
Can anyone give me advice to improve my anime/manga art?

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I've just recently started drawing anime/manga and need some advice. Any advice at all would be super useful!
Sophie Chan and markcrilley have some pretty good tutorials imo

You should check them out.
DeviantArt was a good site to learn too.
Daichi Shinku
For now, you need to prioritize Quantity over Quality...

So just copy a lot of pic / images....
Tutorials will not help you that much in the end though... its up to your preferences to use them or not...

After 1000 Hours of drawing like that, you'll be good at drawing :9

References: ... -practice/
Mmm..If you're only trying to become a manga artist, instead of watching more anime you should read more manga. Lots of manga. And art books, comics, deviantart, tumblr, whatever. Check out lots of amazing artists (I was going to list some examples but there's just too many.. ;v;), observe and learn their style a bit, how they draw eyes, mouth, hair, etc. That's how I got to get better at drawing those stuff. As for full bodies, try studying human anatomy (really important!), copy images of human bodies off google images or something. Also get a large mirror and look at your own body, it helps a lot, like having a custom model. Just keep practicing, draw more, and you'll eventually get the hang of it (kinda like osu! lol). 8-)

sajadude wrote:

So I've recently become and Otaku and I'm obsessed with anime. Ever since I was around six years old I was drawing things much better than other kids my age, I guess you could call it natural talent... Anyways I'm twelve years old right now and have started drawing manga. I've got a basic understanding since I watch tutorials and MASSIVE amounts of anime but I'm having a little bit of trouble. I can't seem to draw these things very well:

1) Draw a whole body (Second/Third person perspective)
2) Draw eyes
3) Draw hair (I only know how to draw basic short hair)
4) Draw mouth

So basically I'm very new to drawing anime/manga since I can't draw these things very well. Although I'm new those are the main things I'm focusing on right now and I know its a lot to ask people I don't know for help but if you could give me any advice or link me to any tutorials because that would help me so much! I'm really set on trying to become a great manga artist and anything would help.
Thanks in advance!

(Sorry for anything I did wrong here, I seriously am 12 xD)
it's nice to be able to start early :o
youtube has many nice tutorials and you can try getting instagram and following some artists like sasucchi95 or ao1ken (i look up to them hahaha) and get inspiration? many artists are really really good and they might be some help
(i'm also trying to draw but not too good at it)

one thing i'd like to say is that i discourage copying bc it gets addictive? and when you try to draw your own characters there will be a rather obvious difference (a sudden drop in skill) so you should try starting from scratch... Reference is okay but copying should only be used when you are stuck or have art block imo
it may seem hard at the start, but if you keep practicing it'll pay off really :)

post your art when you start :) (either here or PM me or smth i love artists at instagram: @ryusaki_hatsue or deviantart: ryusakihatsue)
^ posting art can also give lots of encouragement and inspiration... i nearly gave up so many times but all the people who followed me gave me lots of encouragement and inspiration and i pushed on :D

Well, that's most of it i guess? gambatte~

It is always problematic when you start off drawing but eventually with practice you get better and better, until you are drawing on levels of actual manga artists :P
Ooh, another twelve year old like me drawing anime haha.
I always found reference drawing easier than tutorials.
However that is my opinion haha.
I usually start with drawing the head then the body, but if it's really complicated stuff I'd work on the body first and make those proportions right then work on the head. I never really do complicated stuff, my talent is close up face drawings, eyes are my strong point, as well as shading.
My weak points are full body drawings, getting the proportions right is soo hard, isn't it? Haha. With practice, you'd be fine. :D
After getting the basics, find your style, the way you like to draw. Maybe some inspiration from Mark Crilley, I know I use his style for chibis. Take some ideas, but don't copy of course! :P

Hope I helped, good luck!
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