
kradness&Reol - Remote Control

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Difficulty name got changed and The CTB diff has been removed.
So I guess I'll just rebubble (#1) this, good luck once again!
불협화음과 불규칙에서도 예술을 볼 수 있으면 좋겠습니다. 틀에 박힌 사고방식으로는 아마 제 맵들을 이해하기 힘들거에요.
애초에 저 혼자 만든 난이도도 아니지만은... 이번 일로 정말 현 캐치 매핑계에 크게 실망했습니다.

CLSW wrote:

불협화음과 불규칙에서도 예술을 볼 수 있으면 좋겠습니다. 틀에 박힌 사고방식으로는 아마 제 맵들을 이해하기 힘들거에요.
애초에 저 혼자 만든 난이도도 아니지만은... 이번 일로 정말 현 캐치 매핑계에 크게 실망했습니다.
사실 랭크맵이라는 것에 있어서는 창의성이나 독창성도 중요하지만 대다수 플레이어가 이해가 가능한 보편성도 중요시되지 않나 싶네요. 일단은 맵을 랭크시킨다는 것은 오스의 공식 비트맵이 되는 과정인데 오로지 매퍼 자신의 느낌을 100% 반영해서 다른 플레이어들이 납득할 수 없는 패턴을 만든다면 아무래도 보편적으로 받아들여지기는 힘들지 않을까요?

Doyak wrote:

CLSW wrote:

불협화음과 불규칙에서도 예술을 볼 수 있으면 좋겠습니다. 틀에 박힌 사고방식으로는 아마 제 맵들을 이해하기 힘들거에요.
애초에 저 혼자 만든 난이도도 아니지만은... 이번 일로 정말 현 캐치 매핑계에 크게 실망했습니다.
사실 랭크맵이라는 것에 있어서는 창의성이나 독창성도 중요하지만 대다수 플레이어가 이해가 가능한 보편성도 중요시되지 않나 싶네요. 일단은 맵을 랭크시킨다는 것은 오스의 공식 비트맵이 되는 과정인데 오로지 매퍼 자신의 느낌을 100% 반영해서 다른 플레이어들이 납득할 수 없는 패턴을 만든다면 아무래도 보편적으로 받아들여지기는 힘들지 않을까요?
디퀄 원인을 살펴보시면 1/8의 쓰임이 안맞는다 점프 넣는 타이밍이 점프 거리문제다 라고 하고 또 분위기가 뭐 stronger sound여야 이러한 사항들이 납득이 되겠다고 하는데 분위기가 강하고 약하고를 이 곡에서 따지기엔 좀 많이 애매하다고 봅니다. 누구는 이 곡을 강한 분위기라고 생각하고 누구는 약하다고 하는 등 개인차가 있음에도 저런식으로 '이건 분위기가 약하니까 넌 그대로 따라가아해' 하는 식의 태도가 정말 마음에 안드는거에요. 저는 상당히 강한 편으로 느껴져서 그에 맞춰서 매핑한겁니다.

보편성 말씀하셨는데 일반 유저들/모더들의 패턴에 대한 클레임은 단 한번도 들은 적이 없었습니다. 다들 OK하는 눈치였고요. 저 역시 당연히 캐치 QAT으로서 일해본 적이 있었기에 이 쪽 관련해서는 누구보다 잘 안다고 자신할 수 있습니다.

또 애초에 스탠과는 다르게 저는 현 캐치 QAT들에 대해 딱히 신뢰가 가지 않는 편입니다. 솔직히 말해서 낙하산 인사로 뽑힌거같아요.

EDIT : 아 잠시만요, 아예 통째로 리매핑을 해서 낼 수 있다면 아마 캐치맵도 같이 랭크가 가능할 것 같습니다.


CLSW wrote:

korean memes intensify
05:00:859 (1) - 9초 짜리 스피너가 다소 부담스러우리만큼 길다는 느낌이 들었는데, 적어도 악기 소리가 들리는 05:08:404에서 끊어서 8초 스피너로 두는건 어떻게 보시나요?
Topic Starter

Sonnyc wrote:

05:00:859 (1) - 9초 짜리 스피너가 다소 부담스러우리만큼 길다는 느낌이 들었는데, 적어도 악기 소리가 들리는 05:08:404에서 끊어서 8초 스피너로 두는건 어떻게 보시나요?
ok spinner cutted at here 05:08:404 -
and i added N:C4 finish sound in spinner


hyouri wrote:

korean memes intensify
nevermind that's just joke ><
Song's intensity is a subjective problem. It seems pretty similar as this map though..
Rebubble #1
4 bubble quali inbound
Rebubble #2
Topic Starter
Let's try again ~! :3

why is that ctb difficulty removed lol

Crystal wrote:


why is that ctb difficulty removed lol

Ascendance wrote:

Crystal wrote:


why is that ctb difficulty removed lol
k another fine drama :)
-Makishima S-

Didn't expected to like Tayen pp patern abused map~~

Nice one mate, really nice one 8-)

free DT
taeyang literally can't make a map without it getting called dt farm rofl

i actually feel kind of bad now considering he's not actually a bad mapper
Can we please not fault mappers for a flawed pp system thanks
nice, comfortable jump patterns; enjoyable
don't want to blame pp mapping like everyone else, but what exactly is the reasoning behind OD9?... the patterns are simple and the map doesn't have much to offer. It doesn't correlate to difficulty, song complexity, approach rate or anything at all. It should've been at most OD8.2 to fit with the AR, but it's ranked now so there's not much I can say. If you don't want to be called a pp mapper however, you might want to watch out as these issues seem to be completely done on purpose.
the patterns are simple and the map doesn't have much to offer.
This kind of already answers it for me, as the person who helped pushing this map forward. Anything below 8 would actually be extremely easy for simple patterns like these and after all, it's still a rhythm game - blame the system instead.

Don't really agree with complexity = higher OD though. Wouldn't add OD9 on super complicated maps like most Camellia maps or stuff like Roze either, right?

also this map is inspired by Garven's version as Taeyang said earlier /me runs

appleeaterx wrote:

Anything below 8 would actually be extremely easy for simple patterns like these and after all, it's still a rhythm game - blame the system instead.
That's the point, though. The map IS easy, therefore putting high OD doesn't make the map any harder, it just adds artificial difficulty. Higher OD doesn't make the map any harder, it just inflates what the system perceives as difficulty and there's literally no other reason to put a high OD here other than "it gives more pp" or "i want accuracy to be the rewarding point in the map" but if you're going for the latter you might as well focus on your patterns to make high acc a more rewarding experience instead of just upping OD.
Well, some people simply enjoy higher OD. I, for one, really enjoy playing OD9 maps - regardless of the actual complexity of the map - because it gives me much better feedback on my timing and forces me to pay more attention to my taps.
this isn't about "player enjoyability", (I'm contradicting myself here. It IS about player enjoyability, but for a ranked map it's more important to follow the song (and the map itself) properly). It's about correlating a map to its difficulty and complexity. If we're gonna enforce quality and objectivity on the ranking criteria, might as well do this. Judging by the players' point of view, every map should have high OD, and that's not something we're ever gonna do :p
Blue Dragon (as am I, and as most players, mappers, and modders) is (are) used to maps that have a roughly balanced set of difficulty parameters - that is to say, a map should generally focus on one aspect of challenge while providing a balanced set of base difficulty in all other points. For something like Ice Angel, the challenge is stamina and accuracy. For something like Furioso, the challenge is stamina and aim. For something like High Score, the challenge is aim and accuracy. But all of those maps have a "base line" challenge in the rest of the map. High score still requires stamina, and Ice Angel still requires aim, and Furioso still requires accuracy.

But this map has extremely low levels of challenge across the board, with the only point of difficulty standing out being the abnormally high accuracy challenge with very, very sporadic and brief (the longest jump section is 8 notes) aim challenges, which tends to inflate the resulting pp results without needing to increase the challenge of other aspects.

Hopefully that makes it a bit clearer as an example of what "pp mapping" tends to boil down to. In an ideal world, we'd have maps that could provide fair results for all forms of challenge that this game can bring, but that is a world that we will likely never see.

Shiirn wrote:

But this map has extremely low levels of challenge
5.72 stars (c)


Sigi wrote:

Shiirn wrote:

But this map has extremely low levels of challenge
5.72 stars (c)

That's what he meant. Most of the map plays like a 4.5 star map with a few 5.7* jumps. That's not really the point of my post, though. I don't care much about the difficulty spikes (although yes, I disagree with them).

Blue Dragon wrote:

That's what he meant. Most of the map plays like a 4.5 star map with a few 5.7* jumps. That's not really the point of my post, though. I don't care much about the difficulty spikes (although yes, I disagree with them).
right, you've interested me. and i've gotta agree on the spikes and imo they should be main concern for discussion here
01:29:859 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
01:35:677 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
01:41:495 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
01:46:404 (3,4,5,6,7,1,2,1,2,1) -
02:50:950 (5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
02:45:132 (5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
02:56:768 (5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
04:15:313 (5,6,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4) -
04:21:132 (5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
04:26:950 (5,6,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4) -
04:32:223 (3,4,5,6,7,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3) -
-Makishima S-
Ok, so, played this few times, as someone who puts high pressure for acc and aim in nomod category - low mediocre rank feedback:

Low OD maps are main issue for me as nomod player, i tend to complain to friends a lot about "casual 180-190 bpm maps which are od7/od8 since they are perfectly playable with OD10". This map doesn't provide pattern challenge. In comparation to Glutamine or Saya, this one i could rate as easiest one in term of 3 remote control maps on OD9. Saya took me long time and i still cannot get it properly, Glutamine is still challenging in term on not jump spacing but how they are constructed. I ma perfectly fine with OD9.

