
IU - Nae Kkumeun Patissiere

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2018년 3월 23일 금요일 at 오전 10:03:06

Artist: IU
Title: Nae Kkumeun Patissiere
Source: 꿈빛 파티시엘
Tags: 夢色パティシエール opening op1 yumeiro
BPM: 172
Filesize: 2490kb
Play Time: 01:29
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.37 stars, 69 notes)
  2. Expert (5.27 stars, 326 notes)
  3. Hard (3.02 stars, 184 notes)
  4. Insane (4.22 stars, 276 notes)
  5. Normal (1.89 stars, 127 notes)
Download: IU - Nae Kkumeun Patissiere
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Ayy lmao
울고싶어 질 때도 미소짓게 만드는 마법
맛있는 것을 만드는 것을 생각만 해도 재밌잖아요
포근포근 달콤해 둥글둥글 부푸는 마음
맛있는 꿈을 그려 봐요
행복한 꿈빛 파티시엘
Topic Starter
이거 뭔데 페이버릿이 ㅋㅋ
노래가 귀엽잖아요..
As you requested

  1. 00:05:208 (2,3) - 여기 점프해주세요. 00:03:812 (2,3) - 앞부분이랑 음이 비슷하니깐 비슷하게 강조점을 맞춰주는 것도 나쁘지 않을 것 같아요.
  2. 00:03:289 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 이렇게 초반부로 볼 때 00:06:080 (1,2,3) - 여기만 보컬이 따라가 있으니 뭔가 어색한 느낌이 없지않아 있는것 같네요.
  3. 00:21:429 (5) - 항상 1다운비트 주기로 되어있었는데 여기만 뉴콤이 빠져있네요.
  4. 00:34:510 (2,3) - 딱 한칸만 내려봐요. 슬라이더 몸통 00:33:987 (1) - 에 스택되게
  5. 00:53:522 (1) - 여기부터 텐션이 올라가면서 작은음도 잡아서 전부 스트림으로 처리하셨잖아요. 00:55:615 (1,2) - 여기도 이렇게 스트림 잡아주면 조금 더 낫지 않을까요? 전부 자잘한 음은 있는데.
  6. 01:15:673 (5) - 이거 슬라이더를 6번처럼 오른쪽에 두시면 더 좋을것 같아요. 음악은 01:14:278 (1,2,3,4) - /01:15:673 (5,6) - 음악에 따라서 흐름을 분리해주면좋을것 같은 느낌? Suggestion
  1. 01:07:126 - 여기 보컬 표현해주시는게 조금더 리듬이 좋을것 같아요.
  1. 00:06:080 (1,2) - 블랭킷 에러 불ㅡ편한데 고쳐주시면 조금 더 나을것 같아요
  2. 00:11:487 (5,1) - 뉴콤 스왑? 갑자기 뉴콤 주기가 꼬인 느낌이 드네요
  1. 01:21:429 (1,2,3,4,5) - 리듬 뭔가 어려운 느낌이 드는데 01:23:347 - 비트를 제거해보시는게 어떤가요
  1. 01:06:080 - 키아이 중에서도 가장 드럼이나 보컬이 강해보이는데 매핑이 안되어 있네요. 매핑하시는걸 권장합니다.

00:20:731 (2,3) - 보컬을 고려했을때 ctrl+g 리듬도 괜찮은 느낌..


00:14:452 (5,7,8) - 슬라들의 끝부분을 정삼각형 형태로 맞추면 더 보기 좋지않을까요
정확히는 5번 7번슬라가 서로 너무 가깝다는걸로 6,7번 노트 스택탓인거같긴한데 시각적으론..
00:29:626 (4,5) - 5번에서 소리가 좀 튀는것과 보컬을 고려한다면
이런 배치도 괜찮은거같네요
대신그렇게되면 00:29:801 (5) - 이게 00:29:975 (1,2,3,4,5) - 이거의 가운데로 안오는게 흠이긴하지만;
00:32:592 (1,2) - 노래상은 1/1슬라가 좀 더 어울리는 느낌이긴한데 1/2슬라도 안되고 그런느낌까지는 아니네요
00:33:987 (1,3) - 슬라꼬리를 3번슬라의 정 중앙으로 보내고싶은 개인적인..
01:16:371 - 이거.. 매핑하시는건 어떨지요 다음에 바로 나오는 보컬을 생각한다면 여기가 시작점이라..
01:22:824 (1,2,3,1) - 정사각형 nazi
Topic Starter

Neoskylove wrote:

As you requested

  1. 00:05:208 (2,3) - 여기 점프해주세요. 00:03:812 (2,3) - 앞부분이랑 음이 비슷하니깐 비슷하게 강조점을 맞춰주는 것도 나쁘지 않을 것 같아요. // 수정
  2. 00:03:289 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 이렇게 초반부로 볼 때 00:06:080 (1,2,3) - 여기만 보컬이 따라가 있으니 뭔가 어색한 느낌이 없지않아 있는것 같네요. // 00:07:475 - 이후로 박자 전환이 갑작스럽지 않게 나오게 하려고 구성적 이유상 리듬을 더 빽빽하게 넣었던거 같네요.
  3. 00:21:429 (5) - 항상 1다운비트 주기로 되어있었는데 여기만 뉴콤이 빠져있네요. // 가사 따라서 반복하는 평행 패턴을 넣었는데, 콤보 분리하면 패턴이 잘 안살거 같아서 콤보 유지할게요.
  4. 00:34:510 (2,3) - 딱 한칸만 내려봐요. 슬라이더 몸통 00:33:987 (1) - 에 스택되게 // 수정
  5. 00:53:522 (1) - 여기부터 텐션이 올라가면서 작은음도 잡아서 전부 스트림으로 처리하셨잖아요. 00:55:615 (1,2) - 여기도 이렇게 스트림 잡아주면 조금 더 낫지 않을까요? 전부 자잘한 음은 있는데.
  6. 01:15:673 (5) - 이거 슬라이더를 6번처럼 오른쪽에 두시면 더 좋을것 같아요. 음악은 01:14:278 (1,2,3,4) - /01:15:673 (5,6) - 음악에 따라서 흐름을 분리해주면좋을것 같은 느낌? Suggestion // 그렇게 처리해도 좋을거 같은데 키아이 부분에서는 텐션 올리기 보다는 가사 위주로 따라간거라 키아이 도입에도 가사 마디 따라가고 싶었습니다.
  1. 01:07:126 - 여기 보컬 표현해주시는게 조금더 리듬이 좋을것 같아요. // 수정
  1. 00:06:080 (1,2) - 블랭킷 에러 불ㅡ편한데 고쳐주시면 조금 더 나을것 같아요 //
  2. 00:11:487 (5,1) - 뉴콤 스왑? 갑자기 뉴콤 주기가 꼬인 느낌이 드네요 // 수정
  1. 01:21:429 (1,2,3,4,5) - 리듬 뭔가 어려운 느낌이 드는데 01:23:347 - 비트를 제거해보시는게 어떤가요 // 수정
  1. 01:06:080 - 키아이 중에서도 가장 드럼이나 보컬이 강해보이는데 매핑이 안되어 있네요. 매핑하시는걸 권장합니다. // 수정

