
EGOIST - Ame, Kimi o Tsurete

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IRC mod
13:40 CaffeAmericano: 안녕하세요 :3
13:40 Taeyang: 안녕하세요~
13:40 CaffeAmericano: 혹시 모딩 부탁드려도 될까요?
13:41 Taeyang:
13:41 Taeyang: 이건가요
13:41 CaffeAmericano: 넵
13:46 Taeyang: 님 no dap님 아시나요
13:46 CaffeAmericano: 개인적으론 모르구, no dap 님 맵은 알아요
13:46 Taeyang: 음 매핑 경력이 짧은데 잘찍으셧 ㅋㅅㅋ
13:47 CaffeAmericano: 감사합니다 ;^;
13:47 Taeyang: 누구한테 배우셨나영
13:47 CaffeAmericano: 한국 매핑,모딩 포럼 eINess 님 맨티에요
13:47 Taeyang: 아하 글쿤
13:47 CaffeAmericano: eINess 님이 많이 도와주셨어요 ㅇㅅㅇ
13:48 Taeyang: 모딩할 시간이 없는데 RLC로 해도될까요?
13:48 CaffeAmericano: RLC 가 뭔가요?
13:48 Taeyang: ㅁㄴㅇㄹ라ㅓㅁㄴㅇㄹ
13:48 Taeyang: IRC zzzz
13:48 Taeyang: zzzz
13:48 Taeyang: 채팅으로하는 모딩이요
13:48 Taeyang: IRC
13:48 Taeyang: 앜앜
13:49 CaffeAmericano: 아
13:49 CaffeAmericano: ㅋㅋㅋ
13:49 CaffeAmericano: 네
13:49 Taeyang: soft-sliderslide2.wav
13:49 Taeyang: 이거
13:49 Taeyang: 사용 안하시는거 같은데
13:49 Taeyang: 확인해보세요
13:49 CaffeAmericano: 네
13:49 CaffeAmericano: 사용하거나, 지우거나 할게요 ㅇㅅㅇ
13:49 Taeyang: 00:21:335 {21335}
13:49 Taeyang: 00:42:205 {42205}
13:49 Taeyang: 00:53:618 {53618}
13:50 Taeyang: 초록선
13:50 Taeyang: 언스냅
13:50 CaffeAmericano: 무슨 난이도인가요?
13:50 CaffeAmericano: 아하
13:50 Taeyang: 전부다요
13:50 CaffeAmericano: 모든 난이도 일듯 ;_;
13:50 CaffeAmericano: 오프셋 바꿨더니 저러던데
13:50 Taeyang: 오프셋 바꿀때
13:51 Taeyang: 다같이 움직여줬어야하는데
13:51 CaffeAmericano: 일일이 바꿔야 하나요?
13:51 CaffeAmericano: 네
13:51 Taeyang: 이미 옮겨버려서
13:51 Taeyang: 하나씪 옮겨야하지만
13:51 Taeyang:
13:51 Taeyang: 원래는 저렇게 한꺼번에 잡고
13:51 Taeyang: move 이용해서 한꺼번에 오프셋이랑 같이 움직여요
13:51 CaffeAmericano: 넵
13:52 CaffeAmericano: 알겠습니다 :3
13:52 Taeyang: 그담 타이밍->모든 노트 재배치 하면 되는거고
13:52 Taeyang:
13:52 Taeyang: 메타데이터
13:52 CaffeAmericano: 네
13:52 Taeyang: 이미 랭맵있고
13:54 Taeyang: 이지
13:54 Taeyang: 00:26:551 (1) -
13:54 Taeyang: 이렇게 부드럽게 쓰시면 더좋고
13:54 Taeyang:
13:54 CaffeAmericano: 네
13:55 Taeyang: 혹시 아이네스님이
13:55 CaffeAmericano: 혹시
13:55 CaffeAmericano: 네?
13:55 Taeyang: 블랭킷 잡는법 알려주셨나요
13:55 CaffeAmericano: 딱히 알려 주시진 않았어요
13:56 Taeyang:
13:56 Taeyang: 이런 방법도 있고
13:56 CaffeAmericano: 대충 어떻게 잡는지 알긴 하는데, 맞는 방법인진 모르겠네요
13:56 CaffeAmericano: 네
13:56 Taeyang: 지금 여기부분
13:56 Taeyang:
13:56 Taeyang: 00:21:333 (1,2) -
13:56 Taeyang: 약간 삐뚤어져있는데 어떻게 보냐면
13:57 Taeyang: 00:22:312 (2) - 의 어프로치 서클에 맞춰서
13:57 Taeyang: 블랭킷하시면 편해요
13:57 CaffeAmericano: 네
13:57 Taeyang: 하실때 그리드 스냅 뺴시고
13:57 CaffeAmericano: 넵
13:57 Taeyang: 이런식으로 어프로치 서클에 맞추면 좀더 깔끔하게되요
13:57 Taeyang:
13:58 CaffeAmericano: 네
13:58 Taeyang: 01:13:507 (1) -
13:58 Taeyang: 이런식으로 틱에서 점대칭이 되게
13:58 Taeyang:
13:59 CaffeAmericano: 넵
13:59 Taeyang: 01:13:507 (1,2,3,4,5) -
13:59 Taeyang: 흐름
13:59 Taeyang: 저것도 괜찮은데
13:59 Taeyang:
13:59 Taeyang: 앞에 곡선 많이 쓰셔서
14:00 CaffeAmericano: 일관성 있는게 좋겠죠 :3
14:00 Taeyang: 01:21:333 - 난이도 전체적으로 스핀끝 소리 줄여줬으면 좋겠어요
14:00 Taeyang: 네
14:00 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:00 Taeyang: 아이네스님한테서 아마 이지노말 기본
14:00 Taeyang: DS 지키는것 뉴콤 힛사
14:00 Taeyang: 언랭요소
14:01 Taeyang: 리듬 배워오신듯
14:01 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:01 Taeyang: 나중에가서 흐름도 알려달라고하셉 ㅋㅅㅋ
14:01 CaffeAmericano: 흐름은 좋은 맵 몇개 추천해 주시고 보고 배우라고 하셨어요 ㅋㅋ
14:01 Taeyang: ㅇㅋㅇㅋ
14:01 CaffeAmericano: 흐름이 조금 어색한가요?
14:02 Taeyang: 아녀 나쁘진 않아요 이지는
14:02 CaffeAmericano: ㅇㅅㅇ
14:03 Taeyang: 하드
14:03 Taeyang: 아이넼님이 2다운비트로 박으시라고 하셨나영
14:03 CaffeAmericano: 무슨 말인지 모르겠어요 ㅋㅋ
14:04 Taeyang: 00:12:203 (5) - 저라면
14:04 Taeyang: 00:14:812 (6) -
14:04 Taeyang: 00:17:420 (5) -
14:04 Taeyang: 1다운비트마다 뉴콤 박았을것같은
14:04 Taeyang: 뉴콤주기를 반으로
14:04 CaffeAmericano: 아하
14:04 Taeyang: 근데 상관없어요 딱히
14:04 Taeyang: 00:13:996 (3) - 슬라에 휘슬 들어간거
14:04 CaffeAmericano: 한번 나중에 확인해 볼게요
14:04 Taeyang: 제거
14:05 Taeyang: 00:14:812 (6) -
14:05 CaffeAmericano: 사실 하드를 제일 먼저 만들어서 뉴콤은 전혀 신경쓰지 않고 밖았어요 ~_~
14:05 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:06 Taeyang: 00:38:942 (1,1) - 스택
14:06 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:07 Taeyang:
14:07 Taeyang: 00:41:551 (4,5,6,7) -
14:07 Taeyang: 흐름
14:08 Taeyang: 00:41:877 (6,7,1) - 최소 이런 물흐르는 무빙이 필요한 넓은 점프는
14:08 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:08 Taeyang: 00:42:040 (7) - 의 DS가 00:41:877 (6,1) - 여기랑 거의 비슷한게 좋아요
14:08 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:08 Taeyang: 00:45:790 (4,4) - 힛사 일관성
14:10 Taeyang: 00:49:703 (6) - DS 확인
14:10 Taeyang: 1.1 ,1.25
14:10 Taeyang: 00:56:551 (6) -
14:10 Taeyang:
14:11 CaffeAmericano: 넵
14:11 CaffeAmericano: 질문이 있는데요
14:11 Taeyang: ㄴ
14:11 Taeyang: 네
14:11 CaffeAmericano: 혹시 슬라 새로 만들지 않고 점을 추가할 수 있나요?
14:11 Taeyang: 네
14:11 Taeyang: 컨트롤+ 마우스클릭
14:11 CaffeAmericano: 아하
14:11 Taeyang: 점 추가할곳에
14:12 Taeyang: 01:05:518 (1,2,3) -
14:12 CaffeAmericano: 넵
14:12 Taeyang: 00:54:920 (4,1) -
14:12 Taeyang: 3연타 일관성
14:12 Taeyang: 01:05:681 (3) - 다운비트 여기 뉴콤 시작 지점
14:13 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:13 Taeyang: 00:57:855 (1) - 01:08:127 (1,2,3) -
14:13 Taeyang: 여기도 서로 리듬 다른거 생각해보세요
14:13 Taeyang: 01:08:290 (3) - 뉴콤 시작 지점
14:13 Taeyang: 01:08:127 (1) - 여기 ㄴㄴ
14:13 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:13 Taeyang: 01:10:898 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - 뉴콤 주기가 1다운비트로 바뀌었어요
