
Dancing Dolls - monochrome(Asterisk Makina Remix) [CatchTheB

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on lunes, 03 de octubre de 2016 at 02:09:25 a.m.

Artist: Dancing Dolls
Title: monochrome(Asterisk Makina Remix)
Tags: ソウルイーターノット! black star dnb soundcloud モノクロ ダンシング人形 works 3
BPM: 175
Filesize: 8054kb
Play Time: 05:20
Difficulties Available:
  1. Destiny (6,66 stars, 1612 notes)
Download: Dancing Dolls - monochrome(Asterisk Makina Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing


waiting this to be done
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aaaaa soontm
Topic Starter
ok done :?
IRC mod
Topic Starter
2016-06-16 21:01 NachOx: 00:19:034 (1,2,3,4) - esto no quedaria mejor asi?
2016-06-16 21:01 koliron: y asi encontrar
2016-06-16 21:01 koliron: mh si
2016-06-16 21:02 koliron: creo que exagere en ese patron
2016-06-16 21:02 koliron: mas tarde voy a trabar por aca
2016-06-16 21:02 koliron: :^)
2016-06-16 21:03 NachOx: :^)
2016-06-16 21:05 NachOx: 00:38:920 (1,2,3) - 00:39:605 (1,2,3) - eso no me gusta qqq
2016-06-16 21:05 koliron: q_q
2016-06-16 21:05 koliron: voy a necesitar varias opiniones de eso
2016-06-16 21:05 koliron: pero gracias por la tuya
2016-06-16 21:05 koliron: por ahora lo voy a dejar asi
2016-06-16 21:05 koliron: soontm
2016-06-16 21:06 NachOx: np yo digo nomas vos elegi
2016-06-16 21:06 NachOx: q
2016-06-16 21:06 koliron: xD
2016-06-16 21:08 NachOx: 01:52:977 (1) -
2016-06-16 21:08 NachOx: esos 15 seg estan geniales
2016-06-16 21:08 NachOx: :^)
2016-06-16 21:09 koliron: gracias :^)
2016-06-16 21:10 NachOx: 02:03:948 (1,2,3) - muy separado imo
2016-06-16 21:10 NachOx: se me traban los dedos
2016-06-16 21:10 NachOx: 02:06:691 (1) - same
2016-06-16 21:10 02:06:691 (1,2,3) - *
2016-06-16 21:10 NachOx: 02:07:891 (3,4,5) - este me gusta mas
2016-06-16 21:11 koliron: 02:07:891 (3,4,5) - este tiene saltos 1/2 xD
2016-06-16 21:11 koliron: esta bien voy a reducir un poco esas distancias
2016-06-16 21:12 NachOx: AH
2016-06-16 21:12 NachOx: no vi
2016-06-16 21:12 NachOx: xddxd
2016-06-16 21:12 NachOx: pense que todos eran 1/2
2016-06-16 21:16 NachOx: 02:53:320 (1,2,3) - caca
2016-06-16 21:16 NachOx: (?
2016-06-16 21:16 NachOx: le tengo todo el odio del mundo a ese pattern
2016-06-16 21:16 koliron: o
2016-06-16 21:16 NachOx: 02:54:005 (5,6,7) - ^
2016-06-16 21:17 koliron: que pena, porque es solo por estetica :^) si lo jugas vas a darte cuenta que solo hay que caminar xD
2016-06-16 21:17 NachOx: no hate
2016-06-16 21:17 NachOx: los estoy detectando jugandolos :^(
2016-06-16 21:17 NachOx: posta hay que caminar
2016-06-16 21:18 NachOx: xdxd
2016-06-16 21:18 koliron: xD
2016-06-16 21:20 NachOx: 03:20:405 (6) - me gustaria mas asi
2016-06-16 21:22 koliron: mh, le voy a cambiar la orientacion un poco pero prefiero que haya más dificultad por acá :D si te fijas al final antes de cada linea azul hay partes complicadas por como va la musica
2016-06-16 21:24 NachOx: ahh
2016-06-16 21:24 NachOx: ya caxe
2016-06-16 21:26 NachOx: 04:03:948 (1,2,3,4) -
2016-06-16 21:26 NachOx: no se que sugerirte
2016-06-16 21:26 NachOx: pero no me gusto esa parte
2016-06-16 21:27 koliron: mh si
2016-06-16 21:27 koliron: a mi tampoco
2016-06-16 21:27 koliron: ya lo cambio
2016-06-16 21:29 NachOx: 05:12:862 (5) - slider vertical imo
2016-06-16 21:29 koliron: a que te referis?
2016-06-16 21:29 koliron: a hacerlo vertical?
2016-06-16 21:29 NachOx: si
2016-06-16 21:29 koliron: ño :v
2016-06-16 21:30 koliron: es solo una tecvla por movimiento XD
2016-06-16 21:30 NachOx: ah no queda para el orto
2016-06-16 21:30 NachOx: asi mejor
2016-06-16 21:30 koliron: si jajaja
2016-06-16 21:30 NachOx: bueno no me retes :^(
2016-06-16 21:30 NachOx: bueno
2016-06-16 21:30 NachOx: eso es todo amigos
2016-06-16 21:30 koliron: jajaj
2016-06-16 21:30 NachOx: q
2016-06-16 21:30 koliron: espera
2016-06-16 21:31 koliron:
2016-06-16 21:31 koliron: pone irc mod
2016-06-16 21:31 ACTION *
2016-06-16 21:31 koliron: yo publico el log
2016-06-16 21:31 NachOx: a
2016-06-16 21:31 NachOx: dale

Thank you!
Ok, decidí hacer este mod, dado a que no pude hacerte el que anteriormente me habías pedido.

  1. Todo esta bien, solo queda desactivar la casilla de "Widescreen Support" dado a que de momento no tienes un SB.


  1. 00:02:405 (3) - Pienso que deberías sustituir este slider por una nota, a mi parecer se escucha mejor.
  2. 00:05:148 (3) - Se repite el mismo caso ^, de hecho hay varias veces donde se repiten el mismo sonido y es la misma indicación, a continuación te los dejaré:
  3. 00:06:520 (4) -
  4. 00:07:891 (5,6) - Aquí solo quita el 6
  5. 00:09:262 (3) - Te recomendaría quitar el repeat slider y poner la nota allí y después continuarías acá: 00:09:434
  6. 00:10:634 (2) - Aquí
  7. 00:11:834 (2,3,4,5) - Esto me suena muy raro, debido a que sería convincente seguir la vocal.
  8. 01:27:605 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Sinceramente eliminar esto, queda mejor cuando empieza el siguiente "stream" o efecto de la canción.
  9. 01:30:347 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Tampoco lo veo necesario o:
  10. 02:03:948 (1,2) - Algo difícil de atrapar, te recomiendo hacerlos verticalmente.
  11. 02:06:691 (1,2) - ^, prácticamente es el mismo patrón en posición opuesta.
  12. Dado a que ya lo demás se repite en la canción, usted misma creo que puede sacar sus conclusiones a base de esto, así que espero poder ayudar y disculpe que sea tan corto, ya que prácticamente en las "Overdose's" se puede hacer casi todo, buen mapa sobre todo.
Topic Starter

Jusenkyo wrote:

Ok, decidí hacer este mod, dado a que no pude hacerte el que anteriormente me habías pedido.

  1. Todo esta bien, solo queda desactivar la casilla de "Widescreen Support" dado a que de momento no tienes un SB. ayy sí, estaba probando cosas del sb por aca y me olvide de quitarlo xD

  1. 00:02:405 (3) - Pienso que deberías sustituir este slider por una nota, a mi parecer se escucha mejor. mmh nop, :/ si te fijas en toda la sección principal estoy siguiendo un ritmo con build-up, esto, al igual que algunas de las siguientes sugerencias harían una fea inconsistencia :c
  2. 00:05:148 (3) - Se repite el mismo caso ^, de hecho hay varias veces donde se repiten el mismo sonido y es la misma indicación, a continuación te los dejaré: ^
  3. 00:06:520 (4) -
  4. 00:07:891 (5,6) - Aquí solo quita el 6 no pero creo que tambien lo decis por como es el patron aaa esta un poco dificil de agarrar, lo cambie un poco
  5. 00:09:262 (3) - Te recomendaría quitar el repeat slider y poner la nota allí y después continuarías acá: 00:09:434 misma razón de antes :c
  6. 00:10:634 (2) - Aquí ay aca si que fue un error aaaaa
  7. 00:11:834 (2,3,4,5) - Esto me suena muy raro, debido a que sería convincente seguir la vocal. mh ok lo cambie un poco, ahora el stream esta más cerca, un salto asi no tenia mucho argumento
  8. 01:27:605 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Sinceramente eliminar esto, queda mejor cuando empieza el siguiente "stream" o efecto de la canción. hum, justamente como dijiste, el "efecto", comienza acá, si lo comienzo en el siguiente stream (01:28:291 - ) estaría ignorando el primer sonido y la densidad de notas aumentaría demasiado rapido, y eso suena bastante feo :/
  9. 01:30:347 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Tampoco lo veo necesario o: k acá tal vez, vere si alguien mas opina lo mismo
  10. 02:03:948 (1,2) - Algo difícil de atrapar, te recomiendo hacerlos verticalmente. lo cambie un poco klfdskl
  11. 02:06:691 (1,2) - ^, prácticamente es el mismo patrón en posición opuesta. sep
  12. Dado a que ya lo demás se repite en la canción, usted misma creo que puede sacar sus conclusiones a base de esto, así que espero poder ayudar y disculpe que sea tan corto, ya que prácticamente en las "Overdose's" se puede hacer casi todo, buen mapa sobre todo. gracias! ^^
flkgjfkd thank you jusenkyo ^^

edit: LOL 6.66 STARS
irc mod for 1st time ;-;
Topic Starter
2016-06-26 02:39 koliron: go? x3
2016-06-26 02:43 murutattack: Go :3
2016-06-26 02:43 koliron: x333
2016-06-26 03:04 murutattack: 03:20:405 (6) - Try move a bit right to x:280
2016-06-26 03:04 koliron: oh
2016-06-26 03:04 koliron: but
2016-06-26 03:04 koliron: why?
2016-06-26 03:04 koliron: you usually make suggestion
2016-06-26 03:05 murutattack: oh wait forgot to reason
2016-06-26 03:05 koliron: but i think you should explain the reason, at least with few words
2016-06-26 03:05 koliron: oh xD
2016-06-26 03:05 murutattack: 03:20:405 (6) - Try move a bit right to x:280, maybe make distance between (4,5,6) similar
2016-06-26 03:06 koliron: mh yeah, that tapdash could be too hard
2016-06-26 03:06 koliron: for now i will move it some grids but if more people sugest about it i will change the pattern
2016-06-26 03:06 koliron: :#
2016-06-26 03:06 koliron: :3
2016-06-26 03:06 murutattack: lol
2016-06-26 03:07 murutattack: maybe
2016-06-26 03:07 murutattack: but seems fine on that pattern
2016-06-26 03:07 koliron: \^w^/
2016-06-26 03:09 murutattack: 04:04:120 (2) - Maybe need a bit left slope, because kinda easy to miss in this stream jump
2016-06-26 03:10 koliron: mh
2016-06-26 03:10 koliron: ok
2016-06-26 03:11 koliron: changed
2016-06-26 03:14 murutattack: 04:38:234 (3) - Move a bit left to x:448, probably the jump kinda bit high to catch
2016-06-26 03:14 koliron: wait
2016-06-26 03:15 koliron: last suggestion again pls
2016-06-26 03:15 koliron: i needed to close
2016-06-26 03:16 murutattack: 04:38:234 (3) - Move a bit left to x:448, probably the jump kinda bit high to catch
2016-06-26 03:17 koliron: oh sure
2016-06-26 03:22 murutattack: 05:12:862 (5) - A bit right to x:264, make distance between (4 and 5) a bit near
2016-06-26 03:24 koliron: mh not here, i prefer to keep the same distance between 05:12:691 (4,5,6) - and a strooong jump to 05:13:205 (1) - as the end of the map
2016-06-26 03:24 koliron: i love build up! :D
2016-06-26 03:24 murutattack: hmmm alright makes sense :3
2016-06-26 03:24 koliron: x3
2016-06-26 03:26 murutattack: ok I thats all, really nice map and song :D
2016-06-26 03:26 koliron: :D:D
2016-06-26 03:26 koliron: thank youuu
2016-06-26 03:26 murutattack: welcome :3
2016-06-26 03:27 murutattack: uh how to save this chat lol
2016-06-26 03:27 koliron: xD
2016-06-26 03:27 koliron:
2016-06-26 03:27 koliron: just write something like
2016-06-26 03:27 koliron: irc mod
2016-06-26 03:27 koliron: and i will put the log
2016-06-26 03:27 murutattack: okay posting

thank you! ^^


  1. 00:26:234 - here start a new stanza, also you enphasized with NC, I don't know why you didn't add a hyper dash between 00:25:891 (5,1) -
  2. 00:26:319 (2,3) - give me a proper reason to keep the current hyper dash between such notes, in my opinion, this part is the same as 00:23:491 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -, why didn't you keep consistency?
  3. 00:29:662 (5) - add NC, 15 fruits are too much imo.
  4. 00:32:405 (5) - same here but with 16 fruits omg, I don't want to make a loooong mod to talk about NCs only, maybe you can re-check your NCs to avoid this kind of problems, you are safe with 12 fruits.
  5. I just want to point out some patterns similar as my previous points: 00:28:634 (4,1) - 00:31:377 (9,1) -, I don't want to give you the same example as above, but take a look at 00:34:120 (8,1,2,3,4) - and 00:36:862 (4,1,2,3,4) - as a reference.
  6. 00:43:891 (6,1) - nice jump to be honest, but It feels like 00:44:319 (4,1) - deserve more distance 'cause the highest pitch is on 00:44:405 -, move 00:44:062 (1,2,3,4) - a bit to the left.
  7. 00:49:720 (6,1) - why not only 1 slider? vocal is very similar as 00:49:205 (5) -, I said that because 00:49:720 (6,1) - sounds weird, if you decide to follow this suggestion, take a look at 00:51:092 (4,1) - too.
  8. 00:52:463 (6,1) - this jump could be better between 00:52:291 (5,6) -, voice high pitch start on 00:52:462 -
  9. 01:28:977 (1) - wow 1/16, sounds nice but at least make this horizontally, same with 03:43:377 (1) -
  10. 01:52:977 (1,2,3) - 01:55:720 (1,2,3) - why this walker jump? is very unconfortable, not hard but annoying, why not something like 01:58:462 (1,2,3) - 02:01:205 (1,2,3) - ? ( 02:03:948 (1,2,3) - al menos con jumps bien marcados como 02:03:948 (1,2,3) -, a lo que me refiero esque con el otro tienes que apretar el dash y parar para bajar la velocidad y luego ir de nuevo hacia el mismo sitio )
  11. 04:07:377 (1,2,3) - 04:10:120 (1,2,3) - kejesto? :P same as above.
  12. Sadly no Hitsounds yet, one less thing to check.

