
[invalid] Reconstruction of Ranking System

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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My last post about it was deleted...
Then im spend 5 hour to write this, i belive that doesn't be deleted this time..
Its so Long text and represent my vision of a future better ranking system. In some parts I gave a suggestion well overall, and not specific, leaving open to other complementary suggestions, So if you do not understand some point, or have a good suggestion to increase my text, talk to me and I'll try to update with it.

If you liked and wants it be real, help me with this post. IS SO MUCH THIGS THAT I MENTIONED IN THIS. Then i make steps of how this could be increased step by step


Why a recontruction of the ranking system?
  1. Actualy is very slow rank a map, it normaly takes months to get.
  2. Most of the maps end at graveyard because of many bad sectors in the current system.
  3. Mappers, speacialy beginners get crazy by trying rank a map
  4. Actualy kudosu and star priority is useless

Objectives of this Request
  1. Suggest points to be change on ranking system by Staff
  2. Increase the quantity, quality and reduce the time needed to get to rank a map
  3. Encourage beginner mappers to rank their maps and doesn't leaves them in the graveyard
  4. Make the system easy to understand, and right to those who want to rank a map
  5. Remove the *LUCK* element when you try rank a map

Suggestions of Things to be Changed in Ranking System

Step 1-Teach beginners to make beatmaps with excellence, How?
  1. Improve basic tutorials of beatmap editor tools
  2. Teach how to make correct timming, structuring, types, difficulties, standards, techniques, flow, spacing, forms, etc of a beatmap by another ways, like videos, ingame tutorials, etc, and facilitate access to it ingame through for the Osu! wiki (This need more assistance to be make by the experienced Mappers, BN's, QAT's, etc). Teach how to make glorious maps, not only teach the basics and let the beginner free to make anything...
  3. To define specifc rules of what can and what canno't be do in a Beatmap (eliminate the fallacy that there is no specific way of how to make a beatmap) defining what are the acceptable pattern and which are not. This could be done by a system part with a list of the figures of all the patterns found in the maps, and that would be administered by BN's and QAT's where the community would send their patterns and they would judge each one whether it is acceptable or not. Which is available for consultation with mappers. This does not take away the possibility of infinite different maps and mapper each have their own style. This would help to facilitate the following processes of bubble and qualification and also helps beginners to constantly improve on their maps by consulting this list (when I say this pattern does not mean equal spacing and repeated maps with the same patterns)
  4. Make a Spectating System at mapping in Editor. It will help so much when another want give mods to you or just watch how you are making a map

The suggested changes up to this point would be able to improve the time it takes to learn how to map with excellence and reduces the bullshit maps.

Step 2-Change where the Beatmaps are Submitted and Icons
  1. Separate the beatmaps by characteristics, how?
    Like following a folder in levels:

    Qualified and Waiting Qualify dont need to have subfolders because it would have few maps in
  2. REMOVING THE GRAVEYARD: All maps that you have submitted would be free to edit and improve.(submission limit could still existing)
  3. Change administration of maps: When you submitt a beatmap, you should select the genre and if its Incomplete Mapset or Complete Mapset. Then if its Complete, this go to Needing Mods folder. When you judge its ready for Qualify, you move it for Waiting Qualify folder. The map Can't be modded or updated if in Waiting Qualify folder. You could back it to Needing mods if u judge necessary. Then when a BN check your map, he select can move your map to Needing Mods, or still on Waiting Qualify folder, or move to incomplete mapset if its missing. Then the BN point all mods necesarry in the beatmap thread. If beatmap is good to qualify, the BN bubble ur map. If the beatmap have issues, it back to needing mods and the creator can't move to Waiting Qualify, at least for 3 days (for dont spam the system and realy make the changes). If the map get bubble, then another BN will check it, If all is OK, then the second BN can Qualify the map and write on the thread. If have issues that the first BN didn't see or the second BN judges wrong, then he give a icon to signal that something has wrong, then a third BN will check it. If all is ok, then the thrid BN qualify it. If realy have issues, then it back to needing mods and the BN point the issues in the thread. When it is qualified QAT's will check it, if all is ok, a QAT rank it. If have issues it will be get a icon of something wrong, then the second QAT will check it, so the system repeat like the Waiting Qualify phase.
    ^^^So much logic DUDE^^^

The suggested changes up to this point would be able to improve the search and division of beatmaps status and decreased with bubble maps that are forgotten.

