
Thelma Aoyama feat. Tae Yang - Fall in Love

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2010年12月12日 at 10:16:15

Artist: Thelma Aoyama feat. Tae Yang
Title: Fall in Love
Tags: maxzjs
BPM: 112
Filesize: 16047kb
Play Time: 03:45
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.39 stars, 143 notes)
  2. Hard (4.32 stars, 349 notes)
  3. maxzjs's Insane (4.82 stars, 602 notes)
  4. Normal (3.49 stars, 243 notes)
Download: Thelma Aoyama feat. Tae Yang - Fall in Love
Download: Thelma Aoyama feat. Tae Yang - Fall in Love (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
....1st map

and a bad map..
SP3"S HARD 完成度100% XDDD
OFFSET有點錯是787才對Download: Aoyama Teruma x SOL - Fall In Love (kanpakyin) [SP3'sHard].osu

Download: Aoyama Teruma x SOL - Fall In Love (kanpakyin) [SP3'sHard].osu
Topic Starter

spboxer3 wrote:

SP3"S HARD 完成度100% XDDD

spboxer3 wrote:

SP3"S HARD 完成度100% XDDD

Download: Aoyama Teruma x SOL - Fall In Love (kanpakyin) [SP3'sHard].osu
0.0 nice
[fall in love] 4.5 star, OA +1 ?
0:03:427 (3,4) right 1 grid
0:04:499 (6) spacing of (6,1) is not correct.?
0:10:391 (2) make this symmetrical to (1)
0:11:463 (3~8) strange pattern but ok for me
1:09:320 (1~4) off vocal, should be 3/4 beat?
1:17:356 (6) finish at ending?
1:22:177 (s) finish?
1:24:320 (1,2,3) change to 1 beat slider?
1:33:963 (5) finish at ending?
3:20:570 (1,2,3) uneven spacing
3:36:909 (4,5) up 1 grid
3:40:659 (5,6,7,8) (8) down a grid, (6,7) left a bit so that it's symmetrical along (5,8), (7) up a bit to the grid so that it's on the same level with (6)
3:47:088 (6,7) spacing
3:49:499 (3,4,5) uneven spacing
4:02:356 (8,9) remove finish


0:02:891 (5) right 1 grid
0:37:313 (9) up 1 grid
1:14:677 (4) down 1 grid to form parallelogram?
1:52:177 (1) down 1 grid
1:54:588 (8) right 1 grid

star~ 8-)
  1. Hey o/
  2. First of all you need to make [Easy] (Below 3 stars difficulty Level).
  3. Use the same value of "Audio Lead In" for all the diffs.
  4. Suggestion: Use the same colours for all the map set.
  5. Add "spboxer3" to the tags.
  1. Rename it to "Normal"
  2. 00:09:320 (1,2) - (2) is too close, move it.
  3. 00:11:195 (4,5) - (5) is too far. fix spacing.
  4. 00:12:266 (6,7) - Fix spacing, (7) is too far from (6).
  5. 00:38:516 (X) - Add a note here.
  6. 00:48:159 (9) - New Combo.
  7. 00:49:499 (1) - Remove New Combo
  8. 01:06:106 (1) - ^
  9. 01:26:865 (2) - New Combo.
  10. Make sure that all the Kiai timing points are placed on a white tick.
  11. Why not finish mapping the whole song, like the other diffs?
  1. Rename to "SP3's Hard", a space is missing.
  2. 00:57:534 (1) - To keep combos consistency, Remove New Combo here, then:
  3. 00:58:606 (13) - Use New Combo here.
  4. 01:04:766 (1) - This "Clap" does not sound good, remove it.
  5. 01:06:909 (1) - ^
  6. 01:09:320 (1) - Remove "Clap" & "Whistle" and add "Finish".
  7. 01:51:373 (3) - Use "Whistle" instead of "Clap".
  8. 01:51:641 (4) - Use "Finish" instad of "Clap".
  9. 02:13:338 (1) - Remove "Clap".
  10. 02:15:481 (1) - ^
  11. 02:17:891 (1) - Use "Finish" instead of whistle.
  12. 02:28:070 (4) - Remove this note?
  13. 02:35:168 - Move this timing point to 1/4 before.
  14. 02:54:320 (1) - Remove "Clap" & "Whistle" and add "Finish".
  15. 04:02:891 (1) - Silence this spinner
  16. Make sure that all the Kiai timing points are placed on a white tick.
fall in love:
  1. Rename to "Fall In Love" ?
  2. 00:02:891 (1) - Remove New Combo.
  3. 00:00:749 (1) - Add "Finish".
  4. 01:06:909 (5) - New Combo
  5. 01:36:374 (1) - Remove New Combo
  6. 01:37:177 (7) - New Combo.
  7. 01:56:195 (5) - ^
  8. 01:58:338 (1) - Remove New Combo.
  9. 02:06:106 (1) - ^
  10. 02:35:302 ~ 02:52:177 - Keep using Soft Hitsounds for this section.
  11. 02:54:320 (1) - Add "Finish"
  12. 03:05:034 (5) - New Combo.
  13. 03:06:106 (1) - Remove New Combo.
  14. 03:11:463 (1) - Add "Finish"
  15. 03:18:963 (1) - Remove New Combo.
  16. 03:20:034 (11) - New Combo.
  17. 03:20:570 (1) - Remove New Combo.
  18. Make sure that all the Kiai timing points are placed on a white tick.
Star & Good Luck with this.
:) :) :)
Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

