
Camellia - DARK THUNDER [CatchTheBeat]

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Hi there! I'd like to point out some important issues that I'd like to see addressed before the map is fully ranked.

Hitsounds in general can be improved.

  1. Odd placement of Normal Samplesets (especially in the beginning) at places such as 00:04:354 (6) - , 00:05:040 (3,4) - etc. create odd sounds when the distinct hitsound only resounds on the blue ticks. This can be shown at an optimal level in places like 00:05:554 (7,8,9,10) - where there's clear misusage of hitsounding.
  2. Whistle spamming. On streams such as 00:22:012 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - , 01:27:840 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - , and so on, each note has a whistle. Not only does this overdo the amount of feedback, but it overemphasizes the stream entirely. The fact that it's 1/8 makes it stand out enough, paired with strong background noise, but the addition of whistles makes it hard to listen to as the pattern repeats itself multiple times.

Overmapping/Poor or inconsistent rhythm usage

  1. 00:13:869 (4) - nonexistant note, previously you had just done it by only using a double like 00:13:954 (5,6) - , but this time you decided to add that third note.
  2. 00:16:012 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Not sure why all of these are hypers when there's no musical emphasis to back up such intensity
  3. 01:10:697 (2,3,4) - shows no real increasing emphasis or musical factor in any way, yet these were chosen as hyperdashes while others of similar sounds weren't. This creates an inconsistency in your pattern choices that can make it odd to play.
  4. 01:32:983 (5) - not emphasized as a stream when 01:33:326 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - is, shows inconsistency between the same sounds.
  5. 01:34:354 (4) - Missing a beat on the red tick here that's really important, could definitely be a repeat slider instead.
  6. 01:37:783 (1,2,3,4,5) - This timeline sounds more like this to me.
  7. 01:43:954 (3,4,5,6) - Streams were skipped completely here while they were introduced for the same sound at the beginning of the kiai.
  8. 01:45:326 (4) - Same issue with red tick notes being completely skipped
  9. 01:56:297 (4,5) - not sure why this is a 1/4 dash, could just be a 1/2 like the rest
  10. 03:37:097 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I'm not sure why you disregard the main rhythm you've been following the whole time to skip to the background noise here.

Pixel Dashes / Poor Structure or Spacing
  1. 00:26:297 (4,1) - Has spacing that is quite high for a normal dash. Reduce here or make it a hyperdash for that additional emphasis.
  2. 00:45:497 (6,1) - Really high distance for something so calm, could definitely be reduced to a standard dash
  3. 00:52:354 (4,1) - Definite no, the high distance compared with extremely sharp antiflow makes this incredibly hard to hit to the point where it's too rough on a player
  4. 01:22:526 (6) - Should definitely be on the right side of 01:22:354 (5) - , it currently creates a very awkward looking stair stream that interrupts movement.
  5. 02:04:354 (3) - could definitely be improved by tilting to the right for better flow.
  6. 02:20:297 (1,2) - You do this a lot throughout the map, but these are way too close. You should be promoting more movement with those heavy noises, not allowing people to just stay still with them.
  7. 02:22:697 (1) - Too sharp to be a horizontal repeat. Either curve it or change the angle to make it more accessable.

I'd really like to see at the very least the hitsound issue worked out, since it's kind of taking away the experience of the map for me when the normal samplesets are used so awkwardly. emphasizing only the blue ticks is really weird. Otherwise, this is a great map! Good luck!
Topic Starter

Ascendance wrote:

Hi there! I'd like to point out some important issues that I'd like to see addressed before the map is fully ranked.
Hitsounds in general can be improved.

  1. Odd placement of Normal Samplesets (especially in the beginning) at places such as 00:04:354 (6) - , 00:05:040 (3,4) - etc. create odd sounds when the distinct hitsound only resounds on the blue ticks. This can be shown at an optimal level in places like 00:05:554 (7,8,9,10) - where there's clear misusage of hitsounding. The normal sampleset clearly resounds more than the soft-sampleset, if it sounds weird because the soft sampleset sounds weird at blue ticks I don't know how to fix it properly without redoing the whole hitsounding from scratch. Also I requested sh1n1 to ask even more modders as to see if this is really a problem and it isn't.
  2. Whistle spamming. On streams such as 00:22:012 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - , 01:27:840 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - , and so on, each note has a whistle. Not only does this overdo the amount of feedback, but it overemphasizes the stream entirely. The fact that it's 1/8 makes it stand out enough, paired with strong background noise, but the addition of whistles makes it hard to listen to as the pattern repeats itself multiple times. The whistles are supposed to contrast the "thunder" sound at the background, removing them would really under-emphasize this, so not doing this.

Overmapping/Poor or inconsistent rhythm usage

  1. 00:13:869 (4) - nonexistant note, previously you had just done it by only using a double like 00:13:954 (5,6) - , but this time you decided to add that third note. That third note (which you call "nonexistant") is clearly audible if you remove the note and use 25% speed.
  2. 00:16:012 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Not sure why all of these are hypers when there's no musical emphasis to back up such intensity Yes there is, and I did the same with all other sections like this. Redoing this is gonna make me redo every single other one, and tbh that isn't quite wanted.
  3. 01:10:697 (2,3,4) - shows no real increasing emphasis or musical factor in any way, yet these were chosen as hyperdashes while others of similar sounds weren't. This creates an inconsistency in your pattern choices that can make it odd to play. This inconsistency was intended, as the violin-ish sound in the background starts decreasing slowly until 01:11:726 -
  4. 01:32:983 (5) - not emphasized as a stream when 01:33:326 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - is, shows inconsistency between the same sounds. I wanted to map the one that progressively started to decrease in pitch here.
  5. 01:34:354 (4) - Missing a beat on the red tick here that's really important, could definitely be a repeat slider instead. Either I am deaf or can't actually hear that beat you're talking about. And I didn't do it 01:40:012 - here either so yeah.
  6. 01:37:783 (1,2,3,4,5) - This timeline sounds more like this to me. Why is that? I intended to map 01:38:040 - 01:38:297 - 01:38:554 - and 01:38:812 - because the sounds in those beats were stronger than the beat I followed until that point.
  7. 01:43:954 (3,4,5,6) - Streams were skipped completely here while they were introduced for the same sound at the beginning of the kiai. The sounds here are quite different than the one you're talking of about if you hear closely.
  8. 01:45:326 (4) - Same issue with red tick notes being completely skipped Same as before.
  9. 01:56:297 (4,5) - not sure why this is a 1/4 dash, could just be a 1/2 like the rest I intended to make this 1/4 dash so that it was consistent with the one at the beginning of the kiai.
  10. 03:37:097 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I'm not sure why you disregard the main rhythm you've been following the whole time to skip to the background noise here. Same reason as before, the sounds in these beats are stronger and override the beat followed until this point.

Pixel Dashes / Poor Structure or Spacing
  1. 00:26:297 (4,1) - Has spacing that is quite high for a normal dash. Reduce here or make it a hyperdash for that additional emphasis. Staying with the way it was before, it's 2x distanced, I testplayed it and asked another player to do the same, both of us could catch it properly. Furthermore, having it to be a hyperdash is really weird looking because the sound of (1) isn't strong enough to suggest one
  2. 00:45:497 (6,1) - Really high distance for something so calm, could definitely be reduced to a standard dash it is a standard dash already..? same as before.
  3. 00:52:354 (4,1) - Definite no, the high distance compared with extremely sharp antiflow makes this incredibly hard to hit to the point where it's too rough on a player how is that? Every player who played it could catch it correctly every time.
  4. 01:22:526 (6) - Should definitely be on the right side of 01:22:354 (5) - , it currently creates a very awkward looking stair stream that interrupts movement. The purpose of this pattern is to have the player move precisely to catch them since the following patterns are anti-flowing as well, and as CLSW said, these are the only 1/4 objects in the whole atmosphere.
  5. 02:04:354 (3) - could definitely be improved by tilting to the right for better flow. Same as before.
  6. 02:20:297 (1,2) - You do this a lot throughout the map, but these are way too close. You should be promoting more movement with those heavy noises, not allowing people to just stay still with them. How do they stay still to catch this in any way? modifying this also breaks the intended pattern that is 02:19:612 (3,1,2,3) -
  7. 02:22:697 (1) - Too sharp to be a horizontal repeat. Either curve it or change the angle to make it more accessable. Can also catch it appropiatedly every single time I or somebody else plays it, so... It's okay as it is. It also was intended to be completely horizontal because of the pitch of the "thunder" sound in the background.

I'd really like to see at the very least the hitsound issue worked out, since it's kind of taking away the experience of the map for me when the normal samplesets are used so awkwardly. emphasizing only the blue ticks is really weird. Otherwise, this is a great map! Good luck!
Not everyone can mod every map before it gets qualified. The reason the Qualified state exists is for people to give feedback before the map becomes ranked fully. The map being nominated also does not infer that it is 100% ready for ranking, as nominators are human beings, who can miss things, make mistakes, etc., regardless of their skill or prior experience.

