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tyrael6192 wrote:

i find people are a lot more concerned with lane counters at lower elo, and then as you get higher people gradually start to give 0 fucks and play whatever

matchups aren't exactly the same thing iirc? it's more the dynamic of how one champion works against another and it's just something you learn through playing vs everyone

This is so true and so wrong at the same time. Picking the right/wrong champions can win/lose the lane straight. I ALWAYS chose an adc by our teamcomp / their bot lane. While others might not and get crushed in lane by first picking and insta-locking Vayne.
I step away from my computer for half an hour and there's like... five more posts here... D=

SoG Tava wrote:

play cait and sona they are realy good and not hard to play
I've actually tried both and didn't like either. =/
Didn't like Caitlyn's kit at all. Her ultimate's easily blocked by someone else, her Q keeps her in one spot for a short time. I like Sivir because she's mobile, she has a defensive option (her spell shield) and her Q takes zero time to launch and people can't dodge it (which makes it super fun). I loved her before the rework.

Sona... ehhh... I don't feel like she has enough to protect her ADC. Nami has a stun, slow, heal, poke and wide-range, long-range ultimate slow. Then her passive.

SoG Tava wrote:

Well if u look it that way every champ is hard to play , u still need to practice of course
At least for ADC, I need someone mobile. I considered Lucian but I heard he's underpowered.
Support, I need someone who can poke and protect the ADC really well and I just find Nami's best for that.

tyrael6192 wrote:

i find people are a lot more concerned with lane counters at lower elo, and then as you get higher people gradually start to give 0 fucks and play whatever

psKirika wrote:

This is so true and so wrong at the same time. Picking the right/wrong champions can win/lose the lane straight. I ALWAYS chose an adc by our teamcomp / their bot lane. While others might not and get crushed in lane by first picking and insta-locking Vayne.
I thought that you were suppose to counter-pick all the time (I have friends who watch pros while I do not) but wasn't told until late that matchups matter less at Bronze level. I'll worry about matchups when I start to rank up, but at Bronze, I don't care... yet.

I mean, if I see a Pantheon, I'm not gonna pick my main (Gangplank).
That reminds me, why do people hate Gangplank so much? o_O

I've seen a lot of Vayne banning lately. I guess she's popular?

Justykanna wrote:

I step away from my computer for half an hour and there's like... five more posts here... D=

SoG Tava wrote:

play cait and sona they are realy good and not hard to play
I've actually tried both and didn't like either. =/
Didn't like Caitlyn's kit at all. Her ultimate's easily blocked by someone else, her Q keeps her in one spot for a short time. I like Sivir because she's mobile and her Q takes zero time to launch and people can't dodge it (which makes it super fun). I loved her before the rework.

Sona... ehhh... I don't feel like she has enough to protect her ADC. Nami has a stun, slow, heal, poke and wide-range, long-range ultimate slow. Then her passive.

SoG Tava wrote:

Well if u look it that way every champ is hard to play , u still need to practice of course
At least for ADC, I need someone mobile. I considered Lucian but I heard he's underpowered.
Support, I need someone who can poke and protect the ADC really well and I just find Nami's best for that.

tyrael6192 wrote:

i find people are a lot more concerned with lane counters at lower elo, and then as you get higher people gradually start to give 0 fucks and play whatever

psKirika wrote:

This is so true and so wrong at the same time. Picking the right/wrong champions can win/lose the lane straight. I ALWAYS chose an adc by our teamcomp / their bot lane. While others might not and get crushed in lane by first picking and insta-locking Vayne.
I thought that you were suppose to counter-pick all the time (I have friends who watch pros while I do not) but wasn't told until late that matchups matter less at Bronze level. I'll worry about matchups when I start to rank up, but at Bronze, I don't care... yet.

I mean, if I see a Pantheon, I'm not gonna pick my main (Gangplank).
That reminds me, why do people hate Gangplank so much? o_O

I've seen a lot of Vayne banning lately. I guess she's popular?
Vayne is banned because she's basically the strongest adc duelist late game and can carry hard alone. For example, 1 item Vayne = 2 item Cait etc.

