
One of my YT videos got a copyright strike. Need translator

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Episode 74 on my YouTube channel, featuring Silent Siren's Routine, has been taken down by the Recording Industry Association of Japan, and I received a copyright strike on my channel. I'm currently in the process of writing a considerate e-mail asking them to remove the copyright strike in exchange for me taking down the video in question, so I'm looking for someone with some knowledge of Japanese to help proofread an online translation of what I want to say.

My sincere hope is that they respond immediately by doing what they ask. I don't want to have to go through anything that would be considered hostile, so please take a look at it.

To whom it may concern:

First, I apologize for my lack of Japanese. I do not know how to speak the language very well.

I have received notice that one of my YouTube videos has received a copyright strike. The video in question plays the song "Silent Stella - Routine". Considering the nature of the videos that I upload to my Youtube channel, I have been extremely careful in selecting music that would not result in a copyright strike, but I did not realize that the song in question falls under the jurisdiction of the Recording Industry Association of Japan. I admit that selecting this particular song was an unintentional error on my part.

I am very distraught over the copyright strike on my channel, as it affects my YouTube career as well as my daily life. Therefore, I ask that the copyright strike be removed from this video. Once the copyright strike is removed, I will immediately remove the video from my channel.

Please work with me to resolve this issue so that both of us can move on. I apologize for the inconvenience.




まず、私の日本語を詫び。 非常によく日本語を話す方法がわからない。

私は私の YouTube 動画の一つが著作権ストライクを受け取ったことの通知を受けています。 問題のビデオは、サイレントサイレン - Routine を再生します。考えると私は私の Youtube チャンネルにアップロード動画の性質上、著作権のストライクになるない音楽の選択に非常に慎重がきた、しかし、問題の曲が日本レコード協会の管轄権に該当すると私は実現しなかった。私は、この特定の曲を選択する私の一部に意図しないエラーがしたことを認めます。

私の日常生活と同様、私の YouTube のキャリアに影響を与える、非常に取り乱した私のチャンネルで著作権ストライク終わるよ。したがって、著作権侵害トライキは、このビデオから削除することをお願いします。著作権侵害トライクを削除すると、私はすぐに私のチャンネルから動画を削除します。

私たちの両方移動できるように、この問題を解決する私と一緒に作業してください。 ご不便をお詫び申し上げます。


-Makishima S-
Just delete video and problem solved?

I had several of this and didn't gave a single fuck to write a note or something, just removed video. My account is still in perfect standing.
They will not respond to you in near future, you are waaaaaaay too low non existant fish in "YT market" to take care off.
Restrictions is an automated system and if you think they even care - you are wrong.

Additionally in their position i wouldn't take serious a guy without real name.
If you want in the future write any note to serious company, you NEVER use any nicknames etc.

[Taiga] wrote:

Just delete video and problem solved?

I had several of this and didn't gave a single fuck to write a note or something, just removed video. My account is still in perfect standing.
They will not respond to you in near future, you are waaaaaaay too low non existant fish in "YT market" to take care off.
Restrictions is an automated system and if you think they even care - you are wrong.

Additionally in their position i wouldn't take serious a guy without real name.
If you want in the future write any note to serious company, you NEVER use any nicknames etc.
A copyright strike is not the same as a copyright claim.
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[Taiga] wrote:

Just delete video and problem solved?

I had several of this and didn't gave a single fuck to write a note or something, just removed video. My account is still in perfect standing.
They will not respond to you in near future, you are waaaaaaay too low non existant fish in "YT market" to take care off.
Restrictions is an automated system and if you think they even care - you are wrong.

Additionally in their position i wouldn't take serious a guy without real name.
If you want in the future write any note to serious company, you NEVER use any nicknames etc.
Deleting the video does not remove the copyright strike. And "Minhtam" is actually my legal first name.
I can't help you in any way, OP, but I wish you the best of luck. Fuck youtube's shitty copyright system, and I hope you can find the help you need and have this strike removed from your channel.
-Makishima S-
A copyright strike is not the same as a copyright claim.