[fall in love] 4.5 star, OA +1 ?ALL Fix
0:03:427 (3,4) right 1 grid
0:04:499 (6) spacing of (6,1) is not correct.?
0:10:391 (2) make this symmetrical to (1)
0:11:463 (3~8) strange pattern but ok for me
1:09:320 (1~4) off vocal, should be 3/4 beat?
1:17:356 (6) finish at ending?
1:22:177 (s) finish?
1:24:320 (1,2,3) change to 1 beat slider?
1:33:963 (5) finish at ending?
3:20:570 (1,2,3) uneven spacing
3:36:909 (4,5) up 1 grid
3:40:659 (5,6,7,8) (8) down a grid, (6,7) left a bit so that it's symmetrical along (5,8), (7) up a bit to the grid so that it's on the same level with (6)
3:47:088 (6,7) spacing
3:49:499 (3,4,5) uneven spacing
4:02:356 (8,9) remove finish


[Hard] All Fix By Mapper
0:02:891 (5) right 1 grid
0:37:313 (9) up 1 grid
1:14:677 (4) down 1 grid to form parallelogram?
1:52:177 (1) down 1 grid
1:54:588 (8) right 1 grid

Thanks your mod
Topic Starter

Gonzvlo wrote:

  1. Hey o/
  2. First of all you need to make [Easy] (Below 3 stars difficulty Level).
  3. Use the same value of "Audio Lead In" for all the diffs.
  4. Suggestion: Use the same colours for all the map set.
  5. Add "spboxer3" to the tags.
  • All Fix
  1. Rename it to "Normal"
  2. 00:09:320 (1,2) - (2) is too close, move it.
  3. 00:11:195 (4,5) - (5) is too far. fix spacing.
  4. 00:12:266 (6,7) - Fix spacing, (7) is too far from (6).
  5. 00:38:516 (X) - Add a note here.
  6. 00:48:159 (9) - New Combo.
  7. 00:49:499 (1) - Remove New Combo
  8. 01:06:106 (1) - ^
  9. 01:26:865 (2) - New Combo.
  10. Make sure that all the Kiai timing points are placed on a white tick.
  11. Why not finish mapping the whole song, like the other diffs?
  • Fix by mapper
  1. Rename to "SP3's Hard", a space is missing.
  2. 00:57:534 (1) - To keep combos consistency, Remove New Combo here, then:
  3. 00:58:606 (13) - Use New Combo here.
  4. 01:04:766 (1) - This "Clap" does not sound good, remove it.
  5. 01:06:909 (1) - ^
  6. 01:09:320 (1) - Remove "Clap" & "Whistle" and add "Finish".
  7. 01:51:373 (3) - Use "Whistle" instead of "Clap".
  8. 01:51:641 (4) - Use "Finish" instad of "Clap".
  9. 02:13:338 (1) - Remove "Clap".
  10. 02:15:481 (1) - ^
  11. 02:17:891 (1) - Use "Finish" instead of whistle.
  12. 02:28:070 (4) - Remove this note?
  13. 02:35:168 - Move this timing point to 1/4 before.
  14. 02:54:320 (1) - Remove "Clap" & "Whistle" and add "Finish".
  15. 04:02:891 (1) - Silence this spinner
  16. Make sure that all the Kiai timing points are placed on a white tick.
fall in love:
  • All fix
  1. Rename to "Fall In Love" ?
  2. 00:02:891 (1) - Remove New Combo.
  3. 00:00:749 (1) - Add "Finish".
  4. 01:06:909 (5) - New Combo
  5. 01:36:374 (1) - Remove New Combo
  6. 01:37:177 (7) - New Combo.
  7. 01:56:195 (5) - ^
  8. 01:58:338 (1) - Remove New Combo.
  9. 02:06:106 (1) - ^
  10. 02:35:302 ~ 02:52:177 - Keep using Soft Hitsounds for this section.
  11. 02:54:320 (1) - Add "Finish"
  12. 03:05:034 (5) - New Combo.
  13. 03:06:106 (1) - Remove New Combo.
  14. 03:11:463 (1) - Add "Finish"
  15. 03:18:963 (1) - Remove New Combo.
  16. 03:20:034 (11) - New Combo.
  17. 03:20:570 (1) - Remove New Combo.
  18. Make sure that all the Kiai timing points are placed on a white tick.
Star & Good Luck with this.

