
HTT - Gohan wa Okazu

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2011年12月17日 at 2:16:16

Artist: HTT
Title: Gohan wa Okazu
Source: K-ON!!
Tags: sherrie__fay sumi__fay siriru Shinki ho-kago tea time hirasawa yui toyosaki aki akiyama mio hikasa yoko tainaka ritsu satou satomi kotobuki tsumugi minako
BPM: 190
Filesize: 8463kb
Play Time: 03:03
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.54 stars, 170 notes)
  2. Insane (4.9 stars, 543 notes)
  3. S i R i R u's Hard (4.84 stars, 450 notes)
  4. Shinki's Normal (4.05 stars, 258 notes)
Download: HTT - Gohan wa Okazu
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
It was my FIRST Submit map.
It had been nuked........and now I will remake a new map....
Thanks for the following stuff:
Easy : Thanks for Nymph_ 's hitsound mod
Normal : Shinki
Hard : S i R i R u

Due to some of my damn English test , I have to AFK from mapping for a period of time .
:roll: 沙发顺便给星星
广告沙发位招租 联系人:[Angel_Beats]
:) :) :)
囧rz 给力不解释
:twisted: 喵~
稍微顶 个!
Shohei Ohtani
(Full ver.) aaaauuuggghhh make that go away D:.
:) star!!
Stand for it
Topic Starter
:) star
star and good luck >.>
Full ver. :roll:

Good luck~
Windows XP_old
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The 08 team_Bourdon
:D Starrr~~
Saten ruiko
晚了 对不起 :o :o :o

然后把slider velocity数值改成1.0以下
你这是easy 不是normal 不是hard
还有..改了SV以后你会发现distance snap的间距不一样了..
还有slider.. 能弄成一个弧度么..?
直接在编辑界面按D 或者菜单compose-->slider curve type-->bezier


[Okamiroy's Hard]
00:18:469 (2) - 往左一格?
00:58:890 (2) - 往左下一格?
01:01:890 (3) - 往左一格?
01:02:364 (6) - 往右一格?
01:06:153 (1) - 请让auto君转超过2000分
01:08:680 (1) - 同上
02:03:943 (6) - 向左一格?
02:04:417 (9,10,11) - 向右一格?
02:06:311 (5) - 向下两格?
02:06:469 (6,7) - 向下一格?
02:49:259 (3,4) - 向右一格?
02:53:522 (1) - 向左一格?

[AB's Insane]
snapping有问题 请resnap all note或找AIMod君查看
00:18:153 (4) - 个人很讨厌这种slider..就是会和上一拍或者上上一拍的slider完全重合在一起的.. 这种的完全看不清啊..
00:29:520 (1) - 突然变快 建议加个SB提示什么的
00:47:519 (3,7) - 向下一格?
00:49:572 (5) - 向右一格?
00:56:047 (1) - 从这里开始到中间的break 前大半几乎一样的copy 后面改了一点 不过也差不多 拜托..节奏一样好歹把排版都改一改好不好? 不好这么懒.. 就算你不想改也别copy的这么明显啊.. 一眼就看出来了.. 给人一种做的很随便的感觉 ._.
01:36:467 - 强烈建议加个note
01:36:572 - 同上
01:56:678 (1,1,1,1) - 请让auto君转过2000分
02:00:467 (1) - 从这里开始到02:20:362 (4) 基本上全复制 我也不说什么了 重新排下版吧
02:38:362 (1) - 从这里开始到02:47:835 (7) 跟第一段一样 同上
改改排版吧 :o

[sumisola's insane]
snapping有问题 请resnap all note或找AIMod君查看
把slider弄成bezir..(直接在编辑界面按D 或者菜单compose-->slider curve type-->bezier
00:00:469 (1,2) - 往右移一格?
00:15:624 (1) - 这种突然变快变慢的蛋疼slider 要么加个SB提醒..要么去掉..
00:28:890 (3) - 减一个来回?
00:36:311 (6) - 向右一格?
00:41:363 (1) - 这里的clap音效是啥..?
01:16:890 (5,6) - 往左一格?
01:17:206 (7) - 往左两格? 顺便如果改这个的话把7后面的8和后面的note都稍微调一下
01:44:047 - 加个note?
01:44:126 - 同上
01:44:205 - 同上
01:44:284 - 同上

star~ :)
Topic Starter
铅笔你辛苦了 :)
8-) 铅笔也mod了么
Hakurei Reimu
star. :)
00:24:469 (1) - Suggestion: Remove new combo here and add a new combo over here at 00:25:732 (2) - ?
00:43:416 (1) - You should probably extend this spinner by 1/1 so it'll end at 00:45:942.
02:14:363 (1) - Suggestion: Remove new combo here and add a new combo over here at 02:15:626 (2) - ?
02:33:310 (1) - You should probably extend this spinner by 1/1 to 02:35:837.

[Easy]'s definitely a simple one here. I think you'd be able to raise the HP Drain, Approach Rate, and Overall Difficulty by a small number of ticks without causing any trouble. That's up to you though!

01:20:047 (3) - Jump intentional?
01:26:047 (1) - You can extend this spinner by 1/1 so it'll end at 01:27:626.

Nice! [Normal] seems pretty nicely developed. I'd have to say though, around the end, you seem to have no hitsounds. This seems to contrast the beginning...It'd be best if you added hitsounds after the last break here. I also think you can increase the HP Drain and Overall Difficulty by a small number of ticks as well.

[Okamiroy's Hard]:
Hmm...This is a real interesting one here. I like your idea with the spacing and all, though inside it really feels fishy. Sometimes the spacing does indeed get inconsistent. But I don't really know if it's THAT bad, since I seemed to have gotten it myself. It might just be the map is naturally intuitive or my instincts are that good, but I'm unsure. XD

Another thing I'm pretty concerned about is the unbalanced nature of breaks. There's just the whole song with only one break, and that's 30 seconds long. ...That's a pretty long break. I guess it does make sense though, what being the solo and all, but a break that long kills some of the excitement.

Also, why is this difficulty shorter than the others? Do you think you can map all the way to the end?

[sumisola's insane]:
00:45:940 (1,1) - This jump is uncomfortable, nya. You have a repeat arrow slider ending at the top, so the jump is kind of awkward, sudden, and really icky. Maybe find some other way to make it sensible?
00:48:705 (2,3,4,5,6) - I don't understand the 1/4 notes here. They seem like they're just...there.
01:23:837 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Yeah, somewhat the same as above here...
02:00:942 (2,3) - Spacing from here to here seems a little cramped, and not just because of any speed changes or anything. It just felt like that. I think you need a note in between.
02:35:837 (1) - Make this spinner longer (1/1 or all the way before the next note)?
02:43:416 (8) - New combo.
02:51:232 (2,3,4,5,6) - I don't understand the 1/4 notes here. They seem like they're just...there.
02:52:101 (8,9,10) - This spacing is nutty. xwx

Wow! You put your effort here. Pretty cool. Some parts seem totally random...I think I got a bunch of them in my mod up there. I don't really have much else to specify, but I'd like to see this much polish also be put to the easier difficulties as well!

The countdown doesn't fit in this difficulty. Do you mind removing it?

This also might be a little nazi, but what if you capitalize the i in insane? :x

[[Angel_Beats]'s Insane]:
00:35:836 (10) - New combo.
00:56:047 (8) - New combo.
01:16:256 (5) - New combo~
01:27:941 (10) - Remove this note. XD The previous note should pretty much be your ending beat. Speaking of which, because of that, 01:27:625 (9) - should have a Finish.
01:56:678 (1,1,1,1) - Ahh!~ You can't have Spinners that Auto gives less than 2000 bonus to now...Sorry. You have to fix these spinners to give at least 2000 bonus from Auto, remove some of them, or think of another creative pattern.

