
✌ Neon ❣ Silica ❣ Aqua ❣ Debilia ✌GFX Thread✯ Closed ✯ T_T

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Topic Starter
- Neon -
Status: Closed

Neon: Active | Silica, Aqua, and Debilia: Only Available on Weekends


  1. Please use the form so we can do your request easily.
  2. Do not spam this thread.
  3. Every player has a maximum of 1 picture for every requests (Except for collabs).
  4. Every player has a maximum of 2 requests every week (Banner and Avatar).
  5. After a player request, they can request again after 1 week.
  6. Please use our work(s) for at least 1 week or above.
Neon's Samples

250 x 250

200 x 200

180 x 180

128 x 128

Still beginning to animate banners xD

Silica/Rikushi's Samples


Aqua's Samples

128 x 128

Debilia's Samples

200 x 200


Request Forms

Avatar Request
  1. Request Type: Avatar
  2. Avatar Type: Single/Collab
  3. Image Link:
  4. Text:
  5. Border: Y/N
  6. Border Type: Square/Rounded/Circle/Polygon
  7. Size: Example: 128x128/150x150/200x200 etc.
  8. Extras:
Banner Request
  1. Request To:
  2. Request Type: Banner
  3. Image Link:
  4. Text:
  5. Size:
  6. Animated: Y/N
  7. Extras:
Signature Request
  1. Request To: Debilia/Aqua/Rikushi
  2. Request Type: Signature
  3. Image Link:
  4. Text:
  5. Size:
  6. Animated: Y/N
  7. Extras:
Support Us!


Thanks for visiting this thread! ✌

If there is missing, please tell it to me. Thanks. :D
Fu Xuan
Kek. owo
Me First!!! And Goodluck!!! :D

Request To: Debilia
Request Type: Banner
Image Link:Image!!!
Size: 623x180
Animated: Y
Extras: osu Standard logo and Mania Logo.. also make it beautiful!!!
Goodluck! xd

-SayaKai wrote:

Goodluck! xd
Thank You!!!!<3
- K a t h -
Good luck sa inyo~ o/
Little Zhang
Request To: Debilia
Request Type: Banner
Image Link: ~~~~
Text: 'Satoshi' and 'Kohana'
Size: Whatever size you feel fitting c:
Animated: Since I know you will have plenty of time, may I have one animated and one not?
Extras: I'm entrusting my collab banner to you, even though I've never seen any work besides your examples so, please do your best cx

Also, Neon you forgot to add a 'Text' part under all three of your request forms, just saying xp

Good luck~
Topic Starter
- Neon -

[-Satoshi-] wrote:

Request To: Debilia
Request Type: Banner
Image Link: ~~~~
Text: 'Satoshi' and 'Kohana'
Size: Whatever size you feel fitting c:
Animated: Since I know you will have plenty of time, may I have one animated and one not?
Extras: I'm entrusting my collab banner to you, even though I've never seen any work besides your examples so, please do your best cx

Also, Neon you forgot to add a 'Text' part under all three of your request forms, just saying xp

Good luck~
I'm so sorry for that, and thanks for pointing it. :)

- K a t h - wrote:

Good luck sa inyo~ o/
Thank you :D

- K a t h - wrote:

Good luck sa inyo~ o/
Thank you!!!
Little Zhang

neon04 wrote:

I'm so sorry for that, and thanks for pointing it. :)

It's no big deal xp was just letting you know c:
Shirou Seekvira
Oh! hey there :3

Request Type: Avatar
Avatar Type: Single
Image Link: or (chara)
Text:Shirou (top) Seekvira (bottom)
Border: Yes
Border Type: Square
Size: 128x128
Extras:make charas cheeks aliebit more red

Thanks have a pomf-- i mean a good day! :? :? :? :? :? :? :?
Banner Request
Request To: Debilia
Request Type: Banner
Image Link:
Text: Welcome to my userpage!
Size: 554x190
Animated: N
Extras: Put Tippy on the tray that Chino is holding and put them on the right side of the banner like this ... 382e706e67

