
Thelma Aoyama feat. Tae Yang - Fall in Love

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Topic Starter

eveless wrote:

00:12:266 (6,7) - 上移对齐5的slider的尾部fix
00:52:981 (2) - 上移一格fix
00:53:249 (3,4,5) - 345之间的spacing不等fix
01:06:106 (5,6,7) - ^fix
01:08:784 (x) - 加notefix
01:38:784 (1) - 这后面到spin之间为什么要空那么多fix
01:54:588 (2) - spacing...fix

01:00:749 (1,2,3) - 1的尾巴23的开头之间的spacing...fix
01:13:606 (1,2,3) - ^fix
]01:36:641 (2,3,4) - ^fix
01:59:409 (6) - 延长到后一根白线fix
03:16:820 (3,4,5) - 这三连....2.5星的normal....fix
Topic Starter

shabao_pig wrote:

hi :D

(>'(oo)')> my mod <('(oo)'<)

这首歌感觉很多地方可以用normal的, 都用soft感觉特别无力,犯困……


00:53:249 (3,4,5) - spacingfix
01:20:034 (5,6,7,8) - ^fix
01:30:481 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 距离平均一下fix




circl size +1fix


00:06:106 (3,4,5,6) - Easy中不建议这种排列fix
03:02:891 (4,5,6) - 我不认为新手能应付……fix
03:05:034 (1,2,3) - ^fix

star 8-)
Topic Starter

KanaRin wrote:


00:42:266 (3) - New combo?fix
00:43:606 (4) - ^fix
01:04:766 (4) - ^fix
02:13:338 (3) - ^fix

03:16:820 (3,4,5) - 我覺得normal不要有連打比較好吧囧...fix

02:03:695 (7,8,9) - new combo?fix
02:10:123 (3) - spacing?fix


我圖經驗還不夠囧...可能mod的不太好 T_T
Delete .osb file in the folder.

- Easy -
00:59:141 (3) - move left 1 grid (Lv3)
01:00:749 (1) - stack on the end of slider (3)
01:06:641 (3) - delete, add a circle on the red tick instead
02:55:391 (2) - move up 1 grid (Lv3)
TIMING 154,499 - remove

- Normal -
01:59:409 (6) - move down 1 grid (Lv3)

- Hard -
00:45:481 (7) - move up 1 grid (Lv3)
00:48:159 (1) - move left 2 grids (Lv3)
00:48:427 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - move left 1 grid (Lv3)
01:06:909 (6,7,8) - ^
01:20:838 (6,7) - move away from (5)
01:54:588 (2) - move right 1 grid (Lv3)
02:11:463 (2,3,4,5) - move right 2 grids (Lv3)
03:11:999 (1) - start on blue tick
03:14:409 (5) - stack on the end of slider (3)
03:14:677 (6) - move left 2 grids (Lv3)

- SP3's Insane -
01:19:365 (5,6) - move up 1 grid (Lv3)
01:20:436 (8) - move left 1 grid (Lv3)
01:20:838 (9,10) - move up 2 grids (Lv3)
01:21:641 (11) - move up 5 girds & left 2 grids (Lv3)
01:36:106 (1) - remove new combo
01:43:606 (1,2,3,4) - move right 2 grids (Lv3)
01:47:356 (11) - stack on the end of slider
01:48:829 (4) - move left 1 grid (Lv3)
02:22:177 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - pattern is different but spacings are still the same
03:20:034 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - copy previous pattern that I mentioned you to fix
03:48:963 (6) - straight the slider upward ?
TIMING 245,034 - remove

Star it~! ;)
00:02:222 (4,5,7) - 類似這樣的直直的slider很難看,特別是7,花點心思排一下吧
00:39:052 - 這裡如果加一個note會比較舒服
00:44:409 (4,5,6,7) - 如果改成對稱應該會挺好看的
00:52:177 (1,2,3) - 可對稱
00:56:463 (1,2,3,4) - 4放到slider3的結尾,和1,2一樣,順便修下位置
01:09:588 (2,3,4,5) - 這些slider的方向如果是相反的也許效果會比較好?
01:28:873 (4,5,6) - 4改成和5.6一樣的形狀,而且我猜你是想弄一種延展出去的效果?修好點
01:37:445 (5) - 可以加一個note
01:54:052 (1,2,3) - 太難看了,重新擺下
02:04:499 - 建議加個note
03:18:427 (3,4,5,6,7) - 往左邊移動一點,位置自己斟酌

sp3's insane:
00:15:748 (1,2) - 1和2中間太空了,如果打hid會很不舒服,建議自己加點beat進去,比如1換成slider,或者中間擺2個note
00:42:266 (3,4,5) - 間距有問題,對著ds改下
00:48:963 (3,4,5,6) - 對整齊點