Step 3-Change When a Beatmap can be modded and kudosu
  1. For make a mod for a map it need to be in Needing Mods folder, then it would be select "MOD POST" at thread for other peoples, and only if its a mod, the creator can give 1,2 or 3 kudosu depending on the quality of your mod, differentiating comments of mods
  2. Anyone can give mods for your map, like actualy, if your map is on Needing mods folder.

The suggested changes up to this point would be able to improve the kudosu gain by modding quality

Step 4-Change BN's, QAT's, working method and making Star Priority really effective by rules


  1. When you send a map to Waiting Qualify, this folder is supposed to be a QUEUE. Your map takes the position of the queue according to their STAR PRIORITY and date of moving to the Waiting Qualify. Then the BN's ONLY can give icons or move back to other folder FOR THE FIRST 'X' MAPS ON THE QUEUE.("X" is number that can be changed by the number of BN's available at the moment to check maps)
  2. Same above for Qualified folder, its supossed to be a QUEUE too where the QAT's only can works at the first map of it
  3. Removing the need to find and request BN, When you move the map to Waiting Qualify you can have the certain it will be checked by a BN, and removing the 1 week of qualify state, making needed a QAT check all MAPs, independent of time, but following the queue
  4. BN's give mods for the maps on the Waiting Qualify Queue, when the map reaches the top of the list
  5. Rules changes for Star Priority and Moving to Waiting Qualify:
    1-Only With 5 Star Priority you can move your map to Waiting to Qualify
    2-If your map was in Waiting to Qualify and a BN move it back to Needing Mods/Incomplete Mapset, the Star Priority of the Beatmap Resets(to prevent spaming incomplete maps in Waiting to qualify)
    3-When the map is on Waiting to Qualify or Qualified status, you can shot more STAR PRIORITY to it to reduce your waiting time at Queue's.
    4-If Your map was DQ, the Starpriority dont reset, cause DQ is supposed to be a SMALL issue.

BN's and QAT's could cry for being forced to work on a map that they dont like the song or any personal problem, but this change would be make the system FAIR for the mappers!

The suggested changes up to this point would be able to make the system more fluid, fair, fast, reliable, right, and make the mappers give more help to others at modding for getting KUDOSU to shot at their own or others maps. Focuses the attention of the BN's and QAT's in the Queue's, and takes of them the people asking all the time for mods. :D

My opinion:
If BN or QAT desagree CHECK ANY KINDA OF MAP, because of their own tastes, it is preferable to have a voting system for players ranks a map than a system unbalanced where some maps are ranked and some are ignored.

Updates of the post:


Yes it is a privilege for few peoples, but exactly for who? Don't is for the best mappers. Actualy have SOME EXCELLENT MAPSETS on graveyard because of silly things, not issues. Then it need to be changed for stop being a privilege of a few to be a reachable objective for all. If the BN's do not want to check and mod any kind of mapset, ONLY WHEN ARE FREE TO DO THIS, then it is certainly necessary to change the system to one that does not require volunteers.
This wall of text is so big, I'll cherrypick the issues I have with this request as time goes by

Teach how to make correct timming, structuring, types, difficulties, standards, techniques, flow, spacing, forms, etc of a beatmap by another ways, like videos, ingame tutorials, etc, and facilitate access to it ingame through for the Osu! wiki (This need more assistance to be make by the experienced Mappers, BN's, QAT's, etc). Teach how to make glorious maps, not only teach the basics and let the beginner free to make anything...
We don't need people suggesting this. Go and make turorials yourself.

