
More english beatmaps please! D:

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Too many Touhou and other anime songs out there?

Total votes: 372
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Too many Touhou and other anime songs out there. T_T It's no offence, but most english talking people doesn't know those (or understand for that instance). :o
I loved the time where "OK GO" got alot out in the time.
I just wish for some more english songs out there. ^^ Agree?
You can find a list of the OK Go maps in the project threads
Here: viewtopic.php?f=53&t=36925
And here: viewtopic.php?f=53&t=30505

ThePal wrote:

It's no offence, but most english talking people doesn't know those (or understand for that instance). :o
their weeaboos >w<

But yeah, English songs are getting ranked more often than they did a while ago. Wait it out, cool shhh will come along.

go away xgor
I wish more English maps were ranked, but alas, we need people to make them. You can always learn to map and help contribute :P

my ok go maps are the best
Fixed the title of your thread

french beatmaps are le merde
Topic Starter

RandomJibberish wrote:

I wish more English maps were ranked, but alas, we need people to make them. You can always learn to map and help contribute :P
"For a more english osu!" ;P
I'm trying. :) Just takes alot of time and motivation. ;P But it'll properly come one day. :)

If you think about my skill in making maps, you could look at this.

RandomJibberish wrote:

my ok go maps are the best
kudos to you for making. =D
I don't disagree with the English map sentiment but don't agree with it, either. People map whatever they'd like to map. However, keep in mind that this isn't the proper area to discuss such things. Moving the thread.

NotShinta wrote:

french beatmaps are le merde
are de la*
Touhou maps need to fucking die.

I don't mind any other songs, japanese, french, maxican, korean, chinese, spanish any language I don't really care but fuckin touhou songs jesus christ.

I'm willing to bet there are more touhou maps on osu than there are normal songs all together.
Topic Starter

Zetta wrote:

Touhou maps need to fucking die.
Pretty hard mouth talking.
Well, there's alot of them. But they shouldn't be deleted (there's still alot people playing them too.), I just think that there should be more english maps getting ranked. :D

Actully alot english songs are getting ranked atm. :)

Zetta wrote:

I'm willing to bet there are more touhou maps on osu than there are normal songs all together.
properly true.

ThePal wrote:

Actully alot english songs are getting ranked atm. :)
4.5 6.7 6.4 6.9 7.1

Zetta wrote:


I don't mind japanese songs, what gets me sick is the overflow of them, specially when they have a chilly high-pitched girl voice and are about love and cuteness. It's also weird to see how some users dedicate themselves to map these kind of songs, and will always be weird.
Topic Starter

Gens wrote:

I don't mind japanese songs, what gets me sick is the overflow of them, specially when they have a chilly high-pitched girl voice and are about love and cuteness. It's also weird to see how some users dedicate themselves to map these kind of songs, and will always be weird.
Totally agree, also most of them are extremely high speed ones which I have hard experiences following the beat on too. :/ But well, gotta live with them properly.
instrumental ftw 8-)

people in this thread are so damn closed minded its not even funny loool.

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

people in this thread are so damn closed minded its not even funny loool.

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

instrumental ftw 8-)
What did you expect from a game with such name and community of mainly asian people?
Get on with it, you're the minority :P

MetalMario201 wrote:

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

people in this thread are so damn closed minded its not even funny loool.

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

instrumental ftw 8-)

Natteke wrote:

What did you expect from a game with such name and community of mainly asian people?
Get on with it, you're the minority :P

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

Ironic how you made this closed-minded statement immediately after condemning the community as being too closed-minded to accept other genres.

MetalMario201 wrote:

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

Ironic how you made this closed-minded statement immediately after condemning the community as being too closed-minded to accept other genres.
Was just simply stating the fact that instrumental is my favorite genre, how is that ironic? I like all genres. I'm not in anyway prejudice against any genre. In fact, most my favorite maps on this game ARE English.

However, I am not closed-minded like the others for the same reason as Natteke just stated.

Natteke wrote:

What did you expect from a game with such name and community of mainly asian people?
Get on with it, you're the minority :P
People just need to accept it and stop crying about it. Its NEVER going to change, and you're fooling yourself if you think it will. Accept, map your own choice genre, and move on. Sitting around QQing about people mapping Japanese or whatever and calling them doesn't do anything but make yourself look stupid and prejudice.

Zetta wrote:


Zetta wrote:

... spanish...
I cried :'(

EDIT: Yeah, fixed the title of your thread again B)
Personally I don't really mind playing anime songs unless it's some obnoxious high-pitched loli singing. Touhou songs; as long it's not the 50th fucking remix of U.N.Owen I'll give it a try too.

@MM201: I think you got him wrong :/. He merely stated that his favorite genre is Intrumental.
AdRon Zh3Ro
People in this community are so damn closed minded its not even funny loool.


Yyy is right... :(
Gens too...
Sleep Powder
I agree that there are way too many Touhou beatmaps out there. I'm assuming this is a trend because there weren't this many Touhou maps a while back. English maps are still being ranked (about 2 per page).

The majority of the people here like Touhou and anime so that's what the majority of the maps are.


A lot of ranked beatmaps suuuck now
AdRon Zh3Ro

animask wrote:

there weren't this many Touhou maps a while back.
Hmm, like 3 years ago?

(Not just overflow of touhou/anime, but overflow of the same songs of touhou/anime with 4823949237237493 diferent versions.)

Also, if you choose to map something that isn't anime... It's much harder to get it ranked. I'm living proof.

7 months soon...
Better add that I don't mind anime songs... It's just that there is waaaaay too much of it here. Variety, please.
AdRon Zh3Ro
How about to change the thread to "Less touhou/anime songs" or "More English, less touhou", blablabla, as is that we are discusing...

AdRon Zh3Ro wrote:

How about to change the thread to "Less touhou/anime songs" or "More English, less touhou", blablabla, as is that we are discusing...
It's pretty pointless because no one will stop mapping Touhou/Anime songs just because you don't like them :]
This game naturally is east-related so calling people to stop map eastern songs is just dumb.
Sleep Powder
Instead of thinking less touhou, more english. You should just be thinking of just more english.

AdRon Zh3Ro wrote:

animask wrote:

there weren't this many Touhou maps a while back.
Hmm, like 3 years 1 and a half years ago? Yes

(Not just overflow of touhou/anime, but overflow of the same songs of touhou/anime with 4823949237237493 different versions.)
But I loooove My Soul, Your Beats and Irony~
AdRon Zh3Ro
I never said anythng about stop making touhou/anime maps.


ThePal wrote:

Too many Touhou and other anime songs out there.

Real1 wrote:

Variety, please.
We need more good maps. Who cares about language?
"Closed-minded." It's not "close minded." People need to pick up a freaking book once in a while. Oh ho I'm a Grammar Nazi but SERIOUSLY LEARN HOW TO USE WORDS RIGHT.

1138 English maps ranked

281 maps ranked with "Touhou" in the source, title or tags

4 English Touhou maps, lol
AdRon Zh3Ro

AdRon Zh3Ro wrote:
Hmm... are you sure?
He said Touhou, not japanese.
AdRon Zh3Ro
Japanese, touhou, anime...

Krisom wrote:

Zetta wrote:


Zetta wrote:

... spanish...
I cried :'(

EDIT: Yeah, fixed the title of your thread again B)
Step one: Pick your favorite bands that you think there aren't enough maps of
Step two: Start album projects about them in the Beatmap Projects forum
Step three: Profit

Now locking this because people are SO CLOSE MINDED
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