
Sasha Asuka - Meguri Meguru

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> -Moccha_chii-, Joshua Lost
thank stars :D
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> bakaying and bakapig
thank for stars
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popped the bubble to fix the SliderBorder color in [Love], somehow missed it in last update
SliderBorder : 16,16,16 --> SliderBorder : 48,48,48

ready again

EDIT2: to BAT/MAT: don't bubble this map, the osu! resizing mechanism ruins my skin a little bit at combo counter part (the one at bottom-left corner), i'll fix it ASAP
EDIT3: fixed, please redownload if downloaded before 2011/ 5/14 10:30 GMT

change i had done:
cut the transparency on top side and bottom side of score- elements, now the ugly white border appeared at top side is fixed, i try everything but i can't fix ones appeared at right side (it's less obvious anyway), note that some score- elements now has different height from others, i'm not sure if this is unrankable but i double checked it didn't bring any weird visual effect so i think i'm ready, just tell me if it's indeed unrankable.

wait for rebubble now

i give up ranking it anyway
move back to WIP since i love this song so much, so i'm going to make the map better

reworking on skin now

EDIT4: done skin, all ugly white border/noise are gone, fonts are consistent. (except hit0, hit50.. and skip/menu button, i'll keep them) also 紗沙飛鳥 --> 沙紗飛鳥 in creator's word, will fix storyboard tomorrow
lol many pink star
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during remaking the storyboard, i notice that storyboard timeline is off 2~25ms from white ticks, probably because i make them before yongtw123 correct my BPM (92.02 --> 92.00), they're all snapped correctly now

add some new storyboard elements, re-layout the storyboard during 2nd break time (song/map info part)

fix a coding error that cause some adjoining lyric elements to blink for a short period
fix some circle/slider that are not perfectly stacked

i'll run a full check on all diff and maybe do some minor hitsound fix later and i'll call it finished...again


did some minor hitsound arrangement in [Normal].
i also noticed that most of the greenline is 3ms late, guess that's because i didn't know how to move all green line together when applying CNF's -5ms offset suggestion mod, they're all snapped correctly now.
the unsnapped green line is made half year ago (the time green line bug haven't been fixed) so i won't bother fixing them all since they won't effect gameplay nor cause any bugs. EDIT2: ALL SNAPPED NOW

i'm kind of sad that i found so much error myself but no one (including me) didn't even pop my bubble for a whole month, i'm way too careless after getting my 1st bubble in the osu! life, should have checked the map for few more times :?

so many stars...
it looks pretty good, hope it gets ranked! ><
8-) 瞎了 这么整齐的星星海

little suggests
我表示后面3个色差不大 色盲我不能分辨XD

01:41:745 (10) - 减少一个来回 之后加上一个note
01:43:050 (3) - ^
01:44:354 (3) - ^
01:45:658 (3) - ^

这样打起来舒服些 而且音效上也好点

star XD

orz 原来star 过了 那再star XD
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DarkRingSystem wrote:

little suggests
和幾個人討論後, 把黃色改成了靈夢色
折返slider的部分沒改, 實際上有某個版本是類似你想要的那個樣子, 最後我決定此處我最喜歡現在這樣

感謝kd star和mod
Miu Matsuoka
03:04:408 (8) - in rhythm terms i think fits better if you move this to the next white tick (adjust things on chart if you do ofc)
03:10:441 (1,2) - odd spacing there... I think you should place it closer to slider end
03:18:593 (4) - new combo maybe? is just that i think the previous three circles should have their own combo~~
03:45:658 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - I don't know, this threw me off while playing it. If you see the whole thing is technically correct, but how you place it, and these being "doubles" placed in a way you see 6 circles at the same distance is kinda confusing... just saying what i feel while playing it. You choose what to do~
I don't understand why you go back to the small distance when comes the last kiai section, makes more sense for me if you increase the distance in the kiai, being the kiai an effect to remark the most dynamic part of the song in my opinion. Again: is technically correct, but just feels odd and is your choose how to manage it :3

Yuki's Hard
00:28:702 (3,4) - ;_; I don't know but totally threw me off.
00:31:310 (4,5) - I think I didn't messed up here cuz i remembered the previous case XD
01:24:463 (4,5,6,7,8) - maybe unstack it from prev slider end??
03:34:571 (5) - remove the repeat and move it to next blue tick, i think fits better and match the pattern you follow.