Mai mod:

General :
Add a spboxer3 in tags in all diffs

fall in love :

01:50:302 (2) - Delete clap
02:24:722 (4) - Add a note

SP3's Hard :

AR -1 HP -1

00:04:499 (8) - Add whistle
01:07:043 (1) - This spinner begins in 01:07:177 and finish in 01:08:784
03:11:463 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Delete all claps
03:15:749 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ^
03:20:034 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - ^

Normal :

AP -1

01:22:981 (1) - Delete the spinner

Add more tags, for example, that musical genre.
Add one more Slider Tick Rate for all diffs? (2)
I would recommend urgently to change the name of the song Tae Yang Feat Thelma Aoyama - Fall In Love

00:49:499 : Move the slider so that it aligns with the previous (Red 2)
00:51:106 : Move the slider so that it aligns with the end of the previous (Red 4)
01:01:820 : The slider needs to snap distance, so that you realize just touch it.
01:07:177 : ^
01:17:356 : This circle is not too difficult for normal? I think so.
02:30:749 : I would recommend that this circle it out of there because it is very messy since it is not symmetrical with the slider (Blue 6)
03:22:177 : Upload this circle so that it is in the same line as the slider (Green 6)

[SP3's Hard]
02:02:624 : Move this circle 2 times up to make it in the same line as the slider (Green 8)
03:57:132 : I think from here should equal the volume down low also because the song but the startled hitsounds

[fall in love] > It should not take capital letters? (Fall In Love)
00:12:936 : These sliders are plenty of short, conduct simple Cirules
03:15:749 : Move this set of circles to make it the first circle of the set in the same line as the previous slider.

Try to fix the green lines, as some are not on any main line or red, or blue or white, for example in time (04:02:356) the green line would have to go on the blue line

Good Map, Star. :D


01:17:356 (8) - 节奏不错……但是欺骗性有点强>_>
01:59:409 (1) - spacing
*作为最低难度过难了……而且按规定最低难度要低于3.5星- -

[SP3's hard]

[fall in love]
01:29:409 (*) - add note?
spinner 前面空得有点多……不过不改也没什么关系>_>
sliderslide 有点吵>_>

感觉没mod出什么= =no kds好了……

:) :) :) :)
Lead-In in Normal is different to other difficulties,also,it's above 3 Star Rating,that means your map doesn't pass ranking criteria.

Too much Kiai for me.
01:00:749 (1) - Finish.
01:17:891 (9) - ^
01:22:177 (6) - ^ (optional)
01:26:865 (1) - It's a bit far from previous object.
02:00:749 (1) - Finish.
02:15:481 (1) - Blah,remove a circle,and just start a spinner from this point.
02:26:463 (1) - Finish.
03:02:891 (1) - ^

01:35:034 (1) - 1 grid up.
01:47:356 (11) - It's not aligned.
Also,think of finish suggestion from Normal.
03:28:606 (x) - Fairly suggesting you to finish your map here,because mapping outro seems awkward to me.

[fall in love]
Well,same suggestions about outro and finishes.

Good luck~

Get an easyier diff

00:53:249 (3) - finish at the beginning
00:54:320 (5) - ^
01:08:249 (9) - make it straight
01:16:820 (7) - swap beginning with the ending of the spinner?

sry didn't find more.all in all it is a fine mapst but get an easier diff

01:47:624 (1,2,3,4) - 這裡會讓人誤判...
02:13:338 (1) - 移到02:13:070
02:15:481 (1) - 去掉這circle
02:28:070 (4,5) - 往左移一格
02:32:891 (1) - 從這spinner後的break有點太長了..
03:07:177 (9) - 來回好多次阿...要不要在前面加個0.5x的綠線 把它變成一長條線條?

[SP3's Hard]
這難度有個缺點 就是他new combo有很多該加的...所以其實很多new combo還要加

00:13:606 (9) - 加個hitwhistle?
00:18:025 (1) - 這spinner移到00:18:159結束在00:20:034
00:36:909 (6) - 這裡new combo
00:41:195 (1,2) - 好遠阿...
00:57:266 (7) - 這裡new combo
01:07:043 (1) - 移至到長的白線
01:27:936 (8) - new combo
01:47:356 (11) - 這裡的circle沒有跟slider對好 可以關掉grid在對齊
01:49:766 (1,2) - 一樣好遠...
01:54:052 (6) - new combo
02:13:338 (1) - 移到02:13:070?
02:15:481 (1) - 去掉這circle
02:32:891 (1) - break太長了..