Crazy ~ I don't know what else to say too. XD

I'm a little concerned for how the breaks are placed. The players' grips might suffer! :P However, this is a pretty cool first map. :)
Topic Starter
so....thanks for modding~~thanks! :) :)
[AB's insane]
0:17:995 (1) up 1 grid
0:45:942 (1,2,3,4) irregular shape, (3) left 1 grid+up 1 grid, (4) left 1 grid
0:52:416 (2,3,6) ^, down 1 grid
1:40:732 (x) slider should start here, or add notes?
1:56:679 (1,1,1,1) spinner too short
2:16:416 (8,9,10) uneven spacing

1:15:942 (7,8) down 1 grid?
2:10:100 (1,2) right 1 grid

0:29:521 (1~8) spacing of (2,3), (4,5) and (6,7) should be the same
1:07:732 (1,2,3) uneven spacing
break: that's too long. : <
2:32:837 (1~5) uneven spacing
Points to note:
The playable length should be same as other difficulties, either same as normal or same as insane

[Normal] HP drain rate and OD+2 at least imo
0:41:363 (3) left 1 grid
0:45:942 (1~8) fix their spacing to ~ 1.0x?
1:16:574 (2) left 1 grid + up 1 or 2 grid
1:18:469 (5,6,1) uneven spacing
-The later part of the diff is mostly likely unsnapped

[easy]fix what kirby suggest would be fine~

Agreed with kirby that the break arrangement is unbalanced, try to unique them.
Topic Starter
Thanks for your modding~wmfchris :) :) :)
'background.jpg' 的大小是1023*768,把這個弄成1024*768
刪掉.osb 然後 full sub.

00:15:626(1) - add finish,可以調低音量
00:19:416(4) - ^
00:21:311(1) - add whistle
00:23:837(1) - ^
01:01:100(1) - add finish,可以調低音量
01:04:890(4) - add finish
01:16:258(1,1) - 對於Easy來說,這兩個spinner太短
01:21:311(1) - add finish,可以調低音量
01:25:100(1) - 加長一倍
01:37:574(1,1,1,1) - 好多spinner...先不說spinner的長度,不斷轉手會疼的
02:05:521(1,4) - add finish
02:11:205(1) - add whistle
02:13:732(1) - ^
02:23:205(1) - add finish
02:28:258(1) - ^
02:48:469(1) - spinner太短
02:53:521(1,2) - 分開
03:03:626(3) - add finish

Topic Starter

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

00:24:469 (1) - Suggestion: Remove new combo here and add a new combo over here at 00:25:732 (2) - ?checked
00:43:416 (1) - You should probably extend this spinner by 1/1 so it'll end at 00:45:942. checked
02:14:363 (1) - Suggestion: Remove new combo here and add a new combo over here at 02:15:626 (2) - ? checked
02:33:310 (1) - You should probably extend this spinner by 1/1 to 02:35:837. checked

[Easy]'s definitely a simple one here. I think you'd be able to raise the HP Drain, Approach Rate, and Overall Difficulty by a small number of ticks( checked) without causing any trouble. That's up to you though!

01:20:047 (3) - Jump intentional? checked
01:26:047 (1) - You can extend this spinner by 1/1 so it'll end at 01:27:626. checked

Nice! [Normal] seems pretty nicely developed. I'd have to say though, around the end, you seem to have no hitsounds( checked). This seems to contrast the beginning...It'd be best if you added hitsounds after the last break here. I also think you can increase the HP Drain and Overall Difficulty by a small number of ticks as well. checked

[Okamiroy's Hard]:
Hmm...This is a real interesting one here. I like your idea with the spacing and all, though inside it really feels fishy. Sometimes the spacing does indeed get inconsistent. But I don't really know if it's THAT bad, since I seemed to have gotten it myself. It might just be the map is naturally intuitive or my instincts are that good, but I'm unsure. XD

Another thing I'm pretty concerned about is the unbalanced nature of breaks. There's just the whole song with only one break, and that's 30 seconds long. ...That's a pretty long break. I guess it does make sense though, what being the solo and all, but a break that long kills some of the excitement.

Also, why is this difficulty shorter than the others? Do you think you can map all the way to the end? checked,and mostly remap....

[sumisola's insane]:
00:45:940 (1,1) - This jump is uncomfortable, nya. You have a repeat arrow slider ending at the top, so the jump is kind of awkward, sudden, and really icky. Maybe find some other way to make it sensible? checked
00:48:705 (2,3,4,5,6) - I don't understand the 1/4 notes here. They seem like they're just...there. it follows the lyrics,as the vocal singing "ichi ni san" (one two three"
01:23:837 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Yeah, somewhat the same as above here... it follows the lyrics,as the vocal singing "ichi ni san" (one two three"
02:00:942 (2,3) - Spacing from here to here seems a little cramped, and not just because of any speed changes or anything. It just felt like that. I think you need a note in between. checked
02:35:837 (1) - Make this spinner longer (1/1 or all the way before the next note)? checked
02:43:416 (8) - New combo. checked
02:51:232 (2,3,4,5,6) - I don't understand the 1/4 notes here. They seem like they're just...there. it follows the lyrics,as the vocal singing "ichi ni san" (one two three"
02:52:101 (8,9,10) - This spacing is nutty. xwx checked

Wow! You put your effort here. Pretty cool. Some parts seem totally random...I think I got a bunch of them in my mod up there. I don't really have much else to specify, but I'd like to see this much polish also be put to the easier difficulties as well! checked,It have been a hard work.....haha

The countdown doesn't fit in this difficulty. Do you mind removing it? checked

This also might be a little nazi, but what if you capitalize the i in insane? :x checked.....hehe

[[Angel_Beats]'s Insane]:
00:35:836 (10) - New combo. checked
00:56:047 (8) - New combo. checked
01:16:256 (5) - New combo~ checked
01:27:941 (10) - Remove this note. XD The previous note should pretty much be your ending beat. Speaking of which, because of that, checked 01:27:625 (9) - should have a Finish. checked
01:56:678 (1,1,1,1) - Ahh!~ You can't have Spinners that Auto gives less than 2000 bonus to now...Sorry. You have to fix these spinners to give at least 2000 bonus from Auto, remove some of them, or think of another creative pattern. checked

Crazy ~ I don't know what else to say too. XD

I'm a little concerned for how the breaks are placed. The players' grips might suffer! :P However, this is a pretty cool first map. :)

so....kirby,in this time, thank you for the long work of modding again,You´ve had a long fight.XD
And then, i would like to talk about the "1/4note" of my Insane in your modding.So,you known,as the vocal singing "ichi ni san" (one two three",specially ,I use a 1/4note at the "i"of ichi,in the song.So......that's it~Thanks,kirby
Thanks for mod this map's people...
Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

[AB's insane]
0:17:995 (1) up 1 grid checked
0:45:942 (1,2,3,4) irregular shape, (3) left 1 grid+up 1 grid, (4) left 1 grid checked
0:52:416 (2,3,6) ^, down 1 grid checked
1:40:732 (x) slider should start here, or add notes? checked
1:56:679 (1,1,1,1) spinner too short checked
2:16:416 (8,9,10) uneven spacing checked

