
League of Legends

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WingsOfDeadthx wrote:

Me :

Try Nocturne mid , win and shi.t on enemy mid laner. Then lose game. Because Master Yi with 20 kills and FF.......

(You may ask Nocturne mid? Rly bro? But he is good , #believe)
Mid Noc? I imagine he'd get erased off the map pretty easily by a lot of traditional mid lane champs out there.
[- Alex -]

Ceph23 wrote:

WingsOfDeadthx wrote:

Me :

Try Nocturne mid , win and shi.t on enemy mid laner. Then lose game. Because Master Yi with 20 kills and FF.......

(You may ask Nocturne mid? Rly bro? But he is good , #believe)
Mid Noc? I imagine he'd get erased off the map pretty easily by a lot of traditional mid lane champs out there.
Star with Doran Balde. +3 life steel runes and the pasive is good. 1 hit pasive = +30 life . After buy i Vampire and done. But the thing is , you need blue buff. His mana cost is high ...... If you want to try it here is my masteries and runes.

Runes : Masteries :
If you want to play agresive in mid , or you thing is an easy lane take 21/9 for masteries and armor pen reds and remove the life steal. For masteries this is the 12/18/0 vs ad version , just change the armor bonus with the mr one. Gl and Hf. ^_^
Witch Mercy
Why did my fps drop like 10-20 ever since the last few patches? :c
Also, will increasing my ram boost up my fps?
[- Alex -]

Graciee wrote:

Why did my fps drop like 10-20 ever since the last few patches? :c
Also, will increasing my ram boost up my fps?

Run league on low setting and the shadows off. The fps drop is from the game. Is a bug in the game and drop you fps some times. I got like 60 from 120. Riot says they will fix it in the next pack or after 2-3 days from now.
Witch Mercy

WingsOfDeadthx wrote:

Graciee wrote:

Why did my fps drop like 10-20 ever since the last few patches? :c
Also, will increasing my ram boost up my fps?

Run league on low setting and the shadows off. The fps drop is from the game. Is a bug in the game and drop you fps some times. I got like 60 from 120. Riot says they will fix it in the next pack or after 2-3 days from now.
Is there an official thread or something about this?
I was wondering it might their fault... :V
I wish I only had to deal with FPS trouble. Instead I play with 2000 ping and disconnect ever 4 minutes.
I recently had a game were I was at a permanant 130ms and when I did a ping check I was coming in with 13ms to google. Wierd. Next game it was sorted.
RIP Gambit.
If they get relegated there is no reason for me to watch the EU LCS anymore, all the other teams are so boring and standard. Gambit would deserve it after that game though.
Honestly NA LCS has so much more to offer #CLGFTW
ROCCAT did play well, but Gambit sucked so bad xD, the only thing they have to do is to not screw it up on early, and then they can win almost everyone in tf's....

NA's okay, even though it's easier to guess who will win compared to EU, it's like C9 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TSM >>> CLG
[- Alex -]

Graciee wrote:

Is there an official thread or something about this?
I was wondering it might their fault... :V
Is a reddit post but i cant find it.....
Witch Mercy

WingsOfDeadthx wrote:

Graciee wrote:

Is there an official thread or something about this?
I was wondering it might their fault... :V
Is a reddit post but i cant find it.....
It's fine xD
Thank you~
How does ranked 5vs5 and 3vs3 mmr work ? is it based of the mmr of the teamplayers ? cause we won 4 of the 5 placement matches and we got placed in bronze , tought we would alteast be silver

SoG Tava wrote:

How does ranked 5vs5 and 3vs3 mmr work ? is it based of the mmr of the teamplayers ? cause we won 4 of the 5 placement matches and we got placed in bronze , tought we would alteast be silver
Based on player mmr, if youre all diamond and lose all 5 you will probably be gold/silver, if youre bronze and win all 5 the highest is silver

Uncr0wned wrote:

SoG Tava wrote:

How does ranked 5vs5 and 3vs3 mmr work ? is it based of the mmr of the teamplayers ? cause we won 4 of the 5 placement matches and we got placed in bronze , tought we would alteast be silver
Based on player mmr, if youre all diamond and lose all 5 you will probably be gold/silver, if youre bronze and win all 5 the highest is silver

i tought so , annyway thanks for the fast reply :)
Is Feral Flare lee sin good?

AlfimusCore wrote:

Is Feral Flare lee sin good?
i dont realy think so Feral Flare is good on champions who benefits alot from attack speed

like for example : warwick , xin , master yi , phoenix stance udyr , shaco , vi , ect
Kanye West
Feral flare is bad on lee sin because he loses his strong early game impact by farming stacks instead of pressuring lanes

The item itself isn't terrible on him but it's counterproductive to build
[- Alex -]

AlfimusCore wrote:

Is Feral Flare lee sin good?

Yes it is. Just try it last night.

Dat is my build. First FF after Omen. Hyrda and LW next. If you are not tanky with Omen buy a Sunfier or Thormmail.
That feel when you win lane against a champion that's supposed to counter you (Riven vs. Ryze in my case), he doesn't show up in lane for the rest of the game anymore, roams all over the map and ends up carrying the game with like 9/5/10, with all of his 5 deaths in lane.