I know and i am talking about copyright strike, according to YT help page, it was showed right after in category "Copyright strike", i had option to contact etc but as i said - didn't gave a single fuck, removed video, accepted notification that removing video will not remove copyright strike against my account and forgot that this even happend.

Movie: [Osu!] supercell - Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari (TV-Size) [Insane] 98% FC
Copyrighted contenti: 君の知らない物語 FULL 化物語
Copyright claimed by: Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc.
Clip was completely blocked from public section.

@Edit - tough blocking video completely and ghetting warning about loosing account is considered as strike :|
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[Taiga] wrote:

A copyright strike is not the same as a copyright claim.
I know and i am talking about copyright strike, according to YT help page, it was showed right after in category "Copyright strike", i had option to contact etc but as i said - didn't gave a single fuck, removed video, accepted notification that removing video will not remove copyright strike against my account and forgot that this even happend.

Movie: [Osu!] supercell - Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari (TV-Size) [Insane] 98% FC
Copyrighted contenti: 君の知らない物語 FULL 化物語
Copyright claimed by: Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc.
Clip was completely blocked from public section.
But see, you just upload videos like it's no problem. Under YouTube rules, a copyright strike prevents you from uploading any videos that are over 15 minutes long and prevents you from other features such as using custom thumbnails for your videos. That in turn affects the business aspects of my YouTube channel, so it's a really big deal in my opinion.
-Makishima S-
So your account standing went to bad right now?


Ok, then i was wrong, looks like there is new thing with copyrights about what i hear first time.

As i see in my mail i have 2 completely blocked videos with warnings.

I mean, my video got completely blocked from public section right after processing was done, i got mail with warning that my account standing may be changed to Bad etc etc.

Heh... GL then, you will need it.

One thing what i could advice to you:
- Full name and surname
- Information about YT channel
- "Please work with me to resolve this issue so that both of us can move on." avoid this kind of senteces, it doesn't sound professional
- You send letter to big company so make it as official as it is possible, it helps a lot, i know from experience as i fight constantly with my ISP (biggest one in country)
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[Taiga] wrote:

One thing what i could advice to you:
- Full name and surname
- Information about YT channel
- "Please work with me to resolve this issue so that both of us can move on." avoid this kind of senteces, it doesn't sound professional
- You send letter to big company so make it as official as it is possible, it helps a lot, i know from experience as i fight constantly with my ISP (biggest one in country)
Full Name and Surname, yes.

Information about YT channel: I'm actually forwarding the Youtube e-mail regarding my copyright strike to the the claimant in question, so they should have an idea on what video they're talking about. I'm hesitant to mention osu! specifically because of the worst case scenario of them going directly to our site and taking down 80% of our Japanese beatmaps, which will seriously cause waves among the community.

I'll take the other stuff into consideration as well. Chances are they'll bypass the English version in favor of the Japanese version.
I haven't done Japanese in two years, but my mate says conversationally it's still ok. Let's go. I am not going to read your English beforehand because that would spoil it for me.

Minhtam wrote:

誰にそれがかかわることがあります。I literally don't understand this. Maybe it's because I never used かかわる before, but I have no clue what you're trying to say after even looking that up. You're being concerned with something to someone?

まず、私の日本語を詫び。What is this? Are you trying to apologise for having bad Japanese grammar? This sentence is terrible if you want to do that because first of all you're ending it as 詫び and not 詫びる, and secondly, you should read it again because 詫びる is an intransitive verb. You cannot use WO with an intransitive verb because those verbs by definition do not take direct objects. Even if it did, you're literally saying that something "Apologises my Japanese (language)". A better way for this is 私の分かりにくい日本語申し訳ございません 非常によく日本語を話す方法がわからない。This sentence seems to me like you're saying you cannot very well speak japanese. But again, you just said that. This is redundant. I would say また、日本語でペラペラできない.

私は私の YouTube 動画の一つが著作権ストライクを受け取ったことの通知を受けています。I would remove 私は here since we know you're talking about you since you literally just introduced yourself but I'll let it slide because it's the beginning of something new and it makes sense with 受け取ったことの通知を受けています。I don't feel it's very wrong but I would move 私は to after 受け取ったことの通知 because after such a long phrase it's kind of hard imo to tell who did what now.