This is the most relevant on the map, con esto queda confirmado que eres una overenphasizer.
at least there's no 2 pages of mods here~
  1. 00:30:348 (1,2,3) - a little bit hard to catch 3, you. Well I didn't found any suggestions about this, so it's your own decision to change this or not.
  2. 00:38:920 (1,2,3) and 00:39:605 (1,2,3) - make them less rapidly, easy to miss here :c
  3. 01:52:977 (1,2,3) - this pattern begins too suddenly, so players might be confused to catch this, try to make this a liitle bit easier
  4. 02:12:691 (7,1) - this jump is so hard to catch, might be fc breaker
  5. 02:53:320 (1,2,3) and 02:54:005 (5,6,7) - another too rapidly patterns, consider changing like the pevious one?
  6. 03:42:005 (1,2,3,4) - ^ ;c you just can easely miss here, plays fine, but still there's some chances you'll miss it | 03:44:748 (1,2,3,4) - you know this plays completely fine, maybe you'll make these patterns like this one?
  7. 04:04:120 (2) - tilt this slider a little bit left
  8. 04:07:377 (1,2,3) - this begins too suddenly like the previous one
  9. 04:13:377 (3,1) - very chellanging to catch, since you need to make so many moves
  10. 04:46:462 (1,2,3) - again these rapid sliders :c
  11. 05:12:348 (7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - are you serious about making such a pattern at the end of the whole beatmap? Firstly it's so hard to catch (I fced it after my 5th try in the tester), secondly it's too fast, especially for the end!
that's it, again such a little mod, nice map, excited for the rank, good luck <3
another koli's approval <3
Topic Starter

-Sh1n1- wrote:


  1. 00:26:234 - here start a new stanza, also you enphasized with NC, I don't know why you didn't add a hyper dash between 00:25:891 (5,1) - sure
  2. 00:26:319 (2,3) - give me a proper reason to keep the current hyper dash between such notes, in my opinion, this part is the same as 00:23:491 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -, why didn't you keep consistency? k
  3. 00:29:662 (5) - add NC, 15 fruits are too much imo. ayy i didnt notice
  4. 00:32:405 (5) - same here but with 16 fruits omg, I don't want to make a loooong mod to talk about NCs only, maybe you can re-check your NCs to avoid this kind of problems, you are safe with 12 fruits. hum ok i will check them later
  5. I just want to point out some patterns similar as my previous points: 00:28:634 (4,1) - 00:31:377 (9,1) -, I don't want to give you the same example as above, but take a look at 00:34:120 (8,1,2,3,4) - and 00:36:862 (4,1,2,3,4) - as a reference. i dont want a perfect consistency in a repetitive section like this, the song is like the same for 20 seconds, so i tried to vary with the hypers to vary with the pattern, i only added hyper where i could (ya, almost every 1/1 and 1/2 could have), so it would be fine, i dont think that players could notice a consistency with this intensity
  6. 00:43:891 (6,1) - nice jump to be honest, but It feels like 00:44:319 (4,1) - deserve more distance 'cause the highest pitch is on 00:44:405 -, move 00:44:062 (1,2,3,4) - a bit to the left. sure nice idea
  7. 00:49:720 (6,1) - why not only 1 slider? vocal is very similar as 00:49:205 (5) -, I said that because 00:49:720 (6,1) - sounds weird, if you decide to follow this suggestion, take a look at 00:51:092 (4,1) - too. the drum is pretty strong there :/ if i remove that note the rhythm would sounds too weird imo
  8. 00:52:463 (6,1) - this jump could be better between 00:52:291 (5,6) -, voice high pitch start on 00:52:462 - changed in a little but i prefer to keep the hyper, the nc is important too
  9. 01:28:977 (1) - wow 1/16, sounds nice but at least make this horizontally, same with 03:43:377 (1) - they are already horizontal o_o
  10. 01:52:977 (1,2,3) - 01:55:720 (1,2,3) - why this walker jump? is very unconfortable, not hard but annoying, why not something like 01:58:462 (1,2,3) - 02:01:205 (1,2,3) - ? ( 02:03:948 (1,2,3) - al menos con jumps bien marcados como 02:03:948 (1,2,3) -, a lo que me refiero esque con el otro tienes que apretar el dash y parar para bajar la velocidad y luego ir de nuevo hacia el mismo sitio ) mh, idk to me thats a nice movement, so maybe if more people suggest about this
  11. 04:07:377 (1,2,3) - 04:10:120 (1,2,3) - kejesto? :P same as above. same
  12. Sadly no Hitsounds yet, one less thing to check. SOON TM

This is the most relevant on the map, con esto queda confirmado que eres una overenphasizer. lol

Myle wrote:

at least there's no 2 pages of mods here~
  1. 00:30:348 (1,2,3) - a little bit hard to catch 3, you. Well I didn't found any suggestions about this, so it's your own decision to change this or not. huh because you need to dash here, is not to walk, i mean i guess you tried to catch without dash, with dash is easy, mmh i will increase the distance now is obvious that you need toi dash here
  2. 00:38:920 (1,2,3) and 00:39:605 (1,2,3) - make them less rapidly, easy to miss here :c huh? why? is a normal stream for an overdose xD you just need to walk
  3. 01:52:977 (1,2,3) - this pattern begins too suddenly, so players might be confused to catch this, try to make this a liitle bit easier huh well shini suggested about this too, so i will change ALL OF THEM later aaaa
  4. 02:12:691 (7,1) - this jump is so hard to catch, might be fc breaker the distance is low and there is a simple movement, i cant understand your point :/ but still i reduced the distance a little more
  5. 02:53:320 (1,2,3) and 02:54:005 (5,6,7) - another too rapidly patterns, consider changing like the pevious one? same as in 00:38:920 (1,2,3) -
  6. 03:42:005 (1,2,3,4) - ^ ;c you just can easely miss here, plays fine, but still there's some chances you'll miss it | 03:44:748 (1,2,3,4) - you know this plays completely fine, maybe you'll make these patterns like this one? mh ok i nerfed this one a little, but i cant really find the issue in them
  7. 04:04:120 (2) - tilt this slider a little bit left sure omg i needed like 20 minutes to fix this and the next patterns XD
  8. 04:07:377 (1,2,3) - this begins too suddenly like the previous one same as above
  9. 04:13:377 (3,1) - very chellanging to catch, since you need to make so many moves ^
  10. 04:46:462 (1,2,3) - again these rapid sliders :c ^
  11. 05:12:348 (7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - are you serious about making such a pattern at the end of the whole beatmap? Firstly it's so hard to catch (I fced it after my 5th try in the tester), secondly it's too fast, especially for the end! the end deserves the hardest patterns! x3 anyway lmao its too much, nerfed
that's it, again such a little mod, nice map, excited for the rank, good luck <3
thanks! aaaaaaaaaa
quick in-game mod

22:32 BoberOfDarkness: Hiya
22:36 koliron: hi
22:39 BoberOfDarkness: so
22:39 BoberOfDarkness: lol
22:45 BoberOfDarkness: np map q.q
22:45 koliron: aaa
22:45 koliron: go
22:45 *koliron is listening to [ Dancing Dolls - monochrome(Asterisk Makina Remix)]
22:45 BoberOfDarkness: kk
22:45 *koliron is editing [ Dancing Dolls - monochrome(Asterisk Makina Remix) [Destinity]]
22:45 BoberOfDarkness: pls diff name change ;w;
22:45 koliron: xD
22:48 BoberOfDarkness: can I mod nazi stuff ?
22:48 koliron: sure xd
22:49 BoberOfDarkness: 00:14:234 (1,2,3) - change to something like [ this]
22:49 BoberOfDarkness: I mean to curve that triplet
22:50 koliron: sure
22:50 BoberOfDarkness: 00:16:977 (1,4) - don't stack head and tail
22:50 BoberOfDarkness: looks weird
22:52 koliron: in the editor maybe, but i think in game is a good pattern for those circles (00:17:149 (2,3) - )
22:52 BoberOfDarkness: welp its up to you
22:52 koliron: is basically for aesthetic xD
22:52 BoberOfDarkness: but I don't like much them
22:52 koliron: dsakjldsajkl
22:52 BoberOfDarkness: I think might be better
22:52 BoberOfDarkness: not stacked
22:52 BoberOfDarkness: lets go futher
22:53 BoberOfDarkness: 00:19:720 (1,2) - and 00:20:405 (1,2) - inscrease a bit distance, for me better flows and doesn't feel stacked
22:53 BoberOfDarkness: distance I tried is 1,13
22:54 BoberOfDarkness: something between 1.1 and 1.3 is nice
22:54 koliron: sure increased
22:55 BoberOfDarkness: 00:25:205 (2) - that feels weird to play
22:55 BoberOfDarkness: ;w;
22:56 koliron: k
22:56 koliron: why?
22:56 BoberOfDarkness: forced anti-flow
22:56 BoberOfDarkness: but have no idea how to fix
22:57 BoberOfDarkness: lets back!
22:57 BoberOfDarkness: 00:24:691 (5) - hyper to this is overpatterned
22:57 BoberOfDarkness: and out of place
22:57 koliron: yeah idont want to overmap :/ so i will keep it as how it is for now
22:57 koliron: oh
22:57 koliron: sure
22:57 BoberOfDarkness: place (5) on right side of (4)
22:57 BoberOfDarkness:
22:58 koliron: i will change the distances a little
22:59 koliron: k no sorry
22:59 koliron: its weird to play
22:59 koliron: i prefer keep the hyper for now
22:59 koliron: but if more people suggest about it i will change :3
22:59 BoberOfDarkness: well wierd to play with next pattern?
22:59 BoberOfDarkness: or now?
22:59 BoberOfDarkness: or (4) and (5) only
23:00 koliron: the jump 4 to 5
23:00 koliron: tried with different distances and
23:00 koliron: actualy a hyper fits
23:00 BoberOfDarkness: CLSW used the patterinig like that
23:00 BoberOfDarkness: in assymetry
23:01 BoberOfDarkness: And I use kinda similiar on
23:01 *BoberOfDarkness is listening to [ DJ Genericname - Dear You]
23:01 BoberOfDarkness: and if you put (5) like I sugested
23:01 koliron: then if people like it why not \:D/
23:01 koliron: XD
23:01 BoberOfDarkness: you can place one triplet on left and then 2nd on the right of screen
23:01 BoberOfDarkness: with hypers
23:02 BoberOfDarkness: because there are strong sounds
23:02 BoberOfDarkness: on 00:24:862 - and 00:25:205 -
23:02 koliron: 00:29:834 (2,3,4) - maybe here is more obvious that an hyper fits good
23:02 BoberOfDarkness: here hyper are worth to place
23:02 BoberOfDarkness: well
23:03 BoberOfDarkness: yea that fits
23:03 koliron: nah imo its fine, but as i said if another modders thkn the same i will change
23:03 koliron: kldsjlmsa
23:03 BoberOfDarkness: kk
23:03 koliron: kk
23:03 BoberOfDarkness: so I will mod it once again :P
23:04 BoberOfDarkness: 00:31:205 (8,9) - I wonder about this
23:04 BoberOfDarkness: because the hyper is super strong here
23:04 BoberOfDarkness: and you have to change direction to catch (8)
23:04 BoberOfDarkness: maybe reduce distance but keep hyper dash?
23:05 koliron: 8 to 9?
23:05 BoberOfDarkness: yes
23:05 koliron: sure
23:06 BoberOfDarkness: I would place hyper chain here
23:06 BoberOfDarkness: 00:33:262 (3,4,1) -
23:07 BoberOfDarkness:
23:07 koliron: lol
23:07 koliron: hyperchain 1/4?
23:07 koliron: mmh
23:07 BoberOfDarkness: yea
23:07 koliron: well i will increase a little the distance to be noticeable diffence, and force the player to dash
23:08 koliron: but with hypers would be too much
23:08 BoberOfDarkness: you mean hyper chain is too much?
23:08 koliron: ya
23:08 koliron: xD
23:08 BoberOfDarkness: lol
23:08 BoberOfDarkness: is that rain?
23:09 BoberOfDarkness: or overdose
23:09 BoberOfDarkness: or deluge
23:09 koliron: lol
23:09 BoberOfDarkness: yea lol
23:09 BoberOfDarkness: okay its up to you
23:09 koliron: deluge doesnt exist anymore
23:09 koliron: so is an overdose
23:09 koliron: but i dont like pattern like the
23:09 koliron: now deluges are ULTR
23:09 koliron: A
23:09 koliron: (?
23:10 BoberOfDarkness: deluges exist in hearth of people
23:10 BoberOfDarkness: we don't have Ultra in ctb RC
23:10 BoberOfDarkness: :^)
23:10 koliron: shh ;^)
23:10 koliron: hahah
23:11 koliron: ok go next suggestion
23:11 koliron: we are in 30 second in this way you will sleep like at 5 am D:
23:13 BoberOfDarkness: sh
23:13 BoberOfDarkness: I was testing
23:13 BoberOfDarkness: now I am in 03:25:081 -
23:13 BoberOfDarkness: and I didn't find anything
23:13 BoberOfDarkness: xD
23:13 koliron: lmao
23:13 koliron: then i will ask to check after this mod :^)
23:14 koliron: (?)
23:14 koliron: hahah
23:14 BoberOfDarkness: might work

