
HTT - NO, Thank You!

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Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, November 23, 2010 at 1:02:56 PM

Artist: HTT
Title: NO, Thank You!
Source: K-ON!!
Tags: Emdyion Ari-Chan Rukarioman pieguy1372 Derekku fartownik Mafiamaster SteRRuM NatsumeRin Doomsday wmfchris
BPM: 181
Filesize: 7033kb
Play Time: 04:00
Difficulties Available:
  1. Collab (5 stars, 780 notes)
  2. Wmf's Taiko (4.83 stars, 1556 notes)
Download: HTT - NO, Thank You!
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Well I guess this is going for approval.


Thank Beuchi-chan for the sexy storyboard >ww<

Yeah, collab for No, Thank You!. I sincerely think this song is sexy :D~
my part 8-)
(add me to the tags and copy green line)
Star~ :)
be sure to remove (Full ver.) from the title on your next full upload or people will get angry

and thank you for not having a deepthroat thumbnail
Yes thank you CDFA for not having a disturbing BG.

Download: HTT - No, Thank You! (Full ver.) (CDFA) [Rukario says NO, THANK YOU].osu
Offset sounds fine, but use 10,871 since the intro is a different bpm than the rest of the song. Also, disable the countdown since it doesn't match either. Possibly get rid of letterboxing and increase the drain a bit as well.

I'll post my part tonight if I finish it. :p

EDIT: Kiai too, plz ):

I hope you like it! Please disable letterboxes on breaks and add Epilepsy Warning if it's needed (I don't think so, but if someone complains do it xD). Also I think the countdown is horrible here, maybe disable it too? =x

Download: Storyboard.rar

If there's something wrong just call me!
By the way, the Source should be K-ON! ~

EDIT: Replace the .osb with this one~
Download: HTT - No, Thank You! (Full ver.) (CDFA).osb

Make sure to copy my inherited sectionsssss (and keep the last note it's own combo from farto's part).

Download: HTT - No, Thank You! (Full ver.) (CDFA) [Derekkurabbu wait that looks more like Crab than Collab fffffff].osu
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani

Ilu beuchi >w<
please up my diff, changed some claps

kawaii des~

Download: HTT - No, Thank You! (CDFA) [Collab].osu

Beuchi-chan wrote:


I hope you like it!
Looks good~

EDIT: I might use it as my avatar XD

I just did.

EDIT: Why is my name spelled wrong? >:(
Double posting because of mod.

Very good intro.
No problems.

Actually, this is the best part of the whole difficulty. (more sarcasm)
Compared to everything, this blends in (so that's good for me).
No problems.

Good job for using up two spinners for the diff~ (sarcasm)
Really, can you put something else there?

01:18:329 (1-4) - Very interesting and confusing, but I guess 1 and 2 hints 3 and 4.
Other than that, no problems.

No problems.

No problems.

02:35:401 (3) - New combo (and maybe finish?).

No problems.

The hardest part of the beatmap. I'm impressed.
No problems.

Well done, you actually rely on instruments to map!
No problems.

Somewhat symmetric, I applaud you on that.
Very good ending.
No problems.

I noticed that the distance snap changes after every part, but I think that isn't a problem.
Might as well go ahead and do my mod, then.

*For the tenth time... RAISE THE DAMN DRAIN D:<!!!
*Be consistent and end the 2nd kiai at 02:34:075. Possibly the third kiai as well at 04:00:263.

Nice intro!

00:35:236 (8) - No matter how many times I test this diff, I just can't get a feel for this. The abrupt slowdown is really awkward, unexpected, and just confusing. 00:37:391 (9) makes a bit more sense, but buhhhh I really don't like (8) ):

00:46:009 (3) - I REALLY like this slider. Tiny changes to normal/straight sliders are really nice.
00:47:998 - awkward pause here (expected a note or another repeat)
00:51:976 (9) - I wish this looked like 00:46:009 (3). :p
00:52:473 - awkward pause again. I know that 00:46:837 didn't have a vocal in this space, but 52:473 does (so it just sounds empty).
00:57:777 - expected a note here as well (possibly in the center to get ready for the spinner?)
01:02:750 (1) - Felt kinda awkard. The vocals start to be held on the previous slider, but then suddenly the spinner is only for the second half of those vocals. I'd either start the spinner at 01:02:252 or get rid of it. (Actually, I shouldn't be talking hypothetically when I DID do that for my part ahahaha I crack myself up xd)