14:14 Taeyang: 앞이랑 일관성있게 2다운비트 유지하거나
14:14 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:14 Taeyang: 앞의 뉴콤주기를 1다운비트로
14:14 CaffeAmericano: 알겠습니다 :3
14:15 Taeyang: 담요로 퀼잡는 법중에서
14:15 Taeyang: 인센 ㄱㄱ
14:15 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:16 Taeyang: 담요 간격을 잘 똑같게해서 퀼잡는법도 있어요
14:16 Taeyang: 00:10:898 (1,2) -
14:16 Taeyang: 00:12:203 (1,3) -
14:16 Taeyang: 앞에껀 가깝고 뒤어껀 조금 벌어짐
14:16 Taeyang: 삐뚤
14:16 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:16 Taeyang: 어프로치 보고
14:16 Taeyang:
14:16 Taeyang: 00:13:996 (3,4) -
14:17 Taeyang: 그리드스냅끄고
14:17 Taeyang:
14:17 Taeyang: 이렇게
14:17 CaffeAmericano: 넵
14:17 Taeyang: 00:14:812 (1,2,3) -
14:17 Taeyang: 너무 직선만 쓰면 딱딱해지니
14:17 Taeyang: 이렇게
14:17 Taeyang:
14:18 CaffeAmericano: ㅇㅇ
14:18 Taeyang: 보통 무난한 tv사이즈 맵 찍으실때
14:18 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:18 Taeyang: 곡선 직선 슬라 비율을
14:18 Taeyang: 2:1로 맞춰가면서 찍어보세요
14:18 Taeyang: 너무 직선만 찍으면 맵이 딱딱해지고
14:19 Taeyang: 너무 곡선만 쓰면 맵이 너무 정직해져서 재미없어지기떄문에
14:19 CaffeAmericano: 넵
14:19 Taeyang: 2:1 비율
14:19 CaffeAmericano: 알겠습니다 ㅇㅅㅇ
14:19 Taeyang: 00:15:627 - 00:15:790 -
14:19 Taeyang: 노트추가
14:19 Taeyang: 아
14:19 Taeyang: 잘못함
14:19 Taeyang: ㄴㄴ
14:19 Taeyang: 암것도 아님
14:20 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:20 Taeyang: 맵에서 심벌소리가 안들리면
14:20 Taeyang: 왠만하면 자제하는게 좋아요
14:20 Taeyang: 00:21:007 - 00:21:170 -
14:20 Taeyang: 클랍 휘슬도 소리나는대로 넣는게 좋고
14:20 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:21 Taeyang: 클랍 휘슬은 어느정도 어레인지 해도되지만
14:21 Taeyang: 심벌은 너무 넣으면 시끄러워져서 ㅋㅅㅋ
14:21 CaffeAmericano: 넵 ㅋㅋ
14:22 Taeyang: 00:22:964 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - 여기만 특별히 어려운 이유가 있나요
14:22 Taeyang: 00:25:246 (1,2,3,4) -
14:22 Taeyang: 00:28:181 (1,2,3,4,5) -
14:22 Taeyang: 00:32:909 (4,5,1,2,3) -
14:22 Taeyang: 비교해봤을때 유독 저기만 어려워요
14:22 CaffeAmericano: 그렇죠 ㅇㅅㅇ;
14:23 Taeyang: 수정요망
14:23 Taeyang: 00:34:295 - 소리 없음
14:24 Taeyang: 흐름
14:24 CaffeAmericano: 소리 없는곳에 3연타 넣는건 거의 무조건 않되나요 ㅇㅅㅇ?
14:24 Taeyang:
14:24 Taeyang: 백그라운드가 잘따라주면 좋은데
14:24 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:24 Taeyang: 기본적으로 소리없는곳에 노트를 넣거나
14:25 Taeyang: 앞에는 소리 잡았었는데 뒤에가서 안잡는 이런건
14:25 Taeyang: 언랭요소 될수있어요
14:25 CaffeAmericano: 조금 햇갈리네요 ~_~
14:25 CaffeAmericano: 인센에 오버매핑 여지가 있는 3연타 많이 넣었는데
14:26 Taeyang: 00:29:159 (6) - 슬라에 휘슬 제거
14:26 CaffeAmericano: 다른 부분들은 괜찮은가요?
14:26 Taeyang: 다른 부분도 많아요
14:26 Taeyang: 00:28:344 (2,3,4) -
14:26 Taeyang: 여기도 없고
14:26 Taeyang: 00:27:040 (2,3,4) - 여기도 없고
14:26 Taeyang: 예전에 저도
14:27 *Taeyang is listening to [ Yun*chi - Wonderful Wonder World*]
14:27 Taeyang: 이거 작업하면서
14:28 Taeyang:
14:28 Taeyang:
14:28 Taeyang: 기껏 모딩 다받았는데
14:28 Taeyang: 븐한테 지적 당해서
14:28 Taeyang: 결국 리맵 하고 모딩 10개 새로받고 랭시켰 ㅠ
14:29 CaffeAmericano: ㅜㅜ
14:29 CaffeAmericano: 그래도 조금 애매한것 같네요
14:29 Taeyang: 네 3연타 스팸은 왠만하면 수정하는게 좋고
14:29 CaffeAmericano: 2015년에 랭된 맵 중에도 소리 없는곳에 3연타 많던데 ㅜ
14:29 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:29 Taeyang: 아이네스님한테 물어보고
14:29 Taeyang: 고치라하면 고치는게 좋을거같아요 제생각엔
14:29 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:30 CaffeAmericano: 사실 다른 모더분도 지적 하셔서
14:30 CaffeAmericano: 아마 줄이는게 좋을것 같긴해요 ㅋㅋ
14:30 Taeyang: 줄인다면
14:30 Taeyang: 확실하게 다 없애셔야해요 만얔 한다면
14:30 CaffeAmericano: 그런가요
14:30 Taeyang: 결국 자신이 인정한셈이니 퀼저하 요인은 전부 없애서
14:31 CaffeAmericano: 없애라고 한 부분이 20군데인데 ㅋㅋ
14:31 Taeyang: 랭시키는데 지금의 랭크 원칙이기도 하거든요
14:31 CaffeAmericano: 우와 ㅜ
14:31 Taeyang: ㅠ
14:31 Taeyang: 그래서 매핑 조금씩 조금씩하고
14:31 Taeyang: 잘하는분 가져가서 맵텟 받는것도 나름 중요
14:31 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:31 Taeyang: 다만들고 큰문제점들 잡히면 멘붕하니 ㅁㄴㅇㄹ
14:32 Taeyang: 그리고
14:32 Taeyang: 하드맵
14:32 Taeyang: 뉴콤주기 왔다리 갔다리 하는것
14:32 Taeyang: 01:08:127 (11,12,1) -
14:32 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:32 Taeyang:
14:32 Taeyang: 이게 맞는거예요
14:32 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:32 Taeyang: 저렇게 패턴에 따라 하는것 앞부분까지 하나의 패턴이 되어있어야해요
14:33 Taeyang: 01:07:964 (10,1) -
14:33 Taeyang: 01:08:779 (2,3) -
14:33 Taeyang: 블랭킷 간격까지 지킬 필요 없지만
14:33 Taeyang: 퀼저하의 요인은 되요
14:34 CaffeAmericano: 무슨 말인지 잘 모르겠는데, 다시 설명해 주실수 있나요 ㅜ
14:35 Taeyang:
14:35 Taeyang: 다듬다듬
14:35 Taeyang:
14:35 Taeyang: 나중에
14:35 Taeyang: 매핑 할때
14:36 Taeyang: 신경써서 하면좋고
14:36 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:36 Taeyang: 지금은 딱히 괜찮아요
14:36 Taeyang: 그것보다
14:36 Taeyang: 하드 난이도라서
14:36 Taeyang: 약간 점프도 넣어도 좋았을텐데
14:36 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:36 Taeyang: 특히 키아이까지 DS 같은 필요는 없
14:36 Taeyang: 00:57:203 (8,1) - 여기서는 줄어들기까지했고
14:37 Taeyang: 1.2 배속이 쓰인것도 아니라서
14:37 Taeyang: 군데군데 점프추가 가능하면 해보세요
14:37 Taeyang: 일관성있게
14:37 CaffeAmericano: 처음 랭시킬려는 맵이라 조금 조심스럽게 만들었어요 ~_~
14:37 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:37 Taeyang: 기본적인 면으로 볼땐
14:37 Taeyang: 잘만드셨어요 처음만든거 치곤
14:37 CaffeAmericano: 감사합니다:3
14:38 CaffeAmericano: 리맵을 한 네번 하긴 했지만요 ㅋㅋㅋ
14:38 Taeyang: 이렇게 만들면 모딩하기가 편하기때문에 금방금방 랭될듯
14:38 Taeyang: 잌ㅋㅋㅋ
14:38 CaffeAmericano: 지금 멘토/멘티 기간 3주쨰인데
14:39 CaffeAmericano: 앞으로 5주안에 랭 시키는게 일단 목표에요 ㅋㅋ
14:39 Taeyang: 모딩갯수가 7이고
14:40 Taeyang: 아마 15개~20개 쯤되면
14:40 Taeyang: 랭크될거 같네요
14:40 Taeyang: 중간에 븐모딩 1~2개 얻어내고
Topic Starter