REMOVING THE GRAVEYARD: All maps that you have submitted would be free to edit and improve.(submission limit could still existing)
The graveyard exists to filter out the maps which mappers are not commiting to. At least one mod per month on a mapset is the requirement for it not to get graveyarded. Also, mappers are free to resurect from the graveyard once they are ready to work on it some more.

Then something about BN and qualify, which I will read over some more to get a bit later. Also Locatv mentioned that the ranking process has a planned reconstruction.
Step 1 - People are already making them. Check out the 'General Questions' subforum. I was going to do one as well, but I've been quite busy lately, so idk when I'kl finish it

Step 2 - Keep the graveyard. Removing it would be bad, and causes huge strains, as people have much more maps to update. I also don't like the rest. All maps should be modded, even bubbled/qualified ones. Oh, and QAT set the genre/language for you. This doesn't even needs to be for ranked maps only.

Step 3 - No. Every map is able to be modded. And people can't choose 1/2/3, everyone will just pick 3 to aid the modder, and to bump their own star priority

Step 4 - God no. I don't want to mod all those forced maps. We have private lives as well you know? We are all really busy, being forced to check certain maps, even songs we might hate or trash maps. Also, 12SP is the current limit. Lowering to 5 will only do harm. It's better to raise it to 30, so at least people put attention in the map

I'm on phone, so I can't properly reply to it all, I'll do a full reply when I come home (with quotings and such ^_^)
Well it's your own fault that you spent 5 hours writing a wall of text with 50,000 suggestions that either suck or make no sense. Congrats.

Kathex wrote:

My opinion:If BN or QAT desagree CHECK ANY KINDA OF MAP, because of their own tastes, it is preferable to have a voting system for players ranks a map than a system unbalanced where some maps are ranked and some are ignored.
NEVER, EVER have a player based voting system. Those would be no different than the current process of favoriting a map. Any popular mapper and shitfull meme map will get voted nonstop, ignoring no-name mappers.

Kathex wrote:

1-Only With 5 Star Priority you can move your map to Waiting to Qualify
You are asking for lower quality maps nobody cares about, are you? Also star priority ensures the mapper cares for other maps, not only his/her own.

Kathex wrote:

4-If Your map was DQ, the Starpriority dont reset, cause DQ is supposed to be a SMALL issue.
BN's and QAT's could cry for being forced to work on a map that they dont like the song or any personal problem, but this change would be make the system FAIR for the mappers!
I think you are complaining for a wrong cause. This drama is a thing because BNs and QATs are lacking in number. The DQ process as it is good even if it's a small issue. This ensures a thorough check to result a map of the highest quality.

I don't think you realize why things are the way they are. You are also aware of a problem but don't know why there is a problem. Tell you this, there are currently multiple bottlenecks in the current system, making it imperfect. Let's see if you can identify at least 3.

I'll mercelessly shoot this idea some more if this thread survives by tommorow.
Topic Starter

Baraatje123 wrote:

Step 1 - People are already making them. Check out the 'General Questions' subforum. I was going to do one as well, but I've been quite busy lately, so idk when I'kl finish it
I want to say make the way to learn more easy, for example, when i did my first beatmap, i submitt it and wait like a newb someone help me with it, because didn't know I had to ask for help on #modreqs #modhelp and nothing ingame warned me that, and I learned that exist a wiki long time after... So what I propose is a better way for everyone when they get their first map, you can learn everything before going out doing anything

Step 2 - Keep the graveyard. Removing it would be bad, and causes huge strains, as people have much more maps to update. I also don't like the rest. All maps should be modded, even bubbled/qualified ones. Oh, and QAT set the genre/language for you. This doesn't even needs to be for ranked maps only.

