
Hatsune Miku - "Hetalia Nordic 5" Ban Ban Boo

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, April 15, 2012 at 9:33:48 PM

Artist: Hatsune Miku
Title: Ban Ban Boo
Source: Lovely-P
Tags: Hetalia Axis Powers Nordic Norway Iceland Sweden Denmark Finland 5 Video animelover1432 APH Mint Bunny
BPM: 175
Filesize: 10392kb
Play Time: 01:49
Difficulties Available:
  1. Denmark (4.84 stars, 280 notes)
  2. Mint's Nordic 5 (4.98 stars, 392 notes)
  3. Norway + Iceland (1.98 stars, 113 notes)
  4. Sweden + Finland (4.32 stars, 186 notes)
Download: Hatsune Miku - Ban Ban Boo
Download: Hatsune Miku - Ban Ban Boo (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Mint Bunny
IRC mod!

You might want to cut this MP3.
animelover1432 & other diffs - You'd want to keep the same offset, and/or have a uniform start/end point.

01:21:648 (BR) - Why is there a break here?
01:27:060 (1,2,1,2) - These don't make quite a lot of sense to me, maybe it's just me.
01:48:962 (BR) - Your ending spinner could be here, or you can keep it uniform with animelover's diff.


Nothing too major...

Nothing major either, seems rock solid enough.

animelover's Nordic 5
Sweeeeeet diff man.

If you do get the offsets changed and what not, beep me please. I'll re-mod it then.

★ ~
Title: "Ban Ban Boo" It seems that 'Hetalia Nordic 5' is just one of the PVs for the song, but the original title is just 'Ban Ban Boo'. Make sure that you follow the instructions HERE so that you don't upload a duplicate map.
Source: "Lovely-P"
Tags: "ban ban boo video" are tags that aren't needed (the first being ones that are already in the title)
Note that the quotes around the Title/Source are just there to separate them from my notes afterwards

*mp3 quality isn't that bad, but the ending sounds really bad (it looks like you just cut it from the original/longer song without any proper editing like fading out).
*comboburst-0 would look better if it were horizontally flipped (always position them as they would look when appearing from the left side of the screen)
*comboburst-1 should be fine, but it's hard to say since each character is positioned in a different way <.>
*I can't decide on comboburst-2, but he'd probably look better flipped as well.
*count3 really doesn't match the other two.
*count2 needs to be horizontally flipped:
*go.png and ready.png are missing (add defaults if you don't want to make your own)
*hitbursts (100/300/etc) could be centered a lot better.
*hit300g is a bit too graphic (and doesn't match the others)
*approachcircle and spinner-approachcircle are missing.
*scorebar-ki elements could be centered a bit better. scorebar-kidanger is noticeably lower than the others for example.
*scorebar-bg and scorebar-colour are missing.
*I think the pause buttons would look better if they were more opaque (less transparent)
*"animelover" text on the guest diff is a bit tacky =/
*Backgrounds overall could be a bit better quality. An aspect ratio of 4:3 (e.g., 1024x768, 800x600, etc) work much better than square or small images.
*Unnecessary .osb in the folder, although those sometimes seem to pop up out of nowhere, so it's not really a big deal if you delete it (since it'll come back).
*Make sure to full submit after making folder changes such as allllll of these.

I hope I didn't miss anything folder-related. I have no idea why the guest diff uses multiple uninherited sections, since a flat bpm of 175 and an offset of something like 730 will work fine (although the offset would be changed if you change the mp3). The mapping doesn't look too bad, but will still need a lot of modding on all difficulties. Good luck!
Mint Bunny

Derekku wrote:

*mp3 quality isn't that bad, but the ending sounds really bad (it looks like you just cut it from the original/longer song without any proper editing like fading out).
oopsie!i couldn't figure out how to make it fade properly D:

dkun wrote:

You might want to cut this MP3.
this mp3 is cut, the actual song is 5 minutes :P
Mint Bunny
here's a .rar with the timed .osu files
i even snapped them for you to :3
I believe it is a great map so far. Just please fix/fade out the ending, it's pretty bad.

