
ginkiha - Borealis [OsuMania]

Total Posts
Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 27 Januari 2016 at 1:06:28

Artist: ginkiha
Title: Borealis
Tags: SDVX 3 制作決定記念 オリジナル楽曲コンテスト Production Confirmation Commemorative Original Song Contest EOS sequel KONAMI BEMANI Arcade Championship -bangke- ALfarris
BPM: 196
Filesize: 3874kb
Play Time: 01:50
Difficulties Available:
  1. ADVANCED - 4Key (2,99 stars, 1058 notes)
  2. BANGKE's EXHAUST - 4Key (4,56 stars, 1254 notes)
  3. Farris' BASIC - 4Key (1,17 stars, 309 notes)
  4. NOVICE - 4Key (1,83 stars, 515 notes)
Download: ginkiha - Borealis
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing


GD List
  1. BASIC by ALFarris

more ginkihaaa :v
mark 4 gd
heyo elin, GD done

Topic Starter

-BANGKE- wrote:

heyo elin, GD done

Thanks ya :D
mark for mod ya~

column : 1 2 3 4

open it

AL? ArcherLove?

00:04:901 (4901|3,6126|0,7350|2,8575|1) - ctrl+h
00:09:799 - add note
00:19:595 - ^
00:24:187 (24187|1,24340|2,24493|3) - drag 1 clm <- to the left
00:28:167 (28167|0) - move to 4
00:36:585 - add
00:41:483 - ^
00:46:840 (46840|2) - move to 4
00:57:861 (57861|1) - move to 1
00:58:779 (58779|3) - ^ to 3
01:00:004 (60004|3,60310|0) - move to 3/2
01:00:769 (60769|1) - move to 1
01:11:024 - add
01:17:146 (77146|3,77452|1) - ctrl+h
01:20:208 - add
01:50:208 (110208|3) - remove or , check the previous part of this to add


00:08:575 (8575|1,9340|0,9799|0) - swap clm -
00:09:799 - add
00:35:820 - add to 1
00:41:636 (41636|2) - move to 1
00:45:616 - add to 1
01:01:840 (61840|1,62146|2) - ctrl+h
01:03:371 (63371|1) - move to 4
01:12:095 - add
01:25:871 (85871|1,85871|0,86024|3,86024|2,86177|1,86177|0,86330|3,86330|2,86483|1,86483|0,86636|3,86636|2,86789|1,86789|0,86942|2,86942|3,87095|1,87095|0,87248|3,87248|2,87401|0,87401|1,87555|2,87555|3,87708|1,87708|0,87861|2,87861|3,88014|0,88014|1) - make it 1 notes only


00:14:697 - add
00:19:901 (19901|1) - move to 4
00:31:534 (31534|3,31585|2,31636|0,31687|1,31738|3,31789|2) - this is funny , just make it LN
00:36:432 - add to 1
00:39:493 (39493|2) - move to 1
00:46:228 - add
01:15:616 - ^
01:25:412 - add to 4
01:29:391 - ^
01:30:616 - ^
01:35:361 - add to 2


00:37:350 (37350|0) - move to 3
01:20:667 - add
01:29:544 - 01:29:697 - 01:29:850 - suggest add here
01:30:769 (90769|3) - move to 1
01:30:998 (90998|1,91151|1) - remove
01:49:595 (109595|0,109634|1,109672|2,109710|3,109748|0,109787|1,109825|2,109863|3,109901|0,109940|1,109978|3,110016|2,110055|0,110093|1,110131|3,110169|2) - kinda funny , not sure what you follow this , better put drum sound

hope this help
[ A v a l o n ]
2015-09-03 19.49 [ A v a l o n ]: ACTION is editing [ ginkiha - Borealis [NOVICE]]
2015-09-03 19.49 [ A v a l o n ]: gogo
2015-09-03 19.49 erlinadewi-: okay
2015-09-03 19.50 erlinadewi-: i'm ready
2015-09-03 19.50 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:31:534 - tambah lagi LN nya bisa nih
2015-09-03 19.50 [ A v a l o n ]: ada 2 suara disana
2015-09-03 19.51 [ A v a l o n ]: jangan berharap banyak ya ;w; . . .. kemampuan mod gw sudah turun drastis
2015-09-03 19.51 erlinadewi-: gpp kok ^^
2015-09-03 19.51 erlinadewi-: lanjut
2015-09-03 19.52 [ A v a l o n ]: kok di putus ya notenya ?
2015-09-03 19.52 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:35:820 -
2015-09-03 19.53 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:45:616 -
2015-09-03 19.53 [ A v a l o n ]: saran w tetep aja kasi
2015-09-03 19.53 [ A v a l o n ]: ntar kebingungan
2015-09-03 19.53 erlinadewi-: hmm okay
2015-09-03 19.53 [ A v a l o n ]: orang mabuk ga bisa nebak suara apa yg kamu follow ;w;
2015-09-03 19.54 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:50:820 (50820|3) - sebenarnya bisa di ganti ke kick aja
2015-09-03 19.54 [ A v a l o n ]: soalnya untuk LN kek gini lebih cocok di diff easy
2015-09-03 19.54 erlinadewi-: emang ada orang mabuk main osu ;-;
2015-09-03 19.54 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:50:820 - 00:51:126 - 00:51:279 - taruh disana notenya . . buat gantiin LN
2015-09-03 19.54 erlinadewi-: oh ok
2015-09-03 19.55 erlinadewi-: okay
2015-09-03 19.56 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:51:891 (51891|1) - delete
2015-09-03 19.56 [ A v a l o n ]: ngga ada kick kek 00:52:197 (52197|2) -
2015-09-03 19.56 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:53:116 (53116|3) - inijuga delete
2015-09-03 19.56 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:54:340 (54340|1) -
2015-09-03 19.56 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:55:565 (55565|1) - lol
2015-09-03 19.57 [ A v a l o n ]: dan seterusnya
2015-09-03 19.57 erlinadewi-: okay :v
2015-09-03 19.57 [ A v a l o n ]: 01:09:799 - dan 01:10:106 - bisa dikasi 1 note buat synthnya . . .jgn biarkan kosong sih :3
2015-09-03 19.58 [ A v a l o n ]: taruh aja di kolom 3 dan 1
2015-09-03 19.58 erlinadewi-: done :3
2015-09-03 19.58 [ A v a l o n ]: 01:12:401 (72401|0) - delete
2015-09-03 19.58 [ A v a l o n ]: aku tau kamu ngikut backsound pianonya :3
2015-09-03 19.58 [ A v a l o n ]: kek ini 01:11:177 -
2015-09-03 19.59 [ A v a l o n ]: 01:16:075 (76075|1) - delete juga
2015-09-03 19.59 [ A v a l o n ]: ini juga 01:17:299 (77299|3) -
2015-09-03 19.59 [ A v a l o n ]: dengerin aja pelan2 :3
2015-09-03 20.00 erlinadewi-: okay
2015-09-03 20.00 [ A v a l o n ]: wait ya
2015-09-03 20.00 [ A v a l o n ]: mie udah masak ;w;
2015-09-03 20.01 erlinadewi-: kay
2015-09-03 20.01 erlinadewi-: aku abis makan mie jga ;w;
2015-09-03 20.04 [ A v a l o n ]: k lanjut
2015-09-03 20.05 erlinadewi-: ok
2015-09-03 20.05 [ A v a l o n ]: sebaiknya 2 note itu mulai dari sini aja 01:17:299 (77299|3) -
2015-09-03 20.05 [ A v a l o n ]: tambahin 1 :3
2015-09-03 20.06 [ A v a l o n ]: 01:25:412 (85412|1,85565|2) - geser ke kiri 1 kolom
2015-09-03 20.06 [ A v a l o n ]: tambah note di kolom 3
2015-09-03 20.06 [ A v a l o n ]: 01:25:718 -
2015-09-03 20.06 [ A v a l o n ]: 01:30:310 - tambah lagi 1 LN di kolom 2 . . . buat suara burstnya
2015-09-03 20.08 [ A v a l o n ]: done ?
2015-09-03 20.08 erlinadewi-: ok
2015-09-03 20.08 erlinadewi-: sip
2015-09-03 20.08 erlinadewi-: eh yang 2 note dari mana?
2015-09-03 20.08 erlinadewi-: dari sini ? 01:17:299 -
2015-09-03 20.09 [ A v a l o n ]: yg mana ?
2015-09-03 20.10 [ A v a l o n ]: salah timing njir
2015-09-03 20.10 [ A v a l o n ]: 01:25:718 - nih\
2015-09-03 20.12 erlinadewi-: DC :"
2015-09-03 20.12 [ A v a l o n ]: ;w;
2015-09-03 20.12 [ A v a l o n ]: menurt w kebangetan juga sih note kek gini buat normal diff
2015-09-03 20.12 [ A v a l o n ]: 01:25:871 (85871|0,85871|1,86024|3,86024|2,86177|1,86177|0,86330|3,86330|2,86483|0,86483|1,86636|3,86636|2,86789|0,86789|1,86942|2,86942|3,87095|1,87095|0,87248|2,87248|3,87401|0,87401|1,87555|2,87555|3,87708|1,87708|0,87861|3,87861|2,88014|0,88014|1) -
2015-09-03 20.12 [ A v a l o n ]: disini aja kamu masih pke 1 01:45:310 -
2015-09-03 20.14 [ A v a l o n ]: untuk yg novice itu aja dlu . . ntar diperbaiki lagi ya ;)
2015-09-03 20.14 erlinadewi-: ok
2015-09-03 20.14 erlinadewi-: adv jga ada beberapa note yang bingung pattern nya kek gimana
2015-09-03 20.15 [ A v a l o n ]: ACTION is editing [ ginkiha - Borealis [ADVANCED]]
2015-09-03 20.15 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:14:697 (14697|3) - tambah note
2015-09-03 20.15 [ A v a l o n ]: look this 00:14:697 (14697|3) -
2015-09-03 20.16 erlinadewi-: ok
2015-09-03 20.16 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:39:493 (39493|2) - move to 1 :D balance
2015-09-03 20.16 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:39:493 (39493|0) - tambahin juga disini :3
2015-09-03 20.17 erlinadewi-: oke :3
2015-09-03 20.17 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:51:432 - mulai dari sini
2015-09-03 20.17 [ A v a l o n ]: boring ;w;
2015-09-03 20.17 [ A v a l o n ]: masa ngikut kick mulu ;w;
2015-09-03 20.17 [ A v a l o n ]: coba deh ngikut synthnya . ..
2015-09-03 20.17 [ A v a l o n ]: bentar ya w kasi pic aja
2015-09-03 20.17 erlinadewi-: ganti ngikutin apa dong?
2015-09-03 20.18 erlinadewi-: oke ^^
2015-09-03 20.18 erlinadewi-: pake LN?
2015-09-03 20.21 [ A v a l o n ]: coba mapping di plaback rate 50% biar ketahuan synth nya
2015-09-03 20.21 [ A v a l o n ]:
2015-09-03 20.21 erlinadewi-: ok
2015-09-03 20.21 [ A v a l o n ]: agak expert sih snappingnya
2015-09-03 20.21 [ A v a l o n ]: tau kan cara menurunkan playback rate ?
2015-09-03 20.22 [ A v a l o n ]: perhatikan garisnya
2015-09-03 20.22 [ A v a l o n ]: itu baru sebagian ;w;
2015-09-03 20.22 erlinadewi-: tau lah :"v
2015-09-03 20.22 [ A v a l o n ]: terusin aja sampai sini 01:01:228 -
2015-09-03 20.22 erlinadewi-: ok
2015-09-03 20.23 [ A v a l o n ]: 01:28:167 (88167|3,88243|2,88320|1,88396|0,88473|3,88549|2,88626|1,88702|0,88779|3,88856|2,88932|1,89009|0,89085|3,89162|2,89238|1,89315|0) -
2015-09-03 20.23 [ A v a l o n ]: coba ctrl G\
2015-09-03 20.24 [ A v a l o n ]: habis itu 01:29:391 - tambah note di kolom 1 dan 2
2015-09-03 20.24 erlinadewi-: sip
2015-09-03 20.24 erlinadewi-: done
2015-09-03 20.25 erlinadewi-: done
2015-09-03 20.25 [ A v a l o n ]: 01:39:799 (99799|2,99799|1,99952|1,99952|2,100106|2,100106|1,100259|1,100259|2) - coba ke kolom 1 dan 4
2015-09-03 20.25 [ A v a l o n ]: udah beda rythimnya
2015-09-03 20.26 erlinadewi-: ok
2015-09-03 20.26 erlinadewi-: done
2015-09-03 20.26 [ A v a l o n ]: itu aja sih ;w;
Topic Starter