1:15:942 (7,8) down 1 grid? checked
2:10:100 (1,2) right 1 grid checked

0:29:521 (1~8) spacing of (2,3), (4,5) and (6,7) should be the same checked
1:07:732 (1,2,3) uneven spacing checked
break: that's too long. : < checked
2:32:837 (1~5) uneven spacing checked
Points to note:
The playable length should be same as other difficulties, either same as normal or same as insane checked

[Normal] HP drain rate and OD+2 at least imo checked
0:41:363 (3) left 1 grid checked
0:45:942 (1~8) fix their spacing to ~ 1.0x? checked
1:16:574 (2) left 1 grid + up 1 or 2 grid checked
1:18:469 (5,6,1) uneven spacing checked
-The later part of the diff is mostly likely unsnapped
-hitsound? checked

[easy]fix what kirby suggest would be fine~ checked

Agreed with kirby that the break arrangement is unbalanced, try to unique them.
大家都可以聽明中文,就用中文講啦~~ :)
首先,真系辛苦曬你 啊~~寫得甘詳細,我按照你要求改左唔少地方,Insane 同 hard,normal幾乎重新排過note!呼.....攰~
至於hitsound,我normal嘅地方可能改得唔系甘好,麻煩高手你可以唔可以再俾D tips?
再次多謝你嘅辛勤勞動 chris~~ :) :)
Topic Starter

[Angel_Beats] wrote:

Thanks for mod this map's people...

AB我想吐槽你的英文~ :lol: :lol:

sumisola wrote:

[Angel_Beats] wrote:

Thanks for mod this map's people...

AB我想吐槽你的英文~ :lol: :lol:
oh...I forgot this lol
Cyril Scarlet
ehhh where is TAG ? (゚Д゚)

i'm not good for MOD skill >x< dunno how to mod after good modder modded.

Topic Starter

S i R i R u wrote:

ehhh where is TAG ? (゚Д゚)

i'm not good for MOD skill >x< dunno how to mod after good modder modded.

So......just update it,I just add the TAG on it, "HTT [Angel_Beats] Okamiroy"
01:37:732(1,1,1,1) - D: ...這三個轉轉吧...咋都一樣,很悶的
02:12:153(1) - ugly
02:35:521(1) - 加長到02:38:363

00:20:679(1) - ugly


no kd this post
Topic Starter

karenying wrote:

'background.jpg' 的大小是1023*768,把這個弄成1024*768
刪掉.osb 然後 full sub. checked

00:15:626(1) - add finish,可以調低音量
00:19:416(4) - ^
00:21:311(1) - add whistle
00:23:837(1) - ^
01:01:100(1) - add finish,可以調低音量
01:04:890(4) - add finish
01:16:258(1,1) - 對於Easy來說,這兩個spinner太短
01:21:311(1) - add finish,可以調低音量
01:25:100(1) - 加長一倍
01:37:574(1,1,1,1) - 好多spinner...先不說spinner的長度,不斷轉手會疼的
02:05:521(1,4) - add finish
02:11:205(1) - add whistle
02:13:732(1) - ^
02:23:205(1) - add finish
02:28:258(1) - ^
02:48:469(1) - spinner太短
02:53:521(1,2) - 分開
03:03:626(3) - add finish

All checked,EZ基本remap,包括埋hitsound

Topic Starter

karenying wrote:

01:37:732(1,1,1,1) - D: ...這三個轉轉吧...咋都一樣,很悶的 checked
02:12:153(1) - ugly checked
02:35:521(1) - 加長到02:38:363 checked

00:20:679(1) - ugly
hard嘅hitsound 全部重新加过.....

刪掉沒用的綠線 checked


no kd this post
Topic Starter

Ballance wrote:


平衡姐~~谢谢了 :) :)
添加 PreviewTime please.
题目里去掉 "(Full ver.)"? 这歌貌似根本就不存在TV size吧 XD

你之前和我说这图现在是只需要一些nazi modding了 可是我确实感觉这音效太需要nazi了啊 D:

01:04:890 (4) - 这还是拿远点好._.

00:34:416 (4) - 间距 我看半天才明白是渐远 D: 不过前后没有对应的地方 我建议还是别这样了吧._.
01:47:047 (6) - 这结束在01:47:521好一点
01:59:205 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - 这一串很卧槽
02:12:469 (3) - 结束在02:12:784

-[Angel_Beats]'s Insane-
你应该是改了offset 重新检查snap吧
这难度不需要lead-in 去掉
00:02:343 - 这根绿线没用到
00:10:258 (1,2,3,4,1) - 我不建议一开始就是串
00:33:468 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这里没差 不过可不可以排得整齐一些._. 而且这红线开始的slider很奇怪 从白线开始会舒服许多
00:45:547 (1) - 去掉这个吧 很难读
00:54:624 (5) - 往下一格
00:45:547 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这串有些违和 我建议去掉
01:04:889 (6) - 位置稍远 往上提一格解决问题
01:20:520 (6) - 这小跳似乎没啥必要 按前面的间距比较好 往右2格?
01:22:574 (3) - 往左1格
01:36:469 - 这串还是在白线这里开始比较好
02:00:074 (2) - 去掉这个? 蓝线起不是很舒服

打着有些不舒服 :<

稍微罗嗦几句-。- 抱歉这可能很不中听,如果不愿意看的话就无视吧 :D
如果你想把这图弄得更好的话 我还是建议你去多叫些modding过来. 我并没有歧视新手,不过现在让我看 我实在无法认同这是张好图,抱歉. 现在的话,我不能给泡.
说一下卡比的mod 卡比是在鼓励你 并不是说图很完美不需要改动 或许你没有意识到这点. 我本应该和卡比一样扮白脸 不过你找到了我 而且是反复找了几次 我也实在不好意思敷衍你:< 所以这些必须要说明白. 卡比提出的东西很基本 我想你应该听取他说的那些.
比如Insane的00:48:784 (2,3,4,5,6) - osu!是一个节奏游戏 不是歌词游戏,你懂的. 一般是应该以节奏为主 用歌词辅助节奏. 这样才会舒服.你也是玩家 图的好坏想必你比我更清楚.
还有一点非常重要 图里的随机性太强了 有些地方真的是不好读
现在如果是说"对"和"错" 的话 也许图并没有什么错误 不过"对"和"好"的差别是太大了 一张图 难也好 简单也好 让人打着舒服,或者很爽 那这张图就成功了 这就是为什么有的图能够让人送出10分 有的图直接甩1分的原因 如果你执意保持原样的话 我建议你去多找些人打打看 @w@ 玩家的意见也是很重要的

还有 刚起步的话学一学基本的排列 花样什么的可以等到熟练之后再去运用嘛.
节奏是很重要的 不要一味的去对歌词 这很傻. 去仔细听背景音 听音乐的节奏 先找到节奏 然后根据节奏考虑排列

做成这样对于新手来说确实不错 不要被我的话打击 这图很有潜力 又是热门歌 再改进一下的话会更好的 ;)
作为鼓励 *star*

Topic Starter

xierbaliti wrote:

-如果你想把这图弄得更好的话 我还是建议你去多叫些modding过来. 我并没有歧视新手,不过现在让我看 我实在无法认同这是张好图,抱歉. 现在的话,我不能给泡.
说一下卡比的mod 卡比是在鼓励你 并不是说图很完美不需要改动 或许你没有意识到这点. 我本应该和卡比一样扮白脸 不过你找到了我 而且是反复找了几次 我也实在不好意思敷衍你:< 所以这些必须要说明白. 卡比提出的东西很基本 我想你应该听取他说的那些.
比如Insane的00:48:784 (2,3,4,5,6) - osu!是一个节奏游戏 不是歌词游戏,你懂的. 一般是应该以节奏为主 用歌词辅助节奏. 这样才会舒服.你也是玩家 图的好坏想必你比我更清楚.
还有一点非常重要 图里的随机性太强了 有些地方真的是不好读
现在如果是说"对"和"错" 的话 也许图并没有什么错误 不过"对"和"好"的差别是太大了 一张图 难也好 简单也好 让人打着舒服,或者很爽 那这张图就成功了 这就是为什么有的图能够让人送出10分 有的图直接甩1分的原因 如果你执意保持原样的话 我建议你去多找些人打打看 @w@ 玩家的意见也是很重要的

