
Imperial Circus Dead Decadence - Uta [CatchTheBeat]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on lundi 22 janvier 2018 at 21:34:53

Artist: Imperial Circus Dead Decadence
Title: Uta
Tags: ICDD DANCE ASK extol ou song declare express ode to the dreadful sacrament 惨劇の血に赫く染まった愛と絶望の黒い死とが紡ぐ最期の物語 sangeki no chi ni kagayaku somatta ai to zetsubou no kuroi shitoga tsumugu saigo no monogatari rib:y(uhki) l.g.c. kim kylie hull vaguedge another stream kimiko peath2 tome あにょ marathon
BPM: 140
Filesize: 15664kb
Play Time: 08:47
Difficulties Available:
  1. Ophestra (8 stars, 3240 notes)
Download: Imperial Circus Dead Decadence - Uta
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Thank you everyone for supporting me, couldn't achieve it without you. Have fun !!

Band: Imperial Circus Dead Decadence (ICDD) (
Illustrator: ASK (
Illustration: DANCE ( ... d=60515982)
Madness background by NanoMortis: ... -597615924
Hitsound by Aqliva

Found it here: ... decadence/

What has been lost won’t come back
Even if your feelings change as you keep born
You all will be
Watched over for the eternity.


Again, I see the shadow of myself,
The same person that, while changing other’s lives,
In the end, arrived here.
Is this because of a foolish curse?
Not even the sun knows the true reason――.

終りを迎える 貴女と私の姿は…

And once again, it ends
Way too soon
However, this painful sorrow comes from their own deed
That’s it.
Accept this end, as thee and I together…」

オフェストラの名の下に 血潮が燃えている
今まさに其の時が来たのだ 武器を取れ
勝利の意味を記して 後世に伝えようぞ

In the name of “Ophestra”, my will becomes strong
Now, the time has come. Draw your sword
This is the justice I’ve always carried
My reason of victory will be remembered, bequeathed by posterity


A conflict is stupid by itself, yet you keep your eyes closed to not see it. Can you really call this a victory?
People will keep fighting each other forever, again and again――.」

疵付けあい 死に絶えるまで終わらない
人は儚く小さい 其れは覆らない
今を生き続けて 其の命を燃やしながら

Inside this vast world, we are powerless
We hurt each other and don’t stop until one dies
People are transient beings and that can’t be changed
Keep living seizing the day as our lives burn


I learnt that people are burdened with sins since their birth,
They are tied to them
Those I call “people”, are beings that don’t understand each other――」

無い在る等らと言う 無意味な神論を
我が力で問おう 黒き闇を召還した

Being and not being are meaningless god’s theories
We asked for strength and summoned the black night


Because of my contract with devil, my feelings ended.
By using this power, I will defeat Rostfel」

崩れ果てて 壊れて
千切れ朽ちて 流れて
前を向けず 頭垂れて

Falling, dying, breaking
All because I’ve lost, I know it
Collapsing, rotting, vanishing
It’s too late to realize it
Don’t look back, lower your head
And then, keep living
At least, you will dream of
Your wish coming true

殺し合い 死に絶えるまで終わらない
人は儚く小さい 其れを受け入れなさい
今を生き続けて 其の命輝かせて

Inside this vast world, they are powerless
They kill each other and don’t stop until one dies
People are transient beings, they have to accept it
Keep living seizing the day as your lives shine


「A tale born out of sadness
A tragic love
The sadness of the old gods
Stained in blood, decomposed, burned
Engulfed into this night of madness」

生きるという 苦しみこえて
絶望もすべて 私と
命を見た 其処には心

To live means to cross hardships,
And despair as well, together with me
I saw the life, my mind is there
And we, in that place, celebrate the “Eucharist”
For you――。

囚われ 孤独さも 風を待つ 雛鳥のように
目を逸らすな この痛みを 愛の姿は刻薄
哀れなこの子らも 羽を持つ 手は いらない 儘で
忘れないで この思いを 愛に似た哀しみを 今も――。

Captured, isolated, I wait the wind like a little bird
Don’t look away from this pain, the faces of love are cruel
Those pitiful children who now have wings have lost their hands
I won’t forget this feeling, this sadness which resembles love, never――.

疵付けあい 死に絶えるまで終わらない
人は儚く小さい 其れは覆らない
今を生き続けて 其の命を燃やしながらも

Inside this vast world, we are powerless
We hurt each other and don’t stop until one dies
People are transient beings and that can’t be changed
Keep living seizing the day as our lives burn

生きるという戦いは 惨禍の中で
そして私は生き 愛することを謳おう

Living is a battle within calamities
Love your life, that’s your heart
And then, I will live, celebtrating what I love
And I’ll keep shouting it as I cross difficult paths――.


“Living” is a battle,
Within calamities, I’ll love my life, my heart――
I will praise what you call “living” ――


I saw the life, where my heart is.
Even if many difficulties are awaiting,
Here, I will keep screaming――.
Second... ;w;
I did leave out a few parts as I don't want much nerfing.
"I hate to be one of those who tells a mapper to do this and that as an order when it's their map, and not the modders. It's the modders job to come with ideas and solutions to improve the map, not make it their own."
01:24:629 (1,2,3,4) - This part follows the same sounds as 01:22:873 (1) -, 01:23:459 (1) - so an idea would be something like this? spacing might be too tight compared to the others, but see how you like it :3
01:41:312 (4,5,6) - Why is the spacing on these tripples different than the others that work the same way in this section? 01:37:215 (2,3,4) - 01:39:556 (6,7,8) - (Examples)
03:17:117 (5,6,7) - I see what you're trying to do, but is tripples the right answer? I feel like keeping the pace might be better as tripples don't follow the sound imo. If not, try to experiment a bit with it.
03:24:629 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This was lit 👌👌🔥🔥👌👌🔥🔥👌👌
04:53:605 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - 👌👌🔥🔥👌👌🔥🔥👌👌

06:24:950 (8) - Ctrl+G As the 2 first ones have a perfect follow up after each one I have to disagree with this.
08:32:413 (1,2) - I feel like the distance between 1 and 2 is a bit too far. Try this little nerf.

Before Submission
12:20 Exothermia: 00:33:703 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5) Those are rather "simple" or whatnot compared to what the map offers later on, so maybe switching them to a 45degree left in 2, then the same to right and back left using the seventh slider to merge with the 8th in the middle.(6th green) Kinda hard To explain without having the exact notes etc
12:23 Kyuare: I see, but I really think it fits better because this is the beggining
12:23 Exothermia: Also some of 01:32:532 (6,7,8) - these could potentially be more of a 01:34:873 (6,7,8) - to increase the minor movements that is needed and in my personal opinion increases the fun. It's like that one part in pirnha slightly after those single tap sliders at the 300 combo mark
12:24 Kyuare: good idea
12:25 Kyuare: done
12:26 Exothermia: Some of them are to some extent fitting with the pervious patterns such as 01:35:166 (9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - where the red 01:37:215 (2,3,4) - do indeed fit a bit better, so having a distinction between where it should be placed and not can work well I believe.
12:30 Exothermia: I don't want to mention the first stream as it works well, however the second one at 01:45:117 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - kinda feels awkward compared to the first. So I tried switching the 01:45:410 (1,2,3,4) - greens with 01:45:702 (1,2,3,4) - blues and found it to feel more natural. It might be too much of a nerf in a sense, but it looked nice
12:31 Exothermia: That's just what small adjustments I could suggest, but as always you've done a good job :D
12:31 Kyuare: I see, I will fix it in my way
12:31 Kyuare: thank you :p

After Submission
15:11 Exothermia: 04:14:239 (7,8) - when you play it, it seems like you have to move to the left a tad bit , but that fucks you over, so having 8 straight under 7 makes a clear indication on you having to switch sides and doesn't mentally fuck you
15:12 Exothermia: See what i mean?
15:12 Kyuare: yeah
15:12 Kyuare: you're right
15:12 Kyuare: fixed
15:17 Exothermia: That's the only thing that I have noticed when playing it normally. I'll take a deeper look later on. And this is just a personal feel and might be my attachment to this part of the std song, but 07:33:453 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - seems a bit over the top.
15:18 Kyuare: fixed
15:20 Exothermia: The sounds appear similar up until 7.42 after the break, so why one part is mapped as if it's sped up feels weird. Just in case you want reasoning.
15:21 Kyuare: yeah, I made it 1/3 like others patterns
Topic Starter

Exothermia wrote:

I did leave out a few parts as I don't want much nerfing.
"I hate to be one of those who tells a mapper to do this and that as an order when it's their map, and not the modders. It's the modders job to come with ideas and solutions to improve the map, not make it their own."
01:24:629 (1,2,3,4) - This part follows the same sounds as 01:22:873 (1) -, 01:23:459 (1) - so an idea would be something like this? spacing might be too tight compared to the others, but see how you like it :3 I prefer my pattern sorry, less shitmissable imo
01:41:312 (4,5,6) - Why is the spacing on these tripples different than the others that work the same way in this section? 01:37:215 (2,3,4) - 01:39:556 (6,7,8) - (Examples) moved the triplet to x:320
03:17:117 (5,6,7) - I see what you're trying to do, but is tripples the right answer? I feel like keeping the pace might be better as tripples don't follow the sound imo. If not, try to experiment a bit with it. stacked them
03:24:629 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This was lit 👌👌🔥🔥👌👌🔥🔥👌👌
04:53:605 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - 👌👌🔥🔥👌👌🔥🔥👌👌

06:24:950 (8) - Ctrl+G As the 2 first ones have a perfect follow up after each one I have to disagree with this. Ctrl+G and moved to x:288
08:32:413 (1,2) - I feel like the distance between 1 and 2 is a bit too far. Try this little nerf. Fixed in my way