Taeyang wrote:

IRC mod
13:40 CaffeAmericano: 안녕하세요 :3
13:40 Taeyang: 안녕하세요~
13:40 CaffeAmericano: 혹시 모딩 부탁드려도 될까요?
13:41 Taeyang: t/364283/start=15
13:41 Taeyang: 이건가요
13:41 CaffeAmericano: 넵
13:46 Taeyang: 님 no dap님 아시나요
13:46 CaffeAmericano: 개인적으론 모르구, no dap 님 맵은 알아요
13:46 Taeyang: 음 매핑 경력이 짧은데 잘찍으셧 ㅋㅅㅋ
13:47 CaffeAmericano: 감사합니다 ;^;
13:47 Taeyang: 누구한테 배우셨나영
13:47 CaffeAmericano: 한국 매핑,모딩 포럼 eINess 님 맨티에요
13:47 Taeyang: 아하 글쿤
13:47 CaffeAmericano: eINess 님이 많이 도와주셨어요 ㅇㅅㅇ
13:48 Taeyang: 모딩할 시간이 없는데 RLC로 해도될까요?
13:48 CaffeAmericano: RLC 가 뭔가요?
13:48 Taeyang: ㅁㄴㅇㄹ라ㅓㅁㄴㅇㄹ
13:48 Taeyang: IRC zzzz
13:48 Taeyang: zzzz
13:48 Taeyang: 채팅으로하는 모딩이요
13:48 Taeyang: IRC
13:48 Taeyang: 앜앜
13:49 CaffeAmericano: 아
13:49 CaffeAmericano: ㅋㅋㅋ
13:49 CaffeAmericano: 네
13:49 Taeyang: soft-sliderslide2.wav
13:49 Taeyang: 이거
13:49 Taeyang: 사용 안하시는거 같은데
13:49 Taeyang: 확인해보세요
13:49 CaffeAmericano: 네
13:49 CaffeAmericano: 사용하거나, 지우거나 할게요 ㅇㅅㅇ
13:49 Taeyang: 00:21:335 {21335}
13:49 Taeyang: 00:42:205 {42205}
13:49 Taeyang: 00:53:618 {53618}
13:50 Taeyang: 초록선
13:50 Taeyang: 언스냅
13:50 CaffeAmericano: 무슨 난이도인가요?
13:50 CaffeAmericano: 아하
13:50 Taeyang: 전부다요
13:50 CaffeAmericano: 모든 난이도 일듯 ;_;
13:50 CaffeAmericano: 오프셋 바꿨더니 저러던데
13:50 Taeyang: 오프셋 바꿀때
13:51 Taeyang: 다같이 움직여줬어야하는데
13:51 CaffeAmericano: 일일이 바꿔야 하나요?
13:51 CaffeAmericano: 네
13:51 Taeyang: 이미 옮겨버려서
13:51 Taeyang: 하나씪 옮겨야하지만
13:51 Taeyang:
13:51 Taeyang: 원래는 저렇게 한꺼번에 잡고
13:51 Taeyang: move 이용해서 한꺼번에 오프셋이랑 같이 움직여요
13:51 CaffeAmericano: 넵
13:52 CaffeAmericano: 알겠습니다 :3
13:52 Taeyang: 그담 타이밍->모든 노트 재배치 하면 되는거고
13:52 Taeyang:
13:52 Taeyang: 메타데이터
13:52 CaffeAmericano: 네
13:52 Taeyang: 이미 랭맵있고
13:54 Taeyang: 이지
13:54 Taeyang: 00:26:551 (1) -
13:54 Taeyang: 이렇게 부드럽게 쓰시면 더좋고
13:54 Taeyang:
13:54 CaffeAmericano: 네
13:55 Taeyang: 혹시 아이네스님이
13:55 CaffeAmericano: 혹시
13:55 CaffeAmericano: 네?
13:55 Taeyang: 블랭킷 잡는법 알려주셨나요
13:55 CaffeAmericano: 딱히 알려 주시진 않았어요
13:56 Taeyang:
13:56 Taeyang: 이런 방법도 있고
13:56 CaffeAmericano: 대충 어떻게 잡는지 알긴 하는데, 맞는 방법인진 모르겠네요
13:56 CaffeAmericano: 네
13:56 Taeyang: 지금 여기부분
13:56 Taeyang:
13:56 Taeyang: 00:21:333 (1,2) -
13:56 Taeyang: 약간 삐뚤어져있는데 어떻게 보냐면
13:57 Taeyang: 00:22:312 (2) - 의 어프로치 서클에 맞춰서
13:57 Taeyang: 블랭킷하시면 편해요
13:57 CaffeAmericano: 네
13:57 Taeyang: 하실때 그리드 스냅 뺴시고
13:57 CaffeAmericano: 넵
13:57 Taeyang: 이런식으로 어프로치 서클에 맞추면 좀더 깔끔하게되요
13:57 Taeyang:
13:58 CaffeAmericano: 네
13:58 Taeyang: 01:13:507 (1) -
13:58 Taeyang: 이런식으로 틱에서 점대칭이 되게
13:58 Taeyang:
13:59 CaffeAmericano: 넵
13:59 Taeyang: 01:13:507 (1,2,3,4,5) -
13:59 Taeyang: 흐름
13:59 Taeyang: 저것도 괜찮은데
13:59 Taeyang:
13:59 Taeyang: 앞에 곡선 많이 쓰셔서
14:00 CaffeAmericano: 일관성 있는게 좋겠죠 :3
14:00 Taeyang: 01:21:333 - 난이도 전체적으로 스핀끝 소리 줄여줬으면 좋겠어요
14:00 Taeyang: 네
14:00 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:00 Taeyang: 아이네스님한테서 아마 이지노말 기본
14:00 Taeyang: DS 지키는것 뉴콤 힛사
14:00 Taeyang: 언랭요소
14:01 Taeyang: 리듬 배워오신듯
14:01 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:01 Taeyang: 나중에가서 흐름도 알려달라고하셉 ㅋㅅㅋ
14:01 CaffeAmericano: 흐름은 좋은 맵 몇개 추천해 주시고 보고 배우라고 하셨어요 ㅋㅋ
14:01 Taeyang: ㅇㅋㅇㅋ
14:01 CaffeAmericano: 흐름이 조금 어색한가요?
14:02 Taeyang: 아녀 나쁘진 않아요 이지는
14:02 CaffeAmericano: ㅇㅅㅇ
14:03 Taeyang: 하드
14:03 Taeyang: 아이넼님이 2다운비트로 박으시라고 하셨나영
14:03 CaffeAmericano: 무슨 말인지 모르겠어요 ㅋㅋ
14:04 Taeyang: 00:12:203 (5) - 저라면
14:04 Taeyang: 00:14:812 (6) -
14:04 Taeyang: 00:17:420 (5) -
14:04 Taeyang: 1다운비트마다 뉴콤 박았을것같은
14:04 Taeyang: 뉴콤주기를 반으로
14:04 CaffeAmericano: 아하
14:04 Taeyang: 근데 상관없어요 딱히
14:04 Taeyang: 00:13:996 (3) - 슬라에 휘슬 들어간거
14:04 CaffeAmericano: 한번 나중에 확인해 볼게요
14:04 Taeyang: 제거
14:05 Taeyang: 00:14:812 (6) -
14:05 CaffeAmericano: 사실 하드를 제일 먼저 만들어서 뉴콤은 전혀 신경쓰지 않고 밖았어요 ~_~
14:05 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:06 Taeyang: 00:38:942 (1,1) - 스택
14:06 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:07 Taeyang:
14:07 Taeyang: 00:41:551 (4,5,6,7) -
14:07 Taeyang: 흐름
14:08 Taeyang: 00:41:877 (6,7,1) - 최소 이런 물흐르는 무빙이 필요한 넓은 점프는
14:08 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:08 Taeyang: 00:42:040 (7) - 의 DS가 00:41:877 (6,1) - 여기랑 거의 비슷한게 좋아요
14:08 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:08 Taeyang: 00:45:790 (4,4) - 힛사 일관성
14:10 Taeyang: 00:49:703 (6) - DS 확인
14:10 Taeyang: 1.1 ,1.25
14:10 Taeyang: 00:56:551 (6) -
14:10 Taeyang:
14:11 CaffeAmericano: 넵
14:11 CaffeAmericano: 질문이 있는데요
14:11 Taeyang: ㄴ
14:11 Taeyang: 네
14:11 CaffeAmericano: 혹시 슬라 새로 만들지 않고 점을 추가할 수 있나요?
14:11 Taeyang: 네
14:11 Taeyang: 컨트롤+ 마우스클릭
14:11 CaffeAmericano: 아하
14:11 Taeyang: 점 추가할곳에
14:12 Taeyang: 01:05:518 (1,2,3) -
14:12 CaffeAmericano: 넵
14:12 Taeyang: 00:54:920 (4,1) -
14:12 Taeyang: 3연타 일관성
14:12 Taeyang: 01:05:681 (3) - 다운비트 여기 뉴콤 시작 지점
14:13 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:13 Taeyang: 00:57:855 (1) - 01:08:127 (1,2,3) -
14:13 Taeyang: 여기도 서로 리듬 다른거 생각해보세요
14:13 Taeyang: 01:08:290 (3) - 뉴콤 시작 지점
14:13 Taeyang: 01:08:127 (1) - 여기 ㄴㄴ
14:13 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:13 Taeyang: 01:10:898 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - 뉴콤 주기가 1다운비트로 바뀌었어요
14:14 Taeyang: 앞이랑 일관성있게 2다운비트 유지하거나