还有 刚起步的话学一学基本的排列 花样什么的可以等到熟练之后再去运用嘛.
节奏是很重要的 不要一味的去对歌词 这很傻. 去仔细听背景音 听音乐的节奏 先找到节奏 然后根据节奏考虑排列

做成这样对于新手来说确实不错 不要被我的话打击 这图很有潜力 又是热门歌 再改进一下的话会更好的 ;)
作为鼓励 *star*


喜儿老师辛苦了~写得那么详细....我的确是忽视了kirby的这点.....呵呵,我还以为这图好了,原来问题还那么多,看来还有的是改进,谢谢喜儿老师的意见! :) 辛苦了 :) :) 你说的话非常有用~~谢谢^ ^ :) :)
More things I noticed that I didn't see the first time oxo!!

All the difficulties are mapped to ~3:05 except this one, where the last thirty seconds are blank. I really think this feels kind of strange and random. If you have the time to map the whole thing, I would highly suggest doing so. :oops:

01:21:311 (3) - Consider a New Combo here?

[[Angel_Beats]'s Insane]:
01:27:941 (1) - Remove this beat? It'll make a nice transition into the break.
01:56:679 (1) - It was kind of difficult to notice this was a 2x slider. I didn't break combo, I don't know if it was from natural intuitiveness or the pattern is actually identifiable as a 2x slider, but I'm a bit concerned. Hmm...How about flipping 01:54:783 (1,2,3,4,5) - ? That'll make it so (5) is a little bit farther away to the next (1), perhaps making things at least a little less awkward or sudden. Just a suggestion. :)

You should probably remove HTT from the tags, since it's already in the Artist field.

Hmm...Do you think (Full ver.) is unneeded? We can always change the title to just "Gohan wa Okazu". If there's a short version, that can be simply be (TV Size). People would understand the difference. Thoughts? o:

As xierbaliti mentioned earlier, please set a Preview Time for all the difficulties. It should be the same area. To set a Preview Time, go to Timing > Set Current Position as Preview Time. It's the last option; you can't miss it!

If you're changing the Song Title, follow this procedure: viewtopic.php?f=56&t=24443

If you have any questions, contact me. ;)
Topic Starter

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

More things I noticed that I didn't see the first time oxo!!

All the difficulties are mapped to ~3:05 except this one, where the last thirty seconds are blank. I really think this feels kind of strange and random. If you have the time to map the whole thing, I would highly suggest doing so. :oops: checked

01:21:311 (3) - Consider a New Combo here? checked

[[Angel_Beats]'s Insane]:
01:27:941 (1) - Remove this beat? It'll make a nice transition into the break. checked
01:56:679 (1) - It was kind of difficult to notice this was a 2x slider. I didn't break combo, I don't know if it was from natural intuitiveness or the pattern is actually identifiable as a 2x slider, but I'm a bit concerned. Hmm...How about flipping 01:54:783 (1,2,3,4,5) - ? That'll make it so (5) is a little bit farther away to the next (1), perhaps making things at least a little less awkward or sudden. Just a suggestion. :) checked

You should probably remove HTT from the tags, since it's already in the Artist field. checked

Hmm...Do you think (Full ver.) is unneeded? We can always change the title to just "Gohan wa Okazu". If there's a short version, that can be simply be (TV Size). People would understand the difference. Thoughts? o: checked

As xierbaliti mentioned earlier, please set a Preview Time for all the difficulties. It should be the same area. To set a Preview Time, go to Timing > Set Current Position as Preview Time. It's the last option; you can't miss it! checked

If you're changing the Song Title, follow this procedure: viewtopic.php?f=56&t=24443

If you have any questions, contact me. ;)

Thanks!Kirby,you're such a gooooooooood guy! ^ ^ :) :)
Kinda late~~
Some might be slightly more nazi than you need, fix what you want to

Seems odd to have 2 long breaks next to each other...would be nicer if you could spread them out more, or just delete one otherwise?
Keep the countdown consistent on every difficulty (either all off or all on)
Remove un-needed audio lead-in time on every difficulty
Make sure that every difficulty has a preview point set

00:10:574 timing section isn't needed. Just make the main offset soft, same for any other difficulties that use it
00:20:679 (1) - all of these could be stacked slightly better
00:40:258 (4) - should be a clap to follow your previous pattern
01:13:732 (2,1) - avoid anti jump
01:16:258 (1,1) - could be more creative
01:37:732 (1,1,1,1) - not a good idea, isn't fun to play and beginners often have trouble with spinners

Make HP/OD higher than Easy
00:14:837 (8) - add note (and move previous finish)
00:19:890 (8) - ^
00:26:047 (5,1) - avoid anti jump
01:05:363 (5) - same as earlier
02:35:521 (1) - start at 02:35:837 (end same place)
02:40:890 (1) - extend to red tick (same for the 4 after this)

Okamiroy's Hard:
Make OD at least as high as Normal (its very low for a Hard)
00:19:259 (5,6) - try not to have hidden repeats
00:23:205 (7) - new combo
00:24:785 (1) - remove new combo
00:25:732 (7) - new combo
00:30:785 (1,2,3) - hidden repeats, put them a different way
00:44:679 (1) - ends at an odd place to me, extend 2 white ticks?
00:50:996 (1) - ^
01:04:575 (5,6,7) - hidden repeat
02:13:100 (6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - same combo placement as I mentioned earlier
02:35:048 (8,1) - avoid anti jump
02:37:101 (1) - extend 2 white ticks
02:43:417 (1) - extend 1 white tick
02:58:574 (1,2,3,4) - hidden repeats

Resnap all notes
Don't follow all the combos but will leave that for now
00:52:100 (8,1,2,3,4) - don't overlap
02:16:416 (3) - 2x doesn't fit to me
02:54:626 (1,1,2,3) - don't overlap

Angel_Beat']s Insane:
Claps seem odd at times and could probably follow more of a rhythm
Increase OD slightly to match more of an Insane?
Resnap all notes
00:17:363 (1) - odd place for a new combo
01:13:732 (3,1) - spacing
01:21:309 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - could be more interesting
01:53:837 (7,1) - ^
01:56:679 (1,1,1,1) - needs warning if you are keeping them, they are unexpected
03:03:625 (1) - separate start and end point more

Isn't looking too bad but needs slightly more work before I can star, call me back and I should be able to~
Topic Starter
Thanks James! I will make my map perfect~~And that I will call you~~ :) :) :)
modding ;)

- delete osb-file in your folder
- the best size of back ground is 800×600
- I think it's good to change a back ground by a mapper
- set a preview point (I think it's at 00:30:626)

~How to set previw point~
1,click the Timing
2,click Setcurrent Position as Preview Point on a timing you want to set preview point
3,there is a yellow line where you set it



00:42:153(3)---1grid up
02:53:521(1)---too far


00:21:942(2), 00:24:469(2),
00:26:995(2), 02:11:837(2),
02:14:363(2), 02:16:890(2),

Please put these on the slider end.

Spacing is important to make "Easy" and "Nromal"


02:41:995---add note?