Before Submission
12:20 Exothermia: 00:33:703 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5) Those are rather "simple" or whatnot compared to what the map offers later on, so maybe switching them to a 45degree left in 2, then the same to right and back left using the seventh slider to merge with the 8th in the middle.(6th green) Kinda hard To explain without having the exact notes etc
12:23 Kyuare: I see, but I really think it fits better because this is the beggining
12:23 Exothermia: Also some of 01:32:532 (6,7,8) - these could potentially be more of a 01:34:873 (6,7,8) - to increase the minor movements that is needed and in my personal opinion increases the fun. It's like that one part in pirnha slightly after those single tap sliders at the 300 combo mark
12:24 Kyuare: good idea
12:25 Kyuare: done
12:26 Exothermia: Some of them are to some extent fitting with the pervious patterns such as 01:35:166 (9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - where the red 01:37:215 (2,3,4) - do indeed fit a bit better, so having a distinction between where it should be placed and not can work well I believe.
12:30 Exothermia: I don't want to mention the first stream as it works well, however the second one at 01:45:117 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - kinda feels awkward compared to the first. So I tried switching the 01:45:410 (1,2,3,4) - greens with 01:45:702 (1,2,3,4) - blues and found it to feel more natural. It might be too much of a nerf in a sense, but it looked nice
12:31 Exothermia: That's just what small adjustments I could suggest, but as always you've done a good job :D
12:31 Kyuare: I see, I will fix it in my way
12:31 Kyuare: thank you :p

After Submission
15:11 Exothermia: 04:14:239 (7,8) - when you play it, it seems like you have to move to the left a tad bit , but that fucks you over, so having 8 straight under 7 makes a clear indication on you having to switch sides and doesn't mentally fuck you
15:12 Exothermia: See what i mean?
15:12 Kyuare: yeah
15:12 Kyuare: you're right
15:12 Kyuare: fixed
15:17 Exothermia: That's the only thing that I have noticed when playing it normally. I'll take a deeper look later on. And this is just a personal feel and might be my attachment to this part of the std song, but 07:33:453 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - seems a bit over the top.
15:18 Kyuare: fixed
15:20 Exothermia: The sounds appear similar up until 7.42 after the break, so why one part is mapped as if it's sped up feels weird. Just in case you want reasoning.
15:21 Kyuare: yeah, I made it 1/3 like others patterns
Thank you for modding !
this map can be ranked?
Imperial Circus Dead Decadance - Uta


Combo colors

01:01:800 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -

01:33:410 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -

01:38:093 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -

02:07:361 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) -

02:23:751 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) -

02:30:776 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -

03:13:800 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -

03:25:215 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) -

03:33:556 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) -

03:41:020 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) -

03:57:410 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) -

04:06:776 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -

04:09:117 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) -

05:29:898 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) -

06:08:999 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) -

06:19:097 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) -

06:21:438 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) -

06:23:780 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -

06:25:828 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -

06:28:170 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -

06:30:511 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -

06:35:194 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -

06:37:536 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -

06:46:902 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -

06:51:585 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -

07:08:999 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) -

07:57:144 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -

08:38:120 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) -

Les suggestions

07:47:096 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - Je trouve le stream trop horizontal et donc dangereux pour un moment calme, peut etre essayer de reduire l'horizon

03:42:190 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Pas tres esthétique, pas trop exploiter et trop proche tu peut peut etre essayer de créer un mouvement de gauche-droite au lieu de devoir se mettre au milieux

04:06:190 (5,6,7) - Hypedash sur le 6 pas tellement agreable et que je trouve pas vraiment justifier comparer au reste du pattern juste avant

03:16:142 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - stream trop "déformé" essaye de le fluidifier et de créer des nouveaux mouvement

06:36:658 (5,6,7,8,9) - Stream pas tres jolie qui t'oblige a rester immobile tu peut tres certainement l'exploiter pour créer un mouvement
Topic Starter

Hibari wrote:

Imperial Circus Dead Decadance - Uta


Combo colors

01:01:800 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -

01:33:410 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -

01:38:093 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -

02:07:361 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) -

02:23:751 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) -

02:30:776 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -

03:13:800 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -

03:25:215 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) -

03:33:556 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) -

03:41:020 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) -

03:57:410 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) -

04:06:776 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -

04:09:117 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) -

05:29:898 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) -

06:08:999 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) -

06:19:097 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) -

06:21:438 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) -

06:23:780 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -

06:25:828 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -

06:28:170 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -

06:30:511 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -

06:35:194 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -

06:37:536 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -

06:46:902 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -

06:51:585 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -

07:08:999 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) -

07:57:144 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -

08:38:120 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) -

Les suggestions

07:47:096 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - Je trouve le stream trop horizontal et donc dangereux pour un moment calme, peut etre essayer de reduire l'horizon

03:42:190 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Pas tres esthétique, pas trop exploiter et trop proche tu peut peut etre essayer de créer un mouvement de gauche-droite au lieu de devoir se mettre au milieux Le pattern est fait pour qu'on le gauche-droite en fait, je vais garder ce pattern comme il l'est

04:06:190 (5,6,7) - Hypedash sur le 6 pas tellement agreable et que je trouve pas vraiment justifier comparer au reste du pattern juste avant

03:16:142 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - stream trop "déformé" essaye de le fluidifier et de créer des nouveaux mouvement

06:36:658 (5,6,7,8,9) - Stream pas tres jolie qui t'oblige a rester immobile tu peut tres certainement l'exploiter pour créer un mouvement Tu trouves ? Moi je le trouve très joli et il colle bien avec la musique, je l'ai amélioré pour qu'il crée plus de mouvement mais la forme reste la même
Merci ! J'ai fixé le reste
would be awsome as a Final Tiebreaker :D x3
Hello :)


00:23:283 (3,4) - Highlight these and move to x:384 since they're kinda built on the same pattern
00:25:777 (1) - Feels like this could be a bit more to the right (x:320) if you follow sound
00:29:973 (5,6,7) - Could space these a bit
00:37:215 (1) - I don't think this should be as close as it is to 00:36:922 (4) - Consider moving a bit to the left (You can't really pick up on any sound change here... Even tho there might be a little)
00:43:361 (2,3) - These should be a bit more to the right because the pattern start 00:43:361 not 00:43:068. This 00:43:068 (1) - is connected to the previous stream. This also means that you gotta move upcoming notes accordingly
00:51:556 (4,5) - Think you could add more distance to these since they are on 1/2's and shouldn't be easier
00:53:166 (6,7,8,1) - Feels a bit weird that they're so close to eachother. Doesn't really fit the overall style... Consider adding more distance here
01:03:556 (3) - Move a bit to the left (x:232)
01:04:142 (1) - This should have more distance from 01:03:849 (4) - because of sound. Move following notes accordingly. Could highlight 01:04:142 (1,2) - and move to x:208
01:14:678 (3) - Could add more distance here
01:35:751 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Think you should add more spacing in this
01:57:995 (4) - Consider nc on this
01:58:434 (2,3,4,5) - Could space these a bit
02:06:190 (5,6) - Consider giving these more movement... Doesn't really fit with the rest
02:17:166 (4) - & 02:17:605 (7) - should have more movement due to the voice getting "louder"
02:34:288 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Here's opportunity for some sliders if you want to switch things up
02:48:776 (7,8,1,2) - Think you should make this vertical like you did here 02:47:459 (5,6,7,8)
02:49:361 (7) - & 02:49:507 (1) - are on two big sounds... Consider adding more distance
03:12:922 (1,2) - Could give this a bit more distance
03:14:093 (2,3,4,5) - Feels a bit weird that they're so close to eachother. There's also three different sounds in 03:14:385 (5) - maybe don't have this as reverse slider
03:22:873 (1,2,3) - Think you can give these more movement since they're 1/2's
03:25:361 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - Highlight these and move to x:328 for better flow
03:33:556 (1) - Feels a bit weird that this is so close to 03:33:410 (12)
03:49:215 (1,2,3) - Any special reason they're this close here?
03:55:166 (2) - & 03:55:361 (1) - could be moved a bit to the left (x:280) while moving 03:55:459 (2) - accordingly... I think it gives it a good touch
04:08:824 (3) - Way to close to (2) considering the sound
04:09:556 (4) - ^ "(3)
04:52:873 (2) - You could remove this and add one more tick on 04:52:434 (1) - because it doesn't have to be HDash here
05:14:386 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - this part doesn't really follow the music... Could do a better job following the vocals here
05:24:337 (3,4,5) - These have way more movement than the other three's (05:21:995 (3,4,5) - & 05:22:580 (3,4,5) -) Maybe consider making 05:24:337 (3,4,5) - just like them

There is nothing wrong with the part from 05:50:268 to 06:06:918... But I think you could add more movement here to amplify the omnious feeling and make players nervous (this could be done by just spacing a bit more)

From the kiai time that starts from 06:28 and ends at 07:10 is a bit easy compared to the overall difficulty of the map. Normally this would be replaced with a difficult stream but since this part doesn't allow that you've decided to map the vocals (for the first half). This could as I said be made more difficult by maybe adding slider velocity and bigger spacing and I think this is necessary to keep good consistency. The second part of the kiai is a bit more difficult but still has some parts that could be made challenging like 06:54:511 (5,6,7,8) - & 07:04:170 (6,7,8)

07:32:965 (1,2) - Feels a bit weird that these start so far away consider these two sounds are almost silent
07:47:096 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - This could be mapped a bit more spaced and/or difficult due to the sound on all these being "loud"
08:10:608 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - Feels a bit weird how all of these are mapped without any flow break... Consider adding some... Maybe here 08:11:193 (1,2)?
08:20:852 (2,3) - These shouldn't be on the same distance away from eachother since they're on very different sounds in vocal
08:30:510 (5,6,7) - These should have more movement to fit in with overall difficulty of this part

I really like this map and I think it's good but could still need one or two other experienced modders to check this out

Topic Starter

Setomi wrote:

Hello :)


