
Takenobu Mitsuyoshi - Shenmue

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on den 12 oktober 2018 at 17:00:40

Artist: Mitsuyoshi Takenobu
Title: Shenmue
Source: Shenmue
Tags: yu suzuki dojo hazuki sega epic dreamcast
BPM: 70
Filesize: 12756kb
Play Time: 03:50
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard: Shenhua (2,13 stars, 327 notes)
  2. Easy: Nozomi (1,4 stars, 208 notes)
  3. Normal: Ryo (1,77 stars, 264 notes)
Download: Mitsuyoshi Takenobu - Shenmue
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I love the Shenmue series. And this is my tribute.
Thanks to for the images used in SB.
Shenmue III, one day it will come.

When you play this map for the first time, please play without mods so you can play this map as I intended.


Extra special thanks goes to Starrodmoarkirby86 for help with SB and timing!

Thanks for modding: Mashley, James2250, gyt, Nivalis, Starrodkirby86, Kuroneko-sHerald, KingsAL2, Nitroz
Shenmue *.*
your hitsounds are great btw =D
(waiting for shenmue 3 too xD)
Storyboard is cute. I wish you'd make the images in the first bit less square. Try removing the white bits with magic wand in photoshop or a similar program. That big circle thing is visibly badly cut out, even while playing.
Please use tickrate 1.


00:04:524 (1) - Less overlap please.
03:17:810 (4) - New combo
03:24:667 (3) - ^


Nice, relaxing mapset :)
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Mashley wrote:

That big circle thing is visibly badly cut out, even while playing.
I know!! :(
But it's the absolute best image of the dragon mirror or phoenix mirror (that's what they're called) I could find. If someone skilled with photoshop or lucky with an image search finds a better one for me, PLEASE post!

Mashley wrote:

I wish you'd make the images in the first bit less square. Try removing the white bits with magic wand in photoshop or a similar program.
I see what you mean. I may or may not fix it though. I always thought it looked pretty good like that...

Mashley wrote:

00:04:524 (1) - Less overlap please.
03:17:810 (4) - New combo
03:24:667 (3) - ^

Mashley wrote:

Nice, relaxing mapset :)
Thank you very much!

Eirene wrote:

Shenmue *.*
your hitsounds are great btw =D
(waiting for shenmue 3 too xD)
Thank you! <3
More of a technical mod than a game play mod, the maps are nicely done

-Did you use grid level 2 to map this, I would prefer if you used the smallest grid
-All your sb images should be 800x600 or less so re-size as2, chai1b, DCMAGAZI, Guzihang, Ryo, Xuiying (I would also resize your 2 background images that are 1024x768 atm to 800x600 as they are part of the sb kinda)
-Maximum height for combo burst is 767, resize it
-Include a cursor trail (one from template skin should be fine)
-You need a hit 0
-I agree cut out the white background on the sb's (you can use Paint.Net if you don't have photo shop), the circle, section pass/section fail could prob use some touching up too, I am not good enough to fix them myself >_>
-Remove countdown on all difficulties
-The finishes on the map are kind of overpowering, especially at the beginning, lower the volume on them

AR -1 for the easiest difficulty
00:14:810 (1,2,3) - could be stacked better
No spinners? :(

03:19:524 (10) - don't let combos go so high on easy difficulty like this (same comment as last mod post)
03:26:381 (9) - ^

Some sliders could be slightly more symmetrical but anyway~
00:01:096 (1,2,3,4) - odd pattern, align 1,2,4?
00:15:667 (2,4) - align?
00:52:524 (10) - new combo
01:07:096 (2) - make this a slider? Feels empty here

Your timing sounds very off at the end of the maps (listen in 25%, I'm not a timing expert but it sounds like you need some new timing sections near the end)
This map is so good! So I can only do some crappy hitsound suggestions. :)

01:12:667 (1) - add whistle at the end?

01:02:381 - add whistle circle?
02:36:239 (6) - replace finish to whistle? (or maybe reduce finish volume by ~1 tick)
02:55:953 (3) - replace finish to whistle at the repeat?
03:16:524 (3) - remove finish at the end?
03:23:381 (2) - remove finish at the end?
03:35:381 (1) - add finish?