Great work!
Yumeno Himiko
As requested

check out AiMod and you'll find 2 unsnapped objects

00:07:891 (5,6,7) - this pattern is not having a good flow at the beginning part, you may make the direction heading more left, and adjust the spacings after doing this
00:18:005 (6,1) - just my personal taste, I'd like to make it follow the vocal, and the pattern will be like this
00:21:777 (1) - I'd like a HDash here and I would put it at x:136 to make the flow more fun, if you agree, 00:22:120 (2) will be heading the opposite direction.
00:34:805 (5,6,7,8) - try out this pattern 01:09:091 - 01:27:605 - I know it's the calm part and you use all 1/2 snaps to follow the song, but I think you can follow some vocals as well using some 1/1 sliders, e.g. at 01:11:662, 01:13:034
02:09:434 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - oh best stream in this map
03:59:148 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - The rhythm is getting intensed here, I suggest you make larger spacing.
seems that hitsound is not added?

no big problems, good luck on ranking it!
Topic Starter

examination wrote:

As requested

check out AiMod and you'll find 2 unsnapped objects done

00:07:891 (5,6,7) - this pattern is not having a good flow at the beginning part, you may make the direction heading more left, and adjust the spacings after doing this huhh not exactly but yeah changed in a little
00:18:005 (6,1) - just my personal taste, I'd like to make it follow the vocal, and the pattern will be like this hm i think the drum has more priority here because is pretty low, also start the stream i nthe middle of those sounds wouldnt fit imo
00:21:777 (1) - I'd like a HDash here and I would put it at x:136 to make the flow more fun, if you agree, 00:22:120 (2) will be heading the opposite direction. aaaa noo that pattern would be so hard! x_x even with a dash could be, i prefer to keep the current dash, also to keep consistency with 02:47:148 (1) -
00:34:805 (5,6,7,8) - try out this pattern changed 01:09:091 - 01:27:605 - I know it's the calm part and you use all 1/2 snaps to follow the song, but I think you can follow some vocals as well using some 1/1 sliders, e.g. at 01:11:662, 01:13:034 i think this effect of follow the background sounds with the rhythm and the vocal with the distances is pretty nice, maybe if more people suggest about this but for now i think what i did fits better
02:09:434 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - oh best stream in this map thank you x3
03:59:148 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - The rhythm is getting intensed here, I suggest you make larger spacing. remapped
seems that hitsound is not added?

no big problems, good luck on ranking it!

thank you! ^^
Since you asked nicely in Discord and I need the practice at modding overdoses, I'll give modding this a shot.

Edit (Since I mod at home): I got sniped by Exam some some of this might not be relevant anymore.


-Assuming that the metadata is correct for source is correct, I don't see how the BG has anything to so with the song or the source material. Unless I'm not recognizing the character, I'm pretty sure the BG should be changed.

-I'm not sure if the diff name is rankable unless there's something to show it's part of the lyrics or something. (May not be relevant now)

-Even if you were to keep the BG, the first and second combo color are a bit dark and might blend a bit if the background is dimmed. Might wanna lighten them up a bit.

-Japanese version of the anime name should be in the Source and the English version goes into the tags.

Believing Destiny

00:12:520 (3,4) – I would recommend making this 4.00x spacing because it looks slightly better with (4) on X=360.
00:14:062 (2,1) – Emphasis sounds late here. It sounds like it should be on the “tsu” of the lyrics then give a jump onto the next main beat of (1).
00:18:520 (2,3) – I feel this is over-emphasized, reduce spacing a little but keep the h-dash.
00:45:434 (4,1) – The “ka” on (1) is a bit over-emphasized despite being on a main beat because even the main beat there isn't that prominent/noticable since this part of the song is calmer than the kiai. I'd say 4.00x spacing should be the max here.
01:40:462 (4,1) – I'd reduce spacing here a bit and make the h-dash of the (1,2) stay the same for a build up.
02:13:548 (1,2,3) – Decrease spacing between (1) and (2) but increase between (2) and (3) so it creates the effect of slowly getting harder as the song build up in beat.
02:14:062 (3,4) – I think this is over-emphasized because the triplet isn't as prominent as the previous beats or the next beat and it makes it hard to read. Reduce spacing a bit, to at least 6.00x or 5.50x
03:08:063 (4,1) – I think the “na” on (1) has much too much emphasis for the size of h-dash it is, just by a bit though. Make it closer to 4.00x
05:13:120 (9,1) – Would be better as a 8.00x or 9.00x jump

I tried, hopefully you find something insight from the mod. Good luck.
Topic Starter

RoseusJaeger wrote:

Since you asked nicely in Discord and I need the practice at modding overdoses, I'll give modding this a shot.

Edit (Since I mod at home): I got sniped by Exam some some of this might not be relevant anymore.


-Assuming that the metadata is correct for source is correct, I don't see how the BG has anything to so with the song or the source material. Unless I'm not recognizing the character, I'm pretty sure the BG should be changed. i tried to find a bg which has a meaning like "destiny" and/or "satisfaction" like the lyrics, is hard to find a bg like that lol but for the broken chains i think it fits

-I'm not sure if the diff name is rankable unless there's something to show it's part of the lyrics or something. (May not be relevant now) destiny is part of the lyrics, "> でも白黒モノクロームな運命も", and it means "black and white monochrome destiny"

-Even if you were to keep the BG, the first and second combo color are a bit dark and might blend a bit if the background is dimmed. Might wanna lighten them up a bit. sure now are a little less dark

-Japanese version of the anime name should be in the Source and the English version goes into the tags. a i will check this later but i think the english v it's fine like in

Believing Destiny

00:12:520 (3,4) – I would recommend making this 4.00x spacing because it looks slightly better with (4) on X=360. reduced a little
00:14:062 (2,1) – Emphasis sounds late here. It sounds like it should be on the “tsu” of the lyrics then give a jump onto the next main beat of (1). the nc and the drum deserves the hyper more than the vocal imo
00:18:520 (2,3) – I feel this is over-emphasized, reduce spacing a little but keep the h-dash. huh its almost a dash but ok rediced few grids
00:45:434 (4,1) – The “ka” on (1) is a bit over-emphasized despite being on a main beat because even the main beat there isn't that prominent/noticable since this part of the song is calmer than the kiai. I'd say 4.00x spacing should be the max here.sure reduced
01:40:462 (4,1) – I'd reduce spacing here a bit and make the h-dash of the (1,2) stay the same for a build up. actually those sounds are almost the same, thats why i made same distances
02:13:548 (1,2,3) – Decrease spacing between (1) and (2) but increase between (2) and (3) so it creates the effect of slowly getting harder as the song build up in beat. changed a little
02:14:062 (3,4) – I think this is over-emphasized because the triplet isn't as prominent as the previous beats or the next beat and it makes it hard to read. Reduce spacing a bit, to at least 6.00x or 5.50x in 02:14:234 - the sound is pretty strong, imo is the strongest here so i added more distance
03:08:063 (4,1) – I think the “na” on (1) has much too much emphasis for the size of h-dash it is, just by a bit though. Make it closer to 4.00x reduced a little, but the hyper is for the drum kek
05:13:120 (9,1) – Would be better as a 8.00x or 9.00x jump i prefer to keep those strong distances to be easier to read, with less distance players could be confused and miss easily

I tried, hopefully you find something insight from the mod. Good luck.
thank you! x3
Its been a 10 months when I modded this map. So ill try to be very serious and yes its a random mod


It's so quiet that I can't literally hear the hitsounds.

Combo 4 its kinda unrecongnizable because the BG that it has focused on dark theme... I mean look closer to the BG. Id select this color like I did.

I'm kinda surprised that it don't have a hitsounding, maybe it have but I can't listen to then. It need a hitsounding (claps and finishes are fine, but if you have a hitsounds then I apologize for that).


Explain to me why is this kiai part less than 15 seconds when AiBot said more than 15 seconds but this kiai does it. I understand if it like 2 inherited will be very near together, i'll understand but this kiai dosen't because it goes vocals again.

00:38:920 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Holy cow this one needs a random luck to pass this, might be a bit closer.
02:09:434 - 02:13:548 - Don't understand these parts it have some but they're, for me, really, really confusing me.
04:46:805 (3) - Maybe x:248 y:144 would be better.
05:05:662 (3,4,5,6) - Spotted this dash-mash trick, make a little bit closer something like this.
05:12:520 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This one is great because you're confusing players for the first time playing on this map.

It's kinda short one still but that's my type of skill of modding ;w;
If you're so kind to support me you can mod this map. I am aiming to rank it but im preety sure I can't rank it, ever but still thanks. Thats my best :c
Topic Starter

Nelly wrote:

Its been a 10 months when I modded this map. So ill try to be very serious and yes its a random mod


It's so quiet that I can't literally hear the hitsounds. LOL i forgot to update again, done xD

Combo 4 its kinda unrecongnizable because the BG that it has focused on dark theme... I mean look closer to the BG. Id select this color like I did. sure fixed

I'm kinda surprised that it don't have a hitsounding, maybe it have but I can't listen to then. It need a hitsounding (claps and finishes are fine, but if you have a hitsounds then I apologize for that).


Explain to me why is this kiai part less than 15 seconds when AiBot said more than 15 seconds but this kiai does it. I understand if it like 2 inherited will be very near together, i'll understand but this kiai dosen't because it goes vocals again. a 15 or less sec kiai it's fine if there is no way to increase it, and i cant do it here, the difference about patterns and the song is too much

00:38:920 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Holy cow this one needs a random luck to pass this, might be a bit closer. random luck? lol well after some suggestions about this i reduced it few grids
02:09:434 - 02:13:548 - Don't understand these parts it have some but they're, for me, really, really confusing me. huh.. maybe because is a stream? idk to me it is pretty easy to read
04:46:805 (3) - Maybe x:248 y:144 would be better. sorry no :c that would plays weird, i prefer to keep this pattern for the consistency with patterns like 00:39:605 - :3
05:05:662 (3,4,5,6) - Spotted this dash-mash trick, make a little bit closer something like this. reduced a little, now they are the same as 03:57:091 (1,2,3) -
05:12:520 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This one is great because you're confusing players for the first time playing on this map. well, any map is not supposed to be ssed in the first try, right? XD i made these distances to be easier to read, so this pattrn wouldnt be a problem for overdose players, even in the first try

It's kinda short one still but that's my type of skill of modding ;w; don't worry it was helpful n_n
If you're so kind to support me you can mod this map. I am aiming to rank it but im preety sure I can't rank it, ever but still thanks. Thats my best :c aww sure i will
thank you! ^^

-These 00:23:148 (6) - Woosh sounds can use more movement I feel like, you should make it into this type of slider Image

-Same with this Woosh sound 00:25:891 (5) - but if you to make it like the slider above i showed, you should also move 00:26:233 (1) - to x:120 and
00:26:319 (2) - to x:184

-same with this lonely slider 00:34:120 (8) - make it like this

-All these woosh sliders are the same 00:36:862 (4,1,3) - since in the music, each woosh sound becomes more and more high pitch i feel like the length of the sliders should also increase to match the music more.
what I did was. I added an inherited point here 00:36:862 - and change the slider Velocity to 0.75x same with this 00:37:720 (1) - bu tinstead of it being 0.75x I left it as it was 1.00x and as for the last slider 00:38:234 (3) - i made the slider velocity into 1.25x like so Image

-This section feels a bit weird 02:12:177 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I think its because you have Anti-Flow back to back which is fine but just kinda hard for example this pattern 02:12:691 (7,1,2,3) - the H-Dash make it hard to land this combo you can move these notes 02:12:862 (1,2,3) - too x:160 to smooth out that section but still keep the zigzaggy feel to it

-I shit miss every now and then when I try to land these patterns 02:53:320 (1,2,3) - 02:54:005 (5,6,7) - maybe make it into one straight stream, it's ok how it is but i would recommend that

- I would also recommend to move this note 02:55:291 (5) - to x:256 and same with this 02:55:977 (5) -
its a really small change but I feel like it helps a lot

-I Love these patterns 05:11:919 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -

Marathon maps!!
the none-Kiai Sections are made really well
Topic Starter

xi-False wrote:


-These 00:23:148 (6) - Woosh sounds can use more movement I feel like, you should make it into this type of slider Image

-Same with this Woosh sound 00:25:891 (5) - but if you to make it like the slider above i showed, you should also move 00:26:233 (1) - to x:120 and
00:26:319 (2) - to x:184

-same with this lonely slider 00:34:120 (8) - make it like this changed all of them, now those curves are too ez for an overdose but its fine c_c

-All these woosh sliders are the same 00:36:862 (4,1,3) - since in the music, each woosh sound becomes more and more high pitch i feel like the length of the sliders should also increase to match the music more.
what I did was. I added an inherited point here 00:36:862 - and change the slider Velocity to 0.75x same with this 00:37:720 (1) - bu tinstead of it being 0.75x I left it as it was 1.00x and as for the last slider 00:38:234 (3) - i made the slider velocity into 1.25x like so Image mmh no sorry, walk here would be too weird, i prefer to keep those dash

-This section feels a bit weird 02:12:177 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I think its because you have Anti-Flow back to back which is fine but just kinda hard for example this pattern 02:12:691 (7,1,2,3) - the H-Dash make it hard to land this combo you can move these notes 02:12:862 (1,2,3) - too x:160 to smooth out that section but still keep the zigzaggy feel to it i dont want to be repetitive, so i added a harder movement for the strongest sound, and tbh is pretty easy imo

-I shit miss every now and then when I try to land these patterns 02:53:320 (1,2,3) - 02:54:005 (5,6,7) - maybe make it into one straight stream, it's ok how it is but i would recommend that ok, now is not necessary to dash here

- I would also recommend to move this note 02:55:291 (5) - to x:256 and same with this 02:55:977 (5) -
its a really small change but I feel like it helps a lot sure nice idea

-I Love these patterns 05:11:919 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - aww thanks <3

Marathon maps!!
the none-Kiai Sections are made really well
thank you! ^^
I really like this map you did a great job. Almost all pattern fit well with the song so it's so enjoyable, i have the feeling i'm really playing the song and not trying to catch some fruits in rythm. Voice part are not boring and nice job for that.