00:57:534 (2,3,4,5) - 4連打會讓人很不舒服,建議5後面加一個00:58:070 (6) -
01:00:749 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 間距,修下 (後面有很多類似的段落有同樣的間距問題,是不是整個圖改過ds然後沒重新排)
01:47:891 (1,2,3,4,5) - 這樣的來回的擺放不太好看,建議重新擺下
01:49:766 (1,2) - 同00:15:748 (1,2)
01:51:909 (5) - 加個note比較好 並且和下面的new combo連起來
02:00:748 (1,2,3,4,5) - 5沒對稱好,往右移一格,往下移一格
02:05:034 (2,3,4,5) - 同00:57:534 (2,3,4,5)
02:06:106 (1,2,3,4) - 同上

02:43:874 (2,3) - 應該往上幾格
03:12:936 (5,6,7,8) - 個人不太喜歡這樣的擺放,最好不要交叉著擺,這個可以無視我
03:33:963 (6,7,8) - 建議往左挪一下
03:38:784 (7) - 刪除
03:53:249 (4) - 為啥直slider中間會有個轉彎點,會有無比蛋疼的bat挑你麻煩

Red: You must fix this.
Blue: You'd better do sth with this imo.
Green: Just suggestions.


00:40:927 (2) - 折返whistle强调变化。
01:00:749 (1) - 这没叠好
02:23:516 (2) - 删

00:06:106 (3,4) - 这里开始突然变节奏让人很难适应,再说也听不惯
00:07:177 (5,6) - 即使不改,这还一个spacing
00:38:784 - 加拍?或前面改为slider?
00:50:302 (5,6) - spacing.因为先调了0.75x,所以这里的spacing也变成0.75x了,请按照正常距离修正,因为玩家直到按上前都不会知道这是0.75。这一点也适用于其他所有变速段(因为你好像都没改。。。)Easy还比较工稳,而Normal有变速就变的乱七八糟了很多。
01:08:249 (1) - 对Normal(即使有个加号)这个spinner太极限了,而且后面只隔1/2,那么,删。
01:20:838 (6,7,8) - 这里的BPM变化导致的间距变化体现更明显。
02:03:695 (1,2) - 没必要new combo,另外这个circle+slider弄1/4的情况绝对不讨人喜欢,建议换普通的折返,甚至3连circle都比这好。
02:20:034 (5,6,1,2) - 又一个比较明显的实例,间距问题。
02:24:588 (2,3,4) - ^
03:22:713 (6,1) - 显然会被误读1/2


[SP3's Hard]
01:46:552 (10,11) - 没叠好
01:50:838 (2,3,4) - 我理解不能。
02:13:606 (1) - 这spinner很破坏连续感。
02:23:650 (5,6,7,8) - 虽然我可以打但是是了解了你完全在跟vocal的前提下。。。其他还有一些地方,并不完全是按distance spacing排布,而且全是circle,很单调。
Circles:347, Sliders:55, Spinners:10,请试着多用些slider来使排列/节奏多样化些吧。没多少错但一点起伏都没有会无聊的。

[maxzjs's Insane]
01:44:945 (9,1) - spacing?
02:05:570 (6) - 挪后1/4,4连/6连被拆两个5连有些别扭了
03:06:909 (3,4) - spacing

Make audio lead-in 2 seconds on all difficulties.
Set slider tick rate 2 in all difficulties to avoid awkward slider ticks (also sounds better).
Remove spoilerbox from creator's words, it bugs the beatmap listing/scores page
[maxsjs's Insane]
BIG Lack of hitsounds, only claps in like one section and the rest is missing hitsounds overall.
Needs more breaks.
finish mapping it until the end please.
03:28:606 (1) - I dont agree with this spinner is too long, and doesn't fit the music at all.

[SP3's Hard]
Albeit repetitive, this is a really nice and original difficulty with some unique patterning, i love it.
00:02:891 (5,6) - Spacing too close! (just let distance snap move it for you and (7) will stay correctly placed afterwards O_O)
00:08:249 (4,5) - To keep the slider pattern i recommend you transform this into a slower slider.
00:14:677 (10) - I dont think this note fits, remove it.
00:36:909 (1,2,3,4,5) - Try something like this?
00:43:338 (X) - Add a note?.
00:45:481 (6) - New combo.
00:49:499 (5) - New combo.
00:50:838 (8) - Instead of this note replace with a spinner like this:

00:52:177 (1) - Add hitsound finish.
00:55:927 (X) - Add a note with hitsound clap.
01:21:106 (10) - New Combo.
01:21:641 (11) - Instead of this slider, turn into a hitcircle and start an spinner where the slider used to end and end said spinner at 01:23:784 with a decrescendo (gradual decrease of volume) until the end then put it back to normal before the next note.
01:29:677 (10) - Remove hitsound clap from the end of the slider and add hitsound finish instead. To add hitsound to an specific part of a slider click on the slider then click on the part you wanna hitsound and it will turn red (just like the image below)

01:31:552 (2,3) - Distance between these 2 should be shorter.
01:32:623 (4) - To keep the pattern move this upwards, but remember that the distance should be the same than between (1,2)
01:33:963 (7,8) - Distance should be twice as much the distance between (6,7)
01:49:766 (1,2,3,4) - Just follow the instruments and not the Lyrics here because it leaves a really big empty section between (1,2) and you follow the instruments on (3,4) anyways.
01:55:123 (10,11) - Doesn't fit the music.
02:00:749 - Increase hitsound volume in this section.
( . . . ) etc, get more mods before calling me back, this map still needs lots of work

Remove the + from the diff name, it's weird.
Many clusters and overlaps, makes it ugly and hard to read
Finish the map.
01:07:713 (8,1,1) - The spinneris so short that you can still see the next note appearing when the spinner has just appeared (if not before it even appears) i recommend you remove the spinner.
02:23:248 (5,6,1,2,3,4) - This cluster makes it impossible to read (2) specially with the size of (2) you can't even see it's repeat at all.

