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Witch Mercy

those wrote:

Shouldn't even trust your duo partner.
if it's adc/sup duo and you're like best friends or bf/gf then you could probably trust them and have better synergy than playing with randoms
I have to smurf to duo with a majority of my friends because they are all between gold and bronze. =\
Diamond life too hard.
[- Alex -]
Jax nerf YEY!

BASE HEALTH 561 ⇒ 535
ARMOR PER LEVEL +3.5 ⇒ +3.0

Rly rito?

Lucian ..... yeap

"We have no change for Lucian this patch but wanted to highlight that he's currently high on our list. Specifically in competitive play, Lucian is crowding out almost all other marksman choices (aside from maybe Kog'Maw) due to his high general strengths and lack of meaningful weaknesses (does this sound familiar?). We're currently very aware of Lucian's dominating performance but want to make sure we get the right changes in to give him said weaknesses!"

VERY STRONG Yes ⇒ Still yes

Nidalee buff..... and a big one.

Rip Skarner again , not rly but why the nerf....

My Maokai ap is rekt now.....

And the best part.

Yasuo - E - Sweeping Blade
BONUS DAMAGE CAP 100% at 4 stacks ⇒ 50% at 2 stacks

On the good side , we got new image for Urgot.... yey... well done rito.

Graciee wrote:

if it's adc/sup duo and you're like best friends or bf/gf then you could probably trust them and have better synergy than playing with randoms
this is so accurate

honestly i don't think i could play ranked with my boyfriend, it would get too distracting so i'd much rather play with a random

WingsOfDeadthx wrote:

"We have no change for Lucian this patch but wanted to highlight that he's currently high on our list. Specifically in competitive play, Lucian is crowding out almost all other marksman choices (aside from maybe Kog'Maw) due to his high general strengths and lack of meaningful weaknesses (does this sound familiar?). We're currently very aware of Lucian's dominating performance but want to make sure we get the right changes in to give him said weaknesses!"
you can't be serious right now, it's like no matter how many times i try to play kobe bryant i can't he's so annoying

WingsOfDeadthX wrote:

Jax nerf YEY!

BASE HEALTH 561 ⇒ 535
ARMOR PER LEVEL +3.5 ⇒ +3.0

Rly rito?
They should nerf Counter Strike instead. God that thing is awful
buff jax pls so i can reach challenger
Witch Mercy
did you see dyrus's thread about jax on the forums
first page was full of comments that were downvoted to oblivion lol ... ight=dyrus

Graciee wrote:

did you see dyrus's thread about jax on the forums
first page was full of comments that were downvoted to oblivion lol ... ight=dyrus
10/10 would read again

hahaha i swear these people are just sucking dyrus' dick though
nice one lel
actually the entire thread is literally downvotes hahaha this is one of the best things i've seen today

Graciee wrote:

did you see dyrus's thread about jax on the forums
first page was full of comments that were downvoted to oblivion lol ... ight=dyrus
That thread is over 2 years old. =\
Eren Yaeger
RIP in peace Kayle, she does 0 damage but her ult is still ok. Should revert the dmg nerf and nerf the ult more honestly. And Yasuo early dmg isn't too strong meaning I can get bullied out of lane pretty easy due to no way to harass back. My brother is liking the jungler tank buff as he just picked up Elise c:
be warned of new patch causing drops.

Eren Yaeger wrote:

RIP in peace Kayle, she does 0 damage but her ult is still ok. Should revert the dmg nerf and nerf the ult more honestly. And Yasuo early dmg isn't too strong meaning I can get bullied out of lane pretty easy due to no way to harass back. My brother is liking the jungler tank buff as he just picked up Elise c:
Good! DESERVED!! Pretty much no one is going to miss her.

My brain. My eyes. Those builds. I usually have to duo with someone to get matched with people like this.
I should probably stop playing normals and try to get my Warwick only account to diamond. :(
Witch Mercy

ztrot wrote:

be warned of new patch causing drops.
Not sure why, but I'm not complaining:

Malphite has to be one of the most boring champions I've played, but hey, he gets me wins... apparently.
I didn't know the Malphite ult could be missed until my friend managed to do it in a group of 3.

Justykanna wrote:

Not sure why, but I'm not complaining:

Malphite has to be one of the most boring champions I've played, but hey, he gets me wins... apparently.
I'm doing the same with ryze, except that i'm 5/0, yay.

Blaziken wrote:

I didn't know the Malphite ult could be missed until my friend managed to do it in a group of 3.
Padrinosky plays es best plays.