01:12:694 (4) - Doesn't really fit the vocals, but I suppose it plays alright
01:17:998 - Expected something here... maybe make the last note a slider?
01:19:324 (3,4) - As much as I like this... it's just too likely to be confusing: i.e., which is the slider and which is the single note? Yes, it makes sense if you know the song, but for those that will be sightreading (and especially with snaking sliders off), it will mostly likely break combo and just be a big trap.
01:21:478 - There's no vocals on this tick, but there's a blast of music where I expected a note to be.
01:22:141 - Expected something on this and the next white tick. Maybe a slider?

*I was a bit confused playing this for the first time. It seems like you mapped to the vocals, but then switched to the guitar? It works, but it caught me off-guard for a minute. :p
01:54:627 (2) - (NAZI) Maybe move this down a grid? The 1/4th beat by itself was also a bit unexpected.

Worse than Emdyion's part :V

*@CDFA: Why are there two bookmarks between mine and farto's parts? If anything, have an extra bookmark after the second break (the beginning of the next part)
02:26:451 (1,2,3,4,5) - jumps <3
02:34:076 (1,2) - I combobreak here EVERY time because I expect a beat at 02:33:909. Please add one. ;x;


03:17:833 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Love the streams, but this is <3

03:30:761 (7) - Caught me by surprise due to all the hitbursts (100/300's)


Sexy storyboard. Thanks <3
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
I'll fix the changes later, but I'll just kudosu you now >w<
Update tiem.
Download: HTT - No, Thank You! (CDFA) [Rukario's update].osu

BTW, CDFA please remove the SB elements that are not in the Storybard folder and Full Submit.
Whee, here I am. Hi there~

Loving this.

Mafiamaster's Part:
02:43:357(5): New combo?

That's all...I could find.
Really good work here!
Take my star~
I still think it needs an Easy, regardless of what difficulty or excuse. It's not that bloody hard.

Otherwise, it will have as much criticism as Yakety Sax.

Impress me with your collab!

Mapping is generally improved from what I saw last time.

The constant use of triples for beats (that really aren't there) is a really bad way to start a map of. Trying map it differently,I'm pretty sure there are better ways than using 2 circles then a slider. "Variety is the spice of life!" they say.

Hitsounds were white tick claps with the whistle to highlight. Not bad, effective.

Always keep spelling your name wrong. Ah well.

Change of pace from CDFA's previous part. Mapping slows down, no more of those dreaded triple beats. You keeping using the same rhythm pattern but you always change the placement so that's no problem at all. Though, when you resorted to using x.5 sliders kinda seem unnecessary however it could well be justified. Just remember, both aesthetics and playability are both important, don't undermine any of them.

Whistles were used more often than CDFA however, used effectively. Good work.

This will be interesting.

Spacing increased which means people have to get used to the change. Stuff like 00:53:964 (8,9) - looks nice, but is just evil when you play. 00:55:953 (5,6) - would be another subtle example. Other than that, pretty good!

White tick claps with some alternations. Only using whistles for the slider trail. It's alright. :P

And I'm out of time. Have to go to bed and I hate leaving stuff like this halfway.

Good job for using up two spinners for the diff~ (sarcasm)
Really, can you put something else there?
No, i think they fit here. It's ok to spin while Mio holds a note.