Thanks! :)
Request To:Debilia
Request Type: Banner
Image Link: ... 6nzcfb.png
Text: Welcome to my userpage!
Size: 623x180
Animated: Y
Extras: Make it similar to this one? :s ... 422e676966 . idk
Topic Starter
- Neon -


Yow Silica. Here's your banner. Debilia can't post here in the forums, because she's still not playing her account.
Not Animated:


Hey Satoshi, Debilia can't post here in the forums because she's still not playing her account. I hope you like it
Little Zhang

neon04 wrote:

Not Animated:


Hey Satoshi, Debilia can't post here in the forums because she's still not playing her account. I hope you like it

It's perfect :o I figured either Debilia would exceed my expectations or be completely off, so yeah exceeded by a lot ^^ If I may make another request, to whoever would like to make it-

Request To: Whoever wants to make c:
Request Type: Banner
Image Link: ~~~~
Text: 'I support Neon|Silica|Aqua|Debilia GFX'
Animated: No

Thanks and good luck again c:
Fu Xuan
Request to: Debilia
Request type: Signature
Image link: ... 3lFsIwPMQz
Text: K14
Size: Normal size of a signature
Animated: N
Extras: none

Thank you!
Topic Starter
- Neon -




Thanks for supporting our thread! ^^ And I will put this on our thread. :)

I hope you like it! If you don't like it, please kindly pm me, or reply on this thread.
Little Zhang

neon04 wrote:




Thanks for supporting our thread! ^^ And I will put this on our thread. :)

I hope you like it! If you don't like it, please kindly pm me, or reply on this thread.

It's great c: Thank you for putting your time out there for skrubs like me that can't do art stuffs cx

neon04 wrote:



Thank You! <3

I love it! :D

neon04 wrote:



I hope you like it! If you don't like it, please kindly pm me, or reply on this thread.
Thank you, I love it!! :)
Banner Request Please !
Request To: Debilia
Request Type: Banner
Image Link:
Text:Welcome to my UserPage !
Size: 1920*1080
Animated: No
Extras: I would think that putting the text in a way that it would look like the sunlight, but you could do whatever as you are experts at this stuff

Thanks in Advance
Topic Starter
- Neon -


If you didn't like it, please kindly PM me or reply to this thread. ^^
Little Zhang
Request To: Neon
Request Type: Avatar
Avatar Type: Collab
Image Link: ~~~~
Text: 'Kohana' for female, 'Satoshi' for male
Border: -
Border Type: -
Size: 128x128
Extras:: For border, I'm fine with anything so just make it look nice c: If multiple borders look equally nice, feel free to include all of them cx
Topic Starter
- Neon -


If you didn't like it, please kindly PM me, or reply on this thread. ^^
Little Zhang

neon04 wrote:



If you didn't like it, please kindly PM me, or reply on this thread. ^^

They're perfect c: You should have seen my reaction when I saw that you posted them x'D You are so fast o,o My new favorite avatar maker <3
Topic Starter
- Neon -

[-Satoshi-] wrote:

neon04 wrote:


If you didn't like it, please kindly PM me, or reply on this thread. ^^
They're perfect c: You should have seen my reaction when I saw that you posted them x'D You are so fast o,o My new favorite avatar maker <3
Thank you! ^^
Request To: Debilia
Request Type: Banner
Image Link: image about Kafuu Chino choose
Text: Gochiusa Collab
Size: 624x70 or 300x70
Animated: Y
Extras: add any interested effect
Sup fam

neon04 wrote:


If you didn't like it, please kindly PM me or reply to this thread. ^^

Thank You! I really appreciate you took time and effort to do this! Thank You !
Request To: Debilia
Request Type: Signature
Image Link:
Size: Ill let you choose ;)
Animated: N
Extras: Nope.
Shirou Seekvira

-Aqua wrote:

Thanks Aqua-senpai desu i like it! :) :) :)
Topic Starter
- Neon -
If you didn't like it, please kindly PM me, or reply on this thread. ^^

neon04 wrote:

If you didn't like it, please kindly PM me, or reply on this thread. ^^
i like this but this not request size from me
my request size = 624x70 or 300x70

btw ,thank's
Topic Starter
- Neon -

Yoshino- wrote:

neon04 wrote:

If you didn't like it, please kindly PM me, or reply on this thread. ^^
i like this but this not request size from me
my request size = 624x70 or 300x70

btw ,thank's
Hello Yoshino,
I'm so sorry. Debilia didn't read the size, I don't know what's gotten into her. If you want, I will resize it.
Topic Starter
- Neon -
This is the resize version of your request, Yoshino.
I'm really sorry if I and Debilia sent you a wrong one.
Little Zhang
Request To: Debilia
Request Type: Banner
Image Link: ~~~~
Text: 'Welcome to my user page~'
Size: Same res as you did for my collab banner cx

To be honest, I think that you have become my favorite artist of all the shops I've ordered from, Debilia c: I look forward to seeing what you come up with cx

neon04 wrote:

If you didn't like it, please kindly PM me, or reply on this thread. ^^

Thanks i love it! :D
Hi there! :D

Request To: Debilia
Request Type: Signature
Image Link:

Text: Tatiyama
Size: No preference :D
Animated: No :D
Extras: No :B

Thanks in advance!
Request to : neon04!
Request Type: Avatar
Avatar Type: Single
Image Link:
Size: 128x128
Animated: Yes!
Extras:I love your avatar! pls make me avatar like a yours ><!!

neon04 wrote:

This is the resize version of your request, Yoshino.
I'm really sorry if I and Debilia sent you a wrong one.
Thank you and I apologize if it's a hassle you
Thank you for changing the size for me
once again thanks to Debilia and you
Topic Starter
- Neon -


Yo, Satoshi. You already requested 3 times in a row this week xD. Slow down dude, wait until next week loool. This is your last request this week, and you can request again next week.


Hello AMEchoco, just save this picture and put it in your profile xD.
If you didn't like it, please kindly PM me, or reply on this thread. ^^
Little Zhang

neon04 wrote:

Yo, Satoshi. You already requested 3 times in a row this week xD. Slow down dude, wait until next week loool. This is your last request this week, and you can request again next week.[/color]

If you didn't like it, please kindly PM me, or reply on this thread. ^^

x'D Sowwie lol I don't need anything else anyways so cx Was Debilia not available? I'm pretty sure they're who I requested to... Either way it's great thank you very much c:

neon04 wrote:


Yo, Satoshi. You already requested 3 times in a row this week xD. Slow down dude, wait until next week loool. This is your last request this week, and you can request again next week.


Hello AMEchoco, just save this picture and put it in your profile xD.
If you didn't like it, please kindly PM me, or reply on this thread. ^^
It's pretty neat, thank you very much!
Request To: -Aqua
Request Type: Banner
Image Link: kupal kaw nlng mag hanap para saken :'>
Text:Welcome to ~Ghostly's User Page
Size:gaya ng sayu

Fu Xuan
Amakusa Est
Request To: Neon-senpai! >\\\<
Request Type: Avatar
Avatar Type: Single
Image Link:
Text: Amakusa
Border: Yes
Border Type: Square
Size: Example: 128x128
Extras: Make funko-chan more beautiful... LOL

I don't really know how this works! So please forgive me for being an idiot and innocent? LOL!! HAHAHA :) :)
Request Type: Avatar
Avatar Type: Single
Image Link: ... 809496.jpg
Text: -Darkster
Border: None
Border Type: N/A
Size: 128x128
Extras: Just Asuka-chan's Head (obviously)

Preffered Avatar Creator: Aqua or Neon
Another Extra : Just PM me on FB about the PIC

-Aqua wrote:

Salamat Kouhai libre kita sa school sa 1st day ah paalala mo saken :D
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