[ A v a l o n ] wrote:

2015-09-03 19.49 [ A v a l o n ]: ACTION is editing [ ginkiha - Borealis [NOVICE]]
2015-09-03 19.49 [ A v a l o n ]: gogo
2015-09-03 19.49 erlinadewi-: okay
2015-09-03 19.50 erlinadewi-: i'm ready
2015-09-03 19.50 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:31:534 - tambah lagi LN nya bisa nih
2015-09-03 19.50 [ A v a l o n ]: ada 2 suara disana
2015-09-03 19.51 [ A v a l o n ]: jangan berharap banyak ya ;w; . . .. kemampuan mod gw sudah turun drastis
2015-09-03 19.51 erlinadewi-: gpp kok ^^
2015-09-03 19.51 erlinadewi-: lanjut
2015-09-03 19.52 [ A v a l o n ]: kok di putus ya notenya ?
2015-09-03 19.52 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:35:820 -
2015-09-03 19.53 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:45:616 -
2015-09-03 19.53 [ A v a l o n ]: saran w tetep aja kasi
2015-09-03 19.53 [ A v a l o n ]: ntar kebingungan
2015-09-03 19.53 erlinadewi-: hmm okay
2015-09-03 19.53 [ A v a l o n ]: orang mabuk ga bisa nebak suara apa yg kamu follow ;w;
2015-09-03 19.54 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:50:820 (50820|3) - sebenarnya bisa di ganti ke kick aja
2015-09-03 19.54 [ A v a l o n ]: soalnya untuk LN kek gini lebih cocok di diff easy
2015-09-03 19.54 erlinadewi-: emang ada orang mabuk main osu ;-;
2015-09-03 19.54 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:50:820 - 00:51:126 - 00:51:279 - taruh disana notenya . . buat gantiin LN
2015-09-03 19.54 erlinadewi-: oh ok
2015-09-03 19.55 erlinadewi-: okay
2015-09-03 19.56 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:51:891 (51891|1) - delete
2015-09-03 19.56 [ A v a l o n ]: ngga ada kick kek 00:52:197 (52197|2) -
2015-09-03 19.56 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:53:116 (53116|3) - inijuga delete
2015-09-03 19.56 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:54:340 (54340|1) -
2015-09-03 19.56 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:55:565 (55565|1) - lol
2015-09-03 19.57 [ A v a l o n ]: dan seterusnya
2015-09-03 19.57 erlinadewi-: okay :v
2015-09-03 19.57 [ A v a l o n ]: 01:09:799 - dan 01:10:106 - bisa dikasi 1 note buat synthnya . . .jgn biarkan kosong sih :3
2015-09-03 19.58 [ A v a l o n ]: taruh aja di kolom 3 dan 1
2015-09-03 19.58 erlinadewi-: done :3
2015-09-03 19.58 [ A v a l o n ]: 01:12:401 (72401|0) - delete
2015-09-03 19.58 [ A v a l o n ]: aku tau kamu ngikut backsound pianonya :3
2015-09-03 19.58 [ A v a l o n ]: kek ini 01:11:177 -
2015-09-03 19.59 [ A v a l o n ]: 01:16:075 (76075|1) - delete juga
2015-09-03 19.59 [ A v a l o n ]: ini juga 01:17:299 (77299|3) -
2015-09-03 19.59 [ A v a l o n ]: dengerin aja pelan2 :3
2015-09-03 20.00 erlinadewi-: okay
2015-09-03 20.00 [ A v a l o n ]: wait ya
2015-09-03 20.00 [ A v a l o n ]: mie udah masak ;w;
2015-09-03 20.01 erlinadewi-: kay
2015-09-03 20.01 erlinadewi-: aku abis makan mie jga ;w;
2015-09-03 20.04 [ A v a l o n ]: k lanjut
2015-09-03 20.05 erlinadewi-: ok
2015-09-03 20.05 [ A v a l o n ]: sebaiknya 2 note itu mulai dari sini aja 01:17:299 (77299|3) -
2015-09-03 20.05 [ A v a l o n ]: tambahin 1 :3
2015-09-03 20.06 [ A v a l o n ]: 01:25:412 (85412|1,85565|2) - geser ke kiri 1 kolom
2015-09-03 20.06 [ A v a l o n ]: tambah note di kolom 3
2015-09-03 20.06 [ A v a l o n ]: 01:25:718 -
2015-09-03 20.06 [ A v a l o n ]: 01:30:310 - tambah lagi 1 LN di kolom 2 . . . buat suara burstnya
2015-09-03 20.08 [ A v a l o n ]: done ?
2015-09-03 20.08 erlinadewi-: ok
2015-09-03 20.08 erlinadewi-: sip
2015-09-03 20.08 erlinadewi-: eh yang 2 note dari mana?
2015-09-03 20.08 erlinadewi-: dari sini ? 01:17:299 -
2015-09-03 20.09 [ A v a l o n ]: yg mana ?
2015-09-03 20.10 [ A v a l o n ]: salah timing njir
2015-09-03 20.10 [ A v a l o n ]: 01:25:718 - nih\
2015-09-03 20.12 erlinadewi-: DC :"
2015-09-03 20.12 [ A v a l o n ]: ;w;
2015-09-03 20.12 [ A v a l o n ]: menurt w kebangetan juga sih note kek gini buat normal diff
2015-09-03 20.12 [ A v a l o n ]: 01:25:871 (85871|0,85871|1,86024|3,86024|2,86177|1,86177|0,86330|3,86330|2,86483|0,86483|1,86636|3,86636|2,86789|0,86789|1,86942|2,86942|3,87095|1,87095|0,87248|2,87248|3,87401|0,87401|1,87555|2,87555|3,87708|1,87708|0,87861|3,87861|2,88014|0,88014|1) -
2015-09-03 20.12 [ A v a l o n ]: disini aja kamu masih pke 1 01:45:310 -
2015-09-03 20.14 [ A v a l o n ]: untuk yg novice itu aja dlu . . ntar diperbaiki lagi ya ;)
2015-09-03 20.14 erlinadewi-: ok
2015-09-03 20.14 erlinadewi-: adv jga ada beberapa note yang bingung pattern nya kek gimana
2015-09-03 20.15 [ A v a l o n ]: ACTION is editing [ ginkiha - Borealis [ADVANCED]]
2015-09-03 20.15 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:14:697 (14697|3) - tambah note
2015-09-03 20.15 [ A v a l o n ]: look this 00:14:697 (14697|3) -
2015-09-03 20.16 erlinadewi-: ok
2015-09-03 20.16 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:39:493 (39493|2) - move to 1 :D balance
2015-09-03 20.16 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:39:493 (39493|0) - tambahin juga disini :3
2015-09-03 20.17 erlinadewi-: oke :3
2015-09-03 20.17 [ A v a l o n ]: 00:51:432 - mulai dari sini
2015-09-03 20.17 [ A v a l o n ]: boring ;w;
2015-09-03 20.17 [ A v a l o n ]: masa ngikut kick mulu ;w;
2015-09-03 20.17 [ A v a l o n ]: coba deh ngikut synthnya . ..
2015-09-03 20.17 [ A v a l o n ]: bentar ya w kasi pic aja
2015-09-03 20.17 erlinadewi-: ganti ngikutin apa dong?
2015-09-03 20.18 erlinadewi-: oke ^^
2015-09-03 20.18 erlinadewi-: pake LN?
2015-09-03 20.21 [ A v a l o n ]: coba mapping di plaback rate 50% biar ketahuan synth nya
2015-09-03 20.21 [ A v a l o n ]:
2015-09-03 20.21 erlinadewi-: ok
2015-09-03 20.21 [ A v a l o n ]: agak expert sih snappingnya
2015-09-03 20.21 [ A v a l o n ]: tau kan cara menurunkan playback rate ?
2015-09-03 20.22 [ A v a l o n ]: perhatikan garisnya
2015-09-03 20.22 [ A v a l o n ]: itu baru sebagian ;w;
2015-09-03 20.22 erlinadewi-: tau lah :"v
2015-09-03 20.22 [ A v a l o n ]: terusin aja sampai sini 01:01:228 -
2015-09-03 20.22 erlinadewi-: ok
2015-09-03 20.23 [ A v a l o n ]: 01:28:167 (88167|3,88243|2,88320|1,88396|0,88473|3,88549|2,88626|1,88702|0,88779|3,88856|2,88932|1,89009|0,89085|3,89162|2,89238|1,89315|0) -
2015-09-03 20.23 [ A v a l o n ]: coba ctrl G\
2015-09-03 20.24 [ A v a l o n ]: habis itu 01:29:391 - tambah note di kolom 1 dan 2
2015-09-03 20.24 erlinadewi-: sip
2015-09-03 20.24 erlinadewi-: done
2015-09-03 20.25 erlinadewi-: done
2015-09-03 20.25 [ A v a l o n ]: 01:39:799 (99799|2,99799|1,99952|1,99952|2,100106|2,100106|1,100259|1,100259|2) - coba ke kolom 1 dan 4
2015-09-03 20.25 [ A v a l o n ]: udah beda rythimnya
2015-09-03 20.26 erlinadewi-: ok
2015-09-03 20.26 erlinadewi-: done
2015-09-03 20.26 [ A v a l o n ]: itu aja sih ;w;
Thank you very much Avalon-senpai :)
Topic Starter

ShikiNoHollow wrote:


column : 1 2 3 4

open it

AL? ArcherLove?

00:04:901 (4901|3,6126|0,7350|2,8575|1) - ctrl+h
00:09:799 - add note
00:19:595 - ^
00:24:187 (24187|1,24340|2,24493|3) - drag 1 clm <- to the left
00:28:167 (28167|0) - move to 4
00:36:585 - add
00:41:483 - ^
00:46:840 (46840|2) - move to 4
00:57:861 (57861|1) - move to 1
00:58:779 (58779|3) - ^ to 3
01:00:004 (60004|3,60310|0) - move to 3/2
01:00:769 (60769|1) - move to 1
01:11:024 - add
01:17:146 (77146|3,77452|1) - ctrl+h
01:20:208 - add
01:50:208 (110208|3) - remove or , check the previous part of this to add


00:08:575 (8575|1,9340|0,9799|0) - swap clm -
00:09:799 - add
00:35:820 - add to 1
00:41:636 (41636|2) - move to 1
00:45:616 - add to 1
01:01:840 (61840|1,62146|2) - ctrl+h
01:03:371 (63371|1) - move to 4
01:12:095 - add
01:25:871 (85871|1,85871|0,86024|3,86024|2,86177|1,86177|0,86330|3,86330|2,86483|1,86483|0,86636|3,86636|2,86789|1,86789|0,86942|2,86942|3,87095|1,87095|0,87248|3,87248|2,87401|0,87401|1,87555|2,87555|3,87708|1,87708|0,87861|2,87861|3,88014|0,88014|1) - make it 1 notes only


00:14:697 - add
00:19:901 (19901|1) - move to 4
00:31:534 (31534|3,31585|2,31636|0,31687|1,31738|3,31789|2) - this is funny , just make it LN
00:36:432 - add to 1
00:39:493 (39493|2) - move to 1
00:46:228 - add
01:15:616 - ^
01:25:412 - add to 4
01:29:391 - ^
01:30:616 - ^
01:35:361 - add to 2


00:37:350 (37350|0) - move to 3
01:20:667 - add
01:29:544 - 01:29:697 - 01:29:850 - suggest add here
01:30:769 (90769|3) - move to 1
01:30:998 (90998|1,91151|1) - remove
01:49:595 (109595|0,109634|1,109672|2,109710|3,109748|0,109787|1,109825|2,109863|3,109901|0,109940|1,109978|3,110016|2,110055|0,110093|1,110131|3,110169|2) - kinda funny , not sure what you follow this , better put drum sound

hope this help
AL is ALfarris. Thank you for your MOD :)

ShikiNoHollow wrote:


column : 1 2 3 4


00:37:350 (37350|0) - move to 3 // ok
01:20:667 - add // ok
01:29:544 - 01:29:697 - 01:29:850 - suggest add here // nice catch
01:30:769 (90769|3) - move to 1 // ok
01:30:998 (90998|1,91151|1) - remove // ok
01:49:595 (109595|0,109634|1,109672|2,109710|3,109748|0,109787|1,109825|2,109863|3,109901|0,109940|1,109978|3,110016|2,110055|0,110093|1,110131|3,110169|2) - kinda funny , not sure what you follow this , better put drum sound
// lol i didnt notice this, maybe im drunk[/box]

hope this help

-BANGKE- wrote:

thanks for mod shiki

ShikiNoHollow wrote:


column : 1 2 3 4

open it

AL? ArcherLove?