[fall in love]
00:02:624 (6) - new combo
00:37:177 (7) - ^
02:20:570 (6) - ^
03:06:106 (4) - ^

這難度我大致上只挑了new combo的問題
Star~ :)
Topic Starter

Verdisphena wrote:

Mai mod:

General :
Add a spboxer3 in tags in all diffs Fix

fall in love :

01:50:302 (2) - Delete clap Fix
02:24:722 (4) - Add a note Fix

SP3's Hard :

AR -1 HP -1

00:04:499 (8) - Add whistle fix
01:07:043 (1) - This spinner begins in 01:07:177 and finish in 01:08:784 fix
03:11:463 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Delete all claps fix
03:15:749 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ^ fix
03:20:034 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - ^ fix

Normal :

AP -1 I think it is ok..

01:22:981 (1) - Delete the spinner fix

Thanks mod
Topic Starter

IceBeam wrote:

Lead-In in Normal is different to other difficulties,also,it's above 3 Star Rating,that means your map doesn't pass ranking criteria.

Too much Kiai for me.
01:00:749 (1) - Finish Fix
01:17:891 (9) - ^ Fix
01:22:177 (6) - ^ (optional) Fix
01:26:865 (1) - It's a bit far from previous object. Fix
02:00:749 (1) - Finish. Fix
02:15:481 (1) - Blah,remove a circle,and just start a spinner from this point.Fix
02:26:463 (1) - Finish.Fix
03:02:891 (1) - ^Fix

[fall in love]
Well,same suggestions about outro and finishes.

Good luck~
Topic Starter

Disoy wrote:

而且綠線好像沒對到線.. Fix

01:47:624 (1,2,3,4) - 這裡會讓人誤判...
02:13:338 (1) - 移到02:13:070Fix
02:15:481 (1) - 去掉這circle
02:28:070 (4,5) - 往左移一格Fix
02:32:891 (1) - 從這spinner後的break有點太長了..
03:07:177 (9) - 來回好多次阿...要不要在前面加個0.5x的綠線 把它變成一長條線條?

[fall in love]
00:02:624 (6) - new comboFix
00:37:177 (7) - ^Fix
02:20:570 (6) - ^Fix
03:06:106 (4) - ^Fix

這難度我大致上只挑了new combo的問題
the .osb file can be removed (since it has a different name from the map), doesn't matter much anyway

Title should be Fall in Love, also the dif "fall in love" should be capitalised

nice :D
Topic Starter

ignorethis wrote:

the .osb file can be removed (since it has a different name from the map), doesn't matter much anyway

Title should be Fall in Love, also the dif "fall in love" should be capitalised

nice :D
Change the diff title to 'Fall In Love'
and also kill osb file..
star :lol:
Following the rules of me and I_Tatsuo_I's mod queue, I'll only mod three of your diffs. Anyway,

* It's a really bad idea to have 1/4 notes in the easiest difficulty (and 1/2 notes immediately following a 1/1 note for that matter). Consider changing some notes into sliders/repeating sliders instead.

* 01:15:481 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - Spacing issues (are you using distance snap?). Also, shouldn't you just get rid of (8) and make (7) end where (8) was (on the timeline)?
* 01:24:320 (1) - Looks kinda ugly... Can you make it neater?
* 01:56:195 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Spacing issues

[SP3's Hard]
* Fix the hitsound volume at the end where the song starts fading out.

That's it for now. I'll mod this again later.
Lovely Crab
00:50:838(x) - 加一個slide停到00:51:641
01:17:356(5) - 我個人建議把這個slide拆成2個circle
01:22:177(9) - 這個circle換成從01:22:177-01:23:784的spinner
01:38:249(5,6) - 其實也是類似上面的修改,直接給圖吧.
02:02:891(3) - 換成停到02:03:427的slide
02:13:070(x) - add a note
02:15:481(1,1) - 兩個都往前拉一個半拍,然後把spinner停在老地方02:17:356
02:30:749(5) - 換成停到02:32:356的spinner
03:18:963(5) - 沒必要折返,直線拉好就行.
03:23:249(4) - 類似 01:38:249(5,6) 的修改.