Normal is pretty good :3

Good luck~~~
Topic Starter

Lizbeth wrote:

03:04:408 (8) - in rhythm terms i think fits better if you move this to the next white tick (adjust things on chart if you do ofc)
03:10:441 (1,2) - odd spacing there... I think you should place it closer to slider end
i want to keep it :>
03:18:593 (4) - new combo maybe? is just that i think the previous three circles should have their own combo~~
new combo and also make the spacing between those three circles the same
03:45:658 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - I don't know, this threw me off while playing it. If you see the whole thing is technically correct, but how you place it, and these being "doubles" placed in a way you see 6 circles at the same distance is kinda confusing... just saying what i feel while playing it. You choose what to do~
hmm, though i like those, after discussing with some testplayers...fixed
I don't understand why you go back to the small distance when comes the last kiai section, makes more sense for me if you increase the distance in the kiai, being the kiai an effect to remark the most dynamic part of the song in my opinion. Again: is technically correct, but just feels odd and is your choose how to manage it :3
we move the KIAI (in all diff) to 03:45~04:04 (we think this chorus part is stronger than 04:05~04:23, that's why i originally use larger spacing in 03:45~04:04 and use KIAI in 04:05~04:23, seems it doesn't fit much :o )
about the green lines, i asked Alace again and he said it's ok.

thanks o/

will update together with guestdiff fix
Komeiji Yuki

Lizbeth wrote:

Yuki's Hard
00:28:702 (3,4) - ;_; I don't know but totally threw me off.
00:31:310 (4,5) - I think I didn't messed up here cuz i remembered the previous case XD
Maybe I shouldn't make jumps :?

01:24:463 (4,5,6,7,8) - maybe unstack it from prev slider end??

03:34:571 (5) - remove the repeat and move it to next blue tick, i think fits better and match the pattern you follow.
thx for your modding~ o.o/

EDIT:also change something that I think they can improve

00:33:593 (3) - 2 short sliders >> 1 long slider

01:04:897 (3) - 2 short sliders >> 1 repeat slider + 1 circle

01:36:528 (2) - 1 circle >> 1 slider

01:37:995 (3) - 2 circles >> 1 slider

02:23:158 (3) - 2 short sliders >> 1 long slider

02:33:593 (3) - 2 short sliders >> 1 slider + 1 circle

03:05:223 (2) - 1 circle >> 1 slider

03:06:691 (4) - 2 circles >> 1 slider

03:19:245 - 03:22:832 - Remap

03:31:637 (2) - 2 short sliders >> 1 circle + 1 repeat slider

Download: Sasha Asuka - Meguri Meguru (loveFantasy) [Yuki's Hard].osu
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re-arrange KIAI lines in guestdiff a bit and updated
Love :)

great ~
Why slider velocity in Love is lower than Normal? Not good.

03:10:930 (2) - still don't agree with this, I don't find a good reason of keeping this, would you mind to explain?

Yuki's Hard
01:33:919 (4,5,6,7,8) - I just feel this part off: try this:

03:21:528 - what is the reason of increasing spacing after this point? to add difficulty to the last part? If so, maybe not a good idea for normal, but since is not a big difference I guess is ok. However I suggest to wait till last kiai time. Makes more sense.

ps. Please check in Timing Setup Panel if you have useless timing sections and delete them.
Topic Starter

Lizbeth wrote:

Why slider velocity in Love is lower than Normal? Not good.
this is because circle size in Normal is 3 and Love is 5
if i decrease sv in Normal, the slider become shorter and i think they're ugly
if i increase sv in Love, the difficulty increase and i think current difficulty satisfy me