Blatantly refusing to respond to someone who is providing suggestions on how your map can be improved is senseless, regardless of when those suggestions are posted. Please calm down, review the suggestions, and respond clearly as to why you do/do not agree with each one. Should you satisfactorily explain the mentioned points, the map will remain qualified. However, if you decide not to respond, or your responses are deemed lacking, the map will be disqualified so that further discussion can take place.

I don't want to see any more trash-talking or other misconduct in this thread from anyone. This will be the only warning.
00:13:869 (4) - at least i wanted to say the 1/4 beat exists here :(
01:22:354 (5,6) - this one is pretty acceptable for me because this part is an unique 1/4 in its whole atmosphere 01:17:212 (1) - from 01:22:526 (6) - .

HS and flow conversations are truly depends on mapper's sight so let's just see. imo the HS issues aren't that bad.

Just a small opinion for small parts for your further action, as JBH commented the map still have a chance to be remained. Good luck!
Topic Starter

JBHyperion wrote:

Not everyone can mod every map before it gets qualified. The reason the Qualified state exists is for people to give feedback before the map becomes ranked fully. The map being nominated also does not infer that it is 100% ready for ranking, as nominators are human beings, who can miss things, make mistakes, etc., regardless of their skill or prior experience.

Blatantly refusing to respond to someone who is providing suggestions on how your map can be improved is senseless, regardless of when those suggestions are posted. Please calm down, review the suggestions, and respond clearly as to why you do/do not agree with each one. Should you satisfactorily explain the mentioned points, the map will remain qualified. However, if you decide not to respond, or your responses are deemed lacking, the map will be disqualified so that further discussion can take place.

I don't want to see any more trash-talking or other misconduct in this thread from anyone. This will be the only warning.
Reviewing the changes once again, sorry for any issue.
Gonna check this map. During this I review both a report before qualification and Ascendance's post. It contains answer to him as well not just issues.
  1. 00:04:183 (5,6) - These might be better if you lower their endpoint sound to 40%. This is because while the sound what you followed with these slider's start point is still goes on there is no clear endpoint to them so having the same sound at the end than the start is kinda distracting.
  2. 00:07:183 (6) -This note basically follows nothing from the music. Even as an enchantment sounds strange. On the other hand there is a clear sound at the blue tick in the middle of 00:07:269 (1) - which might be better as emphasized.
  3. 00:08:383 (5,7) - This part is basically the repeat of the previous one but here you used two more additional note to follow some strange nonexistent beat while leaving the clear sound at 00:08:726 - empty again.
  4. 00:13:869 (4) - The reasons on the side of this note to be there is only valid if you map 00:11:812 - , 00:13:183 - , 00:14:554 - , 00:15:926 - , etc It is definitely just matter of preference but it does sound odd to be the only sound followed while there are much more.
  5. 00:15:412 (5) - This note is unnecessary again. It sounds much better as removed to place more emphasis on the next note.
  6. 00:16:012 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - To answer Ascendance, I find this stream really interesting as it provides a good build up for the next part of the music.
  7. 00:29:812 (4) - Again an unnecessary note. If you map this why not 00:28:440 -, 00:31:183 - , 00:34:612 - , 00:36:669 - , etc? They all have the same sound.
  8. 00:52:354 (4,1) - I find no issue with this pattern to be honest, I tried a few times and its really easy to hit even as being less experienced.
  9. 01:10:697 (2,3,4) - Your Hyperdashes at this part is a little bit inconsistent. The problem is not with their existent but the way you built your map. What I want to say with this is, there are one Hyper at 01:07:954 (2,3) - , two at 01:10:697 (2,3,4) - and again one at 01:13:783 (3,4) - . And each of them is at different spot yet the instrument is exactly the same. You have two option at this point, either stick with either one or two Hyperdash and use them in all 3 part or make a buildup which is one Hyper at the first, two at the second, and three at the third part.
  10. 01:22:354 (5,6) - While this might intercept the movement, I think it created a nice pause while being challenging.
  11. 01:37:783 (1,2,3,4,5) - I had fun playing as it is now, I don't really see issue here. Yes, its not following the drums and maybe misses some other element as well, but definitely plays well.
  12. 02:04:354 (3) - There is no need for better flow at this section as you only need to jump and stand under it until you catch the next Hyper and jump towards the next. Furthermore, if you look closely, 2-3-4 are slightly tilted to left which is really nice to see.
  13. 03:37:097 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I don't really get the issue here. I think its really nice to play and blends into the map.
  14. 04:27:154 (3,4) - This part could sound much better as two 1/2 slider in my opinion. The white ticks are much stronger than the reds yet your repeat slider ends on white. It would be really nice to have a jumps there.
  15. 04:34:354 (6) - Lower the sound of the endpoint of this slider.And do this at the rest of these patterns later on.
  16. 04:43:954 (4,5) - Same issue as the the beginning of this post. They sounds much better with lower sound for their endpoint.
After these are cleared up we can quickly move it back to be Qualified.
I still believe the hitsound issue should be fixed, as well as the sliders where the heavy red tick beats are completely missed. Try to have someone who's proficient in hitsounding help you with it. Saying "I won't fix it because I don't know how" is very poor reasoning :(
There aren't hitsounds issues, I asked to lots of people about it and it's pretty fine, also your mod was irrelevant to me, there isn't a huge change if we add 0.50x of distance between two notes or we reduce it, the sounds were clearly audible, also Hareimu and I fixed some inconsistencies issues before qualify, if kurokami feels that the map can be improved, let's see, it's up to the mapper.

-Sh1n1- wrote:

There aren't hitsounds issues, I asked to lots of people about it and it's pretty fine, also your mod was irrelevant to me, there isn't a huge change if we add 0.50x of distance between two notes or we reduce it, the sounds were clearly audible, also Hareimu and I fixed some inconsistencies issues before qualify, if kurokami feels that the map can be improved, let's see, it's up to the mapper.
Kinda rude don't you think? If my mod was irrelevant, there wouldn't be a DQ necessary. Nominators are supposed to be people who are respectful and upstanding members of the community, you know :)
Topic Starter

Kurokami wrote:

Gonna check this map. During this I review both a report before qualification and Ascendance's post. It contains answer to him as well not just issues.
  1. 00:04:183 (5,6) - These might be better if you lower their endpoint sound to 40%. This is because while the sound what you followed with these slider's start point is still goes on there is no clear endpoint to them so having the same sound at the end than the start is kinda distracting. Done.
  2. 00:07:183 (6) -This note basically follows nothing from the music. Even as an enchantment sounds strange. On the other hand there is a clear sound at the blue tick in the middle of 00:07:269 (1) - which might be better as emphasized. Remove 00:07:183 (6) - and use 25% playback rate, the sound is clearly there. Also... the piano key sounds at those blue ticks you mentioned are kinda off, and it will be strange to have a triplet on those.
  3. 00:08:383 (5,7) - This part is basically the repeat of the previous one but here you used two more additional note to follow some strange nonexistent beat while leaving the clear sound at 00:08:726 - empty again. Same as before, I can't hear the sound you're talking about here. As for the others, they actually do follow a beat, remove those 2 notes you highlighted and use 25% as before Still, I modified them to be 2 sliders and not 4 notes.
  4. 00:13:869 (4) - The reasons on the side of this note to be there is only valid if you map 00:11:812 - , 00:13:183 - , 00:14:554 - , 00:15:926 - , etc It is definitely just matter of preference but it does sound odd to be the only sound followed while there are much more. Did something different, but at the same time deleted that note.
  5. 00:15:412 (5) - This note is unnecessary again. It sounds much better as removed to place more emphasis on the next note. Did something else.
  6. 00:16:012 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - To answer Ascendance, I find this stream really interesting as it provides a good build up for the next part of the music.
  7. 00:29:812 (4) - Again an unnecessary note. If you map this why not 00:28:440 -, 00:31:183 - , 00:34:612 - , 00:36:669 - , etc? They all have the same sound. All those you mentioned don't have sounds, but the one at (4) does actually have.
  8. 00:52:354 (4,1) - I find no issue with this pattern to be honest, I tried a few times and its really easy to hit even as being less experienced.
  9. 01:10:697 (2,3,4) - Your Hyperdashes at this part is a little bit inconsistent. The problem is not with their existent but the way you built your map. What I want to say with this is, there are one Hyper at 01:07:954 (2,3) - , two at 01:10:697 (2,3,4) - and again one at 01:13:783 (3,4) - . And each of them is at different spot yet the instrument is exactly the same. You have two option at this point, either stick with either one or two Hyperdash and use them in all 3 part or make a buildup which is one Hyper at the first, two at the second, and three at the third part. Done the latter.
  10. 01:22:354 (5,6) - While this might intercept the movement, I think it created a nice pause while being challenging.
  11. 01:37:783 (1,2,3,4,5) - I had fun playing as it is now, I don't really see issue here. Yes, its not following the drums and maybe misses some other element as well, but definitely plays well.
  12. 02:04:354 (3) - There is no need for better flow at this section as you only need to jump and stand under it until you catch the next Hyper and jump towards the next. Furthermore, if you look closely, 2-3-4 are slightly tilted to left which is really nice to see.
  13. 03:37:097 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I don't really get the issue here. I think its really nice to play and blends into the map.
  14. 04:27:154 (3,4) - This part could sound much better as two 1/2 slider in my opinion. The white ticks are much stronger than the reds yet your repeat slider ends on white. It would be really nice to have a jumps there. Done.
  15. 04:34:354 (6) - Lower the sound of the endpoint of this slider. And do this at the rest of these patterns later on. You killed my braincells
  16. 04:43:954 (4,5) - Same issue as the the beginning of this post. They sounds much better with lower sound for their endpoint. My fingers hurt of adding inherited points.
After these are cleared up we can quickly move it back to be Qualified. I hope so.
Some more changes were made during in-game talk. Giving my first bubble. o/
I still don't believe my points were properly addressed lol

