
Raujika - Lost Imagination

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, April 17, 2016 at 1:34:44 PM

Artist: Raujika
Title: Lost Imagination
Tags: Dark Minimalist Creepy Lullaby Slow Dream Sleep
BPM: 91
Filesize: 2057kb
Play Time: 01:16
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.36 stars, 57 notes)
  2. Lost Forever (2.4 stars, 105 notes)
  3. Normal (1.9 stars, 75 notes)
Download: Raujika - Lost Imagination
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Hi, m4m! :)

Lost Forever:
CS is too high, it feels like a really old map. Change it to CS4.
00:21:747 (4,5,6) - More distance, it looks more like a 1/8.
00:27:351 (5) - Place it somewhere else, looks bad like that.
00:32:296 (4,5) - Another 1/4 looking like a 1/8.

Well, not so much to say about. Short song, it needs more diffs.

Because it's a short mod, m4m only one diff.

Thanks :)
Topic Starter

deadpon3 wrote:

Hi, m4m! :)

Lost Forever:
CS is too high, it feels like a really old map. Change it to CS4. Discussed and denied
00:21:747 (4,5,6) - More distance, it looks more like a 1/8. I really dont know what you mean here. It doesnt look like 1/8 to me at all
00:27:351 (5) - Place it somewhere else, looks bad like that. Ok
00:32:296 (4,5) - Another 1/4 looking like a 1/8. ^

Well, not so much to say about. Short song, it needs more diffs.

Because it's a short mod, m4m only one diff.

Thanks :)

Lost Forever
It seems that at first you NC every big white tick, then change it to every second big white tick. Try to make it consistent throughout.

00:14:824 (2) - doesn't quite lead into the the next circle
00:17:461 (2) - ^
00:16:802 (1) - leads very poorly from previous circle
00:20:758 (3) - this should be curved more to blanket previous circle
00:22:077 (6,1) - switch NC to slider
00:24:384 (4) - this should be slightly farther down to blanket
00:24:714 (1) - this should be curved more to blanket next circle
00:37:901 (5) - not sure if this is trying to blanket the tail of 00:36:582 (3) but if it is 5 needs to be curved more
00:40:208 (10) - I'd say move this so it blankets with the next slider, but since it's before a downbeat it should be spaced farther from the next object
00:45:813 (1) - this would probably flow better if you curve this the other way (as in rotate 180 and ctrl+g)
01:04:604 (6) - ^
01:06:582 (10) - this should be farther from the next slider to blanket
01:08:560 (2) - ^

nice and relaxing song

My Map I hope you don't mind that it's marathon and I only modded a slow song a minute long.
you called a m4m so ill see what i can do xd
map can be found on my current userpage as currently ranking this :D

Lost Forever

Just calling it overall, I feel like some sliders could sometimes face the other way. Probably gonna point these out that ruin flow but please reconsider a lot of your sliders for the map's sake

Isnt the diff name a little depressing? You dont have to make it sad :?

00:14:824 (2,3) - too much spacing to start off with, it isnt do well for in the rest of the map too
00:19:439 (1) - not sure but I think this slider should be facing the other way for a better flow
00:23:395 (4,5) - improve blanket?
00:38:890 (2,3,4,5,6) - maybe if you could make this in such a way so that 2,5 and 3,4 are all on the same y, makes it look better
00:44:494 (4) - bend it a little more so that it touches nicely to 5
00:48:450 (1) - bend this slider a little more so that its less boring to play and see
00:50:428 (3,1) - skipped a blanket
00:57:681 (3,4) - shouldnt these be facing the other way
00:59:000 (1,2) - blanket !
01:11:527 (3) - make this flow to 2 better
cant you place a circle at 01:12:186 - and then put the spinner after it? it closes the song out better imo

the song makes wanna go to bed and sleep until the day has passed by lmao
map seems fine but some blankets have to be fixed in order for it to be good :P
wont mod normal because how do i map normals
lost forever
its good just get bigger circles
00:29:659 - this feels empty
00:36:912 - ^^^
00:37:571 - ^^^
01:07:901 (1) - get this timed better
Backgroud - maxresdefault.jpg is 1366x768, which differs from the recommended size of 1024x768.
Tags - Add some tags

00:21:747 (2,3,4) - Maybe try to add a Back and Forth Slider into the slider that you made
00:32:296 (8,9,1) - ^
00:42:846 (4,5,6) - ^
I feel like CS:3 Is more Appropriate

Other than that it looks really good, maybe add a harder difficulty ?

M4M One diff t/410341
Topic Starter

kricher wrote:

lost forever
its good just get bigger circles
00:29:659 - this feels empty ?
00:36:912 - ^^^ - thats a slider
00:37:571 - ^^^ ?
01:07:901 (1) - get this timed better I dont even understand this. There is only 1 timing point
This mod was a mess

WazZzaA123 wrote:

Backgroud - maxresdefault.jpg is 1366x768, which differs from the recommended size of 1024x768.
Tags - Add some tags

00:21:747 (2,3,4) - Maybe try to add a Back and Forth Slider into the slider that you made That doesnt really make sense
00:32:296 (8,9,1) - ^ ^
00:42:846 (4,5,6) - ^ ^

I feel like CS:3 Is more Appropriate I like cs 4 better, which has been shown in previous mods

Other than that it looks really good, maybe add a harder difficulty ? Its called Lost Forever

M4M One diff t/410341
Try putting some effort into your mods.
Here's my part of our M4M deal :3
Raujika <3

Consider that I'll be a bit more subjective here since otherwise I can't point out much xD
So don't take anything personally since it's just how I see mapping :3


Lost Forever
  • First thing I notice is the AR, which imo is a bit low for the general spacing of the map. The ideal AR would be around 7 (maybe 6.5 or 7.5 depending on how you want it). Also, keep the CS. I don't really see any point in increasing it here (regarding the previous mods)

    00:16:472 (6) - Random whistle appears /w\
    00:19:110 (6) - same ^

    00:20:428 (2,3) - There is a little spacing inconsistency here but it's not really a problem (1-->2, 2-->3 are the same on the timeline yet not the same on the playfield, spacing-wise., but as I said it's not a problem). What I wanted to do here tho was to improve the flow between 2 and 3. I find it a bit forced and stiff. so here's an alternative pattern, see if you like it: here (I copied 1 and mirrored it vertically, then stacked it where 2 was)

    00:21:747 (4) - What about a whistle on this? It sounds really nice imo >~<
    same goes for all the other similar patters: 00:32:296 (4) - 00:42:846 (4) - 00:53:395 (4) -

    00:27:351 (1) - Maybe mirror this horizontally, since the jump is kinda forced (if you want I can provide geometric evidence and angular problems :^)

    00:28:670 (3) - this slider body goes out of the grid :/ You can slightly improve the blanket here

    00:31:307 (3) - Keep the current coordinates for the object, but do a Ctrl + H, Ctrl + J and a Ctrl + G. I suggest this because you always put a jump and the slider after such jump always has the curve in the opposite direction which feels less smooth imo

    00:36:582 (3,1) - Blanket can be improved :3

    00:41:527 (2,3) - Again, as I said above, you put a jump and the slider after the jump has the curved the opposite way xD
    Like this it flows better imo

    00:42:846 (4,5,1) - you increased spacing here. The other similar patterns had less spacing (references: 00:21:747 (4,5,1) - and 00:32:296 (4,5,1) - )
    I personally prefer the low spacing for that pattern :3

    00:47:791 (4) - maybe a whistle on head?