14:14 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:14 Taeyang: 앞의 뉴콤주기를 1다운비트로
14:14 CaffeAmericano: 알겠습니다 :3
14:15 Taeyang: 담요로 퀼잡는 법중에서
14:15 Taeyang: 인센 ㄱㄱ
14:15 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:16 Taeyang: 담요 간격을 잘 똑같게해서 퀼잡는법도 있어요
14:16 Taeyang: 00:10:898 (1,2) -
14:16 Taeyang: 00:12:203 (1,3) -
14:16 Taeyang: 앞에껀 가깝고 뒤어껀 조금 벌어짐
14:16 Taeyang: 삐뚤
14:16 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:16 Taeyang: 어프로치 보고
14:16 Taeyang:
14:16 Taeyang: 00:13:996 (3,4) -
14:17 Taeyang: 그리드스냅끄고
14:17 Taeyang:
14:17 Taeyang: 이렇게
14:17 CaffeAmericano: 넵
14:17 Taeyang: 00:14:812 (1,2,3) -
14:17 Taeyang: 너무 직선만 쓰면 딱딱해지니
14:17 Taeyang: 이렇게
14:17 Taeyang:
14:18 CaffeAmericano: ㅇㅇ
14:18 Taeyang: 보통 무난한 tv사이즈 맵 찍으실때
14:18 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:18 Taeyang: 곡선 직선 슬라 비율을
14:18 Taeyang: 2:1로 맞춰가면서 찍어보세요
14:18 Taeyang: 너무 직선만 찍으면 맵이 딱딱해지고
14:19 Taeyang: 너무 곡선만 쓰면 맵이 너무 정직해져서 재미없어지기떄문에
14:19 CaffeAmericano: 넵
14:19 Taeyang: 2:1 비율
14:19 CaffeAmericano: 알겠습니다 ㅇㅅㅇ
14:19 Taeyang: 00:15:627 - 00:15:790 -
14:19 Taeyang: 노트추가
14:19 Taeyang: 아
14:19 Taeyang: 잘못함
14:19 Taeyang: ㄴㄴ
14:19 Taeyang: 암것도 아님
14:20 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:20 Taeyang: 맵에서 심벌소리가 안들리면
14:20 Taeyang: 왠만하면 자제하는게 좋아요
14:20 Taeyang: 00:21:007 - 00:21:170 -
14:20 Taeyang: 클랍 휘슬도 소리나는대로 넣는게 좋고
14:20 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:21 Taeyang: 클랍 휘슬은 어느정도 어레인지 해도되지만
14:21 Taeyang: 심벌은 너무 넣으면 시끄러워져서 ㅋㅅㅋ
14:21 CaffeAmericano: 넵 ㅋㅋ
14:22 Taeyang: 00:22:964 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - 여기만 특별히 어려운 이유가 있나요
14:22 Taeyang: 00:25:246 (1,2,3,4) -
14:22 Taeyang: 00:28:181 (1,2,3,4,5) -
14:22 Taeyang: 00:32:909 (4,5,1,2,3) -
14:22 Taeyang: 비교해봤을때 유독 저기만 어려워요
14:22 CaffeAmericano: 그렇죠 ㅇㅅㅇ;
14:23 Taeyang: 수정요망
14:23 Taeyang: 00:34:295 - 소리 없음
14:24 Taeyang: 흐름
14:24 CaffeAmericano: 소리 없는곳에 3연타 넣는건 거의 무조건 않되나요 ㅇㅅㅇ?
14:24 Taeyang:
14:24 Taeyang: 백그라운드가 잘따라주면 좋은데
14:24 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:24 Taeyang: 기본적으로 소리없는곳에 노트를 넣거나
14:25 Taeyang: 앞에는 소리 잡았었는데 뒤에가서 안잡는 이런건
14:25 Taeyang: 언랭요소 될수있어요
14:25 CaffeAmericano: 조금 햇갈리네요 ~_~
14:25 CaffeAmericano: 인센에 오버매핑 여지가 있는 3연타 많이 넣었는데
14:26 Taeyang: 00:29:159 (6) - 슬라에 휘슬 제거
14:26 CaffeAmericano: 다른 부분들은 괜찮은가요?
14:26 Taeyang: 다른 부분도 많아요
14:26 Taeyang: 00:28:344 (2,3,4) -
14:26 Taeyang: 여기도 없고
14:26 Taeyang: 00:27:040 (2,3,4) - 여기도 없고
14:26 Taeyang: 예전에 저도
14:27 *Taeyang is listening to [ Yun*chi - Wonderful Wonder World*]
14:27 Taeyang: 이거 작업하면서
14:28 Taeyang:
14:28 Taeyang: t/323781/start=15
14:28 Taeyang: 기껏 모딩 다받았는데
14:28 Taeyang: 븐한테 지적 당해서
14:28 Taeyang: 결국 리맵 하고 모딩 10개 새로받고 랭시켰 ㅠ
14:29 CaffeAmericano: ㅜㅜ
14:29 CaffeAmericano: 그래도 조금 애매한것 같네요
14:29 Taeyang: 네 3연타 스팸은 왠만하면 수정하는게 좋고
14:29 CaffeAmericano: 2015년에 랭된 맵 중에도 소리 없는곳에 3연타 많던데 ㅜ
14:29 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:29 Taeyang: 아이네스님한테 물어보고
14:29 Taeyang: 고치라하면 고치는게 좋을거같아요 제생각엔
14:29 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:30 CaffeAmericano: 사실 다른 모더분도 지적 하셔서
14:30 CaffeAmericano: 아마 줄이는게 좋을것 같긴해요 ㅋㅋ
14:30 Taeyang: 줄인다면
14:30 Taeyang: 확실하게 다 없애셔야해요 만얔 한다면
14:30 CaffeAmericano: 그런가요
14:30 Taeyang: 결국 자신이 인정한셈이니 퀼저하 요인은 전부 없애서
14:31 CaffeAmericano: 없애라고 한 부분이 20군데인데 ㅋㅋ
14:31 Taeyang: 랭시키는데 지금의 랭크 원칙이기도 하거든요
14:31 CaffeAmericano: 우와 ㅜ
14:31 Taeyang: ㅠ
14:31 Taeyang: 그래서 매핑 조금씩 조금씩하고
14:31 Taeyang: 잘하는분 가져가서 맵텟 받는것도 나름 중요
14:31 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:31 Taeyang: 다만들고 큰문제점들 잡히면 멘붕하니 ㅁㄴㅇㄹ
14:32 Taeyang: 그리고
14:32 Taeyang: 하드맵
14:32 Taeyang: 뉴콤주기 왔다리 갔다리 하는것
14:32 Taeyang: 01:08:127 (11,12,1) -
14:32 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:32 Taeyang:
14:32 Taeyang: 이게 맞는거예요
14:32 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:32 Taeyang: 저렇게 패턴에 따라 하는것 앞부분까지 하나의 패턴이 되어있어야해요
14:33 Taeyang: 01:07:964 (10,1) -
14:33 Taeyang: 01:08:779 (2,3) -
14:33 Taeyang: 블랭킷 간격까지 지킬 필요 없지만
14:33 Taeyang: 퀼저하의 요인은 되요
14:34 CaffeAmericano: 무슨 말인지 잘 모르겠는데, 다시 설명해 주실수 있나요 ㅜ
14:35 Taeyang:
14:35 Taeyang: 다듬다듬
14:35 Taeyang:
14:35 Taeyang: 나중에
14:35 Taeyang: 매핑 할때
14:36 Taeyang: 신경써서 하면좋고
14:36 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:36 Taeyang: 지금은 딱히 괜찮아요
14:36 Taeyang: 그것보다
14:36 Taeyang: 하드 난이도라서
14:36 Taeyang: 약간 점프도 넣어도 좋았을텐데
14:36 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:36 Taeyang: 특히 키아이까지 DS 같은 필요는 없
14:36 Taeyang: 00:57:203 (8,1) - 여기서는 줄어들기까지했고
14:37 Taeyang: 1.2 배속이 쓰인것도 아니라서
14:37 Taeyang: 군데군데 점프추가 가능하면 해보세요
14:37 Taeyang: 일관성있게
14:37 CaffeAmericano: 처음 랭시킬려는 맵이라 조금 조심스럽게 만들었어요 ~_~
14:37 CaffeAmericano: 네
14:37 Taeyang: 기본적인 면으로 볼땐
14:37 Taeyang: 잘만드셨어요 처음만든거 치곤
14:37 CaffeAmericano: 감사합니다:3
14:38 CaffeAmericano: 리맵을 한 네번 하긴 했지만요 ㅋㅋㅋ
14:38 Taeyang: 이렇게 만들면 모딩하기가 편하기때문에 금방금방 랭될듯
14:38 Taeyang: 잌ㅋㅋㅋ
14:38 CaffeAmericano: 지금 멘토/멘티 기간 3주쨰인데
14:39 CaffeAmericano: 앞으로 5주안에 랭 시키는게 일단 목표에요 ㅋㅋ
14:39 Taeyang: 모딩갯수가 7이고
14:40 Taeyang: 아마 15개~20개 쯤되면
14:40 Taeyang: 랭크될거 같네요
14:40 Taeyang: 중간에 븐모딩 1~2개 얻어내고
모딩 감사합니다 :)
Ujimatsu Chiya
쿠도스 여기다 주셔도 되요 전 포스팅은 디나인 시켜야 할거같으니