Patterns are for most just copy paste and flip, i heared about being consistent with patterns for certain music parts but as many long maps differ some parts of patterns, this one have blatant copy paste.

As goes for streams, i have some kind of feeling that they are creating "music inside music from hitsounds". There is little to non feedback in music to them. They could be easiely changed to sliders / small jumps.

Jump section - oh boi. Why i feel it's just copying old Saya with this spacing ;w;

So well, after gathering my mind, i could rate this map as perfectly passable or even FCable for people ~10k rank who focus on short bursts / jumps / mediocre bpm.
Man I love post-rank modding
게임은 즐기는 거라구~!!

after playing this for myself to see what the fuss is about, i feel that the od on this map is WAY too high, OR the map is WAY too easy. i have shit acc, but something just doesn't click while playing this, especially since this is a difficulty i feel comfortable with.
Topic Starter

Shioi wrote:

게임은 즐기는 거라구~!!
님!!! 지금 님맵 아니라곸ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Topic Starter
Pls enjoy game

shoot dramas at your designated local cables
Topic Starter

Shioi wrote:

Pls enjoy game
Shitposting about drama doesn't mean there actually is any. I don't care how this is mapped, I simply explained why it's overscaled for the pp system. And people can and will dislike it for the same reasons it gives disproportionate amounts of pp. Nobody is asking for a derank and nobody is shitposting about how bad the map is - this is about as rational a discussion you can get and shitposting in response to it only shows immaturity.

People don't hate pp maps because they give lots of pp - Most of the really solid maps in the upper tiers of this game that give loads of pp are quite balanced. People hate pp maps because they don't like the imbalances they tend to have.

If it's "your style", then go on - fuck the haters. Only you can know for sure what you're mapping for.
pls enjoy game

Shiirn wrote:

Shitposting about drama doesn't mean there actually is any. I don't care how this is mapped, I simply explained why it's overscaled for the pp system. And people can and will dislike it for the same reasons it gives disproportionate amounts of pp. Nobody is asking for a derank and nobody is shitposting about how bad the map is - this is about as rational a discussion you can get and shitposting in response to it only shows immaturity.

People don't hate pp maps because they give lots of pp - Most of the really solid maps in the upper tiers of this game that give loads of pp are quite balanced. People hate pp maps because they don't like the imbalances they tend to have.

If it's "your style", then go on - fuck the haters. Only you can know for sure what you're mapping for.
if map get tooo many pp... it's system problem of pp, not map problem.
↑ exactly...

For those who are going to bitch more about this map, let me show you guys an example.

Let's put it this way.

Your class is taking an exam, and you see that question #5 is worth 5 points, but it is so easy.

On the other hand. you see other questions that are harder than #5 but only worth 2 points.

Of course, everyone in your class got #5 right and only those who are really good got the other questions right too.

In this case, would you go to your teacher and bitch about how #5 was easier than other questions and was worth more points therefore raising the average score in the class????

I don't think so.

Please enjoy game and learn to be thankful....
Discussing a map in a healthy way is fine, and this discussion is totally fine, under my opinion, yeah the pp system is the problem, but then again some mappers loves to abuse the system, is like abusing bugs in a certain game.
Anyways if the map have good quality for rank, then it should not matter if the map is abusing the pp system or not, since sooner or later it will be improved, and Congrats for rank!
I'll put my opinion here instead:
아이고 스레드 보니 난장판인거같은데... 고생한 만큼 보람을 느끼시면 좋겠습니다.
For those of you that are complaining, you're doing it at the wrong time. Notice how there is a 6-day period of nothing in this thread from the time it was qualified. Learn to do it then, and perhaps the pool of ranked maps will have an increased average quality level.

Everyone needs to stop thinking that maps deserved to be ranked. You also need to stop thinking that disqualifications are negative/unnecessary.
-Makishima S-
I think it's more like advice for creator and actually comment on final creation (map in ranked status).
While qualified status noone is in this times sure if someone will from nowhere DQ it even without comments in thread (and it happend already).
ayylmao copypaste
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