
Dancing Dolls - monochrome(Asterisk Makina Remix)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on October 1, 2015 at 3:33:37 PM

Artist: Dancing Dolls
Title: monochrome(Asterisk Makina Remix)
Tags: ソウルイーターノット! black star dnb soundcloud モノクロ ダンシング人形
BPM: 175
Filesize: 8607kb
Play Time: 05:20
Difficulties Available:
  1. Scythe (5.15 stars, 1524 notes)
Download: Dancing Dolls - monochrome(Asterisk Makina Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Not my usual style. But please enjoy still :D.
*OMG* I saw your map. Nothing particuliar, very good map :D Just the kiai, please make sure to reduce the kiai as it take a third of the map :O otherwise perfect map :D
Hello! Just accidently saw this map in #modreq.

[Demon Scythe]

HP 5 is way too easy, increase it to HP 5.5 or something else?

00:43:720 (1,2) - imo you may increase the spacing between (1) (2) so as to improve the mod flow. The current placement is a bit awkward to me since the music is getting a little bit more intense here, with that 1/8 rhythm. I would do something like this as shown as below (00:44:062 (2) - is placed on the tail of 00:44:748 (2) - ). Same for the afterward identical patterns.

00:45:091 (3,4) - (Nazi) It would be better to avoid such kind of overlapping so as to remain tidiness.
00:54:862 (5,6) - omg...this part is so tricky x_x NC?
01:14:577 (1,2) - I personally is not satisfied with the flow here:<
01:24:177 (1,2,3,4) - I'd recommend keeping constant spacing here as you've done before.
01:30:520 (4,5,6) - I'd recommend replacing them with 1/4 sliders(or circle if you want) Since the 1/4 rhythm is quite obvious here.
02:12:520 (5,6) - I think the spacing here is too small. Maybe you can increase the spacing here, as well as 02:13:205 (5,6) - and 02:13:891 (5,6) - .
03:53:148 (4,5,6) - I'd recommend making jumps here as the volume of music is increasing here.
04:28:634 (1) - Replace this with a 1/8 slider?
04:50:577 (1,1,1,1) - If I'm correct, the music should be getting slightly louder and louder here, so imo you may change the sv change sequence into 0.6x->0.8x->1.0x->1.2x here.

That's all! Not really much to say. This map is enjoyable to play.
Good luck~
7/11 it's okay - me

kd pls
Topic Starter

Regou wrote:

Hello! Just accidently saw this map in #modreq.

[Demon Scythe]

HP 5 is way too easy, increase it to HP 5.5 or something else? Yea sure

00:43:720 (1,2) - imo you may increase the spacing between (1) (2) so as to improve the mod flow. The current placement is a bit awkward to me since the music is getting a little bit more intense here, with that 1/8 rhythm. I would do something like this as shown as below (00:44:062 (2) - is placed on the tail of 00:44:748 (2) - ). Same for the afterward identical patterns. Tbh i think this pattern plays fine. The kick sliders before have decreasing SV and the section after this is the verse, so I don't think creating emphasis here will benefit the section to come.

00:45:091 (3,4) - (Nazi) It would be better to avoid such kind of overlapping so as to remain tidiness. Ahh, didn't notice. Made it a blanket instead.
00:54:862 (5,6) - omg...this part is so tricky x_x NC? Sure
01:14:577 (1,2) - I personally is not satisfied with the flow here:< i think it's fine ;c.
01:24:177 (1,2,3,4) - I'd recommend keeping constant spacing here as you've done before. I want a buildup effect tho.
01:30:520 (4,5,6) - I'd recommend replacing them with 1/4 sliders(or circle if you want) Since the 1/4 rhythm is quite obvious here. Idk... i think too many kick sliders are a bit awkward here too... I prefer the structure atm and adding the sliders will make this patern look really weird.
02:12:520 (5,6) - I think the spacing here is too small. Maybe you can increase the spacing here, as well as 02:13:205 (5,6) - and 02:13:891 (5,6) - . I think the spacing is fine, it's not supposed to be big to create emphasis. I want a jump from 6>1 to emphasize aiming on the stream and give players some recovery time after the stream.
03:53:148 (4,5,6) - I'd recommend making jumps here as the volume of music is increasing here. Okay that makes sense.
04:28:634 (1) - Replace this with a 1/8 slider? I don't really like putting 1/8 repeats right after a stream xPP.
04:50:577 (1,1,1,1) - If I'm correct, the music should be getting slightly louder and louder here, so imo you may change the sv change sequence into 0.6x->0.8x->1.0x->1.2x here. Lower SV can also be used for emphasis, but i think i overshot it for loudness, so i made it 1.2>1.1>1.0>0.9 instead. Less dramatic

That's all! Not really much to say. This map is enjoyable to play.
Good luck~
Thanks for the mod!!!
hi, m4m from your queue

AR9 is rather low for one of these 5+ star crazy remix maps with streams and stuff everywhere. Higher AR here would make patterns easier to play. Obviously this kind of map isn't gonna be DTed so you don't have to worry about DT AR being too high or anything. Seeing as you love high OD you shouldn't be hesitant to put higher AR too.
00:01:377 (4,5,1) - This rhythm feels really weird; earlier you established rhythm of sliderhead on the high pitched sound on the red tick, which feels fine, but for this part you have circle and sliderend on the next two of those sounds. I'd use sliderheads for all of them.
00:04:120 (4,5,1) - ^
00:15:862 (3,5) - I get the feeling that you can only use similar futile reasoning in asymmetry to argue that these kinds of 5 note streams aren't overmapped
00:43:034 (1) - Not putting a 1/4 slider here is really inconsistent, I haven't ever seen another ranked map do this.
00:43:720 (1) - Spacing error huh? The object after it is 1/2 beat apart, could use bigger spacing
00:54:691 (3,4,5,1) - Really easy to misread as an unbroken stream, I'd stack 00:54:862 (5,1) -
01:30:005 (2,3,4) - This spacing is funny too
01:58:977 (3) - This is the only pattern around here where you have all 3 sliders overlapping, it's hard to see where the last one ends
02:36:177 (1) - 02:58:120 (1) - 05:12:520 (3) - Same spacing thing I pointed out earlier
02:57:434 (1) - Same inconsistency thing from before
04:00:520 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - Isn't this entirely overmapped on the blue ticks? The audible 1/4 doesn't start until 04:01:891, so you should follow that.
04:50:577 (1,1,1,1) - Man this will come off as gimmicky and stuff imo, Garven really hates these. Like I get the sliders are slowing down a bit but NC spam doesn't make easier to read or anything
05:13:377 - No ending spinner??

Shohei Ohtani
Wobblty Wobbilty Wop, Wobble, Woppin.