03:10:930 (2) - still don't agree with this, I don't find a good reason of keeping this, would you mind to explain?
i like to bring various spacing by snapping the distance from slider start(normal slider) or slider end(repeat slider)
sliders below are all using this concept (there are more, i just list 3):
01:12:397 (5,1) -
01:49:245 (2,3) -
02:31:637 (4,5) -
i agree this one might be the hardest to sightread, and have nothing to do with the music, but that's my mapping style.

i already found more than 100 testplayers for this map, most of them FC it with 1 playcount, and as far as i remembered less than 10 players break combo here, only 2 or 3 players complain about this, so i think it's okey (and also it looks better, since i use such a small DS multiplier)

Yuki's Hard
01:33:919 (4,5,6,7,8) - I just feel this part off: try this:

03:21:528 - what is the reason of increasing spacing after this point? to add difficulty to the last part? If so, maybe not a good idea for normal, but since is not a big difference I guess is ok. However I suggest to wait till last kiai time. Makes more sense.
yes and remapped

ps. Please check in Timing Setup Panel if you have useless timing sections and delete them.
only find 1 in [Love] and it's deleted
Komeiji Yuki

Lizbeth wrote:

Yuki's Hard
01:33:919 (4,5,6,7,8) - I just feel this part off: try this: Change
Download: Sasha Asuka - Meguri Meguru (loveFantasy) [Yuki's Hard].osu
great !!
Topic Starter
Normal - remapped with 1.4SV and CS4
Storyboard - change a tiny picture, not necessary to redownload
04:15:658 (1) - too close to prev circle
I'm not sure about the x1.30 sections, I wouldn't make change on speed like that in a normal.
also you have x1.00, x0.75 and x1.30. And you change from x0.75 to x1.30, I don't think thats a good idea, because the change is a bit drastic.

01:01:637 - add note here?
02:18:267 (3) - should be closer to 2

loveFantasy wrote:

Lizbeth wrote:

03:10:930 (2) - still don't agree with this, I don't find a good reason of keeping this, would you mind to explain?
i like to bring various spacing by snapping the distance from slider start(normal slider) or slider end(repeat slider)
sliders below are all using this concept (there are more, i just list 3):
01:12:397 (5,1) -
01:49:245 (2,3) -
02:31:637 (4,5) -
i agree this one might be the hardest to sightread, and have nothing to do with the music, but that's my mapping style.

i already found more than 100 testplayers for this map, most of them FC it with 1 playcount, and as far as i remembered less than 10 players break combo here, only 2 or 3 players complain about this, so i think it's okey (and also it looks better, since i use such a small DS multiplier)
I understand the concept, and I agree with it. But I have to say this three you mentioned:01:12:397 (5,1) - 01:49:245 (2,3) - 02:31:637 (4,5) - are 1/2 jumps.
But the one I mentioned: 03:10:930 - 03:13:539 (3) - is 1/4 jump. That's why I don't agree with it. But let see what other modder say.

03:49:246 (1,2) - Looking at this whole diff, this jump was a bit drastic. Is the only jump this big in the map and is kinda out of place due to this. Just my opinion, you decide what to do :3

Good luck~~
Topic Starter

Lizbeth wrote:

04:15:658 (1) - too close to prev circle fixed
I'm not sure about the x1.30 sections, I wouldn't make change on speed like that in a normal.
also you have x1.00, x0.75 and x1.30. And you change from x0.75 to x1.30, I don't think thats a good idea, because the change is a bit drastic.
they played out well as a Normal ( i found 4~5 Normal-skilled players after the remap )
actually there're only 1/2 and 3/4 sliders and they're all curvy ones, if you click at the right place you don't even need to move the cursor for 1/2 sliders to get 300s, you need to move a little for 3/4 sliders, though

as you can see, since i lower the SV and the song itself is at a very low BPM, 0.75 to 1.00 is not enough to bring the contrast effect i want for last chorus, and this is a Normal diff not an Easy~

01:01:637 - add note here? nope
02:18:267 (3) - should be closer to 2 rearrange position of (1,2,3) a bit