  1. 02:52:120 (1,3) - I already missed because I was fulldashing, idk if it's normal.
  2. 02:58:805 to 03:08:405 - I have a feeling that doesn't fit with the song, not like the rest of the map. It's strange for me.
I actually love how the map is.
Topic Starter

CelegaS wrote:

I really like this map you did a great job. Almost all pattern fit well with the song so it's so enjoyable, i have the feeling i'm really playing the song and not trying to catch some fruits in rythm. Voice part are not boring and nice job for that.

  1. 02:52:120 (1,3) - I already missed because I was fulldashing, idk if it's normal. sure i changed all of them, now you can dash there
  2. 02:58:805 to 03:08:405 - I have a feeling that doesn't fit with the song, not like the rest of the map. It's strange for me. mmh yeah probably for the vocal, all of this is 1/2 so i changed a little the rhythm, now sounds much better
I actually love how the map is.
thank you for the mod and your suggestions in discord ^^
Topic Starter
XdDxDDDdd bub pLZ xdddddddddddddD thx lmAo xdXdxx

koliron wrote:

XdDxDDDdd bub pLZ xdddddddddddddD thx lmAo xdXdxx
[u]w[/u ]
Topic Starter

koliron wrote:

2016-07-21 01:01 Ascendance: 00:08:920 (2,3) - wanna tilt these to the left instead of to the right, since the catcher is meant to move in that direction?
2016-07-21 01:02 koliron: mh sure
2016-07-21 01:02 koliron: done
2016-07-21 01:02 Ascendance: 00:16:977 - Is there a reason you didn't start the stream from here? It feels odd to start it halfway through at 00:18:348 -
2016-07-21 01:03 koliron: mh yeah i think those sounds are easier to notice since 00:18:348 -
2016-07-21 01:04 koliron: also i dont like to spam too much streams
2016-07-21 01:04 koliron: =.=
2016-07-21 01:04 Ascendance: hm alright
2016-07-21 01:05 Ascendance: 00:19:034 (1,2,3,4) - maybe a curve or a pattern like 00:20:405 (1,2,3,4) - would be better here, since the horizontal flow seems quite sharp here
2016-07-21 01:05 Ascendance: since it's not the kiai, i think a curve would be more natural to do
2016-07-21 01:06 koliron: mh ok wait
2016-07-21 01:08 koliron: done
2016-07-21 01:08 Ascendance: could you screenshot? o:
2016-07-21 01:09 koliron:
2016-07-21 01:09 Ascendance: alright, nice
2016-07-21 01:10 Ascendance: 00:22:034 - missing a note here? I can distinctly hear something on the blue tick, so maybe you can use it as a connector note between 00:21:777 (1,2) -
2016-07-21 01:12 koliron: huh well maybe if i listen in 25% there is a sound there, but maybe that would sounds pretty weird, i prefer to keep those notes to only emphasize the strongest sounds, like in 02:47:148 (1,2,3) -
2016-07-21 01:12 Ascendance: hm alright
2016-07-21 01:12 Ascendance: well at least try to add a bit of space between 1,2 since the catcher has to wait a bit for 2 to fall
2016-07-21 01:13 Ascendance: so a bit more movement could be good
2016-07-21 01:13 koliron: sure
2016-07-21 01:14 Ascendance: 00:36:862 (4,1,3) - Curving these a bit more would be nice, since it's really easy to overshoot/undershoot right now, so a bit more curve could have some safety for the player
2016-07-21 01:15 koliron: what do you mean with a curve?
2016-07-21 01:15 koliron: more vertical?
2016-07-21 01:15 Ascendance: just move the red point up a bit
2016-07-21 01:15 Ascendance: (or down for the lower slider)
2016-07-21 01:15 koliron: oh celegas said that is weird to walk there so i added more SV but if you think i can reduce it again
2016-07-21 01:16 Ascendance: I think just need to increase the angle of the red point so it's not so easy to miss the big droplet
2016-07-21 01:16 koliron: sure wait
2016-07-21 01:16 koliron: there are some of these in the next kiai too
2016-07-21 01:16 Ascendance: alright
2016-07-21 01:16 Ascendance: take your time
2016-07-21 01:17 koliron: done
2016-07-21 01:17 koliron: fdskjlh
2016-07-21 01:17 Ascendance: 00:38:920 (1,2,3) - this pattern makes me so sad
2016-07-21 01:18 Ascendance: such harsh wiggle :(
2016-07-21 01:18 Ascendance: this is so much better imo
2016-07-21 01:18 koliron: mmh
2016-07-21 01:18 Ascendance: you can do the same to the other side
2016-07-21 01:18 Ascendance: the current pattern is just way too choppy and harsh for me tbh
2016-07-21 01:18 koliron: wait i will try to find something easier and keep the aesthetic
2016-07-21 01:21 Ascendance: some sort of left-right pattern would be nice
2016-07-21 01:21 koliron: done
2016-07-21 01:22 Ascendance: did you do to the other side too?
2016-07-21 01:22 koliron: ya
2016-07-21 01:22 koliron:
2016-07-21 01:22 Ascendance: 00:44:062 (1,2,3,4) - maybe lower these to 1.3 or 1.2x instead?
2016-07-21 01:23 koliron: do you mean until no-dash?
2016-07-21 01:24 Ascendance: just lower the distance between them so that way people don't leave 4 early
2016-07-21 01:24 koliron: ok reduced anyways
2016-07-21 01:24 koliron: reduced in 02:58:462 - too
2016-07-21 01:25 Ascendance: 01:28:977 (1) - could you cut this into 2 sliders so that way the fruits aren't so high?
2016-07-21 01:25 koliron: wew im noob
2016-07-21 01:25 koliron: sure
2016-07-21 01:26 koliron: done in 03:43:377 - too
2016-07-21 01:27 Ascendance: 02:58:462 (1,2,3,4) -
2016-07-21 01:27 Ascendance: lower :D
2016-07-21 01:27 koliron: 02:24 koliron: reduced in 02:58:462 - too
2016-07-21 01:27 koliron: ewe
2016-07-21 01:27 Ascendance: oh
2016-07-21 01:27 Ascendance: im noob.
2016-07-21 01:28 koliron: hoho
2016-07-21 01:28 Ascendance: 03:42:691 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - this is a really harsh stream because of the angle of approach with 03:42:520 (4,1) -
2016-07-21 01:28 Ascendance: it's really sharp antiflow into a stream that can kill you
2016-07-21 01:29 Ascendance: I'd make the stream more S-shaped and remove the antiflow
2016-07-21 01:29 koliron: mmmh did you test? because i dont think is hard
2016-07-21 01:29 koliron: but i will change it anyway
2016-07-21 01:30 Ascendance: It's not hard, it could just be potentially uncomfortable
2016-07-21 01:31 Ascendance: why not try this ?
2016-07-21 01:31 koliron: nuuu
2016-07-21 01:31 koliron: aesthetic
2016-07-21 01:31 Ascendance: ;w;
2016-07-21 01:31 Ascendance: but that pattern;;
2016-07-21 01:32 koliron: shhh people like them
2016-07-21 01:32 koliron: u noob
2016-07-21 01:32 Ascendance: ;w;...
2016-07-21 01:32 koliron: anyway changed xD
2016-07-21 01:32 Ascendance: i dont like
2016-07-21 01:32 Ascendance: eeeeeee
2016-07-21 01:32 koliron: wait
2016-07-21 01:32 Ascendance: ok
2016-07-21 01:32 Ascendance: 03:43:377 (1) - split this?
2016-07-21 01:32 koliron:
2016-07-21 01:32 Ascendance: oh you did already
2016-07-21 01:32 Ascendance: w
2016-07-21 01:32 koliron: yap
2016-07-21 01:34 Ascendance: 04:28:634 (4,5,6) - horizontal and more spaced please :< vertical hold makes flow breaker
2016-07-21 01:35 koliron: :C
2016-07-21 01:35 koliron: ok wait
2016-07-21 01:36 Ascendance: 05:12:777 (5,6,7,8) - wtf
2016-07-21 01:36 koliron: B)
2016-07-21 01:36 Ascendance: nonono
2016-07-21 01:36 koliron: yeyey
2016-07-21 01:37 Ascendance: change :(((
2016-07-21 01:37 Ascendance: 05:12:862 (6,7) - ctrlg;;
2016-07-21 01:37 koliron: can i just reduce the distance?
2016-07-21 01:38 Ascendance: e... the pattern itself is really harsh
2016-07-21 01:38 Ascendance: starting from 05:12:520 -
2016-07-21 01:39 koliron: pls this is supposed to be an overdose -_- i nerfed all the hard patterns
2016-07-21 01:39 koliron: but ok
2016-07-21 01:39 koliron: wait
2016-07-21 01:39 Ascendance: 05:12:520 (1,2,3) - should be horizontal again so its not flowbreaker
2016-07-21 01:40 Ascendance: the rest is fine i guess
2016-07-21 01:40 koliron: duuu
2016-07-21 01:41 koliron: at least let me keep that xC
2016-07-21 01:41 Ascendance: 05:12:520 (1,2,3) -
2016-07-21 01:41 Ascendance: 05:12:520 (1,2,3) -
2016-07-21 01:41 Ascendance: :((((((((
2016-07-21 01:41 koliron: jmmm
2016-07-21 01:41 koliron: ok
2016-07-21 01:43 koliron: gimme a moment because
2016-07-21 01:43 koliron: 04:27:948 - this is too repetitive now
2016-07-21 01:46 koliron: done
2016-07-21 01:46 Ascendance: ok upd
2016-07-21 01:47 koliron: updated
2016-07-21 01:47 koliron: ldjkfl

koliron wrote:

XdDxDDDdd bub pLZ xdddddddddddddD thx lmAo xdXdxx
lol sure if you want xd
Topic Starter

Xinely wrote:

koliron wrote:

XdDxDDDdd bub pLZ xdddddddddddddD thx lmAo xdXdxx
lol sure if you want xd
o yaaaaaaaa <3
finally have time

Destiny :
- 00:05:320 (4) - how about slider's tail move to left so it becomes horizontal sliders? drums for 00:05:320 (4) - are strong that imo feel a bit weird if its same with 00:05:148 (3) - which has lower drums
- 00:08:062 (7) - can try 1/4 slider and circle here, i think you need a jump for 00:08:234 - this vocal
- 00:12:177 (1,2,3,4) - feels overmap since no sound for 1/4
- 00:21:091 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - i think you can give some jump for the stream, current music all have strong drums
- 00:21:777 (1) - feels like 1/12 instead of 1/8
- 00:50:234 (2) - reduce spacing a bit i guess, got miss here. x:264
- 01:09:091 - until 01:18:691 - i think you can add jumps for each stanza since the music (a bit similar with whistle) can emphasised here
- 01:18:177 (5,1) - if you map for vocal then ignore this, i feel a bit weird that 01:18:691 - stanza mapped with low spacing, i think that this slider and circle can be combined to 1/2 slider repeat instead
- 01:23:491 (3) - i think hdash will be great for this, due vocal and you always do 2 hdash each stanza here. if agree then 01:24:862 (3) - too
- 01:28:291 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,1,1) - thats why i hate snapping, i cant even confirm the snap, also mind to reduce jump to 01:28:977 (1) - , its so hard (for me) ;_;
- 01:42:262 - feel weird if you ignore this when you mapped 01:36:520 (1,1) - before, as player i think that i should follow trumpet. 01:42:005 (1,2,3,4) - is still trumpet part so imo better to keep follow trumpet before you move to follow drum in next
- 01:47:834 (1) - i guess remove nc here for consistency
- 01:52:320 (2) - feels like 1/12 instead of 1/8
- 02:00:005 (3) - 01:54:520 (3) - 02:08:234 (4) - 01:56:920 (3) - 02:02:405 (3) - imo you can add hdash for catch them. their trumpet voice at pitch ><
- 02:13:548 (1,2,3) - i would keep suggest you map with 1/4 streams, it feels weird to feel 3/2 because trumpet. you can try keep 1/4 streams but jump for 02:13:805 - 02:14:062 - to emphasis trumpet imo
- 02:45:605 (3) - according to 02:42:348 (1,2,3,4) - so this slider should be a circle because nothing for 02:45:691 -
- 02:47:148 (3) - if this, i think more fit in 1/6 (if follow drum) ;_;
- 02:50:577 (4) - finish, i hear cymbal
- 02:52:120 (1,2,3) - maybe change slider shape or reduce spacing for (2), i feel catching (3) is very sharp flow
- 03:22:805 (1) - same as 01:52:320 (2) -
- 03:43:377 (1,1) - same as 01:28:977 (1,1) -
- 03:47:834 - 03:52:977 - i would like to see a jump or hdash for them.. its melody on the song ;w;
- 04:06:734 (2) - same as 01:52:320 (2) -
- 04:07:034 (3) - if you follow drum then no sound for 04:07:205 - (actually a weak vocal) but 04:07:291 - strong drum appears here
- 04:08:920 - and similar stuff basically same as 02:00:005 (3) - 01:54:520 (3) - 02:08:234 (4) - 01:56:920 (3) - 02:02:405 (3) - , i know our beloved BN can figure out all w/o my mention 8)
- 04:27:948 (1,2,3) - same as 02:13:548 (1,2,3) - (basically repetitive song ;-;)