00:11:491 - It's really kind of blehh that you're using hitnormals here. I'd say keep it as before where hitnormals are only use as impacts and everything else if hitsoft.
00:21:091 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - tom drum hitsounds pls
00:41:662 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - icky overlaps pls do not do
00:50:577 - so did u just forget the claps on every white tick or
01:09:091 (1) - *vomits* like aaa you have so much content to do here and me being from 2011 I want to see some hype DiamondCrash/NotShinta/Every spanish mapper at the time slider shit here. Pretty patterns, pretty shapes, and everything is happy. But right now it just looks lazy. If you want to give players a rest, at least impress them visually while letting them rest.
01:33:091 (4) - the claps tho
01:34:977 (1,2,3) - This entire section has been primarily a focus on clicking on white ticks, so it's weird having the emphasis suddenly turn to red ticks for only this part, with no part in the music indicating the neccessity for it.
01:58:462 (1,2,3) - this looks like that picture where it's like "White girls be like "i don't hang out with other girls, they cause so much drama"" and then it shows the girl with a bunch of hot dogs in her mouth.
04:13:120 (2) - stack isn't perfect B)
04:26:920 (5,6) - why this.
04:50:748 (1,1,1) - You don't need these combos as much as you think.

Map is solid, just mostly that section where it could be a bunch of really cool sliders could definitely be improved.
Topic Starter

xxdeathx wrote:

hi, m4m from your queue

AR9 is rather low for one of these 5+ star crazy remix maps with streams and stuff everywhere. Higher AR here would make patterns easier to play. Obviously this kind of map isn't gonna be DTed so you don't have to worry about DT AR being too high or anything. Seeing as you love high OD you shouldn't be hesitant to put higher AR too. Yea you're right. I think under normal circumstances AR 9 would fit well, but with the amount of emphasis onto kick sliders, a boost in AR would definitely benefit the map. Made it AR 9.3
00:01:377 (4,5,1) - This rhythm feels really weird; earlier you established rhythm of sliderhead on the high pitched sound on the red tick, which feels fine, but for this part you have circle and sliderend on the next two of those sounds. I'd use sliderheads for all of them. I prefer the rhythm atm. I map the slider-head you mention at 00:01:034 - to the electronic beep in the music, which only occurs once per measure. I think the current rhythm plays well.
00:04:120 (4,5,1) - ^
00:15:862 (3,5) - I get the feeling that you can only use similar futile reasoning in asymmetry to argue that these kinds of 5 note streams aren't overmapped Ugh, well, there are actually notes there though, not trying to use some genryuu kaiko argument for streams either xP. I considered making this a 1/4 repeatx2 slider instead but i still prefer the stream.
00:43:034 (1) - Not putting a 1/4 slider here is really inconsistent, I haven't ever seen another ranked map do this. They map to different sounds though. I thought this was cool. No other ranked map has done this? It doesn't even seem edgy to me since kick sliders play just like circles, and the pattern here is arranged in a straightforward manner.
00:43:720 (1) - Spacing error huh? The object after it is 1/2 beat apart, could use bigger spacing I thought these were really straightforward to read. Tbh it's quite tricky working around the 1/8 repeat sliders because players are forced to hold onto it longer than they would on a 1/4 repeat slider due to the lack of leniency with 1/8 snapping and release timing. People usually just hold onto it like a 1/2 note because releasing on a 1/2 beat is just more manageable than 3/8 (even though technically you could release on 3/8). I think this spacing is fine but of course i'll get more opinions on it because your point is also valid.
00:54:691 (3,4,5,1) - Really easy to misread as an unbroken stream, I'd stack 00:54:862 (5,1) - Yea, okay stacking it, and removing the NC since it's no longer needed.
01:30:005 (2,3,4) - This spacing is funny too Spacing is very straightforward here though. There's a 1/2 jump from 2>3 and normal DS from 3>4.
01:58:977 (3) - This is the only pattern around here where you have all 3 sliders overlapping, it's hard to see where the last one ends I think this is fine because with structures like this, you really only have to pay attention to the slider-head and approach circle. It doesn't really matter where the last slider ends because players will be focused on aiming at 4. Slider-leniency should allow for players to play these (and other similar 3/4 patterns) without having to worry much about playing the slider all the way through. (Actually a few patterns were constructed on the assumption that players would cut corners).
02:36:177 (1) - 02:58:120 (1) - 05:12:520 (3) - Same spacing thing I pointed out earlier I changed the last one since I was using a noticeably higher SV. Putting a jump there felt cool too.
02:57:434 (1) - Same inconsistency thing from before
04:00:520 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - Isn't this entirely overmapped on the blue ticks? The audible 1/4 doesn't start until 04:01:891, so you should follow that. The stream is pretty straightforward though. And it's definitely supported in the music, even if it's very feint. I've set up a lot of 1/2 jumps that help build up to these streams so I think they are justified.
04:50:577 (1,1,1,1) - Man this will come off as gimmicky and stuff imo, Garven really hates these. Like I get the sliders are slowing down a bit but NC spam doesn't make easier to read or anything I took out the NC's cuz yea theyre not necessary now that I think about them.
05:13:377 - No ending spinner?? Ehh, sure why not. I was thinking of putting some slider-art, but no cool ideas yet lol.

Thanks for the mod :D. I'll get to yours asap.
Topic Starter

Reditum wrote:

Wobblty Wobbilty Wop, Wobble, Woppin.

00:11:491 - It's really kind of blehh that you're using hitnormals here. I'd say keep it as before where hitnormals are only use as impacts and everything else if hitsoft. Yea you're right, redid the hitsounding here up until Kiai.
00:21:091 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - tom drum hitsounds pls Hmm... i used drum-normals cuz i don't want to make this too overpowering, The stream has very low spacing to make it less impactful.
00:41:662 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - icky overlaps pls do not do They play really nice though D:. I've come to enjoy loop streams. They're actually quite readable.
00:50:577 - so did u just forget the claps on every white tick or Feels too loud, i went with alternating clap/whistle but tbh i'm not 100% sure how to hitsound Makina lmao.
01:09:091 (1) - *vomits* like aaa you have so much content to do here and me being from 2011 I want to see some hype DiamondCrash/NotShinta/Every spanish mapper at the time slider shit here. Pretty patterns, pretty shapes, and everything is happy. But right now it just looks lazy. If you want to give players a rest, at least impress them visually while letting them rest. Inspired by handsome. At least i split them into 2 sliders instead of full-measure sliders :D. But ehh, i think these sliders are okay. Unless you're not impressed by the slider-shapes and not the fact i just threw a bunch of 3/1 sliders in here.
01:33:091 (4) - the claps tho Ah well too bad. I focus more on patterns and structure, and I guess theres no room to hitsound these places because of the rhythm I chose. I really want to keep the rhythms though because these are great places to put in 3/4 rhythm and I'd like to give some variety with 3/4 jumps and also 3/4 sliders.
01:34:977 (1,2,3) - This entire section has been primarily a focus on clicking on white ticks, so it's weird having the emphasis suddenly turn to red ticks for only this part, with no part in the music indicating the neccessity for it. Yea, you're right. Redid the rhythm here.
01:58:462 (1,2,3) - this looks like that picture where it's like "White girls be like "i don't hang out with other girls, they cause so much drama"" and then it shows the girl with a bunch of hot dogs in her mouth. LOL. (But I like this pattern ;c Explained it more in xxdeathx's mod.)
04:13:120 (2) - stack isn't perfect B) ............
04:26:920 (5,6) - why this. Why not D:. The kick-slider is really just there for stylistic purpose, it serves no other function than i guess to point toward where 6 will be. Players will just play the slider as a circle and it won't contribute to difficulty.
04:50:748 (1,1,1) - You don't need these combos as much as you think. Yep, Fixed~