01:13:953 (3) - replace finish to whistle? (or maybe reduce finish volume by ~1 tick)
01:46:524 (3) - replace finish to whistle?
03:17:381 (2) - remove finish?

fine for me~
Hello (again) Real1! Stumbled upon your signature this time.

-> Uncheck "Enable Countdown"
-> I think it's better to have the last SB (Shenmue_II_00009.jpg) fading from black rather from the bg. This is because in [Ryo] and [Shenhua] the BG comes after spinner.
-> "Ryo2.jpg" comes up late and fade out too early. I myself isn't a SB expert, but this is what I do while experimenting with your BG:

-> If you follow my advice about SB, you might want to place a spinner before Shenmue_II_00009.jog.
00:14:810 (1,2,3) - Not perfectly stacked (and this is easy to notice). Turn off grid snap for perfect stack
00:32:810 (1) - 1grid down+right?
01:33:667 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - For an easy diff, notes like this is tricky to doubletime. You don't have to change this though.
02:04:524 (1) - Curve this more?
02:47:381 (3) - Move right a little so the end is perfectly in the center?
03:38:810 (1) - One grid left (yes, by not following distance snap you can get perfect result, and it's hard to realize the tiny spacing change)

00:01:096 (1) - Add whistle at end?
00:13:953 (2) - 1 grid up?
00:52:096 (8) - Add whistle?
01:15:667 (1) - 1 lv3 grid down?
03:13:096 (1) - Weird curve, curve it better?
03:50:949 (1) - Make it symmetrical?

-> HP Drain +1
01:01:096 (4) - 1 grid down+right for the endpoint?
02:26:810 (6) - 1 grid down?
03:18:239 (3) - It's not between (1) and (2)... Move left a little bit

I've modded three maps of yours... And this one is your best, really.
Topic Starter
Thank you very much, Nivalis!~ I appreciate it!
I don't understand the Kiai at 2:17:917. I do get the fountain part of it, but at where the Kiai ends...doesn't really make any sense. Maybe you were planning to extend the Kiai a little bit longer or something?

abovesakuramorn.png seems to be unused...? If so, can you remove it?

I do agree that the images being like this seem a little awkward. However, there's been slideshows and other things similar to this and it's pretty much fine. Maybe as a suggestion, you can always add a small border (or stroke) extruding from the image? Just like those photograph images. I also think the images with just a white background (The drawings) might do better if that white's cut. But it's up to you. This is simply just a suggestion.

If you supply me the image of the Dragon Mirror, maybe I can be of assistance there.

Gotta take a deeper inspection towards the timing. Will scrutinize that later.

Yay for Real1!
Topic Starter

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

I don't understand the Kiai at 2:17:917. I do get the fountain part of it, but at where the Kiai ends...doesn't really make any sense. Maybe you were planning to extend the Kiai a little bit longer or something?

abovesakuramorn.png seems to be unused...? If so, can you remove it?

I do agree that the images being like this seem a little awkward. However, there's been slideshows and other things similar to this and it's pretty much fine. Maybe as a suggestion, you can always add a small border (or stroke) extruding from the image? Just like those photograph images. I also think the images with just a white background (The drawings) might do better if that white's cut. But it's up to you. This is simply just a suggestion.

If you supply me the image of the Dragon Mirror, maybe I can be of assistance there.

Gotta take a deeper inspection towards the timing. Will scrutinize that later.

Yay for Real1!
Did all. If ppl want the new SB they need to re-dl this map.

The Dragon Mirror image I used is the one in the folder man. It's the original, only difference is that it's smaller.

Thank you very much for your mod. *bows*
Topic Starter
With the help of god Starrodkirby86, the dragon mirror now looks much better.
Tried this, I think it made things feel nicer.

+19 to all sections. This means 1096 -> 1115, etc.

Then add the following timing sections at the end, all with the BPM of 69.8.


That shouldn't be too tough because all these timing sections directly fall on something already snapped. These timing sections are there to help the metronome and snapping to be in sync for the next notes.

Add these sections and snap the following notes to the new section. This will be in [Shenhua].

