
Gabriela Vega y Maggie Vera - Superalma

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0:09:695 (1) - innecessary new combo
0:24:695 (1,2,1) - inconsistent spacing, move (1,2) a grid higher
0:25:578 (1) - innecessary new combo
1:00:431 (1) - move it on the bar by 1/2 to the right?

0:27:342 (1) - innecessary new combo
0:30:872 (1) - innecessary new combo
1:00:431 (1) - innecessary new combo
1:07:048 (2,3,4,5,6) - maybe it's just me, but imo it's hardly following the music. what about leaving only those three first notes, and then putting a spinner after them? also, if you're going to apply that, don't forget to delete that 1:09:254 timing section.
1:09:695 (1) - that applies to that long spinner too, why won't you set two notes following the vocals and start it later?

0:44:989 (1) - add a finish at its beginning

0:10:688 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - that stream is just not following the music at all... i'd suggest using something like this.
0:25:137 (1) - innecessary new combo
0:33:519 (1) - ^
0:35:284 (1) - ^
1:14:107 (1) - ^

hmm, that spanish oversoul sounds funky \:D/
Heey o/ Perdon por el retraso u_u
Kenezz's Bakamod

-Alinea todos los inheriting timing section ya que no estan bien alineados
- 00:11:460 - A mi parecer suena mejor con Whistle, intentalo :>
-00:17:195 (3) - Clap al inicio?
-00:23:813 (5) - Whistle ó Finish?

-Alinea todos los inheriting timing section ya que no estan bien alineados
-00:09:695 (1) - Agregale Whistle ó Finish?
-00:49:622 (x) - Agrega una nota?

-Igual que las demás diffs alinea los inheriting timing section
-Además de eso no veo nada raro :3

-Lo de los inheriting timing section ~
-00:11:460 (1) - Agrega Whistle ó Finish al inicio?
-01:03:298 (4) - Finish en la repeticion?
-01:06:828 (4) - ^
-01:10:578 (4) - Finish?

Go go Spanish~~
  1. El archivo .osb no es realmente necesario.
  1. 00:58:225 (5) - Parece que el mapa está un poco vacío entre (5) y (1). Convierte (5) en un slider de longitud 1/1 (hasta la siguiente raya blanca).
Normal: :3

  1. Me encantaron tus sliders <3
  2. 00:33:519 (2) - No creo que sea un gran problema, pero el final del slider está por debajo del HP bar.
  1. 00:22:048 (1,2,3,4) - El spacing está un poco raro...
  2. 00:34:400 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - De nuevo spacing, parece un poco arbitrario.
Verdi's Taiko Oni:
  1. Aquí tienes un fondo para esta dificultad (si no te gusta la imagen, avísame y la cambio):
  1. Los patrones parecen bastante sólidos, bien hecho =)
En general, no hay mucho que decir. Buen trabajo ;)
00:30:651 - d k~~k~~k~~k
00:36:386 - no vocal here, so I don't prefer a kkdkkkd stream, ddddddk can be better.
01:05:945 - dkk
01:08:151 - no vocal here, so such streams would be odd.
01:09:475 - dkk

Quite different from last time?
I don't expect some too hard streams here <_<

00:16:975 (2) - right 1 grid so that (2,3) forms a stright line?
00:17:747 (4) - remove whistle since it sounds odd when the whistle's not on vocal?

00:08:813 (3) - [Nazi] down 2 grid lv 4
delete excess timing line?

01:08:813 (6) - add a note in next white tick or remove clap here? it feels odd when there's clap here, and 2 beats blanked before spinner...
delete the duplicated timeline?
00:09:585, 00:11:460, 01:02:534

no problem for me.
00:40:034 - delete the timing line

quite different from last time o_o

wmfchris wrote:

00:30:651 - d k~~k~~k~~k ok
Download: Gabriela Vega y Maggie Vera - Superalma (eldnl) [Verdi's Taiko Oni].osu

Deif wrote:

  1. 00:33:519 (2) - No creo que sea un gran problema, pero el final del slider está por debajo del HP bar.
Hmm, cierto no es un problema, creo...

wmfchris wrote:

00:08:813 (3) - [Nazi] down 2 grid lv 4 Nazi :3
delete excess timing line?
Actually, I meant to disable kiai using one of those lines, fixed.
Download: Gabriela Vega y Maggie Vera - Superalma (eldnl) [Gonz].osu
Probé todas las diffs y lo único que me pareció raro fue esto:


00:35:284 (1) - Este spacing no va acorde al spacing anterior: 00:33:297 (3,1) y 00:34:181 (3,1).

Me gustó el Insane pero me parece que podrías mappear hasta el final que tiene buen ritmo para el osu :P.

Suerte :).
Topic Starter

Metro wrote:

Probé todas las diffs y lo único que me pareció raro fue esto:


00:35:284 (1) - Este spacing no va acorde al spacing anterior: 00:33:297 (3,1) y 00:34:181 (3,1).

Me gustó el Insane pero me parece que podrías mappear hasta el final que tiene buen ritmo para el osu :P.

Suerte :).
Creo que esta bien así ... y no mapeo lo que queda de la canción porque es mi estilo (?)

Gracias por las sugerencias.
hi, you mapset is good. i can barely find errors.

so i just talking about some details
00:32:636 (1,2,3) - due to former distance , imo you should make distance larger here. when i testplay ,i often press too fast here.
00:40:136 (1,2) - why dont cover the circle in the video like other diff? i think its cool

No kudos plz ._.
Topic Starter

Kanon wrote:

hi, you mapset is good. i can barely find errors.

so i just talking about some details
00:32:636 (1,2,3) - due to former distance , imo you should make distance larger here. when i testplay ,i often press too fast here. It's fine for me :3
00:40:136 (1,2) - why dont cover the circle in the video like other diff? i think its cool hmm

No kudos plz ._. Shit, I read this when I had given kodosu ._.
Thanks ~
Hi there!~

Just few suggestions, since I hate when new combos are not in time with the music.

00:09:695 (5) - Move new combo to this note (so it is in time)
00:16:754 (3) - ^
00:23:813 (4) - new combo


Entrail wrote:

Hi there!~

Just few suggestions, since I hate when new combos are not in time with the music.

