This is something ive been thinking about recently, i started this game 2 months ago and i remember i particular my first challanged song i feel was renatus on hard diffculty after playing like 3 weeks, i remember how it was so fast and i was like how am i gonna keep up with this? Now 2 months later i can play some 4-4,50 star diffculty songs and when i tried renatus again on hard diffculty i was like, wow this is so slow, i cant believe this was hard for me before. So my question that this brings up is what happens in your brain with osu as u get better? Like do you just get faster reactions OR is it that as u play your brain like slows down the tones so it isnt as fast? Sorrry if this sounds confusing im just a bit lost and was very curious about this quesiton as i find it quite intersting.