03:45:254 (4) - 225327
03:46:973 (3) -226938
03:48:692 (4) - 228657
03:50:949 (1) - 230914

Keep a backup, just in case...I do hope this sounds nicer to you.
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It is ready!111 I will be forever grateful!
i know it's really selfish of me, but i'd really prefer to irc mod. much easier than typing it all here, sorry for inconvenience, Real1 >.<
Revived 8-)

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

Revived 8-)
And revived once more. I hope this isn't going to turn out like Sega's Shenmue games. :c

Keep fighting on.
Topic Starter

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

Revived 8-)
And revived once more. I hope this isn't going to turn out like Sega's Shenmue games. :c

Keep fighting on.

Haha, that's tragic. :(

Change that gray combo color please; it's hard to read.


00:19:115 (1,2) - These sliders don't look right. Go into Grid Level 4 and see if you can fix that please.
00:32:829 (2) - ^
01:07:115 (2) - ^

Just look through your map for sliders that look like those and fix them. Shouldn't take too long.



The only thing that should be on an easiest diff from you is non-pretty sliders, so I just glanced at it and it looks fine.

Just fix that gray slider color and it should be good to go. Star!
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Thanks man, and sorry again for breaking your rules.
Mod requested by gyt

You should add some sort of cursortrail since you have a custom cursor.
mp3 has 224kbps but now the max allowed is 192kbps. You should change it.

03:45:327 (4) - Spacing. It's too far from (3) for an easy.
03:49:329 - Meaning of this red section? It doing nothing, so remove it.
03:51:719 - Why there is a red section here? It should be green.
03:49:329 - Remove this and put volume 11% at 03:49:329 -
03:50:615 - Useless timing section. Remove it.
03:50:914 (1) - Remove Finish?

00:04:543 (1) - Move at 00:04:686 - ? (Beat snap divisor 1/6)
03:49:329 - Same as Nozomi.
03:51:719 - ^
03:49:329 - ^
03:50:615 - ^
03:50:914 (1) - ^

00:04:543 (1) - Same as Ryo.
03:51:719 - Same as Nozomi.
03:49:329 - ^
03:50:615 - ^
03:50:914 (1) - ^

Nice map and SB. Star~
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I'll get on that asap, but I can't go to osu! at the moment.

However, all those red timing sections are put there by Starrodkirby86 to help with the timing towards the end. I trust in his decision.
I'll fix the rest though as soon as I can.

Thanks for modding!

And thank you gyt for always supporting me! <3
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Can someone point me to a program that lowers quality of mp3 but doesn't screw up the offset?

Real1 wrote:

Can someone point me to a program that lowers quality of mp3 but doesn't screw up the offset?
Look at this thread. Maps submitted before October 25, 2010 may keep their mp3 so long as it's 256kbps or less.
Topic Starter

gyt wrote:

Real1 wrote:

Can someone point me to a program that lowers quality of mp3 but doesn't screw up the offset?
Look at this thread. Maps submitted before October 25, 2010 may keep their mp3 so long as it's 256kbps or less.
gyt, you are awesome as always! :)
*By Al2 mod queue.

00:15:043 (S) - There is no point to put on a timing section in here and 00:18:043
02:26:400 (4,5,6,7,8) - I think w>n>w>n>w is better (w=wistle, n=none)
02:29:829 (3) - 2 was no sound but why 3 was no sound also?
02:38:829 (1,2,3...) - Why it need no sound here?
03:23:400 (1-3rd) - no sound here? Or finish?

Ohh... great but the sound is wiring.
Because the "No sound" effect is bad.
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KingsAL2 wrote:

*By Al2 mod queue.

00:15:043 (S) - There is no point to put on a timing section in here and 00:18:043
02:26:400 (4,5,6,7,8) - I think w>n>w>n>w is better (w=wistle, n=none)
02:29:829 (3) - 2 was no sound but why 3 was no sound also?
02:38:829 (1,2,3...) - Why it need no sound here?
03:23:400 (1-3rd) - no sound here? Or finish?

Ohh... great but the sound is wiring.
Because the "No sound" effect is bad.
Must be your settings. It does have sound on some of the notes you mentioned... Anyway, I agreed to one of the suggestions, so thanks.
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Too much work put into this to just let it die. Any help is appreciated.
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Real1 wrote:

Too much work put into this to just let it die. Any help is appreciated.
This modding thread has been migrated to the new "modding discussions" system. Please make sure to re-post any existing (and unresolved) efforts to the new system as required.
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