
SoundTeMP - Uncanny Lake [Osu|Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on sábado, 1 de octubre de 2016 at 4:18:19 p. m.

Artist: SoundTeMP
Title: Uncanny Lake
Source: Ragnarok Online
Tags: Dragons Detale OnosakiHito
BPM: 140
Filesize: 4369kb
Play Time: 01:53
Difficulties Available:
  1. Abyss Lake (3,17 stars, 278 notes)
  2. Advanced (2,21 stars, 192 notes)
  3. Ono's Muzukashii (2,16 stars, 197 notes)
  4. Ono's Oni (2,52 stars, 293 notes)
  5. Simple (1,42 stars, 100 notes)
Download: SoundTeMP - Uncanny Lake
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing


Ready for Rank!
Redownload 2016-09-12, for taikos
Added hitsounds. Ready for mods.

Yeah, you will ask for m4m, BUT ASK FIRST.
M4M via in-game, GL
15:41 *ErunamoJAZZ is listening to [ Kuroha Neko (CV Taneda Risa) - Sassou Toujou!Neko-san]
15:42 ErunamoJAZZ: esta canción, me dió depresión D:
15:42 Underforest: por que XD
15:42 ErunamoJAZZ: esa voz, no queda con la canción
15:42 ErunamoJAZZ: xD
15:43 Underforest: es una character song, claro que hay veces que no queda
15:43 Underforest: ademas la letra no dice cosas tristes XD
15:43 ErunamoJAZZ: por eso mismo
15:43 ErunamoJAZZ: Yo entiende un poco de japonés, estudé como año y medio
15:43 ErunamoJAZZ: entiendo*
15:43 ErunamoJAZZ: en fin
15:44 *ErunamoJAZZ is editing [ Kuroha Neko (CV Taneda Risa) - Sassou Toujou!Neko-san [Easy]]
15:44 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:18:837 (1) - algo así queda mejor en cuanto a flow. Es más claro.
15:45 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:24:991 (1) - podrías moverlo un poquito a la derecha para que el nodo rojo quede en el centro
15:45 ErunamoJAZZ: (sin olvidar acomodar el slider que sigue)
15:46 Underforest: eso ya se volvio un reto xd
15:46 Underforest: arregle las 2
15:46 Underforest: alterar el corazon se ve horrible
15:47 ErunamoJAZZ: no, no es que le muevas las cosas, era solo moverlo todo completo
15:47 ErunamoJAZZ: xD
15:47 Underforest: ok
15:47 ErunamoJAZZ: next
15:47 *ErunamoJAZZ is editing [ Kuroha Neko (CV Taneda Risa) - Sassou Toujou!Neko-san [Normal]]
15:47 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:01:145 (3) - este es el unico al que le tengo un pero. El flow queda un poquitín raro
15:48 Underforest: yo creo que esta bien
15:48 ErunamoJAZZ: siempre dicen eso xD
15:48 Underforest: es porque si
15:49 Underforest: nadie me ha dicho sobre esto aparte
15:49 ErunamoJAZZ: lo que no me gusta, es que la flecha apunta para un lado completamente diferente de hacia donde siguen las notas
15:50 ErunamoJAZZ: desentona un poco
15:50 ErunamoJAZZ: mi sugerencia es que muevas un poco el patron para que el flow sea más claro
15:51 Underforest: estare pensando sobre ello
15:52 ErunamoJAZZ: de los otros se ve bien
15:53 Underforest: excelente owo)b
15:53 ErunamoJAZZ: ven*
15:53 Underforest: estudé como año y medio
15:53 Underforest: corregiste el entiendo pero no el estudié XD
15:53 ErunamoJAZZ: a.. jajaja
15:53 ErunamoJAZZ: estoy cansado, no estoy escribioedo bie
15:54 ErunamoJAZZ: btw, acabé de subir un mapa
15:54 ErunamoJAZZ:
15:54 Underforest: xf4v0r io zkribo + von1t0
15:54 Underforest: XD
15:54 ErunamoJAZZ: puedo pedirte testplay?
15:54 Underforest: para cual diff
15:54 Underforest: ?
15:55 ErunamoJAZZ: todas
15:55 ErunamoJAZZ: especialmente el medium
15:55 Underforest: ok
16:00 Underforest: A
16:00 Underforest: Tengo dudas sobre el espaciado de Medium
16:00 ErunamoJAZZ: juega el otro
16:00 Underforest: okis
16:01 Underforest: usare EZ porque no soy bueno en el CS5
16:01 Underforest: XD
16:01 Underforest: lol
16:01 ErunamoJAZZ: no
16:02 ErunamoJAZZ: mejor no
16:02 Underforest: ok XD
16:02 ErunamoJAZZ: el ez es muy dificil
16:02 ErunamoJAZZ: con mis mapas
16:02 ErunamoJAZZ: porque yo los hago para que no se puedan leer bien con HD
16:02 ErunamoJAZZ: xD
16:02 Underforest: necesito una tablet xd
16:02 ErunamoJAZZ: juegalo sin mods
16:04 Underforest: lol no puedo
16:04 ErunamoJAZZ: lel
16:04 ErunamoJAZZ: bueno
16:04 ErunamoJAZZ: aun tienes dudas con el Medium?
16:04 Underforest: sip
16:04 ErunamoJAZZ: el espaciado es apenas para que no tenga overlaps
16:05 ErunamoJAZZ: 1.2
16:05 Underforest: 00:23:530 (4) - este es el unico error que detecta aimod
16:06 ErunamoJAZZ: mm.. pero no es critico, las posibilidades de que fallen ahí son casi nulas
16:06 Underforest: 00:04:673 (3,4,5) - puedes hacer un blanket aqui, pero no estoy seguro
16:06 ErunamoJAZZ: la intención no es hacerle blanket ahí, si no que sea una escalera
16:08 Underforest: 01:26:102 (1) - intenta hacerlo mas curveado
16:08 Underforest: no es un problema realmente pero puedes hacerlo bonito
16:09 Underforest: 01:32:102 (5) - es intencional este overlap?
16:09 ErunamoJAZZ: sí, si no quedaría muy abierto y el flow no quedría cool
16:09 Underforest: 01:43:888 (2) - esto es demasiado dificil en mi opinion, trata de poner nomas un circulo
16:10 Underforest: 01:45:173 (5,1) - ese espaciado de sliders, lloro
16:13 Underforest: internet is hard
16:13 Underforest: lol
16:14 Underforest: internet is hard
16:14 ErunamoJAZZ: ?
16:14 Underforest: se me fue el internet xd
16:14 ErunamoJAZZ: lel
16:15 ErunamoJAZZ: 01:45:173 (5,1) - no entendí a qué te referías con el espaciado acá
16:15 Underforest: fijate en los bordes
16:15 Underforest: estan pegados
16:15 ErunamoJAZZ: a.. por el mini overlap?
16:16 Underforest: si
16:17 ErunamoJAZZ: eso es distinto al espaciado xD
16:17 Underforest: si
16:17 ErunamoJAZZ: el espaciado estaba perfecto, por eso se me hizo raro xD
16:17 Underforest: solo me gusta confundir xd
16:17 ErunamoJAZZ: respecto a 01:43:888 (2) - , no creo que haya problema con dejarlo
16:17 ErunamoJAZZ: no es un normal
16:18 Underforest: lo que esta ubicado en 00:27:280 no es igal en medium y quiet
16:18 Underforest: LOOOOOL link pegado
16:18 ErunamoJAZZ: por qué ilegal?
16:18 ErunamoJAZZ: a.. igual
16:18 ErunamoJAZZ: plop
16:19 Underforest: igual*
16:19 Underforest: deberias arreglar eso
16:20 ErunamoJAZZ: mm...
16:20 ErunamoJAZZ: sí, pero no, pero sí, pero no xD
16:20 ErunamoJAZZ: el sonido correcto va a 1/6
16:21 Underforest: 00:33:495 (2,3,4,5) - este stream debe ir en 1/12
16:21 Underforest: tambien le tienes que agregar 2 circulos al stream
16:21 Underforest: puedes oir que esta mal en 25% playback
16:22 ErunamoJAZZ: por ahora lo voy a dejar así
16:22 ErunamoJAZZ: antes que poner un 1/12, prefería hacer un slider
16:22 ErunamoJAZZ: voy a esperar a ver que más me dicen con los mods xD
16:23 Underforest: 01:22:673 (1) - esto es tan rocket pls
16:23 ErunamoJAZZ: del otro, creo que para el Medium es mejor dejarlo simple
16:23 ErunamoJAZZ: hey, yo le enseñé (?
16:24 Underforest: rocket nunca me dijo eso
16:24 ErunamoJAZZ: pues, no le enseñé a hacer los sliders así
16:24 ErunamoJAZZ: pero sí le ayudé cuando estaba empezando
16:24 Underforest: 01:42:173 - los pixeles de este blanket no concuerdan
16:25 ErunamoJAZZ: ya.
16:25 Underforest: finalmente, quiet tiene ar 8
16:25 Underforest: sugiero reducirle a 7 o 7.5
16:26 Underforest: Basic puede llamarse Simple imo
16:26 ErunamoJAZZ: nuu, el Ar está perfecto
16:26 ErunamoJAZZ: mm.. puede ser
16:26 ErunamoJAZZ: aunque basic me suena mejor con medim
16:26 Underforest: El OD es 8 o.o
16:26 ErunamoJAZZ: pero no me acuerdo como lo han puesto otros mapsets
16:27 Underforest: demasiado experto
16:27 Underforest: reducelo a 6 o 7
16:27 Underforest: ya seria todo
16:27 ErunamoJAZZ: o.o, en serio, nunca he entendido por qué les gusta bajarle al od
16:27 ErunamoJAZZ: si en 8 es facil de por sí
16:27 Underforest: generalmente od 8 es para dificultades mas avanzadas
16:28 Underforest: como una insane final o una experta
16:28 ErunamoJAZZ: el od 9 sí es dificil, pero el 8 no lo es tanto
16:28 ErunamoJAZZ: bueno, ese es el caso acá :P
16:28 Underforest: quieres que postee el log?
16:28 ErunamoJAZZ: está mapeado como un insane, independiente de las estrellas que tenga por culpa del bpm xD
16:29 Underforest: lol
I disagree with everything, but did my best to help Eru with this map! Best of success with it! >u<