Map is solid, just mostly that section where it could be a bunch of really cool sliders could definitely be improved.
Thanks Reditum :D. And ye. i'll get to your mod soon :D. Ahhhh, lucky me getting two pro mods from my m4m queue tonight :D.
Hello~ M4M from your queue~ Sorry if I suck at modding this... I got rekd by those two up there

  1. Unrankable issues
  2. My opinion which I highly recommend changing it
  3. Just small suggestions/nazi

  1. All looks fine in my eyes.
  1. 00:26:920 (4,5) - Similar notes following the same sound (that screech or something like that idk) were all sliders, so I think it would be better to keep it consistent for this 2 circles too, making these a 1/2 slider.
  2. 00:37:891 (3,4) - ^^
  3. 00:38:234 (5) - The note on the same part previously (which is 00:27:262 (1) - ), had a SV change, so this slider's SV should be increased by the same amount like 00:27:262 (1) - this did. Can't argue if you wanted variety though.
  4. 00:50:577 (3) - Not a mod, is going off-grid actually fine?
  5. 01:13:891 (2,3,4) - IMO it would play out better with a 1/2 slider with a repeat.
  6. 01:46:120 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I don't really hear any instruments that goes with this stream, or is it just me?
  7. 01:55:720 (1,2,3) - Honestly I want their slider tails to end at the same point which I think will look better :

  8. 02:02:748 (2) - I don't really know if you are going to take my suggestion or not, but I think this should go down to make bit of symmetry on the previous pattern :

    Besides, I think the beat on this slider is worthy enough to have a jump on it.
  9. 02:03:948 (1,2,3) - Not going to argue if you wanted to give players a little bit of a 'relaxing' point, but this feels bit empty compared to all similar others which you've mapped with sliders instead of circles. (Like 01:58:462 (1,2,3) - )
  10. 02:50:234 (9) - Again if you are going for variety I can't argue, but I think this should be instead a triplet then a kick slider following the similar notes : 02:49:548 (4,5,6) -
  11. 05:08:405 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - IMO this stream should have a bigger DS than the next stream since the song is getting 'weaker'(?) (I don't know how to say the opposite of build-up ;-;)
Well another solid map :D Sorry if I didn't met your expectations...
Hello! M4M from your queue!