  1. 00:21:333 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 이거 쏵다 지워버리시고 아래 코드 복사해서 노트패드에 히트사운드 목록에다가 붙여넣기해서 모양 , 흐름 , 리듬 다 보세요.
    왜 저기서 뭐 때문에 리듬을 바꾸고 모양을 바궜는지 지금까지 모딩받은거 비교해보시면서 전체적으로 하드 조금씪 손봐주세요.
  2. 00:41:551 (4,5,6,7) - 하드에서 서클 연속으로 3개 이상 쓰는건 가능하면 피하시는게 좋으니까 서클 > 서클 > 1/2 슬라 이런식으로 바꿔주세요
  3. 00:42:203 (1,2,3) - 모양같은건 좀 이쁘게 다듬어주시면 더 플레이하기도 좋고 이뻐서 보기도 좋고 일석2조니까 아래 사진 참고해보세요
  4. 00:47:420 (1) - prev DS 확인해보세요. 여기는 1.2x로 되어있네요? 고쳐주세요
Topic Starter

eINess wrote:

쿠도스 여기다 주셔도 되요 전 포스팅은 디나인 시켜야 할거같으니

  1. 00:21:333 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 이거 쏵다 지워버리시고 아래 코드 복사해서 노트패드에 히트사운드 목록에다가 붙여넣기해서 모양 , 흐름 , 리듬 다 보세요.
    왜 저기서 뭐 때문에 리듬을 바꾸고 모양을 바궜는지 지금까지 모딩받은거 비교해보시면서 전체적으로 하드 조금씪 손봐주세요.
  2. 00:41:551 (4,5,6,7) - 하드에서 서클 연속으로 3개 이상 쓰는건 가능하면 피하시는게 좋으니까 서클 > 서클 > 1/2 슬라 이런식으로 바꿔주세요
  3. 00:42:203 (1,2,3) - 모양같은건 좀 이쁘게 다듬어주시면 더 플레이하기도 좋고 이뻐서 보기도 좋고 일석2조니까 아래 사진 참고해보세요
  4. 00:47:420 (1) - prev DS 확인해보세요. 여기는 1.2x로 되어있네요? 고쳐주세요
전부 수정했습니다. 모딩 감사합니다:3
Hi for the M4M :v


Lol this background everyone uses :v

Also the custom clap sound could be better imo

00:10:898 - 00:42:203 - Hitsounds in this section do not compliment the song. Too overbearing for this part. The drum patterns you're mapping to doesn't start until 00:42:203 - Where the drums actually pick up in the way you hitsounded it but for that first section it's more quiet so maybe like a whistle to compliment the kick drum when it plays or a wood clap every 1/2 etc. Also related, this section should probably be much lower volume. I would change both the red timing and the green timing after that to about 50% volume maybe even lower like 40-45.

00:54:594 - 00:56:551 - Vocalist sounds so dissonant and offkey to the song. Not an issue with the map just don't like how this sounds in the song cuz she's a half pitch higher than the guitar trying to play the same note :v


00:08:290 - Should add a spinner here that ends either 00:10:572 - or 00:10:735 - (your choice) to emphasize the increasing harmonic note

00:27:040 (2,3,4) - Triple works on the previous one because it's after the downbeat but doesn't really compliment anything or sound/feel that great here. Consider removing 00:27:121 (3) - And maybe shortening 3 to a 1/2 slider and a note.

00:28:344 (2,3,4) - Also doesn't really compliment anything musically plus even if you were to keep it the spacing makes it look really weird. Like before remove 3. It doesn't sound or play well. As for 4 you can snap to the slider end or even move to x:232 y:184 for symmetry with 00:27:692 (4,6) - and a nice flowy jump to 5

00:31:279 - Should probably add a note or change 00:30:790 (5) - to a 1/2 slider and note. so you dont add the note there. First option's better because then you keep the 1/1 slider to compliment the vocals and the note to also compliment the rhythm.

00:38:942 (3,4,5) - Same as 00:28:344 (2,3,4) - In this case the triple is fine but the spacing is still too short.

00:40:246 (3) - Better as a1/2 slider with note. Plays better and makes the triple right after it play fine.

00:42:040 (6,1) - Could change this to a triple since the burst onto the finish feels very natural. You don't even need to change the pattern just move 00:42:040 (6) - over 00:42:203 (1) - and add a note on 00:42:121 - and bam nice

00:51:822 (3,4) - Stream starts at 00:51:985 - per the music. I would remove 4 and move 00:51:822 (3) - to somewhere like x:184 y:164 or something.

01:00:138 (7,8,9) - Triple sounds better instead in 01:00:382 - so I would delete 8 and add a note at 01:00:382 -. Just like with 00:42:040 (6,1) - You can move 9 to the head of 01:00:464 (1) - and add the note where I said and it flows well still so no pattern changes are needed.

01:01:116 (3) - Should be 1/2 slider with note.

01:03:725 (3) - ^ The reason I say this is because too many 1/1 sliders are boring especially during the kiai.

01:15:790 (5) - Remove finish from slider end.


OD 6.5 could probably work better or OD7 if you wanna be evil :v

00:08:290 - Spinner same note as in the Insane

00:57:203 (3) - Should probably be 1/2 slider and a note as well as a note at 00:57:692 -

01:02:909 - Add note here too. Compliments the 1/4 pattern and also since you can have a clap on this note like you do in the first 2 bars like in 01:08:127 (5) - etc.

01:10:735 - Add note. Like I mentioned in the Insane, this feels empty not having a note here to play.

01:12:203 (1) - This could start at 01:12:040 - and be a 1/1 slider to compliment the vocals better.

01:13:181 (4) - Remove clap from slider end.


No major issues. Maybe HP3 though

Best of luck! :)
Topic Starter
I'm currently working on this. The post will be updated

Side wrote:

Hi for the M4M :v


Lol this background everyone uses :v

Also the custom clap sound could be better imo I like it :3

00:10:898 - 00:42:203 - Hitsounds in this section do not compliment the song. Too overbearing for this part. The drum patterns you're mapping to doesn't start until 00:42:203 - Where the drums actually pick up in the way you hitsounded it but for that first section it's more quiet so maybe like a whistle to compliment the kick drum when it plays or a wood clap every 1/2 etc. Also related, this section should probably be much lower volume. I would change both the red timing and the green timing after that to about 50% volume maybe even lower like 40-45. I think the hit sound goes well with the music, although, as you have pointed out, possibly "overbearing" at the beginning. I will consider reducing volume at the beginning

00:54:594 - 00:56:551 - Vocalist sounds so dissonant and offkey to the song. Not an issue with the map just don't like how this sounds in the song cuz she's a half pitch higher than the guitar trying to play the same note :v I let Chelly know :D


00:08:290 - Should add a spinner here that ends either 00:10:572 - or 00:10:735 - (your choice) to emphasize the increasing harmonic note I will probably add it later

00:27:040 (2,3,4) - Triple works on the previous one because it's after the downbeat but doesn't really compliment anything or sound/feel that great here. Consider removing 00:27:121 (3) - And maybe shortening 3 to a 1/2 slider and a note. I received few mods regarding these triples, and I am currently working on it to make it sound better. I will definitely consider your mods when I do that :3

00:28:344 (2,3,4) - Also doesn't really compliment anything musically plus even if you were to keep it the spacing makes it look really weird. Like before remove 3. It doesn't sound or play well. As for 4 you can snap to the slider end or even move to x:232 y:184 for symmetry with 00:27:692 (4,6) - and a nice flowy jump to 5 ^

00:31:279 - Should probably add a note or change 00:30:790 (5) - to a 1/2 slider and note. so you dont add the note there. First option's better because then you keep the 1/1 slider to compliment the vocals and the note to also compliment the rhythm. I think it's fine as is

00:38:942 (3,4,5) - Same as 00:28:344 (2,3,4) - In this case the triple is fine but the spacing is still too short.Not really sure what yo mean here. do you mean increase spacing between these two notes? 00:38:942 (3,4) -

00:40:246 (3) - Better as a1/2 slider with note. Plays better and makes the triple right after it play fine. Not sure how that will improve ~_~

00:42:040 (6,1) - Could change this to a triple since the burst onto the finish feels very natural. You don't even need to change the pattern just move 00:42:040 (6) - over 00:42:203 (1) - and add a note on 00:42:121 - and bam niceYes, the triple sounds pretty good too. Will consider

00:51:822 (3,4) - Stream starts at 00:51:985 - per the music. I would remove 4 and move 00:51:822 (3) - to somewhere like x:184 y:164 or something. I thinkk the stream starts at 00:51:822 - .