00:04:901 (4901|3,6126|0,7350|2,8575|1) - ctrl+h
00:09:799 - add note
00:19:595 - ^
00:24:187 (24187|1,24340|2,24493|3) - drag 1 clm <- to the left
00:28:167 (28167|0) - move to 4
00:36:585 - add
00:41:483 - ^
00:46:840 (46840|2) - move to 4
00:57:861 (57861|1) - move to 1
00:58:779 (58779|3) - ^ to 3
01:00:004 (60004|3,60310|0) - move to 3/2
01:00:769 (60769|1) - move to 1
01:11:024 - add
01:17:146 (77146|3,77452|1) - ctrl+h
01:20:208 - add
01:50:208 (110208|3) - remove or , check the previous part of this to add

hope this help
this mod very useful for me, thx :) i know i'm too newbie at mapping ;w; idk AL for ArcherLover before._.


Farris's BASIC
00:24:340 (24340|1,24493|2) - Ctrl+j
00:30:616 - add note ?
01:11:024 - add note
maybe for some variation just add one note for every symbal/crash sound

00:19:595 (19595|1) - move to 1
00:51:432 (51432|1,51738|0) - Ctrl+j
00:52:197 - you forgot a beat here,add note
00:53:422 (53422|0) - move to 4

00:03:065 (3065|1,3218|2) - geser ke kiri satu kolom
00:04:595 (4595|1,4748|2) - ctrl+j
00:09:034 (9034|3,9187|2) - ctrl+j
dari sini 00:09:799 - sampe 00:28:779 - sini itu posisi double note sama single note nya kebalik,jadi tinggal dibalik aja ,yang single jadiin double yang double jadiin single
01:01:228 - mulai dari sini knpa pake 3 note ? dsni 00:32:146 - ko pake single sama double?
01:37:963 - dsni kalo saran ku remap aja

00:29:697 (29697|3) - ini mulai nya dari sini om 00:29:391 -
gomen berhubung tangan masi blom bner jadi ngga bisa mod bnyak ;w;

good luck with your map ~
Topic Starter

201mLover wrote:


00:19:595 (19595|1) - move to 1 done
00:51:432 (51432|1,51738|0) - Ctrl+j done
00:52:197 - you forgot a beat here,add note done
00:53:422 (53422|0) - move to 4 done

00:03:065 (3065|1,3218|2) - geser ke kiri satu kolom done
00:04:595 (4595|1,4748|2) - ctrl+j done
00:09:034 (9034|3,9187|2) - ctrl+j done
dari sini 00:09:799 - sampe 00:28:779 - sini itu posisi double note sama single note nya kebalik,jadi tinggal dibalik aja ,yang single jadiin double yang double jadiin single beresss
01:01:228 - mulai dari sini knpa pake 3 note ? dsni 00:32:146 - ko pake single sama double? soalnya suaranya keras jadi aku pake 3 note
01:37:963 - dsni kalo saran ku remap aja nah pas bag. itu emang saya bingung. saran?

good luck with your map ~
Thanks for MOD. It's very useful :)

erlinadewi- wrote:

01:01:228 - mulai dari sini knpa pake 3 note ? dsni 00:32:146 - ko pake single sama double? soalnya suaranya keras jadi aku pake 3 note sbener nya saran aja nih ya itu jadi single sama double aja kya nya sound yang sblum nya buat consistency
01:37:963 - dsni kalo saran ku remap aja nah pas bag. itu emang saya bingung. saran?coba aja di sebar jadi biar ngga jadi jack kyak gtu/diremp ngikut suara beat drum nya aja
no kds ;)
Topic Starter

201mLover wrote:

erlinadewi- wrote:

01:01:228 - mulai dari sini knpa pake 3 note ? dsni 00:32:146 - ko pake single sama double? soalnya suaranya keras jadi aku pake 3 note sbener nya saran aja nih ya itu jadi single sama double aja kya nya sound yang sblum nya buat consistency
01:37:963 - dsni kalo saran ku remap aja nah pas bag. itu emang saya bingung. saran?coba aja di sebar jadi biar ngga jadi jack kyak gtu/diremp ngikut suara beat drum nya aja
no kds ;)
ok. thanks sarannya :)

201mLover wrote:


00:29:697 (29697|3) - ini mulai nya dari sini om 00:29:391 - // nice catch
gomen berhubung tangan masi blom bner jadi ngga bisa mod bnyak ;w;

good luck with your map ~

-BANGKE- wrote:

thanks for mod kenon :v

Sorry for the wait

hmm.... alll modder are from indonesia

kaayy pake indo yaa

Column :1/2/3/4

Cuz the song are my fav.. i'll be Strict for ya


hmm... cara mapping nya mayan... constant dan friendly juga, but kau melewatkan beberapa hal penting di sini

01:20:208 - kau dari awal ngikut Beat musik.. kenapa ini di kosongin? please jangan di putus rhythm nya

dan dari sini aku akan focus ke pitch nya

ini column pitch nya in case you don't know : sangat rendah/rendah/tinggi/sangat tinggi atau DO/RE/MI/FA/SOL

00:00:004 (4|0) - sampai 00:08:575 (8575|1) - aku dengar ini ngikut Violin.. jadi coba peletakan sesuaikan sama column pitch nya

seperti ini:
00:00:004 (4|0) - kasi ke column 4 karena nada tinggi
00:01:228 (1228|1) - kasi di 3 atau 2 karena nadanya lebih rendah dari ^ dan lebih tinggi dari 00:02:452 (2452|3) - (kalo aku saranin kasi di 2 supaya ballance nya juga kena)
00:02:452 (2452|3) - kasi di 1 karena nadanya sangat rendah
00:03:677 (3677|2,4901|3) - ni dah pass.. ngga perlu di rubah
00:06:126 (6126|0) - kasi di 2 karena nadanya lebih rendah dari LN bawahnya
00:07:350 (7350|2) - kasi di 1 karena nada sangat rendah
00:08:575 (8575|1) - kasi di 3 karena nadanya rada tinggi dan Ballance nya biar kena
ps: aku tau jadinya nanti repetitif dan mengulang.. tapi enak di mainin

00:09:799 - ini aku denger ada Beat keras... kenapa di ignore? kalau kau ignore nanti hitungan beat nya jadi kacau, karena new player ngitung beat nya juga (ada beberapa), and i suggest kasi di 2 aja... karena sebelumnya LN kau pindah ke 3 biar ballance tangan kanan sama kiri nya

00:11:024 (11024|1,11330|0,11636|2,11942|1,12248|3) - ini... ngga tau ato emang sengaja... kau merusak Flow Left - Right Coordination nya.
coba 00:11:942 (11942|1,12248|3) - dari bawah di biat gini : move ke col. 4 dan atasnya move ke Col. 2
flow nya nanti lebih enak

00:13:473 (13473|3,13779|0,14085|1,14391|3,14544|2,14697|0) - ini... Flow nya rusak... pesan buat kau... kalo mau ngganti Flow... usahakan setelah suara atau beat ke 17 atau setelah 1/2 Kick biar ngga kaget
seperti ini:

PS: ini aku focus ke Flow nya setelah ini kau mau ganti arah Flow ngga masalah... and sisanya aku serahkan sama kau untuk latihan

00:18:677 (18677|2,18983|3) - ini.. ngga bener... kau dari tadi ngikut kick drum.. terus tiba tiba ngikut instrument lain... lebih baik kalo mau change ke instrument yang lain... start dari beat ke 17, in case you dont know beat ke 17 nya 00:14:697 - tepat setelah 1/2 beat kick
tapi ingat.. Pitch column nya harus di perhatikan....

00:19:595 - missing beat here... kenapa kau kosongin?

PS: sebenarnya untuk basic.. ngga perlu focus ke kick nya aja... coba focus ke Instrument dengan nada Simple.. gitu juga bisa plus bikin play nya jadi lebih asik tapi inget.. hanya 1 instrument itu aja... jangan di tambahin apa apa dan jangan ganti ke intrument lain.. cukup 1 intrument saja

you have potential.. keep it up


daahh mbaak.... ni pitch di awal... benerin.. samain kaya basic tadi

00:09:187 (9187|2,9340|0) - sebenarnya..... ini ngga perlu lin.. kasi aja note ini 00:09:187 (9187|2) - untuk Stream dan 00:09:493 (9493|2,9646|3,9799|0) - untuk 1/2 beat nya. trust me... lebih enak *and plus 00:09:340 (9340|0) - cuman bikin confuse menurutku

00:09:799 (9799|0) - ke atas... jangan samain sama Basic.. terlalu soft and kesan nya manjain player
coba kasi 00:10:106 (10106|2) - dan Snare yang sejenis note 1 lagi

and karena ini Novice... coba Focus ke intrument yang beat nya rada cepet itu... focusin aja dari awal sampe akhir... enak mbak.. yakin


awalan nya sama problem nya

uuhhmm.. mending langsung di stream aja mbak untuk awalan nya.. ngga perlu kasi LN.. Stream nya aja sampe bagian itu selesai

kalo itu di terapin.. nanti 00:09:187 (9187|2,9187|0,9340|1,9493|2,9646|3,9799|1,9799|2) - bagian ini yang ada Stream drum nya pesti kena map juga

00:10:106 (10106|3,10412|0,10412|2,10718|1,11024|2,11024|3) - untuk dual nya... coba dual nya kasi di Clap nya .. jangan pas Kick nya... itungan nya jadi kacau mbak *Clap sama Snare nya

jadi nya kek gini ntar

Overall... masi terlalu santai Advance mu... coba ikutun Synth nya

-Exhaust by Bangke-

hmm... good.. but.... i know you can do better than this

Kaay Done~

and pesan terakhir...

masi ada Slot ngga? if no

Give me More Ginkiha yang bisa aku GD
Topic Starter

Pharos21 wrote:


Sorry for the wait

hmm.... alll modder are from indonesia

kaayy pake indo yaa

Column :1/2/3/4

Cuz the song are my fav.. i'll be Strict for ya


hmm... cara mapping nya mayan... constant dan friendly juga, but kau melewatkan beberapa hal penting di sini

01:20:208 - kau dari awal ngikut Beat musik.. kenapa ini di kosongin? please jangan di putus rhythm nya

dan dari sini aku akan focus ke pitch nya

ini column pitch nya in case you don't know : sangat rendah/rendah/tinggi/sangat tinggi atau DO/RE/MI/FA/SOL

00:00:004 (4|0) - sampai 00:08:575 (8575|1) - aku dengar ini ngikut Violin.. jadi coba peletakan sesuaikan sama column pitch nya

seperti ini:
00:00:004 (4|0) - kasi ke column 1 karena nada tinggi
00:01:228 (1228|1) - kasi di 3 atau 2 karena nadanya lebih rendah dari ^ dan lebih tinggi dari 00:02:452 (2452|3) - (kalo aku saranin kasi di 2 supaya ballance nya juga kena)
00:02:452 (2452|3) - kasi di 1 karena nadanya sangat rendah
00:03:677 (3677|2,4901|3) - ni dah pass.. ngga perlu di rubah
00:06:126 (6126|0) - kasi di 2 karena nadanya lebih rendah dari LN bawahnya
00:07:350 (7350|2) - kasi di 1 karena nada sangat rendah
00:08:575 (8575|1) - kasi di 3 karena nadanya rada tinggi dan Ballance nya biar kena
ps: aku tau jadinya nanti repetitif dan mengulang.. tapi enak di mainin

00:09:799 - ini aku denger ada Beat keras... kenapa di ignore? kalau kau ignore nanti hitungan beat nya jadi kacau, karena new player ngitung beat nya juga (ada beberapa), and i suggest kasi di 2 aja... karena sebelumnya LN kau pindah ke 3 biar ballance tangan kanan sama kiri nya

00:11:024 (11024|1,11330|0,11636|2,11942|1,12248|3) - ini... ngga tau ato emang sengaja... kau merusak Flow Left - Right Coordination nya.
coba 00:11:942 (11942|1,12248|3) - dari bawah di biat gini : move ke col. 4 dan atasnya move ke Col. 2
flow nya nanti lebih enak

00:13:473 (13473|3,13779|0,14085|1,14391|3,14544|2,14697|0) - ini... Flow nya rusak... pesan buat kau... kalo mau ngganti Flow... usahakan setelah suara atau beat ke 17 atau setelah 1/2 Kick biar ngga kaget
seperti ini:

PS: ini aku focus ke Flow nya setelah ini kau mau ganti arah Flow ngga masalah... and sisanya aku serahkan sama kau untuk latihan

00:18:677 (18677|2,18983|3) - ini.. ngga bener... kau dari tadi ngikut kick drum.. terus tiba tiba ngikut instrument lain... lebih baik kalo mau change ke instrument yang lain... start dari beat ke 17, in case you dont know beat ke 17 nya 00:14:697 - tepat setelah 1/2 beat kick
tapi ingat.. Pitch column nya harus di perhatikan....