i surrender if should mod streams xd
Topic Starter

Xinely wrote:

finally have time

Destiny :
- 00:05:320 (4) - how about slider's tail move to left so it becomes horizontal sliders? drums for 00:05:320 (4) - are strong that imo feel a bit weird if its same with 00:05:148 (3) - which has lower drums the strong sound is only in 00:05:320 - thats why i add more distance there, but in 1/4 is not imo
- 00:08:062 (7) - can try 1/4 slider and circle here, i think you need a jump for 00:08:234 - this vocal same as above ;w;
- 00:12:177 (1,2,3,4) - feels overmap since no sound for 1/4 ay but the vocal is there D: like in 03:57:091 (1,2,3,4) -
- 00:21:091 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - i think you can give some jump for the stream, current music all have strong drums mmmh but it wouldnt follow the music imo
- 00:21:777 (1) - feels like 1/12 instead of 1/8 *
- 00:50:234 (2) - reduce spacing a bit i guess, got miss here. x:264 ok reduced
- 01:09:091 - until 01:18:691 - i think you can add jumps for each stanza since the music (a bit similar with whistle) can emphasised here mhh ok i added a little more distance in all new stanzas to emphasize them, but i dont want to add hypers until 01:20:062 - because this section is pretty calm imo
- 01:18:177 (5,1) - if you map for vocal then ignore this, i feel a bit weird that 01:18:691 - stanza mapped with low spacing, i think that this slider and circle can be combined to 1/2 slider repeat instead mmh ya i followed the vocal :C
- 01:23:491 (3) - i think hdash will be great for this, due vocal and you always do 2 hdash each stanza here. if agree then 01:24:862 (3) - too lol 01:23:491 (3) -wasnt even a dash, a increased the distance but hyper would break the consistency
- 01:28:291 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,1,1) - thats why i hate snapping, i cant even confirm the snap, also mind to reduce jump to 01:28:977 (1) - , its so hard (for me) ;_; *, and sure ds reduced to (1)
- 01:42:262 - feel weird if you ignore this when you mapped 01:36:520 (1,1) - before, as player i think that i should follow trumpet. 01:42:005 (1,2,3,4) - is still trumpet part so imo better to keep follow trumpet before you move to follow drum in next yap following the drum since 01:42:005 -
- 01:47:834 (1) - i guess remove nc here for consistency aaaa
- 01:52:320 (2) - feels like 1/12 instead of 1/8 *
- 02:00:005 (3) - 01:54:520 (3) - 02:08:234 (4) - 01:56:920 (3) - 02:02:405 (3) - imo you can add hdash for catch them. their trumpet voice at pitch >< aaaa sure added in some of them
- 02:13:548 (1,2,3) - i would keep suggest you map with 1/4 streams, it feels weird to feel 3/2 because trumpet. you can try keep 1/4 streams but jump for 02:13:805 - 02:14:062 - to emphasis trumpet imo mmh i dont think si recommendable follow the drum here, is almost impossible to listen :c
- 02:45:605 (3) - according to 02:42:348 (1,2,3,4) - so this slider should be a circle because nothing for 02:45:691 - sureee
- 02:47:148 (3) - if this, i think more fit in 1/6 (if follow drum) ;_; *
- 02:50:577 (4) - finish, i hear cymbal added
- 02:52:120 (1,2,3) - maybe change slider shape or reduce spacing for (2), i feel catching (3) is very sharp flow ok now those short slider are a little more vertical, so is easier to catch
- 03:22:805 (1) - same as 01:52:320 (2) - *
- 03:43:377 (1,1) - same as 01:28:977 (1,1) - yap reduced too
- 03:47:834 - 03:52:977 - i would like to see a jump or hdash for them.. its melody on the song ;w; ok now is a little more vertical like in 01:33:091 (4) -
- 04:06:734 (2) - same as 01:52:320 (2) - *
- 04:07:034 (3) - if you follow drum then no sound for 04:07:205 - (actually a weak vocal) but 04:07:291 - strong drum appears here removed hitsound from 1/2 now is easier to notice the vocal
- 04:08:920 - and similar stuff basically same as 02:00:005 (3) - 01:54:520 (3) - 02:08:234 (4) - 01:56:920 (3) - 02:02:405 (3) - , i know our beloved BN can figure out all w/o my mention 8) added distance to the same sounds for consistency
- 04:27:948 (1,2,3) - same as 02:13:548 (1,2,3) - (basically repetitive song ;-;) same aaaa

*: i dont think that 1/12 would fit in them, i mean all of the song is 1/2 1/4 or 1/8, so i think vary only in them with 1/12 would be weird, btw maybe in 03:43:377 - 01:28:977 - is hard to notice but if you listen in 25% without hitsounds, sounds like 02:47:148 - are obviously 1/8 imo
thank you!
teach me how to map ctb kolisama

Topic Starter
aaaaa hype

Thanks! >w<

it is at below u dummy

█ Optional to change --- █ Suggested to change --- █ Unrankable

[ General]

  • Combo Colors
  1. Keeping them blue is absolutely fine, yet I think Combo Color 2 and Combo Color 3 are similar, so what about changing one of them to a lighter one, as I see there is a stark contrast between Combo Color 3 and Combo Color 4.

[ Destiny]

  • Gameplay
  1. 00:07:891 (5,6,7) - It looks so strange in gameplay, basically because of the movement at (7), what about Ctrl+H'ing (7) and put at original place? In addition, the jump at 00:08:062 (7,8,9) - is also harder if you put an inward-curved triplet here, i.e. (7), so it would be nicer if you flip it for easier flow, considering that it is just the intro, so difficult jumps are still too early.
  2. 00:10:634 (2,3,4,5) - This part is supposed to be slightly harder as it is the end of the intro, while I see that the movement of 00:10:634 (2,3,4) - is still too easy and plain, it is also FC'able without dashing there. Maybe you can add some dashes here to emphasize at least the clap at 00:10:634 (2,3) - , and 00:10:977 (4,5) - for the vocal emphasis?
  3. 00:16:977 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This is actually very weird because the one after this is with streams, while this is also one of the stanza involving the later streams. I know you are trying to emphasize 00:19:720 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - as it is the most intense part here so to create a gradient. However, I would suggest changing this part to a stream like the later parts of the stanza you did, yet you may use the dashing density as the emphasis. For instance, for the part at 00:16:977 - 00:18:262 - , you put a stream that only contains dashes, and then at 00:18:348 - 00:19:634 - , there are starting to have HDashes and more dashes, then it continues. It is also be a nice build-up so I suggested it. Additionally, maybe you can remove some of the HDashes for 00:18:348 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - because it is a bit much and nearly equivalent to the next part at 00:20:405 - 00:21:005 - .
  4. 00:21:091 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - The stream is good. I would suggest if you want to make the shape of the stream look like this instead: *screenshot. It has more movements and I think the curve is better here because the end part should be sounding more stronger than the start, so the bending is much bigger at the near end of the curved stream. Also there will be a dash at 00:21:691 (8,1) - yet it is just a mild one so I think it is good to go.
  5. 00:33:605 (3,4) - Omit the HDash as there are no other HDashes can be found in the stanza at the exact rhythm position, you may refer to 00:22:633 (3,4) - , 00:25:205 (2,3) - ... or the next one of this part: 00:36:177 (1,2) - .
  6. 02:13:548 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - It is a bit hard to catch especially at 02:14:062 (3,4,5,6,7) - , since the sliders and streams are near to straight, and there are a lot of HDashes going on here. What about inclining all the sliders and streams here a bit more?
  7. 02:14:749 (3,1) - Woah, would this part be way too hard? The HDash is already edge-jumping quality and then there is a slider with high slider velocity, so players must dash in order to make a sharp turn here. What about making this easier? Maybe you need to change the stream pattern, or the slider pattern in vice versa.
  8. 02:16:977 (5,6,1) - This is not a big problem but I would suggest having (5,6) in shorter distance comparing to (6,1). It is really easy to miss at (5,6) because most of the players will think of turning after the HDash at (5,6), yet the jump is much bigger, so in that way players may miss (6).
  9. 02:25:720 (4,1,2) - Same as 02:14:749 (3,1) - .
  10. 02:35:320 (4,1,2,3,4) - The strength of the HDash at 02:35:320 (4,1) - is very intense, however the curvature of (1,2,3,4) is with small degree, which is really easy for players to overshoot here. Also I see that it is possible to stand and catch (1,2,3,4), so maybe you can curve the stream, that it bends more to the left. Just as long as it is not that inclined as 02:35:833 (5,6,7,8) - , then it is good.
  11. 02:47:834 (1,2) - There should be no HDashes with the reason as 00:33:605 (3,4) - .
  12. 03:04:634 (2,3) - So you put a dash at 03:03:433 (4,5) - , so how about doing the same here for consistency? You can just move 03:04:291 (1,2) - to the left if you don't know how to fix it in short period.
  13. 03:13:205 (3,4,1) - The pattern of HDash usage is not matching to the song at this point, in my opinion. I would rather add a HDash at 03:13:720 (4,1) - instead for a better emphasis of the triplets.
  14. 03:42:520 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - This is also really easy to overshoot, because of the movement at 03:42:520 (4,1,2,3,4) - , the HDash can push players to the edges and thus missing the first bit. What about rotating the stream for 180 degree and place back to original position?
  15. 04:03:091 (6,1,2,3,4) - ^
  16. 04:29:148 (3,1,2) - Same thing related to the first chorus.
  17. 04:37:548 (1,2,3,4) - The HDash at (2,3) is a bit much in my opinion, the beat at (3) is not prominent in the song so I think you can remove the HDash at (2,3). Maybe a slider like 04:40:291 (1) - can be used to replace (2,3)? You need to change the pattern too if you decided to apply my suggestion.
  18. 04:45:263 (9,10) - Where is the HDash like what you did for 02:30:862 (9,10) - ?
  19. 04:56:062 (3,4,5,6,7) - Gah, it is just not looking too artistic during the gameplay... Make it shape like *this.
  20. 04:56:577 (8,1) - Maybe add a HDash here? The stanza 04:51:262 - 05:02:062 - is too empty with no HDashes. Additionally, there are HDashes every 4 white ticks after 05:02:234 - so I think you can add HDashes at 04:51:262 - 05:02:062 - for every 8 or 16 white ticks to create a great build-up.
  21. 05:05:662 (3,4,5,6) - It was going so well with no dashes in streams, very clean. But somehow there is one here and it requires sudden dashes in middle of the stream. Why not remove those dashes?
  22. 05:10:462 (1,2,3,4,5) - This can be more intense in my opinion, right now it requires a few movements, but I think this one would be better: *screenshot. The movement at 05:10:719 (4,5) - (of the original stream) should be more intense, or equivalent to the distance of 05:09:949 (3,4) - , otherwise it is way too hard to catch the HDash at 05:10:805 (5,6) - .

    New Combos
    Please check the NC once again, I will take a look at that later. I have found some of them, such as:
  23. 00:12:862 (5) -
  24. 00:15:434 (4) -
  25. 00:23:491 - 00:25:034 -


Tell me when you updated.
Good luck!

No Kudosu

tags added "works 3" for name in album asterisk networks
Topic Starter

alienflybot wrote:

hi hiii

█ Optional to change --- █ Suggested to change --- █ Unrankable

[ General]

  • Combo Colors
  1. Keeping them blue is absolutely fine, yet I think Combo Color 2 and Combo Color 3 are similar, so what about changing one of them to a lighter one, as I see there is a stark contrast between Combo Color 3 and Combo Color 4. done! changed all of them a little (1- 2+ 3++ 4-)

[ Destiny]