If you change these,be careful about spacings

<Okamiroy's Hard>

00:25:732(4)---Please put this on the slider end
03:06:232---delete "Inheriting Section"


00:47:837(4)---Please put this on the slider end
00:56:521(1)---remove new combo
01:06:153(1)---1grid down?
01:17:521(5)---Please put this on the slider end

<[Angel_Beats]'s Insane>

00:17:363(1)---remove new combo
00:26:205(7)---Please put this on the slider end

nice map!! starヽ(*´∀`)ノ★
We are all preparing for the final examination, so we may not check our maps in time. :o sorry :o We will edit after that.

Thanks for your modding,James2250 and KSHR. We will try our best to make our maps better. :) :)
Topic Starter
2011.08.21 rank 5 张图以后决定挖坟重制 Gohan wa okazu 送分图一张
Raging Bull
Revived! /Im not BAT ;_;

Good luck.

My message is very long. Very very long.
那就去掉tags里的[Angel_Beats] 0.0

B r e e z e_old
(Full ver.) aaaauuuggghhh make that go away D:[profilebaka]bakabaka[/profile]
Topic Starter
反正感觉音效和摆放都还能进步 这么久的map remap过了吗?
Snowy Dream
Nice map~
Nuked~ ;)
hihi~ :)


01:21:942 (1) - clap.


[Okamiroy's Hard]

00:30:863 (T) - 一個時間點有2根綠線...
00:14:679 - 加个circle? 因为和后面比这里的摆的有些慢
00:56:679 - 总感觉这里缺了一拍,然后00:57:942那边也缺了一拍....
01:01:732 - 这边和上面一样
01:09:311 - 把slider拉到这里结束+clap,然后在01:09:942 这边+个circle,节奏这样比较好
01:21:942 - 忘了加clap了
01:24:469 - +clap+circle
02:01:100 - ^
02:06:153 - 漏拍啊啊o(≧口≦)o
02:32:047 - 拉条拉到这里然后 02:32:679 +clap+circle 02:32:995+circle 这样子会不会好点
02:51:626 - 不要这样要歪不歪要直不直的....要歪就彻底点
02:53:521 - NC
02:58:574 - 从这里开始NC


00:19:416 - ///这个诡异的距离是?...
真搞不懂拍子够慢了你为什么要在后面加0.5x呢0 0?

00:00:547 - 这条绿线有啥用啊
00:16:574 - 没覆盖好啊
00:17:995 - 同上啊
00:20:679 - 控好点
00:22:574 - ^
00:25:732 - 还是没覆盖好啊
00:29:837 - 同上啊
00:32:521 - 前面这个都没盖好啊
00:40:890 - 距离距离
00:44:679 - 去掉吧这个spinner
00:50:363 - ....真的...不是一般的难看OTL...
00:55:416 - ...这下难看X2了OTL....

00:11:837 - ...NC
00:13:100 - ...NC...后面的NC我就不说了至少停顿的时候请点NC....
00:14:205 - 哦你干嘛在这里空拍子....加回去
00:26:521 - 和1的尾巴覆盖下吧
00:29:521 - ...没覆盖好

下次记得,做完后整个在edit里看一遍,就不会有那么多没覆盖好的了恩- -///
Cyril Scarlet

Your message is too short.
Your message is too short.
Your message is too short.

Topic Starter

S i R i R u wrote:


Your message is too short.
Your message is too short.
Your message is too short.

random mod here

Insane's BG is 800x600 , different from other diffs
remove lead-in plz , make sure all diff's lead-in is the same
don't have a preview time ?
countdown in Normal is different with other diffs
why Okamiroy in tags 0.0?

no difference between hit300k.png and hit300g.png
add a approachcircle.png ?

00:35:205 (4,5) - stack on (1) ?
01:22:574 (2) - repeat at 01:23:047 , end at 01:23:521 ?
02:17:521 (5) - kinda to hard for an Easy imo
03:03:784 (1) - end at 03:06:153 and remove finish then volume down

00:44:363 - volume down plz
00:48:469 (1,2,3,4) - this is sudden , I think you should use sliders first then use circles later on the same rhyme , like 00:53:521 (1,2) first , then 00:48:469 (1,2,3,4) later
01:07:416 (1) - delete
01:40:258 (3,1,2,3,4,1) - make into a pretty pentagon ?

00:11:047 (2,3) - stack better 0.0?
00:14:521 (6) - ^
00:15:153 (1,2,3) - volume down plz
00:42:626 (1) - stack 0.0...
00:59:679 - add note
01:00:626 (1,2,3) - volume down
01:18:626 - add note
01:18:942 - ^
seems not finished yet 0.0

00:18:626 (4,1) - circle at 00:18:626 , slider from 00:18:784 to 00:19:100
00:45:311 (1,2) - change nc to (2)
00:45:942 (6,1) - spacing small here when playing
00:47:047 (6,1) - ^
00:52:100 (1,2) - ^
01:01:100 (1,2) - spacing small here
01:42:784 (1,2) - ^
02:22:574 (1,2,3,4) - ctrl+h
02:42:784 (3,1) - not stack when playing
02:44:521 (1,2) - ^
03:03:626 - circle here , spinner from 03:03:784

here's example

Download: HTT - Gohan wa Okazu (Sumisola) [example].osu

wcx19911123 wrote:

00:44:363 - volume down plz 60%→50%
00:48:469 (1,2,3,4) - this is sudden , I think you should use sliders first then use circles later on the same rhyme , like 00:53:521 (1,2) first , then 00:48:469 (1,2,3,4) later 保留意见 没改
01:07:416 (1) - delete 节奏需要 还是没改 OTZ
01:40:258 (3,1,2,3,4,1) - make into a pretty pentagon ? 3那个slider改了 后面那个菊花我蛮喜欢的.......所以还是没改...=A=

fin,so sorry <(_ _)>
Cyril Scarlet
finished and

fixed some point from wcx19911123

Your message is too short.
Your message is too short.
Your message is too short.
Your message is too short.

Download: RuRu.rar
Snowy Dream

wcx19911123 wrote:

[雪儿神mapper] 神mapper你妹啊 你才是啊
00:35:205 (4,5) - stack on (1) ? fixed 但不是分开>.>
01:22:574 (2) - repeat at 01:23:047 , end at 01:23:521 ? Fixed
02:17:521 (5) - kinda to hard for an Easy imo kinda to easy for the beginner nowadays
03:03:784 (1) - end at 03:06:153 and remove finish then volume down Fixed
Download: HTT - Gohan wa Okazu (Sumisola) [Snowy's Easy].osu
00:13:890 (4) - 这里+一个来回? 这里空着个人觉得意义不大
00:20:047 我觉得这里也不该空着?因为vocal这里是连着的
00:26:995 (5) - nazi 上移一点?
00:45:311 (1,2) - 这里合并成一个slider?然后和后面连打 slider摆个啥造型?停顿的话挺坑人的
00:47:047 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - 我觉得把这种节奏可以做成anti jump 不过看你了 详情参考kiiwa第一张RANK图
01:05:837 (2) - 有一些突然? 换成0,75? 看你了
02:03:942 (3,1) - 这里我觉得也不该空着 中间+个NOTE 或者换slider神马的
02:43:416 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 同前面类似节奏
拿到的kudo变成星星还给你 XD
液我又来了。简单的看了一下 :3

没设置PreviewTime啊 如果是我的话设在30705左右 :3
Tag加上 "siriru" 不然搜不到的
LeadIn没发现有什么用 去掉.