Ascendance wrote:

I still don't believe my points were properly addressed lol
but don't drama here please

Ascendance wrote:

I still don't believe my points were properly addressed lol
During our conversation we lowered the volume of the hitsounds but since you provided zero possible solution there and for me they are not that distracting I accepted those changes. And I reviewed the rest of your post and I do agree with Hareimu's reasons which is why I did not included them in my post. If you still think something should be changed, point out, explain why and give possible solution. This is valid if you need further explanation for those "not properly addressed points" as well.
Just like to point out that sliders like 01:45:326 (4) - are smothering noticable beats at points like 01:45:497 - .
Your sliders should really end there imo, you can pick up again at 01:45:669 - on an active sound rather than going active - active which really doesn't sound good to me.

Kurokami wrote:

Ascendance wrote:

I still don't believe my points were properly addressed lol
During our conversation we lowered the volume of the hitsounds but since you provided zero possible solution there and for me they are not that distracting I accepted those changes. And I reviewed the rest of your post and I do agree with Hareimu's reasons which is why I did not included them in my post. If you still think something should be changed, point out, explain why and give possible solution. This is valid if you need further explanation for those "not properly addressed points" as well.
The thing is, the "explanations" that you're referring to either are completely wrong or just silly in the large majority of cases. He replied to them while it was still in qualified, and being someone who's done this plenty of times, it's pretty obvious that some of them are just declined to attempt to keep the map in qualified. For example, the sliders like 01:45:326 (4) - where the red tick note is COMPLETELY ignored and the reason for declining it is "there's no note there". Seriously? Also, anyone with basic understanding of English can figure out how to fix the hitsounding issue, especially as I pointed out where the issue is (the normal samplesets being used in a way that emphasizes the blue tick notes more than the ACTUAL note). Also things being explained by saying "just slow the music down to 25% and you can hear it" or "the 1/4 is the only one here so that makes the antiflow fine" is NOT valid reasoning. As a QAT, you should be enforcing better responses than this. If you really agree with that ENTIRE red wall of text, then there's something seriously wrong.

Edit: Also, saying "I don't want to redo the hitsounding" is DEFINITELY NOT a valid reason to decline that kind of thing.

Edit 2: Give me my kudosu :d
Topic Starter

Riari wrote:

Just like to point out that sliders like 01:45:326 (4) - are smothering noticable beats at points like 01:45:497 - .
Your sliders should really end there imo, you can pick up again at 01:45:669 - on an active sound rather than going active - active which really doesn't sound good to me. Alright, fixed a whole bunch of those, it actually flows better now.

Ascendance wrote:

The thing is, the "explanations" that you're referring to either are completely wrong or just silly in the large majority of cases. He replied to them while it was still in qualified, and being someone who's done this plenty of times, it's pretty obvious that some of them are just declined to attempt to keep the map in qualified. Until here. The map is DQ'd already, move on with this thing already, for god's sake. I didn't even do it because of that reason you gave, I did it because all of those suggestions could be properly skipped and nothing would have changed to the worse in any way (excepting some of them which COULD, MIGHT and probably WILL take this down at some point or another of the qualification process, stuff that I didn't notice before).

For example, the sliders like 01:45:326 (4) - where the red tick note is COMPLETELY ignored and the reason for declining it is "there's no note there". Seriously? Fixed this with Riari's suggestion. If there's more than one person that says the same thing as you do, well, I'll take it in consideration. And I did already.
Also, anyone with basic understanding of English can figure out how to fix the hitsounding issue, especially as I pointed out where the issue is (the normal samplesets being used in a way that emphasizes the blue tick notes more than the ACTUAL note). First of all, how is it that you think that the normal sampleset emphasizes the blue ticks in any way? they are placed on the white and red ticks. They are not emphasizing the blue ones. Like, at all. The blue ticks have soft-sampleset with the volume reduced to 20%. They are clearly not being emphasized in any way. Either you didn't actually recheck the updated version of this map or there is something that I'm clearly misunderstanding because I can't quite reach the same conclusions as you are reaching at this moment. So please, can you try to explain this further?

Also things being explained by saying "just slow the music down to 25% and you can hear it" or "the 1/4 is the only one here so that makes the antiflow fine" is NOT valid reasoning. As a QAT, you should be enforcing better responses than this. If you really agree with that ENTIRE red wall of text, then there's something seriously wrong. How do you want me to reason with you about those 1/4 notes, then? Slowing down the melody to 25% helps to hear the sounds I'm trying to map in those exact streams at the beginning of the map properly, because they are there. Even a person that is playing with speakers instead of headphones can hear them. That goes first.
And regarding the anti-flow 1/4 two streams at the buildup to the first kiai, that wasn't the excuse I used to leave them there. I clearly said that the tense atmosphere of the whole buildup was nice enough to have that kind of movement so that it could probably stay there without breaking any concepts. Can those two anti-flowing sliders stay there, please? Do they break your combo in any way, each and every time you play them? Are they really that uncomfortable? Because if I did really explain the reasoning behind these sliders that badly to you, at least you can do better and explain further why do they not look ok there. Also the suggestion you gave as to how should I move them exaggerated the hyperdash distances between them to 4,98x.

Edit: Also, saying "I don't want to redo the hitsounding" is DEFINITELY NOT a valid reason to decline that kind of thing. Umm, these things you see there are manipulating the blue ticks' volume to 20% instead of 60% (as the red and white ones have) so that the blue ones are clearly under-emphasized in comparation to the white and red ones. Is that okay to you or what should I do instead? I'm trying to be reasonable here.

Edit 2: Give me my kudosu :d talk to a qat about that and if they think you deserve kudosu, I'll give kudosu at one of your posts here.
Hello, quick irc on the hitsounding issue and how it could be solved!