00:23:283 (3,4) - Highlight these and move to x:384 since they're kinda built on the same pattern
00:25:777 (1) - Feels like this could be a bit more to the right (x:320) if you follow sound
00:29:973 (5,6,7) - Could space these a bit
00:37:215 (1) - I don't think this should be as close as it is to 00:36:922 (4) - Consider moving a bit to the left (You can't really pick up on any sound change here... Even tho there might be a little)
00:43:361 (2,3) - These should be a bit more to the right because the pattern start 00:43:361 not 00:43:068. This 00:43:068 (1) - is connected to the previous stream. This also means that you gotta move upcoming notes accordingly
00:51:556 (4,5) - Think you could add more distance to these since they are on 1/2's and shouldn't be easier
00:53:166 (6,7,8,1) - Feels a bit weird that they're so close to eachother. Doesn't really fit the overall style... Consider adding more distance here
01:03:556 (3) - Move a bit to the left (x:232) Fixed in my way
01:04:142 (1) - This should have more distance from 01:03:849 (4) - because of sound. Move following notes accordingly. Could highlight 01:04:142 (1,2) - and move to x:208 Fixed in my way too
01:14:678 (3) - Could add more distance here
01:35:751 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Think you should add more spacing in this
01:57:995 (4) - Consider nc on this
01:58:434 (2,3,4,5) - Could space these a bit
02:06:190 (5,6) - Consider giving these more movement... Doesn't really fit with the rest
02:17:166 (4) - & 02:17:605 (7) - should have more movement due to the voice getting "louder"
02:34:288 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Here's opportunity for some sliders if you want to switch things up No sorry I will keep circles
02:48:776 (7,8,1,2) - Think you should make this vertical like you did here 02:47:459 (5,6,7,8)
02:49:361 (7) - & 02:49:507 (1) - are on two big sounds... Consider adding more distance
03:12:922 (1,2) - Could give this a bit more distance
03:14:093 (2,3,4,5) - Feels a bit weird that they're so close to eachother. There's also three different sounds in 03:14:385 (5) - maybe don't have this as reverse slider
03:22:873 (1,2,3) - Think you can give these more movement since they're 1/2's
03:25:361 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - Highlight these and move to x:328 for better flow
03:33:556 (1) - Feels a bit weird that this is so close to 03:33:410 (12)
03:49:215 (1,2,3) - Any special reason they're this close here? Increased the distance
03:55:166 (2) - & 03:55:361 (1) - could be moved a bit to the left (x:280) while moving 03:55:459 (2) - accordingly... I think it gives it a good touch No sorry, It would be so hard and very shitmissable imo
04:08:824 (3) - Way to close to (2) considering the sound
04:09:556 (4) - ^ "(3) I will keep as it is because I want to keep the linear shape
04:52:873 (2) - You could remove this and add one more tick on 04:52:434 (1) - because it doesn't have to be HDash here
05:14:386 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - this part doesn't really follow the music... Could do a better job following the vocals here remapped
05:24:337 (3,4,5) - These have way more movement than the other three's (05:21:995 (3,4,5) - & 05:22:580 (3,4,5) -) Maybe consider making 05:24:337 (3,4,5) - just like them

There is nothing wrong with the part from 05:50:268 to 06:06:918... But I think you could add more movement here to amplify the omnious feeling and make players nervous (this could be done by just spacing a bit more) I will think about it, but I will keep as it is for now

From the kiai time that starts from 06:28 and ends at 07:10 is a bit easy compared to the overall difficulty of the map. Normally this would be replaced with a difficult stream but since this part doesn't allow that you've decided to map the vocals (for the first half). This could as I said be made more difficult by maybe adding slider velocity and bigger spacing and I think this is necessary to keep good consistency. The second part of the kiai is a bit more difficult but still has some parts that could be made challenging like 06:54:511 (5,6,7,8) - & 07:04:170 (6,7,8) Made them a bit more challenging but not too much

07:32:965 (1,2) - Feels a bit weird that these start so far away consider these two sounds are almost silent
07:47:096 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - This could be mapped a bit more spaced and/or difficult due to the sound on all these being "loud"
08:10:608 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - Feels a bit weird how all of these are mapped without any flow break... Consider adding some... Maybe here 08:11:193 (1,2)?
08:20:852 (2,3) - These shouldn't be on the same distance away from eachother since they're on very different sounds in vocal
08:30:510 (5,6,7) - These should have more movement to fit in with overall difficulty of this part

I really like this map and I think it's good but could still need one or two other experienced modders to check this out

Thank you very much !
If ill have a lot of imagination may I storyboard this?
00:01:641 (1) - 00:30:180 (7) - Make the notes more quiet.

Looking forward to seeing this ranked, I love this song so much.
Shot 5 kudos, go for it Kyu !

literally same

idk when, and no promises, but I'll try to mod this sometime. Don't wait on me though and dont expect an icon cuz i cant play this
00:13:641 (4,5,6,7) - The way this stream is formed right now would suggest a follow up stream instead of just 1, I reccomend changing it up because it is slightly awkward to play like this. Also i'm not talking about nerfing the distance for (5) and (6). I'm talking more about how you should just change it up completely, if you look later on in the map you can see yourself using this type of stream pattern later so that's also a reason!
01:22:873 (1) - CTRL+G x160 This kind of pattern makes it more flow:ish to go to 01:23:166 (2) -
01:23:459 (1) - CTRL+G x112 Same thing here makes more sense to go to 01:23:751 (2) - afterwards.
01:32:532 (2,3,4) - CTRL+H then Makes for a very good pattern imo.
01:34:873 (2,3,4) - Move these to here: makes a good hyper.
03:01:800 (1) - CTRL+G x80 makes it more logical to go into 03:02:093 (2) -
03:02:971 (1) - CTRL+G x416 Basicaly same thing as ^ makes it easier to go to 03:03:264 (2) -
03:50:824 (5) - x432 makes a cool hyper at the end of the slider.
04:53:020 (2) - x352 This desperatly needs to be a hyper, just saying.
06:46:316 (1,2,3) - Can't really leave this triple without a hyper imo.
08:45:291 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Imo I think this whole stream should be going outwards instead of inwards reminding you it is like the last part of the map. Also it's a lot more fitting then it going inwards right?
I demand this map to be HP7 instead of HP6 going after that there is a lot of rains with HP7 even, this may be a "marathon" more than just a simple Overdose, but I still do believe it should be harder to pass... Right?
03:42:190 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I'm thinking these would fit a lot better like this:
The part 05:50:268 to 06:08:999 is kind of tame right now tbh, if you want to make this part better, I would strongly just recommend increasing the distance of like every single note placed, also don't just increase distance on them make them also work together. Like progressively more hard during the part.
Might have to take another look at this map later on. Ranked soon hypep?!
Topic Starter

Negri_sk wrote:

00:13:641 (4,5,6,7) - The way this stream is formed right now would suggest a follow up stream instead of just 1, I reccomend changing it up because it is slightly awkward to play like this. Also i'm not talking about nerfing the distance for (5) and (6). I'm talking more about how you should just change it up completely, if you look later on in the map you can see yourself using this type of stream pattern later so that's also a reason!
01:22:873 (1) - CTRL+G x160 This kind of pattern makes it more flow:ish to go to 01:23:166 (2) -
01:23:459 (1) - CTRL+G x112 Same thing here makes more sense to go to 01:23:751 (2) - afterwards. No, it would be so hard imo, and I like the actual pattern, no change
01:32:532 (2,3,4) - CTRL+H then Makes for a very good pattern imo. No sorry I want to keep this antiflow for the consistency with 01:34:873 (2,3,4) -
01:34:873 (2,3,4) - Move these to here: makes a good hyper.
03:01:800 (1) - CTRL+G x80 makes it more logical to go into 03:02:093 (2) - Fixed in my way
03:02:971 (1) - CTRL+G x416 Basicaly same thing as ^ makes it easier to go to 03:03:264 (2) - ^
03:50:824 (5) - x432 makes a cool hyper at the end of the slider.
04:53:020 (2) - x352 This desperatly needs to be a hyper, just saying.
06:46:316 (1,2,3) - Can't really leave this triple without a hyper imo.
08:45:291 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Imo I think this whole stream should be going outwards instead of inwards reminding you it is like the last part of the map. Also it's a lot more fitting then it going inwards right?
I demand this map to be HP7 instead of HP6 going after that there is a lot of rains with HP7 even, this may be a "marathon" more than just a simple Overdose, but I still do believe it should be harder to pass... Right?
03:42:190 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I'm thinking these would fit a lot better like this:
The part 05:50:268 to 06:08:999 is kind of tame right now tbh, if you want to make this part better, I would strongly just recommend increasing the distance of like every single note placed, also don't just increase distance on them make them also work together. Like progressively more hard during the part. Increased the discance a bit
Might have to take another look at this map later on. Ranked soon hypep?!
Thank you !

Kyuare wrote:

I want my map to be funnie
haha this mod may be ROUGH
be careful!!

00:35:459 (3) - Ctrl G
00:37:507 (2,3) - Move to the right until Hdash is placed between (1) and (2)
00:41:898 (9,10) - make difference with former stream and make smooth the flow between 00:42:044 (1)
00:59:166 (7,8) - How about remapping here
00:59:166 (7,8) - make more distance in x axis not y
01:03:995 (8,1,2,3) - make distance
01:15:849 (1) - Ctrl G plz
01:17:312 (5,6,7,8) - curve to upside
01:32:532 (2,3,4) - is it rankable?
01:34:873 (2,3,4) - ^
02:25:142 (2,3,4) - ayyyyy too confuseeeeeee If you wanna keep this direction, reduce the width of 02:25:142 (2)
02:28:654 (2) - move to the right a little little little
02:28:947 (4) - move to the left a little little little
02:33:410 (5,6,7,8) - what a nice line... 02:33:483 (6,7,8) - move to the right a little and it will be comfortable to catch them (If hdash is disapeared move also 02:33:702 (1) to the right)
02:53:166 (2,4) - widen 2 blocks in grid level 3?
ohhhhhhhhh too good parts
06:40:755 (3,4) - why there's no hdash ;w;
06:59:780 (1) - move to the right (about x368?)

Check AiMod, There're 5 of unsnapped Objects
Topic Starter

_Asriel wrote:

Kyuare wrote:

I want my map to be funnie
haha this mod may be ROUGH
be careful!!

00:35:459 (3) - Ctrl G
00:37:507 (2,3) - Move to the right until Hdash is placed between (1) and (2)
00:41:898 (9,10) - make difference with former stream and make smooth the flow between 00:42:044 (1)
00:59:166 (7,8) - How about remapping here
00:59:166 (7,8) - make more distance in x axis not y
01:03:995 (8,1,2,3) - make distance
01:15:849 (1) - Ctrl G plz
01:17:312 (5,6,7,8) - curve to upside
01:32:532 (2,3,4) - is it rankable? Yes, but its so hard. I made them linear, its easier now
01:34:873 (2,3,4) - ^ ^
02:25:142 (2,3,4) - ayyyyy too confuseeeeeee If you wanna keep this direction, reduce the width of 02:25:142 (2)
02:28:654 (2) - move to the right a little little little
02:28:947 (4) - move to the left a little little little
02:33:410 (5,6,7,8) - what a nice line... 02:33:483 (6,7,8) - move to the right a little and it will be comfortable to catch them (If hdash is disapeared move also 02:33:702 (1) to the right)
02:53:166 (2,4) - widen 2 blocks in grid level 3?
ohhhhhhhhh too good parts
06:40:755 (3,4) - why there's no hdash ;w;
06:59:780 (1) - move to the right (about x368?)

