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Hi, I'm a horrible noob-ass script kiddie who is trying to get better at life.
I'm an average player that plays mainly 6 star maps, and then tried to download them, and as in them I meant all of them. I found this post in reddit which had the link to all six star maps at the time, so with my basic programming skills, I tried to make a program that would be able to separate the spaces and download all the beatmaps in one fell sweep.

But the problem is that I have no idea how to download a file using java. I got everything else to work, but I have this missing piece in the puzzle of how to download a beatmap using the /d/XXXXXX links. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Oh and by the way, I have no idea if this is in the right category or not, so... It just seemed fitting.
I don't use java at all, but literally 30 seconds of searching:

There are thousands of posts asking about downloading files in java. Just find one that works
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I asked this because it seems like osu download is different from just straight hosted files, and I just don't know how to download that kind of file.
You need to be logged in to download any beatmap from there
//edit I could just paste my python downloader here but I don't like spoon-feeding
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oh right. Thanks, I guess i'll try and use bloodcat then.
You can try to do it with cookies. They basically say to the (in this case osu's) server that you're logged in.
You'll need to make your HTTP request library handle cookies. Them, just submit the login form with your username and password, and you should be able to download maps.
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thanks, that's actually a good answer instead of Bauxe (no offense)
How do you exactly make it search for 6* ranked maps
-Makishima S-

-Kanzaki wrote:

How do you exactly make it search for 6* ranked maps
JSON object called "difficultyrating" from beatmap node represent star rating.


You may also try to use bloodcat if you will have truble to implement sending cookie username/passwd data.
If you get data from osu!API, "beatmapset_id" object represent beatmap (mapset) ID which is exacly the same on bloodcat.
As download link you can use:[beatmapset_id]

For example: - Genryuu Kaiko mapped by Mira-san have download link
Bloodcat download link:
From JSON table:

Bloodcat does not require any creditionals.

Just to be sure: if sharing this information is against rules, pls remove them, it's just my good will to share this way of fixing problem of downloading beatmaps.

Piotrekol wrote:

//edit I could just paste my python downloader here but I don't like spoon-feeding
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