"There is no point in ranking up, because it doesn't say anything other than how much you farm. Play to enjoy the game and don't gaze upon your rank. Sometimes I'm beaten by #20k players and sometimes I beat 2 digit players. This tells you that rank is of no importance. Everyone has a good or bad day. osu! is not a game you can learn to be good at in a few weeks. You have to keep pushing yourself to reach your goal and there is no easy way. Slow and steady wins the race." - timiimit 2017 (translated in 2019)
"Ni point da rank uppas ker rank nic ne pove razen to kak dosti farmas. Spilaj tak da uzivas in ne glej na rank. Mene premagajo tudi vcasih ranki #20k in vcasih jaz premagam 2 digit rank players tak da to ti pove da je rank nepomemben. Vsak ima kdaj dober ali slab dan. osu! ni igra ki se je naucis v par tednih. vstrajat mores da dosezes to kar si zelis in ni lahkega nacina do cilja. Pocasi se dalec pride." - timiimit 2017