2016-11-11 22:51 Setomi: How's it going with your map
2016-11-11 22:52 Hareimu: how do you think it's going
2016-11-11 22:52 Setomi: No clue
2016-11-11 22:52 Setomi: haven't read into it much
2016-11-11 22:52 Hareimu: well
2016-11-11 22:52 Hareimu: lemme resume
2016-11-11 22:52 Hareimu: ascendance reported the map for a dq
2016-11-11 22:53 Hareimu: (insert unnecessary drama here)
2016-11-11 22:53 Hareimu: kurokami dq'd it
2016-11-11 22:53 Hareimu: kurokami and i rechecked the beatmap together via both forums and ingame chat
2016-11-11 22:54 Setomi: Hmm
2016-11-11 22:54 Setomi: Well if the map had issues kurokami would snipe the map anyways
2016-11-11 22:54 Hareimu: and I clusterfucked the beginning and ending parts of the beatmap with 148 total inherited timing points that manipulated volume because ascendance thought (and still thinks) that the blue ticks of the streams are more emphasized than the red/white ones
2016-11-11 22:54 Hareimu: what the inherited points did was to decrease the volume of the blue ticks to 20%
2016-11-11 22:54 Hareimu: and increase the volume of the red and white ones back to 60%
2016-11-11 22:55 Setomi: Well then red and white's should be more emphasized
2016-11-11 22:55 Hareimu: so that the normal sampleset placed at both red and white ticks of the streams were clearly more emphasized than the blue ones
2016-11-11 22:55 Hareimu: I know that, yeah
2016-11-11 22:55 Hareimu: but
2016-11-11 22:55 Hareimu: ascendance still thinks that the blue ticks are more emphasized
2016-11-11 22:55 Hareimu: and I broke my hand adding inherited points manually
2016-11-11 22:56 Setomi: Well it doesn't sound bad to me
2016-11-11 22:57 Hareimu: it doesn't sound bad to anyone.
2016-11-11 22:57 Hareimu: but to him.
2016-11-11 23:00 Setomi: 00:02:983 (6) -
2016-11-11 23:00 Setomi: I can understand ascendance a bit
2016-11-11 23:00 Setomi: The red tick on this sounds like a mute hitsound
2016-11-11 23:00 Hareimu: how?
2016-11-11 23:00 Hareimu: it's the same normal sampleset as I always used
2016-11-11 23:01 Setomi: Because the sound that is being made comes from the song itself not the hit object (?)
2016-11-11 23:01 Hareimu:
2016-11-11 23:01 Hareimu: explain further
2016-11-11 23:01 Hareimu: I can hear both the song's and the object's sounds while playing that part
2016-11-11 23:04 Setomi: I'm looking at it
2016-11-11 23:06 Setomi: Ok I figured it out I think
2016-11-11 23:06 Setomi: I'm gonna link a pishifat video he kinda explains it
2016-11-11 23:10 Setomi:
2016-11-11 23:10 *
2016-11-11 23:10 Setomi: Feedback part
2016-11-11 23:10 Hareimu: are the normal samplesets the same as the sounds in the song or what?
2016-11-11 23:11 Hareimu: and what sounds do you suggest me to use instead?
2016-11-11 23:11 Setomi: I personally think they're very familiar and I think that's what Ascendance is trying to say
2016-11-11 23:11 Setomi: he maybe just didn't understand it himself
2016-11-11 23:12 Hareimu: well then
2016-11-11 23:12 Hareimu: should I explain that to him?
2016-11-11 23:12 Setomi: Well if you're willing to change this I can put this up for irc
2016-11-11 23:12 Setomi: and everyone can read it
2016-11-11 23:12 Setomi: then
2016-11-11 23:12 Hareimu: yes, you can do that.
2016-11-11 23:12 Setomi: So what I think you need to do then
2016-11-11 23:13 Setomi: Is basically just finding a finish sound that isn't so "perfect"
2016-11-11 23:13 Hareimu: wait
2016-11-11 23:13 Setomi: Ofc it should be a fitting hitsound but not something that is the "same"
2016-11-11 23:13 Hareimu: what finish hitsound are you talking about
2016-11-11 23:13 Hareimu: the "BOOM" sound 00:00:412 - here, for example?
2016-11-11 23:13 Setomi: Sorry they're not finish hitsound my bad
2016-11-11 23:13 Setomi: 00:02:983 (6) -
2016-11-11 23:13 Setomi: still talking about this red tick
2016-11-11 23:13 Hareimu: oh ok
2016-11-11 23:14 Hareimu: well, how can I find one?
2016-11-11 23:14 Hareimu: where? is the question
2016-11-11 23:14 Hareimu: hyperion gave me thatone
2016-11-11 23:14 Hareimu: that one*
2016-11-11 23:14 Setomi: I don't know personally since I rarely hitsound myself
2016-11-11 23:15 Setomi: But I think he would be willing to help you out again if you tell him why it needs to be changed
2016-11-11 23:16 Hareimu: I'm asking yuii
2016-11-11 23:16 Setomi: Okay
2016-11-11 23:19 Setomi: Hope u find something nice
2016-11-11 23:19 Hareimu: hope the same too
2016-11-11 23:20 Setomi: But all that is needed really is just a bit of distinction
2016-11-11 23:20 Setomi: And it's all g
2016-11-11 23:30 Hareimu: do you think that this could work?
2016-11-11 23:32 Setomi: It sounds good
2016-11-11 23:33 Setomi: It would be even better if it could be reverbed slightly
2016-11-11 23:34 Setomi: Gonna see if I can do something about it
2016-11-11 23:34 Hareimu: wait a second, yuii has another one
2016-11-11 23:35 Hareimu: I wanna see that one too
2016-11-11 23:35 Setomi: oki
2016-11-11 23:37 Setomi: I added some reverb to the one you sent first and it sounds nice now
2016-11-11 23:37 Setomi: But also wanna hear the other one aswell
2016-11-11 23:38 Hareimu:
2016-11-11 23:38 Hareimu:
2016-11-11 23:39 Setomi: I don't think the first one u sent now, it's way to dull imo
2016-11-11 23:40 Hareimu:
2016-11-11 23:42 Hareimu: I personally liked that last one ^
2016-11-11 23:43 Setomi: Yeah it's either first or last one for sure
2016-11-11 23:43 Setomi: If you use the last one I think you need to up the volume a bit
2016-11-11 23:44 Hareimu: to 70?
2016-11-11 23:45 Setomi: Sure
2016-11-11 23:48 Setomi: More wouldn't hurt
2016-11-11 23:52 Setomi: like 80 or something
2016-11-11 23:52 Hareimu: no, that's too muc
2016-11-11 23:52 Hareimu: much*
2016-11-11 23:53 Setomi: Because the sound is so dark in base it needs to be high in volume to be heard
2016-11-11 23:53 Hareimu: modders complained because their ears bleeded
2016-11-11 23:53 Setomi: Hmm ok then
2016-11-11 23:54 Hareimu: I'll be raising the volume of the hitsound individually, not the whole map
2016-11-11 23:54 Hareimu: brb
2016-11-11 23:54 Setomi: Yeah
2016-11-11 23:54 Setomi: Ok
2016-11-11 23:54 Setomi: I bet you'll do it good

Video used for reference
thx pishifat!!

the first hitsound with added reverb that I personally think is at least as good
Topic Starter
updated the map with a new normal-hitnormal that I think will make everyone happy. Kinda similar to the one that was before this update, but still different enough to distinguish from the soft-sampleset used in blue ticks of streams at both beginning and ending of the map (which still have their inherited points that reduce them to 20% volume). Hope it's all good now
I saw Setomi's post as worth kudosu, hope people don't mind that I gave him it xd
Topic Starter
Setomi already received kudosu for a mod at the start of the thread, is that IRC chat really worth kudosu regardless of having already received it before?

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

I saw Setomi's post as worth kudosu, hope people don't mind that I gave him it xd

why are you bn

Hareimu wrote:

Setomi already received kudosu for a mod at the start of the thread, is that IRC chat really worth kudosu regardless of having already received it before?

Topic Starter
Well, that answers it. I might as well keep waiting for somebody to show up and say if his points were finally properly addressed or not.
Some further issue.
  1. 00:12:069 (3,4) - this and 00:13:440 (3,4) - is has the exact same rhythm except the blue tick at the second yet you used two slider at the first and just one at the second. This makes the rhythm kinda unfollowable and gives me nightmares.
  2. 00:23:554 (4) - Please do not end sliders on main beats as it is really distracting without the correct followup and sadly this music has none.
  3. 00:37:269 (1) - Similar problem as before. It would be nice to have a jump at those main beats.
  4. 00:42:754 (1) - Same here.
  5. 00:44:297 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I would make this part somehow like this to follow the melody in a better way
  6. 00:49:783 (1,2) - Merge these into a slider for consistency and better rhythm.
  7. 00:53:554 (5) - Better separate this into circles so you can add some jumps between them to follow the song more.
  8. 01:59:983 (2,3) - You should just keep following the white-red ticks as you did until now as they are the place of the melody. I tried to do something here which is similar to 02:04:183 (2,3,4) - but feel free to make it different:
  9. 02:07:954 (1,2,3,4) - This is really weakly mapped. There is a clear and loud 1/8 in the background which can't be followed with just a few note as you have at the moment. I placed 1/2 slider to all white and red tick to make it similar to the part after the 1/8 stream. It sounds kinda similar anyway.
  10. 02:11:040 (2) - I would divide this slider into two circle and add jumps (or even Hyper) between them. They really makes the player feel jumpy.
  11. 02:13:440 (1,2) - I would make this part this way: to follow the melody, which you used to, in a better way.
  12. 02:16:012 (1) - Exchange this to two circle if possible.The main beat although not that strong as the kicks but it still shouldn't be mapped as slidertail.
  13. 02:21:497 (1) - Same as before.
  14. 02:25:783 (1) - I would change this into a slider instead to avoid leaving weird empty spots which can distract players.
  15. 02:29:726 (1) - Again same mistake as before.
  16. 02:32:469 (1) - Same here.
  17. 02:34:697 (5,6) - No wonder this felt really weird. There is a stronger beat at the first slider's tail but nothing at the second's head. I would change this into something like
  18. 02:46:354 (1,2,3,4,5) - I wonder what is this again. I do understand what you followed here and I could agree with it but the melody is still really strong so its a little bit weird to just throw that away for the sake of some weird rhythm. Please, follow the melody at this stanza as well.
  19. 02:47:726 (1,2,3,4,5) - I would do the same as one stanza later to be honest. That fit much better.
  20. 03:30:926 (5) - I would divide this into two circle and add jumps between to follow the melody even more.
  21. 03:36:412 (4) - Same as before.
  22. 03:41:383 (2,3) - I just wonder what are these doing here? You basically left the white tick which you followed until now empty for the sake of some...uhm...something. And a little bit later 03:46:869 (2,3) - you did something different again.
  23. 03:52:869 (3) - I'm not gonna point out these anymore but please if there is, and I'm sure there is, more then change them as well.
  24. 04:30:583 (1,2,3) - Even if you used the same distance as 04:25:097 (1,2,3) - the feeling is not quite the same. That is because horizontal movements has different impact from left-right ones.
  25. 04:35:897 (6) - I know I told you to silent the end point of these sliders and it will be fine but its not quite working. If I remove the sliders and listen with 25% I can't hear a thing there, well there is a sound but it is weak to a point where it does not required to have such a strong feedback as a note. Similar cases are 04:37:097 (4) - , 04:38:469 (5,6) - , 04:42:583 (4,5) - , 04:48:069 (4) - , 04:48:069 (4) - , 04:53:554 (4) - ,
  26. 04:33:326 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This part sounds really strange due the slidertail is being on the melody. This works and sounds much better:
  27. 04:36:754 (3) - I would change these into two circle to follow the melody in a better way.
  28. 04:37:954 (3,4) - The normal hitsound on these is a little bit weird as these are the only ones although the melody repeats itself. And I also have no idea why you mapped this differently from the rest as well.
  29. 04:40:526 (2) - What is this sudden 1/1 slider? It is really distracting with those 1/2s around. And it is weird since you ended the slider on a strong beat while have a circle 3 on a much weaker one.
  30. 04:49:097 (3) - Similar case here.
  31. 04:50:897 (6) - I would remove this note because it has no clear feedback and it creates a nice pause that way.
  32. 04:56:297 (6) - This is your call because its the end of the map but this is the same as the previous. There is nothing on that blue tick which must, or could be mapped.
My bubble was a little bit early it seems. :c