2016-06-04 18:38 ErunamoJAZZ: holap
2016-06-04 18:38 ErunamoJAZZ: ACTION is listening to [ SoundTeMP - Uncanny Lake]
2016-06-04 18:39 ErunamoJAZZ: test play, onegai shimasu!
2016-06-04 18:39 HappyRocket88: but ERU I'M MAPPING TOO
2016-06-04 18:39 ErunamoJAZZ: :okay:
2016-06-04 18:39 HappyRocket88: XDDD
2016-06-04 18:40 ErunamoJAZZ: cuando la miré, pararecía Idle D:
2016-06-04 18:40 ErunamoJAZZ: aparecía*
2016-06-04 18:40 HappyRocket88: ¿por qué apenas
2016-06-04 18:40 HappyRocket88: mapeo tres diffs?
2016-06-04 18:42 ErunamoJAZZ: porque para qué más
2016-06-04 18:42 ErunamoJAZZ: si es re lenta esa song
2016-06-04 18:43 HappyRocket88: Hay unos triplets que se sienten off.
2016-06-04 18:43 HappyRocket88: Pero en general me gusta. :>
2016-06-04 18:43 ErunamoJAZZ: mire el easy
2016-06-04 18:43 ErunamoJAZZ: xD
2016-06-04 18:45 ErunamoJAZZ: es todo sexy con FL
2016-06-04 18:45 HappyRocket88: esto es con
2016-06-04 18:45 ErunamoJAZZ: *¬*
2016-06-04 18:45 HappyRocket88: DT es una nota
2016-06-04 18:45 HappyRocket88: xd
2016-06-04 18:45 HappyRocket88: Bájele el HP a eso, por favor.
2016-06-04 18:45 ErunamoJAZZ: lo tiene en 3
2016-06-04 18:46 HappyRocket88: :D?
2016-06-04 18:46 ErunamoJAZZ: a no, está en 4
2016-06-04 18:46 ErunamoJAZZ: es que viene 4, 5 y 6
2016-06-04 18:46 HappyRocket88: A la Normal le puede bajar a 4 si lo considera.
2016-06-04 18:46 ErunamoJAZZ: no es un normal, es un medium
2016-06-04 18:46 HappyRocket88: ¿Cuál es la razón de ponerla en 4?
2016-06-04 18:46 ErunamoJAZZ: xD
2016-06-04 18:46 ErunamoJAZZ: es como un advanced mas bien
2016-06-04 18:47 ErunamoJAZZ: pues, el Quiet lo puse en 6, el otro en 5, entonces, solo erapor mantener la linea
2016-06-04 18:47 ErunamoJAZZ: xD
2016-06-04 18:47 HappyRocket88: Ese CS es demasiado pequeño para un Easy.
2016-06-04 18:47 HappyRocket88: 3 es lo recomendado, a menos de que quieras ir en contra de la ley. :>
2016-06-04 18:47 ErunamoJAZZ: no lo creo, hay casos
2016-06-04 18:48 ErunamoJAZZ: pere le muestro uno
2016-06-04 18:48 HappyRocket88: ¿Sí?
2016-06-04 18:48 HappyRocket88: Muéstrelos papu
2016-06-04 18:49 HappyRocket88: ERUUUUU
2016-06-04 18:49 ErunamoJAZZ: ACTION is listening to [ Eagle - S!ck]
2016-06-04 18:49 HappyRocket88: ¿dódne están los hitsounds?
2016-06-04 18:49 HappyRocket88: :V
2016-06-04 18:49 ErunamoJAZZ: todavía no los he hecho
2016-06-04 18:49 ErunamoJAZZ: es lo más aburridor de mapear xD
2016-06-04 18:49 HappyRocket88: Agreguele customs.
2016-06-04 18:50 HappyRocket88: el soft-whistle no se nota mucho.
2016-06-04 18:50 HappyRocket88: Eru, no.
2016-06-04 18:50 HappyRocket88: Eso es del 2014. d:
2016-06-04 18:51 HappyRocket88: Han pasado más de dos años desde que eso se rankeo.
2016-06-04 18:52 HappyRocket88: Si le pone Advanced a la Medium, le acepto estos mini-jumps 00:27:280 (2,1) -
2016-06-04 18:53 HappyRocket88: Medium es normal traducida, y como normal debe de seguir el DS.
2016-06-04 18:53 ErunamoJAZZ: segura?
2016-06-04 18:53 HappyRocket88: O, a menos de qué lo haga constate
2016-06-04 18:53 HappyRocket88: De resto límitese pro el DS xd
2016-06-04 18:54 HappyRocket88: 01:08:745 (3,1) - bubble pop too
2016-06-04 18:54 HappyRocket88: xd
2016-06-04 18:56 HappyRocket88: los slider-ends de la normal se sienten off. x.x
2016-06-04 18:56 HappyRocket88: 00:44:316 (8) -
2016-06-04 18:57 HappyRocket88: oh está siguiendo la batería ahí?
2016-06-04 18:57 ErunamoJAZZ: sisas
2016-06-04 18:57 ErunamoJAZZ: dejarlo sin nada en el cosito blanque también quedaba raro
2016-06-04 18:57 HappyRocket88: es que ummm
2016-06-04 18:57 HappyRocket88: no sé. xD
2016-06-04 18:57 ErunamoJAZZ: la sensación puede ser por que no tiene hitsounds también
2016-06-04 18:58 HappyRocket88: se siente raro ese offbeat ahí
2016-06-04 18:58 HappyRocket88: 01:22:245 (6,1) - no :u
2016-06-04 18:58 ErunamoJAZZ: un poquito, pero el cling es más fuerte
2016-06-04 18:58 ErunamoJAZZ: sí v:
2016-06-04 18:58 ErunamoJAZZ: no es un normal happpyyyyy
2016-06-04 18:58 ErunamoJAZZ: es la diff en el medio xD
2016-06-04 18:59 ErunamoJAZZ: lo del nombre de la diff es lo de menos
2016-06-04 18:59 HappyRocket88: pero no es una hard
2016-06-04 18:59 HappyRocket88: usea
2016-06-04 18:59 ErunamoJAZZ: lo puedo cambiar
2016-06-04 18:59 HappyRocket88: nada de inconsistencias
2016-06-04 18:59 ErunamoJAZZ: es un hard
2016-06-04 18:59 HappyRocket88: No.
2016-06-04 18:59 HappyRocket88: Ahí dice medium papá.
2016-06-04 18:59 ErunamoJAZZ: está mapeado como un hard, pero el bpm no lo deja ser
2016-06-04 18:59 HappyRocket88: XDDD
2016-06-04 18:59 HappyRocket88: Entonces cambiele esos nombres.
2016-06-04 18:59 ErunamoJAZZ: pero
2016-06-04 18:59 ErunamoJAZZ: tampoco me animo a ponerle hard
2016-06-04 19:00 HappyRocket88: La easy le puede poner Normal
2016-06-04 19:00 ErunamoJAZZ: porque el staring rate no lo pone como hard
2016-06-04 19:00 ErunamoJAZZ: xD
2016-06-04 19:00 HappyRocket88: y la Medium Hard
2016-06-04 19:00 HappyRocket88: Y la Hard, GGIZI NOOBS or something
2016-06-04 19:00 HappyRocket88: Ah no
2016-06-04 19:00 ErunamoJAZZ: lol
2016-06-04 19:00 HappyRocket88: ya usaste custom name
2016-06-04 19:00 HappyRocket88: xdxd
2016-06-04 19:00 HappyRocket88: déjala en quiet
2016-06-04 19:00 HappyRocket88: XD
2016-06-04 19:00 ErunamoJAZZ: y luego me aguanto el bullying ;w;
2016-06-04 19:01 ErunamoJAZZ: por ponerle hard a un normal (?)
2016-06-04 19:01 ErunamoJAZZ: jajajajaj
2016-06-04 19:01 HappyRocket88: xDDDDD
2016-06-04 19:02 HappyRocket88: Pues los que no saben como se mapea las diffs
2016-06-04 19:02 HappyRocket88: independimente del sr
2016-06-04 19:02 HappyRocket88: te molestarán XD
2016-06-04 19:02 HappyRocket88: ES QUE LA DIFF TIENE 2.21 STARS!
2016-06-04 19:02 HappyRocket88: NO PUEDE PONERLE HARD
2016-06-04 19:02 HappyRocket88: AHHHHH
2016-06-04 19:03 ErunamoJAZZ: PONGAMOLE MEDIUM Y SALE
2016-06-04 19:03 ErunamoJAZZ: xD
2016-06-04 19:04 ErunamoJAZZ: ya sé
2016-06-04 19:04 ErunamoJAZZ: le pongo: Simple, Advanced, Quiet
2016-06-04 19:04 HappyRocket88: ACTION claps*
2016-06-04 19:04 HappyRocket88: XD
2016-06-04 19:04 ErunamoJAZZ: mentira, ese quiet ya no me convense
2016-06-04 19:04 ErunamoJAZZ: ahí si quieda engañoso
2016-06-04 19:05 HappyRocket88: quiet es más bien pasivo
2016-06-04 19:05 HappyRocket88: póngale
2016-06-04 19:05 HappyRocket88: storm
2016-06-04 19:05 HappyRocket88: o la RAGATANDA
2016-06-04 19:05 HappyRocket88: y la baila
2016-06-04 19:05 HappyRocket88: Y LA GOZA
2016-06-04 19:06 HappyRocket88: Y LA CANTAAAAAAAAAAA
