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I was plat 4, started my placement, currently 1-1, I hope I will be gold 3 or 2, just to get back to plat fastly.
looks like im the only silver here :/
How do I and my duo ranked partner break it to my friend that he's shit and just a 3rd wheel so we don't want to play 3-man ranked with him?! D:
tell him he's trash and fuck off cause he sucks ass.
Simple as that. I'm not letting a shitty person, let alone a shitty friend, play a ranked with me if I know they're gonna suck ass and feed with terrible fucking mechanics. Some people are okay, but others just can't get any better than that without criticisms. Might as well dump him off and go duo o/////
Thank you sis.

EneT wrote:

How do I and my duo ranked partner break it to my friend that he's shit and just a 3rd wheel so we don't want to play 3-man ranked with him?! D:
Tell him it gets too hard with 3 people, truth.
Did placements; Plat 4 on my main, Silver 4 on a smurf. With dynamic queue I'm thinking of climbing up to challenger instead of chilling between Diamond 1 and Master like I did last season.
I'm Unranked, One match, One victory

Navizel wrote:

So far, in my opinion, this season has been the most fun season since season 1. The meta feels a lot less forced unlike the previous seasons and feels a lot more like it was back at season 1 where you would basically play any champion anywhere. This is due to the fact that roles are now more open to more champions; I like the fact that I can play 'ADC' on any role, even support and get good results. I guess right now it's more biased towards ADCs, but it's a step in the right direction. The game's more diverse, that's the word for it.
There's definitely more variety. There are so many champions that are actually viable now.
As a result, there also seems to be a large amount of perma-ban worthy champs currently.
Graves should pretty much be perma-banned right now. The times he does get through and I pick him top, it's just a slaughter. Quinn and Draven top are good too; basically I follow the formula that if the ADC can consistently explode carries within 3 seconds, throughout mid and late game without the need to have crit, then it's viable top. But currently only 3 ADCs fit that formula and those are the 3 that I've mentioned. I was thinking Jhin would be good top too, but he is too reliant on that 4th attack and crits so he wouldn't be able to fit that role until lategame.

Overall though, out of Graves, Quinn and Draven; Graves far outranks the other 2 at top. Not only does he delete carries, he's tanky as fuck too, as long as you build Black Cleaver and Sterak's; max E gives you 120 armor and magic resistance and his AOE in team fights is amazing, his kit was basically built for top. Quinn on the other hand relies on picks with her ult; granted that I actually get way more kills when playing top Quinn than top Graves, my winrate with Graves still remains above 80% due to his overall capability in teamfights etc etc compared to my average winrate of 60% with Quinn. Then Draven... well basically you have to be good with the champion to actually pull it off top, since it's basically a 2nd ADC.
Luckily I haven't seen any top lane adc's lately, as that would really suck for the few times I play poppy top.
They usually go midlane as ezreal or Lucian. If Graves if ever picked , it's in jungle. Those are really the only 3 adc's I've seen lately ever since MF's e was nerfed.
Sure this season you can play champions on different lanes, poppy either on top or support, graves top/jungle, corki mid/adc... you're more free to play your champion where you want. This is nice for this game, team comp are a bit more different than usual, games are faster. But, riot is still garbage when it comes to balance their game, as mentioned before, graves is a good exemple of a broken champion, poppy also is op right now.
Seeing other people play Jhin is funny. You see them randomly ult but then immediately regret it when you just walk up to them and start dealing damage.
Going though league withdrawals... Ever since I moved, it's been hard trying to make time to just ruin people's lives.
Help i'm addicted to skins buy I don't actually have money to buy them
what dooooooo
Pretend to be qt gamer gr1ll and get others to buy them for you

chaee wrote:

Pretend to be qt gamer gr1ll and get others to buy them for you
hello I am gr1ll. please buy me skins *wink wink*
Needs more emoticons and tildes
18 game winning streak finally ended. :(
I wish I could play champions that can actually carry a game.. I'm tired of going 11/2 or 16/3 on Vel'Koz/Morgana and still losing because I can't really 1v9

Blue Dragon wrote:

I wish I could play champions that can actually carry a game.. I'm tired of going 11/2 or 16/3 on Vel'Koz/Morgana and still losing because I can't really 1v9
Lux is capable, from my experience
I still have a 100% winrate with Graves doooooeee. Contributing towards that 57.2% winrate on Top lane Graves.
Stop banning Jhin and ban Darius. goddamn :(
Jhin isn't ban worthy and neither is Darius. I haven't lost once against a Darius, ever.
It is a sad time to be a Draven main

Close wrote:

It is a sad time to be a Draven main
gotta say the same for Vayne.

Elicchi wrote:

Close wrote:

It is a sad time to be a Draven main
gotta say the same for Vayne.
I actually have pretty good games with Vayne right now, but I wish I could actually play Ezreal and win for once
Fuuuuuuck, didn't record such a spectacular moment that I had during Solo Queue.

EneT wrote:

Fuuuuuuck, didn't record such a spectacular moment that I had during Solo Queue.
what happened?
Annihilated whole enemy team apart from the support Lulu in Baron Pit with Kennen ult.
holy fucking moly
^^^ The exact reaction that I had. Losing whole game because team was shit, the rest of the team were still in base because they had just respawned so just me and my friend were close by and I was like 'Yo I think they're doing Baron', since we had no vision. Friend was like 'Can we do something?' and I was like 'Fuck it, let's Wombo Combo'. Blue trinket into Baron Pit and I just immediately go in; it turned out to mostly me doing all the damage rather than a wombo combo and my reaction is like complete WTF. We won straight after.
I wish I had games like that. the season reset and being low plat 5 mmr before the reset fucked me so I got shitplaced
rito pls
sob story
>be me
>new season starts
>drop from plat 5 to silver 2
>"no biggie, it's gonna be fun carrying these low elo games for a change"

Guess I belong to be here after all. LOL

Also, can we PLEASE get some LCS talk/hype/trashtalk in here again? I MISS THAT.
TSM looked shaky today so I hope they'll get their shit together in the upcoming weeks. Should be an easy 2-0 for them this week, though.

BrokenArrow wrote:

sob story
>be me
>new season starts
>drop from plat 5 to silver 2
>"no biggie, it's gonna be fun carrying these low elo games for a change"

Guess I belong to be here after all. LOL

Also, can we PLEASE get some LCS talk/hype/trashtalk in here again? I MISS THAT.
TSM looked shaky today so I hope they'll get their shit together in the upcoming weeks. Should be an easy 2-0 for them this week, though.
lel, a shit ton of Plats got demoted to Silver it seems. I can't tell the difference between the original Silver scrubs and and the used-to-be Plat scrubs when I play on my Silver smurf tbh.
thats because there is no difference, the elos are the same
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