01:00:138 (7,8,9) - Triple sounds better instead in 01:00:382 - so I would delete 8 and add a note at 01:00:382 -. Just like with 00:42:040 (6,1) - You can move 9 to the head of 01:00:464 (1) - and add the note where I said and it flows well still so no pattern changes are needed. ^

01:01:116 (3) - Should be 1/2 slider with note. I think occasional 1/1 sliders is more interesting than repeated 1/2 sliders and circles. Also, it gives play short "break" after jumps :3

01:03:725 (3) - ^ The reason I say this is because too many 1/1 sliders are boring especially during the kiai.

01:15:790 (5) - Remove finish from slider end. fixed


OD 6.5 could probably work better or OD7 if you wanna be evil :v

00:08:290 - Spinner same note as in the Insane

00:57:203 (3) - Should probably be 1/2 slider and a note as well as a note at 00:57:692 -

01:02:909 - Add note here too. Compliments the 1/4 pattern and also since you can have a clap on this note like you do in the first 2 bars like in 01:08:127 (5) - etc.

01:10:735 - Add note. Like I mentioned in the Insane, this feels empty not having a note here to play.

01:12:203 (1) - This could start at 01:12:040 - and be a 1/1 slider to compliment the vocals better.

01:13:181 (4) - Remove clap from slider end.


No major issues. Maybe HP3 though

Best of luck! :)
Thanks for the mod XD
mr tribble
Thanks for the mod on my map caffe so here goes my mod :3
This is my first mod so...please take these as suggestions by someone who may or may not know what they are talking about >.<


00:19:051 (2,3) - The number 2 note looks a little bit close to the number 3 in comparison to almost all of the other notes around them. It seemed slightly strange to me.

01:16:442 (1) - I think the spinner at the end should be moved over closer to the last note, it feels weird because I think the spinner is following her voice as it trails off and the space in between felt awkward to me, and the music trail off starts pretty much right when sing sings that last note so i think the spinner should be moved a little closer anyways :3


looked fine to me :3


00:30:464 (3) - I think that this slider should end at 00:31:279 - instead of 00:31:116 -

Im sorry that this mod was so short T.T
Im not very good at mapping yet so i could not think of much but I hope this helps :D
Topic Starter

mr tribble wrote:

Thanks for the mod on my map caffe so here goes my mod :3
This is my first mod so...please take these as suggestions by someone who may or may not know what they are talking about >.<


00:19:051 (2,3) - The number 2 note looks a little bit close to the number 3 in comparison to almost all of the other notes around them. It seemed slightly strange to me. 00:19:214 (3) - is meant to be a blanket, and 00:19:051 (2) - is upbeat, so I don't think higher DS between 00:18:725 (1,2) - compared to 00:19:051 (2,3) - is weird.

01:16:442 (1) - I think the spinner at the end should be moved over closer to the last note, it feels weird because I think the spinner is following her voice as it trails off and the space in between felt awkward to me, and the music trail off starts pretty much right when sing sings that last note so i think the spinner should be moved a little closer anyways :3 Changed for insane and hard. Maybe I'll change it for easy too. I'm not sure if it's okay for spinners to appear too quickly after the last note for easy


looked fine to me :3 \o/


00:30:464 (3) - I think that this slider should end at 00:31:279 - instead of 00:31:116 - I think the way it is sounds alright, and I want to avoid using red tick for easy unless It's clearly better :3

Im sorry that this mod was so short T.T
Im not very good at mapping yet so i could not think of much but I hope this helps :D
Thanks for modding :D
Topic Starter
M4M Maybe~?

00:26:551 (1) - I would change the shape of the beginning of this slider because it looks clumped up
00:31:768 (1) - If you move this down (and left) more it can blanket 00:30:464 (3) - [This isn't really needed but its a suggestion]
00:38:290 (3,4,1) - IMO formations like this are ugly, I'd try to change it
00:53:942 (1) - Once again I think the beginning of this slider looks clumped up and I would try to change it

00:15:138 (2,3) - The DS here is doubled, which isn't allowed in the "Hard" difficulty
01:10:898 (1,2,3,4) - I would try to change this formation
01:12:855 (3,4) - I would try to make a copy of (3) to replace (4) with so it looks better

I can't really mod Insane diffs at the moment because I don't really know the standards for them, sorry
Topic Starter

George wrote:

M4M Maybe~?

00:26:551 (1) - I would change the shape of the beginning of this slider because it looks clumped up I think it looks fine
00:31:768 (1) - If you move this down (and left) more it can blanket 00:30:464 (3) - [This isn't really needed but its a suggestion] I didn't make a blanket, DS was apparently off for that slide. now fixed :P
00:38:290 (3,4,1) - IMO formations like this are ugly, I'd try to change it I'm keeping it, at least for now. I think it looks neat because 00:39:268 (4,2) - and 00:38:290 (3,3) - are stacked very nicely.
00:53:942 (1) - Once again I think the beginning of this slider looks clumped up and I would try to change it ^

00:15:138 (2,3) - The DS here is doubled, which isn't allowed in the "Hard" difficulty Jumps are definitely allowed in hard difficulty. In terms of actual difficulty for players, I don't think it's increased a lot because no one follows the slider to the end. But I will consider changing it for keeping DS consistent.
01:10:898 (1,2,3,4) - I would try to change this formation
01:12:855 (3,4) - I would try to make a copy of (3) to replace (4) with so it looks betterChanged, but did not copy :3

I can't really mod Insane diffs at the moment because I don't really know the standards for them, sorry
Thanks for modding!
mostly about flow, please forgive me
00:18:072 (4,1) - prefer to make it like this because 00:18:725 (1,2,3) - this flows nice if the curve is the opposite of yours
00:23:942 (1,2) - 00:34:377 (1) - move this a bit down, overlaps 00:32:746 (2) -
00:43:507 (3) - change the shape00:48:725 (3) - 00:56:551 (3) - [Hard]
00:35:681 (1) - change this slider to this pattern, don't forget to apply hitsounds00:56:551 (1) - kiai best to have more combos rather than long sliders00:57:203 (4) - change to 2 pieces of 1/2 sliders00:59:159 (1) - same case, change this one to 1/2 slider + hitcircle
01:00:301 - add note
01:10:735 - ^
01:13:181 (5) - change to 1/2 slider
01:14:648 - add note

00:11:388 (2,3) - swap the sequence, hitcircle first, then the slider (don't forget to swap the hitsounds too)
00:16:605 (2,3) - ^
00:25:572 (2,3) - ^
00:28:181 (3,4) - ^

nice hitsounds, good luck
i just took a quick glance but it was pretty good imo
Topic Starter

Setsurei wrote:

mostly about flow, please forgive me
00:18:072 (4,1) - prefer to make it like this because 00:18:725 (1,2,3) - this flows nice if the curve is the opposite of yoursI will keep this for now. The sharp turn was intentional for NC
Everything else in easy is changed to reflect your mod!
00:23:942 (1,2) - 00:34:377 (1) - move this a bit down, overlaps 00:32:746 (2) -
00:43:507 (3) - change the shape00:48:725 (3) - 00:56:551 (3) - [Hard]
00:35:681 (1) - change this slider to this pattern, don't forget to apply hitsounds I will consider 00:56:551 (1) - kiai best to have more combos rather than long sliders Hmm... I will definitely consider this. The main reason for long sliders is that I don't want to fill the map with too many 1/2 notes, and it is really easy to do that with this song. But because it's kiai, maybe few more 1/2 notes wouldn't hurt.00:57:203 (4) - change to 2 pieces of 1/2 sliders00:59:159 (1) - same case, change this one to 1/2 slider + hitcircle
01:00:301 - add note I want to give some break/variation. Maybe I will add a note for some of these in the future.
01:10:735 - ^ see above :3
01:13:181 (5) - change to 1/2 slider see above :3
01:14:648 - add note see above :3

00:11:388 (2,3) - swap the sequence, hitcircle first, then the slider (don't forget to swap the hitsounds too) swapped
00:16:605 (2,3) - swapped
00:25:572 (2,3) - swapped
00:28:181 (3,4) - I will keep this for now

nice hitsounds, good luck
Thanks for the mod! Your help with the flow was especially helpful :)
Topic Starter

Kibbleru wrote:

i just took a quick glance but it was pretty good imo
Thanks :D

I'd appreciate it if you could offer any advice on insane if you have time later. I'm new to mapping, so I absorb advice like sponge absorbs water >:D
00:13:507 (1) - Why don't you change it into 00:12:529 (2) or maybe flip it to make it look consistent?
00:29:648 - You put a note in 00:40:083, but not here. Maybe add a note here?
00:53:942 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - I think this part might be too hard for a 4.33 Insane map...
00:37:638 (3) - You've used similar sliders here 00:24:594 (3) and here 00:40:246 (3), but this one looks flatter than those two.
Topic Starter

HotaruMiraiRin wrote:

00:13:507 (1) - Why don't you change it into 00:12:529 (2) or maybe flip it to make it look consistent? Fixed
00:29:648 - You put a note in 00:40:083, but not here. Maybe add a note here? I think music is different enough to justify some variation
00:53:942 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - I think this part might be too hard for a 4.33 Insane map... Perhaps, but the patterns very nice :3. Maybe we can ask Tom to increase star rating. :D Star rating should reflect map's difficulty, not the other way around.
00:37:638 (3) - You've used similar sliders here 00:24:594 (3) and here 00:40:246 (3), but this one looks flatter than those two.I will think about it.
Thanks for modding!
Topic Starter
Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think you can change star ratings...
from my modding queue

• 00:42:040 (6,1) - Why that sudden jump?