01:58:574 (1) - 不是应该加到1.25x吗 ._.
02:04:100 - 还是感觉加个note舒服一些._.
02:09:153 - 同上
02:51:942 (4) - 还是拿上来点更好看吧?

音效还是需要提升啊 ._.

PS.果然和我一样懒比了 找了一票GD lol
[Snowy's Easy]
01:08:679 (4,5) - 與間距不一樣01:06:153 (1,2) - 建議改掉
01:37:732 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 這combo拖的時間太長了 改掉吧((NC的目的在於加血阿lol
02:25:732 (4) - NC
02:53:521 (1) - ^
02:58:574 (8) - ^
02:59:205 (1) - reNC
03:03:784 (1) - 節尾一致吧 你這難度其他的難度節尾快了1/4拍

[Shinki's Normal]
02:21:942 - 我喜歡在這邊加個Break time作效果 看你覺得怎麼樣;)

AR use 7?? ((I think 7 is more better :3

00:19:100 (1) - 去掉NC吧 我認為在 00:19:416 (2) - 加比較合適
01:12:784 (1) - 我不知道這樣要求是否有點過分lol 我希望中間那個tick能夠剛好在正中央 [nazi]
01:14:363 (4,5,6) - 一起移動和01:13:732 (3) - stack吧
01:23:837 (1,4) - stack
02:00:469 (17) - NC然後在02:01:100 (1) - reNC
02:01:258 (2,5) - stack
02:21:311 (3,4) - 純粹建議02:22:416 (4,2) - stack
02:34:574 (1,2) - 我希望他平行:3[nazi]
03:03:705 - 我好想在這邊加一個note阿(slap
Snowy Dream

spboxer3 wrote:

[Snowy's Easy]
01:08:679 (4,5) - 與間距不一樣01:06:153 (1,2) - 建議改掉 Fixed
01:37:732 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 這combo拖的時間太長了 改掉吧((NC的目的在於加血阿lolFixed
02:25:732 (4) - NC Fixed
02:53:521 (1) - ^ Fixed
02:58:574 (8) - ^ Fixed
02:59:205 (1) - reNC Fixed
03:03:784 (1) - 節尾一致吧 你這難度其他的難度節尾快了1/4拍 @.@
Topic Starter

xierbaliti wrote:

液我又来了。简单的看了一下 :3

没设置PreviewTime啊 如果是我的话设在30705左右 :3 fixed
Tag加上 "siriru" 不然搜不到 fixed
LeadIn没发现有什么用 去掉. fixed
不做1个spinner的皮肤吗? fixed

01:58:574 (1) - 不是应该加到1.25x吗 ._. fixed
02:04:100 - 还是感觉加个note舒服一些._. fixed
02:09:153 - 同上 fixed
02:51:942 (4) - 还是拿上来点更好看吧? fixed

音效还是需要提升啊 ._.

PS.果然和我一样懒比了 找了一票GD lol E N H神马的做太累哦...OTL

Topic Starter

spboxer3 wrote:

[Snowy's Easy]
01:08:679 (4,5) - 與間距不一樣01:06:153 (1,2) - 建議改掉
01:37:732 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 這combo拖的時間太長了 改掉吧((NC的目的在於加血阿lol
02:25:732 (4) - NC
02:53:521 (1) - ^
02:58:574 (8) - ^
02:59:205 (1) - reNC
03:03:784 (1) - 節尾一致吧 你這難度其他的難度節尾快了1/4拍

[Shinki's Normal]
02:21:942 - 我喜歡在這邊加個Break time作效果 看你覺得怎麼樣;)

AR use 7?? ((I think 7 is more better :3

00:19:100 (1) - 去掉NC吧 我認為在 00:19:416 (2) - 加比較合適 fixed
01:12:784 (1) - 我不知道這樣要求是否有點過分lol 我希望中間那個tick能夠剛好在正中央 [nazi] fixed
01:14:363 (4,5,6) - 一起移動和01:13:732 (3) - stack吧 fixed
01:23:837 (1,4) - stack fixed
02:00:469 (17) - NC然後在02:01:100 (1) - reNC fixed
02:01:258 (2,5) - stack fixed
02:21:311 (3,4) - 純粹建議 我觉得我的这种重叠挺flow的
02:22:416 (4,2) - stack fixed
02:34:574 (1,2) - 我希望他平行:3[nazi] fixed
03:03:705 - 我好想在這邊加一個note阿(slap

Thanks :)
Cyril Scarlet

spboxer3 wrote:

AR use 7?? ((I think 7 is more better :3
thanks for mod, but i want to keep 8 :D ~
Raging Bull
Change your tags to S_i_r_i_r_u OR Siriru.

S i R i R u will not work because the website will count it individually instead like "S" "i" "r" "i" "r" "u"
Sorry for long delay.
You have requested a HITSOUND MOD only,so here I'm.

(These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
  1. In overall,the volume was a bit low for me,you better to raise it up a little.
  2. 00:10:574 ~ 00:19:416 - Try to put a whislte on all notes which it was placed on red tick.
  3. 00:14:363 (x) - I would like to change this green line to normal hitsound and remove clap on 00:15:153 (5) - at the end of the slider.
  4. 00:19:416 (x) - ^Same.
  5. 00:26:995 (5) - Remove finish.
  6. 00:44:047 (5) - Remove finish please,here's not a accent point finish is really inappropriate here.
  7. 00:46:021 ~ 00:56:047 - Sorry but I can't understand why you put a ton of clap here and there.I often denote these kind of clap is more appropriate on 2.4 beat.
  8. 01:21:311 (1) - I would like to remove the whistle and add a finish instead of it.
  9. 01:26:363 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - (Normal mod)No Please,here should be snap in 1/3!Please listen to the music carefully.
  10. 01:44:047 (1) - ^Same.但是這裏鼓手抽風,於是你看這辦.
  11. 01:47:521 (5) - Remove clap sound.It was really weird if you only clap this.
  12. 02:20:679 (1,2,3) - Remove finish and add a whistle on these.
  13. 02:21:626 (4) - Add whistle here.
  14. 03:00:784 (4) - Add a clap sound at the end of the slider.
  15. 03:03:626 (1) - This spinner should be stopped at 03:06:074 - (blue tick.)
That's it.
Perhaps try this rhythm?

I used a lot of slider 1/2 sort of relationships. I know of another rhythm that could be possible to play with, but let's try this for now.

Download: HTT - Gohan wa Okazu (Sumisola) [Insane].osu
Request by sumisola,
Hitsound mod by Nymph :P