00:46:009 (3) - I REALLY like this slider. Tiny changes to normal/straight sliders are really nice. | :>
00:47:998 - awkward pause here (expected a note or another repeat) | Filled.
00:51:976 (9) - I wish this looked like 00:46:009 (3). :p | Okaaaay.
00:52:473 - awkward pause again. I know that 00:46:837 didn't have a vocal in this space, but 52:473 does (so it just sounds empty) | There is a change of pattern, from vocals to instruments. I just can't fill it.
00:57:777 - expected a note here as well (possibly in the center to get ready for the spinner?) | I think i can place it in center since this is Insane.
01:02:750 (1) - Felt kinda awkard. The vocals start to be held on the previous slider, but then suddenly the spinner is only for the second half of those vocals. I'd either start the spinner at 01:02:252 or get rid of it. (Actually, I shouldn't be talking hypothetically when I DID do that for my part ahahaha I crack myself up xd) | I think that's okay, and even it was bad, i can't do anything about that slider, cause i'll lose clap and whistle.
This will be interesting.

Spacing increased which means people have to get used to the change.
Stuff like 00:53:964 (8,9) - looks nice, but is just evil when you play. | There are terrible demons D:
00:55:953 (5,6) - would be another subtle example. Other than that, pretty good! | :>
Download: HTT - No, Thank You! (CDFA) [Ari-chan].osu

MarioBros777 wrote:

I still think it needs an Easy, regardless of what difficulty or excuse. It's not that bloody hard.

Always keep spelling your name wrong. Ah well.
@CDFA: Ask for guest difficulties (if you want an E-N-H-I spread).

@MarioBros777: How could it be hard to spell my name? It's close to Emdymion, a mythological Aeolian shepherd (weird); and (apparently) a Yu-Gi-Oh Card (0_o).

MarioBros777 wrote:

Change of pace from CDFA's previous part. Mapping slows down, no more of those dreaded triple beats. You keeping using the same rhythm pattern but you always change the placement so that's no problem at all. Though, when you resorted to using x.5 sliders kinda seem unnecessary however it could well be justified. Just remember, both aesthetics and playability are both important, don't undermine any of them.

Whistles were used more often than CDFA however, used effectively. Good work.
XD I should have a "Hold" arrow in SB for both sliders, but I don't think it matters now.

Derekku wrote:

03:30:761 (7) - Caught me by surprise due to all the hitbursts (100/300's)
made them that way, more finish when a new soft part start.
I was deemed to mod this. But, seeing as we have so many professional mappers, I don't think I'll have much to do.

Nothing to poke at.











03:33:412 (3) - Move this to line up with (2) ? (Suggestion)


Well done, guys. Star'd.

Agnes wrote:

03:33:412 (3) - Move this to line up with (2) ? (Suggestion)
for a ballance of the 3 groups (1,2) (3,4) (5,6), the shape doesn't means i want to line up them= =, won't change.

edit: well i forgot my star..?
Meh, too far gone. Making another post. Sorry.

Before I continue with other parts. With Ari-chan's, 00:55:953 (5,6) - that spacing is different that the previous notes. Kinda confusing and something I forgot to touch up on.


01:05:650 (2,3,4) - Useless triple. It really is, I don't see it following any beat.
01:10:953 (2,3,4) - That too.
01:19:655 (4) - Ahaha, you changed it. :P
01:22:141 (1) - Remove new comb and that just looks ugly with the next combo coming.
01:22:638 (1,2,3,4) - Not all of them should be claps. In fact, it might be better to just remove all the claps.

Kinda disappointed in this part because of those triples but it's alright in the end. Though you used triples, it didn't felt like it was overmapped which is kind of awkward...anyway.

Hitsound variation. however, you only used one finish. :P


Nothing visible in the mapping department although... with the Normal hitsound section, all you used was claps. Variation as well.

Oh you, typical Derek mapping.

I'm pretty sure you don't want symmetry mods of me with 02:08:882 (2,3) - (Though, I could if you want to.) Other than that, pretty good with your...massive spacing...yeah...

Those hitsounds~ <3 Nothing to criticize about them.

You did so well in MM2 as well as this. Man, I got to collaborate with you sometime. :P

Mapping wise, just as good as ever.

Hitsounds...hmm... some of your whistle usage wasn't that great. (02:18:329 (1,2,3) - an example) Other than that, it's pretty good there as well.

4 more people to go. Looking forward to it.

MarioBros777 wrote:

Oh you, typical Derek mapping. :V!