How do I counter that? Yes I pushed the lane all the way to the inhib but he didn't care and proceeded to get objectives with his team. At the point where people start grouping (like 25 minutes in) he already catched up with me so my advantage was gone. :c
[- Alex -]

BrokenArrow wrote:

That feel when you win lane against a champion that's supposed to counter you (Riven vs. Ryze in my case), he doesn't show up in lane for the rest of the game anymore, roams all over the map and ends up carrying the game with like 9/5/10, with all of his 5 deaths in lane.

How do I counter that? Yes I pushed the lane all the way to the inhib but he didn't care and proceeded to get objectives with his team. At the point where people start grouping (like 25 minutes in) he already catched up with me so my advantage was gone. :c
Do like him. Push destroy turret if he roam fallow him. Go help mid or bot , if they lose. Take drake or counter jungler the enemy buff (red/blue) . You can start destroy turret in 3vs2 or 2vs1 mid/bot.
Thanks for the info guys. Though, lee sin's not a really good jungler now. I dont know why, but after the W nerf, I feel like he's super sloppy to play in the jungle.

BrokenArrow wrote:

That feel when you win lane against a champion that's supposed to counter you (Riven vs. Ryze in my case), he doesn't show up in lane for the rest of the game anymore, roams all over the map and ends up carrying the game with like 9/5/10, with all of his 5 deaths in lane.

How do I counter that? Yes I pushed the lane all the way to the inhib but he didn't care and proceeded to get objectives with his team. At the point where people start grouping (like 25 minutes in) he already catched up with me so my advantage was gone. :c
you follow where he goes before he gets the advantage. Push the lane until the enemy turret, then proceed to help counterjungle or help the other lanes. Cause you have the advantage, not him. If he goes to where you are to help, It's another free kill for the team because you destroyed him in lane.
Witch Mercy
4/0 in ranked with Nidalee! Yay~ :3
Ugh, gotta love when people decide to ignore pick order... D=
Ended 13/4/6 as Xin, we lost because enemy shyv carried them having 300cs (100 creeps more than lanes lol) and 60 stacks on FF, but guess who they blamed? Xin because "noob take all kill". You just can't escape flame. You feed, they'll flame you. You get fed, they'll blame you for "taking the kills".

Jordan wrote:

Ended 13/4/6 as Xin, we lost because enemy shyv carried them having 300cs (100 creeps more than lanes lol) and 60 stacks on FF, but guess who they blamed? Xin because "noob take all kill". You just can't escape flame. You feed, they'll flame you. You get fed, they'll blame you for "taking the kills".
That's funny because EXACTLY the same thing happened to me today. Played Riven and ended 14/4/2.
20 minutes in the game I had literally 100% of my team's kills. I got those kills in legit 1v1's and 1v2's, yet we lost and who was at fault? Obviously me, for taking all the kills.
Just soloed baron at the 17 minute mark as Yi... thank you based feral flare

AlfimusCore wrote:

Thanks for the info guys. Though, lee sin's not a really good jungler now. I dont know why, but after the W nerf, I feel like he's super sloppy to play in the jungle.
P r o m i s e s

AlfimusCore wrote:

Thanks for the info guys. Though, lee sin's not a really good jungler now. I dont know why, but after the W nerf, I feel like he's super sloppy to play in the jungle.
Wait, what?

Lee Sin is a great jungler. He does great early game damage, gets tanky late game and when used correctly a game changing ult. This blind monk gets constantly banned in high elo aswell.

Jordan wrote:

Just soloed baron at the 17 minute mark as Yi... thank you based feral flare
I did this too when the first one or two days Feral Flare was released. It was quite funny and to see the team respond with: "OMG WTF!?" XD
Kanye West
if you don't think lee sin is good then you can't play lee sin
I don't understand how people say Lee Sin is a mechanical complex champion tho
I mean there are just 2 things you have to learn, one is the Q->R->Q combo and the other one is wardjumping, which is honestly not that hard to do with smartcast and some practice. Aiming your ult is not always easy but that's about it, there are tons of other champs which are much harder to play imo
[- Alex -]
I was with some friend , and pff bored. Play Soraka top , after dat game i was like "is time to main Soraka top/mid" . Now with this new heal , and some good items she is the best camp. Damage , tones of heal , and R tones of heals. What do you want more?
I think massive heal/shield comps could really become the new meta if they aren't getting nerfed in the near future
Best example was the first game from Fnatic vs. Alliance yesterday, if played correctly there isn't much that can stop it
[- Alex -]

BrokenArrow wrote:

I think massive heal/shield comps could really become the new meta if they aren't getting nerfed in the near future
Best example was the first game from Fnatic vs. Alliance yesterday, if played correctly there isn't much that can stop it
Yeap . And the 3 exhaust team combo is good.
I think Fizz is in a good position again , played him recently in ranked solo Q and with my ranked team , i do the old incarnation thingy but instead of barrier/ignite i take heal/ignite and it works just fine you can use heal in a aggresive way solo tower dive them at lvl 3 all day :)
I just don't think lee's as good as he was before this patch. imo. lee top's better now.
that feel when people 2 tiers under yours ask you for a ranked, and you need to find an excuse to tell them you can't...
reasons to watch lcs:

those facial aesthetics ughhhhh 10/10 full homo
Honestly you guys need to pay attention to Deficio's face when one of the other casters is talking and he just listens, it's hilarious because his facial expressions make him look so retarded

BrokenArrow wrote:

Honestly you guys need to pay attention to Deficio's face when one of the other casters is talking and he just listens, it's hilarious because his facial expressions make him look so retarded
i don't pay attention to anything except deficio's face

10/10 would recommend godlike facial structure
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