
The Elder Scrolls 5 - Skyrim

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I'm currently playing a Khajit wielding Flawless Orcish Armour and weaponry. I generally use Sword and Shield, but I use the Bow for giants and dragons :>

Also, Level 25, put all my points into Stamina. Because why the fuck not.
Open the door, get on the floor.
Heavy armour Argonian with a one handed sword, destruction magic and ridiculous sneak because bows are easy mode.
Also been wearing Krosis for half the game and whatever the latest heavy armour helmet is for the other half.

I've been carrying around a bow of souls since nearly the start of the game because some guy ran up and gave it to me...he said he'd be back for it like 40 hours ago.
Hahah, that guy.
I'm a level 32 orc who wears full daedric armor and uses a daedric battle axe :V also some destruction magika
lvl 21 wood elf archer sneak pickock pickpocket light armor dude here, pretty gay but it's hell of a fun killing dudes in 1 hit and they don't even know where you are
Level 18 Nord with heavy armor, alternating between destruction spells and sword/shield.

Loginer wrote:

Level 18 Nord with heavy armor, alternating between destruction spells and sword/shield.
This, except I use light armor.
My loadout 'n' level is pretty much the exact same as loginer

Remco32 wrote:

Loginer wrote:

Level 18 Nord with heavy armor, alternating between destruction spells and sword/shield.
This, except I use light armor.
then i'm just like you bro \:D/
100 Sneak perk is hilarious
For all those who are using ATI video cards
update your drivers nao! ... mance.aspx

that driver boosted my fps like a train..

from 65-80fps inside, now at 120-140fps!
that is some serious optimization..

also the stuttering low fps issue inside caves/dungeons that has a lot of particles/LOD effects is now gone
Sitting at around 60 Sneak (My character is totally a Jack of All Trades)

80 Blacksmithing, 50 Destruction, 60 One-Handed. 40 Lockpicking, 40 Archery. Lulz.
Some empty terrain means absolutely nothing in terms of DLC. The original height map probably covers all of Tamriel; someone at Bethesda decided to make the crop a little larger than necessary, and no one could be arsed to get rid of the unused areas later on.
Level 14 atm, I'm using destruction magic in one hand and a sword in the other most of the time, though I go for dual weilding magic for bosses and dragons.
I am only at level 7 from when I played it on 11.11.11, I haven't played this games since then :S

Loginer wrote:

Someone at Bethesda decided to make the crop a little larger than necessary, and no one could be arsed to get rid of the unused areas later on.

This is possibly true, but at the same time there is a visible path to access this area near Stendarr’s Beacon. There's an open doorway leading towards Morrowind, but Bethesda's put a block there, preventing you from going any further.

Why would they leave the door open if not to tempt us? Just saying.
Can you tlc(ghost) past it?
Yeah. Using console, turn off clipping, pass through the barrier, turn back on. Or not. up to you xD

Just finished main quest a moment ago, awesome game :D Must admit I thought the main quest would be a little longer, but still there's waaay more left to do in Skyrim.
To be honest I have yet to finish the Main Quest, and I'm 50 hours in xD

Too much other stuff to do.
Nightingale set is so boss for a stealth archery class, i love it.
How to steal vegetables


ykcarrot wrote:

How to steal vegetables

lolol <3
Has anyone else found the Kuda bow from Grampy the Mammoth? It's damn amazing, I was so lucky...
Please Please, tell me this is fake :3


Salvage wrote:

Nightingale set is so boss for a stealth archery class, i love it.
Shroud set from the Dark Brotherhood is better because of the +20% to bow damage on the hood and the double damage on dagger sneak attacks. Nightingale set definitely looks better, though. I love that cape.

+100% damage from one handed perk and x30 damage from sneak attacks is completely fair.

MDuh wrote:

Please Please, tell me this is fake :3

The website details how it's possible, so most likely Legitimate, although the author stated his machine would only run it for ~15 minutes at a time.
Mind = Blown
Topic Starter

ok I have new char but who gives a shit

I think I can see some black legs at the bottom of the black screen there
lvl 30 right now, got into the dark brotherhood .. keeped the hood only from the set, rest still nightingale .. i don't use daggers D:

pure archery stealth mode lol.
Full metal alchemist idea on Skyrim
Edit: Getting rid of this.
How the hell can that video have positive ratings?

Oh wait
Having a big list of friends on steam and more than 50% are playing Skyrim every day...
oh, I'm switching to assassins creed atm
skyrim can wait for a while, this should take at 1 week at most

Mianki wrote:

This is fucking brilliant.
Shadowmere > Frost > All

Salvage wrote:

Shadowmere > Frost > All
I slashed at Shadowmere with an iron sword to get one-handed from level 97 to 100. Is that cheating?
Topic Starter

UESP wrote:

Skyrim Version 1.2 was released on 11/28/2011 for the PS3 and 11/30/2011 for the Xbox 360 and PC and is the second patch to be released by Bethesda for the game. Posters on the official forums are noting that installing the 1.2 patch removes all magical/elemental/poison/disease resistances. Other glitches such as dragons flying backwards and nonfunctional enchantments have also been confirmed, as well as several issues affecting game stability. For these reasons, downloading the patch is not advised until these glitches are fixed.
<3 Skidrow
If I bought that in steam, I probably whining in steam forums to those bugs since I dual enchanted my companion for the sake elemental resistance, adept lvl spells are AOE so she needs it
sooo yeah babette is the best character in the entire game, just finished the dark brotherhood quests lol

so far i did thieves and dark brotherhood, going for companions now i guess

but ye, babette > all
just finished dark brotherhood
i've done companions, thieves, mage college, and i'm about to do bard college?

anything else to do past this? :V
Look what I found:

...Wait what?I guess Im not all that mainstream...

dkun wrote:

just finished dark brotherhood
i've done companions, thieves, mage college, and i'm about to do bard college?

anything else to do past this? :V
the 15 daedric quests
Damn these bugs, Vilkas won't leave me alone.

Don't mind my shitty fps and br friends on axon, lol.
I almost wish that I received that bug with the recent patch so I could see the majestic moonflying dragons.
I was going to buy this game, then I took an arrow to the knee.

Seriously though, $60 is a bit too much for me >.>
I hope I get it via the Daily Steam Prize giveaway [/hopeless]

NoHItter wrote:

I hope I get it via the Daily Steam Prize giveaway [/hopeless]
Just pirate it
and you'll get a bonus of NO automatic updates from bethesda
which most of the community are complaining about
I pirated it, and the full screen/resolution was fucked.

Backfire wrote:

I pirated it, and the full screen/resolution was fucked.
That probably has something to do with your own incompetence

Backfire wrote:

I pirated it, and the full screen/resolution was fucked.
I pirated it twice, works just fine.
Just had to adjust some things in the .ini
Also lol video

Haseo wrote:

Troll scientists aimed their FUS RO DAH at the door.
Fuck I want Skyrim so badly... I guess I'll go get it tomorrow if I won't get an arrow in the knee.


Haseo wrote:

I still don't get the relations between jehova's witnesses to fus ro dah
Yeh okay so i'm wandering around some mountains and see a stormcloak soldier, apparently all alone; i sneak up and go for the pickpocket. He turns around and draws his weapon, and before you know it i've killed the entire camp of ten or so soldiers that came out of nowhere. My problem is that there's an unkillable Kottir Red-Shoal, who is apparently a quest personality. Since he wouldn't die i had to run away on a stolen horse :O So im riding across the mountains and out of fuckin nowhere a she-bear is mauling my throat, so i run to dragonbridge, and lo and behold A DRAGON ROARS OVERHEAD AND I GET MY BOW OUT and it flies away. :/

Is there any way to reconcile myself with this Kottir Red-Shoal? Is the quest important at all? How do you draw a dragon's attention?

So many questions :@

tyrael6192 wrote:

Is there any way to reconcile myself with this Kottir Red-Shoal?
Is the quest important at all?
How do you draw a dragon's attention?
Look it up at the Wiki
IIRC it's not part of the main quest
Throw something at him like an arrow or fireball
*A wild Dragon Appears!*
*Wild Dragon uses Fire Breath. It's super effective!*
*You use Daedric Greatsword. Critical Hit!*
*Wild Dragon uses Fly. It flies out of reach.*
*You use Vigorous Healing Potion. Health is recovered.*
*A wild fugitive appears!*
*Wild fugitive uses Initiate Conversation*
*You cannot move!*
*Dragon uses Fire Breath*
*You die. Sucks to be you.*
What is the stupidest things you have ever done in Skyrim??XD

Everybody are playing GTA V while I'm here still sitting playing Skyrim and Osu!
Jumping into places I shouldn't have gotten to and forgetting to save before doing it, trying to take on enemies that could 2hko me, not turning the difficulty down on a scripted dragon fight where as soon as I was in range it would get a kill animation attack on me, pissing off NPCs in that dwemer ruins city (Markarth?) before trying to do some quests there, pissing off the foresworn before completing that little questline, jumping down mountains with horses, playing with autosave off...little things like that.
Kanye West
played skyrim when it came out, haven't played for a while. but wtf, there's autosave?
Default settings are it autosaves every 5 minutes and whenever you walk in/out of an area that has to load (so walking from outside whiterun to inside whiterun).
i got bored once after i finished the main campaign, so i just attacked Whiterun and killed all the guards.
good times

edit: merged with original thread
I have like 600 hours of playtime on skyrim. lol

There are so many good mods for this game it's pretty much has unlimited play value.
Any recommendations?
I'll try to compile a list when I have more time. I have over 800 different types of mods (most of these being graphic enhancements).

Any specific you looking for?
Fun -- I mean gameplay
Recently ran into a glitch where my horse would randomly zip through the air at random angles (no keyboard input, though giving it input would make it act even stranger with velocity changes) After flying through at random, it would randomly stop and plummet me to my death where my character would glitch and get stuck in the saddle of the now dead horse. One time I did it, a dragon appeared and killed me as I was stuck in the saddle of said dead horse, lol
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