2016-06-04 19:06 ErunamoJAZZ: le modeo esa vaina?
2016-06-04 19:06 ErunamoJAZZ: xD
2016-06-04 19:06 HappyRocket88: XDDD
2016-06-04 19:06 ErunamoJAZZ: o nunca la van a rankear?
2016-06-04 19:06 HappyRocket88: Nu. Tengo que remapear
2016-06-04 19:06 HappyRocket88: Y el refaller es lenticu
2016-06-04 19:06 ErunamoJAZZ: plop
2016-06-04 19:07 HappyRocket88: 00:42:388 (2) - ctrl + c
2016-06-04 19:07 ErunamoJAZZ: en todo caso, Storm no suena bien
2016-06-04 19:07 ErunamoJAZZ: es que
2016-06-04 19:07 ErunamoJAZZ: la canción es de un mapa donde hay dragones
2016-06-04 19:07 HappyRocket88: entonces póngale
2016-06-04 19:07 HappyRocket88: dragoncity
2016-06-04 19:07 HappyRocket88: the app
2016-06-04 19:07 HappyRocket88: inb4 send a life
2016-06-04 19:07 HappyRocket88: HAHAHAAH
2016-06-04 19:07 HappyRocket88: ay que me pasa
2016-06-04 19:07 HappyRocket88: XD
2016-06-04 19:07 ErunamoJAZZ: tiene hambre
2016-06-04 19:08 HappyRocket88: Si hay dragones
2016-06-04 19:08 HappyRocket88: le puede poner wings
2016-06-04 19:08 HappyRocket88: or eye of dragon
2016-06-04 19:08 HappyRocket88: o yo que sé.
2016-06-04 19:08 ErunamoJAZZ: Quiet Wings
2016-06-04 19:08 HappyRocket88: Pero que tenga dragon
2016-06-04 19:08 HappyRocket88: XD
2016-06-04 19:08 HappyRocket88: NO ERU!
2016-06-04 19:08 HappyRocket88: NO
2016-06-04 19:08 HappyRocket88: Nada que Quiet, traducido suena como: alas calamadas
2016-06-04 19:08 HappyRocket88: XD
2016-06-04 19:09 ErunamoJAZZ: pero queda bien
2016-06-04 19:09 ErunamoJAZZ: es que la canción de por sí es toda sosa
2016-06-04 19:09 ErunamoJAZZ: pero el quiet solo es como meh
2016-06-04 19:09 HappyRocket88: ACTION is listening to [ toby fox - Quiet Water]
2016-06-04 19:09 HappyRocket88: Yo discutí mucho con un mapper
2016-06-04 19:10 HappyRocket88: por el nombre de las diffs.
2016-06-04 19:10 HappyRocket88: Y él insitió con su Quiet hasta más no poder.
2016-06-04 19:10 HappyRocket88: Pero al final preguntamos a más gente y vimos que hay otras maneras de nombrarlo.
2016-06-04 19:10 ErunamoJAZZ: see
2016-06-04 19:10 ErunamoJAZZ:
2016-06-04 19:11 ErunamoJAZZ: undelake
2016-06-04 19:11 ErunamoJAZZ: :^)
2016-06-04 19:11 ErunamoJAZZ: underlake*
2016-06-04 19:11 HappyRocket88: I was thinking on
2016-06-04 19:11 HappyRocket88: Lake of dragons
2016-06-04 19:11 HappyRocket88: or lake of dreams
2016-06-04 19:11 HappyRocket88: of the horizons of peace
2016-06-04 19:12 ErunamoJAZZ: or just AbyssLake
2016-06-04 19:12 ErunamoJAZZ: xDDD
2016-06-04 19:12 HappyRocket88: ACTION claps*
2016-06-04 19:12 ErunamoJAZZ: decidido
2016-06-04 19:12 HappyRocket88: Lago abismo
2016-06-04 19:12 HappyRocket88: traducido
2016-06-04 19:12 HappyRocket88: No sería mejor
2016-06-04 19:13 HappyRocket88: Lake of abyss?
2016-06-04 19:14 HappyRocket88: en la medium eru
2016-06-04 19:14 ErunamoJAZZ: el mapa se llama Abyss Lake en el juego
2016-06-04 19:14 HappyRocket88: 01:15:602 (8,1) - esto debe tener jump
2016-06-04 19:15 ErunamoJAZZ: no lo sentí apropiado ahí
2016-06-04 19:15 HappyRocket88: y por qué en los otros sí? o.o
2016-06-04 19:15 HappyRocket88: si la música es tan uniforme
2016-06-04 19:15 HappyRocket88: en ese segmento xd
2016-06-04 19:15 ErunamoJAZZ: porque en los otros no tenía dos circulos seguidos ni una flautica
2016-06-04 19:16 ErunamoJAZZ: xD
2016-06-04 19:16 HappyRocket88: ponerlo sobre 96|264 queda bien
2016-06-04 19:17 HappyRocket88: pero bueno up to you
2016-06-04 19:17 HappyRocket88: 00:48:173 (6) - overmapped
2016-06-04 19:17 ErunamoJAZZ: ay, sí
2016-06-04 19:18 HappyRocket88: 00:27:280 (2) - esto omg
2016-06-04 19:18 HappyRocket88: que ritmo intentaste colocar aquí?XD
2016-06-04 19:19 HappyRocket88: 00:27:280 - sé que aquí hay un instrumento
2016-06-04 19:19 HappyRocket88: pero es tan menor que es difícil de hoy
2016-06-04 19:20 ErunamoJAZZ: esa vaina es como 1/6 o 1/12
2016-06-04 19:20 HappyRocket88: uy
2016-06-04 19:20 ErunamoJAZZ: pero, por simplificar lo dejé en el azul
2016-06-04 19:20 HappyRocket88: ACTION se aparta de eru*
2016-06-04 19:20 HappyRocket88: XD
2016-06-04 19:20 ErunamoJAZZ: jajajja
2016-06-04 19:20 HappyRocket88: Esos snapping son motivo de DQ
2016-06-04 19:20 HappyRocket88: y qué pereza estar revisando eso. lel
2016-06-04 19:20 ErunamoJAZZ: ya sé~
2016-06-04 19:20 ErunamoJAZZ: yo consigo quién lo revise, relajaa owo
2016-06-04 19:21 HappyRocket88: 00:25:030 (2) - make this visible please. o.o7
2016-06-04 19:21 HappyRocket88: 00:30:388 (5) - slider-end overmapped
2016-06-04 19:22 ErunamoJAZZ:
2016-06-04 19:22 ErunamoJAZZ: eso se alcanza a ver
2016-06-04 19:23 ErunamoJAZZ: ese slider no está overmapped, el arpa hace un ti-lin
2016-06-04 19:23 HappyRocket88: y por qué los otros si los hiciste visible? :i
2016-06-04 19:23 ErunamoJAZZ: en el 'lin' queda el final
2016-06-04 19:24 HappyRocket88: entonces sería mejor extenderlo hasta el tick blanco de enseguida
2016-06-04 19:24 HappyRocket88: porque dejar esto sin nota
2016-06-04 19:24 HappyRocket88: 00:30:816 - se siente raro
2016-06-04 19:24 HappyRocket88: 00:37:245 (6) - same here
2016-06-04 19:26 HappyRocket88: 01:25:030 (4) - este si se siente off
2016-06-04 19:27 HappyRocket88: 01:43:888 (2,3) - omg
2016-06-04 19:27 HappyRocket88: OD 8 en la quiet? ayyy
2016-06-04 19:27 HappyRocket88: Xd
2016-06-04 19:29 HappyRocket88: That should be all
2016-06-04 19:29 HappyRocket88: sorry for the rude mod
2016-06-04 19:29 HappyRocket88: xdxd
2016-06-04 19:29 HappyRocket88: best of success with it! :3/
2016-06-04 19:30 ErunamoJAZZ: hehe
2016-06-04 19:30 ErunamoJAZZ: not problem
2016-06-04 19:30 ErunamoJAZZ: qué tiene el OD8
2016-06-04 19:30 ErunamoJAZZ: de verdad, que no entiendo por qué les gusta bajarle el OD, si en 8 está perfecto
2016-06-04 19:31 HappyRocket88: Es que
2016-06-04 19:32 HappyRocket88: el OD se usa para indicar
2016-06-04 19:32 HappyRocket88: la densidad de los objetos
2016-06-04 19:32 HappyRocket88: del mapa
2016-06-04 19:32 HappyRocket88: + la dificultad de los spinners
2016-06-04 19:32 HappyRocket88: No he visto la primera hard
2016-06-04 19:32 HappyRocket88: con OD de 8
2016-06-04 19:33 ErunamoJAZZ: pero, no es un hard xD
2016-06-04 19:33 ErunamoJAZZ: el bpm es el que le baja las estrellas xD
2016-06-04 19:38 HappyRocket88: Ahora no es un hard
2016-06-04 19:38 HappyRocket88: plx
2016-06-04 19:38 ErunamoJAZZ: postee log pues
2016-06-04 19:39 ErunamoJAZZ: ya actualicé
2016-06-04 19:39 ErunamoJAZZ: :3
hey i'd prefer m4m. but it's up to you whether you wanna mod my map or not: BoxPlot - First Blush