00:09:695 (5) - Move new combo to this note (so it is in time) Ok :3
00:16:754 (3) - ^ This one is not that bad, I think that it fits the vocals
00:23:813 (4) - new combo ^

Hola! Se me dio por hacer el mod completo, después de todo :P

  1. El offset me parece ligeramente atrasado. Probá con 2620, suena un poco más preciso en mi opinión~ Acordate de hacer Resnapping :)
  2. Un detalle: Los sliders no tienen porque terminar en un sliderpoint rojo :P
  3. Shaman King marcó mi infancia QUE SERIE POR DIOS! *O*
  1. Creo que AR -1 le daría una sensación un poco más de "Easy". Intentalo! (Si, "intentalo" sin tilde :P)
  2. 00:03:502 (2,3) - Yo preferiría usar un sliderde 1/1 de largo en vez de estos dos. Creo que es más simple de ver para el principio de la canción, y ciertamente, más fácil.
  3. 00:06:149 (3) - Un whistle acá vendría de maravilla, seguido por...
  4. 00:07:914 (1) - ...Un finish acá~
  5. 00:11:443 (2) - Este whistle suena demasiado aislado... Yo sugeriría un finish, ya que un whistle me haría esperar más whistles en lugares como 00:13:208 (3), 00:14:972 (1), o 00:16:737 (2). Eso sería cada 4 beats, y esa opción me parece buena también. Usá la que más te guste :D
  6. 00:18:52 (1) - Y en todo caso, creo que un finish acá sonaría bien, y va bien con el New Combo y todo... Incluso, para acompañar este hitsound, te aconsejaría agregar un finish también en 00:17:840 (3), al final del slider. Suena bien :P
  7. 00:44:972 (1,2) - Finish al comienzo de ambos, están demasiado silenciosos :O
  8. 01:13:208 (1) - No entiendo por qué esto está con Soft hitsounds. Rompe totalmente la continuidad de lo que venías haciendo. Creo que va a ser mucho más consistente si haces que esto esté con Normal hitsounds, suena mucho mejor!
  1. 00:02:619 ~ 00:09:237 - En [Easy], en toooda esa parte usaste Soft hitsounds. La cuestión acá es el por qué usas diferente hitsounding. Yo creo que sería mejor si optaras por alguno de los dos, y los usaras en todas las dificultades. Debería (o por lo menos, queda más lindo) si las cosas son consistentes entre dificultades (incluídas las sugerencias de hitsounds que hice en esta sección en [Easy]).
  2. 00:11:443 (SP) - Lo mismo acerca del whistle, parece muy aislado :/
  3. 00:18:502 (1) - ¿Qué tal un finish al principio de este slider?
  4. 00:27:325 (1,1) - Mmmm, no estoy del todo de acuerdo con esos saltos. Quizás no estén tan acordes a una dificultad Normal. Yo usaría el spacing común, me parece más adecuado~
  5. 00:44:972 (1) - En [Easy], sugerí un finish acá, así que naturalmente, lo sugiero de nuevo. Creo que está bueno enfatizar esta parte, el verso es como el más importante: "El Shaman observa, y su justicia el tendrá~".
    Quizás esté equivocado :P Pero en el caso de que coincidad conmigo, vas a necesitar también un finish en 00:45:855 (4) (en la repetición), y 00:46:737 (1) (al principio).
  6. 00:52:914 (2) - Sinceramente, no me pareció que esto fluyera del todo bien. Creo que el que empiece en dirección opuesta al anterior slider puede confundir un poco. Sugiero algo así:

    Te dejo el código, por si lo querés hacer sin mucho esfuerzo :P
  7. 01:13:208 (1,2) - Lo mismo, creo que los Normal hitsounds son más apropiados para esto.
  1. 00:03:061 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Creo que este crescendo podría sonar mucho mejor. Creo que el primero objeto, (3), debería estar con volumen al 30%, y luego le iría subiendo de a 10% a cada uno hasta que (8) estuviese en 80%. Luego, agregaría claps en todos ellos. Probá, estoy seguro de que te va a gustar!
  2. 00:23:796 (4) - Mmmm... Un whistle me suena a muy poco, ¿qué tal un finish en vez del whistle?
  3. 00:27:987 (2) - Me suena a que este (2) necesita más énfasis que el anterior, sugiero usar un whistle.
  4. 00:39:458 (SP) - Creo que un finish quedaría mejor - le da como "más sutileza" a los dos objetos que lo siguen.
  5. Excelente, como siempre :3
[Verdi's Taiko Oni]
  1. 00:07:693 (24, 25) - Quizás sea mejor usar (24) sin clap ni finish, y (25) con ambos.
  2. 00:11:443 (T) - Creo que sonaría mejor si a partir de acá, usaras Normal hitsounds. De veras.
  3. 00:18:502 (76) - ¿Qué tal agregar un clap? La verdad, me estoy guiando por como me suena :P
  1. Así como dije en [Normal], tené cuidado con la consistencia entre dificultades - en este caso, de los hitsounds. En el casod e esta dificultad, la diferencia es bastante notoria, pero me parece que los hitsounds de esta dificultad encajan bien con la canción :P
  2. 00:17:730 (4) - Este slider debería prolongarse por 1/4 para que suene bien, creo. Así como está ahora, no me gusta mucho :/ Además de que no parece seguir adecuadamente el ritmo...
  3. 00:19:715 (7) - Lo mismo que antes, esto debería estar 1/4 después:
  4. 00:21:480 (7) - (^)
  5. 00:29:531 (1,2) - Mmmm... Estos dos sliders no me terminan de convencer... ¿Qué tal esto?

    Y si te gusta, este es el código:
  6. 00:30:855 (1) - ¿Qué te parece un finish, para enfatizar?
  7. 00:45:855 (5) - Como dije este es un momento que me gustaría resaltar, así que como antes, sugiero un finish acá...
  8. 00:46:737 (3) - ...Y acá...
  9. 00:47:399 (6) - ...Y acá. :D
  10. 01:13:208 (1,2) - Como en [Easy] y [Normal], creo que esto suenan mejor con Normal hitsounds. Mucho mejor.
Eso es todo, creo! Espero que te sirva :3
Mucha suerte con esta gran canción!!

narakucrimson wrote:

  1. 00:03:061 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Creo que este crescendo podría sonar mucho mejor. Creo que el primero objeto, (3), debería estar con volumen al 30%, y luego le iría subiendo de a 10% a cada uno hasta que (8) estuviese en 80%. Luego, agregaría claps en todos ellos. Probá, estoy seguro de que te va a gustar!
  2. 00:23:796 (4) - Mmmm... Un whistle me suena a muy poco, ¿qué tal un finish en vez del whistle?
  3. 00:27:987 (2) - Me suena a que este (2) necesita más énfasis que el anterior, sugiero usar un whistle.
  4. 00:39:458 (SP) - Creo que un finish quedaría mejor - le da como "más sutileza" a los dos objetos que lo siguen.
  5. Excelente, como siempre :3
Muy buenas sugerencias, todo hecho.
eldnl, si decides cambiar el offset no olvides cambiarlo en mi diff también o/
Download: Gabriela Vega y Maggie Vera - Superalma (eldnl) [Gonz].osu
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Updated ~
Gracias Naraku :3

narakucrimson wrote:

[Verdi's Taiko Oni]
  1. 00:07:693 (24, 25) - Quizás sea mejor usar (24) sin clap ni finish, y (25) con ambos.
  2. 00:11:443 (T) - Creo que sonaría mejor si a partir de acá, usaras Normal hitsounds. De veras.
  3. 00:18:502 (76) - ¿Qué tal agregar un clap? La verdad, me estoy guiando por como me suena :P
Graciaas pero no cambio nada, thx
I do not usually mod like this. However, multiple things have occurred (especially involving some of your actions queue-wise), and since this map upsets me, I am going to rant about it.