  1. 00:13:205 (2) - You could move this to x258 y300, so prev. and next distant is same.
  2. 00:15:777 (2,3,4,5,6) - This is just my opinion, but I'd like this rhythm more. It fits that place well.
  3. 00:19:205 (2,3) - Ctrl + H would make it flow better
  4. 00:26:920 (4) - move this to x236 y158 so it's more symmetrical with 00:26:234 (6,7,1,2,3) -
  5. 00:43:034 (1,2) - Placing here is really confusing. When I played this, I though that there is 1/4 stream/slider steam whole time, but suddently there where 1/2 rhythms and I fell out. It can be just me, but placing may be confusing to others too. [Compare to 00:40:120 (4,1) - , 00:41:491 (4,1) -]
  6. 02:01:205 (1,2,3) - You can keep doing triangle here. like you did at 01:58:462 (1,2,3) - . But ofc it ruins 02:01:720 (3,4,5,6) - square here.
  7. 02:21:091 (3,1) - check stacking
  8. 02:57:434 (1,2) - same thing about spacing here as 00:43:034 (1,2) -
  9. 05:07:720 (1,2,3,4) - this would flow better if you swap order of (3) and (4)
Well this is all what I could find, I'm not familar (yet) modding 5+ star map. I hope this was anyhow useful :/.
oh right my irc mod lol
22:08 DankHomie: Alright
22:09 DankHomie: 00:19:720 (1,2,3,1,2,3) -
22:09 DankHomie: lets see if i can explain myself here
22:09 DankHomie: If you dont want to map this in full 1/4
22:09 DankHomie: which it looks like you dont
22:10 DankHomie: 00:20:234 (3,1) -
22:10 DankHomie: id suggest following the two woo woo sounds here
22:10 DankHomie: with two 1/4 sliders
22:11 DankHomie: theres one at the end of this slider and the start of this note as well
22:11 DankHomie: 00:17:320 (2,3) -
22:11 DankHomie: It works fine as it is now
22:11 DankHomie: but im not sure what you are following in the music
22:12 monstrata: im following vocals here actually xD
22:12 DankHomie: ohhh
22:12 monstrata: 00:19:720 (1,1,1,2,3,4,5) - cool flowing pattern
22:12 DankHomie: yeah if you follow vocals it should be fine
22:13 DankHomie: oh right this thing
22:13 DankHomie: 00:54:691 (3,4,5,6) -
22:13 DankHomie: I feel like this would be pretty weird to read unless you stacked the slider below the last circle
22:14 DankHomie: Then again i didnt notice it while playing
22:14 monstrata: oh
22:14 monstrata: yea originally i had it stacked
22:14 monstrata: but due to stack leniency it looked really ugly lol
22:14 DankHomie: i can see that
22:14 DankHomie: hm
22:15 DankHomie: Let someone more experienced look at it than me at least :s
22:15 DankHomie: 01:25:548 (1,2,3,4) -
22:16 DankHomie: I feel like this section could fit better with 1/2 jumps to emphasize the increasing intensity in the music
22:16 DankHomie: but as its not follwed up with a stream
22:16 DankHomie: It still works
22:16 monstrata: hmm you have a point
22:16 monstrata: theres a lot of 1/2 slider spam in that particular section
22:17 monstrata: in later parts i use different rhythms
22:17 monstrata: i think making them all 1/2 jumps would be too intense, but yea i could definitely make the rhythm more diverse
22:17 DankHomie: Yeah with no stream at the end of that and then mapping to the lyrics after
22:17 DankHomie: just jumps would be too much
22:18 DankHomie: Also this rhythm comes up a lot in this song
22:18 DankHomie: 01:42:005 (1,2,3) -
22:18 DankHomie: This one works well imo
22:18 DankHomie: but there are some i found uncomfortable
22:19 monstrata: oh like the 3/4 circle jumps?
22:19 DankHomie: yeah
22:19 DankHomie: Ill point one out i didnt like when i get to it
22:19 DankHomie: 01:50:234 (1) -
22:19 DankHomie: this stream
22:19 DankHomie: why lower ds ;_;
22:19 DankHomie: It feels so intense and then boop
22:20 monstrata: eh, cuz its 17 notes lol
22:20 DankHomie: You increased ds on all the other sections looking like that
22:20 DankHomie: hm
22:20 monstrata: idk, i don't really consider stream spacing too much nowadays. more shape and length of stream
22:20 DankHomie: Here
22:20 DankHomie: 01:50:234 (1,1,2,3) -
22:20 DankHomie: this one is perfect
22:20 monstrata: yea i increased DS for the first two streams for some build up
22:21 DankHomie: I think its because they are all stacked on top of each other
22:21 DankHomie: for some reason that felt much easier
22:21 DankHomie: on these ones 01:55:720 (1,2,3) -
22:21 DankHomie: the third one didnt seem like a part of it, so i expected a 1/2 gap
22:21 DankHomie: It might just be something with my reading
22:22 DankHomie: But the 1:50 one flowed really really well
22:22 monstrata: 02:03:948 (1,2,3) - what do you think of jumps like this tho
22:23 monstrata: like rhythm wise are they difficult to read or anything?
22:23 DankHomie: No problem at all
22:23 monstrata: i tried making them really big so it wouldn't be confused with 1/2's
22:23 monstrata: ok
22:23 DankHomie: But i do like the slider version better when it worked
22:23 DankHomie: mix is good
22:23 monstrata: yea
22:23 monstrata: i prefer sliders too
22:23 monstrata: but some mix would benefit the repeitive nature of this song lol
22:24 monstrata: gotta get better at constructing good 3/4 slider structures tho xPP
22:24 DankHomie: yeah keep mix
22:24 monstrata: i think its got to do with angles not being good
22:24 DankHomie: I loved it when they were all stacked on top of each other
22:24 DankHomie: but check with others
22:24 DankHomie: feels like a somewhat subjective thing
22:24 DankHomie: also
22:24 DankHomie: 02:31:378 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
22:24 DankHomie: was gonna comment on how i didnt like this
22:24 DankHomie: but
22:24 DankHomie: it worked really well when playing
22:25 DankHomie: so keep
22:25 DankHomie: :s
22:25 DankHomie: uh
22:25 DankHomie: 02:39:948 (3,4) -
22:25 DankHomie: Why not a triple here, feels weird when every other 1/4 triple is mapped
22:25 DankHomie: but not that one
22:26 monstrata: oh oh oh
22:26 monstrata: 02:31:377 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Hanburgeric also noted that so i nerfed the spacing
22:26 monstrata: going into second set
22:26 monstrata: 02:39:948 (3,4) - Here tho i have a cool effect going
22:26 DankHomie: I liked it tho :s
22:27 monstrata: I just made spacing a bit smaller, same structure xD
22:27 DankHomie: oh alright
22:27 DankHomie: 02:39:948 (3,4) -
22:27 DankHomie: what do you mean
22:27 DankHomie: cool effect
22:27 monstrata: 02:39:948 (3,4) - Here, no triplet, but 02:40:634 (6,7,8) - stacked triplet
22:27 monstrata: 02:42:348 (1,2,3,4,5) - here stacked triplets 02:43:377 (7,8,9) - here unstacked/spaced
22:27 monstrata: 02:45:091 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Now theyre all mapped and all unstacked
22:28 monstrata: its a progression based on loudness of the music
22:28 DankHomie: yeah i liked that
22:28 DankHomie: oh you mean like that
22:28 DankHomie: imo the first triple should still be mapped
22:28 DankHomie: but up to you
22:29 DankHomie: 02:51:262 (1,1,2,3) - inb4 people who cant quad
22:29 DankHomie: dont change tho
22:29 monstrata: LOL
22:29 monstrata: i hope it was straightforward enough
22:29 monstrata: with the NC's
22:29 DankHomie: It is
22:29 DankHomie: people just cant quad
22:29 DankHomie: at all
22:29 DankHomie: its hilarious
22:29 DankHomie: They know its a quad
22:30 DankHomie: and they know what they need to do
22:30 DankHomie: but they just dont have the muscle memory
22:30 monstrata: well, the intention with the NC is to make ppl just play it like a normal triplet rather than a quad xD
22:30 DankHomie: keep it for salt
22:30 DankHomie: its readable no problem
22:31 DankHomie: 03:18:005 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - see this is why i want to play stuff before i mod
22:31 DankHomie: i didnt think it would work but playing it was fun
22:31 monstrata: ooo
22:31 monstrata: ya
22:31 DankHomie: 03:39:949 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
22:31 monstrata: that was a cool pattern i came up with using a 5 note stream as the base
22:32 DankHomie: come on man hitsounds
22:32 monstrata: 03:18:177 (2,3,4,2,3) -
22:32 monstrata: :D
22:32 DankHomie: Loses all the intentisty
22:32 monstrata: hmm
22:32 DankHomie: That part was really cool though
22:32 monstrata: what shuld i add ;o
22:32 DankHomie: Im not an expert at hitsounding, but just whistles isnt nearly enough
22:33 monstrata: actually
22:33 DankHomie: 03:38:577 (1,2,3,4) - these didnt feel as intensive as the music either
22:33 monstrata: what if i add whistles to all the red ticks
22:33 DankHomie: tbh i would just change to normal instead of soft
22:34 DankHomie: on either the jumps or the kicksliders
22:34 DankHomie: The hitsounding on the jumps there are actually the biggest problem i have with the map atm
22:35 DankHomie: 04:07:377 (1,2,3) -
22:35 monstrata: yea
22:35 DankHomie: These are probably the ones i disliked the most out of the 1/3 sliders
22:35 monstrata: okay i added whistles onto red ticks for more hitsounding
22:35 monstrata: ill change the earlier verses too
22:35 DankHomie: alright
22:36 monstrata: ah
22:36 monstrata: yea i should fix them they look too much like normal 1/2 sliders
22:36 DankHomie: get someone better than me to look at the 1/3 sliders, i cant say much outside of a player perspective here
22:36 DankHomie: but yeah what you just said
22:36 DankHomie: felt too much like 1/2s
22:36 DankHomie: 04:07:377 (1,2,3,1,2,3) -
22:36 DankHomie: these worked
22:36 DankHomie: wait no
22:36 DankHomie: shit i
22:37 DankHomie: 04:10:120 (1,2,3) -
22:37 DankHomie: these
22:37 DankHomie: :3
22:37 DankHomie: worked well
22:37 monstrata: yea
22:37 DankHomie: 04:15:605 (1,2,3) - these also worked well
22:37 monstrata: i think first one didnt work well
22:37 monstrata: because
22:37 DankHomie: ill stop pointing them out though
22:37 monstrata: 04:06:691 (2,3,1) - made the spacing look weird
22:37 DankHomie: possible, you know that better than me
22:38 DankHomie: 04:45:777 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - god dammit i almost died here
22:38 DankHomie: because im so bad at these
22:38 DankHomie: but i love them
22:38 DankHomie: ;w;
22:39 monstrata: lol
22:39 monstrata: <3
22:39 monstrata: theyre fun to play :D
22:39 DankHomie: alright so last thing
22:40 DankHomie: long thing inc
22:40 DankHomie: 05:02:234 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,1) -
22:40 DankHomie: This section was the most well made buildup in your map imo
22:40 DankHomie: constant increase in intensity
22:40 DankHomie: both in music and mapping
22:40 monstrata: i thought id end it with a straightforward buildup xD
22:41 DankHomie: :s
22:41 DankHomie: 05:10:462 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) -
22:41 DankHomie: best part about map by far
22:41 monstrata: how did the last kick slider set play tho ;o
22:41 monstrata: 05:10:462 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - exgyy
22:41 monstrata: okay
22:41 monstrata: <3
22:41 DankHomie: So thats it for me i guess
22:41 DankHomie: Overall
22:42 DankHomie: Its pretty good
22:42 DankHomie: I feel that some parts are unpolished, but im not experienced enough to tell exactly what
22:43 monstrata: sweet :D
22:43 DankHomie: Im just glad that you accepted some of my suggestions :d
Topic Starter