The thing is though, she usually has a horrible laning phrase versus most adc's, and when I see a enemy first pick vayne, I can feel the LP just cash in as I know I'm usually able to crush bot lane.
Kanye West
Pff...not with a halfway decent support. Any vayne I support is absolutely huge coming out of laning phase...and proceeds to throw by trying and failing to 1v4. Why does every vayne player think they're doublelift lol
hi im gosu

I don't play adc, but when I do, I'm Doublelift
I always play adc, but I'm never like Doublelift
#vayne dying 1v4
The first 2 games I played Caitlyn in ranked I stole a dragon with my Q without having it warded. Felt so good :D
At the same time those were the first dragon steals I've ever done. Still lost the game :/

psKirika wrote:

tyrael6192 wrote:

i find people are a lot more concerned with lane counters at lower elo, and then as you get higher people gradually start to give 0 fucks and play whatever

matchups aren't exactly the same thing iirc? it's more the dynamic of how one champion works against another and it's just something you learn through playing vs everyone

This is so true and so wrong at the same time. Picking the right/wrong champions can win/lose the lane straight. I ALWAYS chose an adc by our teamcomp / their bot lane. While others might not and get crushed in lane by first picking and insta-locking Vayne.
a skilled and practiced vayne destroys a hero who plays a mediocre caitlyn

but the point is if you're climbing and playing one champion you're good at you will inadvertently come up against your counters and 50%+ of the time you will beat them anyway because they prioritize "lol counter them easy gg" over knowing a champion

this applies less to bot lane because of weird synergies and shit but solo lanes? always

Nofool wrote:

I always play adc, but I'm never like Doublelift
#vayne dying 1v4
no ur the #vayne killing 1v4

anyway what tyrael says is somewhat true

thing is and all these websites only take LANING phase into account

caitlyn vayne's hardest counter? ask them when they both have full items at 40 min mark

a bad vayne can even kill a mediocre caitlyn
Kanye West

maal wrote:

Nofool wrote:

I always play adc, but I'm never like Doublelift
#vayne dying 1v4
no ur the #vayne killing 1v4

anyway what tyrael says is somewhat true

thing is and all these websites only take LANING phase into account

caitlyn vayne's hardest counter? ask them when they both have full items at 40 min mark

a bad vayne can even kill a mediocre caitlyn

But see, by your logic, Nasus counters every toplaner. Vayne obviously scales harder than Cait, but that's not what we're discussing.

I wouldn't say Cait is Vayne's hardest counter but in a Cait and Vayne matchup of equal skill and equally competent supports, the Cait should have a pretty sizable CS lead coming out of laning phase.

The hardest counter to Vayne is team coordination, gapclosers, CC, AS reduction, and oracles/pink wards. Same as any AD Carry actually. The reason Vayne is so strong in solo queue is that nobody has any coordination so you can skirmish your way to win. Whereas, in competitive play, when Vayne is picked, there needs to be a team comp built around her.
when did i say nasus counters everyone

i didnt talk about cs stacks

tell me someone who can counter nasus late game who has infinite stacks? noone
Veigar with infinite stacks
Kanye West
My point being, we were talking about the laning phase and you were talking about lategame scaling.

Lategame scaling is irrelevant if you can never get there.

Yeyeye i get your point.

Just saying, I'm not a medicore caitlyn. Plus, If both are equally skilled, caitlyn will have a noticeably large cs lead. As Kayne said.

On phone, to lazy to argument
i'm not arguing for anything i know nothing about this game

i think the general point i wanna make to justykanna is don't force yourself to play a champion you're not familiar with just to counter someone in a solo lane because the majority of the time you'll contribute more to the game by playing someone you know and understand

obviously if we take this to "i know every champion in the game because i am diamond" level then yeah counter away because you're more or less equally reliable no matter what champ you play and you're not sacrificing anything by picking a counter

Kanye West wrote:

Why does every vayne player think they're doublelift lol
Doublelift the name of a player I'm guessing?

