
League of Legends

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yeah but you're just assuming without evidence

that my friend, is retarded
Why do i need evidence? I've been posting on this forum and reading your replies long enough to know exactly thats what you meant.
no can you read my mind no you cant, can you see my face no you cant, you cant draw conclusions without having hard cold facts
So you really want to derail this thread huh? It's obvious you meant exactly that and your previous post show that.
sometimes maal reminds me a bit of Reginald, no offense
this thread should be renamed to "warwick and the shitty balance team at riot games" because that's all that ever gets spoken about by anyone
no i dont mean it wtf haha ww's ult is shit weak its only good for the lockdown of the 1 carry you ult

and thanks BA i never liked you anyway

tyrael6192 wrote:

this thread should be renamed to "warwick and the shitty balance team at riot games" because that's all that ever gets spoken about by anyone
Don't forget the massive spam of end game results screenies.

BrokenArrow wrote:

sometimes maal reminds me a bit of Reginald, no offense
That's an offence to Reginald.
Is maal alike with wukong?

Are maal's eyebrows missing every time he goes into lcs match?

TKiller wrote:

BrokenArrow wrote:

sometimes maal reminds me a bit of Reginald, no offense
That's an offence to Reginald.
wtf what's with the personal attacks
Personal attacks are funny. Like casual racism.
its not really funny
Sthap flaim pls
Not for you maybe.

Anyway, riot fucked up disabling EUW ranked and I got in a game with a bunch of low diamonds going full retard for the whole game. Didn't understand a thing, but apparently I was the only one who didn't know losses were forgiven.

Head still full of fuck.
i dont see anyone laughing tbh
Warwick is the least of the champion balance problems. Kassadin and Gragas/Ziggs still exist. The only difference is that Kass can be used by anyone and Gragas is a god in high elo :v
You seem to be missing the point.
oh look. another broken champ complaint.
I hate playing against Gragas, because he's op, but okay. I can still handle him...but Ziggs, come on, Ziggs is not even op, Ziggs is a fucking champion for braindead people, you can kill anyone pressing random keys
blackfire torch rush gragas/syndra <3

Stuff is broken but so nice to blow anyone up in a second, even tanks.
What if I told you not everything that is strong is automatically broken/op
Just don't get caught how about that
There are only like 3 champions that I would consider broken op right now. Mostly due to bugs (Rengar).
15-20 that are really strong
The rest playable but there is a big difference between being playable and strong.
Rengo is at solid 50% win rate tho. Don't think any champ is op atm
There is a reason he has been globally banned in the last 3 tournies.
The only champions I consider op in their current state are Nidalee and Mundo, everything else doesn't seem ban-worthy to me. I usually ban Gragas along with them because I just dislike laning against him

Vulf wrote:

There is a reason he has been globally banned in the last 3 tournies.
Well, I was pointing towards soloQ.

BrokenArrow wrote:

The only champions I consider op in their current state are Nidalee and Mundo, everything else doesn't seem ban-worthy to me. I usually ban Gragas along with them because I just dislike laning against him
Not OP imo. Good initiation team can break through a poke comp. With Mundo you just have to burst him down / use % dmg like BorK, Elise, Kogmaw etc
He is still a very common ban in higher elo's.

Also most people in bronze/silver/gold aren't going to know how to do a triple Q at level 2.
They could look at a youtube video?

Anyhow, how many stacks on Nasus' Siphoning Strike should I aim for at 20 minutes. Playing top.

Gotta hate it when the Nunu ganks once, and gets killed by the ignite I accidentally used on him then goes AFK.

Blaziken wrote:

They could look at a youtube video?

Anyhow, how many stacks on Nasus' Siphoning Strike should I aim for at 20 minutes. Playing top.

Gotta hate it when the Nunu ganks once, and gets killed by the ignite I accidentally used on him then goes AFK.
What the-Volibear and Annie build?
Apparently AD Annine and I have no idea what the fuck Volibear was doing.

Justykanna wrote:

Blaziken wrote:

They could look at a youtube video?

Anyhow, how many stacks on Nasus' Siphoning Strike should I aim for at 20 minutes. Playing top.

Gotta hate it when the Nunu ganks once, and gets killed by the ignite I accidentally used on him then goes AFK.
What the-Volibear and Annie build?
Because one boot and AP Annie is too mainstream.
But most champions in this game have 2 feet, so wouldn't two boots be needed?
Probably sold everything at the end for lulz because the loss for them was kind of inevitable.

BrokenArrow wrote:

The only champions I consider op in their current state are Nidalee and Mundo, everything else doesn't seem ban-worthy to me. I usually ban Gragas along with them because I just dislike laning against him

lol, u must be Challenger.

imo, there are to many strong champs that deserve a ban :(

(Did u never see a fed Riven? -.-)

shyvana, annie, nasus, kassa ....
If we're talking about this, I usually ban Vi, Evelynn and Kha'Zix. Pretty much the junglers I hate with a passion and people tend to lose against overall.

Don't really understand why people ban Shyvanna so much. The amount of base damage she does isn't that high and to actually carry a game with her one would have to go damage early. Anyone can buld sunfire-spiritvisage and become surprisingly tanky. Her kiting potential is annoying, that's the only ban worthy part of her kit I see. But I guess people are generally like "much tank, can't kill".

PsychoSkill wrote:

BrokenArrow wrote:

The only champions I consider op in their current state are Nidalee and Mundo, everything else doesn't seem ban-worthy to me. I usually ban Gragas along with them because I just dislike laning against him

lol, u must be Challenger.

imo, there are to many strong champs that deserve a ban :(

(Did u never see a fed Riven? -.-)

shyvana, annie, nasus, kassa ....
Every single one of those champions is (was) counterable (Riven to a lesser extent). Problem is their counters got nerfed to the point it doesn't matter anymore.

I used to love watching the Nasus and Darius match ups on streams because nasus would auto lose that lane. Then darius got nerfed then nasus got buffed and here we are.
Beaten 3 Rivens with Amumu top not too long ago.

Me = chinese electric batman, platinum top laners = bad.

Well, jokes and such, most of top lanes are now a tank slapping festival with not that much of a field to display skill. And I pick something corresponding most of the time. Though I highly prefer Zac to other picks.

TKiller wrote:

Don't really understand why people ban Shyvanna so much.
Me neither. Her, Dr. Mundo and Nasus keep getting banned in my games because... well... they don't die. But they don't really carry games either. =s

TKiller wrote:

most of top lanes are now a tank slapping festival
Which sucks because my favourite top laner is Gangplank so killing them becomes...not fun. D=
People still die to redpot gankplank level 1 by the way.

You'd think after this much time they'd learn, but nope!

Really, I have only 7 gankplank games in my whole ranked history, but in each one of them I went redpot and in each one of them I got a kill level 1.

TKiller wrote:

Beaten 3 Rivens with Amumu top not too long ago.

Me = chinese electric batman, platinum top laners = bad.

Well, jokes and such, most of top lanes are now a tank slapping festival with not that much of a field to display skill. And I pick something corresponding most of the time. Though I highly prefer Zac to other picks.
Well, i've won toplane with Sona on that level. Amazing when your mundo goes support without telling before you pick.
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