Finish the map.
(PM me when its all updated?) :D
Lovely Crab
Just you ask for a recheck :)

01:05:034(2) - 拉到01:06:106
01:08:784(x) - add a note
02:14:409(3) - 拉长半拍
02:16:552(3) - ^

02:07:981 - 这一段建议这么改
04:02:891 - 变更音效的NOTE不要放在NOTE上.
04:05:034 - ^

[SP3's Hard]
00:35:034(1,2,3,4) - 2和4没对齐
01:43:606(1,2,3,4) - ^

[maxzjs's insane]
01:47:624(1) - 去掉New combo
01:53:516(9) - 1grid up
02:18:427(2) - 1grid right
03:23:784 - 这一段建议这么改
03:45:749(1) - 转盘最好消音处理
Topic Starter

Lovely Crab wrote:

Just you ask for a recheck :)

[Easy] 重新re-map了._.
01:05:034(2) - 拉到01:06:106
01:08:784(x) - add a note
02:14:409(3) - 拉长半拍
02:16:552(3) - ^

02:07:981 - 这一段建议这么改 這個還好把>.>
04:02:891 - 变更音效的NOTE不要放在NOTE上.
04:05:034 - ^

[SP3's Hard] Delete
00:35:034(1,2,3,4) - 2和4没对齐
01:43:606(1,2,3,4) - ^
Hi~ ^^
As per your request.

- Unfortunatley, I think you should change the artist again.
I don't know why you changed the artist "Thelma Aoyama x SOL" to "Tae Yang feat. Thelma Aoyama". The former isn't wrong.
By the way, This song is in Thelma Aoyama's album, not in Tae Yang's.
Then artist shold be "Thelma Aoyama feat. Tae Yang" if you take the word 'feat.'

- I suggested increasing stack leniency by a tick at Insane diff. If you change the stack leniency, change stack leniency of other diffs to same with Insane.

00:48:963 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - These looks weird. Increasing stack leniency by a tick looks better.
01:18:293 (2) - spacing
02:05:704 (3) - start at next red tick and remove 1 repeat. This way would be more suitable.
02:29:141 (3) - down 1 grid. bcuz it hits HP bar.

00:51:106 (3) - spacing.
01:59:677 (6) - ^

01:26:463 (1,2) - (nazi) make these to be parallel
01:52:713 (1,2) - ^
03:24:320 (7) - (suggestion) how about change it to slider? end point 03:25:927

hi :D

(>'(oo)')> my mod <('(oo)'<)



01:37:981 (11,12,13) - 这个三连感觉太生硬了,干脆把12,13空出来在01:38:650加个音
02:01:016 (3,4) - 这里的节奏听起来脱离歌曲了……建议02:01:150 circle ,02:01:284 1/4拍长的slider
02:05:034 (2,3) - 第一个slider 4 note的打起来并不舒服,建议第一个尾部和第二个头部换成circle(两个slider都减少一个Note)
02:26:463 (10,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - 这里我感觉你可以跟着歌曲的音做……而且我打的时候也是这么打的……


00:50:838 (2,3) - spacing




没了 8-)
Topic Starter

ykcarrot wrote:

Hi~ ^^
As per your request.

00:51:106 (3) - spacing.Fix
01:59:677 (6) - ^Fix

01:26:463 (1,2) - (nazi) make these to be parallelFix
01:52:713 (1,2) - ^Fix
03:24:320 (7) - (suggestion) how about change it to slider? end point 03:25:927Fix


Blue: Suggestions
Violet: I really think you should fix this in my opinion
Red: Must be fixed


00:15:749 (1)-Add a finish?
00:35:034 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
00:52:177 (1)-^
01:09:320 (1)-^
01:17:891 (1)-^
01:26:463 (1)-^
01:35:034 (5)- Put a New Combo here?
01:38:249 (1)-Remove New Combo?
01:39:320 (5)-Put a New Combo here.
02:00:749 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
02:04:766 (4)-Put a New Combo here?
02:17:891 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.

02:24:320 (5)-Move one grid up If you can.
02:32:891 (1)-Add a finish?
02:54:320 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
02:57:534 (3)-Add a finish on the end of that slider.
03:01:820 (6)-^
03:11:463 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
03:19:499 (4)-Add a finish on the reverse arrow.
03:24:320 (7)-Put a New Combo here?
03:26:463 (1)-Add a finish.