00:19:595 - missing beat here... kenapa kau kosongin?

PS: sebenarnya untuk basic.. ngga perlu focus ke kick nya aja... coba focus ke Instrument dengan nada Simple.. gitu juga bisa plus bikin play nya jadi lebih asik tapi inget.. hanya 1 instrument itu aja... jangan di tambahin apa apa dan jangan ganti ke intrument lain.. cukup 1 intrument saja

you have potential.. keep it up


daahh mbaak.... ni pitch di awal... benerin.. samain kaya basic tadi

00:09:187 (9187|2,9340|0) - sebenarnya..... ini ngga perlu lin.. kasi aja note ini 00:09:187 (9187|2) - untuk Stream dan 00:09:493 (9493|2,9646|3,9799|0) - untuk 1/2 beat nya. trust me... lebih enak *and plus 00:09:340 (9340|0) - cuman bikin confuse menurutku

00:09:799 (9799|0) - ke atas... jangan samain sama Basic.. terlalu soft and kesan nya manjain player
coba kasi 00:10:106 (10106|2) - dan Snare yang sejenis note 1 lagi

and karena ini Novice... coba Focus ke intrument yang beat nya rada cepet itu... focusin aja dari awal sampe akhir... enak mbak.. yakin


awalan nya sama problem nya

uuhhmm.. mending langsung di stream aja mbak untuk awalan nya.. ngga perlu kasi LN.. Stream nya aja sampe bagian itu selesai

kalo itu di terapin.. nanti 00:09:187 (9187|2,9187|0,9340|1,9493|2,9646|3,9799|1,9799|2) - bagian ini yang ada Stream drum nya pesti kena map juga

00:10:106 (10106|3,10412|0,10412|2,10718|1,11024|2,11024|3) - untuk dual nya... coba dual nya kasi di Clap nya .. jangan pas Kick nya... itungan nya jadi kacau mbak *Clap sama Snare nya

jadi nya kek gini ntar

Overall... masi terlalu santai Advance mu... coba ikutun Synth nya

-Exhaust by Bangke-

hmm... good.. but.... i know you can do better than this

Kaay Done~

and pesan terakhir...

masi ada Slot ngga? if no

Give me More Ginkiha yang bisa aku GD
Thanks modnya kak Pharos :) . Sepertinya saya masih harus belajar banyak nih tentang mapping :? , dan slot GD untuk BM ini penuh soalnya diff nya mentok di EXH aja.. sekali lagi terima kasih :D
[ Ingga ]
Hello Elin :D

Omatase :D
Req In Game :
Language : Indonesian

~ Soory Dikit , Buru2 - Jumatan :3 ~
~ IRCnya Lupa Ku Save Karena Buru2 , #LOL :D ~

00:09:187 - 00:09:848 - : Hapus Semua Note , Ganti LN
00:50:820 - : Add LN
01:10:106 (70106|0) - Hapus

00:00:000 - 00:09:876 - : Aku Saranin Pasang LN ( Violinnya )
Ikuti Gambar :
01:25:871 - 01:28:090 - : Diubah Gaya Notenya !
01:42:555 - 01:45:004 - : Aku Saranin Pasang LN ( Violinnya )

00:00:000 - 00:09:187 - : Sama Seperti ADV .
00:22:044 - 00:24:187 - : Pasang LN
00:26:942 - 00:29:391 - : Pasang LN
00:29:774 - : Pasang LN Di Colom 2
01:46:993 - 01:47:146 - : Ini Ngikut Apa Yah ? , Mending Hapus Deretan Keempat Note Itu .

Tambahan .
Semua GD Itu Aku Saranin Yg Kedetact Suara Violin Pasang LN ! .
Itu Aja Sarannya Dari Saya . Terima Kasih
Topic Starter

[ Ingga ] wrote:

Hello Elin :D

Omatase :D
Req In Game :
Language : Indonesian

~ Soory Dikit , Buru2 - Jumatan :3 ~
~ IRCnya Lupa Ku Save Karena Buru2 , #LOL :D ~

00:09:187 - 00:09:848 - : Hapus Semua Note , Ganti LN
00:50:820 - : Add LN
01:10:106 (70106|0) - Hapus

00:00:000 - 00:09:876 - : Aku Saranin Pasang LN ( Violinnya )
Ikuti Gambar :
01:25:871 - 01:28:090 - : Diubah Gaya Notenya !
01:42:555 - 01:45:004 - : Aku Saranin Pasang LN ( Violinnya )

00:00:000 - 00:09:187 - : Sama Seperti ADV .
00:22:044 - 00:24:187 - : Pasang LN
00:26:942 - 00:29:391 - : Pasang LN
00:29:774 - : Pasang LN Di Colom 2
01:46:993 - 01:47:146 - : Ini Ngikut Apa Yah ? , Mending Hapus Deretan Keempat Note Itu .

Tambahan .
Semua GD Itu Aku Saranin Yg Kedetact Suara Violin Pasang LN ! .
Itu Aja Sarannya Dari Saya . Terima Kasih
No problem ngga. Thanks ya :D

[ Ingga ] wrote:

Hello Elin :D

Omatase :D
Req In Game :
Language : Indonesian

~ Soory Dikit , Buru2 - Jumatan :3 ~
~ IRCnya Lupa Ku Save Karena Buru2 , #LOL :D ~

00:00:000 - 00:09:187 - : Sama Seperti ADV . // nope, di sini biar terasa beda sama diff lainya
00:22:044 - 00:24:187 - : Pasang LN // nope, gw cuma ngikutin suara drum dan piano nya
00:26:942 - 00:29:391 - : Pasang LN // ^
00:29:774 - : Pasang LN Di Colom 2 // nice catch
01:46:993 - 01:47:146 - : Ini Ngikut Apa Yah ? , Mending Hapus Deretan Keempat Note Itu . // nope, coba denger pake 25%, di situ bakal kedenger suara drum nya

Tambahan .
Semua GD Itu Aku Saranin Yg Kedetact Suara Violin Pasang LN ! .
Itu Aja Sarannya Dari Saya . Terima Kasih

-BANGKE- wrote:

thanks for mod
some irc with 201mLover, but he didnt post in here, idk why :v

here is, updated
Hi, here is my mod as requested via PM :)

Click here
This is just my suggestion, feel free to reject.


[Farris's BASIC]
* 00:26:330 (26330|2,26636|1,26942|2,27248|1) - may be you should re-map this? avoid at same col.
* 00:30:616 - hear something, add note col 1.
* 00:41:483 - add note, actually this part is same with 00:46:381 - .
* 01:11:024 - hear something again, add note col 2.
* 01:16:840 (76840|3,77146|3) - why at same col? suggest to change it like this start from 01:16:228 - .
* 01:20:208 (80208|2) - move to col 1 for balance.
* 01:29:391 - add note col 2.

* 00:17:452 - add note, you use 2 notes before for this kind of sound like 00:16:228 - , 00:15:004 - , etc.
* 00:18:065 - ^
* 00:18:677 - ^
* 00:30:616 - add note at col 2.
* 00:45:004 (45004|2) - move to col 4 for balance.
* 00:50:208 - how about to change it like this? for balance.
* 01:29:391 - add note col 2.
* 01:30:769 (90769|2) - move to col 4, avoid unecessary mini jack.
* 01:50:208 - add note col 1? loud sound here.

* 00:11:483 (11483|2) - move to col 1, avoid unecessary mini jack.
* 00:17:759 (17759|1) - to 00:18:065 (18065|1,18218|1) - for balance and avoid mini jack at 00:18:065 (18065|1,18218|1) - .
* 00:52:810 (52810|2,52963|0) - swap col for balance.
* 01:35:514 - add note? hear something here.

That's all, good luck! :)
Topic Starter

Dellvangel wrote:

Hi, here is my mod as requested via PM :)

Click here
This is just my suggestion, feel free to reject.


[Farris's BASIC]
* 00:26:330 (26330|2,26636|1,26942|2,27248|1) - may be you should re-map this? avoid at same col.
* 00:30:616 - hear something, add note col 1.
* 00:41:483 - add note, actually this part is same with 00:46:381 - .
* 01:11:024 - hear something again, add note col 2.
* 01:16:840 (76840|3,77146|3) - why at same col? suggest to change it like this start from 01:16:228 - .
* 01:20:208 (80208|2) - move to col 1 for balance.
* 01:29:391 - add note col 2.

* 00:17:452 - add note, you use 2 notes before for this kind of sound like 00:16:228 - , 00:15:004 - , etc.
* 00:18:065 - ^
* 00:18:677 - ^
* 00:30:616 - add note at col 2.
* 00:45:004 (45004|2) - move to col 4 for balance.
* 00:50:208 - how about to change it like this? for balance.
* 01:29:391 - add note col 2.
* 01:30:769 (90769|2) - move to col 4, avoid unecessary mini jack.
* 01:50:208 - add note col 1? loud sound here.

* 00:11:483 (11483|2) - move to col 1, avoid unecessary mini jack.
* 00:17:759 (17759|1) - to 00:18:065 (18065|1,18218|1) - for balance and avoid mini jack at 00:18:065 (18065|1,18218|1) - .
* 00:52:810 (52810|2,52963|0) - swap col for balance.
* 01:35:514 - add note? hear something here.

That's all, good luck! :)
awww.. thank you dellvangel :D
thx for mod my diff, 201mLover, Dellvangel, especially kak pharos :) iya kak, aku akan latihan lebih keras lagi kalau ada waktu senggang :'3 yang terpenting, makasih nasihatnya kk :v / akan ku ingat selalu :3

some IRC with elin
11:04 -BANGKE-: lin udh di update?
11:05 *-BANGKE- is listening to [ ginkiha - Borealis]
11:06 erlinadewi-: udh
11:06 -BANGKE-: oke aku cek lagi
11:06 erlinadewi-: tolong ya :D
11:06 -BANGKE-: okay
11:07 *-BANGKE- is editing [ ginkiha - Borealis [ADVANCED]]
11:08 -BANGKE-: 00:19:366 (19366|1,19519|1) - ini delete aja
11:08 -BANGKE-: soalnya itu kedenger 2 kick bass doang
11:09 erlinadewi-: ok
11:10 -BANGKE-: 01:34:901 (94901|0,94901|3) - whoops, kelebihan xD
11:10 -BANGKE-: ini end di blue lane
11:11 -BANGKE-: oke cuma itu aja
11:11 -BANGKE-: yg lainya udh lumayan konsisten
11:11 *-BANGKE- is editing [ ginkiha - Borealis [NOVICE]]
11:11 erlinadewi-: ah iya .-.
11:12 erlinadewi-: ok
11:12 -BANGKE-: 00:09:799 - add for cymbal
11:12 -BANGKE-: menurutku sih gpp di kasih note di sini
11:13 -BANGKE-: 00:31:993 - add note di col 3
11:13 erlinadewi-: novice?
11:13 -BANGKE-: iya
11:14 erlinadewi-: ok
11:14 erlinadewi-: lanjut
11:17 -BANGKE-: 01:34:289 - ~ 01:35:208 - jadiin kyk gini
11:17 -BANGKE-: itu 1/6
11:17 -BANGKE-: biar pianonya kerasa di novice
11:18 -BANGKE-: xD
11:18 erlinadewi-: jadiin 1/6 gpp?
11:18 -BANGKE-: gpp
11:18 -BANGKE-: nggak ngerubah star kok
11:18 -BANGKE-: cuma ngegeser note
11:19 -BANGKE-: oke gitu aja
11:19 -BANGKE-: nice diff
11:19 erlinadewi-: ok ^^
11:19 erlinadewi-: thanks
11:19 *-BANGKE- is editing [ ginkiha - Borealis [Farris's BASIC]]
11:19 -BANGKE-: 00:02:452 (2452|0) - move this LN to col 3
11:20 -BANGKE-: 00:18:983 (18983|1) - menurutku sih ini lebih enak di kasih LN
11:21 -BANGKE-: 00:36:585 - add note biar konsisten sama beat yg kyk gini di sebelumnya
11:22 -BANGKE-: 01:11:330 - add note, kiai part
11:23 -BANGKE-: 01:50:208 - add 1
11:23 -BANGKE-: oke gitu aja
11:23 -BANGKE-: sisanya good
Topic Starter