couldn't find much to say cus this map is already pretty good :)

00:27:280 (2) - playing this is a little awkward. i would make the slider at 00:26:102 (1) last one and a half counts (from 00:26:102 to 00:26:745) and then put a reverse slider at 00:26:959 for the triplet.
00:29:530 (4) - there's a bit too much of a pause between the notes in this section. i would either make the sliders rebound one more time, or add a hitcircle after each slider.
00:30:388 (5) - ^same
00:31:673 - i would add a note here for more flow
00:36:388 (5) - rebound one more time or add a note after the slider.
00:37:245 (6) - ^same
the rest of the beatmap is great! :D

abyss lake:
00:03:816 (1) - reconsider the placement of this note. it's a really far jump from the previous note with no break in between.
00:13:673 (5) - quite far from the following note
00:27:530 (4) - i would make this a new combo so that the change in rhythm is clearer
00:44:959 (1) - i would move this further away from the previous slider so that the pause between the two is clearer
otherwise this map is pretty good! :oops:
Topic Starter

Aaozora wrote:

hey i'd prefer m4m. but it's up to you whether you wanna mod my map or not: BoxPlot - First Blush
Sorry, your song is very long, and im not confortable with this style. You have a ticket now, if you have another map later, just poke me for mod it :3

couldn't find much to say cus this map is already pretty good :)

00:27:280 (2) - playing this is a little awkward. i would make the slider at 00:26:102 (1) last one and a half counts (from 00:26:102 to 00:26:745) and then put a reverse slider at 00:26:959 for the triplet. mm... im not sure. I will wanit for more suggestions.
00:29:530 (4) - there's a bit too much of a pause between the notes in this section. i would either make the sliders rebound one more time, or add a hitcircle after each slider. Not agree. This feel fine, and its consistent.
00:30:388 (5) - ^same ^
00:31:673 - i would add a note here for more flow for flow?, but this is a very calm section. I think is not necessary.
00:36:388 (5) - rebound one more time or add a note after the slider. like before
00:37:245 (6) - ^same ^
the rest of the beatmap is great! :D

abyss lake:
00:03:816 (1) - reconsider the placement of this note. it's a really far jump from the previous note with no break in between. okay, I did decreased a bit this
00:13:673 (5) - quite far from the following note Its fine.
00:27:530 (4) - i would make this a new combo so that the change in rhythm is clearer okay, anyway, i will waint for more mods, this note is strange o.o
00:44:959 (1) - i would move this further away from the previous slider so that the pause between the two is clearer Music suggest this antijump, imo.
otherwise this map is pretty good! :oops:
Thank you!!