[Sc4v4ng3r] wrote:

Hello~ M4M from your queue~ Sorry if I suck at modding this... I got rekd by those two up there

  1. Unrankable issues
  2. My opinion which I highly recommend changing it
  3. Just small suggestions/nazi

  1. All looks fine in my eyes.
  1. 00:26:920 (4,5) - Similar notes following the same sound (that screech or something like that idk) were all sliders, so I think it would be better to keep it consistent for this 2 circles too, making these a 1/2 slider. This is a different sound tho. You can hear another beat on 00:27:091 -
  2. 00:37:891 (3,4) - ^^ Did something different for here.
  3. 00:38:234 (5) - The note on the same part previously (which is 00:27:262 (1) - ), had a SV change, so this slider's SV should be increased by the same amount like 00:27:262 (1) - this did. Can't argue if you wanted variety though. I actually didn't want a SV change here because it would make the stream that follows feel a bit less impactful.
  4. 00:50:577 (3) - Not a mod, is going off-grid actually fine? It's not offscreen when you testplay so its fine.
  5. 01:13:891 (2,3,4) - IMO it would play out better with a 1/2 slider with a repeat. I did 1/2 slider and circle instead. 1/2 repeat is too simple.
  6. 01:46:120 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I don't really hear any instruments that goes with this stream, or is it just me? It's you cuz i definitely hear 1/4's in the background.
  7. 01:55:720 (1,2,3) - Honestly I want their slider tails to end at the same point which I think will look better : I want a different kind of flow here.

  8. 02:02:748 (2) - I don't really know if you are going to take my suggestion or not, but I think this should go down to make bit of symmetry on the previous pattern : I don't like the angle though :P If it goes down to where you want. I want a more open angle here so the next few patterns have more movement to different parts of the screen.

    Besides, I think the beat on this slider is worthy enough to have a jump on it. It already has a jump, just a lesser angle.
  9. 02:03:948 (1,2,3) - Not going to argue if you wanted to give players a little bit of a 'relaxing' point, but this feels bit empty compared to all similar others which you've mapped with sliders instead of circles. (Like 01:58:462 (1,2,3) - ) Rhythmic variety. Always using the same 1/2 sliders can get boring. This part isn't really that easy anyways. Sure its more empty but it puts focus onto aim with the large jumps.
  10. 02:50:234 (9) - Again if you are going for variety I can't argue, but I think this should be instead a triplet then a kick slider following the similar notes : 02:49:548 (4,5,6) - Hmmmmmmmm. You ahve a point here. I wanted the repeat slider to lead into the kick sliders better but 1/4 triplets also work. I'll get more testplays on it tho cuz the way I mapped it also works well imo.
  11. 05:08:405 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - IMO this stream should have a bigger DS than the next stream since the song is getting 'weaker'(?) (I don't know how to say the opposite of build-up ;-;)I disagree, I think both streams are the same intensity.
Well another solid map :D Sorry if I didn't met your expectations...
Thanks for the mod!
Topic Starter

smsh150 wrote:

Hello! M4M from your queue!

  1. 00:13:205 (2) - You could move this to x258 y300, so prev. and next distant is same. I want a larger jump from 2>3 for emphasis tho.
  2. 00:15:777 (2,3,4,5,6) - This is just my opinion, but I'd like this rhythm more. It fits that place well. Ok sure, that still fits my pattern quite nicely.
  3. 00:19:205 (2,3) - Ctrl + H would make it flow better No...
  4. 00:26:920 (4) - move this to x236 y158 so it's more symmetrical with 00:26:234 (6,7,1,2,3) - I'm not going for symmetry though. No point in changing a perfectly good pattern for symmetry :S
  5. 00:43:034 (1,2) - Placing here is really confusing. When I played this, I though that there is 1/4 stream/slider steam whole time, but suddently there where 1/2 rhythms and I fell out. It can be just me, but placing may be confusing to others too. [Compare to 00:40:120 (4,1) - , 00:41:491 (4,1) -] I think they're readable. Going to keep because I can't see them being a readability issue.
  6. 02:01:205 (1,2,3) - You can keep doing triangle here. like you did at 01:58:462 (1,2,3) - . But ofc it ruins 02:01:720 (3,4,5,6) - square here. This is fine already. No point making it a triangle just to ruin a pattern :P.
  7. 02:21:091 (3,1) - check stacking Fixed
  8. 02:57:434 (1,2) - same thing about spacing here as 00:43:034 (1,2) - It's fine.
  9. 05:07:720 (1,2,3,4) - this would flow better if you swap order of (3) and (4) No, that's just circular flow. I'm going for zigzag flow which is just as good here.
Well this is all what I could find, I'm not familar (yet) modding 5+ star map. I hope this was anyhow useful :/.
Thanks for modding.
alright :)
another asterisk remix
make more asterisk map pls
Topic Starter
woooow thanks for the stars frim!!!

yea i'll try and make more ;3. yukitoki's a nice one too
if you need a better mp3, you can call me
-i dont like ur background
-"monochrome(Asterisk Makina Remix)" no space between e and (
-hp 6 atleast plz xd, 5 is lame tbh
-00:10:634 (2) - normal distance looks better, 0.8 is meh
-00:14:234 (1,2) - slightly out of screen, move them a bit up
-00:19:720 (1) - 00:20:405 (1) - wy no finish 00:22:462 (1) - 01:07:720 (1) - 01:09:091 (1) - and others
-00:43:034 (1,2) - increase the distance plz, it may be easily missread as a stream jump. 00:43:720 (1,2) - and these too.. onegaisenpai. same with similar parts
-00:59:491 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - u'd say to reduce the distance between 5 and 6 if i do this xd
-01:07:548 (6,1) - distance is uhh... so much emphasis lost by doing this
-01:08:748 (2) - i'd extend it 1/4 cuz the sound at 01:09:005 - is more prominent than the one on 1/2, or add a note maybe, also distance is ehh tbh
-01:26:920 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - ayyy these 1/4 are too random imo. like the background sound you're trying to map is so weak that it ends being just weird..You mapped the whole section in 1/2 too so there's that. The ones from 01:29:662 - are way more logicals
-01:52:977 (1,2,3,4) - distance is confusing at (4). moving this more away like u did here 04:13:377 (3,4) - or even 02:01:720 (3,4) - makes more sense and plays better. same in simlar parts
-01:58:462 (1,2,3) - you can barely see the slider path in gameplay, ambiguous stuff.. would be rlly cool if u make them more visible as it may be misinterpreted
-02:23:662 - why do u ignore vocals ;w; feels so empty right now
-02:24:862 (2,3) - why are these so far apart xd you use low distance most of time. It looks random tbh especially when 02:25:891 (1) - is closer to the previous object
-02:28:462 (1,2) - ctrl g plz. vocals and instruments start more clearly and strongly from the white tick
-05:07:205 (7,8,9) - you could remove these actually, feels better a gap than mapping weak background sound
-05:12:862 (4) - multi reverses as the grand finale feels vague imo xd

there are some weird spacing, i dont feel comfortable bubbling how it is right now ;_;
Topic Starter

