5th http://osu.ppy.sh/s/36661 Easy,Normal and Insane are Pending, Hard is unfinished but if you can give suggestions, it would be much appreciated Thanks in advance
I will open this finally after such a long period of time. However, this will only be mod4mod for now, until I really feel like opening it up for mods in general (which actually may not even happen if this mod4mod thing doesn't work for me).
I would prefer a mod on Akiakane - Flashback, but you can mod my other maps in pending if you'd like (check my profile). I will mod anything if you give me a mod. Let's see if anyone wants mod4mod lol...
Hello, can you make a guest diff for this map: http://osu.ppy.sh/s/54215 ? And yeah, as stated in the beatmap description I can give you free mods \:D/. It has to be an Insane and has to be settled between the Hard diff and the already existing Insane diff (which I will probably rename to Extra or so).
@Tshemmp: Sorry, but recently I'm just not really in the mapping mood to just help anyone and map anything. I've kinda stopped doing that. My guest diffs are now going to be a lot more picky. The song is decent, but I don't get that "mapping motivation" (partly because of length as well). Sorry about that
Hello C: ~♪♫♫♪♫♫ I Love the songs (Nightcore,Techno,Rave,Trance) ♫♪♫♪ If you want mod or guest diff~♫♫ Send me a Pm in game or in my profile~♫♫ Visit My Modding Queue Look My Pending Beatmaps.
3 POSTS MY FRIENDS. perhaps I will make this a more interesting queue some day, but for now, it is the classic modding queue, like how it was years ago.
if that won't be a problem, please make me a Hard that's not harder than my Insane. I'll mod one or two of your maps later in exchange, just ask me once you'll have a request.