  • Gameplay
  1. 00:07:891 (5,6,7) - It looks so strange in gameplay, basically because of the movement at (7), what about Ctrl+H'ing (7) and put at original place? In addition, the jump at 00:08:062 (7,8,9) - is also harder if you put an inward-curved triplet here, i.e. (7), so it would be nicer if you flip it for easier flow, considering that it is just the intro, so difficult jumps are still too early. mmh i think no, tbh it is like this pattern but with more aesthetic, and even little easier imo x:
  2. 00:10:634 (2,3,4,5) - This part is supposed to be slightly harder as it is the end of the intro, while I see that the movement of 00:10:634 (2,3,4) - is still too easy and plain, it is also FC'able without dashing there. Maybe you can add some dashes here to emphasize at least the clap at 00:10:634 (2,3) - , and 00:10:977 (4,5) - for the vocal emphasis? ok added dash to 2,3,5
  3. 00:16:977 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This is actually very weird because the one after this is with streams, while this is also one of the stanza involving the later streams. I know you are trying to emphasize 00:19:720 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - as it is the most intense part here so to create a gradient. However, I would suggest changing this part to a stream like the later parts of the stanza you did, yet you may use the dashing density as the emphasis. For instance, for the part at 00:16:977 - 00:18:262 - , you put a stream that only contains dashes, and then at 00:18:348 - 00:19:634 - , there are starting to have HDashes and more dashes, then it continues. It is also be a nice build-up so I suggested it. Additionally, maybe you can remove some of the HDashes for 00:18:348 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - because it is a bit much and nearly equivalent to the next part at 00:20:405 - 00:21:005 - . mmh ok, i added some note here, but not in every 1/4, (xxxo 4 times) without hyper to make a buildup as you said >u<
  4. 00:21:091 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - The stream is good. I would suggest if you want to make the shape of the stream look like this instead: *screenshot. It has more movements and I think the curve is better here because the end part should be sounding more stronger than the start, so the bending is much bigger at the near end of the curved stream. Also there will be a dash at 00:21:691 (8,1) - yet it is just a mild one so I think it is good to go. woooo i also made a nice pattern around there, thank you so much!
  5. 00:33:605 (3,4) - Omit the HDash as there are no other HDashes can be found in the stanza at the exact rhythm position, you may refer to 00:22:633 (3,4) - , 00:25:205 (2,3) - ... or the next one of this part: 00:36:177 (1,2) - . mmmh no sry :C i added in the beginning (00:22:462 (1,2,3,4) - ) and here 00:33:434 (1,2,3,4,5) - to emphasize the start of the kiai (actually the kiai would start again in 00:33:434 - but there is not place too add a no-kiai time, if you look closely, the kiai in 02:47:834 - in 1/2 of this one because is only 1 kiai huahuahuahua) but added in 02:47:834 (1,2) -
  6. 02:13:548 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - It is a bit hard to catch especially at 02:14:062 (3,4,5,6,7) - , since the sliders and streams are near to straight, and there are a lot of HDashes going on here. What about inclining all the sliders and streams here a bit more? mh tbh i dont think it is hard at all, but ok now 02:14:062 (3) - is horizontal, so i guess it is easier now
  7. 02:14:749 (3,1) - Woah, would this part be way too hard? The HDash is already edge-jumping quality and then there is a slider with high slider velocity, so players must dash in order to make a sharp turn here. What about making this easier? Maybe you need to change the stream pattern, or the slider pattern in vice versa. this is supposed to be hard because is the most intense section of the song, and the sliders are not edge jumping o.o in 175 bpm the dash distance is 2.61, thats why i used x1.45 (1.80 vel slider x 1.45 = 2.61~) aaaaa just in case i asked for some testplays and noone suggested about this, so i dont think it is hard
  8. 02:16:977 (5,6,1) - This is not a big problem but I would suggest having (5,6) in shorter distance comparing to (6,1). It is really easy to miss at (5,6) because most of the players will think of turning after the HDash at (5,6), yet the jump is much bigger, so in that way players may miss (6). ok moved 5 a little to the right and 6 to the left
  9. 02:25:720 (4,1,2) - Same as 02:14:749 (3,1) - . same > <
  10. 02:35:320 (4,1,2,3,4) - The strength of the HDash at 02:35:320 (4,1) - is very intense, however the curvature of (1,2,3,4) is with small degree, which is really easy for players to overshoot here. Also I see that it is possible to stand and catch (1,2,3,4), so maybe you can curve the stream, that it bends more to the left. Just as long as it is not that inclined as 02:35:833 (5,6,7,8) - , then it is good. oh LOL i didnt notice that ds, thank you!
  11. 02:47:834 (1,2) - There should be no HDashes with the reason as 00:33:605 (3,4) - . kek actually it used to not have hyper, but now i added with your previous suggestion ofr consistency
  12. 03:04:634 (2,3) - So you put a dash at 03:03:433 (4,5) - , so how about doing the same here for consistency? You can just move 03:04:291 (1,2) - to the left if you don't know how to fix it in short period. aaaa i forgot, done! also moved 03:05:662 (1,2) - to the right for aesthetic
  13. 03:13:205 (3,4,1) - The pattern of HDash usage is not matching to the song at this point, in my opinion. I would rather add a HDash at 03:13:720 (4,1) - instead for a better emphasis of the triplets. mh i think 4 deserves hyper too, but you are right, added to 1!
  14. 03:42:520 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - This is also really easy to overshoot, because of the movement at 03:42:520 (4,1,2,3,4) - , the HDash can push players to the edges and thus missing the first bit. What about rotating the stream for 180 degree and place back to original position? also i made new stream <3
  15. 04:03:091 (6,1,2,3,4) - ^ oh actually this one is 1/4 so i dont think it is hard x:
  16. 04:29:148 (3,1,2) - Same thing related to the first chorus. same answer :c
  17. 04:37:548 (1,2,3,4) - The HDash at (2,3) is a bit much in my opinion, the beat at (3) is not prominent in the song so I think you can remove the HDash at (2,3). Maybe a slider like 04:40:291 (1) - can be used to replace (2,3)? You need to change the pattern too if you decided to apply my suggestion. mh yeah maybe the sound in 3 is not too strong, but still has vocal and hitsound so i reduced those distance a lot, now they are almost dash
  18. 04:45:263 (9,10) - Where is the HDash like what you did for 02:30:862 (9,10) - ? ayyyy added
  19. 04:56:062 (3,4,5,6,7) - Gah, it is just not looking too artistic during the gameplay... Make it shape like *this. true, made a new stream instead~
  20. 04:56:577 (8,1) - Maybe add a HDash here? The stanza 04:51:262 - 05:02:062 - is too empty with no HDashes. Additionally, there are HDashes every 4 white ticks after 05:02:234 - so I think you can add HDashes at 04:51:262 - 05:02:062 - for every 8 or 16 white ticks to create a great build-up. mmh yeah, i didnt add hypers in 04:51:262 - this section because i think it is the most calm part in whole the song
  21. 05:05:662 (3,4,5,6) - It was going so well with no dashes in streams, very clean. But somehow there is one here and it requires sudden dashes in middle of the stream. Why not remove those dashes? mmh, i think a overdose player will dash anyways XD but sure! removed
  22. 05:10:462 (1,2,3,4,5) - This can be more intense in my opinion, right now it requires a few movements, but I think this one would be better: *screenshot. The movement at 05:10:719 (4,5) - (of the original stream) should be more intense, or equivalent to the distance of 05:09:949 (3,4) - , otherwise it is way too hard to catch the HDash at 05:10:805 (5,6) - . done! nice idea

    New Combos
    Please check the NC once again, I will take a look at that later. I have found some of them, such as:
  23. 00:12:862 (5) -
  24. 00:15:434 (4) -
  25. 00:23:491 - 00:25:034 -

    etc. mmh ok, i understand that you do the ncs in a different way (my ncs are following pattern + instrument stanzas except 01:04:120 - this one which follows the vocal, or it would be a nc spam huehue), but i agree there were some combos with too much fruits, so i added (and removed) some ncs, hope now is better ^^

Tell me when you updated.
Good luck!

updated! also do not forget to check 00:38:920 (1,2,3,4) - this pattern again, i changed it a little to not be so repetitive (it used to be like 03:44:920 (2,3,4) - )

also tag added, thanks LigerZero x3

thank you! aaaa

█ Optional to change --- █ Suggested to change --- █ Unrankable

[ General]

  • AIMod
  1. Unsnapped object: 00:39:947 (3) -

[ Destiny]

  • Gameplay
  1. 00:38:920 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Since it is just the start of the stream, what about moving them closer to the middle? The HDashes at 00:39:434 (4,1) - and 00:40:119 (4,1) - are quite big, and even larger than the gaps like 00:40:805 (4,1) - .
  2. 03:10:121 (2,3,4) - The distance of (3,4) is a bit big in my opinion. Could you minimize them slightly?
  3. 04:40:291 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - There are one more HDash in the previous pattern 04:40:291 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - at 04:40:977 (3,4,5,6) - but there are none for 04:42:348 (3,4,5,6) - in the next pattern. Maybe you want to swap them? I think there should be more HDashes in the latter pattern comparing to the former one, so it sounds more intense and difficulty gradually ramping up.
  4. 05:03:434 (8,1) - Because of what you said in the mod I posted yesterday, what about removing this HDash as well, to emphasize the loud sound at 05:04:977 (1) - ? It is also with the same stanza as the previous one but with some cymbals, so adding HDashes on cymbals instead would be a better option.
  5. 05:06:177 (6,1) - Remove this with the same reason above.

    New Combos
  6. 00:08:062 (1) - Remove the NC?
  7. 00:23:148 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1) - For this part, try this NC pattern: *screenshot For 00:23:491 (1,2,3,4) - , you may also assort them into one combo.
  8. 00:27:262 (4) - NC since you did the same for 00:26:748 (1) - .
  9. 00:28:634 (4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - You may change to the one I suggested above if you applied the changes.
  10. 00:34:120 (8,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - ^
  11. 00:36:862 (4,1,2,3,4,5) - Why not they are in same combo?
  12. 00:38:234 (3) - NC?
  13. 00:56:748 (5,6,1,2,3,4) - In a combo?
  14. 00:59:320 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
  15. 01:17:320 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Maybe you want to make good use of the vocal changes, try adding NC at 01:17:834 (4) - and 01:19:377 (6) - .
  16. 02:02:748 (4,1) - Maybe remove the NC - OR - you change the NC, that it starts at 02:02:748 (4) - instead?
  17. 02:47:834 - 02:53:234 - Exactly the same as the first part that is after intro. Make sure you double check the NC here.
  18. 03:31:719 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - You can NC as how the vocal goes, like what I suggested above.
  19. 04:17:148 (5,1) - Same as above that I have mentioned.
  20. 04:32:748 (1) - Remove the NC.
  21. 05:01:548 (3) - You may want to add a NC here, because there are numerous claps so you can emphasize them.

Call me after the fix.
Good luck!

Topic Starter

alienflybot wrote:


█ Optional to change --- █ Suggested to change --- █ Unrankable

[ General]

  • AIMod
  1. Unsnapped object: 00:39:947 (3) - aysh

[ Destiny]

  • Gameplay
  1. 00:38:920 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Since it is just the start of the stream, what about moving them closer to the middle? The HDashes at 00:39:434 (4,1) - and 00:40:119 (4,1) - are quite big, and even larger than the gaps like 00:40:805 (4,1) - . o sure reduced
  2. 03:10:121 (2,3,4) - The distance of (3,4) is a bit big in my opinion. Could you minimize them slightly? oko~ done in 03:10:977 (8) - too
  3. 04:40:291 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - There are one more HDash in the previous pattern 04:40:291 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - at 04:40:977 (3,4,5,6) - but there are none for 04:42:348 (3,4,5,6) - in the next pattern. Maybe you want to swap them? I think there should be more HDashes in the latter pattern comparing to the former one, so it sounds more intense and difficulty gradually ramping up. nice idea done
  4. 05:03:434 (8,1) - Because of what you said in the mod I posted yesterday, what about removing this HDash as well, to emphasize the loud sound at 05:04:977 (1) - ? It is also with the same stanza as the previous one but with some cymbals, so adding HDashes on cymbals instead would be a better option. mmh no sorry it would break the consistency :c as you said in the previous nod, there is hyper in every 4/1 since 05:02:234 -
  5. 05:06:177 (6,1) - Remove this with the same reason above. same > <

    New Combos
  6. 00:08:062 (1) - Remove the NC?
  7. 00:23:148 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1) - For this part, try this NC pattern: *screenshot For 00:23:491 (1,2,3,4) - , you may also assort them into one combo.
  8. 00:27:262 (4) - NC since you did the same for 00:26:748 (1) - .
  9. 00:28:634 (4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - You may change to the one I suggested above if you applied the changes.
  10. 00:34:120 (8,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - ^
  11. 00:36:862 (4,1,2,3,4,5) - Why not they are in same combo?
  12. 00:38:234 (3) - NC?
  13. 00:56:748 (5,6,1,2,3,4) - In a combo?
  14. 00:59:320 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^ no because it would be a long combo
  15. 01:17:320 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Maybe you want to make good use of the vocal changes, try adding NC at 01:17:834 (4) - and 01:19:377 (6) - . as i said in the previous reply, i usually prefer to nc the intrument, not the vocal aaaa also i think the current one is easier to notice
  16. 02:02:748 (4,1) - Maybe remove the NC - OR - you change the NC, that it starts at 02:02:748 (4) - instead?
  17. 02:47:834 - 02:53:234 - Exactly the same as the first part that is after intro. Make sure you double check the NC here.
  18. 03:31:719 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - You can NC as how the vocal goes, like what I suggested above. same reason
  19. 04:17:148 (5,1) - Same as above that I have mentioned.
  20. 04:32:748 (1) - Remove the NC.
  21. 05:01:548 (3) - You may want to add a NC here, because there are numerous claps so you can emphasize them.

    agreed with the rest1

Call me after the fix.
Good luck!

flkdsfjlkdsjkl thanks!
Discussed a bit about the map and made some changes related to new combos and patterns.