-why did you map through the "SHAMAN KING!"? It's just awkward and horrible to play through.

00:11:443 (1,2) - I do not feel this jump at all.
00:16:958 (2,3) - This doesn't go with the music or flow at all. It just feels awkward.
00:22:031 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - What's with the anti-jump between (3) and (4)? It's illogical. Also, (5) would play better IMO as a slider ending where (6) currently is.
00:23:355 (1,2,3,4,5) - This flows horrible. (1,2,3) are probably better off as hit circles, and (4) should be a slider that ends where (5) is; this is because you're mapping to the vocals here, and that's how the vocals flow here.
00:25:561 (1,2) - This jump makes absolutely no sense at all Nothing in the music, and there's no pattern throughout the map so far to give a reason to this jump.
00:28:428 (3,4,5,6) - That anti-jump into (6) is weird.
00:29:531 (7,8,9) - Big jump -> anti-jump? Huh? It makes no sense and plays horribly.
00:30:855 (1,2,3,4) - These jumps should be bigger, and they should all be the same distance apart. Why? Because there is nothing in the music or the map to suggest this kind of jump pattern.
00:44:972 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - The spacing here feels too small, until you get to (5,6), where it suddenly increases to a distance (for no real reason whatsoever) that feels much better.
00:52:031 (2,3,4,5) - I don't feel these sliders. Hit circles would feel better IMO.
00:56:002 (4,5) - This jump makes no sense.
00:57:325 (3,4) - This one makes even less sense.
00:59:090 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This spacing does not correlate to the music.
01:11:002 (4,1) - Where does this jump come from?

Overall, I do not like this map, but that's okay; some people will. To me it feels like you pissed on the concepts of spacing and flow and just tried to make pretty patterns. I like pretty (see: Rainbow Dash And Fluttershy Taking A Leisurely Glide), but when you compromise spacing and flow to the degree you have, it just doesn't play well. :/ But again, I'm sure plenty of people will like it.
Topic Starter

Ekaru wrote:

I do not usually mod like this. However, multiple things have occurred (especially involving some of your actions queue-wise), and since this map upsets me, I am going to rant about it.


-why did you map through the "SHAMAN KING!"? It's just awkward and horrible to play through. It's the mp3 ;_;

00:11:443 (1,2) - I do not feel this jump at all. I like it :P
00:16:958 (2,3) - This doesn't go with the music or flow at all. It just feels awkward. It follow the music perfectly.
00:22:031 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - What's with the anti-jump between (3) and (4)? It's illogical. Also, (5) would play better IMO as a slider ending where (6) currently is. Agree, I do some different.
00:23:355 (1,2,3,4,5) - This flows horrible. (1,2,3) are probably better off as hit circles, and (4) should be a slider that ends where (5) is; this is because you're mapping to the vocals here, and that's how the vocals flow here. En un ciclo in fi ni toooo, fit perfect with the voice xD
00:25:561 (1,2) - This jump makes absolutely no sense at all Nothing in the music, and there's no pattern throughout the map so far to give a reason to this jump. Ok jump removed.
00:28:428 (3,4,5,6) - That anti-jump into (6) is weird. This is not an anti jump, Is just a small jump :P then I add a new combo on (6)
00:29:531 (7,8,9) - Big jump -> anti-jump? Huh? It makes no sense and plays horribly. Changed
00:30:855 (1,2,3,4) - These jumps should be bigger, and they should all be the same distance apart. Why? Because there is nothing in the music or the map to suggest this kind of jump pattern. Changed a little the distance between (1,2) everything else remains the same.
00:44:972 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - The spacing here feels too small, until you get to (5,6), where it suddenly increases to a distance (for no real reason whatsoever) that feels much better. No changes
00:52:031 (2,3,4,5) - I don't feel these sliders. Hit circles would feel better IMO. Agree but I don't know how I can change it ;_;
00:56:002 (4,5) - This jump makes no sense. Nothing for you have sense !!
00:57:325 (3,4) - This one makes even less sense. :<
00:59:090 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This spacing does not correlate to the music. I love that star, It's the better part of the song, that's why add these jumps here.
01:11:002 (4,1) - Where does this jump come from? Nothing bad with this jump

Overall, I do not like this map, but that's okay; some people will. To me it feels like you pissed on the concepts of spacing and flow and just tried to make pretty patterns. I like pretty (see: Rainbow Dash And Fluttershy Taking A Leisurely Glide), but when you compromise spacing and flow to the degree you have, it just doesn't play well. :/ But again, I'm sure plenty of people will like it.
I understand you do not like the map, it's for Spanish people also the mp3 quality is only shit.
Thanks ~
Krisomg suggested that I mod this, and here I am. I can tell just what you want, they're my mods, you know.

~ General ~
For this song, I think it would be more appropriate to either have no kiai, or do it like Gonzvlo. Either of those things would make the kiai placement seem a bit more fitting.

~ Insane ~
00:17:730 (4) - This would be more visually pleasing if it was crumpled in such a way where the start and end did not overlap.
00:19:495 (6,7) - This stack is rather unintuitive to play. Try using a slider or following a different rhythm.
00:21:259 (6,7) - See above.

~ Verdi's Taiko Oni ~
Resnap all notes.
This difficulty should have a consistent preview point with the others.
Playtested, and managed to FC for some unknown reason. Good job! (That's to you, not me.)

~ Gonz ~
00:11:112 (6) - I expected this note to be on a 1/1 tick, possibly move it out from under the slider so it's more readable.
01:11:443 (2) - Consider altering this slider so the loop is a bit more defined.

~ Normal ~
Tick Rate 2 is still appropriate for this difficulty, I strongly advise you use it here.
00:11:884 (1,2) - This pattern could be confusing at a this Approach Rate. Consider putting (1) or (2) elsewhere.
00:41:002 (1,2,3) - It's awkward here how the spacing goes 0.8x 0.0x 1.2x. Basically, it would be nice to move (1) somewhere else so that the player didn't have to shift from stack spacing to normal spacing in a slightly uncomfortable way.
00:47:399 (2) - Sliderend stacking with this Approach Rate is unadvised, I'd move (2) somewhere else.
(This also occurs at 01:02:178 (3) - and 00:49:605 (2,3) - if this matters, matters to you.)