It is very annoying you have made a Beatmap in the past and want to update it with small or big changes you made, and the system does not fail because of capacity. It simply makes no sense. The map is already taking up space on the server, which costs only update their difficulties? If the mapper does not want to make changes only leave him there's geito it is. The graveyard contributes to more maps end up being forgotten and never come to be improved.
We dont have QAT's for set all subimitted maps genre/language for we, at least the player selecting it, would be better for others search it by a filter.

Step 3 - No. Every map is able to be modded. And people can't choose 1/2/3, everyone will just pick 3 to aid the modder, and to bump their own star priority
If the map is have a incomplete mapset dont make sense peoples giving mods for a Incomple thing... This dont remove the possibility of a people help you to make a complete mapset, it encourages you to finish your mapset for get mods.
Kudosu is actualy very unfair to your mod work, you can give a GIANT mod, Spend like hours, and earn just 1 kudosu. Another can give 1 little mod, spend like few minutes and earn 2 kudosu? Its need to be changed, its just a sugestion how. Star priority actualy dont make more anysense after you get more than 12. You can have 100+ and your map could be just leave by others( specialy BN's)...

Step 4 - God no. I don't want to mod all those forced maps. We have private lives as well you know? We are all really busy, being forced to check certain maps, even songs we might hate or trash maps. Also, 12SP is the current limit. Lowering to 5 will only do harm. It's better to raise it to 30, so at least people put attention in the map.
A experienced mapper dont need so much mods for make a Excellent map, Then 5 star priority is just a minimal (remember Star Priority dont reflect map quality, even if it took a lot of attention or not because its creator may shot infinite stars to it). You dont mod ALL maps. What i propuse is a system when you are available for give mods, you need select a map available from the top of the Queue. Why the top of the Queue? Well a example: Imagine you make a beatmap of a JUSTIN BIEBER song ( its just a example)! And no one BN's or FEW BN's accept mod it because of the HORRIBLE song. It is unfair for the mapper, because him spends time and effort at it, and probably it takes ages or not even be modded, until a kind soul decides to do effort to endure it. Then with a Queue of BN's available to do mods, it become faster and FAIR for ALL MAPPERS! (cause some BN's make distinction among others). Remember, if a mapper send a Trash map, BN just can move it for Incomplete Mapset and give a small reply to the creator like, It is missing a difficulty, etc.
In the last line of step 4:
The suggested changes up to this point would be able to make the system more fluid, fair, fast, reliable, right, and make the mappers give more help to others at modding for getting KUDOSU to shot at their own or others maps. Focuses the attention of the BN's and QAT's in the Queue's, and takes of them the people asking all the time for mods.
Topic Starter

SkyHill wrote:

Well it's your own fault that you spent 5 hours writing a wall of text with 50,000 suggestions that either suck or make no sense. Congrats.
Read it and think about! If you like the actual system, go away, I dont like it and i have to do something about it.
Topic Starter

abraker wrote:

This wall of text is so big, I'll cherrypick the issues I have with this request as time goes by

Teach how to make correct timming, structuring, types, difficulties, standards, techniques, flow, spacing, forms, etc of a beatmap by another ways, like videos, ingame tutorials, etc, and facilitate access to it ingame through for the Osu! wiki (This need more assistance to be make by the experienced Mappers, BN's, QAT's, etc). Teach how to make glorious maps, not only teach the basics and let the beginner free to make anything...
We don't need people suggesting this. Go and make turorials yourself.
The beginner maps are actualy totally lost for lack of information especially ingame of how and where to seek help to start mapping.
Go and make turorials yourself.
Actualy I consider myself a beginner, how i can give to others tutorials? even if I had experience and make the tutorials, beginners hardly would find these tutorials, because it is on wiki, or youtube, etc, and lack something that points to such especially inside the game editor.
Topic Starter

abraker wrote:

Kathex wrote:

My opinion:If BN or QAT desagree CHECK ANY KINDA OF MAP, because of their own tastes, it is preferable to have a voting system for players ranks a map than a system unbalanced where some maps are ranked and some are ignored.
NEVER, EVER have a player based voting system. Those would be no different than the current process of favoriting a map. Any popular mapper and shitfull meme map will get voted nonstop, ignoring no-name mappers.
Then what i suggested all the post is make the system more fair and fast... If it continues the way it is, a player votation system is better in iterms of justice for the mapper than BN's and QAT's judging their maps, with a small team, which distinguish from many things, and ultimately, most of the maps ends up in the graveyard.

