
Any way to know what maps get you a lot of pp?

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a tool like osu!trainer, saddly it doesnt work for me :(
Tillerino. t/219444
Aside from that you can use star rating, OD and the amount of circles as an indicator.
The more of anything, the more pp you get for a full combo with high accuracy.
For CtB, well, rip.

Endaris wrote:

For CtB, well, rip.

This made me lol xD
Yeah, or literally just listen in osu chats, friends and keep an eye on songs that are getting played heaps. As a ctb player, generally you hear first thing that theres a pp map out in the chat or from other players. From there you do your best.

If all else fails, use mods lol, DT OP \o/
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