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This thread is directed to professional standard osu! players. ;)

I'm playing osu! now for nearly 3 years (with several breaks) and I ask myself if there is any way to improve any more? I'm overall happy with my skill (except streams and smaller circles now and then) and I got a lot better with each year but I have sometimes the feeling while playing some very challenging maps that I'm pushing myself to a limit. I'm not playing that much either so this might be a problem, my play count is low compared to my ranked score (only >21,784 plays).

I'd also like to know if it's better to play with windowed mode (1280x960) or fullscreen mode (1920x1080) comparing the size of the playfield and the circle size.
I don't think anyone can do those really hard maps without pushing it to the limit(except cookiezi of course!)

Also about the reso thing, play with whatever you're better with, window mode is better for streams while fullscreen offers your more accurate movement

Shael wrote:

window mode is better for streams while fullscreen offers your more accurate movement
Whaaat?! Why is this the first time I hear of this?

Mukku wrote:

Shael wrote:

window mode is better for streams while fullscreen offers your more accurate movement
Whaaat?! Why is this the first time I hear of this?
For me it kinda is really, I know it sounds dumb, but I think mainly because you don't have to move your mouse/pen that much, you can give more attention to tapping.
Sup A Noob

Nharox wrote:

very challenging maps
Which "challenging" maps?

Anyway, if you think you're at your limit, there's really nothing we can do. I believe players like Cookiezi and Doomsday got to their level without once thinking of reaching their limits.

I'm not playing that much either so this might be a problem, my play count is low compared to my ranked score (only >21,784 plays).
I have a considerably low play count for my rank as well. What matters more in practice is efficiency.
I found techniques over the time i played , like focusing on notes seeing em directly before going to em with the mouse/pen and tapping em .. and others wich makes me more conffortable to play , but my playcount is very high compared to my rank , i think it is mostly cause i do a lot of retrys to get tops , but yea .. it's pretty high anyways <.<
Play a lot.
Without 5k plays/month you can't expect to be good. Most players who are good and have a low playcount have either multi account or play with spunout / fail in multi a lot. Or they're just naturally talented at osu.
play only things you find difficult, rank whoring/easier maps wont generate much or any improvement

also i play windowed 1026x768, never tried other - probably a preference thing though, just as sensitivity etc
im not an experienced/pro players :) but what jesusyamato said is right
play a lot and esc-retry is the easiest way to improve ur skills
and make sure stats(acc/playcount) is not holding you from playing hard maps

dNextGen wrote:

im not an experienced/pro players :) but what jesusyamato said is right
play a lot and esc-retry is the easiest way to improve ur skills
and make sure stats(acc/playcount) is not holding you from playing hard maps
esc-retry is arguably a bad way to improve your skill, as its used mainly for retrying an FC/S grade. if you're truly pushing yourself, probably shouldnt be very close to fcing the map

JesusYamato wrote:

Play a lot.
Without 5k plays/month you can't expect to be good. Most players who are good and have a low playcount have either multi account or play with spunout / fail in multi a lot. Or they're just naturally talented at osu.
While I play less these days than I used too (school and stuff), I'd still say I'm improving :P I just think "Wohoo I did it! o/" when I get something right, or just don't think about it when I don't... or something like that. Anyways, you don't always "feel" the improvement even though you're playing a lot. If there was a hard map you could never pass or FC, get back to it later, and you'll probably see the improvement. Also, I'm playing in 800x600 windowmode... Always done that, and it works for me :P
Oh, and nowadays I'm averaging like 1000-1500PC/month.
ps. 300-300-300-100-x-300-300-Esc-Retry is awesome~~
CXu, 800x600 windowed mode? Jesus christ man :O

I play 1920x1080 fullscreen, how do you even see the notes.

Zetta wrote:

CXu, 800x600 windowed mode? Jesus christ man :O

I play 1920x1080 fullscreen, how do you even see the notes.
Perherps his native is small? :P

Shael wrote:

Zetta wrote:

CXu, 800x600 windowed mode? Jesus christ man :O

I play 1920x1080 fullscreen, how do you even see the notes.
Perherps his native is small? :P
This. If you have a res of, say, 1024x, then 860x takes up the majority of your screen.

EDIT: And I currently play fullscreen, I find it easier because I have more room to move my arm and more room for error IMO. It depends on the person, mouse sensitivity, monitor size, etc. though.
Just ignore all that stuff about resolution everyone is talking about, just play with what you feel more comfortable, plus it's not the same to use 800x600 on a 30'' screen using 2560x1600 than using 800x600 on a 24'' screen using 1400x900. However, just play challenging stuff if you want to get better, if you need to add mods to make the map hard to pass just do it.

Plus rank and play counts mean nothing, if you got a low PC and a high rank it just means you use spun out oftenly, or that you are a multi, or that you just like ranking and keep playing different maps (normally not too hard for you) to get ranked score and raise your rank.