    00:50:428 (3) - imo the clap is a bit too much, since this part looks like a transition between the first half and the second half of the song. Instead try using a whistle here

    00:51:088 (1,3) - Hm... now that I look a these I think I pointed out too much these sliders and their curves which seem to be part of your style. I think you'll reject the ones above lol

    00:57:351 (2,3) - I'd increase a bit more this jump, since 00:56:362 (1,2) - is way bigger and puts more emphasis on 2, which is actually on a red tick

    01:00:978 (3) - the blanket with that huge "S" slider is a bit off. Maybe move this circle to around 376;217

    01:03:615 (5) - 2 things I'd like to point out here: first, you skip the NC at 01:02:956 (3) - ; second, I would have really liked to click 01:04:274 - since there's also a clap on it. So in the end, what about removing the repeat and adding a circle? You can also place that NC properly this way

  • Since it is a normal, make sure to have all the distances constant. See what AIMod says

    00:29:989 (5) - Missing NC?

    01:07:901 (1) - I'd just use a circle on the white tick. As it is now it's a bit confusing since you make it start on a weak beat

    01:09:549 (3) - I'd remove both hitsounds, as you did for your other diff (compare hitsounds with the other diff and make sure they are consistent)

Ok, I'm done here :3
Let me know if you need clarifications with anything =w=/
From #modreqs, just felt like modding this. No need for M4M

Please remember, my mod(and other mods in general) is mostly suggestions that I think could improve the map. No need to accept everything I say, and nor all my suggestions correct for that matter.

  1. I couldn’t help but get the feeling (when listened at 25%) that the offset and the BPM for 00:14:164 (1) - to 00:19:439 (1) - here is not quite on. In fact, BPM may not even be 91 for the intro. But that could just be due to the nature of the sound (it’s not a clear sound) used in the intro. Feel free to ignore this xD


  • Overall, I noticed that the distance spacing is not very consistent like it should be for a Normal diff. Please fix these errors by looking through the map yourself with Distance Snap on, as well as by using AIMod (Ctrl + Shift + A). Some parts are snapped to 1.2x, while some others are snapped to 1.3x, for instance.

    Few cases:
  1. 00:17:461 (2) - too large of a gap
  2. 00:21:747 (2) - filling in the timeline gaps as I’ll mention below should take care of some awkward spacing issues like this.
  3. 00:41:197 (2,3) - changes from 1.3x to 1.2x
  4. 00:48:450 (5) - too small of a gap

    On another note, I’m not an expert myself, but I feel like the Clap hitsound is overused in the map. Usually claps are used in the 2nd and 4th beats of a measure, but I believe you put them on almost every single white tick possible. Please consider changing this.

  5. 00:19:439 (1) - End this slider at 00:20:428, and then add a slider at 00:20:758. It would be much better like this because there is a strong clickable sound at 00:20:758 that could be represented, as well as removing the time gap between 00:19:439 (1) and 00:21:747 (3).
  6. 00:22:077 (4) - same as above. While fixing this, I suggest you tweak the slider a little bit to make the ‘gorge’ part of the slider more natural. (try a rounder arc, if you know what I mean.)

    There are more instances of such sliders you could shorten, I won’t mention them all here.

  7. 00:21:747 (2,3,4) - From what I know, stacking multiple notes in a Normal diff can be quite risky, as it can be fairly hard to read. Check with others about these kinds of patterns in Normal.
  8. 00:24:714 (1) - I think you can just change to this for better flow into the next slider.
  9. 00:37:901 (3) - removing the curve point at x: 107, y: 215 should make it look nicer.
  10. 00:52:406 (3) - Try something like this? Flow is a subjective topic as many say, but this looks and flows better imo.

    New Combos: I’m suggesting these to keep the NC pattern consistent - that is - at each big white tick like you did here 00:32:626 (1). In Easy and Normal diffs, keeping a consistent NC pattern is recommended to do so.
  11. 00:22:077 (4)
  12. 00:27:351 (3)
  13. 00:37:901 (3)
  14. 00:43:175 (6)
  15. 00:48:450 (5)
  16. 00:53:725 (6)
  17. 00:59:000 (3)
  18. 01:08:230 (2) - and probably one here, after the long slider

Lost Forever

  • Overall in this diff, a lot of the jumps and the flow seem quite random to me. I’m not very experienced in modding/mapping those aspects, so I’ll most likely not mention those here.

    Some mentions, however:
  1. 00:43:835 (2,3) - I don’t hear any significant sound in the music to justify this large jump here.
  2. 00:56:033 (4) - kinda random? I don’t think I would expect a circle in the middle of the map after the last slider since it points downward.
  3. 01:08:560 (2) - seems too far from the sliderend, and also 01:08:890 (3) - is the most significant sound in the song, so I don’t think a triangle necessarily best represents the music here.

  4. 00:23:395 (4) - blanket off, try making the slider a bit less curved.
  5. 00:24:714 (1,2) - blanket off, may have to fix the position of the circle and tweak the slider a bit to fix this blanket.
  6. 00:28:340 (2,3) - This gap is suddenly very small compared to 00:23:395 (4,5) - but then you’ve used this distance for other spots like 00:34:934 (4,1) - this so I don’t think this should matter too too much.
  7. 00:36:582 (3) - horizontally flip the slider instead? Right now, 00:37:571 (4) - feels like it’s alone on an island by itself in terms of placement relative to the sliderend of the (3). The (3) slider suggests a motion to the left, but the (4) is placed to the right at the moment, which makes for an awkward flow, I guess.
  8. 00:40:538 (1) - blanket a little off here.
  9. 00:53:395 (1,2), 01:03:615 (1) - NC seems unnecessary unless there is a specific reason for these.
  10. 01:00:648 (2) - blanket could be better, try making the slider differently by referring to this handy article. More specifically, This.
  11. 01:00:648 (2,3,4) - This spacing and 00:50:099 (2,3,4) - this spacing is quite different, I suggest making the one at 00:50:099 (2,3,4) - spaced smaller, I don’t know if the halfscreen jumps is quite fitting for the overall calm mood of this map.