-BANGKE- wrote:

some IRC with elin
11:04 -BANGKE-: lin udh di update?
11:05 *-BANGKE- is listening to [ ginkiha - Borealis]
11:06 erlinadewi-: udh
11:06 -BANGKE-: oke aku cek lagi
11:06 erlinadewi-: tolong ya :D
11:06 -BANGKE-: okay
11:07 *-BANGKE- is editing [ ginkiha - Borealis [ADVANCED]]
11:08 -BANGKE-: 00:19:366 (19366|1,19519|1) - ini delete aja
11:08 -BANGKE-: soalnya itu kedenger 2 kick bass doang
11:09 erlinadewi-: ok
11:10 -BANGKE-: 01:34:901 (94901|0,94901|3) - whoops, kelebihan xD
11:10 -BANGKE-: ini end di blue lane
11:11 -BANGKE-: oke cuma itu aja
11:11 -BANGKE-: yg lainya udh lumayan konsisten
11:11 *-BANGKE- is editing [ ginkiha - Borealis [NOVICE]]
11:11 erlinadewi-: ah iya .-.
11:12 erlinadewi-: ok
11:12 -BANGKE-: 00:09:799 - add for cymbal
11:12 -BANGKE-: menurutku sih gpp di kasih note di sini
11:13 -BANGKE-: 00:31:993 - add note di col 3
11:13 erlinadewi-: novice?
11:13 -BANGKE-: iya
11:14 erlinadewi-: ok
11:14 erlinadewi-: lanjut
11:17 -BANGKE-: 01:34:289 - ~ 01:35:208 - jadiin kyk gini
11:17 -BANGKE-: itu 1/6
11:17 -BANGKE-: biar pianonya kerasa di novice
11:18 -BANGKE-: xD
11:18 erlinadewi-: jadiin 1/6 gpp?
11:18 -BANGKE-: gpp
11:18 -BANGKE-: nggak ngerubah star kok
11:18 -BANGKE-: cuma ngegeser note
11:19 -BANGKE-: oke gitu aja
11:19 -BANGKE-: nice diff
11:19 erlinadewi-: ok ^^
11:19 erlinadewi-: thanks
11:19 *-BANGKE- is editing [ ginkiha - Borealis [Farris's BASIC]]
11:19 -BANGKE-: 00:02:452 (2452|0) - move this LN to col 3
11:20 -BANGKE-: 00:18:983 (18983|1) - menurutku sih ini lebih enak di kasih LN
11:21 -BANGKE-: 00:36:585 - add note biar konsisten sama beat yg kyk gini di sebelumnya
11:22 -BANGKE-: 01:11:330 - add note, kiai part
11:23 -BANGKE-: 01:50:208 - add 1
11:23 -BANGKE-: oke gitu aja
11:23 -BANGKE-: sisanya good
naisss.. thanks del :)
Satoshi Kazuki
mod via PM

Tags conflict with BANGKE's EXHAUST diff.

Farris's BASIC
00:46:840 (46840|2,47146|1,47452|0) - move one column to the right -->
oD suggested to be 7

00:00:000 - to - 00:09:187 - remove all those LN and replace with single note(follow the piano)
00:09:799 - add cymbal
00:11:177 (11177|2,11330|3) - ctrl + G
00:30:616 - add double note...there has a beat
00:33:371 (33371|0,33524|1,33677|2,33830|1,33983|2,34136|3) - change this pattern...i think this pattern suitable with piano sound
00:41:942 (41942|3) - this note should be double..since it's has a loud beat
00:42:555 (42555|1) - ^
00:43:167 (43167|2) - ^
00:43:779 (43779|1) - ^
01:00:922 (60922|1) - remove...single note is enough..beat wasnt loud to make double
01:02:452 (62452|2,63065|1) - ^
01:03:677 (63677|0,64289|3,64901|0,65514|2) - ^
01:11:330 - to - 01:20:208 - some pattern are out of flow...and please double some note since it's has drum sound
01:21:126 (81126|1) - same reason
01:21:738 (81738|2) - ^
01:22:350 (82350|2) - ^
01:30:616 - to - 01:37:963 - dont follow the piano...since that piano use 1/4...just re arrange the pattern and follow the drum and bass

00:46:075 (46075|2) - to 4
00:46:228 (46228|1,46381|2) - ctrl + G
01:01:228 - to - 01:05:820 - rearrange all note like
01:01:840 - make it double since it's just a drum(low beat)
01:03:065 - double it
01:01:381 - add note...there has a beat
01:01:687 - ^
01:10:412 (70412|3,70488|2,70565|1,70641|0,70718|3,70794|2,70871|1,70947|0,71024|2,71024|3) - ctrl + H
01:35:514 - missing note(double)
01:35:667 - ^(single)
01:37:963 (97963|3,97963|1,98116|1,98116|3,98269|3,98269|1,98422|1,98422|3,98575|3,98575|1,98728|3,98728|1,98881|3,98881|1,99034|1,99034|3,99187|0,99187|2,99340|0,99340|2,99493|0,99493|2,99646|2,99646|0,99799|2,99799|0,99952|2,99952|0) - rearrange...this pattern are not suitable to make jack

about double triple try follow Bangke Diff

01:47:032 (107032|1,107070|2,107108|3) - remove..not suitable


Satoshi Kazuki wrote:

mod via PM

Tags conflict with BANGKE's EXHAUST diff.

01:47:032 (107032|1,107070|2,107108|3) - remove..not suitable


-BANGKE- wrote:

ahh finally i remove that note :( okay no problem, thanks satoshi :v
Topic Starter

Satoshi Kazuki wrote:

mod via PM

Tags conflict with BANGKE's EXHAUST diff.

Farris's BASIC
00:46:840 (46840|2,47146|1,47452|0) - move one column to the right -->
oD suggested to be 7

00:00:000 - to - 00:09:187 - remove all those LN and replace with single note(follow the piano)
00:09:799 - add cymbal
00:11:177 (11177|2,11330|3) - ctrl + G
00:30:616 - add double note...there has a beat
00:33:371 (33371|0,33524|1,33677|2,33830|1,33983|2,34136|3) - change this pattern...i think this pattern suitable with piano sound
00:41:942 (41942|3) - this note should be double..since it's has a loud beat
00:42:555 (42555|1) - ^
00:43:167 (43167|2) - ^
00:43:779 (43779|1) - ^
01:00:922 (60922|1) - remove...single note is enough..beat wasnt loud to make double
01:02:452 (62452|2,63065|1) - ^
01:03:677 (63677|0,64289|3,64901|0,65514|2) - ^
01:11:330 - to - 01:20:208 - some pattern are out of flow...and please double some note since it's has drum sound
01:21:126 (81126|1) - same reason
01:21:738 (81738|2) - ^
01:22:350 (82350|2) - ^
01:30:616 - to - 01:37:963 - dont follow the piano...since that piano use 1/4...just re arrange the pattern and follow the drum and bass

00:46:075 (46075|2) - to 4
00:46:228 (46228|1,46381|2) - ctrl + G
01:01:228 - to - 01:05:820 - rearrange all note like
01:01:840 - make it double since it's just a drum(low beat)
01:03:065 - double it
01:01:381 - add note...there has a beat
01:01:687 - ^
01:10:412 (70412|3,70488|2,70565|1,70641|0,70718|3,70794|2,70871|1,70947|0,71024|2,71024|3) - ctrl + H
01:35:514 - missing note(double)
01:35:667 - ^(single)
01:37:963 (97963|3,97963|1,98116|1,98116|3,98269|3,98269|1,98422|1,98422|3,98575|3,98575|1,98728|3,98728|1,98881|3,98881|1,99034|1,99034|3,99187|0,99187|2,99340|0,99340|2,99493|0,99493|2,99646|2,99646|0,99799|2,99799|0,99952|2,99952|0) - rearrange...this pattern are not suitable to make jack

about double triple try follow Bangke Diff

01:47:032 (107032|1,107070|2,107108|3) - remove..not suitable

Nice Mod :D . Thank you Satoshi ;)

Satoshi Kazuki wrote:

mod via PM

Farris's BASIC
00:46:840 (46840|2,47146|1,47452|0) - move one column to the right -->
oD suggested to be 7

thx for mod kak satoshi :)

hi mb elin. hanya mod untuk pattern
mod request via facebook chat
sorry for delay :' cukup sibuk sama real life

4K Collumn | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

[Farris' Basic]

00:19:289 - kok disini kosong .-. add note sama di garis merah nya
00:33:065 (33065|3) - move to 2
00:33:677 (33677|1) - move to 4
00:36:585 - missing note? di sound sebelumnya, di line merah ada note lho. pitch nya juga ngga berubah
01:15:004 (75004|0) - move to 2
01:37:963 - 01:40:106 - sampai 01:41:942 - col 1 kelihatan kosong
01:45:310 (105310|3) - ini pindah ke 1 aja

00:10:106 - saran sih, enaknya dijadiin begini aja
00:27:861 (27861|3) - ke 1, 00:28:167 (28167|0) - ke 2
01:06:126 - to 01:20:820 - i like this part. love the stairs
01:34:289 (94289|3,94391|2,94493|1,94595|0,94697|1) - snap 1/6 ?
01:38:269 - snare sound.. kenapa cuma 1? sebelumnya 2

00:12:861 (12861|1) - move to 1
00:12:095 (12095|2) - move to 4
00:22:044 (22044|0,22197|1) - ctrl+J
00:27:861 (27861|2,28014|1) - ctrl+J dan 00:28:014 (28014|2) - geser ke 4

nothing more

good luck!!
Topic Starter

sherrysina wrote:

hi mb elin. hanya mod untuk pattern
mod request via facebook chat
sorry for delay :' cukup sibuk sama real life

4K Collumn | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

00:10:106 - saran sih, enaknya dijadiin begini aja NICE
00:27:861 (27861|3) - ke 1, 00:28:167 (28167|0) - ke 2 NICE
01:06:126 - to 01:20:820 - i like this part. love the stairs ayyyy.. XD :oops:
01:34:289 (94289|3,94391|2,94493|1,94595|0,94697|1) - snap 1/6 ? yup.. any problem with that? '-'
01:38:269 - snare sound.. kenapa cuma 1? sebelumnya 2 awww.. forgot this part :?

00:12:861 (12861|1) - move to 1 NICE
00:12:095 (12095|2) - move to 4 NICE
00:22:044 (22044|0,22197|1) - ctrl+J NICE
00:27:861 (27861|2,28014|1) - ctrl+J dan 00:28:014 (28014|2) - geser ke 4 NICE

nothing more

good luck!!
Thank you sherry :)

Modding Notice

Hello erlinadewi- ^^

-BANGKE- requested to me via in-game. Here, I do not point out all thing in this mod so there might be more issues that can be found across the mapset. Make sure to take the idea behind each reason and apply it to the entire beatmap.

ginkiha - Borealis [OsuMania]


No Hitsounds yet.

Note: Some of the mod here maybe already mentioned by the modder above me.
GD nya BANGKE kayaknya banyak banget :v

[Bangke's EXHAUST]

00:17:759 - how about this?


00:18:371 (18371|3,18371|0,18677|3,18677|0,18983|3,18983|0,19289|0,19289|3) - imo this pattern could be improved, so........

P.S: For the note that I highlighted there (if you accept this pattern), you can move that either to 4 or keep it on 2. you prefer, tho.

00:22:963 (22963|3,22963|2,23269|3,23269|2,23575|3,23575|2,23575|1) - same pattern with - 00:21:126(21126|2,21126|3,21432|2,21432|3,21738|2,21738|1,21738|3) - ??
But the song noise is different, so suggestions

(I'm running out of pattern Ideas ;w; )

the triple here - 00:32:146 (32146|2,32146|1,32146|3) - has a different noises with - 00:32:759 (32759|3,32759|2,32759|1) - and - 00:31:840 (31840|1,31840|3,31840|2) - thus, you keep it on the same column. this needs more pattern variation. also - 00:31:993 (31993|0,32299|0,32606|0) -

so.. pattern suggestion (again) start here - 00:31:993 -

00:38:422 (38422|3,38728|2) - move this two to col 2. jack note patterning should be more comfortable here.
00:39:034 (39034|0) - to col 3 if you accept above

00:50:896 (50896|1,51049|1) - this notes represent nothing to the noise (25%playback). if you want, make this 2/4 LN. I know you were following the noise but - 00:50:896 (50896|1) - is the continuation of - 00:50:820 (50820|2) - . same explanation goes to - 00:50:973(50973|0) -

01:01:381 (61381|3,61534|2,61534|1,61534|0,61687|3) - To col 1, 2|3|4, and 2 (get it?) pattern variation

01:09:187 (69187|3,69187|0,69264|1,69264|0) - now idk if this sudden pattern change could be comfortable enough to hit. if you want, follow the pattern before.