Derekku wrote:

Source: "Lovely-P"
Do this, I still see "youtube" as the source :/

Animelover's Nordic 5 [Insane] (4.97 stars, 320 notes)
Denmark [Hard] (4.93 stars, 257 notes)
Norway + Iceland [Easy] (1.75 stars, 107 notes)
Sweden + Finland [Normal+] (4.41 stars, 184 notes)
I suggest you to remove "[insane]", "[Normal]" from the diff name since players will know this from the star rating~

0:26:973 combo too long, cut them into more combos
0:36:402 (2) up a bit
0:38:268 (3) up 2 grids
0:41:703 (4,5) up 1 grid
0:54:477 (2) right 0.5 grid?
0:56:619 (3,4,5) uneven spacing

0:15:634 (1,2) spacing too small
0:17:868 (5) down 1 grid
0:23:022 (2,3,4,5,6,7) spacing of (2,3,4) different from (4,5,6,7)
1:12:391 (4) right 1 grid
1:34:161 (x) break?

Mint Bunny

wmfchris wrote:

0:26:973 combo too long, cut them into more combos
0:36:402 (2) up a bit
0:38:268 (3) up 2 grids
0:41:703 (4,5) up 1 grid
0:54:477 (2) right 0.5 grid?
0:56:619 (3,4,5) uneven spacing
done all, but your quite a nazi, xDDownload: Hatsune Miku - Ban Ban Boo (Celeste76) [Animelover's Nordic 5 [Insane]].osu

wmfchris wrote:

I suggest you to remove "[insane]", "[Normal]" from the diff name since players will know this from the star rating~
Some people don't look at the star ratings you know
Kyonko Hizara
Nice map!
Even though people are going to disagree with me, I like how you used the Hetalia characters like in the Hetalia video for this song. I might suggest putting the video in this if you are able to. I think it would be nice to add the video. I don't really see any super major problems to this map.

If anybody disagrees with me, then don't rant on about it for a long time.
Mint Bunny

KyonkoHizara wrote:

Nice map!
Even though people are going to disagree with me, I like how you used the Hetalia characters like in the Hetalia video for this song. I might suggest putting the video in this if you are able to. I think it would be nice to add the video. I don't really see any super major problems to this map.

If anybody disagrees with me, then don't rant on about it for a long time.
i cut teh mp3 so she cant put a video 8-)
Star. :)
You don't need to give kudosu for stars.
Mint Bunny

david huhh wrote:

Star. :)
You don't need to give kudosu for stars.
Timing has a lot of probems for me, it's off in many places.
Pity that I can't do this well either.. Try to find some timing experts to help you.
Maybe a lower OA and AR?
And also SV is not that suitable for an easy, consider decrease it.
Well this really needs resnap and retiming.. The ryhthym and the placing are OK for me.
01:16:162 (1,2,3,4) - yuck at here
01:49:020 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,1) - timing is off here, consider adding another timing section here
Orz this diff's placing really defeats me. Increase the approach rate plz, this is really confusing.
I like the claps used here, vere neat ;)
And used too much finish hitsound, sounds bad sometimes
00:22:678 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
00:24:052 (1) - extend 2/1 beat
00:51:391 (1) - move to 1/4 beat later
01:07:848 (1) - should start at 01:07:934
01:17:533 (3,1) - bad spacing
01:32:530 (1) - should start at 01:32:615
I don't like some of the hitsound, sometimes it's too loud..
00:41:875 (5) - this one doesn't fit that much, consider changing the length maybe?
01:07:076 (12,13,14,15) - Orz can't read this, I prefer to use jumps rather than decrease the DS here
01:08:019 (1) - why placed here? Isn't this “C” on 4/1 beat earlier?
01:28:493 (5) - add a note here sounds better for me
Mint Bunny

Heatherfield wrote:

I don't like some of the hitsound, sometimes it's too loud.. done
00:41:875 (5) - this one doesn't fit that much, consider changing the length maybe? no
01:07:076 (12,13,14,15) - Orz can't read this, I prefer to use jumps rather than decrease the DS here but it's more fun that way... =w=
01:08:019 (1) - why placed here? Isn't this “C” on 4/1 beat earlier? oopsie~ done
01:28:493 (5) - add a note here sounds better for me no
here ya go my buddy Celeste who's real name I'll just not say~Download: Hatsune Miku - Ban Ban Boo (Celeste76) [Animelover's Nordic 5.osb
edit: lol i sent you the .osb file be mistake.
here's the actual .osu lolDownload: Hatsune Miku - Ban Ban Boo (Celeste76) [Animelover's Nordic 5 [Insane]].osu

00:48:049 - down 1 grid
00:49:420 (1,2,3,4) - place them in a center
00:55:934 (3,4) - 2 grids right
01:49:793 - 1 grid lef, no new combo

00:24:138 - move left to white stick
00:44:963 - ugly spacing - fix it
01:14:448 - fix this spacing between 2 and 3
01:17:362 - move to 1:17:534
01:39:487 - fix spacing
01:43:609 - add a note with hit finish

Insane looks very nice :3
Hi hi!

Well, first of all, I don't see the point in using so many timing sections with different offset.

You should try removing all the sections that are non-inherited. Except for one.
With that last one, I'd recommend you to do the following:
1. Set offset around 13080 ms.
2. Turn you BPM to 175.
3. Go to the timing drop down menu, and select "Resnap all notes". This should put all you notes on a correct snap (those lines on the timeline)
You may have to recheck manually all the maps to put the circles in the correct time. Most of them will go on the white lines on the timeline.

Do this in all difficulties. PM when you do, and I'll check the map again :D
Mint Bunny

narakucrimson wrote:

Hi hi!

Well, first of all, I don't see the point in using so many timing sections with different offset.

You should try removing all the sections that are non-inherited. Except for one.
With that last one, I'd recommend you to do the following:
1. Set offset around 13080 ms.
2. Turn you BPM to 175.
3. Go to the timing drop down menu, and select "Resnap all notes". This should put all you notes on a correct snap (those lines on the timeline)
You may have to recheck manually all the maps to put the circles in the correct time. Most of them will go on the white lines on the timeline.

Do this in all difficulties. PM when you do, and I'll check the map again :D
ooo~ my bad
Download: Hatsune Miku - Ban Ban Boo (Celeste76) [Animelover's Nordic 5 [Insane]].osu
and here's the mp3 with a faded ending.
Yay for you! I can SS this 8-)
But whatever. Star :)
Nordic countries!~ <3
thx reqs!

0.17.194(2) - spacing
1.23.022(2) - ^

0.31.594(3) - 1grid down?
1.23.022(3) - spacing
1.34.337(5,7) - spacing -check pic-

0.15.479(3) - spacing
0.58.928(1,2,1) - 1grid right
1.30.222(2) - move slider(1) start point

0.07.261(4) - 1grid left
0.09.666(11) - 1grid down
0.11.040(15) - ^


Norway + Iceland [Easy]
00:23:708 (1,1,1,1,1) - remove new combos
00:51:822 - add break
01:32:965 - and kiai there

Other diff seems good, but i would have thought about combos, they don't looks beauty

Cute Bunny
[ Easy ]

00:48:051 (1) - remove combo
00:51:822 (b) - Delete?
00:56:965 (1) - 00:56:965 ~ 00:58:337 (?)
01:28:508 (1) - remove combo

[ Normal , Hard ]

Combo fix File

[ Insane ]


this good map >a<
and STAR~

Download: Hatsune Miku - Ban Ban Boo (Celeste76) [Denmark [Hard] combo fix].osu

Download: Hatsune Miku - Ban Ban Boo (Celeste76) [Sweden + Finland [Normal+] combo fix].osu
Mint Bunny
yo, Fixed some areas where the spacing was inconsistent (i think i missed a few :o), added a few jumps...