Lami wrote:


00:20:731 (2,3) - 보컬을 고려했을때 ctrl+g 리듬도 괜찮은 느낌.. // 수정


00:14:452 (5,7,8) - 슬라들의 끝부분을 정삼각형 형태로 맞추면 더 보기 좋지않을까요 // 여기는 슬라이더 스케일이 쓰고 싶어서 삼각흐름 쓰면 느낌이 잘 안살거 같았습니다.
정확히는 5번 7번슬라가 서로 너무 가깝다는걸로 6,7번 노트 스택탓인거같긴한데 시각적으론..
00:29:626 (4,5) - 5번에서 소리가 좀 튀는것과 보컬을 고려한다면
이런 배치도 괜찮은거같네요 // 사실 그 튀는 느낌을 하나의 전환점으로 쓰고 싶어서 저 부분 기준으로 점프가 작아졌다가 다시 커지는 컨셉이었습니다.
대신그렇게되면 00:29:801 (5) - 이게 00:29:975 (1,2,3,4,5) - 이거의 가운데로 안오는게 흠이긴하지만;
00:32:592 (1,2) - 노래상은 1/1슬라가 좀 더 어울리는 느낌이긴한데 1/2슬라도 안되고 그런느낌까지는 아니네요 // 유지할게요
00:33:987 (1,3) - 슬라꼬리를 3번슬라의 정 중앙으로 보내고싶은 개인적인.. // 수정
01:16:371 - 이거.. 매핑하시는건 어떨지요 다음에 바로 나오는 보컬을 생각한다면 여기가 시작점이라.. // 보컬도 있고 그런 지점이긴 한데, 음악상 01:14:278 (1,3,5,1) - 가 제가 유사하게 느껴서 비슷한 표현을 하고 싶었습니다.
01:22:824 (1,2,3,1) - 정사각형 nazi // 후반부는 패턴을 다시 손봤습니다.
*01:01:196 - Insane과 Expert에는 휘슬이 있는데 하위 난이도에는 없네요. Normal이나 Easy같은 경우에는 노트도 적기 때문에 사운드가 약간 밋밋한 것 같습니다.

*00:12:185 (3) - 하드처럼 휘슬 넣어보시는 건 어떨까요?
*01:06:865 - 개인적으로 00:08:086 - 같은 약한 드럼소리도 잡으신 만큼 이 곳도 노트 놓는게 더 좋은 것 같은데, 다만 이러면 의도가 무너지는 것 같으니 일단은 보류하되 고려는 한 번 해보시는게 어떨까요?

*01:05:208 (1,2,3,4,5) - 이 부분의 간격을 벌릴 이유가 있나요? 01:02:417 (1,2,3,4,5) - 나 01:03:812 (1,2,3,4,5) - 랑 음악이나 리듬의 차이점이 없는 것 같네요.

*00:25:266 - 강한 드럼음에 노트가 없으니까 약간 허전하네요. 00:24:917 (4) - 가 서클로 놓여져서 드럼을 따라간 듯한 느낌을 주기에 더 그런 것 같네요.

00:42:359 - ~ 00:50:557 - 느린 파트에서의 뉴 콤보가 앞 부분이나 키아이보다 잦으니까 조금 어색하네요. 드럼이 약간 강조되는 것 같은 부분이긴 해도 대체로 앞에는 보컬 위주로 노트를 놓으셨으니까 가능하다면 00:43:754 (1) - 00:46:371 (1) - 00:49:336 (1) - 의 뉴콤보 지워주실 수 있을까요?

00:14:103 (1,2,3,4,5) - 연타와 슬라이더의 동선이 아주 미묘하게 어긋나니까 플레이 할 때 느낌도 이상하고, 겉보기에도 어긋나보였습니다. 차라리 슬라이더로 00:13:754 (4) - 이걸 감싸는게 어떨까요?

00:33:987 (1,2,3) - 모양의 균형감이 조금 부족하다고 생각합니다. 00:33:987 (1) - 이 슬라의 꼬리를 기준으로 00:34:685 (3) - 이 슬라의 꼬리와 머리의 DS가 완전히 일치해야 깔끔할 거라고 생각해요.

00:35:382 (1,2,3) - 뒤쪽에서 사용하셨듯이, - 이런 모양을 선호하실 것 같은데 약간 비틀어놓은 건 의도하신 건가요?

01:03:812 (1,2,3,4) - 동선을 개선할 수 있을 것 같습니다. 현재로서는 뒤의 슬라와 잘 연결되지 않는 것 같아요.

01:16:371 - 가능하다면 보컬 강조가 필요하지 않을까요?

01:20:557 (2,4) - 컨트롤g?

01:23:871 (4,5,6,7,8) - 여기도 스페이싱 연타 넣으면 예쁘지 않을까요?