01:10:412 (70412|0) - delete, the noise here isn't enough to have triple

01:34:825 (94825|1) - unsnapped conflict. comparition with ADVANCED

while the other diff used 1/6. this used 1/4. i know you follow piano but, this coould be an unrankable issue
Fix this somehow, i have no idea :v

01:46:993 (106993|0,107032|1,107070|2,107108|3) - BG noise cannot really hearded here. imo, you should delete this.

01:49:672 (109672|1,109748|2,109825|3,109901|0,109978|1,110055|2,110131|3) -
This is the continuation noise from - 01:49:595 (109595|0) - And the stair note here is not relevant, heard it on 25%. Suggest to change it and make it like ADVANCED.


00:03:830 (3830|1,3983|0) - col 1|4 respectively. for Symmetrical pattern and variation.

00:12:248 (12248|0) - why not double like - 00:11:024 (11024|3,11024|1) - ?
00:13:473 (13473|3) - ^
00:15:310 (15310|1) - ^
---------------------------There's Many like this. Surely you can find it by your own.

00:41:177 - add note on col 2
00:40:871 - ^2 or 3
00:50:896 (50896|1,51049|3,51202|1,51356|3) - This could be represented with only one or two LN. so no need for stairs, cuz it doesn't have any relevant noise.

00:51:585 - add note on any col you want
00:53:116 - missing note?

01:01:840 (61840|0,61840|2,61840|3) - In EXHAUST, this was double. why Triple here?
01:02:452 (62452|2,62452|3,62452|1) - ^
01:03:065 (63065|0,63065|2,63065|3) - ^
01:03:677 (63677|2,63677|3,63677|1) - ^
01:04:289 (64289|2,64289|3,64289|0) - ^
01:04:901 (64901|2,64901|1,64901|3) - ^
01:05:514 (65514|2,65514|3,65514|0) - ^
Also, why are you only mapping the kick sound here?

01:34:289 (94289|2,94340|1,94391|0,94442|1,94493|2,94544|3,94595|2,94646|1,94697|0,94748|1,94799|2,94863|3) - one of these notes has no piano noises on it. Heard it on 25% playback to find it.
This pattern is also more harder than EXHAUST, which is EXHAUST should be harder on any term (not just raising the Star Rating)

01:35:514 - to - 01:45:310 - add note on EVERY red line tick.


The density with ADVANCED is too far. This mod may raising up your Star Rating, so pls decide this mod carefully.

00:09:799 - to - 00:17:146 - you also mapping the red tick but why here - 00:17:146 - to - 00:29:391 - doesn't?
00:41:636 - to - 00:51:432 - Same problem as above
01:20:820 - to - 01:25:259 - ^
01:37:963 - to - 01:45:310 - ^

01:00:922 (60922|3) - why not double?
01:13:473 (73473|1,73626|2) - ctrl+j. more symmetrical
01:15:922 (75922|2,76075|1) - ^

01:47:146 (107146|1,107299|2) - ctrl+j

[Farris's BASIC]

01:20:514 (80514|1,80667|2,80820|3) - Move left
01:22:350 (82350|2,82657|1) - ctrl+J
01:33:983 (93983|1,94595|0) - ^

If you found that this mod isn't helpful to you, don't give kudosu. If there's any Misunderstanding , You can PM me anytime to clarify the issues that i've been pointed out.
The other modder should handle this mapset from now on.

Good Luck erlinadewi-, -BANGKE- ,and ALfarris ^^

Another Lie
18:52 Another Lie: IRC mod mau?
18:53 erlinadewi-: mau XD
18:54 *Another Lie is editing [ ginkiha - Borealis [NOVICE]]
18:54 Another Lie: punyamu yg versi mana?
18:54 Another Lie: jgn jgn udah di edit
18:55 erlinadewi-: aku edit source
18:55 erlinadewi-: ini jga baru apply mod
18:55 Another Lie: yaudah
18:56 Another Lie: start
18:56 erlinadewi-: ok
18:56 Another Lie: 00:10:259 (10259|1) - remove (novice buat high pitch aja)
18:56 Another Lie: 00:10:565 (10565|3) - remove (^)
18:57 Another Lie: 00:10:718 (10718|2) - buat jadi dobel note
18:57 Another Lie: please don't slow respond --"
18:58 erlinadewi-: ok
18:58 Another Lie: aku dikejar waktu ini
18:58 Another Lie: 00:10:871 (10871|0) - remove
18:58 Another Lie: 00:11:177 (11177|2) - remove
18:58 Another Lie: 00:11:483 (11483|2,11789|3) - remove
18:58 erlinadewi-: next
18:59 Another Lie: 00:11:942 (11942|0) - buat jadi dobel note
18:59 Another Lie: ntah dimana
18:59 Another Lie: 00:12:095 (12095|2,12401|1) - remove
18:59 Another Lie: 00:12:708 (12708|3,13014|0) - remove
18:59 erlinadewi-: next
19:00 Another Lie: 00:13:167 (13167|1) - buat jadi dobel note, kalau bisa taruh note ke 1,2
19:00 Another Lie: 00:13:320 (13320|2,13626|1) - remove
19:00 Another Lie: 00:13:932 (13932|3,14238|0) - remove
19:02 Another Lie: kapan respond nya?
19:02 erlinadewi-: udah
19:02 erlinadewi-: tulis aja
19:03 Another Lie: nanti aku dituduh spam sama bancho
19:03 Another Lie: dan itu jadi silence buatku
19:03 erlinadewi-: lanjut :3
19:03 Another Lie: 00:14:391 (14391|2) - buat jadi dobel note, kalau bisa 3,4
19:04 Another Lie: 00:14:544 (14544|1,14850|1,15157|0) - remove
19:04 erlinadewi-: done
19:04 Another Lie: 00:15:463 (15463|3,15769|1) - remove
19:04 Another Lie: 00:15:616 (15616|2) - buat jadi dobel note
19:05 erlinadewi-: ok
19:05 Another Lie: 00:16:381 (16381|3) - remove
19:05 Another Lie: 00:16:840 (16840|0) - buat jadi dobel note
19:05 Another Lie: 00:16:993 (16993|2) - remove
19:05 Another Lie: 00:09:952 (9952|3) - ini udah remove kah?
19:05 erlinadewi-: ok
19:06 erlinadewi-: udah
19:06 Another Lie: 00:19:442 (19442|2,19595|1) - remove
19:06 Another Lie: 00:24:340 (24340|2) - remove
19:08 Another Lie: 01:34:391 (94391|2,94493|1,94697|1) - ini kok dibuat beda?
19:09 Another Lie: biarin deh, lagian udah pas
19:09 erlinadewi-: ikut piano
19:09 Another Lie: 01:40:259 (100259|1) - remove
19:09 erlinadewi-: ok
19:09 Another Lie: done IRC modding
19:09 Another Lie: semoga dikit reduce / increase stars nya
19:09 erlinadewi-: thanks xD

Rivals_7 wrote:

Modding Notice

Hello erlinadewi- ^^

-BANGKE- requested to me via in-game. Here, I do not point out all thing in this mod so there might be more issues that can be found across the mapset. Make sure to take the idea behind each reason and apply it to the entire beatmap.


ginkiha - Borealis [OsuMania]


No Hitsounds yet.

Note: Some of the mod here maybe already mentioned by the modder above me.
GD nya BANGKE kayaknya banyak banget :v // YEAH :V

[Bangke's EXHAUST]

00:17:759 - how about this?


00:18:371 (18371|3,18371|0,18677|3,18677|0,18983|3,18983|0,19289|0,19289|3) - imo this pattern could be improved, so........

P.S: For the note that I highlighted there (if you accept this pattern), you can move that either to 4 or keep it on 2. you prefer, tho.

00:22:963 (22963|3,22963|2,23269|3,23269|2,23575|3,23575|2,23575|1) - same pattern with - 00:21:126(21126|2,21126|3,21432|2,21432|3,21738|2,21738|1,21738|3) - ??
But the song noise is different, so suggestions

(I'm running out of pattern Ideas ;w; )

the triple here - 00:32:146 (32146|2,32146|1,32146|3) - has a different noises with - 00:32:759 (32759|3,32759|2,32759|1) - and - 00:31:840 (31840|1,31840|3,31840|2) - thus, you keep it on the same column. this needs more pattern variation. also - 00:31:993 (31993|0,32299|0,32606|0) -

so.. pattern suggestion (again) start here - 00:31:993 -

00:38:422 (38422|3,38728|2) - move this two to col 2. jack note patterning should be more comfortable here.
00:39:034 (39034|0) - to col 3 if you accept above

00:50:896 (50896|1,51049|1) - this notes represent nothing to the noise (25%playback). if you want, make this 2/4 LN. I know you were following the noise but - 00:50:896 (50896|1) - is the continuation of - 00:50:820 (50820|2) - . same explanation goes to - 00:50:973(50973|0) -

01:01:381 (61381|3,61534|2,61534|1,61534|0,61687|3) - To col 1, 2|3|4, and 2 (get it?) pattern variation

01:09:187 (69187|3,69187|0,69264|1,69264|0) - now idk if this sudden pattern change could be comfortable enough to hit. if you want, follow the pattern before.

01:10:412 (70412|0) - delete, the noise here isn't enough to have triple

01:34:825 (94825|1) - unsnapped conflict. comparition with ADVANCED

while the other diff used 1/6. this used 1/4. i know you follow piano but, this coould be an unrankable issue
Fix this somehow, i have no idea :v

01:46:993 (106993|0,107032|1,107070|2,107108|3) - BG noise cannot really hearded here. imo, you should delete this.

01:49:672 (109672|1,109748|2,109825|3,109901|0,109978|1,110055|2,110131|3) -
This is the continuation noise from - 01:49:595 (109595|0) - And the stair note here is not relevant, heard it on 25%. Suggest to change it and make it like ADVANCED.

If you found that this mod isn't helpful to you, don't give kudosu. If there's any Misunderstanding , You can PM me anytime to clarify the issues that i've been pointed out.
The other modder should handle this mapset from now on.

Good Luck erlinadewi-, -BANGKE- ,and ALfarris ^^


-BANGKE- wrote:

thanks for mod val :v
Topic Starter

Rivals_7 wrote:

Modding Notice

Hello erlinadewi- ^^

-BANGKE- requested to me via in-game. Here, I do not point out all thing in this mod so there might be more issues that can be found across the mapset. Make sure to take the idea behind each reason and apply it to the entire beatmap.

ginkiha - Borealis [OsuMania]


No Hitsounds yet.

Note: Some of the mod here maybe already mentioned by the modder above me.
GD nya BANGKE kayaknya banyak banget :v

[Bangke's EXHAUST]

00:17:759 - how about this?


00:18:371 (18371|3,18371|0,18677|3,18677|0,18983|3,18983|0,19289|0,19289|3) - imo this pattern could be improved, so........

P.S: For the note that I highlighted there (if you accept this pattern), you can move that either to 4 or keep it on 2. you prefer, tho.

00:22:963 (22963|3,22963|2,23269|3,23269|2,23575|3,23575|2,23575|1) - same pattern with - 00:21:126(21126|2,21126|3,21432|2,21432|3,21738|2,21738|1,21738|3) - ??
But the song noise is different, so suggestions

(I'm running out of pattern Ideas ;w; )

the triple here - 00:32:146 (32146|2,32146|1,32146|3) - has a different noises with - 00:32:759 (32759|3,32759|2,32759|1) - and - 00:31:840 (31840|1,31840|3,31840|2) - thus, you keep it on the same column. this needs more pattern variation. also - 00:31:993 (31993|0,32299|0,32606|0) -

so.. pattern suggestion (again) start here - 00:31:993 -

00:38:422 (38422|3,38728|2) - move this two to col 2. jack note patterning should be more comfortable here.
00:39:034 (39034|0) - to col 3 if you accept above

00:50:896 (50896|1,51049|1) - this notes represent nothing to the noise (25%playback). if you want, make this 2/4 LN. I know you were following the noise but - 00:50:896 (50896|1) - is the continuation of - 00:50:820 (50820|2) - . same explanation goes to - 00:50:973(50973|0) -

01:01:381 (61381|3,61534|2,61534|1,61534|0,61687|3) - To col 1, 2|3|4, and 2 (get it?) pattern variation

01:09:187 (69187|3,69187|0,69264|1,69264|0) - now idk if this sudden pattern change could be comfortable enough to hit. if you want, follow the pattern before.