Justykanna wrote:

Not sure why, but I'm not complaining:

Malphite has to be one of the most boring champions I've played, but hey, he gets me wins... apparently.
He gives you free LP like Ryan Choi do
Also, the new game mode sounds insteresting.

ztrot wrote:

be warned of new patch causing drops.
aw i thought it was only for us in euw as usuall
2 drops in aram already.....
Firetruck EUW. Lost two ranked games in a row 'cause of connection issues. I think it's time to get Dia on RU.
Witch Mercy
EUW is a real struggle lol
You might as well play on NA

Blaziken wrote:

I didn't know the Malphite ult could be missed until my friend managed to do it in a group of 3.
You really shouldn't be missing with it at all if you're in range, but I've manage to botch a few...

Sonatora wrote:

Justykanna wrote:

Not sure why, but I'm not complaining:

Malphite has to be one of the most boring champions I've played, but hey, he gets me wins... apparently.
He gives you free LP
He's basically been doing that. That and half the lane opponents I face don't know how to fight him.

Aldwych wrote:

Justykanna wrote:

Not sure why, but I'm not complaining:

Malphite has to be one of the most boring champions I've played, but hey, he gets me wins... apparently.
I'm doing the same with ryze, except that i'm 5/0, yay.
I started out 5-1 with Irelia and now I'm 8-8... so it evened out with her, sadly.
Man guys, I remember the time I played on EUW for the first time in my life, I almost cried because of all the toxicity and I wasn't even playing normals at that time yet. It was terrible and I started getting cancer from it, holy shit.

I had a dream about it last night and it reminded me of the time this Teemo decided to go five hurricanes and a pair of berserker's. I am still hurting because of that day...
I wish I could dream of League of Legends, all I dream off is Gengetsu Rape Time.
Malphite is kinda weird. I've crushed plenty Malphites in lane only to see my team get initiated on in terrible spots.

Not even great Malphite plays or something of sorts, just everyone has a surprise autism attack, sometimes including me, and Unstopable Force seals the deal.
P r o m i s e s

TKiller wrote:

Malphite is kinda weird. I've crushed plenty Malphites in lane only to see my team get initiated on in terrible spots.

Not even great Malphite plays or something of sorts, just everyone has a surprise autism attack, sometimes including me, and Unstopable Force seals the deal.
I played Malphite to climb out of silver. Nobody in that elo had any idea on how to deal against a tanky/ap malphite. Unstoppable Force just wrecks teamfights. If I ended up being behind we still managed to win 5v5's 'cause of Unstoppable Force lol.
I'm really excited for his Mecha skin too it looks really cool. Can't wait to buy it :3

TKiller wrote:

Malphite is kinda weird. I've crushed plenty Malphites in lane only to see my team get initiated on in terrible spots.

Not even great Malphite plays or something of sorts, just everyone has a surprise autism attack, sometimes including me, and Unstopable Force seals the deal.
I tend to win lane with him, only because his "sustain" passive helps me a lot. Then some people just let themselves get poked by my Q forever.
I don't really make huge plays with him. I engage and slow attack speeds... that's about it lol.

P r o m i s e s wrote:

I played Malphite to climb out of silver. Nobody in that elo had any idea on how to deal against a tanky/ap malphite. Unstoppable Force just wrecks teamfights. If I ended up being behind we still managed to win 5v5's 'cause of Unstoppable Force lol.
I'm really excited for his Mecha skin too it looks really cool. Can't wait to buy it :3
He's helped me through Silver so far lol. AoE knockups are never a bad thing.
I'm not a huge fan of the Mecha one actually. =s I've always preferred the Obsidian one myself.

Edit: Omg, love the new Maokai changes. Now I won't look dumb with his ultimate... entirely. =) New jungle tank item's kinda cool too.
This match, it was so funny and exciting!!

http://matchhistory.las.leagueoflegends ... 299/167560

Fabi wrote:

This match, it was so funny and exciting!!

http://matchhistory.las.leagueoflegends ... 299/167560
everything must be funny and exciting with your avatar :c
wtf is that jinx build man
Whats wrong about it? :D

got em

Fabi wrote:

Whats wrong about it? :D
botrk is bad on jinx 'cause she has to stay really far from the fight, you'll never be in range to use it
+phantom dancer might be good in very late game only, statikk shiv is way better to poke as jinx
You don't realize the high amount of hp they have? Its true that I may be not in range for the use, but the passive is still pretty good in that instance. Also I used it everytime I could when I had elise/darius near me or after getting a kill. There is no way statikk shiv is better than PD at late game. The damage that statikk provide is just shit at later stage, statikk is just good to snowball an early/mid game.

Based 4.11

Drops, graphic stutter and visual bugs everywhere
riot playing their part in improving the client
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