bueno esto lo hare en español ya que entiendes xDD

  • *circulos en 3,5?, bueno esto personalmente no me gusta ademas que no esta acostumbrado para una easy, ademas no me gusta por que se ven "muy flacos" no se si entiendes mi punto.
    *Te gustaria bajar el slider velocity? ya que le daria un mejor acabado a tu mapa y seria mas facil para la gente nueva
    *Trata de bajar el spacing si conservaras el "SV" ya que tan largo no se ve muy bien, considerando que es una easy

    00:00:388 (1) - algo que note es esto..., esto no se ve bien ya que toma toda la pantalla asi que trata de ser mas creativo para crear otra forma
    00:07:245 (2) - ^
    00:12:387 (1,2) - trata de crear un pattern simetrico ya que esto no se ve del todo bien, Ctrl+G ayudaria
    00:13:245 (2,3) - Creo que deberias arreglar este blanket
    00:29:530 (1,2,3,4) - seguro? mas de 3 circulos seguidos? ya que sera dificil para los beginners
    00:34:673 (2) - No crees que va muy fuera de la pantalla?
    00:46:673 (3,4) - Ctrl+G?
    00:53:530 (2) - Que le paso a este slider? trata de poer el punto que crea la curva en el centro
    01:05:530 (1,2) - Ctrl+G?
    01:22:673 (1,3) - No crees que van muy fuera de la pantalla?
    01:34:673 (1,2) - Siento que esto esta super forzado, por que no seguir con curvas?

  • 00:03:816 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Son demasiados objetos seguidos, para una normal
    00:17:530 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) -^
    00:27:280 (2) - no veo este slider muy util
    00:29:530 (4,5) - mejor solo 2 circulos
    00:36:388 (5,6) - ^
    00:41:530 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Son demasiados objetos seguidos, para una normal
    01:08:959 (1) - UN JUMP!? en una normal?
    00:22:673 (3,4) - ^
    01:11:530 (6) - Ctrl+G? para mejorar el flow
    01:23:530 (2,4,5) - overlap random
[Abyss Lake]

  • 00:46:245 (5,1) - Realmente ocupas este overlap?
Esta cancion es verdaderamente hermosa, no podia esperar menos de ti xDD

+1 Star!!

Topic Starter

Trent83 wrote:


bueno esto lo hare en español ya que entiendes xDD

  • *circulos en 3,5?, bueno esto personalmente no me gusta ademas que no esta acostumbrado para una easy, ademas no me gusta por que se ven "muy flacos" no se si entiendes mi punto.
    *Te gustaria bajar el slider velocity? ya que le daria un mejor acabado a tu mapa y seria mas facil para la gente nueva
    *Trata de bajar el spacing si conservaras el "SV" ya que tan largo no se ve muy bien, considerando que es una easy

    am... pero no es un easy, es un Simple piensa en un normal mapeado con cosas de easy. El tamaño de los circulos no es problema sinceramente. El Slider Velocity está a 1.0x, y lo mismo con el espaciado.

    00:00:388 (1) - algo que note es esto..., esto no se ve bien ya que toma toda la pantalla asi que trata de ser mas creativo para crear otra forma Hacer más lombrices?? xD, los circulos le dan un toque bonito también.
    00:07:245 (2) - ^
    00:12:387 (1,2) - trata de crear un pattern simetrico ya que esto no se ve del todo bien, Ctrl+G ayudaria está bien como está. Ya de por sí es simétrico.
    00:13:245 (2,3) - Creo que deberias arreglar este blanket no le veo lo malo, sigue todo el flujo rodeando bien el slider.
    00:29:530 (1,2,3,4) - seguro? mas de 3 circulos seguidos? ya que sera dificil para los beginners Es un simple, no un beginner xD, además, por lo lento de la canción, no es problematico.
    00:34:673 (2) - No crees que va muy fuera de la pantalla? pues, si el editor me lo permite poner ahí, es que no es problema.
    00:46:673 (3,4) - Ctrl+G? sí lo intenté, pero se siente muy raro.
    00:53:530 (2) - Que le paso a este slider? trata de poer el punto que crea la curva en el centro emm... ok (?
    01:05:530 (1,2) - Ctrl+G? same before
    01:22:673 (1,3) - No crees que van muy fuera de la pantalla? para nada. se ve bien y no se sale al jugar.
    01:34:673 (1,2) - Siento que esto esta super forzado, por que no seguir con curvas? xD, es por poner algo diferente

  • 00:03:816 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Son demasiados objetos seguidos, para una normal Es un advanced, no un normal xD
    00:17:530 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) -^
    00:27:280 (2) - no veo este slider muy util Realmente, este slider es lo que más me preocupa, el ritmo es super ambigüo acá, creo que tendré que pedir ayudar con gente más experimentada con timing y esas cosas ;w;
    00:29:530 (4,5) - mejor solo 2 circulos mm... lo voy a pensar, pero por ahora, lo dejo así.
    00:36:388 (5,6) - ^
    00:41:530 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Son demasiados objetos seguidos, para una normal
    01:08:959 (1) - UN JUMP!? en una normal?
    00:22:673 (3,4) - ^
    01:11:530 (6) - Ctrl+G? para mejorar el flow no lo va a mejorar o desmejorar xD
    01:23:530 (2,4,5) - overlap random Creeme, intenté evitarlo cuando corregí eso en un mod pasado, pero tendría que rehacer el patrón completo, y meh.
[Abyss Lake]

  • 00:46:245 (5,1) - Realmente ocupas este overlap? sí owo
Esta cancion es verdaderamente hermosa, no podia esperar menos de ti xDD

+1 Star!!

Muchas gracias!!!
Hey there~ ♥
In Genral:
This map is SOOO lovely! I like it! the colours are perfect tho.
00:00:388 (1) - too long slider, maybe change it? something else?
00:07:245 (2) - ^
00:14:102 (3) - ^
00:20:959 (1) - ^
00:03:816 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - don't you think there's to many notes to this difficult? try to delete some notes or try to put them in organized way and not so complicated. (Something like that 00:11:530 (3))
00:17:530 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - It seems more preferable than the first, but still - try to delete some notes, it seems too difficult to this level
00:24:387 (1) - I'm not sure about that >.<
00:52:673 (2) - idk, maybe without a break? :3
00:55:245 (1) - imo, maybe add kiai? (until 01:22:673 (1))
01:10:244 (3) - try to move it more down
01:13:245 (2) - ^ down
01:17:101 (3) - ^ left
Abyss Lake:
00:40:245 (2) - what do you think about notes instead? :3 (although I like that part 00:41:102 (3))
00:55:245 (1) - imo, maybe add kiai? (until 01:22:673 (1))
Good luck~ it was an amazing map!!! :)
Topic Starter

About Simple:
What is the problem with sliders?, too many low diffs have long sliders. I think that are fine :3

About Advanced
Well... 00:03:816 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 00:17:530 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Note density feels good for this mapset (think in all diffs, not only in one), also, this is a Advanced diff, not a normal!, since BPM is low and im not overmapping, staring is a bit weird.
00:24:387 (1) - I will ask more about this, thank you ;3
00:52:673 (2) - Im following harp here. This break is appropriate imo.
00:55:245 (1) - 01:22:673 (1) - Sorry, I dont want kiai in this mapset. Song feels very calm.
01:10:244 (3) - 01:13:245 (2) - 01:17:101 (3) - emm.. why?, if you said because it looks at top of grid, remember check if this is out in gameplay, not in editor. (And remember said why you was suggesting something, too xD).