I'm pretty sure you don't want symmetry mods of me with 02:08:882 (2,3) - (Though, I could if you want to.) Do they look unsymmetrical? =x I thought I had them near-perfect (or at least close enough as to where no one would notice any tiny imperfection)

Other than that, pretty good with your...massive spacing...yeah... I love how you and Lardo are all "guuuuuurl your spacing is crazyyyy" even though stuff like this, boe, and crashman are approval/insanes. :v Instead of using lots of streams, I like large or fast-paced sliders and jumps. ;B

Those hitsounds~ <3 Nothing to criticize about them. o: Glad you like them!

Derekku wrote:

MarioBros777 wrote:

Oh you, typical Derek mapping. :V!

I'm pretty sure you don't want symmetry mods of me with 02:08:882 (2,3) - (Though, I could if you want to.) Do they look unsymmetrical? =x I thought I had them near-perfect (or at least close enough as to where no one would notice any tiny imperfection)
Are you kidding? That's no where near symmetrical. :P

Final 4, GO!


Followed the lyrics to begin with, then changed to the drums when they started playing. Wow.

Just wow. That is amazing. Wonderful. Nothing on the mapping or the hitsounds. It's great.


...Playing this didn't feel right. I don't know what to say... But don't be let down by this! It's probably that I have a personal bias against streams.

Hitsounds were good. Great job.


Those softhitsound parts~ <3 Favourite part out of this part.

What kinda let me down was the overlapping in 03:25:788 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Is there anyway you could change that? If not, I understand.

Hitsounds are great!

Last but certainly not least, Doomsday!

It felt like MetalMario201 was mapping this. However, it seems like you may have over saw one thing.

With 03:41:533 (1-10) - Since there is a stack that is underneath the slider, everything moves over the the left. Which collides with the 3 in the previous combo and kinda look ugly. Don't be discouraged by that but that's something you probably already knew about!

Hitsounds are great, even though you disliked using normal whistles.

And that's that. Whew.

MarioBros777 wrote:


01:05:650 (2,3,4) - Useless triple. It really is, I don't see it following any beat. removed
01:10:953 (2,3,4) - That too. That too.
01:19:655 (4) - Ahaha, you changed it. :P yeah even I thought that could be kinda confusing
01:22:141 (1) - Remove new comb and that just looks ugly with the next combo coming. done
01:22:638 (1,2,3,4) - Not all of them should be claps. In fact, it might be better to just remove all the claps. removed them

Kinda disappointed in this part because of those triples but it's alright in the end. Though you used triples, it didn't felt like it was overmapped which is kind of awkward...anyway.

Hitsound variation. however, you only used one finish. :P I went ahead and put some more finishes on the part
Download: HTT - No, Thank You! (CDFA) [Rukario].osu
Still WIP?

Depending on how long you're willing to wait, I can whip up an Easy diff (though 22M on collab is approval anyway :P)


00:16:838 (1,2) - These intended on being different angles? Just copy/paste or make it more apparent.
00:22:473 (1) - Remove new combo

00:35:070 (7,8) - Scoot these up a bit to reduce overlap of 7 and 6.
Also, the .5 sliders felt odd considering you changed their velocity according to visual placement instead of by rhythm. Really confusing and unintuitive to me.
00:37:391 (9) - Scoot up, overlap

01:17:666 (6) - :/ Just a lazy slider or something?
01:05:649 (2,3,4) - Uh, this stream would fit better at 01:04:655 - considering the song...

01:34:406 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Whistle on every single note? Vary it up a bit.

02:03:578 (3) - lol bring on the goofy lookin' sliders!

03:03:744 (6,1) - This jump was pretty tough compared to the rest.

Looks quite superb to me!
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
It's WIP because it's 1 diff and I'm too lazy to ask a BAT to move it.

Garven wrote:

01:17:666 (6) - :/ Just a lazy slider or something? pffffff fine looks nicer now
01:05:649 (2,3,4) - Uh, this stream would fit better at 01:04:655 - considering the song... Not yet updated, I removed the sream there
Download: HTT - No, Thank You! (CDFA) [Rukario].osu
Sleep Powder
01:12:693 (4) - Clap might sound better at the end
01:17:666 (6) - Whistle-start and whistle-slide? lol
01:20:483 (1) - Whistle-slider and whistle-end?
03:59:435 (2) - Align with (3) horizontally and Fix spacing with rest of combo

That's all I could do.
Up my part again plz, changing hitsounds

Download: HTT - No, Thank You! (CDFA) [farto].osu
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
I'll ask Doomsie-san about his thing, but everything else has been updated~.
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
......Get this to the main mapset.



