Looking at the wiki, the replay data has info for m1, m2, k1, and k2. Where is the key data stored if I'm reading a mania replay file?
Thanks for replying, but I might have figured it out (though not tested to be sure yet). What I am asking for is the data that contains what keys the player pressed when playing. I did some testing it found it is located in the "x" part of the data stream encoded as a bitfield. So the first key would be 1, second key would be 2, third key 4, fourth 8, and so on. I don't know if keys beyond 10 are stored in "y" part or not, but will find out once I'm up to that.camas wrote:
Looks like it's stored in the same integer. The bit values are in the Mod enum at the bottom of the wiki page as key[0-9].
You dont need to decompile osu to figure that out. You can just make a simple beatmap, play it and compare changes in the replay data. That's how a noticed the 1, 2, 4, 8 pattern. I set a single note on different columns of a 4 key map in each the 4 tests. Also thanks for the data, but I already have that.camas wrote:
Ahh, you're right. I wouldn't think that it would go into y and would instead just keep in the x but I don't have enough time at the moment to decompile osu and verify that. Not sure why y seems to be 12 while playing; I'll look into it more later.
data from a short replay if that helps at all. Only used 4 keys