  1. 00:25:732 (1) - 我个人不觉得这里的FINISH很合 前面2个过渡小段落已经有了FINISH 我认为这里WHISTLE应该更合适
  2. 00:26:995 (5) - 这个Note听着很多余 但是打图很必要 所以如果不嫌麻烦的话 可以试着这个NOTE单独音量-25? 对我来说听起来更适合
  3. 00:28:258 (4) - 我还是认为这不是用FINISH的时候 whistle更合这里的氛围
  4. 00:30:469 (1,2,3,4) - 4个CLAP在一起我觉得有点吵 2个蓝线的CLAP在我看来很没必要 顺便我认为这里音量渐变放大应该比只降低音量合适
  5. 00:36:469 (3) - 这咋还多个WHISTLE..=_=
  6. 00:38:047 (1,2,3,4) - 同理 不过感觉你特意这么做的? 效果似乎没出来
  7. 00:38:995 (7) - 头FINISH呀 前面FINISH后面怎么可以弱下去
  8. 00:38:995 (7,8) - 这里建议音量提高来体现变化
  9. 00:42:153 (5) - 建议这个箭头减点音量
  10. 00:43:416 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 1号FINISH34whistle在我听起来有点参差不齐的感觉..我个人不太喜欢这样 我的建议是要不就只有FINISH 去掉3478的WHITSLE 要不去掉finish用WHISTLE和音量变化来表现 现在的我个人不太喜欢
  11. 00:47:047 (6) - 很好的可以加FINISH的地方吧 头FINISH
  12. 00:52:100 (1) - 同上
  13. 00:48:469 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - 在我看来我认为这里急缺Finish 我认为00:48:469 (1,2,3,5,1,2) - 这几个NOTE或者SLIDER头都应该加上 现在的不够燃
  14. 00:53:521 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 同上
  15. 01:04:732 (4) - = =我总觉得这里应该加个NOTE..
  16. 01:14:837 (9) - 这也是.. 可能我不太喜欢节奏跟前面几乎一下的下法?
  17. 01:22:258 (4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - 这里一个WHISTLE都不下?
  18. 01:37:732 (1,1,2,3,4) - 这里节奏很独啊 跟后面那两个一样不好么 个人觉得违和了

    。。有点困了 第二个大段落类似的问题不提了哈
  19. 02:10:258 (2) - 这个NOTE3个HITSOUND全放了 也没得到什么特殊效果 还不如就放一个CLAP
  20. 02:33:784 (3) - 这SLIDER为啥是从这开始..02:33:469 我总觉得从这开始才对..然后02:33:942是不是可以空出来?
  21. 02:38:995 (4) - 尾CLAP怎么样?
  22. 02:42:784 (3) - 也是尾再加上CLAP?我觉得这样衔接感比较好
  23. 02:43:416 (1,2,3,4) - CLAP呢?前面有结果这里倒没了 挺奇怪的
  24. 02:44:047 (3) - 也是跟前面一样尾CLAP
  25. 02:53:521 (1,2,3) - 同上 即使你是故意的我也不觉得这样好..

全是建议 看看哪些你觉得确实有点用的看看吧~ 觉得不喜欢的尽情IGNORE就好 睡啦 8-)
Skipping easy since you said you'd remap.

[Shinki's Normal]
I'm not a fan of such short combos. But if you want to do these, try to keep things consistent. You have gaps in your new combo use such as 00:33:311 (1) - and then you change the pattern at 00:56:047 (1) -
Hitsounds feel very, very quiet.
00:14:363 (3) - Eew, whistle on slider slide.
00:20:047 (2) - ^
00:46:100 - These extended break things are kinda dumb. Just add a note at 00:47:047 -
01:09:942 (1) - This feels so off from the music
01:25:416 (1) - Feels better starting at 01:25:258 -
01:50:679 - This break is awkward and is waaay too soon after the break at 01:27:942 - It's more of an interruption of play rather than a real "break"
02:02:995 (1,2,3) - Whistles on sliderslides
02:09:311 (4) - ^
02:10:574 (1,1) - Even though there's a lot of time between these, I'd like more spacing here if you have larger spacing with the same rhythm at 02:13:100 (3,1) -
02:21:942 - Why is there a break here? D: Just do something like this and fill it in.

02:38:521 - More of those weird breaks. Just map through them.

[Ruru's Desktop Accessory]
Kind of the same oddities with the new combo usage. It'd be nice if you can get them configured in a way to keep things consistent, but the way you mapped makes it a little difficult.
00:32:521 (6) - I think this would look better as a blanket instead of an elbow slider. ..though I guess you copy/paste that slider a lot here, hehe.
01:27:311 (7) - Snap these to 1/3
01:47:995 - Aaah awkward break here as well. ;_; It'd play better if you mapped through it.
02:10:732 - ^
Those jumps during the kiai were kinda surprising considering the rest of the song, but I guess they're fine as kind of a finale thing.
02:38:363 - The switch back to soft hit sounds felt like they were quieter than they should be. Mostly due to comparing to the hit sounding to the section prior.

00:14:679 (3) - I keep overshooting this. :<
00:32:047 (1,2,3,4,5) - I found this to play much better. Kind of hard to see, but just having that circular motion with jumps with each one flowed really well for me.
Otherwise that combo just looks really crowded with the close spacing and overlaps all over.
00:48:469 (1,2,3,5) - You really need to accent the "1 2 3 4 Rice!" with some hit sounds or something. It feels so plain for a climactic part of the song.
01:08:047 (4,6) - That overlap is pretty ugly. There are other parts that kind of do the same thing, but this one was the worst offender by far.
01:36:469 (1) - Snap this to 1/3
01:44:047 (1) - Snap this to 1/3
02:16:416 - The emphasis is right here with the "yume no", so starting it by ending on a slider feels awkward and doesn't play very well.
02:19:732 (1) - Remove nc
02:43:416 (1,2,3) - Forget some claps?
02:50:047 (6) - Run out of ideas? This is kinda blah for so close to the end.
02:53:521 (1,2,3) - Forgot more claps
From your hitsound help request:

This is my simple. (用你的INSANE的最近版本直接改的 应该可以直接用 反正你看着弄吧)

Download: HTT - Gohan wa Okazu (Sumisola) [Insane Hitsound Sample].osu

Download: HTT - Gohan wa Okazu (Sumisola) [Easy hitsound simple].osu
Cyril Scarlet
fixed !

keep only 1 ? 2 ? point which part garven said it's fine 8-)

Download: HTT - Gohan wa Okazu (Sumisola) [S i R i R u's Hard].osu
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

Skipping easy since you said you'd remap. WIP

[Shinki's Normal] Shinki fix most of it
I'm not a fan of such short combos. But if you want to do these, try to keep things consistent. You have gaps in your new combo use such as 00:33:311 (1) - and then you change the pattern at 00:56:047 (1) -
Hitsounds feel very, very quiet.
00:14:363 (3) - Eew, whistle on slider slide.
00:20:047 (2) - ^
00:46:100 - These extended break things are kinda dumb. Just add a note at 00:47:047 -
01:09:942 (1) - This feels so off from the music
01:25:416 (1) - Feels better starting at 01:25:258 -
01:50:679 - This break is awkward and is waaay too soon after the break at 01:27:942 - It's more of an interruption of play rather than a real "break"
02:02:995 (1,2,3) - Whistles on sliderslides
02:09:311 (4) - ^
02:10:574 (1,1) - Even though there's a lot of time between these, I'd like more spacing here if you have larger spacing with the same rhythm at 02:13:100 (3,1) -
02:21:942 - Why is there a break here? D: Just do something like this and fill it in.

02:38:521 - More of those weird breaks. Just map through them.

[Ruru's Desktop Accessory] see the edited version below
Kind of the same oddities with the new combo usage. It'd be nice if you can get them configured in a way to keep things consistent, but the way you mapped makes it a little difficult.
00:32:521 (6) - I think this would look better as a blanket instead of an elbow slider. ..though I guess you copy/paste that slider a lot here, hehe.
01:27:311 (7) - Snap these to 1/3
01:47:995 - Aaah awkward break here as well. ;_; It'd play better if you mapped through it.
02:10:732 - ^
Those jumps during the kiai were kinda surprising considering the rest of the song, but I guess they're fine as kind of a finale thing.
02:38:363 - The switch back to soft hit sounds felt like they were quieter than they should be. Mostly due to comparing to the hit sounding to the section prior.