Milan- wrote:

-i dont like ur background
-"monochrome(Asterisk Makina Remix)" no space between e and ( okay
-hp 6 atleast plz xd, 5 is lame tbh Sure why not
-00:10:634 (2) - normal distance looks better, 0.8 is meh Going for a star pattern with 00:09:605 (4,1,1,2) - . And well, spacing doesn't really make a difference here imo. The intention is to have a noticeably larger jump from 2>3 for emphasis since emphasis is just about how the two spacing's differ from each other. Spacing from 2>3 is already noticeably larger than 1>2 so there is proper emphasis.
-00:14:234 (1,2) - slightly out of screen, move them a bit up Uh, they're not off screen, i like zoomed in on them at 800x magnification lol. Moved them both up 1 pixel for good measure tho :D.
-00:19:720 (1) - 00:20:405 (1) - wy no finish 00:22:462 (1) - 01:07:720 (1) Yea here i can add a finish and change the customs to defaults. Applied to other spots too- 01:09:091 (1) - K added them here tooand others Idk, they didn't really fit for me. Well, with the custom hitsounds anyways. I don't think they'd fit too well with normal/soft finish except the one I mentioned
-00:43:034 (1,2) - increase the distance plz, it may be easily missread as a stream jump. 00:43:720 (1,2) - and these too.. onegaisenpai. same with similar parts Uhhh. idk xPP tbh I don't see how they can be misread as stream jumps. If anything. your instinct should be to assume notes are 1/2 and go "wtf this map" if it's actually a 1/4 stream jump.
-00:59:491 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - u'd say to reduce the distance between 5 and 6 if i do this xd Whaaaat nooo i would never lool You literally just like, release the 1/2 repeat on the 1st repeat so these play like there's a 1/2 gap in between the sliders even if its actually 1/4
-01:07:548 (6,1) - distance is uhh... so much emphasis lost by doing this Yea, fixed.
-01:08:748 (2) - i'd extend it 1/4 cuz the sound at 01:09:005 - is more prominent than the one on 1/2, or add a note maybe, also distance is ehh tbh Actually, made the slider 3/4. I added a circle, testplayed it and went wtf
-01:26:920 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - ayyy these 1/4 are too random imo. like the background sound you're trying to map is so weak that it ends being just weird..You mapped the whole section in 1/2 too so there's that. The ones from 01:29:662 - are way more logicals Okay, i made the sample-set Soft instead. These are really straightforward to play but yea, the 1/4's were too loud for the section.
-01:52:977 (1,2,3,4) - distance is confusing at (4). moving this more away like u did here 04:13:377 (3,4) - or even 02:01:720 (3,4) - makes more sense and plays better. same in simlar parts Pretty sure these are quite easy to read. I can change the AR maybe, to better accomodate patterns like this, but I really don't see stuff like this being a spacing/readability issue. Usually that only happens with 1/1 and 1/2 circles/sliders being ambiguously spaced, not 1/4's and 1/2's
-01:58:462 (1,2,3) - you can barely see the slider path in gameplay, ambiguous stuff.. would be rlly cool if u make them more visible as it may be misinterpreted Ya xxdeathx also mentioned them. I still think theyre easily readable, and also, the pattern can be played without needing to know the slider path even though it follows the flow pretty well. Slider leniency op lol
-02:23:662 - why do u ignore vocals ;w; feels so empty right now Tbh, i just get random urges to put in 1/1 repeat sliders when i feel like my rhythm is too repetitive or i need a "break" from the usual 1/2's. I guess I can remove the repeat and do some more interesting stuff tho
-02:24:862 (2,3) - why are these so far apart xd you use low distance most of time. It looks random tbh especially when 02:25:891 (1) - is closer to the previous object They don't seem that far apart D:. Besides, slider > circle jumps are way easier than circle > circle // circle > slider and i just thought the pattern was interesting to play lol.
-02:28:462 (1,2) - ctrl g plz. vocals and instruments start more clearly and strongly from the white tick Folliwng the vocals tho, and the vocals follow the red tick here not white tick so I prefer to have the slider on a red, and the jump pattern begin on a red tick too. I think this fits well
-05:07:205 (7,8,9) - you could remove these actually, feels better a gap than mapping weak background sound I reduced the volume here to 40% instead
-05:12:862 (4) - multi reverses as the grand finale feels vague imo xd Yea I agree, made this a spaced stream instead.

there are some weird spacing, i dont feel comfortable bubbling how it is right now ;_;
xPPP They don't feel weird to me, and I'm someone doesn't really map edgy/weird/"potentially unrankable for quality issues" stuff anyways xP. Then again this is a bit of a looser mapping style for me since I was experimenting with new rhythms and patterns. Well, lets see how this goes lol.


  1. 00:03:091 (6) - you don't wanna clean overlap with 00:02:405 (3) - the begin ? like in 00:06:520 (3,4), if you do that don't forget symentric in 00:02:748 (4,5,6,1)
  2. 00:52:462 (6,1) - just suggestion, don't wanna make jump, the vocal is high and change, you did other parts IMO similiar vocal in 00:49:548 (4,5) and more
  3. 02:51:605 (1) - I don't know why you put there NC, remove NC ? I mostly see other parts you don't put NC but this part you put why ?
  4. 03:13:891 (1,4) - this could grid down more because the (4) the end is really touch HP skin default
  5. 04:06:691 (2) - no nc ? like in 03:22:120 (1) ?
poke me
Topic Starter

Pereira006 wrote:



  1. 00:03:091 (6) - you don't wanna clean overlap with 00:02:405 (3) - the begin ? like in 00:06:520 (3,4), if you do that don't forget symentric in 00:02:748 (4,5,6,1) Fixed
  2. 00:52:462 (6,1) - just suggestion, don't wanna make jump, the vocal is high and change, you did other parts IMO similiar vocal in 00:49:548 (4,5) and more I like the way this pattern plays though. Next few sliders don't have any jumps to them so I don't think there *needs* to be a jump here.
  3. 02:51:605 (1) - I don't know why you put there NC, remove NC ? I mostly see other parts you don't put NC but this part you put why ? The NC is cuz I start the triplet right after a 3/4 slider. People will usually play this like a quad, but I want this to just be a triplet so I NC'ed so the player can easily tell this is a triplet starting on a white tick and not a triplet that begins on a blue tick.
  4. 03:13:891 (1,4) - this could grid down more because the (4) the end is really touch HP skin default Fixed
  5. 04:06:691 (2) - no nc ? like in 03:22:120 (1) ?Added the NC.
poke me
we fix 5 hitsounds missing, 2 nc, and 1 lines

