
Help with osr files

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Looking at the wiki, the replay data has info for m1, m2, k1, and k2. Where is the key data stored if I'm reading a mania replay file?
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camas wrote:

Looks like it's stored in the same integer. The bit values are in the Mod enum at the bottom of the wiki page as key[0-9].
Thanks for replying, but I might have figured it out (though not tested to be sure yet). What I am asking for is the data that contains what keys the player pressed when playing. I did some testing it found it is located in the "x" part of the data stream encoded as a bitfield. So the first key would be 1, second key would be 2, third key 4, fourth 8, and so on. I don't know if keys beyond 10 are stored in "y" part or not, but will find out once I'm up to that.
Ahh, you're right. I wouldn't think that it would go into y and would instead just keep in the x but I don't have enough time at the moment to decompile osu and verify that. Not sure why y seems to be 12 while playing; I'll look into it more later.

data from a short replay if that helps at all. Only used 4 keys
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camas wrote:

Ahh, you're right. I wouldn't think that it would go into y and would instead just keep in the x but I don't have enough time at the moment to decompile osu and verify that. Not sure why y seems to be 12 while playing; I'll look into it more later.

data from a short replay if that helps at all. Only used 4 keys
You dont need to decompile osu to figure that out. You can just make a simple beatmap, play it and compare changes in the replay data. That's how a noticed the 1, 2, 4, 8 pattern. I set a single note on different columns of a 4 key map in each the 4 tests. Also thanks for the data, but I already have that.

Now that you mention it, y being 14 all the time really makes me question if it was right to think that co-op keys would be in the y. Since wiki says x has a max of 512, that would give a max of 9 keys, so either the wiki is outdated or idk. Will check whenever I can if you dont first.

Other than the keys, I am also having trouble syncing up the replay to the beatmap. I'm currenly just adding up the time deltas to resolve the actual time. Not sure if that's the right way to do it.
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