That’s all for now, send me a forum PM if you have any questions regarding my mod.

Good Luck!
Topic Starter

MrSergio wrote:

Here's my part of our M4M deal :3
Raujika <3

Consider that I'll be a bit more subjective here since otherwise I can't point out much xD
So don't take anything personally since it's just how I see mapping :3


Lost Forever
  • First thing I notice is the AR, which imo is a bit low for the general spacing of the map. The ideal AR would be around 7 (maybe 6.5 or 7.5 depending on how you want it). Also, keep the CS. I don't really see any point in increasing it here (regarding the previous mods)

    00:16:472 (6) - Random whistle appears /w\
    00:19:110 (6) - same ^

    00:20:428 (2,3) - There is a little spacing inconsistency here but it's not really a problem (1-->2, 2-->3 are the same on the timeline yet not the same on the playfield, spacing-wise., but as I said it's not a problem). What I wanted to do here tho was to improve the flow between 2 and 3. I find it a bit forced and stiff. so here's an alternative pattern, see if you like it: here (I copied 1 and mirrored it vertically, then stacked it where 2 was)

    00:21:747 (4) - What about a whistle on this? It sounds really nice imo >~<
    same goes for all the other similar patters: 00:32:296 (4) - 00:42:846 (4) - 00:53:395 (4) -

    00:27:351 (1) - Maybe mirror this horizontally, since the jump is kinda forced (if you want I can provide geometric evidence and angular problems :^)

    00:28:670 (3) - this slider body goes out of the grid :/ You can slightly improve the blanket here

    00:31:307 (3) - Keep the current coordinates for the object, but do a Ctrl + H, Ctrl + J and a Ctrl + G. I suggest this because you always put a jump and the slider after such jump always has the curve in the opposite direction which feels less smooth imo

    00:36:582 (3,1) - Blanket can be improved :3

    00:41:527 (2,3) - Again, as I said above, you put a jump and the slider after the jump has the curved the opposite way xD
    Like this it flows better imo

    00:42:846 (4,5,1) - you increased spacing here. The other similar patterns had less spacing (references: 00:21:747 (4,5,1) - and 00:32:296 (4,5,1) - )
    I personally prefer the low spacing for that pattern :3

    00:47:791 (4) - maybe a whistle on head?

    00:50:428 (3) - imo the clap is a bit too much, since this part looks like a transition between the first half and the second half of the song. Instead try using a whistle here

    00:51:088 (1,3) - Hm... now that I look a these I think I pointed out too much these sliders and their curves which seem to be part of your style. I think you'll reject the ones above lol

    00:57:351 (2,3) - I'd increase a bit more this jump, since 00:56:362 (1,2) - is way bigger and puts more emphasis on 2, which is actually on a red tick

    01:00:978 (3) - the blanket with that huge "S" slider is a bit off. Maybe move this circle to around 376;217

    01:03:615 (5) - 2 things I'd like to point out here: first, you skip the NC at 01:02:956 (3) - ; second, I would have really liked to click 01:04:274 - since there's also a clap on it. So in the end, what about removing the repeat and adding a circle? You can also place that NC properly this way

  • Since it is a normal, make sure to have all the distances constant. See what AIMod says

    00:29:989 (5) - Missing NC?

    01:07:901 (1) - I'd just use a circle on the white tick. As it is now it's a bit confusing since you make it start on a weak beat

    01:09:549 (3) - I'd remove both hitsounds, as you did for your other diff (compare hitsounds with the other diff and make sure they are consistent)

Ok, I'm done here :3
Let me know if you need clarifications with anything =w=/
I actually didnt find a single thing in this mod that I did not dislike. Very amazing mod! Thank you so much Sergio!

Maybe Gladius wrote:

From #modreqs, just felt like modding this. No need for M4M

Please remember, my mod(and other mods in general) is mostly suggestions that I think could improve the map. No need to accept everything I say, and nor all my suggestions correct for that matter.

  1. I couldn’t help but get the feeling (when listened at 25%) that the offset and the BPM for 00:14:164 (1) - to 00:19:439 (1) - here is not quite on. In fact, BPM may not even be 91 for the intro. But that could just be due to the nature of the sound (it’s not a clear sound) used in the intro. Feel free to ignore this xD
    I stole timing from other Lost Imagination maps, so it probably wont be wrong


  • Overall, I noticed that the distance spacing is not very consistent like it should be for a Normal diff. Please fix these errors by looking through the map yourself with Distance Snap on, as well as by using AIMod (Ctrl + Shift + A). Some parts are snapped to 1.2x, while some others are snapped to 1.3x, for instance. Ok, ill go through that

    Few cases:
  1. 00:17:461 (2) - too large of a gap Ok
  2. 00:21:747 (2) - filling in the timeline gaps as I’ll mention below should take care of some awkward spacing issues like this.
  3. 00:41:197 (2,3) - changes from 1.3x to 1.2x Ok
  4. 00:48:450 (5) - too small of a gap Ok

    On another note, I’m not an expert myself, but I feel like the Clap hitsound is overused in the map. Usually claps are used in the 2nd and 4th beats of a measure, but I believe you put them on almost every single white tick possible. Please consider changing this. I actually like it. Sorry that I disagree with you, but I like it...

  5. 00:19:439 (1) - End this slider at 00:20:428, and then add a slider at 00:20:758. It would be much better like this because there is a strong clickable sound at 00:20:758 that could be represented, as well as removing the time gap between 00:19:439 (1) and 00:21:747 (3). Im sorry but no. The song slowly progresses into a more filled and cramp area (except the first part). The flow reminds me of going from trying to sleep to a dream of some sorts. Just figurative dance

  6. 00:22:077 (4) - same as above. While fixing this, I suggest you tweak the slider a little bit to make the ‘gorge’ part of the slider more natural. (try a rounder arc, if you know what I mean.) ^

    There are more instances of such sliders you could shorten, I won’t mention them all here.