Download: Hatsune Miku - Ban Ban Boo (Celeste76) [Animelover's Nordic 5 [Insane]].osu
Mint Bunny
Timing (the red ones only)
first one: BPM: 175
Offset: 731

Second one: offset: 13,073


[animelover's nordic5 [insane]]


just a few issues:

Beginning - 00:06:059 - this hitsounding is WAY too loud. make [soft] or just not as loud
00:21:473 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - use less hitsounds? its a bit of an ear...sore?
00:36:215 (1,2,3,4,5) - too many whistles

[denmark [hard]]

00:37:765 (1) - snap this on the slider's beginning

[sweden + finland [normal+]]

[norway + iceland [easy]]

despite being a good map, i cannot star due to my policy of no starring with timing problems

Fix timing and repost in queue for a star :)
Mint Bunny

thekillerhjkhjk wrote:

Timing (the red ones only)
first one: BPM: 175
Offset: 731

Second one: offset: 13,073


[animelover's nordic5 [insane]]


just a few issues:

Beginning - 00:06:059 - this hitsounding is WAY too loud. make [soft] or just not as loud Nope.
00:21:473 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - use less hitsounds? its a bit of an ear...sore? inorite
00:36:215 (1,2,3,4,5) - too many whistles inorite

btw you shouldn't touch others peoples maps, it's rude y'know
"mods" are advice, and don't have to be followed if you don't agree (unless It's one of those mandatory things)

Download: Hatsune Miku - Ban Ban Boo (Celeste76) [Animelover's Nordic 5 [Insane]].osu
better. starring~

animelover1432 wrote:

btw you shouldn't touch others peoples maps, it's rude y'know
"mods" are advice, and don't have to be followed if you don't agree (unless It's one of those mandatory things)
... wha? touch other people's maps?

im confuse
Mint Bunny

thekillerhjkhjk wrote:

better. starring~

animelover1432 wrote:

btw you shouldn't touch others peoples maps, it's rude y'know
"mods" are advice, and don't have to be followed if you don't agree (unless It's one of those mandatory things)
... wha? touch other people's maps?

im confuse
i mean like, if you were to make someone a skin element, wouldn't it be rude to edit it without permission? :)
(that wasn't pointed at you, orz)
Why is the name of the song in tags? owo It's useless D:
If I'm not wrong the Easy/Normal+/Hard/Insane doesn't need to be in diff's names. Only the Sweden + Finland and etc looks better imo

I know problems with skin are rankable, but I have to make this, sorry >.<
The quality of this approach circle looks awful ;_; (no offense, sorry) Delete this file, or use the template skin one, or whatever you prefer >w<
That 300g hit.. No one can know that that is an 300 not 100. I don't know if this is really a problem, but I think adding some 300 on it could be a good idea.

Sweden + Finland [Normal+]
00:59:708 (1,2,3,4,5) - even for a normal+, isn't this combo a little too hard? ><
01:02:451 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
01:14:791 (5) - instead of this slider, something like this sounds better imo
01:35:708 (1) - remove new combo?

Denmark [Hard]
01:48:908 (1) - consider finishing this spinner at 01:51:991

Animelover's Nordic 5 [Insane]
00:08:619 (8) - new combo
00:10:676 (14) - ^
01:00:558 (6) - ^

Cool song, starr'd :3
Mint Bunny

Wiinter wrote:

Animelover's Nordic 5 [Insane]
00:08:619 (8) - new combo yep
00:10:676 (14) - ^ nope
01:00:558 (6) - ^ nope
found i trick that let's you change distance snap, used it to fix some spacing stuffs
Download: Hatsune Miku - Ban Ban Boo (Celeste76) [Animelover's Nordic 5 [Insane]].osu
Norway + Iceland
01:10:676 - imho, kiai must start here

Sweden + Finland [Normal+]
00:41:194 (2) - 1 grid up, 1 grid left
00:47:365 (4) - 1 grid right
00:51:137 (8) - 1 grid up
01:00:737 (3) - change a little the shape of this slider to make symmetry with (1)
01:01:251 (4) - change a little the shape of this slider to make symmetry with (2)
01:03:479 (3) - change a little the shape of this slider to make symmetry with (1)
01:10:676 (x) - imho, kiai must start here
01:32:619 (x) - ... and finish here
01:29:194 (5) - make it a copy of slider (3) ?