[About last diff]
00:40:245 (2) - but, holding this, its feeling adequate here, imo. And same about kiai.

cute mod but, pls, avoid that red X.x
Thank you!
Hey again ^v^

ErunamoJAZZ wrote:

About Simple:
What is the problem with sliders?, too many low diffs have long sliders. I think that are fine :3 The sliders seems too long for me! >< but if you're think they are fine so... fine ^^

About Advanced
Well... 00:03:816 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 00:17:530 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Note density feels good for this mapset (think in all diffs, not only in one), also, this is a Advanced diff, not a normal!, since BPM is low and im not overmapping, staring is a bit weird. Huh! I'm sorry, Every time I see a second level I think of normal, but - I think there's kind of "Over notes" in this part, maybe you should remove one or two? :D
00:24:387 (1) - I will ask more about this, thank you ;3 >:x I find it a little awkward and complicated.
00:52:673 (2) - Im following harp here. This break is appropriate imo.
00:55:245 (1) - 01:22:673 (1) - Sorry, I dont want kiai in this mapset. Song feels very calm. very well.
01:10:244 (3) - 01:13:245 (2) - 01:17:101 (3) - emm.. why?, if you said because it looks at top of grid, remember check if this is out in gameplay, not in editor. (And remember said why you was suggesting something, too xD). oh well, I meant that to THIS level, perhaps it would be preferable that the sliders will be close to each other.

[About last diff]
00:40:245 (2) - but, holding this, its feeling adequate here, imo. And same about kiai. very well.
cute mod but, pls, avoid that red X.x
Thank you!
umm should I stop writing in red? xD
Thank you too, I'm kind of beginner in all the modding stuff, so ofc I was wrong in the most of the parts. >w<!
+1 star~
You did great A job! :3
Topic Starter
Lambdadelta, hehe, mod many more maps!, this is the way to improve :3


Ok, Thanks to Xanandra for offset check, and Natsu for helpme with strange rhythm in last diff.
I think this is ready for rank

!summon speedrank (?)
Foxy Grandpa

Abyss Lake

00:32:959 (1,2,3,4) - This part feels very awkward

00:46:245 (5,1) - Space these 2 out more


01:22:673 (1,2) - Blanket these a little better

01:43:888 (2,3) - this overlapping is really weird to read


00:32:959 (1) - move this up to the white tic, sounds a lot smoother

The map is very calming and nice, looks great!!! :D :D
first of all i think you can lower the hitsound volume by around 15% from the beginning to 00:27:816 - , because this part is calmer comparing with the next part and you used different hitsound system as well

Abyss Lake
are you sure you want to keep the OD8? personally i disagree with this since simple maps are supposed to have simple settings but meh, it depends on mappers
00:44:316 (4,1) - enlarge the spacing because it confuses players i think
00:53:530 (1) - not a nice shape to me ;w; and i feel it's kinda empty to skip 00:54:173 - this beat
00:56:745 (4,5) - 01:00:173 (4,5) - 01:03:602 (5,6) - these triples are wrongly snapped i think, they should be on 1/6, but for the sake of playability i'm fine if you insist on your snapping choice.

00:14:102 (3) - the slider might be a bit unclear to read, try make it clear like this

that's it, you may call me for a recheck when your body is ready.
Topic Starter

FoxyGrandpa wrote:


Abyss Lake

00:32:959 (1,2,3,4) - This part feels very awkward well, this rhythm could be difficut to read, so I tried to make this more playable. I tried polish it a bit :3

00:46:245 (5,1) - Space these 2 out more I changed a bit this pattern


01:22:673 (1,2) - Blanket these a little better okay

01:43:888 (2,3) - this overlapping is really weird to read Stack is better here, I move tail a bit.

00:32:959 (1) - move this up to the white tic, sounds a lot smoother I moved this a bit, I hope feels better.

The map is very calming and nice, looks great!!! :D :D Thanks :)

Karen wrote:

first of all i think you can lower the hitsound volume by around 15% from the beginning to 00:27:816 - , because this part is calmer comparing with the next part and you used different hitsound system as well Agree, and applied.

Abyss Lake
are you sure you want to keep the OD8? personally i disagree with this since simple maps are supposed to have simple settings but meh, it depends on mappers Im sure about stats. OD8 is not very high anyway (Im not thinking in HR players).
00:44:316 (4,1) - enlarge the spacing because it confuses players i think okay
00:53:530 (1) - not a nice shape to me ;w; and i feel it's kinda empty to skip 00:54:173 - this beat hahaha, true, I remap this.
00:56:745 (4,5) - 01:00:173 (4,5) - 01:03:602 (5,6) - these triples are wrongly snapped i think, they should be on 1/6, but for the sake of playability i'm fine if you insist on your snapping choice. I know, I think 1/6 feels annoying with this song (you know, its calmly)

00:14:102 (3) - the slider might be a bit unclear to read, try make it clear like this mm.. okay.

that's it, you may call me for a recheck when your body is ready.
Im done!, Thank you Karen senpai!!
Topic Starter
I asked to many people for testplay, and made some little changes for improve flow.
My body is ready!
Here you go!
Topic Starter
Thank you very much Karen senpai!! :3
rank when

pkhg wrote:

rank when Gero arrives /o/
From in-game request :3/

  1. 01:26:102 - NC pattern got messy after this. Following your pattern, and the tone of the song. NC should be added here and at 01:29:530 - 01:32:959 - etc. instead.
  1. 00:52:673 (2,1) - Why break time / empty here? Didn't see this in Simple, so this looks not really necessary to me.
  2. 01:43:888 (2,3) - From all the 1/4 sounds that could've used something like this, the least audible one has it. Quite sudden and strange, but as it's still fine as is, it's up to you.
[Abyss Lake]
  1. OD8 seems strange and unusual for this BPM / actual difficulty. Setting it to 7 will cause for a more balanced spread (3/5/7).
  2. 01:35:530 - This end could use a drum-whistle. Might apply to other diffs too.
Call me back!
Topic Starter

appleeaterx wrote:

From in-game request :3/

  1. 01:26:102 - NC pattern got messy after this. Following your pattern, and the tone of the song. NC should be added here and at 01:29:530 - 01:32:959 - etc. instead. wow, I didn't noticed this, thanks
  1. 00:52:673 (2,1) - Why break time / empty here? Didn't see this in Simple, so this looks not really necessary to me. mapped, just circles.
  2. 01:43:888 (2,3) - From all the 1/4 sounds that could've used something like this, the least audible one has it. Quite sudden and strange, but as it's still fine as is, it's up to you. Not changed.
[Abyss Lake]
  1. OD8 seems strange and unusual for this BPM / actual difficulty. Setting it to 7 will cause for a more balanced spread (3/5/7). Sorry, I am not agree. AR8 feels appropriate for me. Ar7 did jumps a bit weird for me.
  2. 01:35:530 - This end could use a drum-whistle. Might apply to other diffs too. Good catch. Fixed
Call me back!
Easy reference for meta-checking QATs
Album name: RAGNAROK Online Complete Soundtrack
Catalog #: LACA-9163~7
Title: Uncanny Lake
Artist: SoundTeMP (or Sound TeMP)
Track #: 09 (Disc 4)

Even though the album covers/art etc. specify the source being in full capitals, many official global sites of the game also offer a regular capitalized version of the source.

Topic Starter
Thank you very much!!!!

weeeeeeeeee :D!!!!!!
Congratulations Eru! \:D/ However, I'm a bit worried about some points regarding this map and the highest difficulty.

Is the Countdown intentional? The reason I say that is because it doesn't fit the song properly plus that seems unnecessary due to the calm and relaxed structure of the song. I do believe removing it would increase the experience of players because as it is now seems unnatural and unfitting.

Bringing apple's points, I do agree that OD8 feels way too much for this difficulty. It's not a matter of the Approach Rate, what he was referring was the Overall Difficulty that's unbalanced and unusual for the structure/rhythm given to this difficulty. Furthermore, OD8 makes players to hit notes at less than 31.5ms to achieve 300 whereas notes are snapped to awkward 1/12 ticks which only ends making it even harder to click them properly. Something that doesn't help at all over a likewise hard difficulty as this one is.