Check AiMod, There're 5 of unsnapped Objects
Thank you ! My map is funnier now

_Asriel wrote:

00:59:166 (7,8) - How about remapping here
I wrote wrong timeline ;w;

00:53:605 (1,2,3) - How about remapping here. Making distance can make fuunnn
Topic Starter

_Asriel wrote:

_Asriel wrote:

00:59:166 (7,8) - How about remapping here
I wrote wrong timeline ;w;

00:53:605 (1,2,3) - How about remapping here. Making distance can make fuunnn
From M4M
When I was asked to testplay this map I suggested you to use tick rate 2, but now I found there are more wrong initial settings that makes the mapping more tough for you.
First of all, you should really use Grid Size: Small or even Tiny. You are currently using grid size medium, and that's exactly why your streams look so odd. And it's not only about streams, larger grid size makes it harder for you to design jumps. Usually, larger grid size is used for symmetrical design.
Try to use grid size small and redesign most streams, including 4*1/4s like ) and ( instead of ] and [
SV 1.92 is also too high. 1.75~1.85 fits 205BPM better. BUT now it's just too late to fix that.
If you have any questions about stream mapping or SV setting, just poke me in-game.

  1. 00:13:641 (4,5,6,7) - Wrong snap. Listen to it carefully, it should be on 1/4 ticks, i.e. 00:13:641 - 00:13:748 - 00:13:855 - .
  2. 00:55:946 (1,2,3) - Why not spread them to make HDash from each other? (also to 00:56:824 - . At least 00:56:532 - should have one.)
  3. 01:48:629 - I feel a strong vocal here. maybe split this slider into a slider with a note that contains HDash?
  4. 01:58:434 (2,3,4,5) - This is weird. The music is not weak at here, but there's no movement between (3) and (4). suggestion:
  5. 02:07:068 (3) - ctrl+G will be cool.
  6. 02:07:873 - This is too wide. 02:07:946 (3,4) - x336.
  7. 02:09:702 (1,2,3) - I suggest to use a reverse slider here instead. It works the same but it looks better.
  8. 02:10:873 (1,2,3) - ^. (plus. such technique can be used in many parts too)
  9. 02:13:507 (3) - This is weird. I suggest to make it horizontal (to the right).
  10. 02:21:556 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - Try to optimise it with grid size small.
  11. 02:28:654 (2,4) - These movements look forced. 02:28:654 (2) - x144 and 02:28:947 (4) - x176 will be fine.
  12. 02:29:312 - ~ 02:30:702 - I can't get what you are following here. You seemed to follow the vocal before, but then instrument?
  13. 03:29:898 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - the rhythem is confusing. There should be a triplet in 03:30:629 (8,9) - .
  14. 03:32:239 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - same... better ask someone else to check here.
  15. 06:43:243 (4) - x48?
  16. 06:44:413 (4) - x464?
  17. 06:45:438 (3,4) - in case you are confusing. imo this pattern fits well here, but not the above ones.
  18. 06:55:097 (1) - this is a strange movement. an anti-flow here fits more. try to put it as x80.
Topic Starter

Equim wrote:

From M4M
When I was asked to testplay this map I suggested you to use tick rate 2, but now I found there are more wrong initial settings that makes the mapping more tough for you.
First of all, you should really use Grid Size: Small or even Tiny. You are currently using grid size medium, and that's exactly why your streams look so odd. And it's not only about streams, larger grid size makes it harder for you to design jumps. Usually, larger grid size is used for symmetrical design.
Try to use grid size small and redesign most streams, including 4*1/4s like ) and ( instead of ] and [ Discussed IRC: will try to fix some of them but will keep more than 80%, because this is more a matter of taste
SV 1.92 is also too high. 1.75~1.85 fits 205BPM better. BUT now it's just too late to fix that.
If you have any questions about stream mapping or SV setting, just poke me in-game. Since I map in grid size 2, I need to choose between 1.60 or 1.92

  1. 00:13:641 (4,5,6,7) - Wrong snap. Listen to it carefully, it should be on 1/4 ticks, i.e. 00:13:641 - 00:13:748 - 00:13:855 - .
  2. 00:55:946 (1,2,3) - Why not spread them to make HDash from each other? (also to 00:56:824 - . At least 00:56:532 - should have one.)
  3. 01:48:629 - I feel a strong vocal here. maybe split this slider into a slider with a note that contains HDash?
  4. 01:58:434 (2,3,4,5) - This is weird. The music is not weak at here, but there's no movement between (3) and (4). suggestion: No change here
  5. 02:07:068 (3) - ctrl+G will be cool.
  6. 02:07:873 - This is too wide. 02:07:946 (3,4) - x336. x:352 instead
  7. 02:09:702 (1,2,3) - I suggest to use a reverse slider here instead. It works the same but it looks better.
  8. 02:10:873 (1,2,3) - ^. (plus. such technique can be used in many parts too)
  9. 02:13:507 (3) - This is weird. I suggest to make it horizontal (to the right).
  10. 02:21:556 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - Try to optimise it with grid size small.
  11. 02:28:654 (2,4) - These movements look forced. 02:28:654 (2) - x144 and 02:28:947 (4) - x176 will be fine.
  12. 02:29:312 - ~ 02:30:702 - I can't get what you are following here. You seemed to follow the vocal before, but then instrument? I follow both
  13. 03:29:898 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - the rhythem is confusing. There should be a triplet in 03:30:629 (8,9) - . No, there is no beat between thel
  14. 03:32:239 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - same... better ask someone else to check here. The rhythem in not confusing imo, I just follow the song (triplets)
  15. 06:43:243 (4) - x48?
  16. 06:44:413 (4) - x464?
  17. 06:45:438 (3,4) - in case you are confusing. imo this pattern fits well here, but not the above ones.
  18. 06:55:097 (1) - this is a strange movement. an anti-flow here fits more. try to put it as x80.
Thank you !
holy, this is the best map I've ever played.

Quit user wrote:

holy, this is the best map I've ever played.
Slider Tick Rate 2 for your sliders at the long calm intro, also for your burai sliders through the whole map ( 00:03:355 (3) - 01:47:459 (1) - 03:38:678 (1) - etc... )

Good luck! kds pls <3
Razor Sharp
you asked for a mod. so here it goes.
(got a 2 miss btw, fuuu ;w;)

  • Madness
  1. 03:11:704 (6) - Obejct isn't snapped!
  2. BG file is not in the right dimensions. Please resize it to fit the RC.
  3. Can not hear hitsounds at all. You will need hitsounds to be able to rank this!

  4. 00:33:703 (1) - Why not make this into a single note? Leading to a note on x128 to empathize the start? (aka, place a note where (1) originaly is, then another note at x128)
  5. 00:42:556 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - sure about empathizing this so much with hypers? Does not fit at all imo.
  6. 01:08:971 (1,1) - This is not rankable i think. Put a note at 01:11:166 - and move the last spinner too 01:11:312 - or delete the last spinner, and extend the first one.
  7. 01:18:190 (1,2,3,4) - 01:20:532 (1,2,3,4) - im not sure if streams like these are ok for this bpm. Whilst i have no problem handling the left right motion, alot of players might.
  8. 01:36:629 (1) - Are you completely sure about this? I can understand why you added a wiggle slider, due to the sound. But eh, idk about it. The seed is pretty hard to catch here without "panic moving" as i call it.
  9. 01:44:385 (7,8) - Tap streams like these, i would not recommend to have in so fast songs. Consider changing it.
  10. 02:32:532 (7,8) - ^
  11. 02:36:629 (7,8) - ^
  12. 02:47:605 (7,8) - ^
  13. 03:23:020 (2,3) - Maybe add a note between these?
  14. 03:46:435 (2,3,4) - Try to move these to x176 to add some variety in distance.
  15. 04:13:946 (3,4,3,4) - Tap streams like these, i would not recommend to have in so fast songs. Consider changing it.
  16. 05:02:971 (1,2,3,4) - The sudden direction changes in these patterns are quite incomfortable to play. The song doesent really suggest such movement here. I would recommend to take a look at this, and consider changing it to not have such sharp movement here.
  17. 05:05:312 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
  18. 05:17:459 (7,8) - This one isnt too bad tbh. But i would recommend to make this lie down instead of being a stop motion note. Just a suggestion from my side.
  19. 06:23:780 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Make these into sliders that has the same pattern maybe? To get some accuracy challenge into this at the same time?
  20. 06:28:170 (1) - 06:49:243 (4) - VERY GOOD JOB! I love how this part is! You did i exeptional good job on mapping this!
  21. 08:27:730 (2,3) - The distance here is way to big. Highly suggested to reduce!

    very good map!

Good luck!
Topic Starter

Razor Sharp wrote:

you asked for a mod. so here it goes.
(got a 2 miss btw, fuuu ;w;)

  • Madness
  1. 03:11:704 (6) - Obejct isn't snapped!
  2. BG file is not in the right dimensions. Please resize it to fit the RC.
  3. Can not hear hitsounds at all. You will need hitsounds to be able to rank this! WIP

  4. 00:33:703 (1) - Why not make this into a single note? Leading to a note on x128 to empathize the start? (aka, place a note where (1) originaly is, then another note at x128)
  5. 00:42:556 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - sure about empathizing this so much with hypers? Does not fit at all imo. reduced the distance
  6. 01:08:971 (1,1) - This is not rankable i think. Put a note at 01:11:166 - and move the last spinner too 01:11:312 - or delete the last spinner, and extend the first one.
  7. 01:18:190 (1,2,3,4) - 01:20:532 (1,2,3,4) - im not sure if streams like these are ok for this bpm. Whilst i have no problem handling the left right motion, alot of players might. No need to left-right them, you can just platter-walk
  8. 01:36:629 (1) - Are you completely sure about this? I can understand why you added a wiggle slider, due to the sound. But eh, idk about it. The seed is pretty hard to catch here without "panic moving" as i call it.
  9. 01:44:385 (7,8) - Tap streams like these, i would not recommend to have in so fast songs. Consider changing it. Will change 80% but keep some, because I really like them
  10. 02:32:532 (7,8) - ^
  11. 02:36:629 (7,8) - ^
  12. 02:47:605 (7,8) - ^
  13. 03:23:020 (2,3) - Maybe add a note between these?
  14. 03:46:435 (2,3,4) - Try to move these to x176 to add some variety in distance.
  15. 04:13:946 (3,4,3,4) - Tap streams like these, i would not recommend to have in so fast songs. Consider changing it.
  16. 05:02:971 (1,2,3,4) - The sudden direction changes in these patterns are quite incomfortable to play. The song doesent really suggest such movement here. I would recommend to take a look at this, and consider changing it to not have such sharp movement here. The sudden direction change is here to empathise the new combo and the crescendo effect, I really like this pattern so I will keep it as it is
  17. 05:05:312 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^ same, sorry
  18. 05:17:459 (7,8) - This one isnt too bad tbh. But i would recommend to make this lie down instead of being a stop motion note. Just a suggestion from my side.
  19. 06:23:780 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Make these into sliders that has the same pattern maybe? To get some accuracy challenge into this at the same time?
  20. 06:28:170 (1) - 06:49:243 (4) - VERY GOOD JOB! I love how this part is! You did i exeptional good job on mapping this!
  21. 08:27:730 (2,3) - The distance here is way to big. Highly suggested to reduce!

    very good map!