Otonashi07 wrote: ... out-sheath

any thoughts?
I'm actually really excited to see that one. I've never been overly excited for a new champion, but this one sounds cool. =)

Kanye West wrote:

But see, by your logic, Nasus counters every toplaner.
I actually didn't see Nasus get any (litterally) banned votes in ranked until two weeks ago, and then EVERY game had a him banned. Anyone know why? =/ I don't get it! lol.

tyrael6192 wrote:

i think the general point i wanna make to justykanna is don't force yourself to play a champion you're not familiar with just to counter someone in a solo lane because the majority of the time you'll contribute more to the game by playing someone you know and understand
Thank you for clarifying! =)
I don't know why but every time I see an Ezreal player, I like to assume they're all dicks. Don't know why, but Ezreal seems like a real huge dick.

Like his champion picture.. his smug, prick face. too good.
Kanye West

Justykanna wrote:

Kanye West wrote:

Why does every vayne player think they're doublelift lol
Doublelift the name of a player I'm guessing?
justykanna pls

If you don't know how to play the champion that counters something and you pick it expecting to have an auto win in lane you are going to have a bad time. I've picked Warwick into horrible things before and still won my lane because I was simply better than the other person and vice-versa.

There was a hidden nasus nerf on pbe. Life Steal is now 10% instead of 14% early game. Keep em coming. probably won't be nerfed more until after they make money from his new skin though.

Kanye West wrote:

justykanna pls
Please what?

Vulf wrote:

There was a hidden nasus nerf on pbe. Life Steal is now 10% instead of 14% early game. Keep em coming. probably won't be nerfed more until after they make money from his new skin though.
How does that explain why he's been getting banned left and right, now?
Nasus will get nerfed for the same reason Warwick got nerfed (actually gutted) in season 2. He is immovable in lane and that is stupid and not fun to play against. He is a very strong late game champion that has probably the easiest early game to get there and that is a problem. Everything that used to straight up destroy him in lane has been nerfed. Also the new dorans shield made a lot of stuff with built in sustain really strong.

Nerfing his early game sustain is a step in the right direction, but he needs to be nerfed a little more.
@ Vulf can u post me ure lolking ? i want to see how u build ure Warwick

Vulf wrote:

Nasus will get nerfed for the same reason Warwick got nerfed (actually gutted) in season 2. He is immovable in lane and that is stupid and not fun to play against. He is a very strong late game champion that has probably the easiest early game to get there and that is a problem. Everything that used to straight up destroy him in lane has been nerfed. Also the new dorans shield made a lot of stuff with built in sustain really strong.

Nerfing his early game sustain is a step in the right direction, but he needs to be nerfed a little more.
forget the shield

double dorans ring is way stronger on him

9 mana after each kill + 6 mana regen and his q only costs 20 mana

thats a nasus thatll never feel the need to come out of lane

maal wrote:

Vulf wrote:

Nasus will get nerfed for the same reason Warwick got nerfed (actually gutted) in season 2. He is immovable in lane and that is stupid and not fun to play against. He is a very strong late game champion that has probably the easiest early game to get there and that is a problem. Everything that used to straight up destroy him in lane has been nerfed. Also the new dorans shield made a lot of stuff with built in sustain really strong.

Nerfing his early game sustain is a step in the right direction, but he needs to be nerfed a little more.
forget the shield

double dorans ring is way stronger on him

9 mana after each kill + 6 mana regen and his q only costs 20 mana

thats a nasus thatll never feel the need to come out of lane
Wow actually thats a pretty good idea , i wonder why i never see pro players do that :/
nasus has low mana problems if you play him right =.=
Probably because building mana regen on a champion that doesn't have mana problems is why. You are spending 800 gold on stats you don't need other than the 120 health. Dorans shield gives everything he wants for almost half that price 100 health 13 reduced damage from AA's (if you go defense tree masteries) and health regen that stacks well with his passive. Mana issues are the least of his worries.