• 00:44:485 (4) - I wouldn't do an overlap because you never used one except there.

• 01:08:127 (5,6,1) - Random triplet?


• 00:14:812 (1,3) - I'd set the sliderhead of (3) on the slidertail of (1). Would look cleaner.

• 00:26:062 (4) - CTRL + J and rotate it a little?

• 00:35:681 (1,2,3,4) - Why not making small jumps here? The voice goes up a little. Also you used some fitting jumps here 00:22:964 (2,3,4,5) - too

•00:43:344 (5,1) - Imo the spacing here should be the same as 00:43:181 (4,5)

• 00:46:116 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I'd use this pattern instead. Your current doesn't flow too well (imo, but I have a strange definition of flow to be honest).

• 00:51:822 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Why not making the stream a bit longer to 00:52:638 ? This break seems a bit large to me.

• 00:55:572 (2,3,5,6) - Antijumps are anything but fun, really.

• 01:08:290 (8) - NC?
Topic Starter

Stjpa wrote:

from my modding queue

• 00:42:040 (6,1) - Why that sudden jump? For emphasis :3

• 00:44:485 (4) - I wouldn't do an overlap because you never used one except there. I did use stack in other places (although only a few lol). I thought stack goes well with the way vocal suddenly stops. But in similar place (00:47:094 (4) - ), I did not stack. I will think about making them more consistent.

• 01:08:127 (5,6,1) - Random triplet? fixed


• 00:14:812 (1,3) - I'd set the sliderhead of (3) on the slidertail of (1). Would look cleaner. I agree, but that will ruin the blanket ;_; If i move both 00:13:996 (3,5) - , 00:14:485 (4,5) - has too small ds, and if I move 00:13:996 (3,4,5) -, 00:14:485 (4,2) - are no longer stacked. And if I move 00:13:996 (3,4,5,2) - , shape isn't very pretty XD. I' think it's alright as is, but I'll fix it if I find something better :3

• 00:26:062 (4) - CTRL + J and rotate it a little? I'll think about it.

• 00:35:681 (1,2,3,4) - Why not making small jumps here? The voice goes up a little. Also you used some fitting jumps here 00:22:964 (2,3,4,5) - too Changed

•00:43:344 (5,1) - Imo the spacing here should be the same as 00:43:181 (4,5) Fixed

• 00:46:116 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I'd use this pattern instead. Your current doesn't flow too well (imo, but I have a strange definition of flow to be honest).Fixed the flow, but I used different pattern than your suggestion to put emphasis on 3 and 5

• 00:51:822 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Why not making the stream a bit longer to 00:52:638 ? This break seems a bit large to me. There are no beats to justify stream all the way to 00:52:638

• 00:55:572 (2,3,5,6) - Antijumps are anything but fun, really. They are fitting though :3 no drum beats on 00:55:735 (3,6) -. I don't think they are unintuitive.

• 01:08:290 (8) - NC? Opps, fixed
Thank you for your mod :D

You could try asking mostrata to use his mp3 and timming because this song has weird stuff ( It ends a bit different but sounds better.

  1. 00:33:072 (3,4) - i'd have copy one of these instead of making 2 different curves. So it looks cleaner
  2. 00:51:007 (2,3) - maybe ctrl'g this rhythm? so the drum roll from 00:51:822 - is covered as well by the slider slide
  3. 01:16:116 (5) - nc for consistency? same in others diffs
  1. Same SV as Insane(? Pls no.. Try using 1.4~, which means a lot of rework xdxd
  2. 00:33:073 (1,2,1) - inconsist spacing doesnt look too nice
  3. 00:42:040 (6,1) - distance is pretty random here. Yes, there's a cymbal and all but they are too far apart of each other compare to your constant distance that you have in the whole map. Just try to reduce the distance
  4. 00:33:073 (1,2) - 00:35:681 (1,2) - 00:48:725 (1,2) - these rhythms are somewhat inconsistent and unfitting with all these 1/2 rhythms around. Try something like mabye
  5. You could have used a bit more those 1/4 rhythms like in the middle of the kiai or at the end. Especially when your insane is all streams
  1. 00:22:475 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - feels a bit overdone in terms of clicking. Same rhythms have either 1/1 or 1/2 so using a bunch of cicles in a row feels weird imo
  2. 00:25:572 (2) - i'd have stack this under 00:24:594 (3) - tail. So it also blankets with 00:25:246 (1) - xd
  3. 00:28:589 (5) - the song is pretty much only 1/2, the triples in downbeats are fine to me, but this one sounds out of place. There's no context for this basically. Same with 00:39:187 (4) - , would make more sense if it was at 00:39:513 - instead for example.
  4. 00:40:735 (4,1) - the slider shap you chose here isnt very good flow wise. Try to change it to something that make 4 into 1 flow better
  5. 00:41:877 (5,6,1) - this kind of spacing after jumps arent good. Aren't sensitive to the player movement at all. Using other kind of movement that isn't linear play more smoothly
  6. 00:44:485 (5,6,1) - flow isnt good due to the movement you have to do. Rotating (1) down is one way to do it better but reworking the patttern would be much better.
  7. 00:45:464 (3,4,5,1) - flow. ctrl g'ng 00:45:790 (4,5) - is one solution i guess so player have a more oval movement
  8. 00:46:768 (3,4,5,6,1) - flow.
  9. 00:53:942 (1,2) - even tho 00:54:105 - isnt very audible, for the sake of gameplay it'd be a lot better if you map this out. Using kickslider may work
  10. 00:57:855 (1,2,3) - distance looks bit random imo. Reclying distances used before usually work better
  11. 01:03:562 (2,3) - (3) is too fat without momentum. aka no sensitive jump. Try reducing the distance here
There were others similar stuff, but you can get the idea from what i said, in case you agree.
Also, try to reduce the ammount of whistles. It's pretty annoying and unfitting with this song imo. for example on the triples u have, or the beginning being quiet but you use them a lot.. sounds weird to me..

Hope this helps a bit :3 gl
Topic Starter

Milan- wrote:


You could try asking mostrata to use his mp3 and timming because this song has weird stuff ( It ends a bit different but sounds better.

  1. 00:33:072 (3,4) - i'd have copy one of these instead of making 2 different curves. So it looks cleaner Done
  2. 00:51:007 (2,3) - maybe ctrl'g this rhythm? so the drum roll from 00:51:822 - is covered as well by the slider slide Done
  3. 01:16:116 (5) - nc for consistency? same in others diffs

  1. Same SV as Insane(? Pls no.. Try using 1.4~, which means a lot of rework xdxd Ah, time for a big decision. Another experienced mapper said it is not a problem, so I will gather more opinions before I make the decision :3
  2. 00:33:073 (1,2,1) - inconsist spacing doesnt look too nice fixed
  3. 00:42:040 (6,1) - distance is pretty random here. Yes, there's a cymbal and all but they are too far apart of each other compare to your constant distance that you have in the whole map. Just try to reduce the distance Reduced to 1.7
  4. 00:33:073 (1,2) - 00:35:681 (1,2) - 00:48:725 (1,2) - these rhythms are somewhat inconsistent and unfitting with all these 1/2 rhythms around. Try something like mabye Changed. Also changed 00:36:170 - to same rhythm :3
  5. You could have used a bit more those 1/4 rhythms like in the middle of the kiai or at the end. Especially when your insane is all streams Will be added
  1. 00:22:475 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - feels a bit overdone in terms of clicking. Same rhythms have either 1/1 or 1/2 so using a bunch of cicles in a row feels weird imo I see. Two circles replaced with slider at 00:23:127 -
  2. 00:25:572 (2) - i'd have stack this under 00:24:594 (3) - tail. So it also blankets with 00:25:246 (1) - xd Changed! I did that to improve readability, but I guess it's not significantly difficult to read with stack anyways :3
  3. 00:28:589 (5) - the song is pretty much only 1/2, the triples in downbeats are fine to me, but this one sounds out of place. There's no context for this basically. Same with 00:39:187 (4) - , would make more sense if it was at 00:39:513 - instead for example. Both of the triples removed
  4. 00:40:735 (4,1) - the slider shap you chose here isnt very good flow wise. Try to change it to something that make 4 into 1 flow better Changed
  5. 00:41:877 (5,6,1) - this kind of spacing after jumps arent good. Aren't sensitive to the player movement at all. Using other kind of movement that isn't linear play more smoothly Changed to a patter that, hopefully, plays better
  6. 00:44:485 (5,6,1) - flow isnt good due to the movement you have to do. Rotating (1) down is one way to do it better but reworking the patttern would be much better. Hmm, I need to think about it for a bit because I'm not sure why the flow is bad. 00:43:833 (2,3,4,5,6) - is triangular, and there is a change of direction 00:44:648 (6,1) - because I feel like the music justifies a slight shift is flow.Fixed (hopefully). Thanks for clarifying at irc
  7. 00:45:464 (3,4,5,1) - flow. ctrl g'ng 00:45:790 (4,5) - is one solution i guess so player have a more oval movement Changed
  8. 00:46:768 (3,4,5,6,1) - flow. Your artwork is very bootiful ( :) ) but I'm not sure what you mean @_@. If you mean 00:47:257 (6,1) - has poor flow: I think change in direction in upbeat is justified (especially when flow in the music changes), and I don't think this pattern is particularly difficult to play either. FIixed
  9. 00:53:942 (1,2) - even tho 00:54:105 - isnt very audible, for the sake of gameplay it'd be a lot better if you map this out. Using kickslider may work I will try to think of an way to follow your suggestion, since I see how this pattern could be bit difficult to play :3
  10. 00:57:855 (1,2,3) - distance looks bit random imo. Reclying distances used before usually work better fixed
  11. 01:03:562 (2,3) - (3) is too fat without momentum. aka no sensitive jump. Try reducing the distance here Changed!
There were others similar stuff, but you can get the idea from what i said, in case you agree.
Also, try to reduce the ammount of whistles. It's pretty annoying and unfitting with this song imo. for example on the triples u have, or the beginning being quiet but you use them a lot.. sounds weird to me.. Eliminated many of the whistles, especially at the quite part of the song :3