00:15:847 (1,3) - 스택

익스퍼트에서 언급했던 부분 제외하면 완벽해보이네요


00:03:289 (1) - 심하게 미묘한 차이긴 한데요, +3도 정도 회전시킨다음 다시 블랭킷하는게 어떨까요?
우와 모딩v1 보니깐 암이 나았어요


  1. 00:05:382 (3) - 00:04:685 (1) - 랑 평행을 맞추는 건 어떨까요? 개인적인 의견입니다.
  2. 00:12:359 - 여기에 5연타 넣어보시는 건 어떨까요? 악기 소리가 작은 거 같지도 않아서, 잘 어울릴 거 같아요
  3. 00:35:382 (1) - 여기에 휘슬 넣어보시는 건 어때요?
  4. 00:43:231 - 여기에 있는 미세한 음도 표현하면 정말 좋을거같아요
  5. 00:51:254 (4) - 스택이 살짝 어긋나 있네요. 의도한 건지는 모르겠지만 제 눈엔 별로 안예뻐보입니다
  6. 10을 넘는 콤보를 혐오하는 저로썬 00:53:871 (5,17) - 에 뉴콤을 넣으면 좋을거 같습니다...
  7. 01:06:254 (1,2,3,4) - 노래 분위기에 비해서 디스턴스가 좀 작다고 생각됐어요


  1. 00:53:173 - 여기부터 연타 시작하면 좋을거 같긴 한데, 난이도 고려하면 1/4 리핏슬라 넣으시는 건 어떤가요
  2. 01:07:214 - 노트 추가 ㄱ>????

잡을게 없습니다 흑흑
Easy :
00:31:196 (1,2) - Making them make a circle like this would make it look neater, (like u've done it here 00:25:615 (1,2) - even tho it's not really the same slider length, would kinda follow the same idea). If you apply it, I would also recommend stacking 00:33:987 (1) - with 00:31:196 (1) - sliderdebut and move 00:35:731 (2,3,1) - to stack the 00:32:592 (2) - sliderend so u avoid the overlap with 00:31:196 (1,1) - because Uure nearly never overlapping on the diff. I know its a very minor change but I think it'll follow the visuals better. Don't forget to move 00:38:522 (2) - to adjust the triangle made with 00:37:475 (1,2,3) -
00:47:940 (1,1) - Stacking problem

Normal :
00:15:150 (2,3) - You could adjust this 00:15:150 (2) - slider's curve to make the "parallel" (idk if it's called like that lol) better like this
00:46:894 (2,3) - You should stack them as it's the only time you do not stack 1/2s transition together
01:22:650 (1,2) - I know you are following the instrumentals here, but it feels really out of place since you are mainly following the vocals through the whole map so it's kinda unexpected to change the rhythm here. Maybe you should delete 01:23:173 (2) - and move 01:22:650 (1) - 01:22:824 - here instead to follow the vocals ?

Hard :
00:49:335 (4) - Object end is not snapped
01:16:371 - I think you should map that because it is the only vocal you skip in the kiais. You should keep the consistancy I guess

Insane :
Looks fine to me

Extra :
00:29:103 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - I get the idea making triangles patterns here, but it feels like it's not following anything from the song, neither the instrumentals or the vocals. Maybe you can space up 00:29:801 (5) - by stacking it with 00:30:673 (5) -
01:11:661 - this should be clickable which is a strong sound to follow the rhythm consistancy with 01:00:499 (1) -

Good luck ranking it !

00:05:382 (3,4) - 이런식의 흐름이 더 자연스러울거같아요 어떤가요?

00:54:219 (1,1) - 각각 뉴콤 넣어주면 좋을것같아요


00:52:824 (5) - 이다음부터 텅 비어있다가 갑자기 연타가 나와서 부자연스러운거 같아요 5번을 슬라이더로 넣으면 좋을것같아요

00:54:219 (1,1) - 이것도 뉴콤주면 깔끔해보일거같아요


Expert 난이도를 제외한 모든 난이도에 와이드 스크린 서포트 가 켜저있습니다.

나머지 난이도는 정말 완벽합니다.
Hi hi~ Here I come! Sorry for late!
[ General]
  1. Since it is from japanese anime , I prefer to put 夢色パティシエール in source and put 꿈빛 파티시엘 in tags xD
    Oh it is korean song xDDDD
  2. Add "Patissiere" and "op1" to tags too! , it is the anime's entire name! also the song's details like "青木久美子 Aoki kumiko" and "五條真由美 Gojo Mayumi " here is the tags that I added like :
    夢色パティシエール opening op1 yumeiro Patissiere 青木久美子 Aoki Kumiko 五條真由美 Gojo Mayumi 
  3. 01:28:405 - Sounds really odd in game play! U should make the sound lower gradually by 5%~10%! It would be awesome <3
[ Easy]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. 00:53:522 (1) - Really like this slider <3 But it is not accept in Easy diff! I just be issued before QAQ avoid using a coufused slider
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 00:20:382 (1) - Over than two reverse may be confusion for an Easy diff , But I think it is hard to change right bow , U can keep it until BN also mind this problem too
    2. 00:31:196 (1,2) - Looks not good here , Maybe try something like this?
    3. 00:53:522 (1) -
  3. Like this Easy <3
( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
  1. None!
[ Normal]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. 00:53:522 (1) - Same as Easy diff!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 00:14:452 (1) - I would like to shorten slider here 00:14:801 - and add a circle 00:14:975 - !
    2. 00:22:475 - I will add a circle If I were u xD but I know u are following the vocal , so just point it out as a suggestion xD
    3. 00:25:266 - , 00:26:661 (3) - Same as above
    4. 00:31:719 - If u are following vocal , U must add a circle here ! xD
    5. 00:38:696 (3,1) - This overlap is not good for me imo!
    6. 01:24:219 (1,1) - Use 1 spinner is better for me!
    7. The sliders are beautiful!
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 00:46:894 (2) - Remove clap here , there is no drum in music here , and use Sampleset-drum with no addition instead, like other diffs
[ Hard]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 00:05:382 (3) - Make it the same like 00:03:289 (1,2,3) - looks better and a better gameplay imo , Try to copy The First one and paste , then Ctrl+G it!
    2. 00:25:266 - Probably add a circle here ~?
    3. The flows are awesome!!
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 00:47:417 (2) - There is a drum sound in the slider's end! U can add a clap end!!!
[ Expert]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 01:06:778 (4,5) - Looks a bit close imo , try to make them far a bit.
    2. The jumps in this insane is very fun to play!
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 00:31:109 (2) - Drum sound is in the music, U can probably add a clap here!
[ Expert]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 00:24:219 (1,2) - Try something like this ? Make the spacing lower fitting music here!
    2. 00:29:103 (1,2,3,4,5) - Make the bigger spacing in the sentence "Doki" in better! do something like this!!!!
    3. 00:47:940 (4) - I would like to move this circle to x:76 u:168 for a better game play!
    4. 01:17:068 (4) - Maybe add a New combo like hard diff
    5. The jumps in this insane is very fun to play!
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. None!
Awesome map as always <3
Most of them are suggestions!
I can't wait to see this get ranked!!
Fighting sonnyc! Star here!