  7. 00:21:747 (2,3,4) - From what I know, stacking multiple notes in a Normal diff can be quite risky, as it can be fairly hard to read. Check with others about these kinds of patterns in Normal. Ill check with others
  8. 00:24:714 (1) - I think you can just change to this for better flow into the next slider. My style in general on this map kind of says 'no' to flow, but that is my style. This song is vey wierd in itself. It has those notes that go from soft to loud and is kind of serreal, so I did that

  9. 00:37:901 (3) - removing the curve point at x: 107, y: 215 should make it look nicer. Ok

  10. 00:52:406 (3) - Try something like this? Flow is a subjective topic as many say, but this looks and flows better imo. ^

    New Combos: I’m suggesting these to keep the NC pattern consistent - that is - at each big white tick like you did here 00:32:626 (1). In Easy and Normal diffs, keeping a consistent NC pattern is recommended to do so. Ok

  11. 00:22:077 (4)Ok

  12. 00:27:351 (3)Ok

  13. 00:37:901 (3)Ok

  14. 00:43:175 (6)Ok

  15. 00:48:450 (5)Ok

  16. 00:53:725 (6)Ok

  17. 00:59:000 (3)Ok

  18. 01:08:230 (2) - and probably one here, after the long slider

Lost Forever

  • Overall in this diff, a lot of the jumps and the flow seem quite random to me. I’m not very experienced in modding/mapping those aspects, so I’ll most likely not mention those here.Just the style

    Some mentions, however:
  1. 00:43:835 (2,3) - I don’t hear any significant sound in the music to justify this large jump here. Ok, shortened

  2. 00:56:033 (4) - kinda random? I don’t think I would expect a circle in the middle of the map after the last slider since it points downward. Moved a bit

  3. 01:08:560 (2) - seems too far from the sliderend, and also 01:08:890 (3) - is the most significant sound in the song, so I don’t think a triangle necessarily best represents the music here. Ok

  4. 00:23:395 (4) - blanket off, try making the slider a bit less curved.Ok

  5. 00:24:714 (1,2) - blanket off, may have to fix the position of the circle and tweak the slider a bit to fix this blanket.Ok

  6. 00:28:340 (2,3) - This gap is suddenly very small compared to 00:23:395 (4,5) - but then you’ve used this distance for other spots like 00:34:934 (4,1) - this so I don’t think this should matter too too much.Ok

  7. 00:36:582 (3) - horizontally flip the slider instead? Right now, 00:37:571 (4) - feels like it’s alone on an island by itself in terms of placement relative to the sliderend of the (3). The (3) slider suggests a motion to the left, but the (4) is placed to the right at the moment, which makes for an awkward flow, I guess. Ok, remodeled the whole area

  8. 00:40:538 (1) - blanket a little off here.Ok

  9. 00:53:395 (1,2), 01:03:615 (1) - NC seems unnecessary unless there is a specific reason for these.Im stupid and I dont know why I did that

  10. 01:00:648 (2) - blanket could be better, try making the slider differently by referring to this handy article. More specifically, This. Ok

  11. 01:00:648 (2,3,4) - This spacing and 00:50:099 (2,3,4) - this spacing is quite different, I suggest making the one at 00:50:099 (2,3,4) - spaced smaller, I don’t know if the halfscreen jumps is quite fitting for the overall calm mood of this map.
That makes sense, ill change that

That’s all for now, send me a forum PM if you have any questions regarding my mod.

Good Luck!
Thank you! Dank mod! :D
Hey! Mod for mod! My map:

[Lost Forever]
Just my personal opinion, a little bigger CS would make the map look better.

It'd be good to sharp up your map, and fix some overlap and blanket issues[Nazi]:
00:15:483 (3,1) -
00:28:340 (2,3) -
00:34:934 (4,1) -
00:36:252 (2,3) -
00:37:571 (4,1) -
00:40:208 (6,1) -
00:44:164 (3,5) - Not sure why this overlapping here.
00:50:428 (3,1) -
01:08:560 (2) - Move together as the triangle to 01:06:582 (6) - ?

00:29:989 - You could insert an uninherited line(green) here to rise the volume since the music is turning up the volume.
00:35:263 (1) - You can CTRL + G here for another flow.
00:45:813 (1) - For "better" flow, you could CTRL + H here and put back to same position again.

Remember to keep same consistent distance between objects in Normal difficulty, at least for above 95% of all objects.

00:29:989 - As mentioned above, you can add an uninherited timeline here to raise volume, suggesting to 30%.

Tripples like these in a normal with such BPM is strongly not recommended, which is highly chance for disqualification being too hard:
00:21:747 (2,3) -
00:32:296 (4,5) -
00:42:846 (4,5) -
00:53:395 (4,5) -

Good luck!
Topic Starter

Moeri wrote:

Hey! Mod for mod! My map:

[Lost Forever]
Just my personal opinion, a little bigger CS would make the map look better. As stated before, I dont want to change that

It'd be good to sharp up your map, and fix some overlap and blanket issues[Nazi]:
00:15:483 (3,1) - Ok
00:28:340 (2,3) -
00:34:934 (4,1) -
00:36:252 (2,3) -
00:37:571 (4,1) -
00:40:208 (6,1) - ^ for everythign above here
00:44:164 (3,5) - Not sure why this overlapping here. because I wanted it to
00:50:428 (3,1) - ^
01:08:560 (2) - Move together as the triangle to 01:06:582 (6) - ? I dont really understand, but I dont feel its an issue

00:29:989 - You could insert an uninherited line(green) here to rise the volume since the music is turning up the volume. That is actually a brilliant idea!
00:35:263 (1) - You can CTRL + G here for another flow. Ok
00:45:813 (1) - For "better" flow, you could CTRL + H here and put back to same position again.nah, it was done like this on purpose

Remember to keep same consistent distance between objects in Normal difficulty, at least for above 95% of all objects. Everthing is snapped correctly according to AImod...

00:29:989 - As mentioned above, you can add an uninherited timeline here to raise volume, suggesting to 30%.^

Tripples like these in a normal with such BPM is strongly not recommended, which is highly chance for disqualification being too hard:
00:21:747 (2,3) -
00:32:296 (4,5) -
00:42:846 (4,5) -
00:53:395 (4,5) - I get this alot. If a BN actually says something about it, then I will change it, but I like it here.

Good luck!

  • Lost Forever

  1. 00:23:395 (4,5) - This should be blanketed better like:
  2. 00:24:714 (1,2) - Same, this isn't properly blanketed as you can see here:
  3. 00:44:164 (3,4) - I suppose you're not blanketing it properly on purpose.
  4. 01:09:549 (1,2) - This spacing is way to small, please move the circle to somewhere like x:175 y:358

  • Feedback

    Good luck o/
hi m4m thingy

Check aimod,the preview point isnt teh same in the diffs

00:19:439 (1) - this slider isnt really good looking imo,why dont just copy 00:19:439 (1) - this one? and mirror it?
00:37:901 (1) - try to make this one symmetric
01:00:978 (2) - you could blanket this note with the slider afterwards instead of just letting it overlap
the rest looks p good nothing special doe :v

[Lost Forever]
what kind of diff is this supposed to be? a hard?
00:29:989 (1,3) - overlapping uwu
00:41:857 (3) - a slider should start here imo
01:06:912 (4,5) - this random increase of spacing makes no sense
01:08:230 (7,1) - overlaps(you actually could swap 01:09:219 (8,1) - so the first slider leads to the next slider and the overlap would make sense)

i liked this diff much more,the patterns were better and it has replay value,you know what i mean?
otherwise than that great map! good luck!
Hello quick irc mod to check for rankablity metadata checks out and the map is pretty basic very relaxing and nice for beginners!