Hareimu wrote:

Well, that answers it. I might as well keep waiting for somebody to show up and say if his points were finally properly addressed or not.
Well, according to this -
Did you not already give the modder kudosu for a mod post on the same map recently
its fine to give kudosu if he mod it some time ago. At least for me.
hitsounds sound much better now, i'd still advise you to recheck some of the points i made in the dq post since i believe some of them are still worth changing. otherwise gl here
Topic Starter

Kurokami wrote:

Some further issue.
  1. 00:12:069 (3,4) - this and 00:13:440 (3,4) - is has the exact same rhythm except the blue tick at the second yet you used two slider at the first and just one at the second. This makes the rhythm kinda unfollowable and gives me nightmares. Replaced the second section with two sliders. Still keeping the blue tick note tho
  2. 00:23:554 (4) - Please do not end sliders on main beats as it is really distracting without the correct followup and sadly this music has none. Changed the slider to a simple note, followed by two 1/2 sliders that follow the main beats properly.
  3. 00:37:269 (1) - Similar problem as before. It would be nice to have a jump at those main beats. Turned that slider into a note, as before, and followed it with a 2,5x distanced 1/2 slider.
  4. 00:42:754 (1) - Same here. Same as before.
  5. 00:44:297 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I would make this part somehow like this to follow the melody in a better way Didn't replace the first note with a slider because I wanna give the player time to recover from the previous strong af jump (7x distancing), but still followed the example you gave.
  6. 00:49:783 (1,2) - Merge these into a slider for consistency and better rhythm. Done.
  7. 00:53:554 (5) - Better separate this into circles so you can add some jumps between them to follow the song more. I'd rather keep it as it is rn, no need to add more jumps than necessary in such a calm part of the song.
  8. 01:59:983 (2,3) - You should just keep following the white-red ticks as you did until now as they are the place of the melody. I tried to do something here which is similar to 02:04:183 (2,3,4) - but feel free to make it different: I'm following the same sounds as in 01:48:754 (1,2,3,4,5) - (for example), so I think I'll stay with these.
  9. 02:07:954 (1,2,3,4) - This is really weakly mapped. There is a clear and loud 1/8 in the background which can't be followed with just a few note as you have at the moment. I placed 1/2 slider to all white and red tick to make it similar to the part after the 1/8 stream. It sounds kinda similar anyway. Placed two 1/2 sliders at 02:07:954 (1,2) - and another 1/8 short stream at 02:08:640 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - so that the mapping wasn't as weak as before.
  10. 02:11:040 (2) - I would divide this slider into two circle and add jumps (or even Hyper) between them. They really makes the player feel jumpy. Didn't really divide that slider, but added hypers between 02:10:697 (1,2,3) - all of these to get the same effect.
  11. 02:13:440 (1,2) - I would make this part this way: to follow the melody, which you used to, in a better way. Made those into two 1/2 sliders, followed by a 1/4 note between 02:13:783 (2,4) -
  12. 02:16:012 (1) - Exchange this to two circle if possible.The main beat although not that strong as the kicks but it still shouldn't be mapped as slidertail. Done.
  13. 02:21:497 (1) - Same as before. Done.
  14. 02:25:783 (1) - I would change this into a slider instead to avoid leaving weird empty spots which can distract players. Done.
  15. 02:29:726 (1) - Again same mistake as before. Fixed.
  16. 02:32:469 (1) - Same here. Fixed.
  17. 02:34:697 (5,6) - No wonder this felt really weird. There is a stronger beat at the first slider's tail but nothing at the second's head. I would change this into something like Done.
  18. 02:46:354 (1,2,3,4,5) - I wonder what is this again. I do understand what you followed here and I could agree with it but the melody is still really strong so its a little bit weird to just throw that away for the sake of some weird rhythm. Please, follow the melody at this stanza as well. Changed some of those notes to actually try and follow both of them at once for the sake of better rhythm.
  19. 02:47:726 (1,2,3,4,5) - I would do the same as one stanza later to be honest. That fit much better. Did something else, you might as well check that out.
  20. 03:30:926 (5) - I would divide this into two circle and add jumps between to follow the melody even more. Done.
  21. 03:36:412 (4) - Same as before. Done.
  22. 03:41:383 (2,3) - I just wonder what are these doing here? You basically left the white tick which you followed until now empty for the sake of some...uhm...something. And a little bit later 03:46:869 (2,3) - you did something different again. At the first one sure, fixed adding another 1/4 note after the first 1/4 slider. As for the other one... wrong timestamp maybe? the white tick is filled with a sliderhead.
  23. 03:52:869 (3) - I'm not gonna point out these anymore but please if there is, and I'm sure there is, more then change them as well. Done.
  24. 04:30:583 (1,2,3) - Even if you used the same distance as 04:25:097 (1,2,3) - the feeling is not quite the same. That is because horizontal movements has different impact from left-right ones. Made them left-right instead
  25. 04:35:897 (6) - I know I told you to silent the end point of these sliders and it will be fine but its not quite working. If I remove the sliders and listen with 25% I can't hear a thing there, well there is a sound but it is weak to a point where it does not required to have such a strong feedback as a note. Similar cases are 04:37:097 (4) - , 04:38:469 (5,6) - , 04:42:583 (4,5) - , 04:48:069 (4) - , 04:48:069 (4) - , 04:53:554 (4) - , I'm gonna kill a kitten. Fixed all of them.
  26. 04:33:326 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This part sounds really strange due the slidertail is being on the melody. This works and sounds much better: I'm following the drums, not the melody here.
  27. 04:36:754 (3) - I would change these into two circle to follow the melody in a better way. Done.
  28. 04:37:954 (3,4) - The normal hitsound on these is a little bit weird as these are the only ones although the melody repeats itself. And I also have no idea why you mapped this differently from the rest as well. The normal hitsounds here are actually the same as every other section of the map, why is it any different?
  29. 04:40:526 (2) - What is this sudden 1/1 slider? It is really distracting with those 1/2s around. And it is weird since you ended the slider on a strong beat while have a circle 3 on a much weaker one. Fixed.
  30. 04:49:097 (3) - Similar case here. There's no sound at 04:49:269 - as to make this 1/1 slider a 1/2 one, so I'm leaving it like it is.
  31. 04:50:897 (6) - I would remove this note because it has no clear feedback and it creates a nice pause that way. Done.
  32. 04:56:297 (6) - This is your call because its the end of the map but this is the same as the previous. There is nothing on that blue tick which must, or could be mapped. Alright, deleted that one and made a nice new jump to the right.
My bubble was a little bit early it seems. :c dw, it'll come back~

Ascendance wrote:

hitsounds sound much better now, i'd still advise you to recheck some of the points i made in the dq post since i believe some of them are still worth changing. otherwise gl here
AT LAST FFS er, actually I rechecked those points and some are quite valid with the new changes of the previous kurokami's check, so yeah, applied some of those.