Kathex wrote:

1-Only With 5 Star Priority you can move your map to Waiting to Qualify
You are asking for lower quality maps nobody cares about, are you? Also star priority ensures the mapper cares for other maps, not only his/her own.
The System proposed reset your star priority if you make shit and send it to BN's. Then dont need to be SO MUCH Stars for a BN check, if you make a excellent map.

Kathex wrote:

4-If Your map was DQ, the Starpriority dont reset, cause DQ is supposed to be a SMALL issue.
BN's and QAT's could cry for being forced to work on a map that they dont like the song or any personal problem, but this change would be make the system FAIR for the mappers!
I think you are complaining for a wrong cause. This drama is a thing because BNs and QATs are lacking in number. The DQ process as it is good even if it's a small issue. This ensures a thorough check to result a map of the highest quality.
BN's and QAT's increase in team numbers does not affect the fact that somemaps can just be ignored by such. (can have 2000 BN's, if all only accept mod japanese song, your Justin Bieber song, never will be checked. This a example, forgive me! :P )

I don't think you realize why things are the way they are. You are also aware of a problem but don't know why there is a problem. Tell you this, there are currently multiple bottlenecks in the current system, making it imperfect.
Let's see if you can identify at least 3.

I'll mercelessly shoot this idea some more if this thread survives by tommorow.
umm... i don't think that this will help for the future of beatmapping system
Topic Starter

-Hakurei- wrote:

umm... i don't think that this will help for the future of beatmapping system

Any other sugestions are agree, if you have someone i can change my post with this.
I'll post a full reply later, bit I needed to tell you that double posting should be prevented. Just use the edit button
The problem is that the system around BNs isn't supposed to stay anyway.
Instead of making big plans you could try to start off by making the stuff that you want to happen anyway:
Step 1-Teach beginners to make beatmaps with excellence, How?

Improve basic tutorials of beatmap editor tools
Teach how to make correct timming, structuring, types, difficulties, standards, techniques, flow, spacing, forms, etc of a beatmap by another ways, like videos, ingame tutorials, etc, and facilitate access to it ingame through for the Osu! wiki (This need more assistance to be make by the experienced Mappers, BN's, QAT's, etc). Teach how to make glorious maps, not only teach the basics and let the beginner free to make anything...
This is a lot more important as a general increase in mapquality/expertise makes the ranking process as a whole a lot easier due to an increased quality of the first submission, better mods etc.

I'm not disagreeing that the ranking system could need some love but making up things randomly(like removing the graveyard which is NOT an option) doesn't help anyone.
None of your suggestions are either effective, practicable or in any way close to improving anything you criticize.
Additionally, there is no need to speed up the process. The current pace is fine as it is, as making it faster will only cause more errors in beatmap and a general decline in quality self.

The system is fairly easy to understand for mappers. You map your stuff, you get mods, you ask BNs to get it qualified, community tests it, eventually DQ and fix more stuff, get ranked, done. It's pretty straight forward.

Specific rules of what can and can not be done can be found in the Ranking Criteria. It's lacking of things and we rely on the expertise of our established modders to manually fix No-Gos in beatmaps, because the entire ordeal is extremely subjective. However, the rules need to be enhanced, but that's no news.

There is also no luck element. There is solely a social element. If you do not socialize with people, you end up never getting anything ranked. Establish yourself in the community. Give something back. Then you get something in return.

There is also no need to split up Pending/WIP into even more sub sections. That's needless overcomplication of a very few beatmaps. The icons are pretty straight forward.

