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Justykanna wrote:

Anyone have suggestions (not necessarily just build wise) for me, for Garen? Bruiser-type.
I have runes, glyphs, etc for him, but I'm still only level 20 so I don't have everything unlocked yet.
I usually level E, Q, W, (for levels 1, 2 and 3) then max W, then E and Q last. And obviously take R whenever I can. I play with four other friends and I'm 'usually' the only melee player, if that matters at all.

I think I'm having more issues playing him than the actual build though.

Given, I'm not a great player. I'm just looking to improve.
(That and people here seem 100% pro) O_O
Haven't played Garen in a long time but I think nothing has changed much about him. Your priority should be R>E>Q>W and starting with Q. For Build you can make the best use of Warmogs, Sunfire's, Black Cleaver, Runic Bulwark, situational boots and as the last item really anything big and expensive. You can replace Black Cleaver with Ghostblade if you like it more and if somebody already has Runic on your team you should probably go for Randuin's Omen.
most melees can't stand toe to toe with garen; just run in with your silence, then spin on top of them and back out. if they're smart they'll trade back once your abilities are down, so you'll have to watch out. But most of the time, it's rinse and repeat and then go in with ult ignite for the kill.

noneed wrote:

Haven't played Garen in a long time but I think nothing has changed much about him. Your priority should be R>E>Q>W and starting with Q. For Build you can make the best use of Warmogs, Sunfire's, Black Cleaver, Runic Bulwark, situational boots and as the last item really anything big and expensive. You can replace Black Cleaver with Ghostblade if you like it more and if somebody already has Runic on your team you should probably go for Randuin's Omen.
Looks like I have my priority for skills right. Been switching between Q and E for my first skill but never saw a noticeable difference.
More tanky than damage dealing from the looks of what you've got there. Omen's probably one of my favourite items, it just has zero killing power.
Black Cleaver I haven't been using only because other ADs on my team almost always use it. Still worth the money?

tyrael6192 wrote:

most melees can't stand toe to toe with garen; just run in with your silence, then spin on top of them and back out. if they're smart they'll trade back once your abilities are down, so you'll have to watch out. But most of the time, it's rinse and repeat and then go in with ult ignite for the kill.
Even in team fights? I'm having team members that want me to stay in there as long as I can without my health dipping below a low amount (ie: stay in there even with Q and E on cooldown).
I love my R, I just don't like stealing kills from people like carries who probably need them more than a bruiser like me.
I mean in 1v1 duels and trades in top lane. Once you get tanky though, it's ok to stay in teamfights and act as a front like and protect your carries. Also garen carries pretty hard himself mid-game, so don't be afraid of taking a few kills here and there... into lategame you become mostly a damage-soak, so at that point you don't really need any more kills

tyrael6192 wrote:

I mean in 1v1 duels and trades in top lane. Once you get tanky though, it's ok to stay in teamfights and act as a front like and protect your carries. Also garen carries pretty hard himself mid-game, so don't be afraid of taking a few kills here and there... into lategame you become mostly a damage-soak, so at that point you don't really need any more kills
It's odd, because I am pretty sure I'm doing everything that people have told me, save for a few build things, and I'm being told I am not good at him. I'm trying to figure out if people are hating the character, or me, now. >_>
Asada Shino

Justykanna wrote:

noneed wrote:

Haven't played Garen in a long time but I think nothing has changed much about him. Your priority should be R>E>Q>W and starting with Q. For Build you can make the best use of Warmogs, Sunfire's, Black Cleaver, Runic Bulwark, situational boots and as the last item really anything big and expensive. You can replace Black Cleaver with Ghostblade if you like it more and if somebody already has Runic on your team you should probably go for Randuin's Omen.
Looks like I have my priority for skills right. Been switching between Q and E for my first skill but never saw a noticeable difference.
More tanky than damage dealing from the looks of what you've got there. Omen's probably one of my favourite items, it just has zero killing power.
Black Cleaver I haven't been using only because other ADs on my team almost always use it. Still worth the money?
Brutalizer has always been a strong top lane item, and the S3 change to Black Cleaver makes it into one of the best snowball items if you get an early lead. If you feel you need to be more tanky you can just build Brutalizer for damage then tanky as you see fit and later on sell your Brutalizer for Last Whisper.
Brutaliser is still pretty much worth it and its the core for most bruiser top
Cool Nami buff
Cool Will of the Ancients recipe
Thinking of playing this game soon.
Although my computer's shitty and I'm not confident if I can run it

2.0GHz Processor
128MB Video Card

Quaraezha wrote:

Thinking of playing this game soon.
Although my computer's shitty and I'm not confident if I can run it

2.0GHz Processor
128MB Video Card
ur good to go on low settings.
altough I am not too sure about cpu speed. 2.0 is the minimum if I recall correctly. you should prolly check it on:

noneed wrote:

Quaraezha wrote:

Thinking of playing this game soon.
Although my computer's shitty and I'm not confident if I can run it