Topic Starter

BoberOfDarkness wrote:

Not just yet.
I don't like iconing marathons unless I'm the flame usually because I prefer promoting full spreads, but... This should really have already got requalified, but the BNs who initially qualified it seem to have disappeared, so I'm here.

[Difficulty name that I didn't write down before I clicked it and I'm too lazy to check now]

00:03:154 (1) - Hmm, maybe curve it a tiny bit, keeping the ending at the same place on the x co-ordinate, but just so that the droplet isn't so prone to overdashing from momentum of the HDash.
00:04:526 (1) - Again with this one.
00:29:212 (1) - HDash to this for consistency with the rest of this section.
00:57:669 (4) - x:128 feels better on this to me, because these are nearly edge dashes followed by direction change, so a slight reduction would be nice.
01:09:840 (2) - On this, x:288 feels more comfortable flow-wise, as currently following the flow can result in overdashing this note, and plus the pitch sounds like it deserves a tiny bit more distance anyway.
02:36:754 (1) - Could be nice to add a HDash to this, maybe try x:464?
02:39:154 (5) - Maybe do a HDash to this for the pitch change? x:448 with a slider shape like this works nicely.
03:10:869 (7) - Stream shape would feel nicer if you moved this to the left a bit, x:448 would feel pretty nice.
04:11:726 (3,4) - Reducing this to like x:272 would be nice to stop the strong dash after antiflow HDash from being so strong, whilst still helping to keep currently flow.
04:22:526 (2) - x:336 would be nice to strength this HDash, and also make movement into the stream more fluid.
04:43:440 (2) - Pretty strong distancing considering it's followed by a direction change HDash followed by antiflow. A slight reduction like x:192 would make this movement a lot more fitting for the ending.

Should be everything, I think. Call me back.
Topic Starter

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

I don't like iconing marathons unless I'm the flame usually because I prefer promoting full spreads, but... This should really have already got requalified, but the BNs who initially qualified it seem to have disappeared, so I'm here.

[Difficulty name that I didn't write down before I clicked it and I'm too lazy to check now]

00:03:154 (1) - Hmm, maybe curve it a tiny bit, keeping the ending at the same place on the x co-ordinate, but just so that the droplet isn't so prone to overdashing from momentum of the HDash. Curved a grid to the left.
00:04:526 (1) - Again with this one. ^
00:29:212 (1) - HDash to this for consistency with the rest of this section. Done, readjusted everything to connect correctly to this change.
00:57:669 (4) - x:128 feels better on this to me, because these are nearly edge dashes followed by direction change, so a slight reduction would be nice. Done, but just to clarify, these are 2x distanced dashes, they shouldn't be that hard IMO.
01:09:840 (2) - On this, x:288 feels more comfortable flow-wise, as currently following the flow can result in overdashing this note, and plus the pitch sounds like it deserves a tiny bit more distance anyway. Done.
02:36:754 (1) - Could be nice to add a HDash to this, maybe try x:464? Used x:448 instead, 464 seems a bit too strong for an hyper on a calm section like this.
02:39:154 (5) - Maybe do a HDash to this for the pitch change? x:448 with a slider shape like this works nicely. Used another shape for the slider, but added nontheless.
03:10:869 (7) - Stream shape would feel nicer if you moved this to the left a bit, x:448 would feel pretty nice. Changed it in another way around so that it also has an HDash in between the two sliders of this stream, emphasizing the strong synth-drums in the background.
04:11:726 (3,4) - Reducing this to like x:272 would be nice to stop the strong dash after antiflow HDash from being so strong, whilst still helping to keep currently flow. Done.
04:22:526 (2) - x:336 would be nice to strength this HDash, and also make movement into the stream more fluid. Placed it at x:320 instead to balance the strength and the fluidness into the stream, plays better like this IMO.
04:43:440 (2) - Pretty strong distancing considering it's followed by a direction change HDash followed by antiflow. A slight reduction like x:192 would make this movement a lot more fitting for the ending. Done.

Should be everything, I think. Call me back. Alright then!
Everything looks good to me here.

Bubble #1 <3

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

I don't like iconing marathons unless I'm the flame usually because I prefer promoting full spreads, but... This should really have already got requalified, but the BNs who initially qualified it seem to have disappeared, so I'm here.
Marathons >>> 1 minute full spread

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

I don't like iconing marathons unless I'm the flame usually because I prefer promoting full spreads, but... This should really have already got requalified, but the BNs who initially qualified it seem to have disappeared, so I'm here.
Who has time to map, mod and rank 25 minutes of drain for one song

hareimu can you remove some of the extra spaces in the main post, not sure how those got there
Topic Starter

Sinnoh wrote:

hareimu can you remove some of the extra spaces in the main post, not sure how those got there
there is a reason they are there, believe me.


  1. 00:22:354 (1,2) - is an hyper dash really needed? for consistency with your next patterns I don't think so, it should be 1.50 at least
  2. 00:26:297 (4,1) - hyper dash should be here not between 00:26:469 (1,2) -, consistency with 00:22:869 (2,3) - 00:24:926 (6,1) - 00:28:354 (2,3) - 00:30:412 (6,1) -
  3. 00:43:612 (4) - should be looking to the right, if you follow my advice, try to reduce the distance of 00:43:612 (4,5) -
  4. 00:44:811 (3,4) - 00:45:497 (6,1) - unnecessary hyper dashes, if you won't add at 00:50:297 (3,4) - and 00:50:983 (7,1) - respectively, so it's up to you, add or remove.
  5. 00:57:669 (4,1) - add hyperdash, consistency with 00:46:697 (4,1) -.
  6. 01:12:754 (3,4,1,2,3) - I imagine that u wanna keep consistency with 01:15:497 (3,4,5) -, but the sound at the first one is not at all high to add hyper dash, (encima agregaste dos orz ), also u are not keeping a good consistency cause if you follow your next pattern, u will discover that hyperdash shouldn't be at 01:12:926 (4,1) -, should be between 01:13:097 (1,2) - and between 01:13:269 - and 01:13:440 -, only a personal opinion but both looks better with hyper dash only between 01:13:269 - and 01:13:440 - and between 01:16:012 (4,5) -, but it's up to you, you choose.
  7. 01:22:354 (5,6) - I'm sure that I'm not the only one who asked u to add hyperdash, if u don't want, remove at 01:23:726 (4,5,6,7) -.
  8. 01:28:869 (4,5) - talking about structure I strongly recommend you to press Ctrl+H cause I feel that enphasizing 01:29:383 - with hyper dash instead of drum at 01:29:212 - looks much than better, check 01:31:954 (5,1) - and test it by yourself.
  9. 01:29:212 - add NC, why take the risk when u can cut the long combo?, 8 fruits per round is better.
  10. 02:04:183 (2,3,4) - try to do the same as u did on 01:58:697 (2,3,4) -, 02:04:354 (3) - should be looking to the left, the current movement between 02:04:354 (3,4) - is a bit unconfortable, ( not hard, just unconfortable ), up to you.
  11. 02:31:097 (6,1) - missing hyper dash, consistency with 02:24:240 (2,1) - 02:25:612 (4,1) - 02:29:726 (4,1) - etc
  12. 02:34:869 (6,1) - I know what are u trying to do but I feel that u should keep consistency about hyper dashes with 00:44:297 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3) - cause is the same sound. ( no dire nada mas acerca de esta parte, lo que sigue en adelante y hasta que acabe en 02:44:983 - solo depende de lo que tu quieras en tu mapa, si quieres mantener una buena consistencia dado que eres un mapper que trabaja con distancias solo dependera de ti )
  13. 02:38:126 - cut the current combo here, NC isn't only to count how many fruits u have, is too enphasize the change of rhythm, new stanza, strong sounds, etc. There are some times like this when u should cut to avoid long periods of time with the same Combo.
  14. 04:05:726 (1) - nope, strong sound, hyper dash should be between 04:05:726 - and 04:05:897 -, try to continue following the same sound please, 04:01:783 (1,2) - 04:02:983 (3,1) - 04:04:354 (5,1) - 04:05:040 (2,3) -
  15. 04:11:212 (1) - 04:16:697 (1) - 04:22:183 (4,1) -here we go again, same as above, jump is between 04:11:212 - and 04:11:383 -, 04:16:697 - and 04:16:869 - and between 04:22:183 (4,1) - respectively
  16. 04:29:554 (2,3) - remove hyper dash, consistency with 04:24:069 (2,3) -
  17. 04:56:126 (5,6) - Instead of a straigh triplet I prefer a reverse, looks better, take a look at 04:50:640 (4,5) -

Call me back
Topic Starter

-Sh1n1- wrote:


  1. 00:22:354 (1,2) - is an hyper dash really needed? for consistency with your next patterns I don't think so, it should be 1.50 at least Done.
  2. 00:26:297 (4,1) - hyper dash should be here not between 00:26:469 (1,2) -, consistency with 00:22:869 (2,3) - 00:24:926 (6,1) - 00:28:354 (2,3) - 00:30:412 (6,1) - The sound the HDash is directed at is at 00:26:640 (2) - because of the strong bass sound, (1) doesn't have a sound that is in need of emphasis.
    00:22:869 (2,3) - This is the same, the strong sound is at (3).
    00:24:926 (6,1) - The slider at 1 has a thunder-like sound to support the HDash.
    00:28:354 (2,3) - Same here.
    00:30:412 (6,1) - As before.