There is a collab editor feature request/spectator thing somewhere here. Would be a nice feature, but I have no clue if it's even in scope to make that right now.

Star Priority is a system that used to work in a smaller size of community, but lost its effectiveness considering the size of community we currently have. There is no way of fixing that in any way. You just can't force people to mod what they don't want to mod. Also reducing the Star Priority increases the probability of speed ranking and lacking quality, once again. DQs also are not supposed to fix small issues, its supposed to fix every issue in the map present.

tl;dr: all your suggestions are rather moot and not really realistic. Also I believe that you have quite a lot of misconceptions about how the current system works in the first place. You are taking away the entire human element of this. None of these changes will actually work or enhance anything the way you demand them do be.

Also sitting back and expecting others to do the work is also not a thing in osu!. If you want to change or contribute something, go out and create guides.
Topic Starter

Endaris wrote:

The problem is that the system around BNs isn't supposed to stay anyway.
Instead of making big plans you could try to start off by making the stuff that you want to happen anyway
Thats why i said its are steps, then if all steps were implemented, the overall result could be better than the actual system.

I'm not disagreeing that the ranking system could need some love but making up things randomly(like removing the graveyard which is NOT an option) doesn't help anyone.
Removing the Graveyard is just a moving the maps of there to Incomplete Mapsets, and it means freedom to the mapper work on it without needing ressusect the map
based of my experience as bn for almost 1 year..
Actually is very slow rank a map, it normaly takes months to get.
invalid imo, it depends the mappers skill to create a high-quality mapset, and that's why it takes longer time for some mappers to improve their mapset until its deemed as ready for rank.. and regarding duration, even any mappers who are experienced enough that could map something 'flawless', is almost impossible to rank their maps faster (except they are retarded enough to get BN to rank their map too fast with so many flaws).. the more feedback from modders requires more time to spend, but its worth because the more people helps to improve your map..
ps: just personal quote, i don't really care whether it takes years, or couple months, or 29 days ish to be qualified / ranked, as long as the map is not stupid.. <_<

Most of the maps end at graveyard because of many bad sectors in the current system.
its simply because the mappers don't active enough to find a modders to keep their map in pending state, i mean.. for 1 month without inactivity, it's really a quiet loooong time for such inactivity.. soo its also invalid if you blame the current system.. and another note, correct me if i wrong..
graveyarded maps only fulfill the server load because those maps are simply 'inactive', the mappers are not really intend these maps for rank at all, that's what i see because most of graveyarded maps are not even intended for ranking itself.. the older graveyarded maps are stored, the more waste of them to keep a BIG amount of mapset file that stored in server for nothing.. xD

Mappers, speacialy beginners get crazy by trying rank a map
true, but as BN, i won't even want to touch any draft-quality map that are made by beginners, yes, i AM bn myself and i don't even really want to check any maps from newbies, unless their maps are modded enough and their maps fulfill my quality standard..
no need to explain more, what can i advice is, the mappers should learn how to map properly, based on the current ranking criteria & push their quality standard.. not the system who are to blame, but the mappers itself should improve first..

Actualy kudosu and star priority is useless
you cant just rank a map without feedback from modders, since the kudosu & star priority is not exist anymore...?
kudosu & star priority is the most important point to track how many modders who are contributed to improve their mapset, and how much the mappers push himself to get their mapset improved.. without them, how can i track the mapset activity?

soo, this is pretty much pointless.. i admit that i feels content with the current system that are a lot more improved, better than couple years ago...
Topic Starter

Loctav wrote:

None of your suggestions are either effective, practicable or in any way close to improving anything you criticize.
Additionally, there is no need to speed up the process. The current pace is fine as it is, as making it faster will only cause more errors in beatmap and a general decline in quality self.
You go what? Delete my post again? Since when suggest improvements in how people learn mapping will contribute to the decline of the quality of the maps? You are generalizing my post to a Hate Speech.