Chat log:
16:02 ztrot: I'm not really a ninja im just messing with ya
16:02 ztrot: lets take a look
16:02 ztrot: open your editor and lets go over normal
16:02 Hpocks: ok
16:03 Hpocks: yes sir
16:03 Hpocks: got it
16:04 ztrot: nit pick comment
16:05 ztrot: 00:37:901 (1) - do you think if you could so kindly make that symetrical
16:05 Hpocks: I think the point are symmetrical
16:05 ztrot: it is kinda off center in the creation and i think it would look a bit better being perfectly symetric
16:05 Hpocks: but the slider shade does completely go to the point
16:05 ztrot: the points are
16:06 ztrot: but if you take that slider and flip it to the center you can make it perfect then just move it back to where you had it
16:06 ztrot: make the actual slider body symertic
16:06 ztrot: if possible
16:06 ztrot: turn off grid snap if you have too
16:07 ztrot: out side of that for normal that is really the only nit pick i have
16:07 ztrot: are you sure all your metadata is correct?
16:07 Hpocks: I hate doing that
16:07 ztrot: you also need to add some tags
16:07 Hpocks: but ill try
16:07 ztrot: :P
16:08 Hpocks: metadata is directly copied from ranked songs of the same song
16:08 Hpocks: ok Ill add tags
16:08 ztrot: and there were no issues from that metadata correct?
16:08 Hpocks: I assume not if the map I got it from was ranked in late 2014
16:09 ztrot: alrighty
16:09 ztrot: let me just look it up really fast
16:09 Hpocks: are these tags ok?
16:09 Hpocks: Dark Minimalist Creepy Lullaby Slow Memehelp
16:09 Hpocks: memehelp is from modhelp
16:09 Hpocks: obviousl
16:10 ztrot: drop the memehelp
16:10 ztrot: and it is fine
16:10 Hpocks: oh ok
16:10 Hpocks: dont maps have irrelevant tags tho?
16:12 ztrot: yes but we try and avoid them if possible
16:13 ztrot: sometimes they slip through
16:13 Hpocks: ok XD
16:13 ztrot: also meta data checks out
16:13 Hpocks: citation :
16:14 Hpocks: over 9000! isnt really a tag there XD
16:14 Hpocks: and Fxtra... whatever that is
16:14 Hpocks: ok go on though XD
16:15 ztrot: 00:37:571 (4) - fix this over to fit with the blanket from 00:37:900 (1) -
16:15 ztrot: in the hard
16:15 Hpocks: ok
16:16 ztrot: 00:45:483 (5) - blanket repair from 00:44:494 (4) -
16:17 ztrot: 00:50:428 (3,4) - need to be adjusted to fix the blanket on 00:51:088 (1) -
16:18 Hpocks: okok
16:18 ztrot: all adjusted?
16:18 Hpocks: yep
16:18 Hpocks: update?
16:18 ztrot: yes please

looking good bubbled fight on!
Hmm, I'm not sure about the timing.

As noted in my own set of this map, the timing is actually very odd at some parts.

Unfortunately, I can't give the correct timing, as I'm still waiting for the correct timing from Shiro.

Here's the dq post for my set, for all I know with the notes you mapped it may not matter, but best to be safe. p/4876976
I am sure what he has this mapped too is fine with the current timing try this with HR and everything I got in between like 4ms late and 2ms early that was the main results i got after testing a few times, if this was more complex there might be issues but given the nature of the map and what it is actually timed to I'm going to give this a pass again bubbled
We only fixed some minor stuff. Simple, calm, and relaxing map. Let's give this mapset a try.
Mapset Qualified~
this bg is great
Are you sure about this CS 4? lol okay, bye Beginners.

Congrats anyway!
01:03:615 (1) - interesting comboing choice, is that intentional
Topic Starter

Battle wrote:

this bg is great
this bg is stolen

Marianna wrote:

Are you sure about this CS 4? lol okay, bye Beginners.

Congrats anyway!
lol thanks! It is meant to be hard to I guess train beginners? I honestly dont know myself XD (Triples is also a kind of hard to train beginners thing)

Okoratu wrote:

01:03:615 (1) - interesting comboing choice, is that intentional
Yeah it is. It didnt seem to fit in the combo before it or after it, so I just made it its own thing. The tone and mood and stuff at the end kind of supports it imo
  1. 00:19:439 - Unlike Hard, this is having a volume increase of 25%. Making it consistent cross difficulty would make an organized setting.
  2. 00:21:912 (3) - 00:32:461 (5) - 00:43:011 (5) - 00:53:560 (5) - Questionable rhythm for the lowest difficulty. Although the bpm is pretty slow, I highly disagree using such a 1/4 rhythm for the lowest difficulty. If you really persist this rhythms, you may want to add an additional Easy to make something beginner friendly. Unless, this just feels a bit too much.
  3. 00:19:439 (1,2) - 00:41:197 (2,3) - 00:50:428 (2,1) - Minor issues that weren't a 1.3x. Considering the usage of 00:39:879 (2,1) etc, I doubt if the setting was intentionally made. Though it might not highly affect during gameplay, making them consistent would build a better structure.
  1. 01:03:615 (1) - R..really? This combo feels pretty random imo.
  2. 01:11:197 (2,3) - This jump felt pretty large compared to this section.
Not bad.

I am sorry, but this set has to stay in Pendings for a little longer.

Normal is simply not made to be the easiest difficulty of the song. Just because something is below two stars, it does not mean it can work as the easiest difficulty. The issues are already mentioned by Sonnyc, from my side, I would add that the song is in need of something easier as both BPM and nature of the track are providing enough grounds for that.

The best solution is to add a properly mapped Easy difficulty to make sthe spread work.

However, since we are discussing this matter, I want to bring another point: I am also quite interested to find out the reason that made you use high spacing values throughought the Lost Forever difficulty, as it feels generally overdone to me. High spacing values make sliders feel slower, than the rest of the map, resulting in tather choppy feeling during the gameplay.
:( :? :? [color=#80BF40][color=#408040] :cry: :cry: [/color][/color]
An Easier diff is nice, but it should never be a necessity if the map already has a Normal that is below 2.00 stars. Same thing applies for 180 bpm+ songs, where having a Hard/Insane/Extra are nice, but also not a necessity imo. People usually just add them anyways because they want to map it (but not because they have to).

