
Dragon Quest IX

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Yoichi Sturmhimmel
This game is actually really, really good. Please, if you're going to post game related spoilers, please note that or try and avoid it at all costs.
Please post your game related stories.
I was playing Dragon Quest IX a few weeks ago and it crashed. I had not saved for about an hour. As such, I have not played it since then. Fun game though.
Pretty fun game, not quite that great story wise.

On my second playthrough, I was underleveled the first time through. Almost beat the game at 30 if it weren't for some of the pre-final bosses using extremely powerful team attacks and having two turns which to spam them.
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Yoichi Sturmhimmel
Yeah, I managed to beat the game at level 40. I can't believe that Corvus was easier than Goresby-Purrvis! I actually managed to beat the game at such a low level because I got practically every job up to level 30. (except Sage & Luminary). This gave me about four max skills per character! 8-) It was extremely useful in finishing the game.

Beginning Party:

Ending Party:
Martial Artist

Current Party:
Corvus was actually a joke for me ... :/
Only casting Multi Def boost from Pala, weakest in the group gets (my mage XD) 23 dmg... XDDD Sure, get some difficult, when he is using his shockwave, which neutralize your current boost. But ... not a match, if you have a pala XD

Started Party:

Ending Party with approx. lvl 35~37:
Paladin (only changed lol)

I really like this game ^^ Is really recommend. But Story could be longer ^^""
Still playing it, but ... playing Hatsune Miku Project DIVA 2nd more XD

Btw... i really like the Dragon Equipment Set from Greygnarl... it's really epic @.@
Paladins and Gladiators are OP. Oh, and I leveled all the sub classes (Excluding Luminary and the support class) to 15 for easy points, so that may have helped.

Beat my second playthrough with:

Gladiator: 34
Paladin: 33
Ranger: 34 (USELESS - At least until I get more levels.)
Sage: 33 (Was a mage at first.)

Crits are annoying, when done to you. Also, NEVER use forberance on AoE unless you're prepared. I feel sorry for my Paladin.

My gladiator is so much better than my first playthrough's ranger. 700 damage a turn just with Double up on. (Falcon Blade + Falcon Slash).

4k with 50 tension.

Still kinda weak, but I beat the first legacy boss at like 36 or 37.
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Yoichi Sturmhimmel
My Ranger was just mediocre, at everything. His healing spells are okay, but are really good with maxed out faith. I just used him as a secondary healer, though slightly useless not learning multiheal. :cry:
I think my end group was two sages, a paladin and a gladiator, though I switched classes a lot. I think my paladin is actually a warrior now.

The 100 shield skill hidden scroll is the most ridiculous ability in the game, especially combined with forbearance. Suddenly, everyone in your group is immune to all critical hits! The game switches from being "oh god i hope he doesn't crit me this turn" to "Please, please try to crit me and waste your turn."

Other awesome skills are Reverse ...current, torrent, flow, something... it reflects breath attacks (also ridiculous with forbearance), Magic Mirror (I think, I can't remember these goddamn skill names, it's the reflect magic skill) + forbearance... Look, forbearance just owns okay.
This game is sweet, easily the best DQ game since the fifth one. I really liked how it stays true to the series's roots while expanding the basic gameplay.
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Yoichi Sturmhimmel
Yeah. Paladins are pretty good. But, I really don't like their deftness values. Come on, 4 deftness at level 40. I just used it for the skills and +80HP.
I should play Dragon Quest after CSAT if possible ;_;

I wonder if this pic is related with this game orz
It's the Opening to Dragon Quest XI ^^

Btw. does anyone beat the quest to get the job swordmage? o_O 'cause it's really hard to do it after all ._.
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Yoichi Sturmhimmel
By swordmage, do you mean luminary? Or is this another game? I'm not sure?
i have the german version, so i don't know the names in the english version XD"""

The one quest, with the metal slime, where you should use a mage skill and kill the slime 2 times
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Yoichi Sturmhimmel
Ah, you mean what we call "Armamentalist". I did it using the metal slash, falcon sword, falcon slash, metalicker, Trip of a deathtime, basically either many enemy hitters, or metal moves. They are usefull, and most bosses (especially near the end of the game) are weak to light effects,
(definitely use Sunburst boomerang ability) :)

EDIT: Remember the ability can be used in any job/vocation so you could swap to a high attack with (e.g. gladiator, martial artist)
I remember when I first bought this and played for a total of 30 hours.... haven't touched since a month, got new games to play XD...

I would give Dragon Quest IX a 9/10

It's pretty good.... I'm close to beating it though XD
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Yoichi Sturmhimmel
Heh... I played it for 90+ hours, just getting every (available job) up to Level 30. Yay, 3 times the recommended time to finish.
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