  1. widescreen support가 켜져있는게 문제될건 없겠지만 일반적으로 알고있는 야매지식에 의하면 이 맵은 스토리보드가 없기 때문에 widescreen support를 끄는 것이 차후에 문제가 없지 아니하지 아니할 수 있다는 점에서 아주 이로운 행위라고 말하고 싶습니다?
  1. 완벽하지만 한 가지만 말할 것이 있다면 키아이인 파트와 아닌 파트의 노트? 리듬? 밀집도 차이가 좀 크지 않나 싶네요. 다른 난이도에서는 이 정도로 차별화를 한 난이도가 없어서 더욱 와닿는 것 같습니다
  1. 01:23:347 (3) - 마무리하는 곳이라는걸 강조할 수 있게끔 nc 넣는걸 제안합니다
  1. 00:47:940 (4) - 심벌 들어간 곳 치고 영 밋밋한 기분이... ds를 좀 늘려서 배치해보시는건 으떨까요
잘만드는 손닉님이 잘못하신겁니다
Topic Starter

Morinaga wrote:

*01:01:196 - Insane과 Expert에는 휘슬이 있는데 하위 난이도에는 없네요. Normal이나 Easy같은 경우에는 노트도 적기 때문에 사운드가 약간 밋밋한 것 같습니다. // 추가

*00:12:185 (3) - 하드처럼 휘슬 넣어보시는 건 어떨까요? // 추가
*01:06:865 - 개인적으로 00:08:086 - 같은 약한 드럼소리도 잡으신 만큼 이 곳도 노트 놓는게 더 좋은 것 같은데, 다만 이러면 의도가 무너지는 것 같으니 일단은 보류하되 고려는 한 번 해보시는게 어떨까요? // 유지할게요

*01:05:208 (1,2,3,4,5) - 이 부분의 간격을 벌릴 이유가 있나요? 01:02:417 (1,2,3,4,5) - 나 01:03:812 (1,2,3,4,5) - 랑 음악이나 리듬의 차이점이 없는 것 같네요. // 여러가지 이유가 있긴 한데 구성적으로 보면 음악적으로 유사성을 느껴서 모두 다각형 컨셉을 적용했고 그리고 마지막은 슬라이더로 이어지는게 아니라 서클로 1/2 박자가 끊겨버려서 이 차이를 표현하고자 마지막에는 처음 사용했던 오각형을 조금 더 크게 벌려서 적용했습니다.

*00:25:266 - 강한 드럼음에 노트가 없으니까 약간 허전하네요. 00:24:917 (4) - 가 서클로 놓여져서 드럼을 따라간 듯한 느낌을 주기에 더 그런 것 같네요. // 가사를 따라가고 싶습니다

00:42:359 - ~ 00:50:557 - 느린 파트에서의 뉴 콤보가 앞 부분이나 키아이보다 잦으니까 조금 어색하네요. 드럼이 약간 강조되는 것 같은 부분이긴 해도 대체로 앞에는 보컬 위주로 노트를 놓으셨으니까 가능하다면 00:43:754 (1) - 00:46:371 (1) - 00:49:336 (1) - 의 뉴콤보 지워주실 수 있을까요? // 지움

Moly wrote:


00:14:103 (1,2,3,4,5) - 연타와 슬라이더의 동선이 아주 미묘하게 어긋나니까 플레이 할 때 느낌도 이상하고, 겉보기에도 어긋나보였습니다. 차라리 슬라이더로 00:13:754 (4) - 이걸 감싸는게 어떨까요? // 글쎄요 저는 잘 와닿지가 않네요

00:33:987 (1,2,3) - 모양의 균형감이 조금 부족하다고 생각합니다. 00:33:987 (1) - 이 슬라의 꼬리를 기준으로 00:34:685 (3) - 이 슬라의 꼬리와 머리의 DS가 완전히 일치해야 깔끔할 거라고 생각해요. // 슬라이더 기울기들을 유지하는 선에서 간격도 유지하다보니 이렇게 됐는데 해당 맵의 외형 컨셉으로 봐주시면 좋을거 같아요

00:35:382 (1,2,3) - 뒤쪽에서 사용하셨듯이, - 이런 모양을 선호하실 것 같은데 약간 비틀어놓은 건 의도하신 건가요? // 직선 흐름대로 따라가고 싶었습니다

01:03:812 (1,2,3,4) - 동선을 개선할 수 있을 것 같습니다. 현재로서는 뒤의 슬라와 잘 연결되지 않는 것 같아요. // 앞과 다르게 흐름이 꺾이게 되긴 합니다만 이게 연결이 안되는건지는 잘 모르겠습니다.

01:16:371 - 가능하다면 보컬 강조가 필요하지 않을까요? // 보컬보다도 여기서는 hey 소리가 더 중요하다고 생각해서 점프와 함께 앞의 슬라이더를 재사용했습니다.

01:20:557 (2,4) - 컨트롤g? // 다각형 점프 쓰다가 여기서 점프 넣으면 어색할거 같아요

01:23:871 (4,5,6,7,8) - 여기도 스페이싱 연타 넣으면 예쁘지 않을까요? // 넵


00:15:847 (1,3) - 스택 // 고침

익스퍼트에서 언급했던 부분 제외하면 완벽해보이네요


00:03:289 (1) - 심하게 미묘한 차이긴 한데요, +3도 정도 회전시킨다음 다시 블랭킷하는게 어떨까요? // 고침

Cellina wrote:

우와 모딩v1 보니깐 암이 나았어요


  1. 00:05:382 (3) - 00:04:685 (1) - 랑 평행을 맞추는 건 어떨까요? 개인적인 의견입니다. // 방향 바뀌는게 플레이 흐름이 더 자연스러운거 같아요
  2. 00:12:359 - 여기에 5연타 넣어보시는 건 어떨까요? 악기 소리가 작은 거 같지도 않아서, 잘 어울릴 거 같아요 // 충분히 넣을 수 있긴 한데 다른 곳들을 살리고 싶어서 여기는 보컬도 있고 지금대로 둘게요
  3. 00:35:382 (1) - 여기에 휘슬 넣어보시는 건 어때요? // 추가
  4. 00:43:231 - 여기에 있는 미세한 음도 표현하면 정말 좋을거같아요 // 보컬 따라가느라 유지할게요
  5. 00:51:254 (4) - 스택이 살짝 어긋나 있네요. 의도한 건지는 모르겠지만 제 눈엔 별로 안예뻐보입니다 // 고침
  6. 10을 넘는 콤보를 혐오하는 저로썬 00:53:871 (5,17) - 에 뉴콤을 넣으면 좋을거 같습니다... // 연타가 모양을 형성하고 있기 때문에 뉴콤을 넣으면 곤란하다고 생각합니다
  7. 01:06:254 (1,2,3,4) - 노래 분위기에 비해서 디스턴스가 좀 작다고 생각됐어요 // 음 저는 둔각 흐름으로도 표현이 충분하다고 생각해요