問題のビデオは I know you're trying to say "The problem video" but please change it to something like you said earler: 著作権ストライクを受け取ったビデオ. Saying 問題のビデオ sounds like something I would say in my second month of learning Japanese.、サイレントサイレン - Routine を再生します。I have a bad feeling about this. I'd rather say that <Title of video>があった or が存在した or something I can't think of a proper word to indicate it was there rather than playing the video. 考えると私は私のRemove saying this from your speech entirely. The 私は is completely redundant and saying 考えると alone also makes me feel bad. I'd probably add something behind it like 動画が消されたのを考えたら or something. Also I'd use -たら instead of と here because it's a feeling. I know they'd both mean when here, but と feels to me like the kind of when you use when you say "When I drop this ball, it will fall" etc. Youtube チャンネルにアップロード動画の性質上、著作権のストライクになるない音楽の選択に非常に慎重がきた I don't like がきた here. I looked it up and it's not a suru verb so maybe you can say がした instead. 、しかし、問題の曲Just say copyrighted song and not 問題の曲 が日本レコード協会の管轄権に該当すると私は実現しなかった。私はWILL YOU FUCKING STOP SAYING THIS、この特定曲を選択する私の一部i don't know what this means but I have never used 一部 before so who knowsに意図しないエラーがしたことを認めます。

私の日常生活と同様、私の YouTube のキャリアに影響を与えるI think you should indicate that it's this copyright strike that is giving you a an 影響 here with blah blah blah ga after キャリアに 、非常I think you're using a dictionary for this exact word apparently meaning "very"に取り乱した私のチャンネルで著作権ストライク終わるよI don't think the ideas come together here. The copyright strike that very much put your channel in disorder just終わる? What's going on? It's ending? You want them to end it? You're going to end such things in the future? I have no clue. 。したがって、著作権のストライキは、このビデオから削除することをお願いしますFINALLY YOU SAID SOMETHING THAT SOUNDED REALLY GOOD. USE をお願いします LIKE THIS MORE。著作権のストライクを削除すると、私はすぐに私のチャンネルから動画を削除します。So wait, why do you need them to delete the strike for you to delete the video?

私たちの両方移動What does this mean? I'm only used to 移動 being used like going to another country できるように、この問題を解決する私と一緒に作業してください。作業 isn't "Work with me here." type of work. It's literally 仕事すること ご不便をお詫び申し上げます。

心から、より is better than から

I didn't look more into the detail of your wording on some longer passages like が日本レコード協会の管轄権に該当すると私は実現しなかった because that would require more effort. I probably should have but effort. I give it a 3 out of 10. Work better on not just using a dictionary but going into the sentence example lists to figure out that "That word you meant in ENglish actually has like 4 different meanings and the one you chose for Japanese doesn't fit"

If I didn't use English to guess at what you meant I would understand far less.
Apparently weren't careful enough with selecting what to upload then.
You are not going to get your strike off. Silent Siren specifially does manual takedowns to Osu! videos including their songs and rejects any counter-claims.

Source: Striked till july by uploading Silent Siren - Routine
based god lil b

Minhtam wrote:

I am very distraught over the copyright strike on my channel, as it affects my YouTube career as well as my daily life.
I can't tell if this is a meme or what lmao
Sup A Noob
Just remember not to upload anything under the Dreamusic label until Silent Siren changes their label.
Huh so far I have escaped this manual takedown from them by naming my video "TOASTER TOASTER" instead

Maybe if you >have< to upload an osu silent siren video, avoid calling it that at all
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Militari wrote:

You are not going to get your strike off. Silent Siren specifially does manual takedowns to Osu! videos including their songs and rejects any counter-claims.

Source: Striked till july by uploading Silent Siren - Routine
Huh.... if only I knew that before hand. Geez.
I spent 20 minutes of my life on your message give it back please

Khelly wrote:

I spent 20 minutes of my life on your message give it back please
lmao op didn't even respond, the whole thing's just a meme after all.

Khelly wrote:

I spent 20 minutes of my life on your message give it back please
Just view it as a learning exercise.
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