Bubble #2
y girl u know im sexy

damn logs
2015-09-26 22:46 Yuii-: 00:05:234 - I know this is for consistency, but this should be a whole stream
2015-09-26 22:47 monstrata: lol good thing theyre acceptign like 32 bns tmr
2015-09-26 22:47 monstrata: :D
2015-09-26 22:48 Yuii-: Tomorrow?
2015-09-26 22:48 Yuii-: Niiice finally
2015-09-26 22:48 Yuii-: Ipas will join, Exa didn't send the app, Peachtrees will join
2015-09-26 22:48 Yuii-: Aaa a lot of good modders
2015-09-26 22:48 Yuii-: 00:11:662 - You really should lower the volume in this part
2015-09-26 22:48 monstrata: Ipas Peachtrees and Raiden are my guesses
2015-09-26 22:48 monstrata: and Taeyang maybe
2015-09-26 22:49 monstrata: 00:05:234 - I dont want a 7 note stream so early tho
2015-09-26 22:49 Yuii-: Speaking of the 4 gamemodes? Then alienflybot too
2015-09-26 22:50 monstrata: oh wtf
2015-09-26 22:50 monstrata: okay lowered the volume for that part + other sections
2015-09-26 22:50 Yuii-: Nice, yeah, 70% was maybe too high for the beginning
2015-09-26 22:51 monstrata: yea my bad
2015-09-26 22:51 monstrata: reduced it to 40/50/60/70 in ascending order :D
2015-09-26 22:51 monstrata: leading into kiai
2015-09-26 22:51 Yuii-: 00:28:291 (4,5,6) - Ctrl+G? I think the current pattern is quite "forced" let's say
2015-09-26 22:51 Yuii-: That's great
2015-09-26 22:52 monstrata: Oh
2015-09-26 22:52 monstrata: yea i wanted it to be forced
2015-09-26 22:52 monstrata: xD
2015-09-26 22:52 monstrata: emphasizes the beginning of the triplets too not just the end
2015-09-26 22:53 Yuii-: I mean, it doesn't play bad at all, I would call it kind of unnatural pattern to play the triplets
2015-09-26 22:53 Yuii-: But it's fine, personal preference I guess
2015-09-26 22:53 monstrata: yea under normal circumstances i'd agree tbh lol i just thought i'd do something a bit more challenging and outside my usual flow patterns
2015-09-26 22:54 Yuii-: 01:28:291 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Silence the tails with a soft, both (1) can have a Soft whistle on tails
2015-09-26 22:55 Yuii-: The problem here is that they sound just too low when the sound is barely noticeable
2015-09-26 22:56 Yuii-: 01:37:205 - intended?
2015-09-26 22:56 monstrata: oh okay added soft samples onto the tails
2015-09-26 22:56 monstrata: and yea gap is intented
2015-09-26 22:56 Yuii-: right
2015-09-26 22:56 Yuii-: 01:52:291 (2) - NC for the sake of 1/8 or it's fine?
2015-09-26 22:57 Yuii-: 01:55:977 (2) - you really don't want to hitsound that
2015-09-26 22:57 Yuii-: since the sound is in the middle of the object
2015-09-26 22:57 monstrata: eww sure ill NC for the 1/8 cuz i do that for other parts
2015-09-26 22:58 monstrata: the main melody is on the blue tick tho
2015-09-26 22:58 monstrata: the drum is on white
2015-09-26 22:58 monstrata: but idk i think its fine to hitsound the blue cuz the pattern is following 3/4 rhythm
2015-09-26 22:58 Yuii-: Normal-Soft Whistle?
2015-09-26 22:59 Yuii-: 01:58:720 (2) - Actually you will have to change the whole thing and you're too lazy for that so nvm
2015-09-26 23:00 monstrata: lol
2015-09-26 23:00 Yuii-: 02:06:691 (1,2,3) - oh mmmaaan idk about this
2015-09-26 23:00 monstrata: baka lazy monstrata
2015-09-26 23:01 monstrata: ;o
2015-09-26 23:01 monstrata: they play fine tho. idk. no one had trouble reading it even tho they might look misleading in editor
2015-09-26 23:01 monstrata: lol
2015-09-26 23:02 Yuii-: yeah, ikr, for some reason the flow could be improve by lowering both (2) and (3) a bit
2015-09-26 23:02 Yuii-: but I can't about flow when you are here soooo
2015-09-26 23:03 monstrata: ya im kinda going for that drop-off flow there
2015-09-26 23:03 Yuii-: yup
2015-09-26 23:03 Yuii-: yo hear at this super nazi thing 02:43:377 (7,8,9,1) - 02:46:120 (8,9,10,1) -
2015-09-26 23:04 monstrata: hm?
2015-09-26 23:05 Yuii-: shouldn't they be like equal?
2015-09-26 23:05 monstrata: oh
2015-09-26 23:05 monstrata: nah
2015-09-26 23:05 monstrata: i want the difficulty to slowly increase
2015-09-26 23:06 monstrata: cuz the volume is increasing
2015-09-26 23:06 monstrata: so i progressively use more and more triplets and larger spacing
2015-09-26 23:06 Yuii-: that sounds good to me, let's keep going
2015-09-26 23:06 monstrata: 02:39:605 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 02:42:348 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 02:45:091 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Comparison
2015-09-26 23:06 monstrata: :D
2015-09-26 23:06 monstrata: okay :D
2015-09-26 23:06 Yuii-: aw yeah
2015-09-26 23:07 Yuii-: 03:36:862 (5,5) - shouldn't the first (5) have a whistle as too? I mean, every white tick should, and you are actually doing, you just forgot one!
2015-09-26 23:08 Yuii-: 03:44:748 (3,5) - Try whistle instead
2015-09-26 23:08 Yuii-: I could explain you why if you want, but you got it
2015-09-26 23:09 monstrata: added whistles
2015-09-26 23:09 monstrata: but second one i prefer drum clap
2015-09-26 23:09 monstrata: xD
2015-09-26 23:10 monstrata: drum claps sound really cool imo
2015-09-26 23:10 Yuii-: indeed there's no such big difference right there
2015-09-26 23:10 Yuii-: the problem is the sound the background music offers
2015-09-26 23:11 monstrata: hmm ok
2015-09-26 23:11 monstrata: i added a whistle to the first drum hit
2015-09-26 23:11 monstrata: 03:44:748 (3) -
2015-09-26 23:11 monstrata: but kept the second so theres a slight change
2015-09-26 23:11 Yuii-: Alright!
2015-09-26 23:12 Yuii-: Lemme check hitsound's delay and rebbuble #2 I guess?
2015-09-26 23:12 monstrata: okay :D
2015-09-26 23:12 monstrata: let me know when to update xD
2015-09-26 23:12 Yuii-: you take these from Raika, right?
2015-09-26 23:13 monstrata: i took like two from raika and one from handsome xD
2015-09-26 23:14 Yuii-: they're okay the 3 of them, the curve looks good, just one has a stupid sound at the very end buuuut they're rankable anyway so fuck that shit
2015-09-26 23:15 monstrata: okay updating then xD
2015-09-26 23:15 Yuii-: oki
2015-09-26 23:16 monstrata: kay updated
2015-09-26 23:16 Yuii-: 01:51:605 (1) - if I tell you
2015-09-26 23:16 Yuii-: that object
2015-09-26 23:16 Yuii-: is unsnapped
2015-09-26 23:16 Yuii-: would you trust me?
2015-09-26 23:16 monstrata: by 1ms?
2015-09-26 23:16 monstrata: lol
2015-09-26 23:17 Yuii-: yeah



Really nice beatmap you've got there monstrata, I just have a few concerns that need to be addressed before this heads toward ranking.