Hope this helps a bit :3 gl Thanks! it helped a lot
Thanks for the mod :)
  1. 00:52:638 - add spinner?
  1. 00:44:485 (4) - don't stack with 00:44:159 (3) - tail? move to x336 y24
[eINess' Normal]
  1. disable widescreen suppotet
  1. add some slidertick for slider? like00:11:225 - 00:15:138 - ?
that's all i found
free feel to call me back if you want a recheck
Topic Starter

Rizia wrote:

  1. 00:52:638 - add spinner? Added
  1. 00:44:485 (4) - don't stack with 00:44:159 (3) - tail? move to x336 y24 Moved

[eINess' Normal]
  1. disable widescreen suppotet Disabled

  1. add some slidertick for slider? like00:11:225 - 00:15:138 - ? I'm not sure how to do that. I will try to figure out >:3

that's all i found
free feel to call me back if you want a recheck
Thanks for the mod \:D\---./\
please update again
all diff need on new download
Topic Starter

Rizia wrote:

please update again
all diff need on new download
Updated :3
LOL i was late since pc died xd ! u can ask me to mod ur next map (ticket)
Topic Starter

Meyrink wrote:

LOL i was late since pc died xd ! u can ask me to mod ur next map (ticket)
Oke. Thanks for remembering \:D\---./\
make sure your kiais all end at 01:16:116 -
right now insane is 1/2 beat after that and easy is a whole beat after lol

probably should have a finish on the first object since that's just what the song supports
opposite of that, you've got some unsupported finishes like 00:18:725 (1) - 00:29:159 (1) - 00:39:594 (1) - 00:40:898 (1) - 00:46:116 (1) - 01:13:507 (1) - 01:15:138 (5) - on insane. they'd be better without finishes
hard/easy have some finishes/lack of finishes in weird places as well, but they're inconsistent with insane so uh check over those yourself gl

you're already aware, but the slider velocity difference on hard vs insane kinda sucks. i'd would say it's way better to use 1.4 on hard. just try adjusting stuff to use the lower sv and see how it turns out. it's not as much of a pain as you'd think if you keep spacing about the same haha

anyway, decide what you want to change then i'll check again
Topic Starter

pishifat wrote:

make sure your kiais all end at 01:16:116 -
right now insane is 1/2 beat after that and easy is a whole beat after lol All fixed!

probably should have a finish on the first object since that's just what the song supports
opposite of that, you've got some unsupported finishes like 00:18:725 (1) - 00:29:159 (1) - 00:39:594 (1) - 00:40:898 (1) - 00:46:116 (1) - 01:13:507 (1) - 01:15:138 (5) - on insane. they'd be better without finishes
hard/easy have some finishes/lack of finishes in weird places as well, but they're inconsistent with insane so uh check over those yourself gl Removed all the finishes you mentioned. Going through it again, I think I used too much finishes. These are finishes that I kept. They are consistent across all difficulties, except eINess' normal. I think they fit the music, but if not, please let me know! 00:10:898 (1) -
00:16:116 (1) - 00:21:333 (1) - 00:26:551 (1) - 00:31:768 (1) - 00:36:985 (1) - 00:42:203 (1) - 00:47:420 (1) - 00:52:312 (9) - 00:55:246 (1) - 01:00:464 (1) - 01:05:681 (1) - 01:10:898 (1) -

you're already aware, but the slider velocity difference on hard vs insane kinda sucks. i'd would say it's way better to use 1.4 on hard. just try adjusting stuff to use the lower sv and see how it turns out. it's not as much of a pain as you'd think if you keep spacing about the same haha It was a great pain ;-; but I managed to change it :) Reshaped some sliders as well so they'll play more smoothly for decreased SV .

anyway, decide what you want to change then i'll check again
Thanks for modding :D
considering hard's base sv was changed im just gonna rebub
either im dumb or this starts sounding off at around 00:53:942 -

milan also mentioned that monstrata's set uses an edited mp3 *assumes reason for that*

and starting 01:10:898 - things also sound off

i think you should consider doing something about that
Topic Starter

Okoratu wrote:

either im dumb or this starts sounding off at around 00:53:942 -

milan also mentioned that monstrata's set uses an edited mp3 *assumes reason for that*

and starting 01:10:898 - things also sound off

i think you should consider doing something about that
I will make changes to the beatmap if necessary.

However, could you elaborate on what about the mp3 sounds "off"? Is it something specific (bpm, offset, pitch, etc) that EGOIST screwed up during recording the song, or an issue with particular file that I'm using...? I hate fixing stuff without knowing what the issue is. Also, if it's a matter of opinion (i.e. edited mp3 used by monstrata's mapset just sounds better), I'd be less inclined to change it.

I'm going to be careful about deciding whether to change the mp3. Not because I dont want to do extra work, but because relatively few people found the mp3 to be an issue (lumael also uses mp3 similar to mine in his mapset). Also, I'll be looking for some second opinions on this.

I'll definitely consider your suggestion, but I hope you understand I'm bit cautious about making a big change.

Thanks for remembering to check this map :)
Pereira mentioned this to me. Yea as is typical of most any song touched by ryo and associated with supercell, the timing is rarely going to be 1 bpm. Basically, supercell doesn't produce songs with rhythm games in mind. When I mapped this song i ended up having to add quite a few offset resets because yea the song starts to veer off the original offset after kiai. Problem is it also fluctuates. Since i'm not really the best at timing complex stuff like this, where bpm can shift by like 1 or 2, or even decimal values, i just roll with offset resets since they've been working for me.

You're welcome to use my version if you want. (pishi can probably edit my mp3 to get rid of the remaining few red lines lmao). Problem is my mp3 is noticeably longer because I didnt like how abruptly Lumael's version ended. You can also try timing this mp3 yourself or with pishi's help. Or you can just rank this mp3 as is and hope the QAT's don't dq. They didn't dq songs like which also had obvious timing issues and were recent ranks. I think its your BN's calls too, if they are willing to push this forward.

Good luck!
if qats decide it's bad enough to require fixing i'll do that. rather not if it's unnecessary tho since it's a pain lol



  1. 00:16:116 (1) - can you improve more curve like you did in 00:10:898 (1) - or 00:18:725 (1) - , this slider feel like is parallel
  2. 00:22:638 (3) - ^ same
  3. 00:56:551 (3,4) - should be fix blanket then fix spacing next object
[eIness's Normal]


  1. 01:14:812 (1) - remove NC, you style you put NC every 2/1, i guess you forget remove this


  1. 00:19:866 (5) - is better if you NC this then remove NC in 00:20:355 (1),the song change here IMO
  2. 00:29:159 (1,2) - try improve curve
  3. 00:39:594 (6,7,1,2) - wrong places NCs, put NC in 6 and 2 and remove nc in 1, this is really better follow music
  4. 00:39:920 (2,3) - you don't wanna use same shape?
  5. 00:48:725 (1) - improve curve, feel like parallel
  6. 00:50:029 (1) - ^ same
  7. 00:59:159 (1) - this still possible to make stack with 00:58:507 (3) in end


  1. 00:30:627 (4) - missing NC
  2. 00:36:333 (1) - you don't have to put NC if you make jump, just follow music, remove NC
  3. 00:46:768 (3,4,6) - this triangule is very near border, try out space more ? like you did in 00:41:551 (3,4,6) -
  4. 00:57:855 (1) - move to x:264 y:112 because the begin will better symentric between this notes 00:57:855 (1,2,3) -
  5. 00:59:975 (1) - remove NC
  6. 01:15:464 (1) - ^ same
yeah I did ask help monstrata. mapset is actually good
Any question or you don't understand my english ask me I will explain better
Call me back if you think this mp3 is ready or whatever
good luck
Topic Starter
Thanks everyone for giving me some insights on the situation.

If pishi is willing to push it forward, I'll pop the bubble to address Pereira's mod, and poke you guys later for re-bubble and hopefully qualification. Let me know, though, if you change your mind and and decide this mp3 isn't good enough :D
yea im fine with it
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