I understand the concept, and I agree with it. But I have to say this three you mentioned:01:12:397 (5,1) - 01:49:245 (2,3) - 02:31:637 (4,5) - are 1/2 jumps.
But the one I mentioned: 03:10:930 - 03:13:539 (3) - is 1/4 jump. That's why I don't agree with it. But let see what other modder say.
remapped into something else

03:49:246 (1,2) - Looking at this whole diff, this jump was a bit drastic. Is the only jump this big in the map and is kinda out of place due to this. Just my opinion, you decide what to do :3

Good luck~~
thanks for the auto recheck
Komeiji Yuki

Lizbeth wrote:

03:49:246 (1,2) - Looking at this whole diff, this jump was a bit drastic. Is the only jump this big in the map and is kinda out of place due to this. Just my opinion, you decide what to do :3
OK, maybe I shouldn't make the jump because the other similar parts have no jumps
Thanks for recheck :3

Download: Sasha Asuka - Meguri Meguru (loveFantasy) [Yuki's Hard].osu
looooove this map x333 i hope this will be ranked soon :D
definitely a good map, anyone come to get it ranked?
take my star =)
All storyboarded images that have higher dimmensions than 640x480 must be resized, the playfiled is 640x480 so there's not really any need for the images to be larger than that unless they are scrolling images, and i dont see the lyrics scrolling anywhere.

You probably should add another break in the 2nd half like on [Yuki's Hard] (although that one doesnt fit imo)

Why not end the 1st kiai at the same spot as the other diffs? (01:51:202)
03:31:310 (2,1) - Please dont use kick sliders on the easiest diff D:

Nice mapset, contact me again when you've done fixes for a recheck (and maybe a bubble)
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Sakura Hana wrote:

All storyboarded images that have higher dimmensions than 640x480 must be resized, the playfiled is 640x480 so there's not really any need for the images to be larger than that unless they are scrolling images, and i dont see the lyrics scrolling anywhere.
all image with >640 width is fixed.
it was my first map so i knew little about mapping limitation that time :o

You probably should add another break in the 2nd half like on [Yuki's Hard] (although that one doesnt fit imo) that part, all my diff were mapped so i don't need break

Why not end the 1st kiai at the same spot as the other diffs? (01:51:202)
instead remapped [Love] at that part so the kiai is consistent with [Normal], i think this is better
[Yuki's Hard] is guest diff and don't need the kiai to be the same, and it's good as it was imo
03:31:310 (2,1) - Please dont use kick sliders on the easiest diff D:
i think this is fine, also i asked enough testplayers for this diff to make sure it fits as easiest difficulty in my mapset

also adjust some tiny finish pattern in this diff

Nice mapset, contact me again when you've done fixes for a recheck (and maybe a bubble)
thanks for mod
Komeiji Yuki

Sakura Hana wrote:

You probably should add another break in the 2nd half like on [Yuki's Hard] (although that one doesnt fit imo) :p"
Fair enough, it is such a nice map and song, i wish you the best of luck Cherry Bubble
Final nazi

00:28:702 (1) - add new combo (silly bug)

03:42:397 (1) - new combo

that`s all
time to rank this (No KDS )
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Alace wrote:

Final nazi

00:28:702 (1) - add new combo (silly bug)

03:42:397 (1) - new combo
all fixed and thanks

also thanks Sakura Hana's bubble ;)
OK those tiny issues have been fixed
grats for your first ranked map

~LF~ :oops:

終於Ranked了 :S
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thank you all :oops:
congrat :)
Komeiji Yuki
Gratz BakaFantasy ;3

Also my 1st ranked guestdiff

噢噢 一回來看就bubble+rank了呢:O
恭喜阿 :)
Congratz lovefantasy :D
I really love this song and very happy because finally this one is ranked.
yuhuu, it's ranked >w< i love this song, the map is great! gongratz to your first ranked map :)
;_; I would have loved to make a guest diff though
Miu Matsuoka
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thanks for supporting :D
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