Zetta wrote:

CXu, 800x600 windowed mode? Jesus christ man :O

I play 1920x1080 fullscreen, how do you even see the notes.
Iirc my screen is a 15,4" one and resolution at 1280x800.
Sup A Noob

Wishy22 wrote:

Plus rank and play counts mean nothing, if you got a low PC and a high rank it just means you use spun out oftenly, or that you are a multi, or that you just like ranking and keep playing different maps (normally not too hard for you) to get ranked score and raise your rank.
I wish everyone thought like that. This way I won't have to complain every single time someone uses Spun Out in multiplayer.
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xXSupanoobXx wrote:

Anyway, if you think you're at your limit, there's really nothing we can do.
I don't think that I'm at my limit. I just have sometimes the feeling and wanted to know if anyone else here knows what I mean.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure that my main problem is that I don't have the patience to play very challenging maps until I can S them. I only do that when I really enjoy the map, most difficult maps these days seem to be overmapped. And an other problem is that I really play way too less, I mean I barely touch 500 plays monthly. :(

Wishy22 wrote:

or that you just like ranking and keep playing different maps (normally not too hard for you) to get ranked score and raise your rank.
I don't rush through maps anymore, I don't even know why I'm still #44 because I barely play. But I want to stay #1 in germany and I love to play a wide variety of maps. I should also play more with Hidden, it's really fun depending on the map.

JesusYamato wrote:

Without 5k plays/month you can't expect to be good. Most players who are good and have a low playcount have either multi account or play with spunout / fail in multi a lot. Or they're just naturally talented at osu.
Are you trolling? I don't have a multi account, if I ever play multiplayer I play without any mods and I don't think I'm naturally talented at osu either. I just got used to stuff fast, for example how to read patterns, streams, different BPMs etc.

Btw. I know that I should play with the resolution I prefer, I wanted to hear some opinions though.
Sup A Noob

Nharox wrote:

xXSupanoobXx wrote:

Anyway, if you think you're at your limit, there's really nothing we can do.
I don't think that I'm at my limit. I just have sometimes the feeling and wanted to know if anyone else here knows what I mean.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure that my main problem is that I don't have the patience to play very challenging maps until I can S them. I only do that when I really enjoy the map, most difficult maps these days seem to be overmapped. And an other problem is that I really play way too less, I mean I barely touch 500 plays monthly. :(
I doubt I have 500 plays a month nowadays either. It's just about playing the maps which are beyond the ability and getting used to them, or if I were to say this in another way, being ready to FAIL. I'm sure that's how people like Cookiezi and Doomsday improve.
Yeah i kinda disagree with that "play chanllenging only maps to get better" , ofc it helps , but i played Hard/Insane maps with Hidden or other mods allways and i improved a lot , i'm not that good anyways , but i think i would play exactly the same or even worse playing those chanllenging maps all the time , in fact i have a great accuaracy and i tend to finish maps with less 100's , thing that i think would not be the same if i played all the hardest maps with No Fail + Spin out ..

That's why i think playing maps that u can FC help a lot to the accuaracy later on hardest maps , instead of play "Another" difficulties the entire day , that helps u get faster , but i personally prefeer playing maps that i can FC or get an S on em.
I might be adding to the woes but whatever. Any tips for streams that last for more than 3-4 secs? My fingers can't press that stable. I always lose steam after a few seconds.

intermu wrote:

I might be adding to the woes but whatever. Any tips for streams that last for more than 3-4 secs? My fingers can't press that stable. I always lose steam after a few seconds.
play longer streams more often
Sup A Noob

intermu wrote:

I might be adding to the woes but whatever. Any tips for streams that last for more than 3-4 secs? My fingers can't press that stable. I always lose steam after a few seconds.
Yep, saw you suffer with my own eyes. I myself lose track of rhythm after a few seconds in long streams myself anyway.

This is one part of osu! that really screams PRACTICE! So play more streamy maps like the one I saw you play.
haha dayum, gonna take me about 6 months to get that then. alrighty, thanks.
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Using a mousepad and playing in window mode helps a lot. :)
I don't like much window mode, the cursor is heavier than normal, so I play more in fullscreen
particular practice is neccessary if u cant improve that much than be4
DT is a good mod :)

aevv wrote:

intermu wrote:

I might be adding to the woes but whatever. Any tips for streams that last for more than 3-4 secs? My fingers can't press that stable. I always lose steam after a few seconds.
play longer streams more often
Playing them more often would inprove endurance and stability correct?
But what about speed? For streams like Night of Knights and Barusa of Mikosu and other IIDX songs how do you even click that fast to begin with?
I can't seem to find a way to increase stream speed, I play those streamy songs as warmup but I see no improvement speed wise
Sup A Noob

FruitTingles wrote:

Playing them more often would inprove endurance and stability correct?
But what about speed? For streams like Night of Knights and Barusa of Mikosu and other IIDX songs how do you even click that fast to begin with?
I can't seem to find a way to increase stream speed, I play those streamy songs as warmup but I see no improvement speed wise
1) Pick any song
2) Double Time + No Fail

FruitTingles wrote:

I can't seem to find a way to increase stream speed, I play those streamy songs as warmup but I see no improvement speed wise

sadly, osu is alot like a sport in this sense - some people got it, some people dont got it. Theres quite a few players who can stream 230+ bpm before they can do average difficulty jumps, just cause of genetics or previous years of other activities that helped improve their finger speed.. likewise theres players like cyclone who cant seem to stream past 200 bpm, even while anything below that point they SS like its nothing. To improve this would be the same as improving in another sport; lots of dedication and practice, with always pushing yourself

tl;dr, turn on dt and nofail, play like this for a few months
There are other rhythm games out there(Beatmania, Stepmania, etc) so it's not surprising if there are players that can do 200bpm+ 16ths one handed and still can't do jumps properly.
Just play more 8-)
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