00:52:177 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
01:09:320 (1)-^

01:10:124 (2)-Make this stand out better. Like this.
01:16:016 (4, 5)-Move one grid up on 4 and stack 5 on the end of that slider before neatly if you can.
01:17:891 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
01:16:463 (1)-^
01:35:034 (1)-^
01:43:609 (1)-^
02:17:891 (1)-^
02:26:463 (1)-^
02:32:891 (1)-Add a finish.
02:54:320 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
02:58:606 (1)-^
03:02:891 (1)-^
03:36:106 (3)-Add a finish on the end of that slider.
03:44:677 (1)-^
03:46:284 (1)-Add a finish.

maxzjs's Insane:


This difficulty plays like a Hard, not an Insane. I would change it to a Hard if I were you. xD

00:17:891 (x)-Add a note here and add a finish.
00:50:838 (1)-Add a finish on the end of that slider.
00:52:981 (x)-Add a note here. It keeps the rhythm going. 8-)
00:54:052 (x)-^

01:26:463 (1)-Add a finish.
01:32:891 (7)-Put a New Combo here?
01:35:034 (1)-Add a finish.
02:00:749 (2)-^
02:17:891 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
02:20:034 (7)-Put a New Combo here?
02:23:382 (1)-Remove New Combo.
02:24:052 (8)-Put a New Combo here.
02:26:463 (7)-Add a finish.
02:43:606 (3)-^
02:54:320 (4)-^
02:58:606 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
03:02:891 (1)-Add a finish.

03:08:784 (x)-Add a note and a clap.
03:20:034 (1)-Add a finish.
03:37:177 (6)-^

The song is <3. Oh and I like maxzjs's difficulty, by the way. 8-)

Nick work, you two. Good luck getting this ranked!

Offset +5 (754) - resnap all notes on all diffs

Set colors the same on all diffs. I prefer to get them from Easy diff.


The new combos are all messed up on this diff. Follow this:

00:02:891 (11,1) - Swap new combos.
00:06:641 (1,3) - ^
01:15:748 (7,1) - ^
01:20:034 (10,1) - ^
01:28:338 (1,2) - ^
01:32:891 (7) - New combo.
01:36:106 (5) - ^
02:00:748 (2) - ^?
02:06:374 (1,2) - Swap new combos.
02:07:713 (1) - Delete new combo.
02:11:195 (1,2) - Swap new combos.
02:20:034 (7) - New combo.
02:23:248 (4,1) - Swap new combos.
02:23:382 (1) - Delete new combo.
02:24:320 (5) - New combo.
02:55:124 (1) - Delete new combo.
02:54:320 (4) - New combo.
02:55:391 (6) - ^
02:57:534 (1) - Delete new combo.
03:00:749 (7) - New combo.
03:01:820 (10,1) - Swap new combos.
03:05:034 (7,1) - ^
03:06:909 (7) - New combo.
03:23:784 (1,3) - Swap new combos.
03:25:927 (1) - Delete new combo.
03:26:463 (3) - New combo.
03:30:079 (6) - New combo.
03:31:150 (10,1) - Swap new combos.
03:33:963 (6) - New combo.
03:34:766 (1) - Delete new combo.
02:56:463 (7) - ^
03:35:034 (2) - new combo.
03:37:177 (6) - ^


00:50:838 (2,3) - Spacing.
01:57:266 (3) - Partially overlapped slider repeat. Replace.


Map until Normal and Insane are mapped.

00:39:320 (5) - New combo?
00:47:356 (4) - ^
00:55:927 (3) - ^
01:05:570 (4) - ^
01:13:606 (4) - ^
01:22:177 (3) - ^
01:35:034 (5) - ^
01:38:249 (1,2) - Swap new combos.
01:47:891 (4) - New combo.
01:56:999 (5) - ^
02:05:034 (4) - ^
02:13:606 (4) - ^
02:23:249 (3) - ^
02:24:856 (1,2) - Swap new combos.
02:31:284 (4) -
02:59:141 (4) - New combo.
03:21:106 (5) - ^
Topic Starter

Roddie wrote:


Blue: Suggestions
Violet: I really think you should fix this in my opinion
Red: Must be fixed


00:15:749 (1)-Add a finish?
00:35:034 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
00:52:177 (1)-^
01:09:320 (1)-^
01:17:891 (1)-^
01:26:463 (1)-^
01:35:034 (5)- Put a New Combo here?
01:38:249 (1)-Remove New Combo?
01:39:320 (5)-Put a New Combo here.
02:00:749 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
02:04:766 (4)-Put a New Combo here?
02:17:891 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.

02:24:320 (5)-Move one grid up If you can.
02:32:891 (1)-Add a finish?
02:54:320 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
02:57:534 (3)-Add a finish on the end of that slider.
03:01:820 (6)-^
03:11:463 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
03:19:499 (4)-Add a finish on the reverse arrow.
03:24:320 (7)-Put a New Combo here?
03:26:463 (1)-Add a finish.