~ Easy ~
00:40:120 (1) - This note starts appearing a good amount of time before the spinner ends, it might be best for Easy to just take it out as to not confuse new players, and they also need recovery time after spinners.
01:00:414 (1,1) - Same thing about spinner recovery.

Is that what it's true, how society says this mod is already over? In fact, that's exactly what I want and how I want it to be, so please enjoy the rest of your day.
Topic Starter

SapphireGhost wrote:

Krisomg suggested that I mod this, and here I am. I can tell just what you want, they're my mods, you know.

~ General ~
For this song, I think it would be more appropriate to either have no kiai, or do it like Gonzvlo. Either of those things would make the kiai placement seem a bit more fitting. Ok

~ Insane ~
00:17:730 (4) - This would be more visually pleasing if it was crumpled in such a way where the start and end did not overlap. Hard to do, so I just fix a little the slider.
00:19:495 (6,7) - This stack is rather unintuitive to play. Try using a slider or following a different rhythm. That's why the first slider.
00:21:259 (6,7) - See above. ^

~ Normal ~
Tick Rate 2 is still appropriate for this difficulty, I strongly advise you use it here. Ok
00:11:884 (1,2) - This pattern could be confusing at a this Approach Rate. Consider putting (1) or (2) elsewhere. Fixed
00:41:002 (1,2,3) - It's awkward here how the spacing goes 0.8x 0.0x 1.2x. Basically, it would be nice to move (1) somewhere else so that the player didn't have to shift from stack spacing to normal spacing in a slightly uncomfortable way. It's fine.
00:47:399 (2) - Sliderend stacking with this Approach Rate is unadvised, I'd move (2) somewhere else. I Change that part.
(This also occurs at 01:02:178 (3) - and 00:49:605 (2,3) - if this matters, matters to you.)

~ Easy ~
00:40:120 (1) - This note starts appearing a good amount of time before the spinner ends, it might be best for Easy to just take it out as to not confuse new players, and they also need recovery time after spinners. I keep this note.
01:00:414 (1,1) - Same thing about spinner recovery. Fixed

Is that what it's true, how society says this mod is already over? In fact, that's exactly what I want and how I want it to be, so please enjoy the rest of your day.
Thank you !
Hello there.

  1. Timing: It feels off, the bpm feels too fast. I was getting 20ms+ late later in the song.
    BPM: 135,975
    Offset: 2632
    I had best results with these (each section was tested separately multiple times).
    Note: some of the timelines in the mod may not be as they are shown to you because I had changed the timing in the insane first, then I started modding.
  1. 00:17:730 (4) - This slider was WEIRD. With caps. I tried to figure out what was it following, but I just couldn't do it. Every time after it, the following stream were 100s. You should move this slider by 1/4 forward in time, so it starts at 00:17:840. It actually follows the music better, and makes the rhythm more playable as well. Start/end on a blue tick is just asking for trouble hehe.
  2. 00:19:825 (7) - You could say the same for this note. Its easier to hit because it's predictable, unlike the slider above, but it did sound off. Moving it to the white tick at 00:19:825 made it sound so much better. Since they are stacked, it should be no problems reading they are 3/4 apart anyway.
  3. 00:21:480 (7) - ^ same thing, just different timeline.
  4. 00:22:709 (2,3,1) - This was weird. I kept getting 100 on that 3 cause I always thought it would come sooner. After getting used to it, I felt that the jump between 3 and 1 was a bit too much. I suggest that you try to rearrange that pattern somehow, maybe 2 and 3 switch places and distance them further from each other a little or something. It could be just me though, so this is a suggestion only.
  1. 00:49:825 - You should add a circle here with a clap. Without it, the map sounds empty because this is a key beat. This could be hard to pull off without breaking your pattern though. :/
  1. 01:09:237 - Add a note here. Felt weird having nothing here when the music is still going on.
  2. 01:13:208 (1) - This note is arguably coming too soon after a spinner for a normal diff, considering it's so far away from the middle of the screen. You should end the spinner 1/1 earlier or reposition this note much closer to the middle of the screen (which i don't really see working cause of the next note).
  1. AR+1. With AR2 you have too much stuff on the screen.
  2. 00:51:590 - Would be a good idea to add a note here, you had it in the previous section which was just like this, without it, it sounds empty. Don't forget the clap on it as well.
[Verdi's Taiko Oni]:
  1. Remove video from this diff.
That's about it. Apart from timing, I didn't notice anything unrankable. Some stuff could use some polishing I guess, but overall the mapset was pretty good.
Too bad the quality of the song is really bad, also the singer could probably take some singing lessons too. ;x;

Good luck!
Hey, perdón por la demora. Ambos mods hechos:

Thanks guys o/

Download: Gabriela Vega y Maggie Vera - Superalma (eldnl) [Gonz].osu
Topic Starter

lolcubes wrote:

Hello there.

  1. Timing: It feels off, the bpm feels too fast. I was getting 20ms+ late later in the song.
    BPM: 135,975
    Offset: 2632
    I had best results with these (each section was tested separately multiple times). I ask to expert in timing.
  1. 00:17:730 (4) - This slider was WEIRD. With caps. I tried to figure out what was it following, but I just couldn't do it. Every time after it, the following stream were 100s. You should move this slider by 1/4 forward in time, so it starts at 00:17:840. It actually follows the music better, and makes the rhythm more playable as well. Start/end on a blue tick is just asking for trouble hehe. Follow the rhythm perfectly, what headphones you use?
  2. 00:19:825 (7) - You could say the same for this note. Its easier to hit because it's predictable, unlike the slider above, but it did sound off. Moving it to the white tick at 00:19:825 made it sound so much better. Since they are stacked, it should be no problems reading they are 3/4 apart anyway. No >/<
  3. 00:21:480 (7) - ^ same thing, just different timeline. ^
  4. 00:22:709 (2,3,1) - This was weird. I kept getting 100 on that 3 cause I always thought it would come sooner. After getting used to it, I felt that the jump between 3 and 1 was a bit too much. I suggest that you try to rearrange that pattern somehow, maybe 2 and 3 switch places and distance them further from each other a little or something. It could be just me though, so this is a suggestion only. Fixed

  1. 01:09:237 - Add a note here. Felt weird having nothing here when the music is still going on. Ok
  2. 01:13:208 (1) - This note is arguably coming too soon after a spinner for a normal diff, considering it's so far away from the middle of the screen. You should end the spinner 1/1 earlier or reposition this note much closer to the middle of the screen (which i don't really see working cause of the next note). I keep this, the spinner is long and with the low AR this is not hard to press.
  1. AR+1. With AR2 you have too much stuff on the screen. I don't want :<
  2. 00:51:590 - Would be a good idea to add a note here, you had it in the previous section which was just like this, without it, it sounds empty. Don't forget the clap on it as well. But is consistent with the next section.
[Verdi's Taiko Oni]:
  1. Remove video from this diff.
That's about it. Apart from timing, I didn't notice anything unrankable. Some stuff could use some polishing I guess, but overall the mapset was pretty good.
Too bad the quality of the song is really bad, also the singer could probably take some singing lessons too. ;x; I know :'(