  1. 00:53:173 - 여기부터 연타 시작하면 좋을거 같긴 한데, 난이도 고려하면 1/4 리핏슬라 넣으시는 건 어떤가요 // 앞에 박자를 조금 추가했습니다
  2. 01:07:214 - 노트 추가 ㄱ>???? // 추가

잡을게 없습니다 흑흑

Kyuukai wrote:

Easy :
00:31:196 (1,2) - Making them make a circle like this would make it look neater, (like u've done it here 00:25:615 (1,2) - even tho it's not really the same slider length, would kinda follow the same idea). If you apply it, I would also recommend stacking 00:33:987 (1) - with 00:31:196 (1) - sliderdebut and move 00:35:731 (2,3,1) - to stack the 00:32:592 (2) - sliderend so u avoid the overlap with 00:31:196 (1,1) - because Uure nearly never overlapping on the diff. I know its a very minor change but I think it'll follow the visuals better. Don't forget to move 00:38:522 (2) - to adjust the triangle made with 00:37:475 (1,2,3) - // fix
00:47:940 (1,1) - Stacking problem // fix

Normal :
00:15:150 (2,3) - You could adjust this 00:15:150 (2) - slider's curve to make the "parallel" (idk if it's called like that lol) better like // i prefer the currentthis
00:46:894 (2,3) - You should stack them as it's the only time you do not stack 1/2s transition together // did it
01:22:650 (1,2) - I know you are following the instrumentals here, but it feels really out of place since you are mainly following the vocals through the whole map so it's kinda unexpected to change the rhythm here. Maybe you should delete 01:23:173 (2) - and move 01:22:650 (1) - 01:22:824 - here instead to follow the vocals ? // m I mostly prefered vocals over instruments however at this part, since I felt the instruments to be more characteristic, I have to choose a different rhythms with 00:18:638 (1,2,3) -

Hard :
00:49:335 (4) - Object end is not snapped // hope its good now
01:16:371 - I think you should map that because it is the only vocal you skip in the kiais. You should keep the consistancy I guess // I wanted 01:16:196 the wow sound here to be emphasized as expressed in the higher diffs, and I made this empty for that.

Insane :
Looks fine to me

Extra :
00:29:103 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - I get the idea making triangles patterns here, but it feels like it's not following anything from the song, neither the instrumentals or the vocals. Maybe you can space up 00:29:801 (5) - by stacking it with 00:30:673 (5) - // bon apetite vocal was what I was trying. Jump gets smaller as the vocal goes on, and gets biggeragain starting 00:29:801 (5) - because I thought that sound to be characteristic.
01:11:661 - this should be clickable which is a strong sound to follow the rhythm consistancy with 01:00:499 (1) - // sure

Good luck ranking it !

Half wrote:


00:05:382 (3,4) - 이런식의 흐름이 더 자연스러울거같아요 어떤가요? // 취향 같습니다

00:54:219 (1,1) - 각각 뉴콤 넣어주면 좋을것같아요 // 연타가 모양을 이루고 있어서 뉴콤을 넣으면 곤란해질것 같습니다.


00:52:824 (5) - 이다음부터 텅 비어있다가 갑자기 연타가 나와서 부자연스러운거 같아요 5번을 슬라이더로 넣으면 좋을것같아요 // 네

00:54:219 (1,1) - 이것도 뉴콤주면 깔끔해보일거같아요 // 익퍼와 동일


Expert 난이도를 제외한 모든 난이도에 와이드 스크린 서포트 가 켜저있습니다. / 고침

나머지 난이도는 정말 완벽합니다.

bossandy wrote:

Hi hi~ Here I come! Sorry for late!
[ General]
  1. Since it is from japanese anime , I prefer to put 夢色パティシエール in source and put 꿈빛 파티시엘 in tags xD
    Oh it is korean song xDDDD
  2. Add "Patissiere" and "op1" to tags too! , it is the anime's entire name! also the song's details like "青木久美子 Aoki kumiko" and "五條真由美 Gojo Mayumi " here is the tags that I added like : // added 'op1' since I didn't know that info. Others seem not really necessary for me since even they are relevant information with the song, I'm not really sure how much helpful will that be in searching this map. I personally don't really prefer long tags..
    夢色パティシエール opening op1 yumeiro Patissiere 青木久美子 Aoki Kumiko 五條真由美 Gojo Mayumi 
  3. 01:28:405 - Sounds really odd in game play! U should make the sound lower gradually by 5%~10%! It would be awesome <3 // added 15% volume reduction in between.
[ Easy]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. 00:53:522 (1) - Really like this slider <3 But it is not accept in Easy diff! I just be issued before QAQ avoid using a coufused slider // well it's a loop slider and uh.. I'm not sure if this is the one under the unrankable slider criteria. Even this is an easy diff, I'm pretty sure this shape is intuitive enough.
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 00:20:382 (1) - Over than two reverse may be confusion for an Easy diff , But I think it is hard to change right bow , U can keep it until BN also mind this problem too // since the length is 1/1, I think beginners can handle enough.
    2. 00:31:196 (1,2) - Looks not good here , Maybe try something like this? // changed
    3. 00:53:522 (1)
    4. Like this Easy <3
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. None!
[ Normal]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. 00:53:522 (1) - Same as Easy diff!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 00:14:452 (1) - I would like to shorten slider here 00:14:801 - and add a circle 00:14:975 - ! // changed
    2. 00:22:475 - I will add a circle If I were u xD but I know u are following the vocal , so just point it out as a suggestion xD // yea, was following vocals.
    3. 00:25:266 - , 00:26:661 (3) - Same as above
    4. 00:31:719 - If u are following vocal , U must add a circle here ! xD // changed
    5. 00:38:696 (3,1) - This overlap is not good for me imo! // since that transition was something different, I think it's fine. looks like some personal preference
    6. 01:24:219 (1,1) - Use 1 spinner is better for me! // looking through the spread, I wanted the normal to be 2 spinners since hard already uses a circle between spinners.
    7. The sliders are beautiful!
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 00:46:894 (2) - Remove clap here , there is no drum in music here , and use Sampleset-drum with no addition instead, like other diffs // thanks
[ Hard]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 00:05:382 (3) - Make it the same like 00:03:289 (1,2,3) - looks better and a better gameplay imo , Try to copy The First one and paste , then Ctrl+G it!
    2. 00:25:266 - Probably add a circle here ~? // fixed
    3. The flows are awesome!!
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 00:47:417 (2) - There is a drum sound in the slider's end! U can add a clap end!!! // fixed
[ Expert]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 01:06:778 (4,5) - Looks a bit close imo , try to make them far a bit. // made them a stream
    2. The jumps in this insane is very fun to play!
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 00:31:109 (2) - Drum sound is in the music, U can probably add a clap here! // add
[ Expert]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 00:24:219 (1,2) - Try something like this ? Make the spacing lower fitting music here! // i prefer current
    2. 00:29:103 (1,2,3,4,5) - Make the bigger spacing in the sentence "Doki" in better! do something like this!!!! // looks like a preference. I wanted to lower the jump and then shift from (5) because I felt that to be characteristic
    3. 00:47:940 (4) - I would like to move this circle to x:76 u:168 for a better game play! // moved
    4. 01:17:068 (4) - Maybe add a New combo like hard diff // changed
    5. The jumps in this insane is very fun to play!
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. None!
Awesome map as always <3
Most of them are suggestions!
I can't wait to see this get ranked!!
Fighting sonnyc! Star here!