In the other hand, I have some suggestions to improve the highest difficulty in terms of rhythm and volume issues:
  1. 00:00:388 - Starting this point with 45% on this part sounds very noisy and odd because the song actually increases its own sounds between this section 00:02:102 - . Hence, I heavily suggest to manage different volume points to emphasize better each segments since they're actually different form each other.
    The same would apply to similar the similar sections. Please, try it!
  2. I'm actually unsure why you decided to map this song as double BPM when the stress and the strongest beats are actually on 70 BPM. You can clearly notice it at looking at these beats 00:00:388 - 00:03:816 - 00:07:245 - etc. There's no need to follow the piano tiles as the main metronome when the drums emphasize better the beats of this song. I do believe it mapping the song with the half-BPM would increase as much the experience of the rhythm structure given to this map as the players who play with Night-core. What do you think? o:
  3. 00:13:995 (7) - 00:20:852 (7) - are unsnapped to the piano tile themselves. As the piano waves were supposed to be followed here, this note 00:13:995 (7) - should be on the 1/6 tick, which means here 00:14:030 - , and correspondingly this note 00:20:852 (7) - should be here 00:20:888 - . I don't actually agree with highlighting those minor piano sounds that whether to make them play better as 1/4 beats just to simply the rhythm or not, it just doesn't help at all with the main beats which were supposed to be emphasized here. Therefore, snapping them to the right tick would fit this difficulty the best.
  4. 00:27:530 (1) - Why new combo here? The way I see things, it seems rather indirect and odd due to the stress isn't as strong as the previous beats, Hence, this ends being random to players because it doesn't keep the consistency of new combos you managed on the previous patterns. That's why I think it would fit this difficulty the best if you removed the NC there to fix up this issue. Just as well as you managed it here 00:41:102 (3) -
  5. 00:33:709 (3,1) - I'm not sure snapping these objects to the 1/12 ticks when the transition of them feels somehow awkward is a good idea. The problem is that when this slider ends 00:33:709 (3) - there's no way players to expect that the next object goes accordingly to the way you mapped this segment that thus ends being somewhat confusing. I highly suggest to try out a different rhythm that highlight the same beats but creates a more intuitive pattern to read and play.
  6. 00:41:530 (1) - The finish here feels really random whereas the other exact notes aren't being highlighted in the same way. By far I can tell this is the only finish-sound used during the whole song and that makes feel these other sliders 00:44:959 (1) - 00:48:388 (1) - 00:49:245 (2) - which have basically the same sound, are emphasized without the finish. I do believe removing it would match the song better because as long as the other sliders aren't being rhythmically highlighted in the same way, there's no need to call up for hitsound-variation here.
  7. 01:03:709 (6) - Overmapped. There's no slight sound, neither piano sound nor drums to highlight here.
  8. 00:46:673 (1) - This slider doesn't give the proper emphasis to the instruments according to how you built up this section. As it is now, it seems that it randomly avoids emphasizing this sound 00:46:888 - just because how following pattern was built. Therefore, I think it would be better if you changed it to a slider snapped to 1/2 tick plus a reverse to don't skip the prominent beats.
  9. 01:14:531 (2) - This slider-head with no hitsounds on it feels rather empty. What about if you highlight the piano sound here with a whistle? I do believe in this way, you'll cover nicely the instruments as you've been doing it until now.
  10. 01:49:245 (4,5) - What about doing ctrl + G over these sliders but one by one to give another motion/flow to this pattern? the reason I say it is because the transition feels somehow unnatural to me.
Not directly a bad difficulty but I think there's some room of improvement you can adjust out there! Good luck!
Just my two cents on the issues brought up by HappyRocket.

I still think OD8 is still on the high side, but not problematic. The 1/12 sliders are easily SS'able though?

That 1/12 pattern also just plays like a regular triplet and even though it's 1/12 with OD8, the difference is so small, they practically play the same. (see as reference W h i t e's Shiwa).

Had my doubts on the snapping too, but to me they both sound accurate at different occasions, so I felt that playabilty (1/4) should be preferred in this case.

Must say that I missed the countdown on this one, but that's up to Eru.

Call me if you decide to take action!
The concerns on the thread seems valid to me, please get them figured out with the community to improve the mapset.

But I'd like to give some opinions since I don't think all of happyrocket88's opinions make sense.
  1. volume rising gradually at the beginning does make sense, yes you'd better fix it.
  2. 00:13:888 (6,7,1) - can be treated as kind of simplification, it's a problem at all but in case if you want to get it fixed.
  3. 00:41:530 (1) - finish here makes sense, there is cymbal anyways, 00:44:959 - 00:48:388 - 00:51:816 - are only piano sounds, so I don't think you should add finish to all of them
  4. 01:03:709 (6) - this kind of overmapping are acceptable too, a triplet makes rhythm more interesting rather than 1/2 spamming.
  5. 00:46:673 (1) - Let's say that 1/1 fits better, it differs from - 00:43:245 - 00:50:102 (1) - 00:53:530 - , the other three are almost only piano sound which are 1/2s, so 1/2 rhythm sounds natuaral, but 00:46:673 - and 00:47:102 - has a sound track that is stronger than the piano track, 1/2 rhythm wouln't express the music well, 1/1 to emphasize the special sounds is the better chocie.
  6. 01:14:531 (2) - feels blank, you could delete whistle from 01:14:102 (1) - 's tail and add it to 01:14:530 -
In my opinion, these 1/12s should be avoided when this map is already not timed perfectly with other sounds (ex: 00:55:030 (5,6,1) - 00:56:745 (4,5,1) - ). Keeping simple rhythm can be appreciated even though they're not 100% synchronized with the sounds, when they kill the playability so badly. Hitting those 1/12s is more of a luck than actually reading the beats.

edit: I reset kudosu for Rocket's post so that the mapper can give him a kudosu.
Random comment passing by.
00:14:048 - The piano stuff is actually at 1/8. This part feels good as a simplification. However, parts like 00:55:030 (5,6,1) where the actual rhythms are in 1/6 should get expressed as the proper rhythm imo. Simplification works when selecting an existing beat, not when making an easier rhythm.
00:32:959 (1,1,2,3,1) - aww this looks bad in transition. You'll want to make this more clearer, or perhaps something different idk.

Sonnyc wrote:

Random comment passing by.
Same for me, I just wanted to say that the complete song certainly seems like 70BPM to me, both rhythm- and harmony-wise
I mean I know that the topic of half-/double-BPM is often just ignored in osu! for convenience or like bc it's not very clear in many cases, but here it seems very clear to me and except for the 1/12s that are already in question it would make zero difference map-wise to just half the BPM and put x2-SV on it, but it would make the pulse of the osu!icon, additional beats for Nightcore and barlines for converts much more fitting to the song imo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Topic Starter
Hello everyone.
Thank you very much for take a time and see my mapset!!! n.n


About 1/12 section (00:33:495 - ), I tried like 6 or 7 shapes before choose the last qualified shape, but, I know that could be strange. I think this approach was actually aceptable, anyway, I will try this another one ->

About 1/6 "triples" (00:55:138 (6) - 00:56:852 (5) - 01:00:280 (5) - 01:03:709 (6) - 01:10:566 (5) - 01:13:995 (5) - 01:17:423 (5) - 01:20:852 (5) - ), I was aware of this, in fact, I tried placed as 1/6, but that was really annoying to play, What point is play a peaceful song and do stupid fails due 1/6 triples?. That was the main reason for prefer 1/4 triples.

About BPM, Changing feels problematic for 1/12 section. Its true that Bosai said, but its more convenient 140bpm for this section.


I applied volume suggestion, and hitsound in 01:14:530 - . I removed NC in 00:27:530 (4) - too.

Other suffs like triples in 00:13:995 (7) - 00:20:852 (7) - not, for similar reasons (playability).

  1. Finish in 00:41:530 - is really appropriate, if you delete this slider and listen, here is a "Plaaassshhhhh" background sound. The best hitsound for this is a Finish.
  2. 00:46:673 (1) - Im following contrabass here, as Fycho said.
  3. 01:49:245 (4,5) - Flow is fine here. Any player felt it wrong (and I took a lot of testplays)
  4. OD8 is fine, its only 3 diffs maps, not a 7diifs set.