00:14:679 (3) - I keep overshooting this. :< 3 's tone is lower than 2
00:32:047 (1,2,3,4,5) - I found this to play much better. Kind of hard to see, but just having that circular motion with jumps with each one flowed really well for me. I made a change base on your suggestion.Thanks~
Otherwise that combo just looks really crowded with the close spacing and overlaps all over. fixed
00:48:469 (1,2,3,5) - You really need to accent the "1 2 3 4 Rice!" with some hit sounds or something. It feels so plain for a climactic part of the song. see if the "finish" fit here
01:08:047 (4,6) - That overlap is pretty ugly. There are other parts that kind of do the same thing, but this one was the worst offender by far. fixed
01:36:469 (1) - Snap this to 1/3 fixed
01:44:047 (1) - Snap this to 1/3 fixed
02:16:416 - The emphasis is right here with the "yume no", so starting it by ending on a slider feels awkward and doesn't play very well. fixed
02:19:732 (1) - Remove nc
02:43:416 (1,2,3) - Forget some fixedclaps?
02:50:047 (6) - Run out of ideas? This is kinda blah for so close to the end. see if the arranngement would be OK
02:53:521 (1,2,3) - Forgot more claps claps------>finish

Thanks your modding,Garven

whistle因为本身音高 辨识度高 就比较好识别 姑且算作识别难度5 (有5的辨识力的人就能听出来
clap本身音低 比较和歌曲打击乐贴近 不那么好识别 再加上音量低 便是难度可能会有20
这样差的就有点多了 我想了想 不用加大clap 稍微降低一点whistle音量应该就行 尤其是whistle和clap出现距离很近的地方

[00:29:521] 这三个slider要不要都变成头clap尾whistle
[00:42:153] no whistle
[00:48:311] no clap
[01:23:047] 虽然我是mod音效但也别这样
[02:45;863] 如果这里加一个clap的note 之前的那个clap就可以有
[02:57:153] 这里说不定可以clap

很遗憾 finish没什么可mod的 :roll:
Topic Starter

LKs wrote:


whistle因为本身音高 辨识度高 就比较好识别 姑且算作识别难度5 (有5的辨识力的人就能听出来
clap本身音低 比较和歌曲打击乐贴近 不那么好识别 再加上音量低 便是难度可能会有20
这样差的就有点多了 我想了想 不用加大clap 稍微降低一点whistle音量应该就行 尤其是whistle和clap出现距离很近的地方

[00:29:521] 这三个slider要不要都变成头clap尾whistle
[00:42:153] no whistle
[00:48:311] no clap
[01:23:047] 虽然我是mod音效但也别这样
[02:45;863] 如果这里加一个clap的note 之前的那个clap就可以有
[02:57:153] 这里说不定可以clap

很遗憾 finish没什么可mod的 :roll:
FIX........Thanks LKs :)
As per your request.

Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why.
Also, if you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game. :)

  1. The sliderball 0 and 1 are the same picture.
  2. Wouldn't it be better to have a comboburst picture for each member of the group ?
  3. It'd be better to remove that "click" on RuRu.png. :/
  1. This diff doesn't have a preview time. Make sure you add the exact same as the other diffs'.
  2. The combos are really long. Try to make them shorter ? Notes that finish a combo give more points (thus more health) and make the difficulty a bit easier.
  3. 01:26:363 (1) - This is quite short of a spinner for an Easy diff. I'd suggest to just replace it with a single circle with a finish, then drag the break where it ended.
  4. 02:01:100 (2,4) - I don't think these two fit. You used very few 1/2 streaks and mostly 1/1 or more rhythms, so these two sound out of place in the diff.
  5. 02:21:942 (1) - This is quite short of a spinner for an Easy diff, especially followed so soon after by a note. I'd suggest to just replace it with a slider for playability.
  6. 02:51:626 (1) - This is very far from the center of the screen so soon after the spinner. You can make it curved to draw it closer to the center, something like this (making a blanket would be very nice, too).
Shinki's Normal
  1. The hitsounds are too low. Raise them by something like 30%.
  2. I don't advice to use these small (well, kinda) circles on a Normal diff, especially for such high-BPM songs, as they add frustrating difficulty to the diff.
  3. 00:14:363 (3) - This slider breaks your comboing. It ends where there should be a new combo, so the new combo is added on the note after it and makes the comboing inconsistent.
  4. 00:42:153 (4,1) - For consistency with your previous comboing, swap these new combos.
  5. 02:39:626 (2,3,1) - Stacks are confusing because they make rhythms unclear, so don't use different rhythms in the same stack for a Normal. :/
  6. 02:55:100 (4,5,1) - This is a big no for a Normal. Okay, there's the new combo to help, but the spacing is just way too confusing. The spacing is the same, but the time gaps are 1/1 for (4,5) and 2/1 for (5,1) which will be extremely confusing.
S i R i R u's Hard
  1. For the sake of difficulty and score spread, you should make this easier. :/
  2. Hitsounds are too low. Raise them by something like 20%.
  1. Hitsouds below 85% are too difficult to hear imo.
  2. 00:39:626 (9,1) - and 00:40:890 (4,1) - (and similar) I must say that I loved these jumps.
Topic Starter

Odaril wrote:

As per your request.

Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why.
Also, if you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game. :)

  1. The sliderball 0 and 1 are the same picture. let balls flowing while mouse moving on the slider
  2. Wouldn't it be better to have a comboburst picture for each member of the group ? trying
  3. It'd be better to remove that "click" on RuRu.png. :/ BAKARU's work
  1. This diff doesn't have a preview time. Make sure you add the exact same as the other diffs'. fixed
  2. The combos are really long. Try to make them shorter ? Notes that finish a combo give more points (thus more health) and make the difficulty a bit easier.
  3. 01:26:363 (1) - This is quite short of a spinner for an Easy diff. I'd suggest to just replace it with a single circle with a finish, then drag the break where it ended. fixed
  4. 02:01:100 (2,4) - I don't think these two fit. You used very few 1/2 streaks and mostly 1/1 or more rhythms, so these two sound out of place in the diff. not change,I just wanna to insist what I map here~
  5. 02:21:942 (1) - This is quite short of a spinner for an Easy diff, especially followed so soon after by a note. I'd suggest to just replace it with a slider for playability. fixed
  6. 02:51:626 (1) - This is very far from the center of the screen so soon after the spinner. You can make it curved to draw it closer to the center, something fixed like this (making a blanket would be very nice, too).
Shinki's Normal
  1. The hitsounds are too low. Raise them by something like 30%.
  2. I don't advice to use these small (well, kinda) circles on a Normal diff, especially for such high-BPM songs, as they add frustrating difficulty to the diff. fixed
  3. 00:14:363 (3) - This slider breaks your comboing. It ends where there should be a new combo, so the new combo is added on the note after it and makes the comboing inconsistent. fixed
  4. 00:42:153 (4,1) - For consistency with your previous comboing, swap these new combos. fixed
  5. 02:39:626 (2,3,1) - Stacks are confusing because they make rhythms unclear, so don't use different rhythms in the same stack for a Normal. :/ no yet fixed
  6. 02:55:100 (4,5,1) - This is a big no for a Normal. Okay, there's the new combo to help, but the spacing is just way too confusing. The spacing is the same, but the time gaps are 1/1 for (4,5) and 2/1 for (5,1) which will be extremely confusing. fixed
S i R i R u's HardChanging some of the notes arrangement withou changing the hitsound volume
  1. For the sake of difficulty and score spread, you should make this easier. :/
  2. Hitsounds are too low. Raise them by something like 20%.
  1. Hitsouds below 85% are too difficult to hear imo. OH~~That would be too loud
  2. 00:39:626 (9,1) - and 00:40:890 (4,1) - (and similar) I must say that I loved these jumps.Thanks
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