  3. 00:43:612 (4) - should be looking to the right, if you follow my advice, try to reduce the distance of 00:43:612 (4,5) - Nah it's an intended anti-jump, and if I did that the pattern would look really weird and unfitting.
  4. 00:44:811 (3,4) - 00:45:497 (6,1) - unnecessary hyper dashes, if you won't add at 00:50:297 (3,4) - and 00:50:983 (7,1) - respectively, so it's up to you, add or remove. Added some.
  5. 00:57:669 (4,1) - add hyperdash, consistency with 00:46:697 (4,1) -. Done.
  6. 01:12:754 (3,4,1,2,3) - I imagine that u wanna keep consistency with 01:15:497 (3,4,5) -, but the sound at the first one is not at all high to add hyper dash, (encima agregaste dos orz ), also u are not keeping a good consistency cause if you follow your next pattern, u will discover that hyperdash shouldn't be at 01:12:926 (4,1) -, should be between 01:13:097 (1,2) - and between 01:13:269 - and 01:13:440 -, only a personal opinion but both looks better with hyper dash only between 01:13:269 - and 01:13:440 - and between 01:16:012 (4,5) -, but it's up to you, you choose. Removed HDashes at first section instead.
  7. 01:22:354 (5,6) - I'm sure that I'm not the only one who asked u to add hyperdash, if u don't want, remove at 01:23:726 (4,5,6,7) -. Added hyperdash.
  8. 01:28:869 (4,5) - talking about structure I strongly recommend you to press Ctrl+H cause I feel that enphasizing 01:29:383 - with hyper dash instead of drum at 01:29:212 - looks much than better, check 01:31:954 (5,1) - and test it by yourself. Done some changes.
  9. 01:29:212 - add NC, why take the risk when u can cut the long combo?, 8 fruits per round is better. Eh? It already has NC o.o
  10. 02:04:183 (2,3,4) - try to do the same as u did on 01:58:697 (2,3,4) -, 02:04:354 (3) - should be looking to the left, the current movement between 02:04:354 (3,4) - is a bit unconfortable, ( not hard, just unconfortable ), up to you. It's actually the same if it looked to the left instead of to the right, first of all, it's the exact same movement in both ways, it just looks harder the way it is now because it's implying some sort of anti-movement and because it breaks flow, but in gameplay they're the exact same. And I intend to keep it because it doesn't cause that much problems anyway.
  11. 02:31:097 (6,1) - missing hyper dash, consistency with 02:24:240 (2,1) - 02:25:612 (4,1) - 02:29:726 (4,1) - etc Added
  12. 02:34:869 (6,1) - I know what are u trying to do but I feel that u should keep consistency about hyper dashes with 00:44:297 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3) - cause is the same sound. ( no dire nada mas acerca de esta parte, lo que sigue en adelante y hasta que acabe en 02:44:983 - solo depende de lo que tu quieras en tu mapa, si quieres mantener una buena consistencia dado que eres un mapper que trabaja con distancias solo dependera de ti ) Made that one a HDash instead. And I'd rather make this part be different from the first one to make both of those sections unique from each other.
  13. 02:38:126 - cut the current combo here, NC isn't only to count how many fruits u have, is too enphasize the change of rhythm, new stanza, strong sounds, etc. There are some times like this when u should cut to avoid long periods of time with the same Combo. Done.
  14. 04:05:726 (1) - nope, strong sound, hyper dash should be between 04:05:726 - and 04:05:897 -, try to continue following the same sound please, 04:01:783 (1,2) - 04:02:983 (3,1) - 04:04:354 (5,1) - 04:05:040 (2,3) - I want to break consistency here to emphasize a gimmick and the pattern shown here, but I made some changes so that it has a new HDash between 04:05:212 (3,1) - these two sliders.
  15. 04:11:212 (1) - 04:16:697 (1) - 04:22:183 (4,1) -here we go again, same as above, jump is between 04:11:212 - and 04:11:383 -, 04:16:697 - and 04:16:869 - and between 04:22:183 (4,1) - respectively Same as before except with the last one in which I changed it to be a double HDash to emphasize the new stanza that came 2 seconds later.
  16. 04:29:554 (2,3) - remove hyper dash, consistency with 04:24:069 (2,3) - Added HDash at the first one instead.
  17. 04:56:126 (5,6) - Instead of a straigh triplet I prefer a reverse, looks better, take a look at 04:50:640 (4,5) - Changed it differently to play better, got rid of the straight triplet you said tho.

Call me back Calling
Re-check... orz I'm tired of this demasiados colores... no se si aceptaste o hiciste otra cosa, usa dos colores como minimo para responder please

Hareimu wrote:

-Sh1n1- wrote:


  1. 00:26:297 (4,1) - hyper dash should be here not between 00:26:469 (1,2) -, consistency with 00:22:869 (2,3) - 00:24:926 (6,1) - 00:28:354 (2,3) - 00:30:412 (6,1) - The sound the HDash is directed at is at 00:26:640 (2) - because of the strong bass sound, (1) doesn't have a sound that is in need of emphasis. orz if you reply in read is like if u didn't add changes, but I saw that you follow my suggestion adding a hyperdash between 00:31:954 (1,2) -, notice me pls, to don't check it again
    00:22:869 (2,3) - This is the same, the strong sound is at (3). Why u replied to this? all the ones were only examples lol I didn't say to change something with this haha
    00:24:926 (6,1) - The slider at 1 has a thunder-like sound to support the HDash. haha I can't stop laughing
    00:28:354 (2,3) - Same here. xDDDDDDD
    00:30:412 (6,1) - As before. lalalala

  2. 00:43:612 (4) - should be looking to the right, if you follow my advice, try to reduce the distance of 00:43:612 (4,5) - Nah it's an intended anti-jump, and if I did that the pattern would look really weird and unfitting. here we go again, as I told u in game, I post only focusing on what u did, would look really weird and unfitting? I can't see your antiflow at 00:27:069 (5,6) - 00:32:554 (4,5) - 00:35:297 (3,4) - etc
  3. 01:29:212 - add NC, why take the risk when u can cut the long combo?, 8 fruits per round is better. Eh? It already has NC o.o Maybe u fixed it fixing my previous advice? but I'm sure that a long combo were here :'( rip me xd
  4. 02:34:869 (6,1) - I know what are u trying to do but I feel that u should keep consistency about hyper dashes with 00:44:297 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3) - cause is the same sound. ( no dire nada mas acerca de esta parte, lo que sigue en adelante y hasta que acabe en 02:44:983 - solo depende de lo que tu quieras en tu mapa, si quieres mantener una buena consistencia dado que eres un mapper que trabaja con distancias solo dependera de ti ) Made that one a HDash instead. And I'd rather make this part be different from the first one to make both of those sections unique from each other. Movements could be unique but hyperdashes not, for example u can't enphasize drums with hyperdash at the first part and in the next pattern enphasize vocal. It's just a comment, this part is fine
  5. 04:56:126 (5,6) - Instead of a straigh triplet I prefer a reverse, looks better, take a look at 04:50:640 (4,5) - Changed it differently to play better, got rid of the straight triplet you said tho. ok, looks fine too

Call me back Calling

  1. 00:51:497 (2,3) - what happened with your distance here?
Topic Starter

-Sh1n1- wrote:


  1. 00:51:497 (2,3) - what happened with your distance here? I wanted to follow pitch relevancy in that part basing off the pitch of the piano sounds, so that higher sounds = more distance, you can see the same gimmick applied to the curve before this at 00:50:469 (4,5,6,7) - in which 4 comes from a HDash so that the higher sound the beat's at is emphasized, then 5, 6 and 7 have the same lower distances because of the lower pitch, then back again at higher pitch at 00:51:154 (1) - and so on.
bub 2
Placeholder till Monday. As I got poked. :c Ah my precious time.