The system is fairly easy to understand for mappers. You map your stuff, you get mods, you ask BNs to get it qualified, community tests it, eventually DQ and fix more stuff, get ranked, done. It's pretty straight forward.
Take Months for make a simple mapset ranked It is discouraging to anyone. Especially learn how to make REALY RANKEABLE maps that takes a long time, its supposed to be easy and fast if had instructions to this.

Specific rules of what can and can not be done can be found in the Ranking Criteria. It's lacking of things and we rely on the expertise of our established modders to manually fix No-Gos in beatmaps, because the entire ordeal is extremely subjective. However, the rules need to be enhanced, but that's no news.
Ranking Criteria establishes general rules, Even if you follow all of them still your map can be horrible enough and not be rankeable

There is also no luck element. There is solely a social element. If you do not socialize with people, you end up never getting anything ranked. Establish yourself in the community. Give something back. Then you get something in return.
You need to be friend of a BN to receive a mod from him so? Peoples dont would be socialize with strangers only with the egoistic intention to receive a mod. AND THAT IS HAPPENING SO MUCH! Talk with a BN, ask him how many people speak to them only in exchange for a mod and bottom do not care for the BN effort to help the peoples. ITs look a good social element? or the element of interest?

There is also no need to split up Pending/WIP into even more sub sections. That's needless overcomplication of a very few beatmaps. The icons are pretty straight forward.
Currently have 4 Principal Sections= Ranked/Approved beatmaps , Peding Beatmaps , Works In Progress/Help and Beatmap Graveyard. Im Suggesting change to reduce the principal sections to 2: Complete Mapset and Incomplete mapset, the acess to the Graveyard maps, and divide Ranked maps of the Qualified, rename the peding maps to Needing mods and create a section named Wating Qualify. If you have understanded the propused sugestion of a new way to make a Queue at Waiting Qualify and Qualified Maps, you were able to understand it end the problems with peoples asking personaly for BN give mods for they. Also it keep the focuses of the BN's and QAT's in the Queue, leaving they free to work with total focus on a beatmap, ensuring the highest quality of the maps.

There is a collab editor feature request/spectator thing somewhere here. Would be a nice feature, but I have no clue if it's even in scope to make that right now.
Yeah its a old request, always its supposed to work like spectator when in a gameplay. Currently considering how it works, I think you need servers with greater capacity to implement a feature like that.

Star Priority is a system that used to work in a smaller size of community, but lost its effectiveness considering the size of community we currently have. There is no way of fixing that in any way. You just can't force people to mod what they don't want to mod. Also reducing the Star Priority increases the probability of speed ranking and lacking quality, once again. DQs also are not supposed to fix small issues, its supposed to fix every issue in the map present.
How i said in a previus comment, the quality dont be afected cause, if you make a bad map and send it to Waiting Qualify, your SP will reset. Then few points Like 5, would works fine for Experienced Good mappers and Beginner mappers.

tl;dr: all your suggestions are rather moot and not really realistic. Also I believe that you have quite a lot of misconceptions about how the current system works in the first place. You are taking away the entire human element of this. None of these changes will actually work or enhance anything the way you demand them do be.
I do not have any doubt of how it works. It is slow and if you do a survey on how many maps are ranked and how many end up in the graveyard, is absurd the amount of bad maps arising for lack of instruction by the mappers, everything generated by large gaps that the current system have.