2.0GHz Processor
128MB Video Card
ur good to go on low settings.
altough I am not too sure about cpu speed. 2.0 is the minimum if I recall correctly. you should prolly check it on:
2.0 is minimum, 3.0 Recommended.
Guess I can try it out on Lowest Settings.
How big is the game itself?
almost 3GB I think.
you can definitely run it

Diana is finally getting fixed after they severely fucked her w~

Targeting cone is now attached to Annie

Feral Scream
Targeting cone is now attached to Cho'Gath

Siphon of Destruction
Targeting cone is now attached to Mordekaiser

finally, hated how these spells functioned
Annie visual update<3
Keyboard Cat_old
lol needs a new carry

Asada Shino wrote:

Brutalizer has always been a strong top lane item, and the S3 change to Black Cleaver makes it into one of the best snowball items if you get an early lead. If you feel you need to be more tanky you can just build Brutalizer for damage then tanky as you see fit and later on sell your Brutalizer for Last Whisper.
Righto. Thanks for the help!
Now to learn more champions so that I don't have to use Geran every PvP match...
One thing to say, Teemo top counter all. o/

Synchrostar wrote:

Annie visual update<3
Not sure I like it, personally. Just makes her look older, lol.
I don't know why annie got her VU over Sion and Sivir. I know riot plans on upgrading all the original 40, but Annie didn't need it as bad as Sion, Sivir, Master Yi, Anivia and Nasus just naming a few. =\

Vulf wrote:

I don't know why annie got her VU over Sion and Sivir. I know riot plans on upgrading all the original 40, but Annie didn't need it as bad as Sion, Sivir, Master Yi, Anivia and Nasus just naming a few. =\
Mainly to attract people to play her. The day Nidalee got her visual upgrade her pick rate doubled. They want people to try Annie again and see for themselves whether she is still any good in League of Gapclosers. I believe she certainly is. While on the other hand, giving a visual upgrade to Sion will only show us how shit he is.

0:58 I freaking had an orgasm

noneed wrote:

Vulf wrote:

I don't know why annie got her VU over Sion and Sivir. I know riot plans on upgrading all the original 40, but Annie didn't need it as bad as Sion, Sivir, Master Yi, Anivia and Nasus just naming a few. =\
Mainly to attract people to play her. The day Nidalee got her visual upgrade her pick rate doubled. They want people to try Annie again and see for themselves whether she is still any good in League of Gapclosers. I believe she certainly is. While on the other hand, giving a visual upgrade to Sion will only show us how shit he is.
See this really bothers me. I really wish they would fix champions like Sion, Urgot, and Warwick instead of leaving them there to rot forever. Diana and Rengar got over nerfed and were instantly buffed the next patch. Eve was nerfed really hard this patch but i'm sure she will be fixed the next patch.

Sion simply fell out of the meta and could use a rework. Warwick got nerfed then they kept indirectly nerfing him patch after patch (also his kit is outdated).
Urgot is totally fine. Still a pretty solid pick for arranged 5s and in solo queue I'd rather play him in a sololane. Muramane and Black Cleaver are amazing on him and since HP stacking is the thing right now a Warmog's on him is amazing as well. But yea, still too many old champions who just can't keep up once the meta shifts a bit.
I personally think they over nerfed him. He needed to be nerfed, but not that bad lol.

I'm just really upset with the state of the game right now. As much as i hate to say it I prefer s2 at this point lol. Then again it's only the preseason a lot can change these next couple of weeks.


Ult with Passive on five enemies seems to be stronk and efficient.

Stefan wrote:

Lawl. My sister in law plays Annie as a support. Absolutly controls the scoreboard as far as assists go.
for fuck's sake turntheslayer I saw you on Wickd's stream, I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE TO PLAY WITH OR AGAINST WICKD OR OCELOTE, STOP FLAMING for the love of god, you just flame your teammates who don't perform well and you mock opponents that don't do well either, playing with you doesn't look enjoyable at all.


Quaraezha wrote:

Thinking of playing this game soon.
Although my computer's shitty and I'm not confident if I can run it

2.0GHz Processor
128MB Video Card
Don't. I have these settings on this old computer (because mine broke, blabla), I get 12fps at the best times, 2fps for teamfights, it's completely UNPLAYABLE.
@Ouariasse: I wonder if Nunu would be dead by Cait's Ult.
After Karthus (R), which champion is the next "press a button and win"?
darius r

those wrote:

After Karthus (R), which champion is the next "press a button and win"?
Ryze is smash your keyboard and win

those wrote:

After Karthus (R), which champion is the next "press a button and win"?
AP Amumu's Ult
Asada Shino

those wrote:

After Karthus (R), which champion is the next "press a button and win"?

Ouariasse wrote:

those wrote:

After Karthus (R), which champion is the next "press a button and win"?
Ryze is smash your keyboard and win
Add Eve and Diana to that list. lol

Vulf wrote:

Add Eve and Diana to that list. lol

True story

Just when i found out how to make kat even more teamfight efficient by rushing sunfire cape they're nerfing both sunfire and kat.
herp derp
hp was overpowered though so no wonder.
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