Good luck!
Thank you !
Finally I can get to this!

  1. Combo colours: The current grey-ish one is quite dark. Try to make it lighter to make a better contrast with the background picture. Optionally, you can do it as well with the purple you chose.
  1. 00:33:703 - It's not necessary to have that break time ended earlier than it should. Try to move (1) some beats back and forth to remove it. It can be done for the next breaks 05:50:268 - and 07:28:463 - .
  2. 00:46:580 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - It'd break your symmetry with the previous pattern, but it'd be recommendable to introduce a HDash between (6,7) to represent the high-pitched sound. Moving the beginning of the slider (7) a bit to the left should make it work.
  3. 01:08:824 (9) - Having a new combo in this note would empty the plate just before facing the spinner.
  4. 01:08:971 (1) - I'd make this spinner end at 01:10:873 - instead, where you can hear a stronger beat than the one you placed the end of the spinner at.
  5. 01:18:190 (1,2,3) - I don't have much problem with this kind of transition, but I bet many other people would complain about the fast movement they have to make here. I'd recommend nevertheless moving (2) a bit to the left in order to reduce the leniency of this pattern and the required movement after the HDash. You can do something similar to the twin pattern later on at 01:20:532 (1,2,3) - .
  6. 01:22:873 (1) - 01:23:459 (1) - It's quite tricky to have totally horizontal kicksliders after a HDash, especially with high SV and BPM like these ones. I'd recommend to incline those sliders to reduce the margin of error on this one. With the current sliders, players would either follow the zigzag movement completely or hope that they can catch everything by placing the catcher in the middle of it.
  7. 01:44:385 (7,8) - It's sorta frustrating to have a flowbreaker pattern in the middle of a long stream. You can move (7) to x:224 and (8) to x:272 to make the movement in the pattern more continuous.
  8. 03:01:800 (1,2,3,4) - Don't be so mean with that movement. Try at least moving (2) a bit to the left to soften the transition. Same with the pattern afterwards at 03:02:971 (1,2,3,4) - .
  9. 03:10:581 (1) - This slider should get extended to the next 1/6 beat 03:11:215 - to match with the important beat.
  10. 03:11:411 (3,4) - These notes aren't properly snapped by a few miliseconds. Please resnap them properly.
  11. 03:13:434 - Optional to add, but an additional circle at this position would also be suitable.
  12. 03:13:800 (8,9,1) - Hearing the music carefully, these objects aren't matching the main instrument but just the background melody. Another option is to map those notes in 1/3 beats like in the example here: . Anyway, it's your call in this case.
  13. 03:14:824 (1,2,3,4,5) - More recommendable in this case is to map until 03:15:263 - as a fully 1/4 stream to match with the guitar.
  14. 03:16:142 (8,9,10,11,12,13,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Okay, this is quite tricky and I'm not sure which instrument are you following while mapping this part. I've made another version of this timeline with Kurokami's help just by following the guitar, so check this out. . I'll give you the timestamps of every note, since some of the snaps are odd:
    1. 03:16:068 (8) - 03:16:142 (9) - 03:16:215 (10) - 03:16:288 (11) - 03:16:361 (12) - 03:16:434 (13) - 03:16:532 (14) - 03:16:629 (15) - 03:16:678 (16) - 03:16:727 (1) - 03:16:873 (2) - 03:16:971 (3) - 03:17:068 (4) - 03:17:142 (5) - 03:17:215 (6) - 03:17:263 (7) - 03:17:312 (8) - 03:17:385 (9) - 03:17:459 (10) - 03:17:532 (11) -
  15. 03:34:361 (6,7,1) - I wonder if it's possible to get rid of that double HDash, since it's the only of its kind in this section (1/4 + 1/2) and looks a bit out of place.
  16. 03:39:849 (4,5,6,7) - You'll probably need to map 1/4s instead of 1/3s to follow the guitar, and additionally add a note at 03:40:215 - and 03:40:507 - .
  17. 03:41:898 (1,2,3,4) - I can only hear three beats instead of four this time. Definitely 1/3 notes in this case instead of 1/4s.
  18. 03:42:776 (7,8) - This part doesn't look that well regarding the timeline. I'd recommend you to have a simple slider instead of a slider with repetition and end it in a 1/3 beat instead, plus adding additional 1/3s to match the guitar drift. Here's my proposal:
  19. 03:52:727 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Another tricky stream to map properly due to the rather inconsistent guitar. I'd simplify it to just 1/4 beats instead because most of the 1/3s sound off and it seems there are at least 4 notes for every beat, but I wanna hear what other people think about them.
  20. 05:59:868 - Use a Finish instead of a Clap to match the cymbal.
  21. 07:47:681 (7) - This note doesn't need to be so noisy. Removing the Clap would give more importance to the next one, that marks the change of stanza.
The concerns regarding the timeline will incline my thoughts to look for some additional mods before trying to get this map bubbled. I'd recommend you to look for a second opinion about the timeline at 03:16:142 - and 03:52:727 - if it's possible to get it simplified, or just to confirm it's precise enough. Anyway, I'll be waiting for your call when you've cleared everything up because I probably missed some stuff. Good luck!
Topic Starter

Deif wrote:

Finally I can get to this!

  1. Combo colours: The current grey-ish one is quite dark. Try to make it lighter to make a better contrast with the background picture. Optionally, you can do it as well with the purple you chose.
  1. 00:33:703 - It's not necessary to have that break time ended earlier than it should. Try to move (1) some beats back and forth to remove it. It can be done for the next breaks 05:50:268 - and 07:28:463 - .
  2. 00:46:580 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - It'd break your symmetry with the previous pattern, but it'd be recommendable to introduce a HDash between (6,7) to represent the high-pitched sound. Moving the beginning of the slider (7) a bit to the left should make it work.
  3. 01:08:824 (9) - Having a new combo in this note would empty the plate just before facing the spinner.
  4. 01:08:971 (1) - I'd make this spinner end at 01:10:873 - instead, where you can hear a stronger beat than the one you placed the end of the spinner at.
  5. 01:18:190 (1,2,3) - I don't have much problem with this kind of transition, but I bet many other people would complain about the fast movement they have to make here. I'd recommend nevertheless moving (2) a bit to the left in order to reduce the leniency of this pattern and the required movement after the HDash. You can do something similar to the twin pattern later on at 01:20:532 (1,2,3) - . Moving (2) a bit to the left will make the pattern more lenient, I think you wanted to said "to the right"
  6. 01:22:873 (1) - 01:23:459 (1) - It's quite tricky to have totally horizontal kicksliders after a HDash, especially with high SV and BPM like these ones. I'd recommend to incline those sliders to reduce the margin of error on this one. With the current sliders, players would either follow the zigzag movement completely or hope that they can catch everything by placing the catcher in the middle of it.
  7. 01:44:385 (7,8) - It's sorta frustrating to have a flowbreaker pattern in the middle of a long stream. You can move (7) to x:224 and (8) to x:272 to make the movement in the pattern more continuous. I don't think it's frustrating, I inclined 01:44:385 (7,8) - to make it easier to catch but i want to keep the flowbreaker effect because it fits really well with the music, sorry
  8. 03:01:800 (1,2,3,4) - Don't be so mean with that movement. Try at least moving (2) a bit to the left to soften the transition. Same with the pattern afterwards at 03:02:971 (1,2,3,4) - .
  9. 03:10:581 (1) - This slider should get extended to the next 1/6 beat 03:11:215 - to match with the important beat. Also fixed 03:11:312 (2,3,4) - for the consistency
  10. 03:11:411 (3,4) - These notes aren't properly snapped by a few miliseconds. Please resnap them properly.
  11. 03:13:434 - Optional to add, but an additional circle at this position would also be suitable.
  12. 03:13:800 (8,9,1) - Hearing the music carefully, these objects aren't matching the main instrument but just the background melody. Another option is to map those notes in 1/3 beats like in the example here: . Anyway, it's your call in this case. I'll use your option, it's much better
  13. 03:14:824 (1,2,3,4,5) - More recommendable in this case is to map until 03:15:263 - as a fully 1/4 stream to match with the guitar.
  14. 03:16:142 (8,9,10,11,12,13,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Okay, this is quite tricky and I'm not sure which instrument are you following while mapping this part. I've made another version of this timeline with Kurokami's help just by following the guitar, so check this out. . I'll give you the timestamps of every note, since some of the snaps are odd:
    1. 03:16:068 (8) - 03:16:142 (9) - 03:16:215 (10) - 03:16:288 (11) - 03:16:361 (12) - 03:16:434 (13) - 03:16:532 (14) - 03:16:629 (15) - 03:16:678 (16) - 03:16:727 (1) - 03:16:873 (2) - 03:16:971 (3) - 03:17:068 (4) - 03:17:142 (5) - 03:17:215 (6) - 03:17:263 (7) - 03:17:312 (8) - 03:17:385 (9) - 03:17:459 (10) - 03:17:532 (11) -
    Okay, but I don't think there is something at 03:17:068 - so moved to 03:17:020 -
  15. 03:34:361 (6,7,1) - I wonder if it's possible to get rid of that double HDash, since it's the only of its kind in this section (1/4 + 1/2) and looks a bit out of place. moved 03:34:581 (1) - to x:112, it's easier to catch now
  16. 03:39:849 (4,5,6,7) - You'll probably need to map 1/4s instead of 1/3s to follow the guitar, and additionally add a note at 03:40:215 - and 03:40:507 - .
  17. 03:41:898 (1,2,3,4) - I can only hear three beats instead of four this time. Definitely 1/3 notes in this case instead of 1/4s.
  18. 03:42:776 (7,8) - This part doesn't look that well regarding the timeline. I'd recommend you to have a simple slider instead of a slider with repetition and end it in a 1/3 beat instead, plus adding additional 1/3s to match the guitar drift. Here's my proposal:
  19. 03:52:727 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Another tricky stream to map properly due to the rather inconsistent guitar. I'd simplify it to just 1/4 beats instead because most of the 1/3s sound off and it seems there are at least 4 notes for every beat, but I wanna hear what other people think about them. I will ask some friend about it
  20. 05:59:868 - Use a Finish instead of a Clap to match the cymbal.
  21. 07:47:681 (7) - This note doesn't need to be so noisy. Removing the Clap would give more importance to the next one, that marks the change of stanza.
The concerns regarding the timeline will incline my thoughts to look for some additional mods before trying to get this map bubbled. I'd recommend you to look for a second opinion about the timeline at 03:16:142 - and 03:52:727 - if it's possible to get it simplified, or just to confirm it's precise enough. Anyway, I'll be waiting for your call when you've cleared everything up because I probably missed some stuff. Good luck!
Thank you very much !
o x
Woop woop fun map!