Bubble #2
6.66 meme

Good luck!
that message is literally the ultimate way of triggering people ascendance are you mad

Yuii- wrote:

that message is literally the ultimate way of triggering people ascendance are you mad
can't be as bad as what i got from image material so lets see the creative new insults they have this time

Ascendance wrote:

Yuii- wrote:

that message is literally the ultimate way of triggering people ascendance are you mad
can't be as bad as what i got from image material so lets see the creative new insults they have this time

A r M i N
time to vote 10 Stars
Topic Starter

A r M i N wrote:

time to vote 10 Stars
Aesthetic haters (^:

Ascendance wrote:

Congrat koliron!
I love memes
gratz :)
Gratz Koli
Some concerns:

  1. 00:19:291 (4,5,6) - 00:19:977 (4,5,6) - Why are these chained 1/4 hypers? The only strong sounds here are the following snare+cymbals at 00:19:720 (1) and 00:20:405 (1) - by hypering these additional weak sounds you take emphasis away from the strong sounds and are left with an exaggerated pattern with unfitting flow
  2. 00:24:691 (2,1,2) - Short antiflow pattern after rapid flow reversal is awkward to play, would be better to have (2) to the left of (1) or else remove a direction change element by mapping three circles in a line instead of a repeat slider
  3. 00:30:348 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
  4. 00:33:091 (1,2,3,4) - The strongest sounds in this section and you map a single 4plet when all previous weaker sounds were pairs of 1/4 hdash? Doesn't make sense to me, the emphasis is reversed here in and I don't understand why
  5. 01:10:120 (6,1) - 01:11:662 (8,1) - 01:14:234 (6,1) - etc. Any reason why you decided not to hyper here? There are strong vocal and synth sounds to justify them, and it feels weird that you mapped the exact same sounds from 01:20:062 (1) onwards with frequent hdash... Some sections feel really underemphasized at present, notably 01:17:834 (4,5,1) -
  6. 01:53:234 (2,3,1) - Why no hyper to (1) when you have one to (3) which is far weaker? Artificially carrying on this pattern at the expense of proper emphasis is unfitting and lazy. Same can be seen at 01:58:720 (2,3,1) - etc.
  7. 02:03:948 (1,2,3) - and similar play really awkwardly due to requiring delicate antiflow dash after a strong 1/4 hyper. I get what you were trying to do here but it doesn't really work, since you end up emphasizing the tail of (2) way more than necessary with that normal dash. A more normal flow where dash isn't required e.g. 02:01:205 (1,2,3) - plays so much better
  8. 02:09:434 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Your hdash patterns follow the synth for this combo, but for the rest of the stream follows the drums - why when the synth is still really strong here? I was expecting 02:10:462 (4,5,1) - 02:11:662 (3,4,5) - to have the emphasis for some interesting flow but you just switched right back to the drums randomly when the synth is prominent making the patterns hard to follow. I'd prefer to follow synth until 02:12:177 (1) and then switch to the drums once the 1/4 rhythm really kicks in there
  9. 02:14:920 - Ok so most of the vocal patterns in the kiai are all horizontal sliders with hdash that can be caught by just holding dash, which is really lacking in variety for the part of the song you seem to want to emphasize the most (the kiai). There are a lot of great vocal rhythms you could have layered in here to make this more interesting along with some variation in slidershape
  10. 03:16:634 (1,2,3,4,1) - Jump parity makes little sense to me here, why emphasize 03:17:148 (4) with a hdash when the strong vocal and cymbal sound 03:17:320 (1) gets a lacklustre (and uncomfortable) walking pattern? Same thing happens at 03:17:662 (3,4,1) - your hdash is much stronger to an average-strength vocal sound than it is to the intense 03:18:005 (1) - such that following the rhythm is very confusing here
  11. 03:23:491 (1) - Same concerns about missing hypers as in the previous verse 01:10:120 (6,1) etc.
  12. 04:04:891 (4,5) - 04:05:577 (4,5) - Care to explain your decision behind these direction changes, and also why (5) is forced up against the screen border? This movement is really unexpected and results in a harsh flowstop as the catcher is forced against the wall
  13. 04:07:891 (3,1) - 04:13:377 (3,1) - etc. Same as 01:53:234 (2,3,1) previously since this is copypaste and suffers from the same issues
  14. 04:13:120 (2,3) - 04:15:862 (2,3) - etc. Same as 02:03:948 (1,2,3) except issue displaced to (2,3) instead of (1,2)
  15. 04:24:520 (1,2) - Your synth emphasis is better here than in the previous pre-kiai stream, but you're missing a hdash between these two to follow the music since (3,4) are comparably strong with hypers. 04:25:977 (9,1,2) - Could also support a hyper pattern if you wished for consistency
  16. 04:29:320 - Same concerns as in the previous kiai 02:14:920
  17. 04:39:262 (3,4,1,2,3,4) - There are no 1/4 beats in the music, nor vocal effects to support the inclusion of these extra beats
  18. 04:53:320 (3,4,5,6,7) - What are the 1/4 beats following here? Aside from 05:01:548 (1) - I don't hear any 1/4 sounds in this section at all until 05:07:034 (2) leaving this feeling very forced
As a whole I just feel like the map is really overdone. The song doesn't call for such strong hypers and harsh flow throughout, and some overmapping is extremely obvious. I'd like to see some more opinions on this before ranking.
its k

Ascendance wrote:

its k
worst fl player
Topic Starter

JBHyperion wrote:

Some concerns:
  1. 00:19:291 (4,5,6) - 00:19:977 (4,5,6) - Why are these chained 1/4 hypers? The only strong sounds here are the following snare+cymbals at 00:19:720 (1) and 00:20:405 (1) - by hypering these additional weak sounds you take emphasis away from the strong sounds and are left with an exaggerated pattern with unfitting flow the vocal is pretty strong in 00:19:548 (6) - 00:20:062 (5) - 00:20:234 (6) - 00:20:748 (5) - 00:20:920 (6) - to have hypers imo 00:19:377 (5) - i guess i could agree with remove this one if more people thinks the same, but there is still a strong sound in every 1/1 which could have hyper like this
  2. 00:24:691 (2,1,2) - Short antiflow pattern after rapid flow reversal is awkward to play, would be better to have (2) to the left of (1) or else remove a direction change element by mapping three circles in a line instead of a repeat slider mmmh sorry i tested it many times and it isnt awkward imo, maybe it could be hard if there is a hard dash or hyper but it is almost possible to walk
  3. 00:30:348 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^ same reason :/
  4. 00:33:091 (1,2,3,4) - The strongest sounds in this section and you map a single 4plet when all previous weaker sounds were pairs of 1/4 hdash? Doesn't make sense to me, the emphasis is reversed here in and I don't understand why add hyper in every note would be unaesthetic and boring, so i added more distance in every note, it is not possible to fc without holding dash, try to compare it with 01:04:977 (1,2,3,4) - , they are obviously different o.o
  5. 01:10:120 (6,1) - 01:11:662 (8,1) - 01:14:234 (6,1) - etc. Any reason why you decided not to hyper here? There are strong vocal and synth sounds to justify them, and it feels weird that you mapped the exact same sounds from 01:20:062 (1) onwards with frequent hdash... Some sections feel really underemphasized at present, notably 01:17:834 (4,5,1) - 01:10:120 (6,1) - and 01:10:120 (6,1) - , these are the most calm sections in the song, so i decided to not add hypers until 01:10:120 (6,1) - and 01:10:120 (6,1) - where a sound starts to increase until 01:10:120 (6,1) - and 01:10:120 (6,1) - , so the amount of hypers makes a build-up, for example 01:10:120 (6,1) - since here hyper in ever 4/1, since 01:10:120 (6,1) - in every 2/1 and 01:10:120 (6,1) - 1/1
  6. 01:53:234 (2,3,1) - Why no hyper to (1) when you have one to (3) which is far weaker? Artificially carrying on this pattern at the expense of proper emphasis is unfitting and lazy. Same can be seen at 01:58:720 (2,3,1) - etc. well, maybe if you listen in 25% they could sounds a little stronger, the sounds in 01:52:977 (1,2,3) - 01:55:720 (1,2,3) - 01:58:462 (1,2,3) - 02:01:205 (1,2,3) - 02:03:948 (1,2,3) - 02:06:691 (1,2,3) - are pretty different to the rest so i decided to add hyper only in them, i dont want to spam hypers, if i follow every sound which could have hyper in this section (because this section is the most stronger except kiais) i'd need to add in almost every object (slider/circle)
  7. 02:03:948 (1,2,3) - and similar play really awkwardly due to requiring delicate antiflow dash after a strong 1/4 hyper. I get what you were trying to do here but it doesn't really work, since you end up emphasizing the tail of (2) way more than necessary with that normal dash. A more normal flow where dash isn't required e.g. 02:01:205 (1,2,3) - plays so much better i dont agree because to me it plays pretty fun and i dont understand how is awkward huh, is just a normal hyper with a diferent direction, this movement is the same as 02:12:177 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 02:12:691 (7,1,2,3) - maybe there you could notice that is not like that, also is exactly the same movement as 04:10:120 (1,2,3) - but with a different direction as i said, (2 with ctrl+g) so i guess it is only how it looks in the editor
  8. 02:09:434 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Your hdash patterns follow the synth for this combo, but for the rest of the stream follows the drums - why when the synth is still really strong here? I was expecting 02:10:462 (4,5,1) - 02:11:662 (3,4,5) - to have the emphasis for some interesting flow but you just switched right back to the drums randomly when the synth is prominent making the patterns hard to follow. I'd prefer to follow synth until 02:12:177 (1) and then switch to the drums once the 1/4 rhythm really kicks in there drum? o.O mmh i followed the same sound always, is exaclty the same as sounds like 02:10:291 (3,4,5) - but with streams, i only didnt add hypers in 02:10:291 (3,4,5) - and 02:11:662 (3,4,5) - because it would be a spam of hypers, you still need to dash in them so they are emphasized, the only different sound which i added hyper is in 02:10:805 (1) - because is too strong and i think i shouldnt make a dash or walk to it
  9. 02:14:920 - Ok so most of the vocal patterns in the kiai are all horizontal sliders with hdash that can be caught by just holding dash, which is really lacking in variety for the part of the song you seem to want to emphasize the most (the kiai). There are a lot of great vocal rhythms you could have layered in here to make this more interesting along with some variation in slidershape it is supposed to dash in every note to emphasize the vocal and kiai (i think that the kiai must be alot harder than the "normal" time), this is the thing which testplayers most liked, so i dont think i could change it even if i agree, there is still a lot of variety in the distances and movements, so the only thing which wouldnt have variety is the horizontal sliders, and that isnt true because i added some vertical sliders too (02:19:034 (1) - 02:19:377 (2) - 02:23:662 (4) - 02:25:205 (1,2) - 02:28:634 (1) - 02:31:034 (10) - etc), same in the next vocal-kiai
  10. 03:16:634 (1,2,3,4,1) - Jump parity makes little sense to me here, why emphasize 03:17:148 (4) with a hdash when the strong vocal and cymbal sound 03:17:320 (1) gets a lacklustre (and uncomfortable) walking pattern? Same thing happens at 03:17:662 (3,4,1) - your hdash is much stronger to an average-strength vocal sound than it is to the intense 03:18:005 (1) - such that following the rhythm is very confusing here humm, i cant hear a new vocal sound in 03:17:320 (1) - , just a different sound in the backround but i followed the vocal here so it doesnt looks recommendable imo, and the distances in 03:17:662 (3,4,1) - ar almost the same (03:17:662 (3,4) - x264 and 03:17:834 (4,1) - x240) i dont think that a player would notice it if they are not in the editor > <
  11. 03:23:491 (1) - Same concerns about missing hypers as in the previous verse 01:10:120 (6,1) etc. same reason :/
  12. 04:04:891 (4,5) - 04:05:577 (4,5) - Care to explain your decision behind these direction changes, and also why (5) is forced up against the screen border? This movement is really unexpected and results in a harsh flowstop as the catcher is forced against the wall the direction change is just for aesthetic, it would plays the same if i ctrl+g in 04:04:977 (5) - (try to test it, in 1/4 you cant move the ryuuta) but i'd agree with move it a little to the left if more people thinks that it is a problem
  13. 04:07:891 (3,1) - 04:13:377 (3,1) - etc. Same as 01:53:234 (2,3,1) previously since this is copypaste and suffers from the same issues same reason
  14. 04:13:120 (2,3) - 04:15:862 (2,3) - etc. Same as 02:03:948 (1,2,3) except issue displaced to (2,3) instead of (1,2) same reason
  15. 04:24:520 (1,2) - Your synth emphasis is better here than in the previous pre-kiai stream, but you're missing a hdash between these two to follow the music since (3,4) are comparably strong with hypers. 04:25:977 (9,1,2) - Could also support a hyper pattern if you wished for consistency here is a different pattern, as before i think it is for how it looks in the editor, actually it is the same movement as in 01:52:977 (1,2,3) - but only 1 of them, again i tested many times and i cant find it as awkward or so hard, even is a little easy > < aaaa
  16. 04:29:320 - Same concerns as in the previous kiai 02:14:920 same reason, there are vertical sldiers here too :<
  17. 04:39:262 (3,4,1,2,3,4) - There are no 1/4 beats in the music, nor vocal effects to support the inclusion of these extra beats hum.. D: try to listen again and be sure about have sample and music at the same volume, maybe it was a mistake? i can hear sounds in every 1/4 easily, you could notice it too because there is the same in the last kiai 02:24:862 (2,3,1,2,3,4) - (hahah asterisk is a little repetitive xD) compare them, they are exactly the same, i always be sure of never overmap x3
  18. 04:53:320 (3,4,5,6,7) - What are the 1/4 beats following here? Aside from 05:01:548 (1) - I don't hear any 1/4 sounds in this section at all until 05:07:034 (2) leaving this feeling very forced there are sound here too, mmmh maybe you didnt hear them for the same reason? o.o
As a whole I just feel like the map is really overdone. The song doesn't call for such strong hypers and harsh flow throughout, and some overmapping is extremely obvious. I'd like to see some more opinions on this before ranking. thank you so much for your time and effort x3!! but i think you didnt understand some things in the map like the overmap suggestions and the vocal-kiais (i explained all), personally i dont agree with a lot of them :s sorry for it, actually noone of the rest modders suggested about the vocal-kiais (an obvious thing except if they didnt testplay, so i think they have no problem with that) or overmap (ayy wait ok i remember that there were 2 suggestions about overmap in the first kiai but i removed them) so i dont want to change the map without more opinions, in any case thank you for your mod >v<!!
Topic Starter
i'd like to see more opinions here about jbh suggestions :D :?
  1. 00:19:291 (4,5,6) - This is a fair point. 00:19:291 (4,5) - is far greater than 00:19:548 (6,1) - which makes no sense. Also, you state that the vocal is strong in 00:19:548 (6) - but you don't explain why you hyper 00:19:291 (4,5) - at all.
  2. 00:25:205 (2) - I'm fine with this, its not awkward because its not wide enough for force movement, but I like the idea of placing it at an opposite side as the movement would make sense.
  3. 00:30:348 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
  4. 00:33:091 (1,2,3,4) - Adding a hyper in every note would be boring, but that's exactly what you have done at 00:32:062 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - , leaving the stronger 4plet of 00:33:091 (1,2,3,4) - with poor patterning for it being much stronger than the 1/4 6 note hyperspam. How about repatterning this so that the 4plet has the hypers and 00:32:062 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - has a reasonable pattern.
  5. 01:10:120 (6,1) - Point is fair, maybe a bit more distance to emphasize them instead?
  6. 01:53:234 (2,3,1) - 01:52:977 (1) - is the strongest here, followed by 01:53:234 (2) - and 01:53:834 (1) - and lastly 01:53:491 (3) - , there is no need to listen to this on 25% to notice it. You don't want to spam hypers, so you make 01:53:491 (3) - not hyper as it is the passive slider in the pattern and hyper into 01:53:834 (1) - instead. Conserving hypers is not required and is not an argument.
  7. 02:03:948 (1,2,3) - I'm fine with this as it is. However, due to the antiflow hyper, 02:04:462 (3) - is a strong hyper compared to the others here so maybe you could somehow place it on the other side?
  8. 02:09:434 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Yet again, hyper spam is not an argument here. 02:10:291 (3,4,5) - are all valid hyper spots that play really well. Just before a 6 note 1/4 hyper section was commented on and you defended it over a more prominent sound. This rejection just seems to be you clutching at straws.
  9. 02:14:920 - Having only dashes or hypers does not mean there is a stronger emphasis. A layered and convoluted usage of walks, dashes and hypers together that add emphasis to one another create more emphasis as the stronger notes are shown, constant dash usage is boring and feels very lazy, especially for a kiai.
  10. 03:16:634 (1,2,3,4,1) - 03:16:977 (3,4,1) - is my worry here. 03:17:320 (1) - is CLEARLY the stronger note here, but its a walk? 03:17:148 (4) - is stronger than 03:16:977 (3) - so it does deserve some differentiation but this hyper is blatantly misplaced. You don't discuss this in your rejection so please take a look at it.
  11. 03:23:491 (1) - I'm not that bothered about this. 03:23:148 (2) - is well defined and a cross screen hyper is ugly here. However, it is possible to repeat 03:23:148 (2) - so that a hyper can reach to 03:23:491 (1) - without it looking ugly.
  12. 04:04:891 (4,5) - I'd move 04:04:977 (5) - in slightly, maybe ctrl+g if you wanted to. I don't have a problem with this personally.
  13. 04:07:891 (3,1) - 04:08:234 (1) - should be hypered to here 04:07:891 (3) - is the weakest of the triplet sliders and much weaker than 04:08:234 (1) - but you hyper to that. I'd suggest what I said about the previous one.
  14. 04:24:520 (1,2) - Hyper to 04:24:691 (2) - and 04:24:862 (3) - or remove your hyper to 04:25:034 (4) - here. The symmetry of 04:24:862 (3,4) - suggests a grouping of their key notes, but 04:24:862 (3) - is not hypered to so it is rather confusing.
  15. 04:39:262 (3,4,1,2,3,4) - 04:39:262 (3) - shouldn't be 1/4, the tail is a very small pitch change that reverts back to the head, meaning 04:39:434 (4) - should be grouped with it. 04:39:605 (1,2) - should be a 1/2 slider, I have no idea what the tail of 04:39:605 (1) - is doing. 04:39:863 (3) - is a ghost note and is haunting the map. 04:39:948 (4,5) - should also be a 1/2 slider. and 04:40:206 (6) - is also a spooky ghost. Thats what I got from listening here, not much 1/4 to map unless you overmap.