00:52:177 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
01:09:320 (1)-^

01:10:124 (2)-Make this stand out better. Like this.
01:16:016 (4, 5)-Move one grid up on 4 and stack 5 on the end of that slider before neatly if you can.
01:17:891 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
01:16:463 (1)-^
01:35:034 (1)-^
01:43:609 (1)-^
02:17:891 (1)-^
02:26:463 (1)-^
02:32:891 (1)-Add a finish.
02:54:320 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
02:58:606 (1)-^
03:02:891 (1)-^
03:36:106 (3)-Add a finish on the end of that slider.
03:44:677 (1)-^
03:46:284 (1)-Add a finish.

maxzjs's Insane:


This difficulty plays like a Hard, not an Insane. I would change it to a Hard if I were you. xD

00:17:891 (x)-Add a note here and add a finish.
00:50:838 (1)-Add a finish on the end of that slider.
00:52:981 (x)-Add a note here. It keeps the rhythm going. 8-)
00:54:052 (x)-^

01:26:463 (1)-Add a finish.
01:32:891 (7)-Put a New Combo here?
01:35:034 (1)-Add a finish.
02:00:749 (2)-^
02:17:891 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
02:20:034 (7)-Put a New Combo here?
02:23:382 (1)-Remove New Combo.
02:24:052 (8)-Put a New Combo here.
02:26:463 (7)-Add a finish.
02:43:606 (3)-^
02:54:320 (4)-^
02:58:606 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
03:02:891 (1)-Add a finish.

03:08:784 (x)-Add a note and a clap.
03:20:034 (1)-Add a finish.
03:37:177 (6)-^

The song is <3. Oh and I like maxzjs's difficulty, by the way. 8-)

Nick work, you two. Good luck getting this ranked!

All fix Thanks
Topic Starter

fartownik wrote:

Offset +5 (754) - resnap all notes on all diffs
Set colors the same on all diffs. I prefer to get them from Easy diff.fix

[Insane] all fix by mapper

The new combos are all messed up on this diff. Follow this:

00:02:891 (11,1) - Swap new combos.
00:06:641 (1,3) - ^
01:15:748 (7,1) - ^
01:20:034 (10,1) - ^
01:28:338 (1,2) - ^
01:32:891 (7) - New combo.
01:36:106 (5) - ^
02:00:748 (2) - ^?
02:06:374 (1,2) - Swap new combos.
02:07:713 (1) - Delete new combo.
02:11:195 (1,2) - Swap new combos.
02:20:034 (7) - New combo.
02:23:248 (4,1) - Swap new combos.
02:23:382 (1) - Delete new combo.
02:24:320 (5) - New combo.
02:55:124 (1) - Delete new combo.
02:54:320 (4) - New combo.
02:55:391 (6) - ^
02:57:534 (1) - Delete new combo.
03:00:749 (7) - New combo.
03:01:820 (10,1) - Swap new combos.
03:05:034 (7,1) - ^
03:06:909 (7) - New combo.
03:23:784 (1,3) - Swap new combos.
03:25:927 (1) - Delete new combo.
03:26:463 (3) - New combo.
03:30:079 (6) - New combo.
03:31:150 (10,1) - Swap new combos.
03:33:963 (6) - New combo.
03:34:766 (1) - Delete new combo.
02:56:463 (7) - ^
03:35:034 (2) - new combo.
03:37:177 (6) - ^


00:50:838 (2,3) - Spacing.fix
01:57:266 (3) - Partially overlapped slider repeat. Replace.fix


Map until Normal and Insane are mapped.fix

00:39:320 (5) - New combo?fix
00:47:356 (4) - ^fix
00:55:927 (3) - ^fix
01:05:570 (4) - ^fix
01:13:606 (4) - ^fix
01:22:177 (3) - ^fix
01:35:034 (5) - ^fix
01:38:249 (1,2) - Swap new combos.fix
01:47:891 (4) - New combo.fix
01:56:999 (5) - ^fix
02:05:034 (4) - ^fix
02:13:606 (4) - ^fix
02:23:249 (3) - ^fix
02:24:856 (1,2) - Swap new combos.fix
02:31:284 (4) - fix
02:59:141 (4) - New combo.fix
03:21:106 (5) - ^fix
Thanks a lot>.<
Hi again.

Just to let you know, you don't have to double post. xD You can put the quotes in the same post, you know?
Topic Starter

Roddie wrote:

Hi again.

Just to let you know, you don't have to double post. xD You can put the quotes in the same post, you know?
lol.Thanks :?

03:41:468 (5,6,7,1,2,3) - Almost the entire map is covered by sliders, and suddenly in the end I see 2 triples (in a row). It may be confusing. I'd appreciate if you fix this, but this is not unrankable though.


00:45:486 (1) - Delete new combo.
00:47:629 (8) - New combo.
00:50:039 (1) - Delete new combo.
03:33:164 (5,1) - Swap new combos.

emm, also, the colors are still a bit different on Easy and Normal/Insane

there's visible difference

fix this stuff and I'll bubble

no kudos for this post
Sorry for the long delay. D:

Please remove audio from the video file.