00:51:106(5) - 拉長半拍
01:16:820(7,8) - 感覺這個8很多餘,去掉8,然後把7停到8現在的位置吧

[SP3's Hard]

[Fall In Love]
01:29:409(x) - add a note?
01:31:820(5,6,7,8) - 5和後面的678換一下.
01:59:409(6) - 拉長到02:00:213,如果需要美觀還可以調整slide速度到0.75
02:16:552(5) - 換成一個停到02:17:356的slide.
02:52:445 - 建議加一個BREAK

my star
Topic Starter

Blazevoir wrote:

Following the rules of me and I_Tatsuo_I's mod queue, I'll only mod three of your diffs. Anyway,

* It's a really bad idea to have 1/4 notes in the easiest difficulty (and 1/2 notes immediately following a 1/1 note for that matter). Consider changing some notes into sliders/repeating sliders instead. Fix

* 01:15:481 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - Spacing issues (are you using distance snap?). Also, shouldn't you just get rid of (8) and make (7) end where (8) was (on the timeline)? Fix

* 01:24:320 (1) - Looks kinda ugly... Can you make it neater? Fix

* 01:56:195 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Spacing issues Fix

[SP3's Hard]
* Fix the hitsound volume at the end where the song starts fading out.

That's it for now. I'll mod this again later.
Topic Starter

Lovely Crab wrote:

[Easy] 算是重排了一次0.0
00:50:838(x) - 加一個slide停到00:51:641
01:17:356(5) - 我個人建議把這個slide拆成2個circle
01:22:177(9) - 這個circle換成從01:22:177-01:23:784的spinner
01:38:249(5,6) - 其實也是類似上面的修改,直接給圖吧.
02:02:891(3) - 換成停到02:03:427的slide
02:13:070(x) - add a note
02:15:481(1,1) - 兩個都往前拉一個半拍,然後把spinner停在老地方02:17:356
02:30:749(5) - 換成停到02:32:356的spinner
03:18:963(5) - 沒必要折返,直線拉好就行.
03:23:249(4) - 類似 01:38:249(5,6) 的修改.

00:51:106(5) - 拉長半拍 fix
01:16:820(7,8) - 感覺這個8很多餘,去掉8,然後把7停到8現在的位置吧fix

[SP3's Hard]

[Fall In Love]
01:29:409(x) - add a note? fix
01:31:820(5,6,7,8) - 5和後面的678換一下.
01:59:409(6) - 拉長到02:00:213,如果需要美觀還可以調整slide速度到0.75fix
02:16:552(5) - 換成一個停到02:17:356的slide.fix
02:52:445 - 建議加一個BREAKfix

my star
[Fall in Love]
0:02:624 (1,2) spacing
0:40:659 (7) should be position of (6) + flip horizontally+flip vertically
1:09:320 (1,2,3,4) form a square
1:58:338 (4,5,6) form a stright line...

awwww allergies on my eyes I can't work anymore

Break periods are a bit too long... maybe.
Offset sounds correct, but I'd double check with some professional.

00:41:195 (1,1) - these two spinners are a bit hard for an [Easy]. Try something else if you can.
02:15:481 (1) - although this note does follow the lyric, for rhythm purposes I recommend move this to previous white tick
02:26:463 (1,2,3,4,5) - ??? why x0.5 BPM here?

01:01:820 (3) - a bit too far?
01:04:231 (7) - ^
01:07:713 (8) - align this with (7)
01:36:641 (4) - spacing~
01:59:409 (1) - totally tricked me, space this slider out as if in x1.0 BPM

[SP3's Hard]
01:26:463 (4) - new combo?
02:22:177 (1~13) - hmmm, take a look at 02:21:106 (10,11,12); 11 falls on blue tick and 12 on white. This goes with the rhythm quite well, but the combo here isn't.
I strongly suggest below:
03:45:749 (1) - I like this part~

[Fall in Love]
01:05:302 (2) - spacing
01:09:320 (1,2,3,4) - it may be better to follow the lyrics here
01:35:034 (1,2,3,4) - ^
01:52:981 (6) - hiding a note here... not too good

Good song~
Still got some minor pattern styling imperfections but fundamentally solid.
8-) 加油
Topic Starter

yongtw123 wrote:


Break periods are a bit too long... maybe.
Offset sounds correct, but I'd double check with some professional.

00:41:195 (1,1) - these two spinners are a bit hard for an [Easy]. Try something else if you can. Fix
02:15:481 (1) - although this note does follow the lyric, for rhythm purposes I recommend move this to previous white tick
02:26:463 (1,2,3,4,5) - ??? why x0.5 BPM here? Fix

01:01:820 (3) - a bit too far? Fix
01:04:231 (7) - ^ Fix
01:07:713 (8) - align this with (7)Fix
01:36:641 (4) - spacing~Fix
01:59:409 (1) - totally tricked me, space this slider out as if in x1.0 BPMFix

[Fall in Love]
01:05:302 (2) - spacingFix
01:09:320 (1,2,3,4) - it may be better to follow the lyrics here I think its ok
01:35:034 (1,2,3,4) - ^I think its ok
01:52:981 (6) - hiding a note here... not too goodFix