Before continue with this map, I am waiting for OnosakiHito (We spoke about adding taiko diffs to mapset).
I know adding new diffs should need run all process again, but we love ragnarok songs, so, 8-)
You can try a 1/6 reverse slider for them as an alternative solution.
Also for the 1/12s, I think it's too much relying on the slider leniency, but still there's no way players would "read" it properly, and gives bad feedback for the players if it works differently than how they thought it would be played.
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Finally updated!!!
Rechecked and Rebubbled
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yey!, thank you karen!!
Oh, it was already time for the bubble. If you don't mind, please let Nwolf check the map one more time, just to make sure stuff is okay. I believe I can improve some patterns and Nwolf did already some good suggestions in IRC. Once we are done with that I see no problem to continue with a bubble / qualification. Hopefully Erunamo won't become angry. Haha
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Sure, not problem just don't late much ;w;
No worries. This time we will do it within 1 day.
taiko mod for Ono, a few things were discussed in IRC already


00:26:102 - SV could be improved:

00:26:745 - COULD BE A COOL NOT FOR A MORE SLOWDOWN EFFECT but you said no already c:

00:49:673 - Feels like an unfitting break, I know it's for less stale rhythm but with the removal of 00:46:459 - and 00:46:245 - becoming big kat it has the same effect with less weird breaks. AKA add a don here

00:51:816 (2,1) - Finishers??

00:55:673 - Could add a kat here for the melody. Generally the kiai feels a little bit empty even with 1/4, as there's a lot of large breaks and unused opportunities.
> 00:59:102 - 01:02:530 - 01:05:959 - 01:09:388 - 01:12:816 - 01:16:245 - 01:19:673 - Same

00:57:388 - Sounds better if this note was 00:57:173 - here instead due to several notes being here in the song. Then it also fits to 01:00:602 (1,2,3,1) - better.
> 01:04:245 (1) - Same

01:04:673 (1,2,3) - The color is inconsistent with all other notes on the 3rd beat (which is blue) and I also don't know why there's a triplet here. Okay, variety, sure. Could be a kat triplet at least. Note. It does NOT appear in the 2nd half of the kiai! (01:18:388 - )

01:18:816 (2,3) - Should be removed if we consider 01:11:959 - as the same spot and 01:14:959 (1,2,3,4) - as the variation

01:46:459 (2) - compared to 01:39:602 - on purpose? I don't really mind it, just asking


00:40:888 - Should have a kat like 00:33:602 (5,6,7,8) - here. Maybe even have this be a 6-plet somehow.
00:40:245 - Actually let a slider start here Oni has a slider too, sliders are beautiful

00:55:673 - Same as Oni but this time I'm not pointing out all I wanna stay sane (esp if you deny this)

01:27:388 (2) - Why is this a finisher while 01:23:959 (1) - 01:30:816 (1) - aren't? There's already a difference with it being a kat. 01:34:245 (2) - 01:41:102 (2) - also aren't finishers.

01:42:388 (5,6,7) - Compared to other things in this diff this feels rather random and out of place, there aren't really 1/4 in this diff.

01:48:602 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Should be less dense imo. Makes a bigger difference to Oni and doesn't the density of Muzukashii that much. Also Oni has no 1/4 here


Nwolf wrote:

taiko mod for Ono, a few things were discussed in IRC already


00:26:102 - SV could be improved: much better

00:26:745 - COULD BE A COOL NOT FOR A MORE SLOWDOWN EFFECT but you said no already c: exactly

00:49:673 - Feels like an unfitting break, I know it's for less stale rhythm but with the removal of 00:46:459 - and 00:46:245 - becoming big kat it has the same effect with less weird breaks. AKA add a don here done

00:51:816 (2,1) - Finishers?? done

00:55:673 - Could add a kat here for the melody. Generally the kiai feels a little bit empty even with 1/4, as there's a lot of large breaks and unused opportunities.
> 00:59:102 - 01:02:530 - 01:05:959 - 01:09:388 - 01:12:816 - 01:16:245 - 01:19:673 - Same changed whole kiai instead

00:57:388 - Sounds better if this note was 00:57:173 - here instead due to several notes being here in the song. Then it also fits to 01:00:602 (1,2,3,1) - better. done
> 01:04:245 (1) - Same done

01:04:673 (1,2,3) - The color is inconsistent with all other notes on the 3rd beat (which is blue) and I also don't know why there's a triplet here. Okay, variety, sure. Could be a kat triplet at least. Note. It does NOT appear in the 2nd half of the kiai! (01:18:388 - ) ^

01:18:816 (2,3) - Should be removed if we consider 01:11:959 - as the same spot and 01:14:959 (1,2,3,4) - as the variation

01:46:459 (2) - compared to 01:39:602 - on purpose? I don't really mind it, just asking yeah, on purpose. Rise of notes due to the fluet.


00:40:888 - Should have a kat like 00:33:602 (5,6,7,8) - here. Maybe even have this be a 6-plet somehow.
00:40:245 - Actually let a slider start here Oni has a slider too, sliders are beautiful better!

00:55:673 - Same as Oni but this time I'm not pointing out all I wanna stay sane (esp if you deny this) It is possible, indeed. But if you ask me, I find it very fitting since it has a good "Abgang" / "abklang" in these moments which make the upcoming kats be more emphasized.

01:27:388 (2) - Why is this a finisher while 01:23:959 (1) - 01:30:816 (1) - aren't? There's already a difference with it being a kat. 01:34:245 (2) - 01:41:102 (2) - also aren't finishers. E.g. 01:26:959 (1,2) - 1 is already a kat and would take the impact of upcoming note if it would be not a finisher. In all honest Nwolf, I actually don't know how to explain it in english. Der Grund warum ich so viele Lücken habe oder finishers an bestimmten stellen sind ist einfach der, das ich finde, das jene finisher einen sehr guten Abgang einer stanza oder einer bestimmten Note inszenieren. Abgang im Sinne von, die finisher hallen für einen Moment ins Nichts was ihnen und den nachfolgenden Noten mehr kraft verleit. Finisher und Folgenoten sind voneinander getrennt und beziehen sich dadurch nur auf ihre Stanza was dazu führt das die Noten auch für sich mehr Kraft beanspruchen. So gesehen wände ich dieses Mal ein eher "Lokales mapping" an, anstatt ein "Globales" bei dem normalerweise jedes pattern eng mit den vorherigen oder nachkommenden verbunden ist. On the other hand, 01:41:102 (2) - changed to K lol

01:42:388 (5,6,7) - Compared to other things in this diff this feels rather random and out of place, there aren't really 1/4 in this diff. true

01:48:602 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Should be less dense imo. Makes a bigger difference to Oni and doesn't the density of Muzukashii that much. Also Oni has no 1/4 here done

(Muzukashii) HP 6 -> 7
(Muzu+Oni) Volume 30% -> 60%. Sounded like drums in background. Too quiet.
(Oni) HP 5 -> 6
(Oni) Removed 00:12:173 (1) -
(Oni) 01:27:388 (2) - Changed to K
(Oni) Changed whole kiai after reading Nwolf's mod. Much better now.
(Oni) 00:41:530 ~ 00:55:245 - refined this part a little.

Much better. I am satisfied by now. Thank you! Karen can feel free to rebubble this.
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Taikos updated!!
i just believe in ono's taiko diffs
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Thank you Karen senpai!! >w<!!!
i just believe in erunamo's std diffs
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Thank you very much Karen and Nwolf!!!, and all people who help with suggestions, testplays, and to Ono for the taikos xD

Now, to wait 1 week ;)
Felicidades estimado :3
YAY! °3°)/
Now that this is ranked, I can say congratulations!
Congratulations for both of you who really like Ragnarok :)
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