00:09:325 (6) - New combo
00:11:468 (1) - Remove new combo
00:13:075 (1) - New combo
01:28:075 (2) - The reverse arrow is pointing weird. :/
01:44:146 (1) - Way too soon after a spinner for an easy difficulty. Newbie recovery time is really awful. You may have better results if you just mapped through the spinner.
03:11:468 (1) - ^
03:29:146 (1) - Also soon after a spinner... you may fare better following the bass line instead of the beat of the song here.
03:32:896 (4) - New combo
03:36:111 (1) - Remove new combo
03:37:182 (2) - New combo
03:41:468 (4) - New combo
03:42:539 (1) - Remove new combo
03:41:468 (4,5,6,1,2,3) - This is rather sudden and feels rather jarring against the style of mapping you used for almost 4 minutes of game play up until this point. :/
03:45:753 (1) - If you could gradually decrease the volume with several timing sections, it would sound a lot better imo.
This played kind of boring considering you mostly stayed on the beat for the entire song, and combined with a very slow general velocity, it lent towards a very long and tedious play through. Perhaps you could spruce it up a bit by mapping to the vocals a little bit more, or try following some of the instrumentation. Just make it more .. interesting.

More weird new combo spots. Try using the general pattern I gave you in the easy diff's mod and apply them here.
01:26:468 (1) - Fairly soon after a spinner for a normal as well... maybe position this closer to the center so it's easier to re-aim.
03:45:753 (1) - If you could gradually decrease the volume with several timing sections, it would sound a lot better imo.

[maxzjs's Insane]
Up OD by at least 1.
01:20:843 (6,7) - This jump intended? Feels weird to me.
01:33:566 (5,6) - This rhythm felt weird against the music.

In general the maps were technically okay, but the general design left something to be desired. If you can try to make the patterns a bit more interesting to look at (especially with the Insane diff) it would improve the map set a lot in my eyes. Good luck!
Topic Starter

fartownik wrote:


03:41:468 (5,6,7,1,2,3) - Almost the entire map is covered by sliders, and suddenly in the end I see 2 triples (in a row). It may be confusing. I'd appreciate if you fix this, but this is not unrankable though. Fix


00:45:486 (1) - Delete new combo.Fix
00:47:629 (8) - New combo.Fix
00:50:039 (1) - Delete new combo.Fix
03:33:164 (5,1) - Swap new combos.Fix

emm, also, the colors are still a bit different on Easy and Normal/InsaneFix


there's visible difference

fix this stuff and I'll bubble

no kudos for this post

Garven wrote:

00:09:325 (6) - New comboFix
00:11:468 (1) - Remove new comboFix
00:13:075 (1) - New comboFix
01:28:075 (2) - The reverse arrow is pointing weird. :/lol
01:44:146 (1) - Way too soon after a spinner for an easy difficulty. Newbie recovery time is really awful. You may have better results if you just mapped through the spinner.Fix
03:11:468 (1) - ^Fix
03:29:146 (1) - Also soon after a spinner... you may fare better following the bass line instead of the beat of the song here.
03:32:896 (4) - New comboFix
03:36:111 (1) - Remove new comboFix
03:37:182 (2) - New comboFix
03:41:468 (4) - New comboFix
03:42:539 (1) - Remove new comboFix
03:41:468 (4,5,6,1,2,3) - This is rather sudden and feels rather jarring against the style of mapping you used for almost 4 minutes of game play up until this point. :/Fix
03:45:753 (1) - If you could gradually decrease the volume with several timing sections, it would sound a lot better imo.Fix
This played kind of boring considering you mostly stayed on the beat for the entire song, and combined with a very slow general velocity, it lent towards a very long and tedious play through. Perhaps you could spruce it up a bit by mapping to the vocals a little bit more, or try following some of the instrumentation. Just make it more .. interesting.

More weird new combo spots. Try using the general pattern I gave you in the easy diff's mod and apply them here.
01:26:468 (1) - Fairly soon after a spinner for a normal as well... maybe position this closer to the center so it's easier to re-aim..__.
03:45:753 (1) - If you could gradually decrease the volume with several timing sections, it would sound a lot better imo.Fix

[maxzjs's Insane]All fix by mapper
Up OD by at least 1.
01:20:843 (6,7) - This jump intended? Feels weird to me.
01:33:566 (5,6) - This rhythm felt weird against the music.
offset -5ms (if you haven't changed mp3 since I last modded your map)

score gap between Insane and Normal is too large so a Hard dif is needed

others are fine for me
03:40:391(4),03:42:534(2) - 整张图就这里有小jump,应该摆得更明显些以区别出来。Newcombo也很重要。

[maxzjs's Insane]
有形状想法的尽量做到美观。如00:58:338(1,2,3,4,5,6) - 摆成正六边形会更美观,02:26:463(10,1,2,3,4,5) - 可以摆得更对称等
02:20:838(8) - New Combo here


no kds

00:55:927 - Add note?
01:04:499 - ^
01:28:606 (3,4,5) - 要么都是circle要么都是slider?
01:41:463 (1) - Finish?
02:04:499 - Add note?
02:06:909 (7) - 换成3连音?
02:14:945 - Add note?
02:17:356 - ^
03:45:749 (1) - 过长,用一个note取代或者结束于03:50:034?