Also sitting back and expecting others to do the work is also not a thing in osu!. If you want to change or contribute something, go out and create guides.
Its like you say to a people do your job. But the people dont know how to do it. Then this people start searching a way. And when him sees how hard and exhaustive it is to perform this work, him leaves it.
Its my guide how to make the system better, fair and fast for everyone. Have you read it all? or TL:DR? :(
You overreact, people gave valid reasons why your request isn't good. I prefer a longer ranking process with quality maps instead of a huge amount of shitmaps. Also, how long the ranking process takes depends on the mapper and their experience.
If you try so badly to make a request, but react so offended and whiny on critics, there is no wonder that you aren't being taken serious.
Topic Starter

ajeemaniz wrote:

based of my experience as bn for almost 1 year..
Actually is very slow rank a map, it normaly takes months to get.
invalid imo, it depends the mappers skill to create a high-quality mapset, and that's why it takes longer time for some mappers to improve their mapset until its deemed as ready for rank.. and regarding duration, even any mappers who are experienced enough that could map something 'flawless', is almost impossible to rank their maps faster (except they are retarded enough to get BN to rank their map too fast with so many flaws).. the more feedback from modders requires more time to spend, but its worth because the more people helps to improve your map..
ps: just personal quote, i don't really care whether it takes years, or couple months, or 29 days ish to be qualified / ranked, as long as the map is not stupid.. <_<
Yes, to rank a map depends on the mapper, but its not limited only to him, the system says you need first LEARNING WITH EXCELLENCE HOW TO MAP , abd after the community, the BN's and QAT's. But our first step is so much incomplete, cause peoples dont learn effective how to map with excellence before of make a map, then is necessary more atention for how to change it.

Most of the maps end at graveyard because of many bad sectors in the current system.
its simply because the mappers don't active enough to find a modders to keep their map in pending state, i mean.. for 1 month without inactivity, it's really a quiet loooong time for such inactivity.. soo its also invalid if you blame the current system.. and another note, correct me if i wrong..
graveyarded maps only fulfill the server load because those maps are simply 'inactive', the mappers are not really intend these maps for rank at all, that's what i see because most of graveyarded maps are not even intended for ranking itself.. the older graveyarded maps are stored, the more waste of them to keep a BIG amount of mapset file that stored in server for nothing.. xD
inactivity is generated because the system is slow, few people have time to play and make maps, and then spend ages in the ranking system, so I propose to improve the system so that more people have access to something of quality and especially faster.

Mappers, speacialy beginners get crazy by trying rank a map
true, but as BN, i won't even want to touch any draft-quality map that are made by beginners, yes, i AM bn myself and i don't even really want to check any maps from newbies, unless their maps are modded enough and their maps fulfill my quality standard..
no need to explain more, what can i advice is, the mappers should learn how to map properly, based on the current ranking criteria & push their quality standard.. not the system who are to blame, but the mappers itself should improve first..
Im propusing in my first step teach better ALL newbies, then reducing the numbers of shits made by they.

Actualy kudosu and star priority is useless
you cant just rank a map without feedback from modders, since the kudosu & star priority is not exist anymore...?
kudosu & star priority is the most important point to track how many modders who are contributed to improve their mapset, and how much the mappers push himself to get their mapset improved.. without them, how can i track the mapset activity?
I have to correct myself, Actualy kudosu and star priority is useless after 12 SP.

soo, this is pretty much pointless.. i admit that i feels content with the current system that are a lot more improved, better than couple years ago...
i hope this post could help improve it further in something at least :D
Topic Starter

Sey wrote:

You overreact, people gave valid reasons why your request isn't good. I prefer a longer ranking process with quality maps instead of a huge amount of shitmaps. Also, how long the ranking process takes depends on the mapper and their experience.
If you try so badly to make a request, but react so offended and whiny on critics, there is no wonder that you aren't being taken serious.
If you read all my text, u probaly will can see that im trying make the system better, with more QUALITY MAP, and faster. In no time I said my suggestions are to make the system accepts shitmaps. Instead, the suggestions are to make the system more easy for everyone, fair, fast, AND HAVE MORE MAPPER WITH EXCELLENCE QUALITY BEATMAPS.
First thing's first though, please go and find out how to properly quote someone, holy shit.

EDIT: Congratulations.

Kathex wrote:

Look who's talking...

Considering that you can not fulfill the demands you have on others by yourself, I do not see this going anywhere.
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