00:13:855 (6) - This note should be at 00:13:819
02:21:483 - I think there should be a note here. I hear the stream starting at 02:21:410 not 02:21:556 Also you put a whistle at the start of every stream so it would make sense to extend the stream.

There should be whistles on these notes. I think it sounds better like this.
  • 02:36:044 (9)
    02:36:337 (3)
    02:36:629 (7)
    02:36:922 (3)
    02:39:556 (1)
    02:39:849 (5)
    02:40:142 (1)
    02:40:434 (5)
    02:41:312 (1)
    02:41:605 (5)
    02:41:898 (1)
    02:42:190 (5)
    02:50:532 (3)
    05:18:630 (7)
    05:19:800 (7)
    08:13:974 (7)
07:10:316 - My favourite part of the song :)
03:17:142 (9) - I think it would be best to keep this in line with (14) try moving it to x:80 Sorry for nitpicking ;w;

That's all I can suggest, I love how this map play! Good job on this map!!! Good luck on rank!
from game chat o/


・00:35:459 (3) - Ctrl + G
・01:43:946 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Please think about a pattern that is more inclined
(Because note is almost Linearly down, So it's difficult to catch)
・02:01:215 (3) - x=48
・03:13:800 (9,10,11) - I don't think this part is 1/3
・05:31:069 (1) - Ctrl + H(I want to jump to the right last note)
・06:40:902 (4) - a little left(X=256?)

I'm sorry with few mod ;w;
gl <3
Topic Starter

Cawub wrote:

Woop woop fun map!

00:13:855 (6) - This note should be at 00:13:819 No, the timeline is correct here
02:21:483 - I think there should be a note here. I hear the stream starting at 02:21:410 not 02:21:556 Also you put a whistle at the start of every stream so it would make sense to extend the stream. No I'm pretty sure there is no beat at 02:21:483 -

There should be whistles on these notes. I think it sounds better like this.
  • 02:36:044 (9)
    02:36:337 (3)
    02:36:629 (7)
    02:36:922 (3)
    02:39:556 (1)
    02:39:849 (5)
    02:40:142 (1)
    02:40:434 (5)
    02:41:312 (1)
    02:41:605 (5)
    02:41:898 (1)
    02:42:190 (5)
    02:50:532 (3)
    05:18:630 (7)
    05:19:800 (7)
    08:13:974 (7)
Sorry I tried and it sounds "too much" for me ;w;
07:10:316 - My favourite part of the song :) (:
03:17:142 (9) - I think it would be best to keep this in line with (14) try moving it to x:80 Sorry for nitpicking ;w; Done

That's all I can suggest, I love how this map play! Good job on this map!!! Good luck on rank!
Thanks !

INO wrote:

from game chat o/


・00:35:459 (3) - Ctrl + G
・01:43:946 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Please think about a pattern that is more inclined
(Because note is almost Linearly down, So it's difficult to catch)
・02:01:215 (3) - x=48
・03:13:800 (9,10,11) - I don't think this part is 1/3
・05:31:069 (1) - Ctrl + H(I want to jump to the right last note)
・06:40:902 (4) - a little left(X=256?)

I'm sorry with few mod ;w;
gl <3
All done thanks !
Epic map
god tier map

please rank both diffs!

Kyuare wrote:

Edit: nvm i'll try to rank both lol
Impossible challenge

Kyuare wrote:

Edit: nvm i'll try to rank both lol

btw if you need mods feel free to poke me, I'll try my best to help out then!
nothing's impossible !

hello bns pls rank !!

Spectator wrote:

god tier map

please rank both diffs!

Spectator wrote:

god tier map

please rank both diffs!

  1. O:


  • 🍎 00:41:898 (1,2) - these sliders sounds a little weird imo, since you mapped the rest in 1/4 and it's te same thing, i think you should map it in 1/4 too owo, btw maybe you could reduce 00:42:483 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - these distances by a little, this pattern is a little weird to play
    🍎 00:43:654 - shouldn't there be a whistle here too? since there's another in 00:45:995 (5) - and it's the same sound
    🍎01:27:263 (8,1) - i think this hyperdash deseves alot more distance! even some hypers around here are stronger, like this one 01:26:824 (6,7) - but 01:27:263 (8,1) - should have an actual difference in my opinion (for example wiht something like this
    🍎01:36:629 (1) - i can see what you tried here but, the bpm is not enough to make that curve possible to see D: in play it's a vertical slider and i think that note deserves something better! what about something like this?
    🍎01:45:849 (3) - consider to remove this clap, so it would be consistent with the previous and next hitsounds owo
    🍎02:13:068 (1,2,3) - Just for aesthetic, what about move (2) a little to the right? it plays exactly the same but looks better!
    🍎from 02:29:020 - to 02:36:703 - it feels so repetitive to me (to be honest i think this is the only thing of the map that actually needs a look), consider to make some patterns that makes the player move to the left and right, it even feels a little boring to be in the middle for that much time >.<! for example, you did it so nice here 08:06:510 - it's around the same amount of hypers but it's perfectly mapped
    🍎02:42:849 (6,7) - what about an hyper here too? the vocal deserves to be emphasized here imo
    🍎02:46:288 (5,6,7) - same as above, it sould see alot better if the hyper is to 7 instead of 6
    🍎02:57:702 (1,2,3) - i'd move 3 a little more to the right since the voice is increasing, increase the distance would be nice too owo
    🍎03:37:361 (4,1) - same as above about the vertical slider owo but here it could be fixed with an hyper too
    🍎04:12:629 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - im noob but maybe these are a little hard to catch, what about reduce the distance between them by a little?
    🍎04:37:068 (8,1) -04:39:410 (8,1) - 04:41:751 (8,1) - hyperdash in these would be nice too owo
    🍎06:07:100 (1) - omg please curve this slider a little more, that droplet is just too evil D:
    🍎07:07:170 (2,3) - why drum samplest in these two? it sounds a little random imo, the soft one it's alot better for both

    the last kiai it's just perfectly mapped lol teach me how to map like that


  • omg those inherited points
    🍎 02:23:166 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - i really don't think this deserves thhe same distance as 02:23:678 (8,1) - , consider to make this one stronger!
    🍎 02:36:629 (1,2,3,4) - 02:37:215 (1,2,3,4) - i really like this pattern (i do always spam it in my maps) but i don't think that make a different distance to (3) makes it better, i'd suggest to keep the same distance between all of them, not only for aesthetic but also for playability
    🍎 03:08:824 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - i'd add hypers in both 3 to keep consistency with the previous patterns (03:06:483 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 03:07:654 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - )
    🍎 05:09:995 (1,2,3) - i really like this pattern but feels a little random since it's the only time you used it, consider to add it at least one more time in this section so it wouldn't feel that weird, for example here 05:11:166 (1,2,3,4) - 05:11:751 (1,2,3,4) -
    🍎 06:28:170 - this suggestion is also for the overdose, i know the vocal is pretty interesting here, but it is not intense at all, not even the instruments, and the patterns here are actually calm and easy, i don't really think this should be kiai time, consider to change these inherited points to normal time aaa sounds a little evil since there's like 500 inherited points here ;w;
    🍎 08:46:900 (2,3,4,5) - I can see that you emphasized this with the hitsounds, so why not with distance too :^) ? i'd make alot more space between these!

    To be honest there's not that much to suggest here, feels like the overdose but improved (a lot), all the kiais are so well mapped, specially the last one

welp, excelent map! i know you want to rank both diffs but tbh they play SO similar, if i were you i'd combine them keeping the best things from both!
Topic Starter

koliron wrote:


  1. O:


  • 🍎 00:41:898 (1,2) - these sliders sounds a little weird imo, since you mapped the rest in 1/4 and it's te same thing, i think you should map it in 1/4 too owo, btw maybe you could reduce 00:42:483 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - these distances by a little, this pattern is a little weird to play
    🍎 00:43:654 - shouldn't there be a whistle here too? since there's another in 00:45:995 (5) - and it's the same sound
    🍎01:27:263 (8,1) - i think this hyperdash deseves alot more distance! even some hypers around here are stronger, like this one 01:26:824 (6,7) - but 01:27:263 (8,1) - should have an actual difference in my opinion (for example wiht something like this
    🍎01:36:629 (1) - i can see what you tried here but, the bpm is not enough to make that curve possible to see D: in play it's a vertical slider and i think that note deserves something better! what about something like this? I prefer the actual one,
    I don't really want to use sharp antiflow here because it will cause potential shitmiss