Beomsan wrote:

  1. widescreen support가 켜져있는게 문제될건 없겠지만 일반적으로 알고있는 야매지식에 의하면 이 맵은 스토리보드가 없기 때문에 widescreen support를 끄는 것이 차후에 문제가 없지 아니하지 아니할 수 있다는 점에서 아주 이로운 행위라고 말하고 싶습니다?// 고침
  1. 완벽하지만 한 가지만 말할 것이 있다면 키아이인 파트와 아닌 파트의 노트? 리듬? 밀집도 차이가 좀 크지 않나 싶네요. 다른 난이도에서는 이 정도로 차별화를 한 난이도가 없어서 더욱 와닿는 것 같습니다 // 그래도 키아이는 더 박자감 있게 표현하는게 이지라도 재밌지 않을까 했던거 같은데 기억이 가물가물
  1. 01:23:347 (3) - 마무리하는 곳이라는걸 강조할 수 있게끔 nc 넣는걸 제안합니다 // 수정
  1. 00:47:940 (4) - 심벌 들어간 곳 치고 영 밋밋한 기분이... ds를 좀 늘려서 배치해보시는건 으떨까요 // 수정
잘만드는 손닉님이 잘못하신겁니다
Thank you!

00:06:778 (3) - Would be cool here if you could make the slider 1/2 and then add a circle on 00:07:126 - to get that loud snare+vocal emphasis.
00:29:278 (2) - The NC should be here if you want to change for the vocal sake.
00:40:092 (4) - Removing the reverse will make that 1/2 slider so you could 00:40:440 - had this supported with a circle.
00:43:231 - Would be nice if you could map the snare here ? Like making smth like this
00:46:894 (1) - How about make this 2 circles to follow the vocals, I get your structure here but would be nice to follow vocals?
01:06:865 - Any reason why this 1/4 is not mapped ?
01:16:196 (1) - Would be nice having this a different shape than 01:14:278 (1,3,5) - to mark the vocal change.
01:18:202 (8,9,10,11,12) - Spaced stream feels a bit forced here, how about decreasing the spacing crescendo here?
01:26:138 - How about doing something like this to follow the music here ?

00:31:894 (5) - Not a huge fan of the double reverse here, because you have the 2nd reverse arrow still overlapped with 00:31:719 (4) - makes it hard to read, see 00:34:685 (3) - here it's better because the previous note is not stacked.
00:43:057 (5) - Same issue as insane about that snare not followed.
00:53:522 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21) - I'll recommend to nerf this stream a bit, it's the same as expert, or at least nerf spacing. Because actually the gap between hard and insane is kinda huge because of this.
01:16:196 (1) - Same as Expert about slider shape.
01:26:138 - Same as Expert for the slider here.

00:20:033 (1) - Isn't this offscreen lol?

Rest is fine, call me back!
Topic Starter

Sotarks wrote:


00:06:778 (3) - Would be cool here if you could make the slider 1/2 and then add a circle on 00:07:126 - to get that loud snare+vocal emphasis. // Just changed the former slider to a 1/1 for consistency.
00:29:278 (2) - The NC should be here if you want to change for the vocal sake. // Changed
00:40:092 (4) - Removing the reverse will make that 1/2 slider so you could 00:40:440 - had this supported with a circle. // ye, makes sense with the vocals. Changed.
00:43:231 - Would be nice if you could map the snare here ? Like making smth like this // But since I wanted to express the long vocals this part, I'd prefer the current rhythm.
00:46:894 (1) - How about make this 2 circles to follow the vocals, I get your structure here but would be nice to follow vocals? // Because the drums got intensed, that was why I grouped these as 3 sliders. Added some missing hitsounds instead.
01:06:865 - Any reason why this 1/4 is not mapped ? // I wanted to distribute the vocal sound existing at 01:06:778 (4). Can change this if it feels too weird
01:16:196 (1) - Would be nice having this a different shape than 01:14:278 (1,3,5) - to mark the vocal change. // As how I've heard the music, 01:14:278 (1,3,5,1) felt quite similar in feeling for me. To differentiate the vocals, the way I've done was putting in a big jump along a slider direction change. I think the music interpretation differed a little bit?
01:18:202 (8,9,10,11,12) - Spaced stream feels a bit forced here, how about decreasing the spacing crescendo here? // yea
01:26:138 - How about doing something like this to follow the music here ? // Done, instead I've set them the same combo since I don't prefer short combos