00:25:954 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - The swap to following the guitars kinda caughted me off guard.
00:35:236 (8) - H! random slowdown
00:37:391 (9) - ^


Kinda dislike the spacing changes as it make it somewhat hard to read.

Dislike how you randomly changed to follow the guitar but otherwise good.
I like the slowdown/Speed up here.

01:55:623 (3,4,5) - This kind of pattern is kinda weird but it works.
Can't find anything else.

02:20:981 (1,2,3) - This stream is so out of place.
02:26:450 (1,2,3,4) - Random faster spacing.

Add break between Farto's and Mafiamaster's part?

Can't find anything

God :o Stream party.

03:38:717 (4) - Hi! Random slowdown.



Xgor wrote:

Kinda dislike the spacing changes as it make it somewhat hard to read.
*cough* chorus
IMO spacing increase feels fine

00:27:280 (7,8,9) - Make 7 and 9 have the whistle hitsound, not 8.

00:36:065 (1,2,3,4,5) - It's kind of hard to read this pattern. Consider not using overlays.
00:40:540 (8) - Move this slider forward by 2 ticks on 1/4 beatsnap. Then, shorten it by 2 ticks.
03:14:518 (1) - New combo.
03:16:341 (1) - New combo.

03:33:081 (1,2,3,4) - It's kind of hard to read this pattern. Consider not using overlays.

The images with the mapper's names have some white noise on the edges. Here there are after I blured some most of it off.

Download: HTT-NoThankYou (Mapper Images).zip

Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
Fixed that "completely unsymmetrical slider" that was barely off (should now be 100% symmetrical) and changed a lot of hitsounds (including inherited sections).

i.e., REMEMBER TO COPY THE INHERITED SECTIONS ;x; (or just replace your .osu with this one, since I updated before fixing.

Download: HTT - No, Thank You! (CDFA) [Collab].osu

00:23:965 (7) - Move 1 grid down?
00:27:280 (7,9) - Reverse this? Like 00:25:954 (1,2,3)?
02:26:782 (3) - Move 1 grid down?
03:07:888 (7) - Make parallel?

I can't find something issue :cry:
Well, Kawaii Collab <3
Should add combo colours , to make it more cool :3

Color 1 : Gray
Color 2 : Black
Color 3 : White

01:12:694 Slider should be better if finish on 01:13:108
01:23:301 Not needed stream
02:03:578 LoL slider , maybe you should fix?

02:04:241~ 02:05:401 Do an straight slider(|or _ or / , etc..)
02:15:594 ~ 02:35:401 (Kiai time) So many claps

That is it , a shitty mod .lol.
No kudos? D:

Hyguys123123132 wrote:

Should add combo colours , to make it more cool :3
Color 1 : Gray
Color 2 : Black
Color 3 : White Custom colors would be nice, but black/white/gray would be ugly (no offense).

02:03:578 LoL slider , maybe you should fix? "fix" uh... wat
00:52:473 - Add a note here? It threw me off having nothing there.
02:16:506 (3) - It was difficult for me to tell this was a slider due to it being hidden under the previous hitburst.
02:47:833 (4,5,6) - This kinda played awkwardly to me, I tried playing it like 5 times in a row and it felt weird every time.
02:57:280 (1,2,3) - Could you make these closer together? The spacing is a bit too similar to the previous notes.

The only other thing I noticed is that Doomsday's part at the end is much easier than the parts before it which gives the map a fairly anticlimactic finish. Purely an observation though, changing it would probably involve a remap which probably isn't worth the effort, and the part plays perfectly fine. Just something to think about I guess.

Not bad, really. *
NO, thank you! : D (runs

3:07:224 (1,2,3) uneven spacing
only 1 problem found xD

welcome taiko diff?
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