01:10:412 (70412|0) - delete, the noise here isn't enough to have triple

01:34:825 (94825|1) - unsnapped conflict. comparition with ADVANCED

while the other diff used 1/6. this used 1/4. i know you follow piano but, this coould be an unrankable issue
Fix this somehow, i have no idea :v

01:46:993 (106993|0,107032|1,107070|2,107108|3) - BG noise cannot really hearded here. imo, you should delete this.

01:49:672 (109672|1,109748|2,109825|3,109901|0,109978|1,110055|2,110131|3) -
This is the continuation noise from - 01:49:595 (109595|0) - And the stair note here is not relevant, heard it on 25%. Suggest to change it and make it like ADVANCED.


00:03:830 (3830|1,3983|0) - col 1|4 respectively. for Symmetrical pattern and variation.

00:12:248 (12248|0) - why not double like - 00:11:024 (11024|3,11024|1) - ?
00:13:473 (13473|3) - ^
00:15:310 (15310|1) - ^
---------------------------There's Many like this. Surely you can find it by your own.

00:41:177 - add note on col 2
00:40:871 - ^2 or 3
00:50:896 (50896|1,51049|3,51202|1,51356|3) - This could be represented with only one or two LN. so no need for stairs, cuz it doesn't have any relevant noise.

00:51:585 - add note on any col you want
00:53:116 - missing note?

01:01:840 (61840|0,61840|2,61840|3) - In EXHAUST, this was double. why Triple here?
01:02:452 (62452|2,62452|3,62452|1) - ^
01:03:065 (63065|0,63065|2,63065|3) - ^
01:03:677 (63677|2,63677|3,63677|1) - ^
01:04:289 (64289|2,64289|3,64289|0) - ^
01:04:901 (64901|2,64901|1,64901|3) - ^
01:05:514 (65514|2,65514|3,65514|0) - ^
Also, why are you only mapping the kick sound here?

01:34:289 (94289|2,94340|1,94391|0,94442|1,94493|2,94544|3,94595|2,94646|1,94697|0,94748|1,94799|2,94863|3) - one of these notes has no piano noises on it. Heard it on 25% playback to find it.
This pattern is also more harder than EXHAUST, which is EXHAUST should be harder on any term (not just raising the Star Rating)

01:35:514 - to - 01:45:310 - add note on EVERY red line tick.


The density with ADVANCED is too far. This mod may raising up your Star Rating, so pls decide this mod carefully.

00:09:799 - to - 00:17:146 - you also mapping the red tick but why here - 00:17:146 - to - 00:29:391 - doesn't?
00:41:636 - to - 00:51:432 - Same problem as above
01:20:820 - to - 01:25:259 - ^
01:37:963 - to - 01:45:310 - ^

01:00:922 (60922|3) - why not double?
01:13:473 (73473|1,73626|2) - ctrl+j. more symmetrical
01:15:922 (75922|2,76075|1) - ^

01:47:146 (107146|1,107299|2) - ctrl+j

[Farris's BASIC]

01:20:514 (80514|1,80667|2,80820|3) - Move left
01:22:350 (82350|2,82657|1) - ctrl+J
01:33:983 (93983|1,94595|0) - ^

If you found that this mod isn't helpful to you, don't give kudosu. If there's any Misunderstanding , You can PM me anytime to clarify the issues that i've been pointed out.
The other modder should handle this mapset from now on.

Good Luck erlinadewi-, -BANGKE- ,and ALfarris ^^

NICE MOD. Thank you very much val :)
Topic Starter

Another Lie wrote:

18:52 Another Lie: IRC mod mau?
18:53 erlinadewi-: mau XD
18:54 *Another Lie is editing [ ginkiha - Borealis [NOVICE]]
18:54 Another Lie: punyamu yg versi mana?
18:54 Another Lie: jgn jgn udah di edit
18:55 erlinadewi-: aku edit source
18:55 erlinadewi-: ini jga baru apply mod
18:55 Another Lie: yaudah
18:56 Another Lie: start
18:56 erlinadewi-: ok
18:56 Another Lie: 00:10:259 (10259|1) - remove (novice buat high pitch aja)
18:56 Another Lie: 00:10:565 (10565|3) - remove (^)
18:57 Another Lie: 00:10:718 (10718|2) - buat jadi dobel note
18:57 Another Lie: please don't slow respond --"
18:58 erlinadewi-: ok
18:58 Another Lie: aku dikejar waktu ini
18:58 Another Lie: 00:10:871 (10871|0) - remove
18:58 Another Lie: 00:11:177 (11177|2) - remove
18:58 Another Lie: 00:11:483 (11483|2,11789|3) - remove
18:58 erlinadewi-: next
18:59 Another Lie: 00:11:942 (11942|0) - buat jadi dobel note
18:59 Another Lie: ntah dimana
18:59 Another Lie: 00:12:095 (12095|2,12401|1) - remove
18:59 Another Lie: 00:12:708 (12708|3,13014|0) - remove
18:59 erlinadewi-: next
19:00 Another Lie: 00:13:167 (13167|1) - buat jadi dobel note, kalau bisa taruh note ke 1,2
19:00 Another Lie: 00:13:320 (13320|2,13626|1) - remove
19:00 Another Lie: 00:13:932 (13932|3,14238|0) - remove
19:02 Another Lie: kapan respond nya?
19:02 erlinadewi-: udah
19:02 erlinadewi-: tulis aja
19:03 Another Lie: nanti aku dituduh spam sama bancho
19:03 Another Lie: dan itu jadi silence buatku
19:03 erlinadewi-: lanjut :3
19:03 Another Lie: 00:14:391 (14391|2) - buat jadi dobel note, kalau bisa 3,4
19:04 Another Lie: 00:14:544 (14544|1,14850|1,15157|0) - remove
19:04 erlinadewi-: done
19:04 Another Lie: 00:15:463 (15463|3,15769|1) - remove
19:04 Another Lie: 00:15:616 (15616|2) - buat jadi dobel note
19:05 erlinadewi-: ok
19:05 Another Lie: 00:16:381 (16381|3) - remove
19:05 Another Lie: 00:16:840 (16840|0) - buat jadi dobel note
19:05 Another Lie: 00:16:993 (16993|2) - remove
19:05 Another Lie: 00:09:952 (9952|3) - ini udah remove kah?
19:05 erlinadewi-: ok
19:06 erlinadewi-: udah
19:06 Another Lie: 00:19:442 (19442|2,19595|1) - remove
19:06 Another Lie: 00:24:340 (24340|2) - remove
19:08 Another Lie: 01:34:391 (94391|2,94493|1,94697|1) - ini kok dibuat beda?
19:09 Another Lie: biarin deh, lagian udah pas
19:09 erlinadewi-: ikut piano
19:09 Another Lie: 01:40:259 (100259|1) - remove
19:09 erlinadewi-: ok
19:09 Another Lie: done IRC modding
19:09 Another Lie: semoga dikit reduce / increase stars nya
19:09 erlinadewi-: thanks xD
Nice.. Thank you very much :)

sherrysina wrote:

hi mb elin. hanya mod untuk pattern
mod request via facebook chat
sorry for delay :' cukup sibuk sama real life

4K Collumn | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

[box=Mod][Farris' Basic]

00:19:289 - kok disini kosong .-. add note sama di garis merah nya
00:33:065 (33065|3) - move to 2
00:33:677 (33677|1) - move to 4
00:36:585 - missing note? di sound sebelumnya, di line merah ada note lho. pitch nya juga ngga berubah
01:15:004 (75004|0) - move to 2
01:37:963 - 01:40:106 - sampai 01:41:942 - col 1 kelihatan kosong
01:45:310 (105310|3) - ini pindah ke 1 aja

good luck!!
thx for mods kak sherry :)

Rivals_7 wrote:

Modding Notice

Hello erlinadewi- ^^

[Farris's BASIC]

01:20:514 (80514|1,80667|2,80820|3) - Move left
01:22:350 (82350|2,82657|1) - ctrl+J
01:33:983 (93983|1,94595|0) - ^[/notice]

If you found that this mod isn't helpful to you, don't give kudosu. If there's any Misunderstanding , You can PM me anytime to clarify the issues that i've been pointed out.
The other modder should handle this mapset from now on.

Good Luck erlinadewi-, -BANGKE- ,and ALfarris ^^

hi, thx for mods :)


Col : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
-BG : ok
-Mp3 : change to 192kbps
-Hitsound : recommendation hs
-Difficulty : diff gap between novice and advanced is too big, compared to other diff. recommend to add anoter diff between those diff.
-Comments : change OD and HP in novice to 7,5 and advanced to 8
00:11:942 (11942|0) - move to 2
00:12:248 (12248|1) - ^4
00:17:759 (17759|0) - make double. See 00:16:840 (16840|2,16840|1,17146|1,17146|0) -
00:29:238 (29238|3) - remove. Difference ssound from 00:29:085 (29085|2,29085|3) - also not strong beat
00:30:616 (30616|2) - move to 1
00:48:065 (48065|2,48218|0,48371|2) - move to 2,3,4. Fit the rhythm
00:54:034 - missing note. Why you didn’t map this sound ? you map this sound in earlier pattern. See 00:52:197 (52197|1) -
00:52:963 (52963|2) - why not double ? same sound with 00:51:738 (51738|3,51738|2) -
^solution for this problem is map hit hat in red line and white line. Example : 00:53:116 (53116|1,53269|3) -
Then map whistle and clap with double note in white line. Example : 00:53:881 (53881|2,53881|0,54187|3,54187|0,54646|2,54799|0,54799|1) -
Do that until 01:01:228 -
01:26:024 - 01:28:014 - repattern. Too many mini jack. See 01:26:942 (86942|2,87095|2,87248|1,87401|1,87555|2,87708|2) -
Mod done

Cuma 1 diff karna mendadak dan tdk melalui queue
Topic Starter

Frim4503 wrote:

Col : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
-BG : ok
-Mp3 : change to 192kbps
-Hitsound : recommendation hs
-Difficulty : diff gap between novice and advanced is too big, compared to other diff. recommend to add anoter diff between those diff.
-Comments : change OD and HP in novice to 7,5 and advanced to 8
00:11:942 (11942|0) - move to 2
00:12:248 (12248|1) - ^4
00:17:759 (17759|0) - make double. See 00:16:840 (16840|2,16840|1,17146|1,17146|0) -
00:29:238 (29238|3) - remove. Difference ssound from 00:29:085 (29085|2,29085|3) - also not strong beat
00:30:616 (30616|2) - move to 1
00:48:065 (48065|2,48218|0,48371|2) - move to 2,3,4. Fit the rhythm
00:54:034 - missing note. Why you didn’t map this sound ? you map this sound in earlier pattern. See 00:52:197 (52197|1) -
00:52:963 (52963|2) - why not double ? same sound with 00:51:738 (51738|3,51738|2) -
^solution for this problem is map hit hat in red line and white line. Example : 00:53:116 (53116|1,53269|3) -
Then map whistle and clap with double note in white line. Example : 00:53:881 (53881|2,53881|0,54187|3,54187|0,54646|2,54799|0,54799|1) -
Do that until 01:01:228 -
01:26:024 - 01:28:014 - repattern. Too many mini jack. See 01:26:942 (86942|2,87095|2,87248|1,87401|1,87555|2,87708|2) -
Mod done

Cuma 1 diff karna mendadak dan tdk melalui queue
NICE MOD :) . Thank you very much Frim :D
Hi~ From my modding queue~

Really pretty song you have here :D

You requested for Farris' BASIC, NOVICE, ADVANCED.


  1. BPM and Offset : ( ✓ )
  2. Aimod : ( ✓ )
  3. Kiai : ( ✓ )
  4. Metadata : ( ✓ )
  5. Hitsound : ( ✓ )
  6. Video : ( ✓ )



Farris' BASIC

  1. 00:08:575 (8575|3) - Shift to 4 as the violin pulls here are the same. Check 00:03:677 (3677|3).
  2. 00:24:187 (24187|0,24340|2,24493|1) - I wonder why is this a staggered stair while all other patterns in this section are uniform ones. Is there a reason for it?
  3. 00:51:432 (51432|2,51738|0,52197|1,52350|3) - and similar patterns and beats - I'd suggest a linear inversion of these beats, i.e. if 00:51:432 (51432|2,51738|0) - goes upwards towards the left, then 00:52:657 (52657|2,52963|1) - should too, and if 00:52:197 (52197|1,52350|3) - goes upwards towards the right, then 00:55:871 (55871|2,56024|0) - should too. Just a little suggestion on this part.
  4. 01:40:106 (100106|0,100259|1,100412|2) - Following 01:35:208 (95208|0,95361|2,95514|3) and 01:25:412 (85412|3,85565|2,85718|0) - Should that then be a staggered stair?