Good luck with requal process~
Agreed this map did not need an easy to be ranked asking for that is a bit much but it was already made so everything is okay, I guess I will look this over once more......

After checking over the new easy you can see a lot of time was put into it everything is really straight forward and very simplistic, that being said this wasn't needed but it really does flush out the set, also audio problems were addressed as well! Thank you for catching that! Everything looks okay now so I will go ahead and give this one more bubble, if there are still issues for this set, personally (I can't find anything that doesn't get to suggestive and is no longer objectively looking into map flaws and more of what I want to see) so that being said this thing is perfectly fine for rank now! LETS TRY ONCE MORE

Just to put it out there I looked over combos and patterns structure and nothing really bad was found.
We only fixed some hitsounds, haha. orz

Monstrata wrote:

An Easier diff is nice, but it should never be a necessity if the map already has a Normal that is below 2.00 stars.
Can we get over with those star-rating based judgement and have a llok at the actual difficulty and the way it plays?

But since the Easy difficulty is here, let me comment on it. Personally, I am not really happy with the amount of minor 1/2 overlaps in the difficulty as this would create unnecessary reading problems for beginners. Provided that the difficulty was created specifically to make the set accessible for beginners this seems to be a weird choice.

Speaking of the difficulty settings and the way they play, I find Approach Rate 4 too fast, as it doesn't seem to be working well with low velocity (please note due to low BPM it plays even slower). Also we have a few more specific concernes:

  1. 00:37:901 (1) - the curve of the slider could be improved so, that it would by synchronized with the slidertick.
  2. 01:02:956 (2,3,1,2,3) - may I ask why the rhythm here is harder than the same part in Normal?
    Note: 00:44:494 (2,3) - somewhat similr happens here. The hardest difficulty uses an 1/1 slider here.
    Note2: 00:36:252 (2) - that circle wasn't here in Normal. Why did you add it in the easier version.

    In my eyes, the best solution is to readjust Slider Velocity to 1.2 and fix spacing to avoid overlaps, afterwards, so everything is spaced properly and SV/DS balance is not broken. While also reducing the amount of 1/2s to a level, where Normal and Easy do not conflict in terms of rhythm.
I am also quite disappointed that none of you guys gave any comment on my concernes about the hardest difficulty. This was quite a disappointment.
Hello, Bakari asked for my opinion about this mapset:


  1. First to all overlaping objects isn't cool, I strongly suggest you to use 1,5 spacing, the cleaner the better, this will not make the diff harder, but will looks better and readability will be better as well.
  2. 00:21:747 - you can add a circle here, since the music is strong and I think it deseve to be mapped, as you mapped some less important beats in this diff already, I don't see the reason to ignore the important ones that are going with the main melody in the song.
  3. 00:37:901 (1) - weird slider shapes are fine, but I guess you tryed to make it symmetrical, an advice for me would be make it in the center of the grid and when you got the perfect symmetric shape then you can rotate to adjust it as you wish
  4. 01:06:912 (1,2) - rhythm is a bit wrong here, if you listen to the melody careful you will notice the main one goes in 01:06:912 - 01:07:241 - 01:07:571 -, so basically my suggestion is to add something in 01:07:571 - and remove 01:07:901 (2) - , try (you used a similar rhythm in normal diff):
Easy vs Normal:

  1. I'm doing this, because I notice that some parts are more dense in easy diff than normal diff.
  2. 00:27:351 (1,2) - in easy you decide to use a 1/2 pattern with two sliders, this is fine, but the fact that you added a long slider in normal 00:27:351 (1) - make the difficulty spread weird, since you mapped both diffs, some consistency would be cool.
  3. 00:29:989 (1,2,3) - easy vs 00:29:989 (1,2,3) - normal, kinda similar rhythms, but the one at easy seems more complicate, I'll suggest to go with this for easy diff
  4. 00:35:263 (1,2,3) - easy vs 00:35:263 (1,2) - just remove the extra beat in easy or add it on normal.
  5. 00:40:538 (1,2,3) - easy 00:40:538 (1,2,3) - normal, any reason for have a 1/2 slider on easy 00:41:197 (2) - but a single circle on normal diff?
  6. 00:55:044 (3,4) - 1/2 slider and circle in easy diff, but 1/1 slider in normal
  7. 00:59:659 (2,3,4,1) - multiple 1/2s in easy while normal diff is using long sliders with 1/1 gaps
  8. 01:02:956 (2,3,1,2,3) - easy 01:02:956 (2,3,4,1) - normal, as you can see the rhythm is alot more dense at easy diff
  9. 01:09:549 (1,2,3) - 1/2 pattern in easy, but only a long repeat slider in normal diff, why?
  10. this doesn't mean easy need to always have an easier rhythm than normal, but when this happen that often it can become an issue, which I think is the case in this beatmap

Easy vs Lost Forever:

  1. 00:44:494 (2,3) - in easy you have a 1/2 slider and a circle, which sounds nice, but why you only have a 1/1 slider in your hardest diff?
Also for next maps take in consideration using different SV for each diff, normal and lost forever have the same SV which is weird.

Anyways best of luck with this.
Literally a diff was added. It would've never harmed asking some opinions before further processing..
We discussed density in Easy in comparison to Normal already (my bad for not posting the log, meh) and in the end I agree with ztrot that it's up to the mapper how to design the diffs.. but eh, discussing it more in detail isn't hurting anyone.. c:

Feel free to poke me when this got sorted out~
Topic Starter
Sorry I have not responded.

*Disclaimer. This is an opinion.

Thank you Ztrot and Squirrel for your support.

First of all, I did not and still do not think this set needed an easy. I followed the rules Bakari, and now you go all against them claiming that it doesnt matter that my set follows the rules, the diff isnt too hard. I added the Easy anyways because I knew trying to fight wouldnt work.

Secondly, the spacing of Lost Imagination is artistically and all intentional. Again, I apolgize for not saying something about your concerns earlier. I purposely did not use the DS because of the style of the map. It is how I designed it. It is perfectly fine and playable (as said by many). I do not intend to change it.

Thirdly, despite of how stupid/lame it is that the rythmns dont match up (Who would ever say "I dislike this map because THIS note on THIS difficulty doesnt match THIS note on THIS difficulty." Who would even notice?), but I did it anyways (as well as the rest of the mod). I changed the SV and went through all of that.