00:38:105 (2) - new combo here?
01:21:651 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - try to add some hitsounds?
01:10:676 - imho, kiai must start here
01:33:991 - ... and finish here

Animelover's Nordic 5
01:10:676 - imho, kiai must start here
01:32:615 - ... and finish here
01:27:130 (1,2,3) - 2 grid right, 1 grid up
check your timing points, they are sometimes inaccurate

That's all, map is really good, star
Delete all 4 osb files. It's useless and crappy orz
Delete this code on all of osu files

[Norway + Iceland]
Totally unsnapped ;_;
00:15:822 (1,2,3) - Random spacing ;_;
01:10:104 - Move this Kiai start into 01:10:676
01:21:651 (1) - You can make it with less dots :3
01:42:908 (1) - Delete 'new combo'

[Sweden + Finland [Normal+]]
Totally unsnapped ;_;
00:19:594 (4,5,6) - Spacing ;_;
00:27:822 (4) - [Nazi] How about move 1 grid up and left?
01:14:451 (4) - :3?
01:29:194 (5) - Make same as 01:27:822 (3)
01:33:651 (3,4,5) - Spacing ;_;

Totally unsnapped ;_;
00:15:137 (2,3,4,5) - Spacing ;_;
00:33:308 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - Spacing ;_;
00:47:365 (5) - new combo
01:48:908 (1) - Move to 01:49:076

[Animelover's Nordic 5]
This map has different source from other diffs ;_;
00:32:444 (1,2,3) - Spacing ;_;
01:12:730 (4,5,6,7) - Err? ztrot-spacing or issue :3?

Good luck orz

ps. No star yet sorry ;_;
Mint Bunny

Aleks719 wrote:

Animelover's Nordic 5
01:10:676 - imho, kiai must start here yup
01:32:615 - ... and finish here um.. it already does?
01:27:130 (1,2,3) - 2 grid right, 1 grid up done
check your timing points, they are sometimes inaccurate fixed

arien666 wrote:

[Animelover's Nordic 5]
This map has different source from other diffs ;_; fixed
00:32:444 (1,2,3) - Spacing ;_; fixed
01:12:730 (4,5,6,7) - Err? ztrot-spacing or issue :3? 8-)
thanks for modding~

Download: Hatsune Miku - Ban Ban Boo (Celeste76) [Animelover's Nordic 5 [Insane]].osu
the.osb file is useless

Norway + Iceland

01:15:476(2) - move 1 grid right?(lv3)
01:16:162(1) - ^

Sweden + Finland [Normal+]

00:36:390(5) - spacing
00:43:590(2) - move 1 grid left(lv3)
00:43:933(3) - ^
00:44:276(1) - ^
01:06:391(5) - spacing
01:20:962(5) - move 1 grid left(lv3)
01:20:304(6) - ^
01:25:076(3) - make symmetric
01:34:333(5) - move 1 grid left(lv3)


00:18:219(6) - spacing
00:59:362(6) - move 1 grid left(lv3)
01:20:276(6) - spacing

Animelover's Nordic 5

Mint Bunny

H-boy wrote:

the.osb file is useless
MATs and BATS aren't going to care about that anymore. its useless, but an empty .osb is really small :P

animelover1432 wrote:

H-boy wrote:

the.osb file is useless
MATs and BATS aren't going to care about that anymore. its useless, but an empty .osb is really small :P
It useless,so we need del it

but mostly it has just become a habit :P

H-boy wrote:

It useless,so we need del it You don't need to delete it, It's just silly to make a full submission to remove less than 1kb.