Good luck!
Thanks :D !
here's my mod

- nothing

- 00:03:281 (2,3) >> this would sound better imo

- 00:31:737 >> finish ?
- 00:53:796 (4,5) >> mix into a slider

- 00:17:399 (5,6) >> just make a slider from here to 00:17:840
- 00:18:281 >> add a note

- 00:07:362 >> move (5) here
- 00:10:671 (5,6) >> whistle on (5)s end and (6)s start
- 00:24:678 >> finish ?
- 00:44:421 >> move (8) here
- 00:51:480 >> (7) should end here

- 01:05:046 >> not sure about these streams, they are practically not following anything in the music
Topic Starter

lovhin456 wrote:

here's my mod

- nothing

- 00:03:281 (2,3) >> this would sound better imo No quiero poner una nota sola a 1/2 de distancia.

- 00:31:737 >> finish ? Ok
- 00:53:796 (4,5) >> mix into a slider Si te refieres a que haga de los dos un slider, no, creo que suena mejor asi.

- 00:17:399 (5,6) >> just make a slider from here to 00:17:840 Lo haría, pero se perderia el clap y quedaria un spacing raro.
- 00:18:281 >> add a note sahahsdasd nu :c

- 01:05:046 >> not sure about these streams, they are practically not following anything in the music Si siguen la musica, yo consigo escucharlo perfectamente :P
Gracias ~

lovhin456 wrote:

- 00:07:362 >> move (5) here Added a circle here
- 00:10:671 (5,6) >> whistle on (5)s end and (6)s start Added!
- 00:24:678 >> finish ? Nope
- 00:44:421 >> move (8) here Okay, fixed
- 00:51:480 >> (7) should end here hm I'm not sure.
Download: Gabriela Vega y Maggie Vera - Superalma (eldnl) [Gonz].osu
Ok, time to recheck this! I'll probably be really pick, so sorry about that.

  1. 00:03:502 (2,3) - These sliders don't convince me yet. Try this:

    It's easier to read and play imo, but you can keep it as it is if you want to.
  2. 00:16:296 (2) - (Totally nazi) Could you please move this one grid left? Spacing would be more consistent, even if it doesn't matter that much in such small amounts.
  3. 00:18:502 (1) - Again, nazi as hell, move this two grids down and two grids left, to keep spacing more consistent.
  4. 01:09:678 (1,1) - These sliders could be smoother! Try this:

    The code is for both sliders.
  1. 00:17:730 (4) - I insisnt - this works better if it is 1/4th longer. It will follow the music in a much more understandable way for the player.
  2. 00:18:943 (4,5) - This would flow better with an inversion, I think. Like this:

    Won't add code since it's pretty simple to do that.
    Be careful with the spacing if you do this!
  3. 00:19:715 (7) - In a similar way to 00:18:943 (4,5), this sounds way better 1/4th later.
  4. 00:20:708 (4,5,6,7) - The same treatment to the two previous points, since this pattern is symmetrical to the previous one. You can simply copy & paste the previous pattern, too.
That would be all! And fix the stuff in red and call me back ~
Topic Starter

narakucrimson wrote:

Ok, time to recheck this! I'll probably be really pick, so sorry about that.

  1. 00:03:502 (2,3) - These sliders don't convince me yet. Try this: Ok, looks good :3

    It's easier to read and play imo, but you can keep it as it is if you want to.
  2. 00:16:296 (2) - (Totally nazi) Could you please move this one grid left? Spacing would be more consistent, even if it doesn't matter that much in such small amounts. Left? the weird spacing is to right, fixed.
  3. 00:18:502 (1) - Again, nazi as hell, move this two grids down and two grids left, to keep spacing more consistent. Moved 1 grid down and 1 left, I can't two >.<
  4. 01:09:678 (1,1) - These sliders could be smoother! Try this: Is not a big change but ok

    The code is for both sliders.
  1. 00:17:730 (4) - I insisnt - this works better if it is 1/4th longer. It will follow the music in a much more understandable way for the player. I Change these notes by sliders, Is ok now?
  2. 00:18:943 (4,5) - This would flow better with an inversion, I think. Like this: Ok

    Won't add code since it's pretty simple to do that.
    Be careful with the spacing if you do this!
  3. 00:19:715 (7) - In a similar way to 00:18:943 (4,5), this sounds way better 1/4th later. Fixed
  4. 00:20:708 (4,5,6,7) - The same treatment to the two previous points, since this pattern is symmetrical to the previous one. You can simply copy & paste the previous pattern, too. Fixed
That would be all! And fix the stuff in red and call me back ~
Thanks a lot naraku :3
I've just read lolcubes mod and, yeah, your timing felt a little too fast. I checked the new BPM and offset provided by lolcubes (I don't know if you're a boy or a girl, lolcubes, so I can't say him /her :P), and it works better. You should change it.

Don't forget to resnap your kiais an all difficulties!

Also, I'd like you to catch me on irc to mention a few things that might be easier to explain there, because a conversation is always more dynamic that forum posts.

  1. Checked that the new offset and BPM are the same in all diffs.
  2. Checked if there weren't unsnapped notes (found none in all diffs).
  3. Checked if the kiais were snapped.
I think I covered everything else before.

So, after some irc modding on insane:

20:57 <narakucrimson> : veamos
20:58 <eldnl> : ok
21:01 <narakucrimson> : bien, los kiais estan bien, el timing tambien, y no hay objectos fuera de lugar
21:02 <narakucrimson> : ahora
21:02 <narakucrimson> : Insane
21:02 <eldnl> : ok
21:02 <narakucrimson> : 00:17:745 (4) -
21:02 <narakucrimson> : eso
21:02 <eldnl> : lo cambie por un slider >~<
21:02 <narakucrimson> : no se si es que no me termino de explicar bien, o si es que hay algo que no cierra
21:02 <narakucrimson> : si, pero no era a lo que me referia :P
21:02 <narakucrimson> : el tema es que
21:03 <narakucrimson> : el ritmo sugiere mucho mas
21:03 <narakucrimson> : que el slider termine en el tick blance, y no en el azul
21:03 <narakucrimson> : si haces eso
21:03 <narakucrimson> : para que suene bien, creo que deberias remover los clas de 00:18:296 (1,2) -
21:03 <narakucrimson> : y ahi, creo que te va a convencer mas ^^
21:05 <narakucrimson> : me explico? :O
21:05 <narakucrimson> : estas ahi? :O
21:10 <eldnl> : si si
21:10 <eldnl> : es que estaba viendo algo en las noticias
21:10 <eldnl> : no termina de convenserme lo que me dices
21:10 <eldnl> : siento que se sigue mejor el ritmo en los ticks azules
21:10 <eldnl> : escuchas los bajos?
21:12 <eldnl> : ok, a ver, escuchando otro ritmo (el de las trompetas) si se escucha bien en el tick blanco, pero ahora el problema sería como cambiarlo :l
21:12 <narakucrimson> : escucho los bajos
21:13 <narakucrimson> : pero en realidad
21:13 <narakucrimson> : es el ritmo de las trompetas el que predomin
21:13 <narakucrimson> : a
21:13 <narakucrimson> : o el mas facil de distinguir
21:13 <narakucrimson> : no es por capricho, es que de veras se juega mejor
21:13 <eldnl> : si, ahora que me fijo tienes razon xD
21:13 <eldnl> : pero no se como cambiarlo y que quede bien
21:13 <eldnl> : no tengo espacio >.>
21:13 <narakucrimson> : dejame probar algo
21:15 <narakucrimson> : que tal algo asi?
21:16 <narakucrimson> : y luego para 00:19:510 (6) -
21:16 <narakucrimson> : podrias probar algo como:
21:16 <narakucrimson> :
21:17 <narakucrimson> : luego, para 00:21:275 (6) - , solo tendrias que copiar el anterior y girarlo 180 grados ^^
21:18 <narakucrimson> : si estas de acuerdo, creo que no hay nada mas que tenga que decir~
21:19 <eldnl> : voy a reiniciar el juego
21:19 <eldnl> : que se escuchan corridos los hitsounds
21:19 <narakucrimson> : ok!
21:20 <eldnl> : ok ahi si
21:20 <eldnl> : estoy de acuerdo en cambiar las ultimas dos
21:20 <eldnl> : pero quiero conservar este
21:20 <eldnl> : 00:17:745 - (4)
21:21 <eldnl> : la verdad creo que ese si suena bien
21:21 <narakucrimson> : a mi me sigue sin parecer...
21:21 <narakucrimson> : no se
21:21 <narakucrimson> : dejame verlo bien
21:21 <eldnl> : ahi se acentuan mas los bajos, ni si quiera logro escuchar otra cosa
21:22 <narakucrimson> : es que en el tick blanco, suena un snare
21:22 <narakucrimson> : clarito
21:22 <narakucrimson> : por eso
21:22 <narakucrimson> : es que en realidad, como seguiste el ritmo de las vocales
21:23 <narakucrimson> : en parte, seguiste el ritmo de las trompetas y los snares
21:23 <narakucrimson> : por eso es que sonaria mejor si lo alargaras
21:23 <narakucrimson> : de veras que no lo digo por capricho :P
21:23 <eldnl> : si entiendo xD
21:23 <eldnl> : algo haré, espera
21:23 <narakucrimson> : ok~
21:24 <narakucrimson> : despues de eso, solo haz el update, y lo reviso

I think this is ready for a bubble. Yay, my first bubble!
Good luck!
Topic Starter

narakucrimson wrote:


  1. Checked that the new offset and BPM are the same in all diffs.
  2. Checked if there weren't unsnapped notes (found none in all diffs).
  3. Checked if the kiais were snapped.
I think I covered everything else before.

So, after some irc modding on insane:

20:57 <narakucrimson> : veamos
20:58 <eldnl> : ok
21:01 <narakucrimson> : bien, los kiais estan bien, el timing tambien, y no hay objectos fuera de lugar
21:02 <narakucrimson> : ahora
21:02 <narakucrimson> : Insane
21:02 <eldnl> : ok
21:02 <narakucrimson> : 00:17:745 (4) -
21:02 <narakucrimson> : eso
21:02 <eldnl> : lo cambie por un slider >~<
21:02 <narakucrimson> : no se si es que no me termino de explicar bien, o si es que hay algo que no cierra
21:02 <narakucrimson> : si, pero no era a lo que me referia :P
21:02 <narakucrimson> : el tema es que
21:03 <narakucrimson> : el ritmo sugiere mucho mas
21:03 <narakucrimson> : que el slider termine en el tick blance, y no en el azul
21:03 <narakucrimson> : si haces eso
21:03 <narakucrimson> : para que suene bien, creo que deberias remover los clas de 00:18:296 (1,2) -
21:03 <narakucrimson> : y ahi, creo que te va a convencer mas ^^
21:05 <narakucrimson> : me explico? :O
21:05 <narakucrimson> : estas ahi? :O
21:10 <eldnl> : si si
21:10 <eldnl> : es que estaba viendo algo en las noticias
21:10 <eldnl> : no termina de convenserme lo que me dices
21:10 <eldnl> : siento que se sigue mejor el ritmo en los ticks azules
21:10 <eldnl> : escuchas los bajos?
21:12 <eldnl> : ok, a ver, escuchando otro ritmo (el de las trompetas) si se escucha bien en el tick blanco, pero ahora el problema sería como cambiarlo :l
21:12 <narakucrimson> : escucho los bajos
21:13 <narakucrimson> : pero en realidad
21:13 <narakucrimson> : es el ritmo de las trompetas el que predomin
21:13 <narakucrimson> : a
21:13 <narakucrimson> : o el mas facil de distinguir
21:13 <narakucrimson> : no es por capricho, es que de veras se juega mejor
21:13 <eldnl> : si, ahora que me fijo tienes razon xD
21:13 <eldnl> : pero no se como cambiarlo y que quede bien
21:13 <eldnl> : no tengo espacio >.>
21:13 <narakucrimson> : dejame probar algo
21:15 <narakucrimson> : que tal algo asi?
21:16 <narakucrimson> : y luego para 00:19:510 (6) -
21:16 <narakucrimson> : podrias probar algo como:
21:16 <narakucrimson> :
21:17 <narakucrimson> : luego, para 00:21:275 (6) - , solo tendrias que copiar el anterior y girarlo 180 grados ^^
21:18 <narakucrimson> : si estas de acuerdo, creo que no hay nada mas que tenga que decir~
21:19 <eldnl> : voy a reiniciar el juego
21:19 <eldnl> : que se escuchan corridos los hitsounds
21:19 <narakucrimson> : ok!
21:20 <eldnl> : ok ahi si
21:20 <eldnl> : estoy de acuerdo en cambiar las ultimas dos
21:20 <eldnl> : pero quiero conservar este
21:20 <eldnl> : 00:17:745 - (4)
21:21 <eldnl> : la verdad creo que ese si suena bien
21:21 <narakucrimson> : a mi me sigue sin parecer...
21:21 <narakucrimson> : no se
21:21 <narakucrimson> : dejame verlo bien
21:21 <eldnl> : ahi se acentuan mas los bajos, ni si quiera logro escuchar otra cosa
21:22 <narakucrimson> : es que en el tick blanco, suena un snare
21:22 <narakucrimson> : clarito
21:22 <narakucrimson> : por eso
21:22 <narakucrimson> : es que en realidad, como seguiste el ritmo de las vocales
21:23 <narakucrimson> : en parte, seguiste el ritmo de las trompetas y los snares
21:23 <narakucrimson> : por eso es que sonaria mejor si lo alargaras
21:23 <narakucrimson> : de veras que no lo digo por capricho :P
21:23 <eldnl> : si entiendo xD
21:23 <eldnl> : algo haré, espera
21:23 <narakucrimson> : ok~
21:24 <narakucrimson> : despues de eso, solo haz el update, y lo reviso