Good song~
Still got some minor pattern styling imperfections but fundamentally solid.
  • - 00:17:356 - 這裡的Normal音量調至40左右

  • - Combo方面的設置希望你可以重新考慮一下
    - 以及Easy裡盡量還是別出現1/4...
00:48:963 (3,4,5) - 不等間距
00:53:249 (3) - 要右移一格
00:58:338 (4) - 完全遮擋 換個位置吧
00:58:606 (5,6,7) - 再一次的不等間距
01:10:391 (3) - 這裡折返的whistle換到結尾
01:16:284 (3) - 結尾whistle, (4)去掉whistle
01:32:356 (2) - 開頭去whistle
02:22:177 (1,2,3,4) - 02:22:713 - 02:23:784 - 02:24:856 - 02:25:391 - whistle

  • - 不理解為什麼difficulty setting和easy幾乎一樣
00:11:463 (5) - 縮短1/4拍
00:51:106 (5) - 開頭whistle, 結尾去掉
01:00:749 (1,2,3) - 太明顯了這裡
01:06:106 (5,6,7) - ^
01:11:195 (5) - 換成結尾whistle
01:13:606 (1,2) - 這裡是3/4, 01:14:677 (3,4) - 這裡是1/2, 01:15:748 (5,6) - 這裡又是3/4...統一成全部3/4吧
01:36:106 (3) - 換成開頭whistle
01:37:713 (5) - 結尾whistle
01:38:784 (6) - 比較難分辦是0.5x, 用正常間距然後new combo?
02:07:177 (6) - 結尾whistle
02:08:248 (8) - 換成開頭whistle
02:11:463 (6) - 0.5x 陷阱, 要求換掉
03:23:784 (7) - new combo

  • - 音效需要平均點 一下空缺一下又clap whistle一起用
00:12:534 (7) - new combo
00:36:909 (6,7,8,9,10) -
00:45:749 (1) - new combo
00:45:749 (1,2,3,4,5) -
00:56:463 (3) - clap
00:57:802 (10) - ^
00:58:874 (2) - ^
01:02:624 (6,7) - 間距容易起誤會
01:43:606 - 這段音量過份的低, 至少調回50
02:03:427 - 加note或是把02:02:891 (8) - 增長1/4拍
02:04:766 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - clap最好和00:56:463 (3) - 的那段一樣
02:54:052 - 加note? 我完全感覺不到下一個note就是kiai的開始
02:58:070 - 音量增加的幅度太大, 02:54:320 - 增加2格音量 以及把02:58:070 - 這條綠線換去02:58:338 -

Fall in Love
  • - Fall in Love, 介系詞無需大寫

    ignorethis wrote:

    Title should be Fall in Love, also the dif "fall in love" should be capitalised
    - 如果要把結尾也map了 不如找一個結尾沒有淡出的mp3 (如果存在)
00:41:195 (8) - new combo

沒什麼特別需要挑的 這個難度前半段出現的隨機大跳效果沒有很好 而後段塞的streams也是...

暫時這些, star
If you don't understand something, ask someone from your country to translate.

You could cut all of the diffs until the moment when Normal and Easy end. This would be less tiring though.

Artist & title: Tae Yang feat. Thelma Aoyama - Fall in Love
(uncapitalized "feat" and "in" and added a dot after)

Source "Pop" is not correct. You fulfill the Source place when the song is from a TV Series/a game/etc. You don't put there album's title, type of music or whatever else. Delete it.

Suggestion: add some custom colors?

[Fall in Love]

Raise HP Drain by 2 ticks.

00:59:141 (3) - This slider is a bit offscreen. Move it up.
01:33:695 (4,5) - Spacing.
02:58:606 - Start kiai time here instead of at 02:54:320. Do it on all difficulties.


00:42:266 (2,3) - Spacing.
02:13:606 (1) - Spinner is out of place. Map this part.
02:58:606 - Start kiai time here instead of at 02:54:320.


Just delete "+" from the name. This is fine for a Normal.

01:01:552 (2,3) - Inconsistent spacing.
01:06:106 (5,6,7,8,9) - ^
or 01:05:034 (1,2,3,4,5) -
01:15:481 (4,5) - Spacing.
01:16:820 (7,8) - Inconsistent spacing.
01:58:873 (6,1) - Spacing.
02:58:606 - Start kiai time here instead of at 02:54:320.


01:59:409 (1) - This spinner is too short for an easy diff. Delete it/replace by the slider.
02:58:606 - Start kiai time here instead of at 02:54:320.