  1. Offset is different for Insane, fix this.
  2. Offset: try 732, It sounds better imo, I'm not an expert tho.
  3. You need to add the following files to avoid "skin mixing" : "approachcircle." , "scorebar-bg" and "scorebar-colour". (Remember that you can use the template skin elements).
  4. I suggest to make "Spinner-approachcircle" a bit darker so it's more visible.
Norway + Iceland
  1. 00:47:876 (4) - This slider is not following the correct rhythm, move it 1/2 earlier.
  2. 00:51:819 (X) - Place a spinner here like you did with the next pattern. (Spinner ends here: 00:53:876 - )
  3. 00:56:962 (1) - This spinner is kinda short for Easy, try finishing it here: 00:58:333.
  4. 01:01:076 (2,1) - It's so easy to avoid this overlap, try this.
Sweden + Finland
  1. 00:47:362 (4) - Add a circle here:00:47:362 - and Move the slider 1/2 later.Like this
  2. 00:48:562 (X) - Also I felt a missing note here.
  3. 01:05:190 (1,2,3,4,5) - Keep spacing consistent (!), Fix spacing for (4)~(5).
  4. 01:20:276 (3) - Mmm no, this circle is under the last 2 sliders, move it somewhere else.
  5. 01:27:133 (1,2) - The same problem with this 2 circle, the last slider is covering those circles, you need to move the slider or those circles.
  6. 01:37:419 (3,4) - Fix Spacing here, Why don't you add a repeat to (3) and delete (4) ?
  1. 00:38:105 (1) - Random New Combo, remove it.
  2. 00:48:733 (5) - Definitely "Finish" please.
  3. 00:48:905 - This break is too short, and the song is short too, so placing this break is just silly, Plus Normal and Easy don't have this break, it's kinda illogical for Hard to have it. So continue mapping over this break.
  4. 00:54:390 - ^
  5. 00:59:362 (6) - Stack this correctly (!)
  6. 01:07:762 (X) - Shouldn't a circle be here?
  7. 01:43:590 (1) - Unstack this please, It looks ugly imo.
Animelover's Nordic 5 [Insane]
  1. I highly suggest to remove "[Insane]" from the diffs name, Because: it's too long and "Denmark" or "Norway" , etc. doesn't look like this: "Denmark [Hard]" , Oh also it's totally unnecessary.
  2. You should check the diff and consider removing some ugly "Color Stacking"
  3. Other than and some "New Combo" spam (Some of those doesn't fit imo) I don't have major complains with this diff.
Good Luck and have a star.
Mint Bunny

Gonzvlo wrote:

Animelover's Nordic 5 [Insane]
  1. I highly suggest to remove "[Insane]" from the diffs name, Because: it's too long and "Denmark" or "Norway" , etc. doesn't look like this: "Denmark [Hard]" , Oh also it's totally unnecessary.
  2. You should check the diff and consider removing some ugly "Color Stacking"
  3. Other than and some "New Combo" spam (Some of those doesn't fit imo) I don't have major complains with this diff.
Good Luck and have a star.
k fixed somethingsDownload: Hatsune Miku - Ban Ban Boo (Celeste76) [Animelover's Nordic 5 [Insane]].osu
sorry for late reply >.<
Anime1935.png - Aspect Ratio is more important to me than 1024x768. Make it 4:3 properly or don't do it at all.
combobursts - I guess I can do these for you.
denmark_CD_character.png - seriously aspect ratio.
go.png - you could make one for this...
ready.png - ^
hit.png - please look through these on a black background and then a white background. Make sure there's nothing you missed (you did).
hit100.png - some people like to tell what they actually scored on the note, and the easiest way to do that is to have clear color differences. hit100 and hit300 are virtually the same. Please do with 100 what you did with 50 (but a different color, perhaps with some transparency).
hit300g.png - this is just annoying.
norway+iceland.png - save it as an 85-95 quality jpg. to reduce it down to ~1/4th its size right now.
pause-overlay.png - ^
scorebarki.png - these aren't on the same pixels.
spinner-approachcircle.png - please anti-alias the edges with either a fuzzy select/feather tool or an ellipse tool turned on.
spinner-background.png - unsure of how this works, but spinner-background.png in the template skin is 1023x692
spinner-circle.png - the inside isn't centered, and the blue edge has aliasing.

00:18:562 (1,1,1,etc...) - doesn't fit. You can make them sliders if you really want, but don't put a finish on the end.