Well thats my thoughts on this, I can go more in-depth if you want after replying.
Razor Sharp
Koliron wanted me to take a look at this for her, too widen the opinions.

JBHyperion wrote:

Some concerns:

  1. 00:19:291 (4,5,6) - 00:19:977 (4,5,6) - Why are these chained 1/4 hypers? The only strong sounds here are the following snare+cymbals at 00:19:720 (1) and 00:20:405 (1) - by hypering these additional weak sounds you take emphasis away from the strong sounds and are left with an exaggerated pattern with unfitting flow - For 00:19:291 (4,5,6) - atleast, this will give a kinda empathizment for the vocals, and also fits thanks to the beat at the next combo. 00:20:062 (5,6) - for these, it follows the vocals. And i do find these ok to have here.
  2. 00:24:691 (2,1,2) - Short antiflow pattern after rapid flow reversal is awkward to play, would be better to have (2) to the left of (1) or else remove a direction change element by mapping three circles in a line instead of a repeat slider - Awkward to play? THis is not awkward at all, lol. These are perfectly fine to have here, as you got more than enough time to react for the reverse.
  3. 00:30:348 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^ - ^
  4. 00:33:091 (1,2,3,4) - The strongest sounds in this section and you map a single 4plet when all previous weaker sounds were pairs of 1/4 hdash? Doesn't make sense to me, the emphasis is reversed here in and I don't understand why - I do kinda agree with you. But it does also fit. I do not find this to be any problem tho.
  5. 01:10:120 (6,1) - 01:11:662 (8,1) - 01:14:234 (6,1) - etc. Any reason why you decided not to hyper here? There are strong vocal and synth sounds to justify them, and it feels weird that you mapped the exact same sounds from 01:20:062 (1) onwards with frequent hdash... Some sections feel really underemphasized at present, notably 01:17:834 (4,5,1) - - I do agree with how koli mapped this. 01:09:091 (1) - 01:19:720 (7) - , the music is way too calm for hdash here, and i know it is the same music/level for 01:20:062 (1) - 01:27:262 (2) - , but it fits much better with HDash on the last part, due to empathizment for the change that follows. So this is completely fine to have.
  6. 01:53:234 (2,3,1) - Why no hyper to (1) when you have one to (3) which is far weaker? Artificially carrying on this pattern at the expense of proper emphasis is unfitting and lazy. Same can be seen at 01:58:720 (2,3,1) - etc. - This do empathize the song correctly imo. There is really no strong sound in between the notes that say "high distance". Between 01:58:462 (1,2,3) - etc, there is a constant sound, but when it transitions from 01:58:977 (3,1) - , there is no sound. Thus it does not fit high distance.
  7. 02:03:948 (1,2,3) - and similar play really awkwardly due to requiring delicate antiflow dash after a strong 1/4 hyper. I get what you were trying to do here but it doesn't really work, since you end up emphasizing the tail of (2) way more than necessary with that normal dash. A more normal flow where dash isn't required e.g. 02:01:205 (1,2,3) - plays so much better - Looking at this, it does play fine, and i do not personaly find it awkward at all. The antiflow here is not hard at all too hit, and the tail of (2) does not get too much empathizm imo. And i think it fits the song.
  8. 02:09:434 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Your hdash patterns follow the synth for this combo, but for the rest of the stream follows the drums - why when the synth is still really strong here? I was expecting 02:10:462 (4,5,1) - 02:11:662 (3,4,5) - to have the emphasis for some interesting flow but you just switched right back to the drums randomly when the synth is prominent making the patterns hard to follow. I'd prefer to follow synth until 02:12:177 (1) and then switch to the drums once the 1/4 rhythm really kicks in there - I can tell that the stream part is very easy. And i find it interesting to play. It is not weird or anything. 02:09:434 (1,2,3) - 02:09:691 (4,5,6) - follows the synth, 02:10:634 (5,1,2) - this is to empathize new combo, and then 02:11:234 (5,6,2,3,5,1) - follows the synth again, and so do the rest. This is fine to have.
  9. 02:14:920 - Ok so most of the vocal patterns in the kiai are all horizontal sliders with hdash that can be caught by just holding dash, which is really lacking in variety for the part of the song you seem to want to emphasize the most (the kiai). There are a lot of great vocal rhythms you could have layered in here to make this more interesting along with some variation in slidershape - She have empethized the correct parts of the kiai the right way. Whatsoever if most is horizontal? It is still fun and interesting to play. The flow here is pretty good too. And i find every pattern to fit.
  10. 03:16:634 (1,2,3,4,1) - Jump parity makes little sense to me here, why emphasize 03:17:148 (4) with a hdash when the strong vocal and cymbal sound 03:17:320 (1) gets a lacklustre (and uncomfortable) walking pattern? Same thing happens at 03:17:662 (3,4,1) - your hdash is much stronger to an average-strength vocal sound than it is to the intense 03:18:005 (1) - such that following the rhythm is very confusing here - The vocals hits on 03:16:805 (2,4) - thus making it fit here. And the pattern is not awkward to walk at all, i do find it quite fun and interesting as a matter of fact. The strong hyper at 03:17:834 (4,1) - Do make the strong sound fit. And i do not see any problem with it at all.
  11. 03:23:491 (1) - Same concerns about missing hypers as in the previous verse 01:10:120 (6,1) etc. - This is still too weak for hyper imo..
  12. 04:04:891 (4,5) - 04:05:577 (4,5) - Care to explain your decision behind these direction changes, and also why (5) is forced up against the screen border? This movement is really unexpected and results in a harsh flowstop as the catcher is forced against the wall - The harsh stop here against the wall actually helps to gain control to move the other direction. Making this a valid part to have imo.
  13. 04:07:891 (3,1) - 04:13:377 (3,1) - etc. Same as 01:53:234 (2,3,1) previously since this is copypaste and suffers from the same issues - Same as the other parts.
  14. 04:13:120 (2,3) - 04:15:862 (2,3) - etc. Same as 02:03:948 (1,2,3) except issue displaced to (2,3) instead of (1,2) - Same as the other parts.
  15. 04:24:520 (1,2) - Your synth emphasis is better here than in the previous pre-kiai stream, but you're missing a hdash between these two to follow the music since (3,4) are comparably strong with hypers. 04:25:977 (9,1,2) - Could also support a hyper pattern if you wished for consistency
  16. 04:29:320 - Same concerns as in the previous kiai 02:14:920 - This is different, which is good. Every strong sound does not need a hyper either, and i think she did pretty well here.
  17. 04:39:262 (3,4,1,2,3,4) - There are no 1/4 beats in the music, nor vocal effects to support the inclusion of these extra beats - OMFG YES THERE ARE XD I can hear them. The synth has a electric effect that is 1/4..
  18. 04:53:320 (3,4,5,6,7) - What are the 1/4 beats following here? Aside from 05:01:548 (1) - I don't hear any 1/4 sounds in this section at all until 05:07:034 (2) leaving this feeling very forced - This is overmapped yes, but it kinda fits imo. Up to mapper what to do here, but i dont see any problem.
As a whole I just feel like the map is really overdone. The song doesn't call for such strong hypers and harsh flow throughout, and some overmapping is extremely obvious. I'd like to see some more opinions on this before ranking.
Let's give it a bit more of time to finish the ongoing discussion before the beatmap gets ranked.
Unjustified DQ in my opinion, anyone could go around saying things that aren't their style and get anything DQ'd these days. Call me back when you're ready.
This has nothing to do with style.
Topic Starter
aaaa no drama pls >n< i will change some things with razor and riari opinions, thank you both for your help! nwn
Also i will ask another mod focused on those things before ask again for check, if someone else want to give opinions, i'd appreciate it! :3

Riari wrote:

This has nothing to do with style.
Let me rephrase it: There's nothing wrong with the mapset. Someone points out things that they dislike, none of which is OBJECTIVELY wrong. The mapper declines everything because they feel it's fine the way it is. Map gets DQ'd anyways and now we're back to square 1, changing minor things on a mapset that was fine. We're basically DQ'ing things for little to no change in this sense, since the reply was made pre-DQ and everything the mapper said was justified.

Ascendance wrote:

Riari wrote:

This has nothing to do with style.
Let me rephrase it: There's nothing wrong with the mapset. Someone points out things that they dislike, none of which is OBJECTIVELY wrong. The mapper declines everything because they feel it's fine the way it is. Map gets DQ'd anyways and now we're back to square 1, changing minor things on a mapset that was fine. We're basically DQ'ing things for little to no change in this sense, since the reply was made pre-DQ and everything the mapper said was justified.
There is a misplaced hyper that I pointed out. It should be on the snare and not the note before it. JBH pointed this out and koliron avoided replying to it.
Topic Starter
o sry i forgot to reply 1 suggestion >.>
Topic Starter
ok asd after razor and riari replies i changed these too

00:19:034 (1,2,3,4) - now there is not a hypr in 00:19:205 (2,3) - idk why i added there actually i guess just for aesthetic
00:33:091 (1,2,3,4) - added a little more distance to emphasize them
03:17:148 (4,1) - added hyper because everyone thinks that is necessary
04:04:891 (4,5) - 04:05:577 (4,5) - moved a little, now those 5 are not in the wall

also changed some patterns, hitsounds and distances

lkdjsaklk i will ask another modder anyways

thanks razor riari and jbh nwn
Who disqualified this

Dewritos-0 wrote:

Who disqualified this

Read above.
Well actually the 1/4 rhythms exist in the part 04:51:262 (1) - from 05:07:634 - , but koli's current usage was too random, I found some many of the objects were placed on wrong spots.

Here is the ideal snap of this :
and repeat.

The objects on white tick which were placed between the streams don't represent the main electronic sounds, but there's bass kick instead so it's okay.

I'd like to recommend to use streams without hyperdashes because its 1/4 sounds were really low.
Topic Starter

CLSW wrote:

Well actually the 1/4 rhythms exist in the part 04:51:262 (1) - from 05:07:634 - , but koli's current usage was too random, I found some many of the objects were placed on wrong spots.

Here is the ideal snap of this :
and repeat.

The objects on white tick which were placed between the streams don't represent the main electronic sounds, but there's bass kick instead so it's okay.

I'd like to recommend to use streams without hyperdashes because its 1/4 sounds were really low.
mmh the rhythm is consistent, the only place where is not is in 04:51:262 (1,2,3,4) - because the vocal makes 1/4 hard to listen, but ya i agree about hypers i dont even know why i added here djhbgffyhgkl removed 4 hypers, now there are only in 05:02:234 (1) - 05:04:977 (1) - 05:07:720 (1) - for the cymbal

If you guys still have concerns better ask Asterisk directly about the usage of rhythms :^) here is his/her twitter acc
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