    🍎01:45:849 (3) - consider to remove this clap, so it would be consistent with the previous and next hitsounds owo
    🍎02:13:068 (1,2,3) - Just for aesthetic, what about move (2) a little to the right? it plays exactly the same but looks better!
    🍎from 02:29:020 - to 02:36:703 - it feels so repetitive to me (to be honest i think this is the only thing of the map that actually needs a look), consider to make some patterns that makes the player move to the left and right, it even feels a little boring to be in the middle for that much time >.<! for example, you did it so nice here 08:06:510 - it's around the same amount of hypers but it's perfectly mapped
    🍎02:42:849 (6,7) - what about an hyper here too? the vocal deserves to be emphasized here imo
    🍎02:46:288 (5,6,7) - same as above, it sould see alot better if the hyper is to 7 instead of 6
    🍎02:57:702 (1,2,3) - i'd move 3 a little more to the right since the voice is increasing, increase the distance would be nice too owo
    🍎03:37:361 (4,1) - same as above about the vertical slider owo but here it could be fixed with an hyper too
    🍎04:12:629 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - im noob but maybe these are a little hard to catch, what about reduce the distance between them by a little?
    🍎04:37:068 (8,1) -04:39:410 (8,1) - 04:41:751 (8,1) - hyperdash in these would be nice too owo i don't think so, it's a really calm section
    🍎06:07:100 (1) - omg please curve this slider a little more, that droplet is just too evil D: well I don't think it's evil o.o the curve is simple and easy to read
    🍎07:07:170 (2,3) - why drum samplest in these two? it sounds a little random imo, the soft one it's alot better for both
    not answered = fixed
    the last kiai it's just perfectly mapped lol teach me how to map like that


  • omg those inherited points
    🍎 02:23:166 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - i really don't think this deserves thhe same distance as 02:23:678 (8,1) - , consider to make this one stronger! okay
    🍎 02:36:629 (1,2,3,4) - 02:37:215 (1,2,3,4) - i really like this pattern (i do always spam it in my maps) but i don't think that make a different distance to (3) makes it better, i'd suggest to keep the same distance between all of them, not only for aesthetic but also for playability indeed
    🍎 03:08:824 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - i'd add hypers in both 3 to keep consistency with the previous patterns (03:06:483 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 03:07:654 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ) done
    🍎 05:09:995 (1,2,3) - i really like this pattern but feels a little random since it's the only time you used it, consider to add it at least one more time in this section so it wouldn't feel that weird, for example here 05:11:166 (1,2,3,4) - 05:11:751 (1,2,3,4) - sorry but it's wanted, this whole section is also unique in the music so I wanted to do the same for this one too
    🍎 06:28:170 - this suggestion is also for the overdose, i know the vocal is pretty interesting here, but it is not intense at all, not even the instruments, and the patterns here are actually calm and easy, i don't really think this should be kiai time, consider to change these inherited points to normal time aaa sounds a little evil since there's like 500 inherited points here ;w; patterns here are indeed easy to catch compared to other sections but i don't think it's calm, we can clearly hear strong instrumental here
    🍎 08:46:900 (2,3,4,5) - I can see that you emphasized this with the hitsounds, so why not with distance too :^) ? i'd make alot more space between these! done

    To be honest there's not that much to suggest here, feels like the overdose but improved (a lot), all the kiais are so well mapped, specially the last one

welp, excelent map! i know you want to rank both diffs but tbh they play SO similar, if i were you i'd combine them keeping the best things from both!
You're not the only one who told me that, and I agree. I wanted to rank both because some people prefer the old version, and some prefer the new one so I could satisfy everyone. I will remove the Overdose and link it, then try to combine best things from both.
It will also be easier for modders.
Thank you so much
nice forest timeline

00:01:641 (1,1) - better to make the last repeat a separate circle for emphasis
00:15:355 (1) - same
01:03:849 (4,5,6) - move these farther from previous pattern caus its easily overshootable
01:25:215 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - i think making this increase gradually in spacing fits to match the guitar increasing in pitch gradually
02:26:312 (2) - move to x:200 so it matches the previous slider shapes (like in 02:25:507 (1) - )
02:38:239 (7,1,2) - make (1,2) the hyper instead of (7,1) cause the stronger beat's at (2) and this is currently an emphasis error
02:46:361 (6,7) - hyper for the vocal
02:49:141 (4,5) - also vocal emphasis, though a distance increase would do
03:19:946 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - odd how u didnt map the triples here but decided to do so in the next parts
08:21:291 (4,5) - increase spacing to reflect overall spacing of the section
08:46:900 (1,2,3,4) - sumthin like this can fit better:
Topic Starter

Chara wrote:

nice forest timeline

00:01:641 (1,1) - better to make the last repeat a separate circle for emphasis
00:15:355 (1) - same
01:03:849 (4,5,6) - move these farther from previous pattern caus its easily overshootable
01:25:215 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - i think making this increase gradually in spacing fits to match the guitar increasing in pitch gradually
02:26:312 (2) - move to x:200 so it matches the previous slider shapes (like in 02:25:507 (1) - )
02:38:239 (7,1,2) - make (1,2) the hyper instead of (7,1) cause the stronger beat's at (2) and this is currently an emphasis error
02:46:361 (6,7) - hyper for the vocal
02:49:141 (4,5) - also vocal emphasis, though a distance increase would do I prefer to keep this design since the vocal isn't strong at all
03:19:946 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - odd how u didnt map the triples here but decided to do so in the next parts
08:21:291 (4,5) - increase spacing to reflect overall spacing of the section it's reflecting the overall spacing, look at 08:20:852 (2) -
08:46:900 (1,2,3,4) - sumthin like this can fit better:
no answer = fixed
thank you :D
This is my first real mod I guess, so I'm sorry if it isn't that helpful.

00:38:385 (1) - I think this plays fine, but I don't think the sound really calls for a hyper at the end of that slider
01:29:752 (8,9,1) - The timing for this jump is a little tight, maybe move (8,9) to x248. And then after move 01:30:190 (3,4) - to x 452 if you want to keep that hyper spacing consistent.
01:38:093 (1,2) - This sounds weird because the jump seems like it should land on 01:38:385 (2) - where the slider ends
01:39:556 (3) - same as above
04:48:922 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - These sliders are fine but there are sounds between some of them that suggest triples.
06:08:853 (8,9) - I think the spacing here is a little jarring after that hyper, so I suggest moving (9) to x:336 or even x:328.
Topic Starter

Del wrote:

This is my first real mod I guess, so I'm sorry if it isn't that helpful.

00:38:385 (1) - I think this plays fine, but I don't think the sound really calls for a hyper at the end of that slider we can hear a strong voice in foreground so I think it's fine
01:29:752 (8,9,1) - The timing for this jump is a little tight, maybe move (8,9) to x248. And then after move 01:30:190 (3,4) - to x 452 if you want to keep that hyper spacing consistent.
01:38:093 (1,2) - This sounds weird because the jump seems like it should land on 01:38:385 (2) - where the slider ends I wanted to follow the voice rather than the instrument, it won't sound weird if you pay attention do the voice
01:39:556 (3) - same as above same thing
04:48:922 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - These sliders are fine but there are sounds between some of them that suggest triples.
06:08:853 (8,9) - I think the spacing here is a little jarring after that hyper, so I suggest moving (9) to x:336 or even x:328.
no answer = fixed
It's a really helpful mod, you should do this more often :D
Thank you
01:01:654 (7,8) - Quel que soit la façon dont je le vois, ce doublet est cool MAIS est source de shitmiss, surtout pour les joueurs qui restent appuyé, la première fois ils vont être surpris et shitmiss pour rien car tu peux pas l'fc en restant appuyé. Peut être le fix en le déplaçant le 8 vers la droite ou en changeant un peu le pattern pour que cette gêne ne se remarque pas.

01:07:654 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - En vrai ce pattern n'a aucun problème, c'est juste une suggestion : j'aurai accentué un peu plus le 2 et le 4 vers l'intérieur et faire de même avec les deuxièmes 2 et 4 pour encore plus marqué la progression de la musique et augmenter la jouabilité (c'est plus stylé en plus :d).

01:14:385 (2) - Pourquoi x1.33 puis x1.42 ? C'est rien d'alarmant, presque on s'en blc mais en HR non LUL :').

01:43:507 (6,7) - Faudrait nerf la distance entre les deux, y'a quand même un hyper x3.80 assez puissant avant et revenir sur du x1.30 juste après peut mener à un shitmiss des plus frustrant (comme dans les converts), mais le nerf pas trop, c'est pas nécessaire, un seul carré devrait suffire même.

02:57:410 (5) - Pourquoi lui a un previous de x0.89 alors que eux : 02:53:166 (2) - et 02:55:507 (2) - ont x1.00 ? Je trouve que le x0.89 passe mieux dans tous les cas donc je changerai les deux premier comme le dernier, ça rend plus clean et moins visible lorsqu'on les joue.

02:58:727 (5) - Il est beaucoup trop loin par rapport au previous, à chaque fois que je l'ai joué en editeur (environ 20 fois lul) je l'ai toujours eu, oui, mais c'était tout le temps très close, fait le test, tu verras que la plupart du temps tu le récupères avec le bord gauche de ton plateau.

03:09:117 (1,2,3,4) - Je ne comprend pas ce changement de pattern tout à coup alors que tu avais gardé tout le long celui là : 03:06:483 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ce qui détruit un peu la balance selon moi.

03:36:190 (4,1) - et 03:37:361 (3,4) - comment je peux ne pas te sucer la teub après avoir vu jusqu'où va les détails de ton mapping xDDD. Rien à redire, ça se voit pas ingame mais c'est cool quand tu le remarques que tout est calculé 8-) .

04:14:824 (7,8) - Celui là est tricky, déplacer le 8 un peu plus vers la droite rendrait le pattern beaucoup facile et moins shitmissable, c'est rien mais ça change tout.

05:54:800 (1,2,3,4,5) - Deux fois d'affilé dans le même sens, puis après ça continue jusqu'à 4 fois d'affilé que le 4-5 se situe dans le même sens, faudrait varier, ça rendrait beaucoup mieux selon moi (même si ça te donnerai beaucoup de boulot en plus xD).

07:02:707 (2,3,4,5) - Franchement ceux d'avant j'peux comprendre pourquoi c'était comme ça mais là ça part dans les aigu et ça CRIE "AU GAUCHE DROITE" bref, tu m'as compris, t'aurais pu faire un gauche droite rapidos du type sans dash ni rien mais ça rendrait moins... plat.

07:39:989 (2,3,4,5,6) - La première fois que je l'ai joué, j'ai pas compris, la deuxième fois j'ai fait AH OUI, la troisième fois j'me suis dit que c'était boff. Conclusion, le sex... le pattern est pas ouf ouf, ça pourrait être beaucoup mieux, après j'ai pas trop d'idée sur le coup.