00:31:894 (5) - Not a huge fan of the double reverse here, because you have the 2nd reverse arrow still overlapped with 00:31:719 (4) - makes it hard to read, see 00:34:685 (3) - here it's better because the previous note is not stacked. // made them consistently
00:43:057 (5) - Same issue as insane about that snare not followed. // same reply
00:53:522 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21) - I'll recommend to nerf this stream a bit, it's the same as expert, or at least nerf spacing. Because actually the gap between hard and insane is kinda huge because of this. // nefedr
01:16:196 (1) - Same as Expert about slider shape. // mm I'd keep this for the same reason.
01:26:138 - Same as Expert for the slider here. // done

00:20:033 (1) - Isn't this offscreen lol? // ma says so, well I think it's on screen but anyways, made more safe lol

Rest is fine, call me back!
Alright valid arguments, here's your bubble!
맵도 완벽 노래도 완벽 매퍼도 완벽 :3
Topic Starter

Sotarks wrote:

Alright valid arguments, here's your bubble!
노래 조아
맵 조아

  • [Expert]
  1. 00:54:568 (13) - missing whistle? on insane diff you added it so better keep consistency.
  2. 01:23:871 (4) - would be cool to add a NC here aswell. You could also try doing something similar on insane.

  3. 01:00:499 (3) - set sampleset and additions to auto on sliderbody.

2018-03-09 23:27 iYiyo: what's the song talking about?
2018-03-09 23:27 Sonnyc: Thinking about baking something tasty is always exciting!
2018-03-09 23:28 iYiyo: oh, cute
2018-03-09 23:28 iYiyo: so I was looking at it
2018-03-09 23:28 iYiyo: and have a few concerns
2018-03-09 23:29 iYiyo: mainly about diff spread
2018-03-09 23:43 Sonnyc: I think it's mainly
2018-03-09 23:43 Sonnyc: the hard-insane
2018-03-09 23:43 Sonnyc: ?
2018-03-09 23:44 iYiyo: yeah
2018-03-09 23:44 iYiyo: 00:53:522 -
2018-03-09 23:44 Sonnyc: insane streams are quite heavy which I can agree
2018-03-09 23:45 iYiyo: streams on insane are super hard
2018-03-09 23:45 iYiyo: while hard has just a slider
2018-03-09 23:45 Sonnyc: I'm thinking of 2 solutions, one of them is nerfing the insane streams, the other is adding some 1/4 elements in hard
2018-03-09 23:45 iYiyo: why not applying both?
2018-03-09 23:46 Sonnyc: could be possible
2018-03-09 23:46 Sonnyc: actually, I'd prefer keeping the insane streams because
2018-03-09 23:46 Sonnyc: for those who won't enjoy the expert due to aim skills,
2018-03-09 23:46 Sonnyc: insane was designed to be something easier than expert in terms of jump
2018-03-09 23:47 iYiyo: hmm, you can just try to convert 00:54:917 (17,18,19,20) - this into 1/4 reverse slider
2018-03-09 23:47 iYiyo: ACTION is editing [ IU - Nae Ggumeun Patissiere [Insane]]
2018-03-09 23:47 iYiyo: on insane
2018-03-09 23:47 iYiyo: 00:53:522 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - and keep this stream
2018-03-09 23:47 Sonnyc: that can be good
2018-03-09 23:49 Sonnyc: 01:17:766 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) -
2018-03-09 23:49 Sonnyc: another long one is at here
2018-03-09 23:49 Sonnyc: think making this easier would also be better?
2018-03-09 23:50 iYiyo: hmm idk if nerfing it is the better solution
2018-03-09 23:50 iYiyo: like, it isn't a death stream
2018-03-09 23:50 iYiyo: but still the gap between hard and insane there is also huge
2018-03-09 23:50 iYiyo: maybe buffing hard is better
2018-03-09 23:51 Sonnyc: kk
2018-03-09 23:51 Sonnyc: 00:53:522 (1) -
2018-03-09 23:51 iYiyo: 01:17:766 (1,2) -
2018-03-09 23:51 iYiyo: ACTION is editing [ IU - Nae Ggumeun Patissiere [Hard]]
2018-03-09 23:51 Sonnyc: will definitely make this harder in hard lol
2018-03-09 23:51 iYiyo: try buffing that with some 1/4 objects
2018-03-09 23:51 iYiyo: yes, that too
2018-03-09 23:51 iYiyo: xP
Topic Starter

iYiyo wrote:

  • [Expert]
  1. 00:54:568 (13) - missing whistle? on insane diff you added it so better keep consistency. // Removed the one at insane instead.
  2. 01:23:871 (4) - would be cool to add a NC here aswell. You could also try doing something similar on insane. // I think the stream belongs in the same song with the previous beats, and since I prefer an orange color for long streams, I'd prefer keeping this.

  3. 01:00:499 (3) - set sampleset and additions to auto on sliderbody. // thanks!

2018-03-09 23:27 iYiyo: what's the song talking about?
2018-03-09 23:27 Sonnyc: Thinking about baking something tasty is always exciting!
2018-03-09 23:28 iYiyo: oh, cute
2018-03-09 23:28 iYiyo: so I was looking at it
2018-03-09 23:28 iYiyo: and have a few concerns
2018-03-09 23:29 iYiyo: mainly about diff spread
2018-03-09 23:43 Sonnyc: I think it's mainly
2018-03-09 23:43 Sonnyc: the hard-insane
2018-03-09 23:43 Sonnyc: ?
2018-03-09 23:44 iYiyo: yeah
2018-03-09 23:44 iYiyo: 00:53:522 -
2018-03-09 23:44 Sonnyc: insane streams are quite heavy which I can agree
2018-03-09 23:45 iYiyo: streams on insane are super hard
2018-03-09 23:45 iYiyo: while hard has just a slider
2018-03-09 23:45 Sonnyc: I'm thinking of 2 solutions, one of them is nerfing the insane streams, the other is adding some 1/4 elements in hard
2018-03-09 23:45 iYiyo: why not applying both?
2018-03-09 23:46 Sonnyc: could be possible
2018-03-09 23:46 Sonnyc: actually, I'd prefer keeping the insane streams because
2018-03-09 23:46 Sonnyc: for those who won't enjoy the expert due to aim skills,
2018-03-09 23:46 Sonnyc: insane was designed to be something easier than expert in terms of jump
2018-03-09 23:47 iYiyo: hmm, you can just try to convert 00:54:917 (17,18,19,20) - this into 1/4 reverse slider
2018-03-09 23:47 iYiyo: ACTION is editing [ IU - Nae Ggumeun Patissiere [Insane]]
2018-03-09 23:47 iYiyo: on insane
2018-03-09 23:47 iYiyo: 00:53:522 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - and keep this stream
2018-03-09 23:47 Sonnyc: that can be good
2018-03-09 23:49 Sonnyc: 01:17:766 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) -
2018-03-09 23:49 Sonnyc: another long one is at here
2018-03-09 23:49 Sonnyc: think making this easier would also be better?
2018-03-09 23:50 iYiyo: hmm idk if nerfing it is the better solution
2018-03-09 23:50 iYiyo: like, it isn't a death stream
2018-03-09 23:50 iYiyo: but still the gap between hard and insane there is also huge
2018-03-09 23:50 iYiyo: maybe buffing hard is better
2018-03-09 23:51 Sonnyc: kk
2018-03-09 23:51 Sonnyc: 00:53:522 (1) -
2018-03-09 23:51 iYiyo: 01:17:766 (1,2) -
2018-03-09 23:51 iYiyo: ACTION is editing [ IU - Nae Ggumeun Patissiere [Hard]]
2018-03-09 23:51 Sonnyc: will definitely make this harder in hard lol
2018-03-09 23:51 iYiyo: try buffing that with some 1/4 objects
2018-03-09 23:51 iYiyo: yes, that too
2018-03-09 23:51 iYiyo: xP
Hi there! I have some things to point out that I've noticed in Insane and Expert.