I think this is ready for a bubble. Yay, my first bubble!
Good luck!
yay! Thanks \:D/
Buenas! Décimo modposts como BAT! Wheee ~~~/0/

· Hay problemas con el mp3/offset/BPM. Por ahora no podré rankear hasta que resolvamos como arreglarlos.
· Todo el resto está en orden.

00:03:955 (8) - Beep! El segundo repeat está escondido bajo el hitsplash de 00:03:845 (7). El patrón en sí es bastante intuitivo, pero preferiría que dejaras algo más rankeable para no tener problemas luego.

Está bien ~

00:40:148 (1,2) - Borra (1) y mueve (2) 1/2 atrás?
01:09:703 (1) - Finish al final?

Está bien ~

00:36:167 (1) - Haz que esto termine en silencio en 00:39:256 - para que haya más tiempo de recuperación después del spinner. Por suerte calza con el término de las voces

Cuando tenga noticias sobre el mo3/offset del resto del BAT team te avisaré ~
Topic Starter

Krisom wrote:

Buenas! Décimo modposts como BAT! Wheee ~~~/0/

· Hay problemas con el mp3/offset/BPM. Por ahora no podré rankear hasta que resolvamos como arreglarlos.
· Todo el resto está en orden. Ok :c

00:03:955 (8) - Beep! El segundo repeat está escondido bajo el hitsplash de 00:03:845 (7). El patrón en sí es bastante intuitivo, pero preferiría que dejaras algo más rankeable para no tener problemas luego. Desde cuando estos sliders no se pueden rankear? orz si solo hay que mantener el raton encima, bueh, lo mantendré asi por ahora, despues veo como cambiarlo.

00:36:167 (1) - Haz que esto termine en silencio en 00:39:256 - para que haya más tiempo de recuperación después del spinner. Por suerte calza con el término de las voces Ok

Cuando tenga noticias sobre el mo3/offset del resto del BAT team te avisaré ~

Krisom wrote:

00:40:148 (1,2) - Borra (1) y mueve (2) 1/2 atrás? Like a G6
01:09:703 (1) - Finish al final? ^
Download: Gabriela Vega y Maggie Vera - Superalma (eldnl) [Gonz].osu


eldnl wrote:

00:03:955 (8) - Beep! El segundo repeat está escondido bajo el hitsplash de 00:03:845 (7). El patrón en sí es bastante intuitivo, pero preferiría que dejaras algo más rankeable para no tener problemas luego. Desde cuando estos sliders no se pueden rankear? orz si solo hay que mantener el raton encima, bueh, lo mantendré asi por ahora, despues veo como cambiarlo.
Podrías quitar un repeat, mover el slider más atrás y agregar un circulo en el espacio que dejó. Eso sería la manera más fácil de arreglarlo.
Topic Starter
I don't know whether it's necessary, see Ignacio's first play with dt
Also I ask for more test plays and this part is not confusing, in fact, is completely predictable. I see a lot of maps with patterns like this and are actually ranked.
However, it isn't a bad idea to get a new mp3 with higher quality~

I haven't found one yet, but I'll let you know if I do.

narakucrimson wrote:

However, it isn't a bad idea to get a new mp3 with higher quality~

I haven't found one yet, but I'll let you know if I do.
Lo dire en español ya que mi ingles no es muy bueno para responderte como tal.
Bueno, la cosa es que encontrar un mp3 de mejor calidad y que no diga "Shaman King" seria de la version larga, ahi tendriamos que cortar el mp3 en un punto y seria, no creo que encuentren la TV Size con esos puntos, o simplemente seria bien dificil encontrar eso x.x
Topic Starter

Verdisphena wrote:

narakucrimson wrote:

However, it isn't a bad idea to get a new mp3 with higher quality~

I haven't found one yet, but I'll let you know if I do.
Lo dire en español ya que mi ingles no es muy bueno para responderte como tal.
Bueno, la cosa es que encontrar un mp3 de mejor calidad y que no diga "Shaman King" seria de la version larga, ahi tendriamos que cortar el mp3 en un punto y seria, no creo que encuentren la TV Size con esos puntos, o simplemente seria bien dificil encontrar eso x.x
Hasta donde se no esta la version completa en español, no me costaría nada cortarla tampoco :c
Si cortamos la versión completa, yo le puedo agregar el "shaman king" con Audacity. Creo.
Topic Starter

narakucrimson wrote:

Si cortamos la versión completa, yo le puedo agregar el "shaman king" con Audacity. Creo.
Pero la idea seria quitarlo, todos reclaman por eso. Si la encuentras genial.
The log
21:08 <Doomsday> : hmm. so this was popped for it's timing?
21:08 <eldnl> : yep
21:08 <Doomsday> :'s seems fine to me
21:08 <Doomsday> : oh dear
21:10 <Doomsday> : I'll mod it now for you in that case
21:12 <eldnl> : I love you
21:14 <Doomsday> : Mind reviving it for me then? I'll post anything that needs fixing here
21:19 <eldnl> : It's revived
21:20 <Doomsday> : awesome
21:20 <eldnl> : awesome D:?
21:21 <Doomsday> : awesome, as in, awesome that it's revived :v
21:21 <Doomsday> : nevermind
21:21 <eldnl> : :v
21:24 <Doomsday> : Easy looks fine. It's pretty cool actually
21:26 <eldnl> : :D
21:28 <Doomsday> : Heh, normal passes too. The map is pretty nice so far :P
21:31 <Doomsday> : Oh wait, I just noticed one thing
21:31 <eldnl> : what
21:31 <Doomsday> : it is probably intentional I guess, but Easy has tick rate 1, with the other diffs having tick rate 2?
21:31 <Doomsday> : (not a big issue, just wandering)
21:32 <eldnl> : Intentional
21:32 <Doomsday> : Ahh, alright
21:32 <eldnl> : Slow sliders feels really tight with a lot of ticks ><
21:33 <Doomsday> : I see what you mean. I think tick rate 2 works fine, but each to his own :P
21:33 <eldnl> : wait
21:33 <eldnl> : I'll see
21:34 <Doomsday> : Since the sliders are not that slow, it doesn't feel very tight here
21:34 <eldnl> : Agree
21:34 <eldnl> : I'll change it
21:35 <Doomsday> : Cool
21:35 <Doomsday> : ANyways, Gonz is next
21:35 <eldnl> : perfect diff (?
21:36 <Doomsday> : Easy and Normal are fine. just started checking the Gonz diff
21:36 <eldnl> : ok
21:37 <Doomsday> : Yup, Gonz diff is great ~
21:38 <eldnl> : Obviously (?
21:39 <Doomsday> : hehe, I guess :v
21:44 <Doomsday> : hmm, not that keen on the Taiko, but it's passable. nothing wrong with it at least
21:45 <Doomsday> : It's just me, not my kind of map, but others would like it
21:45 <eldnl> : I don't know anything about taiko
21:45 <eldnl> : Not sure if the diff is good
21:45 <eldnl> : XD
21:46 <Doomsday> : I've seen enough to see which ones would be good. I'm not keen on this kind of taiko map, but that's just
21:46 <Doomsday> : because I suck :P
21:47 <eldnl> : xD
21:50 <Doomsday> : aaand insane looks good to me ~
21:51 <Doomsday> : So yup, the map's pretty good actually! I quite like it
21:51 <eldnl> : :D
21:51 <eldnl> : thanks
tl;dr, Checked the timing, and found that I thought it was fine as it was, so decided to get it revived, and modded on the spot to fix the bubble. Not many issues were found.