07:49:974 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1) - C'est jouable mais c'est pas ouf non plus, j'aurai fait le slider incurvé (WOW LA COURBE, OLALA, PARFAITE) :?: Pour amortir le dash 2-1 au début puis ça te permet par le suite de faire un pattern 2-3-4 un peu plus propre par la suite.

07:56:705 (4) - x1.50 :? (pense à l'HR, pense à l'HR ;w;) en plus j'ai une raison valable pour dire que c'est too much car lui 08:02:559 (4) - est x1.40 HAHAHA, j'ai trouvé la faille :'). Le saint graal mdr.

08:05:778 (3,1) - écoute en speed 25%, ça colle vraiment pas et ingame ça s'entend si tu mets le son ULTRA fort, c'est pas en rythme et ça déstabilise un peu (tout ça à cause de ce chanteur de merde qui sait pas suivre le tempo tain). Je sais pas si c'est utile de changer quelque chose pour le ranking mais si c'est important au moins je l'aurai précisé.

Voilà, ce sera tout pour moi, c'pas très sérieux tout ça mais bon, 4 the rank (by the way, t'as bien géré sur les changements au niveau des HS, merci c:).
Topic Starter

Aqliva wrote:

01:01:654 (7,8) - Quel que soit la façon dont je le vois, ce doublet est cool MAIS est source de shitmiss, surtout pour les joueurs qui restent appuyé, la première fois ils vont être surpris et shitmiss pour rien car tu peux pas l'fc en restant appuyé. Peut être le fix en le déplaçant le 8 vers la droite ou en changeant un peu le pattern pour que cette gêne ne se remarque pas.

01:07:654 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - En vrai ce pattern n'a aucun problème, c'est juste une suggestion : j'aurai accentué un peu plus le 2 et le 4 vers l'intérieur et faire de même avec les deuxièmes 2 et 4 pour encore plus marqué la progression de la musique et augmenter la jouabilité (c'est plus stylé en plus :d). j'aurais bien voulu mais je peux pas les accentuer plus vers l'intérieur sinon ça retirerait l'hyper

01:14:385 (2) - Pourquoi x1.33 puis x1.42 ? C'est rien d'alarmant, presque on s'en blc mais en HR non LUL :'). pour souligner le gros beat qu'il y a, mais je peux toujours nerf de 0.05

01:43:507 (6,7) - Faudrait nerf la distance entre les deux, y'a quand même un hyper x3.80 assez puissant avant et revenir sur du x1.30 juste après peut mener à un shitmiss des plus frustrant (comme dans les converts), mais le nerf pas trop, c'est pas nécessaire, un seul carré devrait suffire même.

02:57:410 (5) - Pourquoi lui a un previous de x0.89 alors que eux : 02:53:166 (2) - et 02:55:507 (2) - ont x1.00 ? Je trouve que le x0.89 passe mieux dans tous les cas donc je changerai les deux premier comme le dernier, ça rend plus clean et moins visible lorsqu'on les joue.

02:58:727 (5) - Il est beaucoup trop loin par rapport au previous, à chaque fois que je l'ai joué en editeur (environ 20 fois lul) je l'ai toujours eu, oui, mais c'était tout le temps très close, fait le test, tu verras que la plupart du temps tu le récupères avec le bord gauche de ton plateau.

03:09:117 (1,2,3,4) - Je ne comprend pas ce changement de pattern tout à coup alors que tu avais gardé tout le long celui là : 03:06:483 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ce qui détruit un peu la balance selon moi. c'est justement l'effet voulu, cette section est différente des précédentes et introduit vers une nouvelle mélodie

03:36:190 (4,1) - et 03:37:361 (3,4) - comment je peux ne pas te sucer la teub après avoir vu jusqu'où va les détails de ton mapping xDDD. Rien à redire, ça se voit pas ingame mais c'est cool quand tu le remarques que tout est calculé 8-) .

04:14:824 (7,8) - Celui là est tricky, déplacer le 8 un peu plus vers la droite rendrait le pattern beaucoup facile et moins shitmissable, c'est rien mais ça change tout.

05:54:800 (1,2,3,4,5) - Deux fois d'affilé dans le même sens, puis après ça continue jusqu'à 4 fois d'affilé que le 4-5 se situe dans le même sens, faudrait varier, ça rendrait beaucoup mieux selon moi (même si ça te donnerai beaucoup de boulot en plus xD).

07:02:707 (2,3,4,5) - Franchement ceux d'avant j'peux comprendre pourquoi c'était comme ça mais là ça part dans les aigu et ça CRIE "AU GAUCHE DROITE" bref, tu m'as compris, t'aurais pu faire un gauche droite rapidos du type sans dash ni rien mais ça rendrait moins... plat. j'ai pensé à un pattern différent pour plus de diversité

07:39:989 (2,3,4,5,6) - La première fois que je l'ai joué, j'ai pas compris, la deuxième fois j'ai fait AH OUI, la troisième fois j'me suis dit que c'était boff. Conclusion, le sex... le pattern est pas ouf ouf, ça pourrait être beaucoup mieux, après j'ai pas trop d'idée sur le coup.

07:49:974 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1) - C'est jouable mais c'est pas ouf non plus, j'aurai fait le slider incurvé (WOW LA COURBE, OLALA, PARFAITE) :?: Pour amortir le dash 2-1 au début puis ça te permet par le suite de faire un pattern 2-3-4 un peu plus propre par la suite.

07:56:705 (4) - x1.50 :? (pense à l'HR, pense à l'HR ;w;) en plus j'ai une raison valable pour dire que c'est too much car lui 08:02:559 (4) - est x1.40 HAHAHA, j'ai trouvé la faille :'). Le saint graal mdr. bien trouvé :)

08:05:778 (3,1) - écoute en speed 25%, ça colle vraiment pas et ingame ça s'entend si tu mets le son ULTRA fort, c'est pas en rythme et ça déstabilise un peu (tout ça à cause de ce chanteur de merde qui sait pas suivre le tempo tain). Je sais pas si c'est utile de changer quelque chose pour le ranking mais si c'est important au moins je l'aurai précisé. en effet c'est du 1/6 en fait

Voilà, ce sera tout pour moi, c'pas très sérieux tout ça mais bon, 4 the rank (by the way, t'as bien géré sur les changements au niveau des HS, merci c:).
Merci beaucoup, tu devrais mod plus souvent :>
J'ai fix toutes tes suggestions non répondues
Happy New Year!

█ Optional to change --- █ Suggested to change --- █ Unrankable

[ General]

  • Beatmap Files
  1. Remove "in_the_end____by_nanomortis-d9vszec" background image as it is not used. (Used in the old difficulty)
  2. Since you included the background maker in the tag (NanoMortis) and I don't know the original source of the new background, maybe you can find it out and add the creator of that background? If he/she is not NanoMortis, make sure you removed the old tag as well.

[ Ophestra]

  • Repeated Inherited Sections
  1. 00:43:068 -
  2. 01:08:678 -
  3. 01:08:751 -
  4. 01:11:166 -
  5. 01:11:312 -
  6. 03:12:044 -
  7. 05:12:410 -

  8. 00:14:498 (5) - Sounds better if you add Whistle to the head of the slider.
  9. 00:51:923 (7,8,9) - I find it fit if you put a hyperdash at (7,8). Maybe this pattern helps: *Screenshot. If you want to make it easier, you can also incline (7,8) to the vertical a little for easier jumping.
  10. 00:52:874 (4,5) - Add a hyperdash, as it starts to become intense after 00:52:434 - . Also it will be consistent with 00:55:214 (4,5) - , which is mapped with a hyperdash at same rhythm.
  11. 01:01:654 (7,8) - Flow will be improved slightly if you incline this more to the horizontal, because the part 01:01:507 (5,6,7,8,1) - causes players to stop at (7,8) while dashing, also as a finisher it is always good to be a bit more intense, so dash-holding seems suitable.
  12. 01:56:532 (5,1) - Don't really like this kind of transition, as players have to wait at (5) to catch the hyperdash well. Maybe slant (5) a bit more to the left? If space is not enough, you can move 01:55:654 (1,2,3,4,5) - altogether to the right to fit that in.
  13. 02:24:702 (7) - Flip this horizontally and place at original spot?
  14. 02:25:507 (1,2,3,4) - Not a fan of such pattern, especially the pattern doesn't favor the jump at (3,4). I think changing to this may seem better: *Screenshot. Moreover it adds up some variations so the patterns are not too similar with all these kinda-vertical and horizontal doublets/quadruplets.
  15. 02:31:068 (5) - How about curving them outwards?
  16. 02:31:653 (3) - ^
  17. 03:11:898 (8,1) - Reduce the distance for a bit here? A bit far in my opinion.
  18. 03:48:629 (3,4) - Maybe add a hyperdash here? Like this: *Screenshot
  19. 03:50:824 (2,3) - Same here, hyperdash seems great here. You can change 03:50:971 (3,4) - to a horizontal slider and start from the left, pointing to the right.
  20. 04:14:239 (7,8) - Slant it more to the horizontal? I think moving (8) to x:256 would be enough.
  21. 04:14:824 (7,8) - ^, in the opposite.
  22. 05:03:776 (2) - Flip horizontally and place at original spot?
  23. 05:21:263 (3,4) - Change this to a doublet like 05:20:385 (7,8) - because hearing the part at 05:21:117 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - , I think the important beats are (1), (5) and (7), so maybe dashes are made to emphasize those 3 beats and ignore the one at (3) by changing to the recommended solution.
  24. 06:28:170 (1,2) - Add a hyperdash here to stay consistent with the later-on patterns at 06:30:511 (1,2) - , 06:32:853 (1,2) - and etc. which are all with similar rhythm.
  25. 06:34:024 (4) - NC?
  26. 06:37:536 (1,2) - Same thing as 06:28:170 (1,2) - but you can add hyperdash at 06:37:975 (2,3) - as well, so it is consistent with 06:39:877 (1,2,3) - which has similar hyperdash patterning.
  27. 08:08:047 (6) - Remove the Whistle hitsound and add the one at 08:08:120 (7) - instead.
  28. 08:09:291 (1) - Remove NC, then add NC at 08:09:437 (3) - . Also remove NC at 08:09:583 (1) - .
  29. 08:15:365 (2,3) - How about changing this to a dash only? In 08:15:291 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - , important beats are denoted by the vocal, which are (1), (5) and (7). Since this part is intense, the beats will be emphasized by hyperdashes, so in this case hyperdash at (2,3) can be changed to a dash for better emphasis.

Call me after the fix for a recheck!
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