Pretty good try, but you need more mods before thinking about a bubble.
star anyway
Hi kanpakyin~


- I would have reduced the stack (4/9)
- Ruduced audio (7/11)
- Make your own combocolors


01:18:427 (6) - new combo, there is increased spacing
01:29:677 (3,4) - down by 1 on the grid
02:13:338 (spinner) - start on 02:13:606. finished - 02:15:213
03:07:713 (7) - new combo
03:25:391 - add a circle
W - Whostle. E - Finish. R - Clap
Time (00:00:00) - exact time of bit
00:04:499 - W?
02:21:641 - E?
02:25:927 - E?
02:58:070 - E?
03:19:499 - E?

Normal+ :
00:00:749 (1) - make more beautiful this slider D;
00:11:195 (4,5) - spaicing
00:12:266 (6,7) - spaicing
00:54:052 (4,5) - spaicing
00:54:320 (5,6) - spaicing
01:01:552 (2,3) - spaicing
01:15:481 (4,5) - spaicing
01:21:106 (7,8) - they are not symmetrical
01:30:481 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - spaicing ._.
01:40:391 - add a circle
01:54:052 (1,2) - spaicing
01:56:998 (3,4) - spaicing
01:56:195 (1) - new combo. hmm. 2 colors match
02:00:749 (1,2,3) - spaicing
02:05:034 (2,3,4) - spaicing. wut?
02:09:320 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - spaicing
02:13:338 (spinner) - start on 02:13:606. finished - 02:15:213
02:15:481 (spinner) - start on 02:15:749. finished - 02:17:356
02:31:820 - add a circle
03:05:034 (5) - new combo
03:14:409 (5) - left by one on the drad
03:15:749 (1) - new combo :>
03:16:820 (3,4) - spaicing
03:20:570 (2,3) - spaicing
03:25:391 - add a circle
00:04:499 - E?
00:08:784 - E?
03:15:213 - E?

SP3's Hard:
00:02:624 (4,5) - spaicing
00:14:677 - add a circle
00:16:820 (2,3,4) - spaicing
00:36:106 (5,6) - spaicing
00:54:052 (8,9) - spaicing
00:57:266 (7,8) - spaicing
01:23:249 - add a circle
01:25:927 (3,3,4) - spaicing
01:40:391 - add a circle
01:44:409 (4,5) - spaicing
01:48:829 (4,5) - spaicing
01:55:391 (11) - slow down this slider
02:23:516 (5,6) - move on 02:23:650 - and fix spaicing
02:24:588 (9,10) - move on 02:24:722 - and fix spaicing
02:31:820 - add a circle
03:08:260 - add a circle
03:25:391 - add a circle
03:47:891 (9) - new combo
00:04:499 - W+E?
00:48:427 - W
00:49:499 - W
00:50:838 - W
00:52:579 - delete W
00:56:329 - W
00:56:731 - W
00:57:668 - W
01:13:070 - E?
01:17:356 - E+W+R? :D
02:01:284 - W
02:02:624 - W
02:03:829 - W
02:05:302 - W
02:06:240 - W
02:09:320 - W?
02:12:400 - W
02:15:749 - W

Fall in Love:
- HP Drain +1
00:14:677 - add a circle
00:41:195 (1) - new combo
00:42:266 (2) - new combo
01:33:963 (5) - new combo or fix spaicing
01:40:391 - add a circle
01:45:749 (6,7) - put exactly under # 4 (without grid)
02:27:534 (3) - new combo or fix spaicing
02:28:070 (6,7,8) - :S
02:31:820 - add a circle
02:40:659 (4,5) - spaicing
03:08:249 - add a circle
03:16:820 (1,2) - spaicing
03:25:391 - add a circle
03:45:213 - add a circle
04:02:891 (9) - delete circle
04:03:427 (spinner) - start on 04:02:891
01:05:838 - E
01:07:981 - E
02:21:673 - E?
03:31:954 - W+E
03:32:891 - E

Nice song~Star!
Topic Starter

Pokie wrote:

  • - 00:17:356 - 這裡的Normal音量調至40左右

  • - Combo方面的設置希望你可以重新考慮一下加了combo顏色>.<
    - 以及Easy裡盡量還是別出現1/4...
00:48:963 (3,4,5) - 不等間距 Fix
00:53:249 (3) - 要右移一格Fix
00:58:338 (4) - 完全遮擋 換個位置吧Fix
00:58:606 (5,6,7) - 再一次的不等間距Fix
01:10:391 (3) - 這裡折返的whistle換到結尾Fix
01:16:284 (3) - 結尾whistle, (4)去掉whistleFix
01:32:356 (2) - 開頭去whistleFix
02:22:177 (1,2,3,4) - 02:22:713 - 02:23:784 - 02:24:856 - 02:25:391 - whistleFix