  1. 01:47:452 (107452|2,107606|3) - Ctrl-G?
  2. Wow, pretty solid NOVICE you have here. Couldn't find anything else to pin-point.



  1. 00:56:942 (56942|1,57095|2,57248|3,57248|0,57401|1,57478|2,57555|0,57555|3,57708|1,57861|2,57861|3,57937|1) - Suggestion for this part. I think the left hand dependence is alleviated with this arrangement. Also removed the mickey-moused shaped pattern; that pattern was hard to react to esp. if its on a 1/4.
  2. 01:15:616 (75616|1) - Shift to 3 and 01:15:769 (75769|2) - shift to 2, minijack pattern was recurring a few moments prior, and aft all this is the kiai of the song.
  3. 01:26:789 (86789|1,86789|3,86942|0,86942|2,87095|3,87095|1,87248|0,87248|2,87401|3,87401|1,87555|0,87555|2,87708|1,87708|3,87861|2,87861|0,88014|3,88014|1) - Plz change to minijacks like 01:25:565 (85565|0,85565|1,85718|2,85718|1,85871|3,85871|2), more fun to play :3
  4. 01:34:289 (94289|2,94340|1,94391|0,94442|3,94493|2,94544|1,94595|0,94646|3,94697|2,94748|1,94799|0) - These are following the piano, I presume? So they should be snapped to 1/3s, and have some notes deleted. Something like this? I was think of chord jacks on 1/3 doe, but I figured that would be a little too hard for ADVANCED.
  5. 01:36:279 (96279|3) - and onward- It was a little weird that you didn't decide to follow the piano here.
  6. 01:37:963 (97963|0) - onward - I suggest something like this(1) and this(2), but if you figure it's a little too hard then I'm fine with it. Maybe you would want to consider the minijacks here too, as the music suggests it.


  2. It's a really well done map, I like the song (lol its from SDVX)
  3. If this is for rank, then plz no graveyard ;-; Good luck with rank~
Topic Starter

Abraxos wrote:

Hi~ From my modding queue~

Really pretty song you have here :D

You requested for Farris' BASIC, NOVICE, ADVANCED.


  1. BPM and Offset : ( ✓ )
  2. Aimod : ( ✓ )
  3. Kiai : ( ✓ )
  4. Metadata : ( ✓ )
  5. Hitsound : ( ✓ )
  6. Video : ( ✓ )



Farris' BASIC

  1. 00:08:575 (8575|3) - Shift to 4 as the violin pulls here are the same. Check 00:03:677 (3677|3).
  2. 00:24:187 (24187|0,24340|2,24493|1) - I wonder why is this a staggered stair while all other patterns in this section are uniform ones. Is there a reason for it?
  3. 00:51:432 (51432|2,51738|0,52197|1,52350|3) - and similar patterns and beats - I'd suggest a linear inversion of these beats, i.e. if 00:51:432 (51432|2,51738|0) - goes upwards towards the left, then 00:52:657 (52657|2,52963|1) - should too, and if 00:52:197 (52197|1,52350|3) - goes upwards towards the right, then 00:55:871 (55871|2,56024|0) - should too. Just a little suggestion on this part.
  4. 01:40:106 (100106|0,100259|1,100412|2) - Following 01:35:208 (95208|0,95361|2,95514|3) and 01:25:412 (85412|3,85565|2,85718|0) - Should that then be a staggered stair?



  1. 01:47:452 (107452|2,107606|3) - Ctrl-G?
  2. Wow, pretty solid NOVICE you have here. Couldn't find anything else to pin-point.



  1. 00:56:942 (56942|1,57095|2,57248|3,57248|0,57401|1,57478|2,57555|0,57555|3,57708|1,57861|2,57861|3,57937|1) - Suggestion for this part. I think the left hand dependence is alleviated with this arrangement. Also removed the mickey-moused shaped pattern; that pattern was hard to react to esp. if its on a 1/4.
  2. 01:15:616 (75616|1) - Shift to 3 and 01:15:769 (75769|2) - shift to 2, minijack pattern was recurring a few moments prior, and aft all this is the kiai of the song.
  3. 01:26:789 (86789|1,86789|3,86942|0,86942|2,87095|3,87095|1,87248|0,87248|2,87401|3,87401|1,87555|0,87555|2,87708|1,87708|3,87861|2,87861|0,88014|3,88014|1) - Plz change to minijacks like 01:25:565 (85565|0,85565|1,85718|2,85718|1,85871|3,85871|2), more fun to play :3
  4. 01:34:289 (94289|2,94340|1,94391|0,94442|3,94493|2,94544|1,94595|0,94646|3,94697|2,94748|1,94799|0) - These are following the piano, I presume? So they should be snapped to 1/3s, and have some notes deleted. Something like this? I was think of chord jacks on 1/3 doe, but I figured that would be a little too hard for ADVANCED.
  5. 01:36:279 (96279|3) - and onward- It was a little weird that you didn't decide to follow the piano here.
  6. 01:37:963 (97963|0) - onward - I suggest something like this(1) and this(2), but if you figure it's a little too hard then I'm fine with it. Maybe you would want to consider the minijacks here too, as the music suggests it.


  2. It's a really well done map, I like the song (lol its from SDVX)
  3. If this is for rank, then plz no graveyard ;-; Good luck with rank~
NICE MOD Abraxos. Thank you very much :D . and this map indeed for rank ^^

Abraxos wrote:

Hi~ From my modding queue~

Really pretty song you have here :D

You requested for Farris' BASIC, NOVICE, ADVANCED.


  1. BPM and Offset : ( ✓ )
  2. Aimod : ( ✓ )
  3. Kiai : ( ✓ )
  4. Metadata : ( ✓ )
  5. Hitsound : ( ✓ )
  6. Video : ( ✓ )



Farris' BASIC

  1. 00:08:575 (8575|3) - Shift to 4 as the violin pulls here are the same. Check 00:03:677 (3677|3).
  2. 00:24:187 (24187|0,24340|2,24493|1) - I wonder why is this a staggered stair while all other patterns in this section are uniform ones. Is there a reason for it?
  3. 00:51:432 (51432|2,51738|0,52197|1,52350|3) - and similar patterns and beats - I'd suggest a linear inversion of these beats, i.e. if 00:51:432 (51432|2,51738|0) - goes upwards towards the left, then 00:52:657 (52657|2,52963|1) - should too, and if 00:52:197 (52197|1,52350|3) - goes upwards towards the right, then 00:55:871 (55871|2,56024|0) - should too. Just a little suggestion on this part.
  4. 01:40:106 (100106|0,100259|1,100412|2) - Following 01:35:208 (95208|0,95361|2,95514|3) and 01:25:412 (85412|3,85565|2,85718|0) - Should that then be a staggered stair?


  2. It's a really well done map, I like the song (lol its from SDVX)
  3. If this is for rank, then plz no graveyard ;-; Good luck with rank~
thx for mod :)

No problem
00:45:769 (45769|3,45922|2,46075|1,46228|2,46381|0,46534|3) - wtf...
00:46:534 - ..add to 2
00:50:973 - add to 2
01:09:187 - add a LN from HERE
01:10:718 - ^?
01:34:799 - why not add
00:30:616 - add?
01:49:442 - add to 3 and 01:49:442 (109442|3) - start the LN from 01:49:595 -
Topic Starter

NlHIL wrote:

No problem
00:45:769 (45769|3,45922|2,46075|1,46228|2,46381|0,46534|3) - wtf...
00:46:534 - ..add to 2
00:50:973 - add to 2
01:09:187 - add a LN from HERE
01:10:718 - ^?
01:34:799 - why not add
00:30:616 - add? done
01:49:442 - add to 3 and 01:49:442 (109442|3) - start the LN from 01:49:595 - done
thx for your MOD :)
cuma saran :v mungkin kebanyakan
req on gaem
kalo ga suka ama modnya gausah kasih kudos :')

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

Farris' Basic
00:32:452 (32452|3) - pindah ke 2
00:39:799 (39799|3) - ke 3
00:56:024 (56024|3) - pindah ke 1
01:50:208 (110208|3) - tambah di 4

00:03:065 (3065|3) - tambah ln sampe 00:03:677 (3677|3) -
00:07:963 (7963|3) - tambah ln sampe 00:08:575 (8575|3) -
00:14:544 (14544|1) - tambah note di 2
00:16:381 (16381|2) - tambah note di 3 atau hapus 00:16:075 (16075|2) - sama 00:16:687 (16687|2) -
00:19:289 (19289|1) - pindah ke 3
00:19:442 (19442|1) - tambah di 2
00:24:340 (24340|2) - tambah di 3
00:31:993 (31993|2) - dari sini ikutin melodinya aja, dub staknya ga usah di masukin
01:09:799 (69799|2) - hapus
01:40:259 (100259|1) - tambah di 2

00:14:697 (14697|2) - pindah ke 3
00:19:442 (19442|1) - pindah ke 2
00:24:340 (24340|3) - pindah ke 2
00:24:493 (24493|0,24493|1) - ctrl + h
00:24:646 (24646|0) - pindah ke 1
00:36:432 (36432|1,36432|0,36585|2,36738|1) -
00:41:330 (41330|0) - tambah di 1
00:41:483 (41483|0) - ^
00:50:973 (50973|1) - pindah ke 2
00:51:126 (51126|2) - tambah di 3
00:51:279 (51279|2) - ^
00:56:483 (56483|2) - ^
00:56:636 (56636|3) - pindah ke 4
00:56:789 (56789|2) - tambah di 3
00:58:932 (58932|2) - ^
00:59:085 (59085|3) - pindah ke 4
00:59:238 (59238|1) - tambah di 2

Good luck :D
Topic Starter

Luthfeh wrote:

cuma saran :v mungkin kebanyakan
req on gaem
kalo ga suka ama modnya gausah kasih kudos :')

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

Farris' Basic
00:32:452 (32452|3) - pindah ke 2
00:39:799 (39799|3) - ke 3
00:56:024 (56024|3) - pindah ke 1
01:50:208 (110208|3) - tambah di 4

00:03:065 (3065|3) - tambah ln sampe 00:03:677 (3677|3) -
00:07:963 (7963|3) - tambah ln sampe 00:08:575 (8575|3) -
00:14:544 (14544|1) - tambah note di 2
00:16:381 (16381|2) - tambah note di 3 atau hapus 00:16:075 (16075|2) - sama 00:16:687 (16687|2) -
00:19:289 (19289|1) - pindah ke 3
00:19:442 (19442|1) - tambah di 2
00:24:340 (24340|2) - tambah di 3
00:31:993 (31993|2) - dari sini ikutin melodinya aja, dub staknya ga usah di masukin
01:09:799 (69799|2) - hapus
01:40:259 (100259|1) - tambah di 2

00:14:697 (14697|2) - pindah ke 3
00:19:442 (19442|1) - pindah ke 2
00:24:340 (24340|3) - pindah ke 2
00:24:493 (24493|0,24493|1) - ctrl + h
00:24:646 (24646|0) - pindah ke 1
00:36:432 (36432|1,36432|0,36585|2,36738|1) -
00:41:330 (41330|0) - tambah di 1
00:41:483 (41483|0) - ^
00:50:973 (50973|1) - pindah ke 2
00:51:126 (51126|2) - tambah di 3
00:51:279 (51279|2) - ^
00:56:483 (56483|2) - ^
00:56:636 (56636|3) - pindah ke 4
00:56:789 (56789|2) - tambah di 3
00:58:932 (58932|2) - ^
00:59:085 (59085|3) - pindah ke 4
00:59:238 (59238|1) - tambah di 2

Good luck :D
Thx mod nya :D
Hello :3
BANGKE's Exhaust
udah bagus, cuman mau ngasih saran
tiap ada beginian -->
diginiin aja -->
dan buat bbrp part diginiin -->
00:28:779 delete 1
00:29:085 add 1
00:29:391 single note nya delete aj
01:01:228 add 1 (?)
01:06:126 to 01:08:575 napa gk dibuat kyk 01:25:178 to 01:28:167 aja?
01:28:167 to 01:29:391 -->
01:30:616 add 1
01:49:136 -->
00:09:493 -->
00:41:024 delete 1
00:41:636 buat triple aj
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