[nordic 5]
00:14:444 (8) - I would HIGHLY recommend you put new combos on beat 1, like new combo here. They're all throughout this diff.
I liked everything else.
Mint Bunny
did some major retouching
followed ziin's advice as well.Download: Hatsune Miku - Ban Ban Boo (Celeste76) [Animelover's Nordic 5 [Insane]].osu
Topic Starter

ziin wrote:

Anime1935.png - Aspect Ratio is more important to me than 1024x768. Make it 4:3 properly or don't do it at all.Um no, I like it the way it is.
combobursts - I guess I can do these for you., I actually like that outline.
denmark_CD_character.png - seriously aspect ratio.Fine as is
go.png - you could make one for this...No thank you.
ready.png - ^^
hit.png - please look through these on a black background and then a white background. Make sure there's nothing you missed (you did).Done~
hit100.png - some people like to tell what they actually scored on the note, and the easiest way to do that is to have clear color differences. hit100 and hit300 are virtually the same. Please do with 100 what you did with 50 (but a different color, perhaps with some transparency).Done
hit300g.png - this is just annoying.Sorry, but I like it the way it is.
norway+iceland.png - save it as an 85-95 quality jpg. to reduce it down to ~1/4th its size right now.I like it the way it is.
pause-overlay.png - ^I like it the way it is
scorebarki.png - these aren't on the same pixels.Done
spinner-approachcircle.png - please anti-alias the edges with either a fuzzy select/feather tool or an ellipse tool turned on.Um, it looks just fine?
spinner-background.png - unsure of how this works, but spinner-background.png in the template skin is 1023x692I like it the way it is
spinner-circle.png - the inside isn't centered, and the blue edge has aliasing.This spinner isn't even mine, it was borrowed from a ranked map.

00:18:562 (1,1,1,etc...) - doesn't fit. You can make them sliders if you really want, but don't put a finish on the end.Done
Woah I'm really late D: Sorry T_T

[Norway + Iceland]

35:705 (3) - Spacing (it's too short)
43:248 (1) - Same here. Remember to keep DS on.

You should map this till the end of the song :T

[Sweden + Finland [Normal+]] <-- What a long name owo

Woah too many spacing errors on AIMod

31:248 (5) - I kind of... don't like how this is stacked. Maybe you could Ctrl + R this slider and adjust it to it's new distance snapping (Ctrl + R is to Reverse the selected objects)
1:17:362 (2, 3) - Spacing again.
1:27:819 (3) - ^
1:39:133 (2) - Add a clap at the end of the slider.
1:40:162 (4) - ^

Again, maybe you should map it till the end n.n


Idk, objects seem to be placed too randomly on the screen. That doesn't mean it can't be good, though :P

38:105 (1) - Spacing.

Better than the others

[Animelover's Nordic 5 [Insane]] <-- Woah, another huge name xD

arien666 wrote:

This map has different source from other diffs ;_;
I find it fun to play, but it is true that it's not consistent.

Also, it could be mapped till the end xD

That's all. I think I can star this :O
Good luck getting this ranked!
I made a key which you'll use only once
S = Starting slider end
E = Ending slider end

[Norway + Iceland]
At the beginning, maybe the hitsounds should be
00:13:076 (1,2,3,4) - Finish, clap, finish, clap
00:15:819 (1,2,3) - SFinsh Efinish+clap, normal sound whistle, normal sound whistle
00:21:991 (4) - clap
00:22:676 (1,2) - Sclap Eclap, clap?

All a suggestion, it just sounds better to me.

eh, during the verses, don't overuse the finish orz

Also, a lot of your spacing is done in such a way that may conceive the player to think that it's coming earlier. Which is bad. Fix that.

[Sweden + Finland]
Eeeeh, it's alright, but you also have a few spacing errors. Just look for spacing that is... not the same as the rest.

Mmm, it's alright.

I didn't like the stacking in 1/4 parts you had at all, but they're ok. Just a suggestion for one of them:
01:48:733 (7) - rather than stacking it, why not just continue the stream?

It's good (enough), but why is there a bookmark miles after the song ends? o.o

It's on the pause button.

