very fast), but I think it's bearable - Have to agree the velocity increase from easy to normal is a bit high, but meh.
[ertyukjh010's Hard] <<< Geez what a nickname T.T
01:02:100 (12) - Move it to 01:02:300 and place it under 01:01:500 (9) and see if it's better
01:13:700 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I'm sure there's a way to make it prettier
Wow, another hard :O
00:04:900 (1) - Place the slider that it's end lead straight to the start of the next slider. - Sorry, nope.
00:11:900 (1,2) - I'd prefer a little smaller distance snap. - Will be taking in consideration, at the moment no.
00:50:500 (1,2) - How about moving both of them few grids up? - I intend them to be in a straight line, so nope.
00:12:700 (12) - It's out of rhythm, I'd never click it as it is in the map, consider moving it to 00:12:900? (of course you'll have to move and shorten the spinner)
01:12:100 (1) - New combo?

Anyway, Good job out there, I hope my suggestions will improve your map even if it's just a bit.
Good Luck, I think it's time to ask MAT's and BAT's :D
P.S. Don't worry it was indeed helpful. I'll post the full mod edit post here once I get to it tomorow. It's 2am my time at the moment. XD
Edit: Mod edit post up!
Nothing more than patience needed 8D + you should check if my mod was useful before giving me kd : D I will shoot one for ya cuz i earned 2 kudos ;3 It deserves one anyway ^^ Good Luck
Hi~ modding as requested


00:09:700 (1) - use this slider?
00:09:700 (1) - 转盘? 两个回旋滑条有点不舒服
00:27:900 (1) - spacing
00:30:300 (2,1,2,3) - 这一段太挤了, 拉开点notes吧 ?
00:39:700 (3) - 很难看出来这个 0.0

[Ert's Hard]
00:49:700 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - spacing?
01:11:300 (2) - 不好看0.0

00:00:300 (2,3) - 这样好看点
00:02:500 (3) - ^
00:04:100 (3) - ^
00:55:300 (3) - ^
00:08:100 (4) - move to (328,296)
00:09:100 (3) - 1/2 slider?
01:27:100 (5) - 这样好看点
00:13:300 (3) - I prefer this...
00:58:300 (2) - why nc here

01:23:900 (6) - add note
01:11:700 (5) - move to (376,72)
01:11:900 (6) - move to (256,152)?
01:12:100 (7) - move to (136,72)
Enna Alouette
add kite on your tags >w<
Thanks for adding my difficulty in!
Finished hitsounding it :3

EDIT : I think offset 105 works better, current one is slightly early imo (I set offset on my diff to 105 already D:)
geckogates tested it aswell and got the same offset

Download: Angela - Asu e no Brilliant Road (TV Size) (Soul-less) [Kite's Insane].osu
Enna Alouette
hi as Kite said, set the offset to 105m it's better =3=

because you already have 6 diffs, then add my diff to your song info box, if you like it :<
here's my diff
Topic Starter
Alright, after reverting back artist name to angela(not capitalized A, check ranked maps for further confirmation =D), additional difficulties, this thread is suddenly bustling with activities, which is a nice thing! Now it's up to me not to flunk this. Like dissappearing for months.

Nine months and counting...D:

Edit:A late thanks to [CSGA]Ar3sgice for modding!
Topic Starter
A bump for this? Almost it's first anniversary soon. Orz.
I've been asking around but can't get any MAT/BAT attention =/ Sorry
Topic Starter
Thanks Kite. It's ok, I blame my relative inactiveness here in osu!. We'll see.
mod req ;)

Distance Snap should be used throughout this diff

00:00:105 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - These notes should be the same distance
00:12:905 (1) - Spacing
00:25:705 (1) - Make a single note?
00:27:305 (1) - Spacing
00:28:905 (1) - ^
00:50:505 (2) - ^
(I'll stop mentioning spacing; also, the AIMod could help too ;D)
01:20:105 (3) - I don't want to kill your slider art.., but put a spinner here instead

00:12:905 (1) - Put spinner here instead, the repetition of this swirl may be a bit boring
00:27:105 (2) - Spacing..same with the other patterns like this
00:38:505 (2,3,1) - Maybe place this X shape on the right side since you already had this on the left earlier
01:03:705 (2) - Bring out like this:

ERT's Hard
00:04:905 (1) - Add whistle at beginning
00:09:705 (5) - ^
00:41:505 - Add note
00:45:705 - Consider starting a slider here...I don't wanna force you to remap too much xD
00:47:305 - Same here ^, it's kinda hard to read
00:51:705 (2) - Ctrl + R
00:53:305 (2) - ^, there are more patterns like this but I'll leave it up to you ;)

00:30:305 (4) - Move somewhere else, the overlapping.. x_x
00:31:905 (4) - ^
00:36:505 (3) - Delete Finish at end

Kite's Insane
00:04:105 (3) - Extend to white tick
00:44:305 (1) - this anti-jump feels kinda funny

00:49:805 (6) - NC
01:09:705 (3) - Ctrl + R
01:12:105 (7) - NC
01:15:705 (6) - Delete Finish at end
01:28:105 (4) - the slowness doesn't fit, bring it back to the original velocity

Nice song and sliders!!xD Good luck :D
Oooh it's back from the grave :3
Could you raise the overall difficulty on my insane to 7?
Topic Starter

Kite wrote:

Oooh it's back from the grave :3
Could you raise the overall difficulty on my insane to 7?
Rise of the dead!...oh wait that's implying me being the dead(But eh almost, soulless being! =3=). OD of Kite's Insane changed.
= =... 我的Diff不堪入目, 我下周去修一下把
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