  • - 不理解為什麼difficulty setting和easy幾乎一樣
00:11:463 (5) - 縮短1/4拍Fix
00:51:106 (5) - 開頭whistle, 結尾去掉Fix
01:00:749 (1,2,3) - 太明顯了這裡Fix
01:06:106 (5,6,7) - ^Fix
01:11:195 (5) - 換成結尾whistleFix
01:13:606 (1,2) - 這裡是3/4, 01:14:677 (3,4) - 這裡是1/2, 01:15:748 (5,6) - 這裡又是3/4...統一成全部3/4吧Fix
01:36:106 (3) - 換成開頭whistleFix
01:37:713 (5) - 結尾whistleFix
01:38:784 (6) - 比較難分辦是0.5x, 用正常間距然後new combo?Fix
02:07:177 (6) - 結尾whistleFix
02:08:248 (8) - 換成開頭whistleFix
02:11:463 (6) - 0.5x 陷阱, 要求換掉Fix
03:23:784 (7) - new comboFix

Fall in Love
  • - Fall in Love, 介系詞無需大寫Fix

    ignorethis wrote:

    Title should be Fall in Love, also the dif "fall in love" should be capitalised
    - 如果要把結尾也map了 不如找一個結尾沒有淡出的mp3 (如果存在)就是沒有T_T
00:41:195 (8) - new comboFix

沒什麼特別需要挑的 這個難度前半段出現的隨機大跳效果沒有很好 而後段塞的streams也是...

暫時這些, star
Thanks your mod
Remember that all these are suggestions and feel free to ignore any of them. Major issues are in bold.

This is way too hard for an Easy. Rename it to Normal at least. And this diff is not beginner-friendly (because of the rhythms and patterns), I suggest you map another Easy... easier. The difficulty settings are appropriate for a Normal, not for an Easy. You also should use the biggest circle size.
I actually think it's even slightly too hard for a Normal.
00:39:320 (6) - Move it so that it doesn't overlap with (4) ?
00:50:034 (5,6) - This spacing might be confusing: it is placed almost the same way as (4,5) but the time difference isn't the same.
00:58:606 (5) - New combo ?
00:59:141 (6,7,1) - Overlap.
01:26:463 (1) - Way too soon after the spinner.
01:44:141 (1) - ^
01:45:481 (3,4) - This spacing is way too confusing for new players: move (4) down.
01:45:749 (4,1) - Overlap.
01:59:409 (1) - This spinner is too short, even for a Normal diff.
02:00:749 (1) - Way too soon after the spinner. Actually, you should just remove the spinner.
02:17:891 (1) - Way too soon after the spinner.
02:55:927 (2,3) - Overlap.
03:03:963 (3,5) - ^
03:11:463 (1) - Way too soon after the spinner.
Overall the diff is nice and plays well... It is not good as the easiest diff of the mapset though.

Rename this to Hard. And: OD+2, HP+2, or something like that: the current difficulty settings are too easy for a Hard. Also, remove all the slowdowns because none of them make sense. Some of the notes don't make sense either, but they're well included in the patterns (except 03:01:016 (8) - ).
00:52:981 (2,3) - Overlap... Move (2) to the left.
01:09:320 (1,2) - Why a wider spacing here ? It's confusing, space them properly.
01:58:873 (6,1) - This anti-jump makes absolutely no sense. Space them properly.
01:17:356 (8) - Delete and extend (7) to that point (without a repeat)
01:20:034 (5,6) - Why a jump here ? Space them properly.
01:38:784 (1) - Overlap.
02:00:749 (1) - Too close to (2).
03:14:409 (5,6) - Move one grid left so that it is stacked under (3) ?
03:18:427 (6) - Move it to the left... It's partially hidden under (4) and it is ugly.

Fall in Love
Why don't you call it Insane ?
Sorry for being that harsh, but this is bad. The spacing of the map is inconsistent: you placed jumps seemingly randomly, the jumps themselves being randomly wide, at random places, on random rhythms. Add to that random 1/4 notes that make no sense according to the music. This song is too calm to get a non-overmapped Insane.

SP3's Hard
Remove the slow downs. They don't really make sense according to the music.
00:14:677 (10) - Does this note make sense ?
00:42:266 (2,3,4) - Spacing issue: why are they spaced evenly ?
00:45:481 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - This pattern overlaps itself in a terrible way
01:24:320 (1,2,3) - Unnecessarily huge spacing.
01:40:391 (9) - Does this note make sense ?
01:47:356 (11) - Ok, I'm very picky, but it isn't stacked properly, and it looks terrible.
02:15:481 (1,2,3,4,5) - Unnecessarily wide spacing.
02:21:507 (11) - delete, the double is confusing
02:23:784 (6) - ^
02:31:820 (8) - Does this note make sense ?
03:11:463 (1) - That's too far from the center of the screen so soon after the spinner.
You should end the map at the same spot as the other diffs.

I don't accept rechecks - don't bother asking.
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