03:43:606 (4) - wrong spacing (3) -> (4) != (1,2,3), maybe add new combo? or if you want to fix spacing then fine.

[maxzjs's Insane]
- [suggestion] -1 approah rate
01:35:436 (2,3) - move them a bit closer to (4)

spinners on Easy Normal Hard a bit too long for me though orz (almost 10sec ;O;!)

Topic Starter

orioncomet wrote:

03:43:606 (4) - wrong spacing (3) -> (4) != (1,2,3), maybe add new combo? or if you want to fix spacing then fine.Fix

[maxzjs's Insane]
- [suggestion] -1 approah rate.Fix
01:35:436 (2,3) - move them a bit closer to (4)Fix

spinners on Easy Normal Hard a bit too long for me though orz (almost 10sec ;O;!)em..Reduce spinner time._.

Thanks >w<

kino77 wrote:

00:55:927 - Add note?Fix
01:04:499 - ^Fix
01:28:606 (3,4,5) - 要么都是circle要么都是slider?Fix
01:41:463 (1) - Finish?Fix
02:04:499 - Add note?Fix
02:06:909 (7) - 换成3连音?Fix
02:14:945 - Add note?Fix
02:17:356 - ^Fix
03:45:749 (1) - 过长,用一个note取代或者结束于03:50:034?Fix

00:15:748 (1) - Soft finish is enough, no need for normal
01:09:320 (1) - Volume increases too much here. Either lower the volume or remove this inherited section
03:14:409 (5) - Inconsistent distance
Topic Starter

ignorethis wrote:

00:15:748 (1) - Soft finish is enough, no need for normalfix
01:09:320 (1) - Volume increases too much here. Either lower the volume or remove this inherited sectionfix
03:14:409 (5) - Inconsistent distancefix
Download: Thelma Aoyama feat. Tae Yang - Fall in Love (kanpakyin) [maxzjs's Insane].osu
Download: Thelma Aoyama feat. Tae Yang - Fall in Love (kanpakyin) [Hard].osu

put this into the folder, changed some weird combo stuff


03:45:749 (1) - End this spinner at 03:50:034.


00:43:606 (2) - Make it 1/2 shorter. Sounds off.
00:44:945 - Add a circle.
02:24:320 (3) - Move up 2 ticks.


02:13:338 (1) - Move 1/2 forward, 02:14:677 (2) - move this note at 02:13:338.


02:20:570 (2) - This slider sounds off. Do something other in this part.
02:24:856 (1) - ^
03:32:891 (4) - New combo.
03:36:106 (1,2) - Swap new combos.

Topic Starter

fartownik wrote:


03:45:749 (1) - End this spinner at 03:50:034.fix


00:43:606 (2) - Make it 1/2 shorter. Sounds off..fix
00:44:945 - Add a circle..fix
02:24:320 (3) - Move up 2 ticks..fix


02:13:338 (1) - Move 1/2 forward, 02:14:677 (2) - move this note at 02:13:338..fix


02:20:570 (2) - This slider sounds off. Do something other in this part..fix
02:24:856 (1) - ^.fix
03:32:891 (4) - New combo..fix
03:36:106 (1,2) - Swap new combos.fix
我來了 :)

01:09:320(1) - 換成finish應該會更好,自己聽清楚音樂
01:17:891(1) - ^
01:26:463(1) - ^
01:34:034(1) - ^
02:00:749(1) - ^
01:13:070(5) - add finish?感覺很好聽
01:17:356(6) - ^
01:30:213(4) - ^
02:21:641(7) - ^
03:15:213(4) - ^
03:19:499(4) - ^
那啥,hitsound like Normal

01:25:927(1) - add finish
01:55:927 - 奇怪的break time
02:25:391(8,9) - 這裹不要完全疊着,(8)上一格,(9)下一格?

噗 我mod完了才發現是帝的Insane
kanpakyin你認識了個好基友呢 噗
Topic Starter

karenying wrote:

我來了 :)

01:09:320(1) - 換成finish應該會更好,自己聽清楚音樂
01:17:891(1) - ^
01:26:463(1) - ^
01:34:034(1) - ^
02:00:749(1) - ^
01:13:070(5) - add finish?感覺很好聽
01:17:356(6) - ^
01:30:213(4) - ^
02:21:641(7) - ^
03:15:213(4) - ^
03:19:499(4) - ^
那啥,hitsound like Normal
ALL fix Thanks
average 128kbps mp3 ;_;

01:06:909 (2) - plays better starting at 01:07:177 to me, it follows the vocals then
02:24:856 (1,2) - put the new combo on (2) rather than (1), it flows better to your combo pattern

00:34:766 - add a note here, it feel weird starting to play after the vocals have started, by putting a note here you start at the same time and feels much better
00:41:195 (5) - new combo, to follow your pattern
00:45:481 (5) - same
00:53:249 (3,4,5,6) - spacing, (4,5,6) are too close give them the same spacing as (3,4) two different spacing in one combo like this is really bad :/
(suggestion) 01:06:641 (1) - remove this note and i gives it a better feel i think
02:15:481 (3) - new combo, your breaking the pattern you use earlier
03:41:463 (5) - newcombo, to break this change up abit

02:11:463 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - this pattern is really ugly, maybe placement like this?