Also, Bakari, I dont know who "we" is. You say that "we" dislike X because of X, but I dont see anyone else. Almost all of the BNs that are contributing here said that the map was good, the easy wasnt needed, etc. That doesnt look like "we". If you are referring to "we" as the QATS, then I would like to see more of them instead of 1 of them, because I personally am not buying it. Im not saying you're a liar, but it seems quite suspicious atm.

I still obeyed your every word anyways because I have to but ok.
There is a great deal of difference between making something for the sake of quality and making something just to get a map ranked.

When you disagree with something go ahead and say so, I reply as soon as I have the time to do so.

I do not question the playability of Lost Imagination, I question whether the jumpy placement matches with the actual song you are mapping.

Beginners would eventually notice that rhythm conflicts between diffs, if they would progress from difficulty to difficulty. But it's a matter of common sense to keep things consistent and logical throughout the whole set.

I do not disqualify something unless I'm sure that at least one more person beliefs that the set is not going the right way, for that reason I came up after Sonnyc's post the first time and discussed the matter with Natsu for the second time.

Whatever QATs say is not final, I'm a mapper just like you, Natsu or anybody else in the thread. The only difference is that I care about the way things work here and I want to see a high-quality map, rather than something that is just rankable and you seem to be trying to rush the process
Topic Starter

Bakari wrote:

There is a great deal of difference between making something for the sake of quality and making something just to get a map ranked.

When you disagree with something go ahead and say so, I reply as soon as I have the time to do so.

I do not question the playability of Lost Imagination, I question whether the jumpy placement matches with the actual song you are mapping.

Beginners would eventually notice that rhythm conflicts between diffs, if they would progress from difficulty to difficulty. But it's a matter of common sense to keep things consistent and logical throughout the whole set.

I do not disqualify something unless I'm sure that at least one more person beliefs that the set is not going the right way, for that reason I came up after Sonnyc's post the first time and discussed the matter with Natsu for the second time.

Whatever QATs say is not final, I'm a mapper just like you, Natsu or anybody else in the thread. The only difference is that I care about the way things work here and I want to see a high-quality map, rather than something that is just rankable and you seem to be trying to rush the process
Thank you for your response.

I am sorry if I appear to be rushing the process, but that is not my intent. I just dont feel that difficulty A should affect the way difficulty B has to be mapped. If that is how it works, fine, but I disagree with that. Again, I apologize for seeming to be wanting to rush the process and if I came off rude earlier :x

At this time, I feel that the correct approach shouldnt be to get other peoples approval just to be taken out by people who didnt approve of it. I want you to have the approval of the map. Could you possibly mod it so it is truely acceptable? Thanks :P
Sure thing, I will give it a deeper l look some time today. (Tomorrow for you, because timezones are meh)

It's more of a "first disqualify - then discuss", and for that reason I highly recommend to see the situation as a good chance to talk things over and improve.

Bakari wrote:

Monstrata wrote:

An Easier diff is nice, but it should never be a necessity if the map already has a Normal that is below 2.00 stars.
Can we get over with those star-rating based judgement and have a llok at the actual difficulty and the way it plays?
Oh uhh, you're misinterpreting me... It has nothing to do with this particular Normal or the star rating lol. If the lowest difficulty of a map is below 2.00 stars, then it doesn't require a second (and easier) diff also below 2.00 stars.

The recent emphasis on difficulty-renaming is rather unsettling. :P

Monstrata wrote:

Oh uhh, you're misinterpreting me... It has nothing to do with this particular Normal or the star rating lol. If the lowest difficulty of a map is below 2.00 stars, then it doesn't require a second (and easier) diff also below 2.00 stars.

The recent emphasis on difficulty-renaming is rather unsettling. :P
The lowest difficulty has to be beginner-friendly, nothing else should matter.

Edit 8 hours later:

  1. The claps you are using in the intro part do not make much sense with the monotonous rhythm. I wouldn't introduce them untill 00:15:483
  2. The BG is already used in another version of the song. Add a touch of personality and search for a different one?
  1. I would really prefer lower Approach Rate. Something around 3 or 3,5.
  2. 00:14:164 (1,2,3,4) - there is no reason to use lower spacing values here. Please, keep it consistent throughout the difficulty.
  3. 01:08:230 (2) - this would sound way better, if it were two circlres. Each circle would stand for the individual sound and provide more clear feedback to the players.

    That's way better than what I saw the last time. Great job!
  1. 00:19:439 (1,2,3,1) - the sudden density changes from 2/1 to 1/4 feel too choppy. Try to use more 1/1s or even 1/2s, so when the 1/4 triplet shows up, players are ready to hit it properly and it does not feel sudden.
    Note: this will also fix the density issues mentioned in Natsu's post.

    There are a few more density issues, and all those could be resolved. So, we'd have a nice difficulty ascension from difficulty to difficulty, going consistently and making a nice spread.

[Lost Imagination]
  1. 00:24:714 (1) - this beat has a spacing emphasis and a jump of x3.0 DS, but 00:27:351 (1) - a similar beat here - doesn't. Then things go even lower and you use x1.6 or something around that 00:29:659 (4,1) - 00:34:934 (4,1) - another similar downbeat uses no jumps and low spacing - and the spacing inconsistencies go on in the smae manner quite often. I do not get any logic behind those and I can not see how it can be enjoyable to the player. Care to explain yout distance usage?
  2. 00:34:604 - could use a circle here. It will make the nice and strong beat clickable to the player, giving them better feedback during the gameplay. As for the slider, you can finish it at 00:34:274.
    Note: basically, any strong beat should be clickable. So, players get to actually hit something, when a strong sound is played.

    The spacing usage seems to be having little if any correlation with the music, which has a great impact on playability in my eyes. I would recommend you to go through the map again and make spacing more or less even, while consistently emphasising the beats, you find important.
Hope this gives a better idea of my concernes and helps you to make a proper reply to address the disqualification.
Topic Starter

Bakari wrote:

Monstrata wrote:

Oh uhh, you're misinterpreting me... It has nothing to do with this particular Normal or the star rating lol. If the lowest difficulty of a map is below 2.00 stars, then it doesn't require a second (and easier) diff also below 2.00 stars.

The recent emphasis on difficulty-renaming is rather unsettling. :P
The lowest difficulty has to be beginner-friendly, nothing else should matter.

Edit 8 hours later:

  1. The claps you are using in the intro part do not make much sense with the monotonous rhythm. I wouldn't introduce them untill 00:15:483
  2. The BG is already used in another version of the song. Add a touch of personality and search for a different one?
  1. I would really prefer lower Approach Rate. Something around 3 or 3,5.
  2. 00:14:164 (1,2,3,4) - there is no reason to use lower spacing values here. Please, keep it consistent throughout the difficulty.
  3. 01:08:230 (2) - this would sound way better, if it were two circlres. Each circle would stand for the individual sound and provide more clear feedback to the players.