Haven't really been playing league much lately because I'm bored with how stagnant season 3 has become. Match History is mostly Dominion, Arams and bot games lol.

Been playing a ton of Smite instead. :)

Vulf wrote:

Probably because building mana regen on a champion that doesn't have mana problems is why. You are spending 800 gold on stats you don't need other than the 120 health. Dorans shield gives everything he wants for almost half that price 100 health 13 reduced damage from AA's (if you go defense tree masteries) and health regen that stacks well with his passive. Mana issues are the least of his worries.


Haven't really been playing league much lately because I'm bored with how stagnant season 3 has become. Match History is mostly Dominion, Arams and bot games lol.

Been playing a ton of Smite instead. :)

also why u decide to main Warwick ? the only other guy i know that does that ore did was Guardsman Bob
Something for those people what say they need better reaction times, you've easily good enough reaction times if you play osu!. 99% of the time it is not about the reaction, but knowing that the enemy will do X or Y and knowing what you have to do to counter it. Quite easy to dodge nidalee spears if you know they are incoming? That is the same for most other abilities though some are a bit harder to get used to. Especially with champions that have some dodge ability allow you to dodge basically every skillshot if you know the enemy will use it. How do you know he will use it? Think about what you do in his situation.

Vulf wrote:

If you don't know how to play the champion that counters something and you pick it expecting to have an auto win in lane you are going to have a bad time. I've picked Warwick into horrible things before and still won my lane because I was simply better than the other person and vice-versa.
Quite funny with a champion that has no skillshots or something that really involves counterplay ;)

Shimy wrote:

nasus has low mana problems if you play him right =.=
He has enough to use his Q 24/7. The main goal is not to use his W/E since it will drain your mana. Indeed he doesn't need additional mana regen and he gets enough initial mana by building the glacial shroud/sheen items

SoG Tava wrote:

also why u decide to main Warwick ? the only other guy i know that does that ore did was Guardsman Bob
Warwick is the reason I started playing League in the first place. At the time I was looking for a game that had an interesting werewolf character and LoL was my only decent option. To keep it short I really enjoy his theme. Warwick will always be my main. :)

Srsly Riot ? Ure Servers are so Unstable Almost every day i see on reddit Euw is having issues u may have connection issues , but oh well i can deal with that but now u ban me because ure servers are unstable ? sigh GG WP Riot

Vulf wrote:

SoG Tava wrote:

also why u decide to main Warwick ? the only other guy i know that does that ore did was Guardsman Bob
Warwick is the reason I started playing League in the first place. At the time I was looking for a game that had an interesting werewolf character and LoL was my only decent option. To keep it short I really enjoy his theme. Warwick will always be my main. :)
If u like Werewolf's so Much and if u maybe like Shooters i higly recomand u to play Wolfteam :)
what does ure mean?

silmarilen wrote:

what does ure mean?

ure is a shortening word
He probably means YOUR, which you can shorten with you=u to ur. His ure, is the wrong you're into ure.
Got another pentakill with Zed today, he's still so strong once you got used to his changes. :)
I actually like his new ult much more than the old one because you are able to disengage much smoother. You don't need the extra Q from the shadow to kill squishy targets in endgame anyways, just the slower travel speed is a pain in the ass. :v

been months since I last played Kat and game was 4v5 (lux reconnected way too late). Kat still quite op in 1v1

Otonashi07 wrote:

been months since I last played Kat and game was 4v5 (lux reconnected way too late). Kat still quite op in 1v1
Reminds me of a 4v5 game I had a week or two ago.

ADC never connected so we started freaking out a little because we didn't have a ton of damage.
Shaco mid vs Shyvana, he got demolished.
Riven wasn't making the best choices against me, top.
And their jungler didn't gank all that much... when did he always sat where wards were planted.

After laning phase, we just kept stacking ultimates and they kept stacking on each other. I intiate, Sona stuns, Hecarim fears. And even the Shyvana somewhere in there wasn't bad. Was absolutely hilarious to watch.
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