  1. 00:50:731 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Why use so many circles there with a circular flow and stick to the same DS where in some calmer sections you used some minor jumps? This section feels even stronger than 00:17:243 (1) - this one (specially that it's almost the Kiai) and there you added a lot of jumps but not here.
  2. 00:52:126 (1) - Starting the jump in this downbeat would feel much better than starting it on the red beat as the strong beat is there.
  1. 00:53:522 (1) - This overmap doesn't seem to fit to the song at all as there's literally no 1/4 sound there. You did the same to Insane but this feels much longer and unfitting here. You could've done something here 00:55:615 (1) - , though, as the background instrument gets along a lot more to 1/4 rhythm than the drums before the Kiai.
  2. 01:06:778 (4) - Minor thing but shouldn't the stream start here? There's no much reason to skip the beat as this is an Expert.
  3. 01:17:592 (2) - As you've been emphasizing the "hey" "hah" vocals with longer jumps you should've done the same here instead of sticking to the same DS, right?
  4. 01:23:871 (4,5,6,7,8) - There's no reason to have this stream as spaced as it is right now as the song is getting calmer there (the stream is starting after the drum finish play is over). Plus, there are some streams that are emphasized with kicks, which are much more stronger than this one, and the spacing was lower, like with this one 01:06:952 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - .
00:53:522 (1) - theres a 1/4 track playing here so thats not overmapped

Hobbes2 wrote:

00:53:522 (1) - theres a 1/4 track playing here so thats not overmapped
I can somewhat hear the 1/4 you're mentioning but I'm not sure if the stream should be this long. Something splitted like Insane could work better since it gives the background noise a good emphasis and could follow vocal as well. Also I agree with Kuron about 1/4 being more valid in 00:55:615 - or 00:55:964 -, at least it plays cool considering new measures like this during kiai have their own stream.

Just opinions though.
Topic Starter
Kuron Kun

Kuron-kun wrote:

Hi there! I have some things to point out that I've noticed in Insane and Expert.

  1. 00:50:731 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Why use so many circles there with a circular flow and stick to the same DS where in some calmer sections you used some minor jumps? This section feels even stronger than 00:17:243 (1) - this one (specially that it's almost the Kiai) and there you added a lot of jumps but not here. // Because I thought continuous circles with wide angles was also a good way to form a pressure for players, unlike regular jumps. This was the kind of a pressure that I wanted to create before the kiai section along this part of the song.
  2. 00:52:126 (1) - Starting the jump in this downbeat would feel much better than starting it on the red beat as the strong beat is there. // Feels somewhat personal, but I can be changing this to stick the distance snapping. Giving a jump between (8,1) won't create a good transition pattern-wise imo.
  1. 00:53:522 (1) - This overmap doesn't seem to fit to the song at all as there's literally no 1/4 sound there. You did the same to Insane but this feels much longer and unfitting here. You could've done something here 00:55:615 (1) - , though, as the background instrument gets along a lot more to 1/4 rhythm than the drums before the Kiai. // I focused on the background 1/4 music sound, and would be personal but I felt this to have that sound. I know 00:55:876 - exists a drum sound that can be possible to add a circle. I can add a circle here, but to indicate the transition from the instruments to the vocals, I prefer keeping the current rhythm.
  2. 01:06:778 (4) - Minor thing but shouldn't the stream start here? There's no much reason to skip the beat as this is an Expert. // I think leaving it empty would've been better in expressing the vocal of 01:06:778 (4).
  3. 01:17:592 (2) - As you've been emphasizing the "hey" "hah" vocals with longer jumps you should've done the same here instead of sticking to the same DS, right? // This was having a close spacing to emphasize the following streams better. This was rather something like I've done at 00:12:882 (1,2). // Also I took a look at this part again, and tbh I wasn't really aware of the hey sounds compared to the wow sounds. Anyways also comparing with 01:13:405 (5), I think I can say the hey parts were at least consistently having a close spacing, which I didn't considered something important.
  4. 01:23:871 (4,5,6,7,8) - There's no reason to have this stream as spaced as it is right now as the song is getting calmer there (the stream is starting after the drum finish play is over). Plus, there are some streams that are emphasized with kicks, which are much more stronger than this one, and the spacing was lower, like with this one 01:06:952 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - . // I've made a change here after some suggestion, and I kinda felt this to be similar with 00:19:510 but I can make a change if you think this is a bit overdone.
Gave my thoughts about the raised concern.
The spaced stream in Expert Kuron pointed out also feels overdone to me, because the music is so calm there. Since you already said you were willing to change it, disqualified. Nice map btw :3
whenever you feel everything is fine feel free to call any of us back, the map is really cute, though!
Congrats Sonnyc! :)
According to the Korean romanisation standard ( ... _of_Korean), '꿈' must be 'Kkum' instead of 'Ggum'.
Shohei Ohtani
he lives
\o/ Sonnyc. Nice shapes. But boy, why the sneaky spinner at the end =[
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