Kurokami wrote:

Placeholder till Monday. As I got poked. :c Ah my precious time.
rip kuro's precious time

00:05:554 (6) - I would move this a bit left to add more movement to the stream instead of just standing in a place.
00:06:240 (2,2) - These feels a little bit to be out of space due to your previously used rhythm which is 1/2. And by using 1/2 instead of 1/2 it gives a tiny pause as well which not really fitting into this fast paced part at all. I would go with a slider and a note as used previously.
00:11:040 (7,8) - At 8 there is a small pause in the stream if you listen it closely, there is a sound but its faint. I would suggest using a slider instead of these two to make it much obvious during gameplay. And along with this change I would separate 00:10:697 (4) - because there is drum at both end which should be circles instead.
00:13:440 (3,4) - I would add a little bit bigger movement between these to follow the melody.
00:19:612 (1) - This is the only place where you used repeat slider instead of an 1/1 one which is the better choice, although not my favorite either. So either chance this to 1/1 or copy 00:18:240 (1,2) - .
00:58:012 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - This part makes me wonder a lot because you suddenly decided to ignore the melody and swap to the silent 1/2 beats. This is really out of the place since on the top of this the players needs to constantly jump after these. Either you should make your patterns much more calmer with jumps only at 00:58:012 (1,3,1,3) - to follow your followed buildup or just follow the melody instead.
01:03:497 (1,2,3) - I think you held back the movement on these for whatever reason although the music suggest on contrary and so am I. Increase the distance between the circles a little please.
01:11:726 (1) - That clap sounds odd at the tail of this slider. Any reason of its usage?
01:13:097 (1,2) - I would go with the usual 1/2 rhythm usage instead. The repeat slider is really out of the place in my opinion.
01:15:154 (2,3) - Again an odd repeat slider. If somehow then it should be used like this:
02:06:583 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2) - At these there are several drum hits at the white tick which are totally ignored by the patterns. Do not misunderstand me, the Hypers much be there but 02:06:583 (1,2,3,4) - these are just not giving back the feeling of the song. I would go for left-right dashes with a slightly increasing distance instead. And as a finish to these there are two move drum hit at 02:07:612 (7) - where the second one ignored completely. If you went for Hypers at the drums previously (which was a good decision) but why you did not map this with a triple Hyper?
02:10:697 (1) - Huh, this is very edgy. I mean its a good pattern but the possibility to miss the tail is really high after coming out of the Hyper pattern. I suggest you to slightly rotate this and (2) to move the end a bit closer to the head. Just an example:
03:01:097 (4,5) - I don't really get why there is a Hyper between these. This is the calmest part around and there is basically nothing which could trigger the Hyper at all. I would like to suggest you to remove the Hyper between these and replace it with a normal, jumpless movement.
03:13:354 (2,3,4,5,6) - I don't really see a reason to use Hypers between these to be honest as this should be just a normal stream. Might be just personal preference though.
04:16:697 (1) - This is the first time I see you starting your slider on an almost nonexistent beat and end on a strong main one. This is a problem because the slider tails are not as strong gameplay elements as circles or it's heads. What I mean under this that you can not add a jump to slider tails under normal circumstances. tr;dr Just switch to two circle (as you used to) or you can even completely ignore that red tick because this is the end of the song anyway.
04:46:526 (3,4,5) - Any reason for this standstill pattern? The music is calm and all but I think 4 could be easily moved a bit right.

I wonder about the background a little bit. It is surely dark but that is the only relation to the song. I think something either electronic music or thunder related would be much better instead of some anime art.
Topic Starter

Kurokami wrote:

Hey hi there

00:05:554 (6) - I would move this a bit left to add more movement to the stream instead of just standing in a place. Done.

00:06:240 (2,2) - These feels a little bit to be out of space due to your previously used rhythm which is 1/2. And by using 1/2 instead of 1/2 it gives a tiny pause as well which not really fitting into this fast paced part at all. I would go with a slider and a note as used previously. Done, also remade the patterns to be faster paced, so that it fits better.

00:11:040 (7,8) - At 8 there is a small pause in the stream if you listen it closely, there is a sound but its faint. I would suggest using a slider instead of these two to make it much obvious during gameplay. And along with this change I would separate 00:10:697 (4) - because there is drum at both end which should be circles instead. Removed 8 but kept 6 and 7 as individual notes to have 00:10:869 (6,7,8) - more distance between these three objects to keep the momentum of the previous hdash. Made (4) two objects though.

00:13:440 (3,4) - I would add a little bit bigger movement between these to follow the melody. Done.

00:19:612 (1) - This is the only place where you used repeat slider instead of an 1/1 one which is the better choice, although not my favorite either. So either chance this to 1/1 or copy 00:18:240 (1,2) - . Made it a 1/1 slider instead.

00:58:012 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - This part makes me wonder a lot because you suddenly decided to ignore the melody and swap to the silent 1/2 beats. This is really out of the place since on the top of this the players needs to constantly jump after these. Either you should make your patterns much more calmer with jumps only at 00:58:012 (1,3,1,3) - to follow your followed buildup or just follow the melody instead. Just to explain, the beats I'm following are not silent, they are pretty audible and are the start of the buildup until 01:06:240 - Made them calmer though.

01:03:497 (1,2,3) - I think you held back the movement on these for whatever reason although the music suggest on contrary and so am I. Increase the distance between the circles a little please. Increased a tad.

01:11:726 (1) - That clap sounds odd at the tail of this slider. Any reason of its usage? As on the tail of the slider at 01:06:240 (1) - , those claps are emphasizing the orchestral chants... or whatever voices that are audible at the background. So yeah, if you wanna hear more of those, 01:17:897 - 01:19:269 - 01:20:640 - here you have a bunch of examples.

01:13:097 (1,2) - I would go with the usual 1/2 rhythm usage instead. The repeat slider is really out of the place in my opinion. Changed to another pattern instead.

01:15:154 (2,3) - Again an odd repeat slider. If somehow then it should be used like this: Changed before this check already, same change as in the previous one (this one came first)

02:06:583 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2) - At these there are several drum hits at the white tick which are totally ignored by the patterns. Do not misunderstand me, the Hypers much be there but 02:06:583 (1,2,3,4) - these are just not giving back the feeling of the song. I would go for left-right dashes with a slightly increasing distance instead. And as a finish to these there are two move drum hit at 02:07:612 (7) - where the second one ignored completely. If you went for Hypers at the drums previously (which was a good decision) but why you did not map this with a triple Hyper? Changed them completely following said advice, I think it plays quite nicely now.

02:10:697 (1) - Huh, this is very edgy. I mean its a good pattern but the possibility to miss the tail is really high after coming out of the Hyper pattern. I suggest you to slightly rotate this and (2) to move the end a bit closer to the head. Just an example: To be honest that was a mistake of mine that I left without checking because reasons, it wasn't supposed to be such a flow-breaking jump. Made (1) point to the left instead and some other changes to adjust to this one.

03:01:097 (4,5) - I don't really get why there is a Hyper between these. This is the calmest part around and there is basically nothing which could trigger the Hyper at all. I would like to suggest you to remove the Hyper between these and replace it with a normal, jumpless movement. Removed HDash.

03:13:354 (2,3,4,5,6) - I don't really see a reason to use Hypers between these to be honest as this should be just a normal stream. Might be just personal preference though. The HDashes are used both to emphasize the buildup and to be consistent with the overall difficulty of the song. Not having HDashes at these patterns, to me, is downright odd and unfitting to play, as the song is really strong and suggest stronger movement as well.

04:16:697 (1) - This is the first time I see you starting your slider on an almost nonexistent beat and end on a strong main one. This is a problem because the slider tails are not as strong gameplay elements as circles or it's heads. What I mean under this that you can not add a jump to slider tails under normal circumstances. tr;dr Just switch to two circle (as you used to) or you can even completely ignore that red tick because this is the end of the song anyway. Changed into two circles instead.

04:46:526 (3,4,5) - Any reason for this standstill pattern? The music is calm and all but I think 4 could be easily moved a bit right. This a perfect curve pattern, moving 4 to the right would make it too edgy. I'm taking advantage of the low strength of these beats to make curves.

I wonder about the background a little bit. It is surely dark but that is the only relation to the song. I think something either electronic music or thunder related would be much better instead of some anime art. The choice of the background was based out the background used in one of the youtube videos I first found this song at. For me it's quite nice to use, and I don't see that much of a problem in it not having any relation to the song. To be fair, it's really dang hard to find another one, and I would prefer to keep this one if I must.
Thanks for the check!
Hm, it looks like the pattern of my last suggestion was bugged or something as now it looks different (and better) tbh. And the map is also way better now.
Shohei Ohtani
my bg
Topic Starter

CDFA wrote:

my bg
your bg
Shohei Ohtani
yes thank you
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