Hey everyone! I did a little application done in c# to make basic effects based on particles. I know this is a very basic tool to do it but It will be useful for beginners or people that doesn't know anything about programming (Yeah you need to know programming to make a lot of particles).
- How to use it:
- Path: Type image's path. For example [SB/particle.png]
- Layer: The layer where the image will be
- Easing: Indicates if the command should "accelerate". See http://easings.net
- Random Easing: Enable this if you want to generate random easing values between 1 - 4
- startTime: Here is where the effect will start [ms]
- Interval: Miliseconds between particñe
- Particle for Interval: How many particles will be for interval // If this value is different of 0 the interval between particle will be different = [Interval/particle for interval]
- endTime: Here will stop appearing particles
- Position X: Range at X position [start,end]
- Position Y: Range at Y position [start,end]
- Random X: Random values at range X
- Random Y: Random values at range Y
- The code will be saved automatically in the current path of the app. or you can save the code by pressing "Save as .osb"