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Kinda looking forward to patch 4.11 ... h-forecast

Better jungle tank itemization (that will probably be abused by bruisers).
Nerfs to Kayle (gut the shit out of that ulti pls).

My PBE account is ready! :)

Vulf wrote:

Kinda looking forward to patch 4.11 ... h-forecast

Better jungle tank itemization (that will probably be abused by bruisers).
Nerfs to Kayle (gut the shit out of that ulti pls).

My PBE account is ready! :)
I'm all for it if it means different items for my Maokai. =)
[- Alex -]
I just want to play Maokai ap mid..... To broken.
Pretty sure it said jungle specific item and champion buffs. God forbid they give something like top lane shyvana better tank itemization.

I'm pretty sure they could actually unerf Warmogs since they buffed the crap out of the % damage on bork.
Eren Yaeger
I just hope they don't nerf Yasuo too hard :( Kayle ult can get gutted for all I care she's just fun to play IMO without the ult anyway. But I think they're just looking at just jung tank items and they're trying to stay away from non junglers picking them up from what I read.
Not worried about laners picking them up if they are jungle specific.

Problem is if a tank jungler can benefit from it a bruiser jungler can equally if not abuse it more. This is why SoAG got nerfed to shit.
Which is why I'm really curious on how they are going to approach this because I don't have the slightest idea. xD

There should be a PBE patch later today.
Eren Yaeger
I would love to get on the PBE and see what they do to Yas and Kayle, I main both of them so I'm nervous D:
Kanye West

Vulf wrote:

Not worried about laners picking them up if they are jungle specific.

Problem is if a tank jungler can benefit from it a bruiser jungler can equally if not abuse it more. This is why SoAG got nerfed to shit.
Which is why I'm really curious on how they are going to approach this because I don't have the slightest idea. xD

There should be a PBE patch later today.
Probably by nerfing bruisers to oblivion tbh.
P r o m i s e s


Kanye West wrote:

Probably by nerfing bruisers to oblivion tbh.
In a way that would help at least make them more favorable, but It won't be enough to bring tank junglers back because people would just keep playing Kha'Zix, Elise, and Lee sin over them. I know Lee Sin is a bruiser, but I doubt they will touch him after the shit storm on reddit when they wanted to rework him a few months ago.

Anyways not all bruisers are an issue it's the ones that have overloaded kits in combo with tank junglers having shitty itemization (some with terrible clear speeds) in the jungle. Maokai, Amumu, and Nautilus are more than capable of competing with the more balanced (weaker) bruisers junglers like Warwick, Volibear, and Udyr. Problem is stuff like Vi and Lee do everything a tank jungler wants to do but way better.

Itemization is a good start and hopefully they can make something that isn't favorable on stuff like Vi and Lee because that will just create more problems.
Eren Yaeger
Hopefully they won't run with the idea of having so many tank stats = % more MS like they were talking about in the comments, that would just make things stupid for champs like lee sin who would just get super tanky and still do damage with something like a last whisper.
I read that last night and facepalmed so hard. LOL

In order for something like that to work without being heavily abused by a bruiser it would literally have to give no stats outside of the passive/machete passive.

Vulf wrote:

Kanye West wrote:

Probably by nerfing bruisers to oblivion tbh.
In a way that would help at least make them more favorable, but It won't be enough to bring tank junglers back because people would just keep playing Kha'Zix, Elise, and Lee sin over them. I know Lee Sin is a bruiser, but I doubt they will touch him after the shit storm on reddit when they wanted to rework him a few months ago.

Anyways not all bruisers are an issue it's the ones that have overloaded kits in combo with tank junglers having shitty itemization (some with terrible clear speeds) in the jungle. Maokai, Amumu, and Nautilus are more than capable of competing with the more balanced (weaker) bruisers junglers like Warwick, Volibear, and Udyr. Problem is stuff like Vi and Lee do everything a tank jungler wants to do but way better.

Itemization is a good start and hopefully they can make something that isn't favorable on stuff like Vi and Lee because that will just create more problems.
Nerf Kha'Zix and Lee Sin is a pretty bad idea. Once they got massively nerfed, they are useless. Once they are buffed, they are too OP. An unstable kit. I presume
Kha'zix just got nerfed and Lee sin is immune so...
P r o m i s e s
Oh cool, looks like Maokai got a small buff to his ult in the PBE. His ult is now attached to Maokai. Instead of being cast on an area and sticking there. Now it's following him as he moves around
DFG Maokai masterrace
It's Maokai Time!!!

Maokai is love
[- Alex -]
I play Maokai since beta (since season 3-4 actually)

RITO PLS , we need the dream , Maokai ap new meta.

And welcome to hell P r o m i s e s . Gl.
Kanye West
But guys, AD Maokai's been OP the whole time...

This is the only way to play Maokai.

I just bought a GT 630 for price of a video game on the highstreet and now I can max this game. I should of done this sooner... >_>
I want to get a new graphic card too but then my processor would be too bad and slow everything down and in order to get one I'll need a new mainboard and to get enough power for all that I need a better power adapter but I lack money so fuck everything
am I the only one with this kind of problems ;_;
Im on a CRT 17'

Fabi wrote:

Im on a CRT 17'
CRT are for hipsters

Fight me.
P r o m i s e s

BrokenArrow wrote:

I want to get a new graphic card too but then my processor would be too bad and slow everything down and in order to get one I'll need a new mainboard and to get enough power for all that I need a better power adapter but I lack money so fuck everything
am I the only one with this kind of problems ;_;
I have the exact same problem
Witch Mercy

BrokenArrow wrote:

I want to get a new graphic card too but then my processor would be too bad and slow everything down and in order to get one I'll need a new mainboard and to get enough power for all that I need a better power adapter but I lack money so fuck everything
am I the only one with this kind of problems ;_;
I had this for problem for like 5 to 6 plus years.
Then I finally manned up and saved up some money from my part time jobs and built my current comp.
Life is good now >w<
Hey guys, I'm planning to map Pentakill - Lightbringer once my current project is done
Well that's a new one for me...

Sonatora wrote:

Hey guys, I'm planning to map Pentakill - Lightbringer once my current project is done
DFG or Ohmwrecker pls

ty for carry tbte

Hika wrote:

Sonatora wrote:

Hey guys, I'm planning to map Pentakill - Lightbringer once my current project is done
DFG or Ohmwrecker pls
Orb of Winter pls
Pentakill is overrated.
As someone who has went from the bottom of silver to diamond you never say you can't play a specific role because that sets people off. If you aren't good at adc or support tell your team it is your "WEAKEST" roles and they will be more willing to work around it.
Kanye West
Yeah, don't say, "I prefer this one role, but I can play these other roles".

No. You're playing ranked, you should be able to play every role. Otherwise don't play ranked.
That is, if you give a fuck about your rank. And not just for this specific game but overall.
Should you know every role and be able to play it? Yes
Is it mandatory to climb and get diamond or higher? Hell no and more of a hell no.

There are so many one trick ponies in high diamond now that it isn't even an accomplishment anymore.
I didn't mean the role diversity. I meant being mindful of your team.
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