Topic Starter

Doomsday wrote:

The log
21:08 <Doomsday> : hmm. so this was popped for it's timing?
21:08 <eldnl> : yep
21:08 <Doomsday> :'s seems fine to me
21:08 <Doomsday> : oh dear
21:10 <Doomsday> : I'll mod it now for you in that case
21:12 <eldnl> : I love you
21:14 <Doomsday> : Mind reviving it for me then? I'll post anything that needs fixing here
21:19 <eldnl> : It's revived
21:20 <Doomsday> : awesome
21:20 <eldnl> : awesome D:?
21:21 <Doomsday> : awesome, as in, awesome that it's revived :v
21:21 <Doomsday> : nevermind
21:21 <eldnl> : :v
21:24 <Doomsday> : Easy looks fine. It's pretty cool actually
21:26 <eldnl> : :D
21:28 <Doomsday> : Heh, normal passes too. The map is pretty nice so far :P
21:31 <Doomsday> : Oh wait, I just noticed one thing
21:31 <eldnl> : what
21:31 <Doomsday> : it is probably intentional I guess, but Easy has tick rate 1, with the other diffs having tick rate 2?
21:31 <Doomsday> : (not a big issue, just wandering)
21:32 <eldnl> : Intentional
21:32 <Doomsday> : Ahh, alright
21:32 <eldnl> : Slow sliders feels really tight with a lot of ticks ><
21:33 <Doomsday> : I see what you mean. I think tick rate 2 works fine, but each to his own :P
21:33 <eldnl> : wait
21:33 <eldnl> : I'll see
21:34 <Doomsday> : Since the sliders are not that slow, it doesn't feel very tight here
21:34 <eldnl> : Agree
21:34 <eldnl> : I'll change it
21:35 <Doomsday> : Cool
21:35 <Doomsday> : ANyways, Gonz is next
21:35 <eldnl> : perfect diff (?
21:36 <Doomsday> : Easy and Normal are fine. just started checking the Gonz diff
21:36 <eldnl> : ok
21:37 <Doomsday> : Yup, Gonz diff is great ~
21:38 <eldnl> : Obviously (?
21:39 <Doomsday> : hehe, I guess :v
21:44 <Doomsday> : hmm, not that keen on the Taiko, but it's passable. nothing wrong with it at least
21:45 <Doomsday> : It's just me, not my kind of map, but others would like it
21:45 <eldnl> : I don't know anything about taiko
21:45 <eldnl> : Not sure if the diff is good
21:45 <eldnl> : XD
21:46 <Doomsday> : I've seen enough to see which ones would be good. I'm not keen on this kind of taiko map, but that's just
21:46 <Doomsday> : because I suck :P
21:47 <eldnl> : xD
21:50 <Doomsday> : aaand insane looks good to me ~
21:51 <Doomsday> : So yup, the map's pretty good actually! I quite like it
21:51 <eldnl> : :D
21:51 <eldnl> : thanks
tl;dr, Checked the timing, and found that I thought it was fine as it was, so decided to mod on the spot to fix the bubble. Not many issues were found.

The map was in wip, moved to pending, fix the bubble please ><
Ahora si me gustoo, no podia creer que este map estuviera en graveyard
EDIT: Creo que despues te van a joder diciendote eliminale el video a la dificultad de taiko bla bla bla :P
Ok! Everything in the folder seems clean, the timing got checked, and it seems it's ok.

  1. Just an idea here, what do you think of ending the kiai at 01:02:201 - ? It felt a little weird ending where it does now, but it's your choice.
  1. 00:03:293 (2,3) - Tell me if this doesn't feel a little weird while playing. The first (2) was a little unexpected imo, perhaps by how the pattern is designed, idk. Give it some test plays and tell me what you think, because it might be just my impression :P
[Verdi's Taiko Oni]
  1. 01:14:998 (1) - Idk if it is such a good idea to end with a spinner, the player will likely finish clicking before it ends and the "epicness" of that last finish (in the other maps) vanishes... Consider doing something else~
  2. I must say I loved the drumrolls at 01:04:628 - , 01:08:158 - , and 01:11:688 - :D
  1. 00:57:789 (4) - This feels as if an inversion (Ctrl + R) would make it flow better. Try it!
Ok! That's all i have to say. Let me know if you change anything, and I thnk I can rank this afterwards!
Topic Starter

narakucrimson wrote:

Ok! Everything in the folder seems clean, the timing got checked, and it seems it's ok.

  1. Just an idea here, what do you think of ending the kiai at 01:02:201 - ? It felt a little weird ending where it does now, but it's your choice Ok
  1. 00:03:293 (2,3) - Tell me if this doesn't feel a little weird while playing. The first (2) was a little unexpected imo, perhaps by how the pattern is designed, idk. Give it some test plays and tell me what you think, because it might be just my impression :P Everything is fine.
  1. 00:57:789 (4) - This feels as if an inversion (Ctrl + R) would make it flow better. Try it! Se siente raro como dices tu ><
Ok! That's all i have to say. Let me know if you change anything, and I thnk I can rank this afterwards!
Thanks a lot naraku ! ><
Edit: done the verdis taiko
All right! After a quick recheck, I'd say everything looks fine now! So...


Congratulations! :)
Congratz eldnl!!!!! :D
Gonz Gonz FL! FL! :)

congratz dnl ;)
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