Topic Starter

OzzyOzrock wrote:

[Norway + Iceland]
At the beginning, maybe the hitsounds should be Done~
00:13:076 (1,2,3,4) - Finish, clap, finish, clap Done~
00:15:819 (1,2,3) - SFinsh Efinish+clap, normal sound whistle, normal sound whistle Done~
00:21:991 (4) - clap Done~
00:22:676 (1,2) - Sclap Eclap, clap? Done~

All a suggestion, it just sounds better to me.

eh, during the verses, don't overuse the finish orz I tried :)

Also, a lot of your spacing is done in such a way that may conceive the player to think that it's coming earlier. Which is bad. Fix that. I tried :)

[Sweden + Finland]
Eeeeh, it's alright, but you also have a few spacing errors. Just look for spacing that is... not the same as the rest. I tried :)

Mmm, it's alright.

I didn't like the stacking in 1/4 parts you had at all, but they're ok. Just a suggestion for one of them:
01:48:733 (7) - rather than stacking it, why not just continue the stream? Done~
Modding, CrimmiStyle!!

Got ya PM Request ( Some polishing and nazing):

[Norway + Iceland]

00:15:819 (1) - align with (4).

[Sweden + Finland]

~ Nothing.


00:45:990 (1) - Align with (3).

[Animelover's Nordic 5 [Insane]]

~ Nothing.

Advice: use slidertick 2
01:15:133 (x) - Add Hit Circle
01:19:247 (x) - ^
01:24:733 (x) - ^
01:30:219 (x) - ^
01:17:362 (2) - Move to 01:17:190 (2) (1/2 Earlier)
01:17:533 (x) - Add 1/1 Slider ( end to 01:17:876 )
00:25:591 (x,x,x) - Add 3 Hit Circle with 1/2 of distance in timeline that have Soft Whistle
00:26:276 (x) - Add Hit Circle + Hitsound Whistle
00:26:448 (3) - Make it 1/2 Longer, Normal Finish is better (start and end)

Topic Starter

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

01:17:362 (2) - Move to 01:17:190 (2) (1/2 Earlier)No.
01:17:533 (x) - Add 1/1 Slider ( end to 01:17:876 )No.
Everything else I did~
nordic is in tags twice.
Remove Ban boo video from tags.


00:31:248 - Why no note?

01:01:076 (2) - This slider is going to invade the scoreboard in multiplayer. I would rather this be changed, because its annoying when notes do this.

01:23:019 (2) - This absolutely needs to be moved back to 01:22:847 - That's where the sound is.

You'll need to add a note here 01:23:362 - to complete the beat.

This plays perfect


00:41:876 (3,4,5,6) - This doesn't play right to me. I don't think the notes do the beat any good. Maybe if you adjusted the notes to use two repeat sliders like this.

Make sure you test it if you try to use it. I make mistakes too.

00:47:362 (4,5) - Stack?

01:37:419 (3,4) - This doesn't play right. I suggest removing 4 and adding a repeat to 3.

I love this difficulty.

00:42:733 - Add note

Nordic 5

01:20:615 (9,10) - Ugh just add another repeat to the 9 and delete 10. Why have annoying things like this?

Absolutely amazing song and maps. Have a kudosu star.
Topic Starter

TheVileOne wrote:

nordic is in tags twice.
Remove Ban boo video from tags.


00:31:248 - Why no note? Done

01:01:076 (2) - This slider is going to invade the scoreboard in multiplayer. I would rather this be changed, because its annoying when notes do this. Done

01:23:019 (2) - This absolutely needs to be moved back to 01:22:847 - That's where the sound is. Done

You'll need to add a note here 01:23:362 - to complete the beat. Done

This plays perfect Done


00:41:876 (3,4,5,6) - This doesn't play right to me. I don't think the notes do the beat any good. Maybe if you adjusted the notes to use two repeat sliders like this. Done

Make sure you test it if you try to use it. I make mistakes too.

00:47:362 (4,5) - Stack? Done

01:37:419 (3,4) - This doesn't play right. I suggest removing 4 and adding a repeat to 3. Done

I love this difficulty.

00:42:733 - Add note Done

Nordic 5

01:20:615 (9,10) - Ugh just add another repeat to the 9 and delete 10. Why have annoying things like this? Done

Absolutely amazing song and maps. Have a kudosu star.
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