    That's way better than what I saw the last time. Great job!
  1. 00:19:439 (1,2,3,1) - the sudden density changes from 2/1 to 1/4 feel too choppy. Try to use more 1/1s or even 1/2s, so when the 1/4 triplet shows up, players are ready to hit it properly and it does not feel sudden.
    Note: this will also fix the density issues mentioned in Natsu's post.

    There are a few more density issues, and all those could be resolved. So, we'd have a nice difficulty ascension from difficulty to difficulty, going consistently and making a nice spread.

[Lost Imagination]
  1. 00:24:714 (1) - this beat has a spacing emphasis and a jump of x3.0 DS, but 00:27:351 (1) - a similar beat here - doesn't. Then things go even lower and you use x1.6 or something around that 00:29:659 (4,1) - 00:34:934 (4,1) - another similar downbeat uses no jumps and low spacing - and the spacing inconsistencies go on in the smae manner quite often. I do not get any logic behind those and I can not see how it can be enjoyable to the player. Care to explain yout distance usage?
  2. 00:34:604 - could use a circle here. It will make the nice and strong beat clickable to the player, giving them better feedback during the gameplay. As for the slider, you can finish it at 00:34:274.
    Note: basically, any strong beat should be clickable. So, players get to actually hit something, when a strong sound is played.

    The spacing usage seems to be having little if any correlation with the music, which has a great impact on playability in my eyes. I would recommend you to go through the map again and make spacing more or less even, while consistently emphasising the beats, you find important.
Hope this gives a better idea of my concernes and helps you to make a proper reply to address the disqualification.
Ok! I basically fixed all of what you said. Do you think you can look it over and give it a bubble or just tell me that it still has issuesb ecause of what I edited etc? (I might get someone else to bubble btw)
Log Off Now
Super short Aesthetic mod on the easy diff

A few more things flashed in my mind after going through the set.

  1. Nothing has been replied to from this part of the mod. It seems you have ignored these suggestions without providing a reason. Can you show some degree of disagreement, so I can get your ideas behind these claps and the background?
  1. Could as well use Overall DIff and HP Drain 2,5.
[Lost Forever]
  1. 00:28:340 (2,3) - you seem to like the pattern a lot. What is the reason for x1.0 soacing here? It seems to be much lower than your average spacing values.
    Note: 00:34:934 (5,1,2,3,4,1) - here we have a normally spaced pattern and then two patterns with lower spacing, although they sound very similar. Why? You were the one who said that spacing is all intentional, so I don't think it will be too hard to explain that.
  2. 00:40:538 (1) - this could be split into an 1/2 slider and a circle for the sake of rhythm consistency through the set.
Reply to this, and we'll try get you a bubble back!
Topic Starter

Bakari wrote:

A few more things flashed in my mind after going through the set.

  1. Nothing has been replied to from this part of the mod. It seems you have ignored these suggestions without providing a reason. Can you show some degree of disagreement, so I can get your ideas behind these claps and the background?
I apologize for not answering at all. I have been trying to contact you ingame for like a week so I can explain (I much prefer that over the forums) but I couldnt grab you. I DID change the hitsounds at the beginning as suggested.

I will NOT change the BG though. I have grown attached to it an wish to not change it. IDK if im not original. Also, finding a new bg that I like is hard and I really am not satisfied with anything else. I looked for 10 minutes and really took this into consideration, but no.

  1. Could as well use Overall DIff and HP Drain 2,5.

[Lost Forever]
  1. 00:28:340 (2,3) - you seem to like the pattern a lot. What is the reason for x1.0 soacing here? It seems to be much lower than your average spacing values. Art. It is just art I guess. Juxiposition. My artistics views. Yes.
    Note: 00:34:934 (5,1,2,3,4,1) - here we have a normally spaced pattern and then two patterns with lower spacing, although they sound very similar. Why? You were the one who said that spacing is all intentional, so I don't think it will be too hard to explain that. Juxoposition XD. I still fixed and increased alot of that
  2. 00:40:538 (1) - this could be split into an 1/2 slider and a circle for the sake of rhythm consistency through the set. ok
Reply to this, and we'll try get you a bubble back! ok!
After a few more changes I am happy to say that the Easy is perfectly playable for beginners and the rest of the changes have softly pushed the quality up.

Lost Forever

  1. 00:51:088 (1) - seems something went wrong here, the tail supposed to be snapped at 00:51:747 -
  2. 00:53:725 (1,1) - mmm nop, is fine to use combos to express something different, to make a pattern readable etc, but this one doesn't make much sense, since is the only part where you make with, there are other similar parts and you didn't the same, just remove the NC at 00:54:384 (1) - or make similar parts the same, otherwise is random and you didn't used anything similar at your other diffs


  1. 00:21:747 - you can add a circle here, since the music is strong and I think it deseve to be mapped, as you mapped some less important beats in this diff already, I don't see the reason to ignore the important ones that are going with the main melody in the song. this wasn't applied in my previous mod and I don't have a reply of why :l
  2. 00:55:044 (2,3) - this also need a reply, or just make the rhythm consistent with normal diff
call me back
Topic Starter

Natsu wrote:

Lost Forever

  1. 00:51:088 (1) - seems something went wrong here, the tail supposed to be snapped at 00:51:747 -
  2. 00:53:725 (1,1) - mmm nop, is fine to use combos to express something different, to make a pattern readable etc, but this one doesn't make much sense, since is the only part where you make with, there are other similar parts and you didn't the same, just remove the NC at 00:54:384 (1) - or make similar parts the same, otherwise is random and you didn't used anything similar at your other diffs


  1. 00:21:747 - you can add a circle here, since the music is strong and I think it deseve to be mapped, as you mapped some less important beats in this diff already, I don't see the reason to ignore the important ones that are going with the main melody in the song. this wasn't applied in my previous mod and I don't have a reply of why :l
  2. 00:55:044 (2,3) - this also need a reply, or just make the rhythm consistent with normal diff
call me back
Fixed everything except the "[list][*]00:21:747 - you can add a circle here, since the music is strong..." part. Discussed in chat.
you offline >:


  1. 01:01:637 (1,2,3,4) - spacing here is wrong, be careful when fixing
no kudo ofc and send me a forum pm when you fix this, I'll rebub
seems fine o/

Natsu wrote:

no kudo ofc and send me a forum pm when you fix this, I'll rebub

Last edited by Bakari on about 8 hours ago, edited 1 time in total.

and I'll qualify
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