  1. 00:32:405 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Very cool looking stream pattern! There is just one issue that I need addressing; 00:32:405 (1,2,3,4) - 's fast upward motion is very quick and forceful, keeping the player's cursor moving in one direction rapidly. Following this, there a multiple flow changes/breaks 00:33:091 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - here. Could you perhaps make this smoother or more linear from the previous pattern? Secondly, 00:33:434 (1,2,3,4) - 's condensed pattern formation makes it hard to move in the direction it wants the player to in conjunction with the previous motion of play. Spacing the jumps out might alleviate this issue
  2. 00:54:691 (3,4,5,6) - I can see what you are going for, however I believe this is rather confusing the way it is set up. The default skinset's blue color is rather bright, and with the approach circles overlaid upon eachother and the fast pace of the pattern, it might be hard to notice the pause. I'd recommend spacing out the triplet so that the pause is more noticeable (the approach circles would be less bunched up, making for a clearer-looking pattern, the 0.6x spacing works fine imo).
  3. 02:18:348 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - While the pattern you have here works fine, I encourage you to try and create a rotating pattern that fans outwards. I found that to be a nice touch and adds its own spice to the gameplay when doing so! It fits the circular nature of the patterns in this section quite well
  4. 04:32:748 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - ^ Same here

Nice work! Really well-put together beatmap that can use some improvements. Have a look at what I've pointed out, and get back to me on your decisions/reasonings. Let me know when you're ready to move this forward again!
dude im loving these fast dq's honestly
No Dap
May I just ask why you decided to use 3 different SVs for some sliders in the beginning??
00:25:891 (5) - 00:27:262 (1) - 00:28:634 (7) - 00:31:377 (1) - 00:36:862 (1) -
I am getting destroyed.
Topic Starter

Lust wrote:


Really nice beatmap you've got there monstrata, I just have a few concerns that need to be addressed before this heads toward ranking.

  1. 00:32:405 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Very cool looking stream pattern! There is just one issue that I need addressing; 00:32:405 (1,2,3,4) - 's fast upward motion is very quick and forceful, keeping the player's cursor moving in one direction rapidly. I don't see how this upward motion is "quick and forceful" tbh. I mapped these sliders with the intention of making them almost feel like anti-jumps because they are so close to each other while still being 1/2 spaced apart. They are slow and not meant to be forceful. I feel like you've misinterpreted the pattern somehow idk... Cuz no one I asked to testplay had issues with this part. Following this, there a multiple flow changes/breaks 00:33:091 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - here. Could you perhaps make this smoother or more linear from the previous pattern? I actually can't see there being multiple flowbreaks here. Of course, i'm considering all the kicksliders as stand-alone circles and disregarding the direction of the tail since they don't affect flow (they do affect other things, but not flow imo).Secondly, 00:33:434 (1,2,3,4) - 's condensed pattern formation makes it hard to move in the direction it wants the player to in conjunction with the previous motion of play. Spacing the jumps out might alleviate this issue They are quite spaced already though. I want to emphasize the white ticks so they've receive the increased DS. This pattern flows quite well for me just by considering the kicksliders as circles. The zigzag flow here is enjoyable to play for me. I certainly have no problems with them, and if you consider the direction of the tails too, they improve the visual flow of the pattern by giving players even more of a visual cue as to how they can play this pattern.
  2. 00:54:691 (3,4,5,6) - I can see what you are going for, however I believe this is rather confusing the way it is set up. The default skinset's blue color is rather bright, and with the approach circles overlaid upon eachother and the fast pace of the pattern, it might be hard to notice the pause. I'd recommend spacing out the triplet so that the pause is more noticeable (the approach circles would be less bunched up, making for a clearer-looking pattern, the 0.6x spacing works fine imo). I really can't see combo color being an issue in reading approach circles unless they are somehow difficult to read due to either following a spinner or due to the background. As for the pattern itself, I'm aware it can be difficult to read, but I think at this level, players should be able to read the pattern with ease.
  3. 02:18:348 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - While the pattern you have here works fine, I encourage you to try and create a rotating pattern that fans outwards. I found that to be a nice touch and adds its own spice to the gameplay when doing so! It fits the circular nature of the patterns in this section quite well I really enjoy this kind of pattern though. I've actually used the exact same structure on the last three of my maps that were just ranked lol. It's really fun to play both due to the zigzag flow from the double square and the rotational flow going into the stars. Idk, but I find rotational flow on squares just really annoying :P. I actually much prefer inward flow to outward flow because it puts less centripetal strain on the player and thus less "mouse-drift".
  4. 04:32:748 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - ^ Same here^

Nice work! Really well-put together beatmap that can use some improvements. Have a look at what I've pointed out, and get back to me on your decisions/reasonings. Let me know when you're ready to move this forward again!

Shioi wrote:

May I just ask why you decided to use 3 different SVs for some sliders in the beginning??
00:25:891 (5) - 00:27:262 (1) - 00:28:634 (7) - 00:31:377 (1) - 00:36:862 (1) -
They were done for emphasis. I really don't think the SV matters that much. It just creates a visual element with a slightly longer slider but gameplay wise they play basically the same as regular sliders. I hope they don't make the Kiai feel uncomfortable to play for you LS.

Thanks for the feedback guys. I'll see if I can find a better BG but no promises. The current one's pretty cool too xD.
Topic Starter
Hmm... Maybe we should wait for Lust's reply. Apparently if no changes are made, the QAT should simply requalify the map without necessitating all these bubbles.

@Lust, sorry i'm disagreeing with everything but I hope i've explained our differences clearly. To be honest, I feel that in situations like this (and Toumei Elegy) it's best to just post the reasons with a caveat "If no further/satisfactory elaboration/explanation is given by the mapper, the map will be disqualified on the 6th day". None of these are objectively unrankable issues, and I would argue they aren't even that relevant subjectively. They can be discussed without immediately disqualifying the map because either way, if the mapper disagrees, they need to call the QAT back anyways.
No Dap
They did play fine. Just wanted to know xD
Topic Starter
Ready whenever you are Lust ;o
Guys, I have bad news... Lust is pregnant, he is on maternity leave.
Nobody will take care of this mapset for the following 6 months, we apologize.
Alright, we change all timing volume 70% with N:C1 reduce to 60%, is better for now

That remix lol Grats!
Grats monstartar!

Desperate-kun wrote:

Grats monstartar!
He is ahead of you... AGAIN

monstrata wrote:

Not my usual style. But please enjoy still :D.
01:21:434 (1,2,3,4) - 03:00:177 (1,2,3,4) - Those parts are still "monstrata" xD

done added your beatmap in discography asterisk network by me

wait, is rank ? hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Congtraz then :D
lol thats amazing i love this song so fun to play im still trying to get to the level for it but i got pretty far lol and i did it all on nf not to bad.

ht i blew my last record away
Lovely map OMG the endurance i had to endure was crazy but i finally got a c on it omg for my rank thats amazing especially with a mouse you go. GOOD JOB i love it :P
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