03:41:195 (4) - new combo here, it makes the spacing of this combo much easier to read, and it also follows the pattern of the next combo

maxzjs's Insane
00:10:391 (1) - remove new combo, your breaking your pattern

nothing unrankable in this diff but it really really feels rushed, a lot of the map has alignment probs and some ugly placements on the patterns, i do advise you to go through this map and line up the notes in the combo's better and overall just make it all abit more clean, in other words this kinda need a self nazi on it ;)

nice set overall though o/
Topic Starter

jericho2442 wrote:

average 128kbps mp3 ;_;

01:06:909 (2) - plays better starting at 01:07:177 to me, it follows the vocals then Fix
02:24:856 (1,2) - put the new combo on (2) rather than (1), it flows better to your combo patternFix

00:34:766 - add a note here, it feel weird starting to play after the vocals have started, by putting a note here you start at the same time and feels much betterFix
00:41:195 (5) - new combo, to follow your patternFix
00:45:481 (5) - sameFix
00:53:249 (3,4,5,6) - spacing, (4,5,6) are too close give them the same spacing as (3,4) two different spacing in one combo like this is really bad :/Fix
(suggestion) 01:06:641 (1) - remove this note and i gives it a better feel i thinkFix
02:15:481 (3) - new combo, your breaking the pattern you use earlierFix
03:41:463 (5) - newcombo, to break this change up abitFix

02:11:463 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - this pattern is really ugly, maybe placement like this?Fix
03:41:195 (4) - new combo here, it makes the spacing of this combo much easier to read, and it also follows the pattern of the next combo
nice set overall though o/

Set video offset to -100

00:00:749 (1,2) - make them more symmetrical

00:02:891 (3) - add whistle at start
01:29:677 (4) - move hitfinish to the end of slider

00:35:034 (1,2,3) - move 1/2 left
00:36:106 (3) - make it repeat
00:45:481 (5) - new combo
02:05:034 (3,4) - spacing is different from latter notes

~maxzjs's Insane~
00:02:891 (11) - new combo
00:03:427 (1) - remove new combo
00:05:034 (1) - add whistle
00:05:838 (5) - remove whistle
00:06:641 (1) - add whistle & remove new combo
00:07:177 (3) - new combo
00:09:320 (1) - add whistle at start
00:10:391 (1) - ^
00:11:463 (1) - ^
00:13:070 (6) - add whistle
00:38:784 (7) - ^
00:50:704 (9) - move timing section to (10)
00:58:606 (2,3) - too close
01:22:177 (9) - new combo
01:46:016 (4,5,6,7) - jump? O.o (spacings are not the same)
02:54:320 (1) - remove new combo
02:54:588 (2) - new combo
02:55:391 (1) - remove new combo
02:56:463 (10) - new combo
03:01:820 (1) - remove new combo
03:07:713 (8) - new combo
03:09:052 (1) - remove new combo
03:09:320 (2) - new combo

Already star.
Topic Starter

DJPop wrote:

Set video offset to -100

00:00:749 (1,2) - make them more symmetrical

00:02:891 (3) - add whistle at start
01:29:677 (4) - move hitfinish to the end of slider

00:35:034 (1,2,3) - move 1/2 left
00:36:106 (3) - make it repeat
00:45:481 (5) - new combo
02:05:034 (3,4) - spacing is different from latter notes

~maxzjs's Insane~
00:02:891 (11) - new combo
00:03:427 (1) - remove new combo
00:05:034 (1) - add whistle
00:05:838 (5) - remove whistle
00:06:641 (1) - add whistle & remove new combo
00:07:177 (3) - new combo
00:09:320 (1) - add whistle at start
00:10:391 (1) - ^
00:11:463 (1) - ^
00:13:070 (6) - add whistle
00:38:784 (7) - ^
00:50:704 (9) - move timing section to (10)
00:58:606 (2,3) - too close
01:22:177 (9) - new combo
01:46:016 (4,5,6,7) - jump? O.o (spacings are not the same)
02:54:320 (1) - remove new combo
02:54:588 (2) - new combo
02:55:391 (1) - remove new combo
02:56:463 (10) - new combo
03:01:820 (1) - remove new combo
03:07:713 (8) - new combo
03:09:052 (1) - remove new combo
03:09:320 (2) - new combo

Already star.
ALL done Thanks DJpop>"<
Everything is fine.

I always have the corrupted osz file downloaded(though others got the available file) so it is just a bubble fixed :/
I fall in love for this song, so I'm gonna say...

恭喜 :D
congrat ;)

Topic Starter
Thanks everybody>"<
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