Hello everyone!
I have been sick for the last little while and haven't been modding.
But now I'm back and ready for modding
With that, I've thought a lot about how the queue has been running. I'm going to run it a lot more casually from now on.
If I like or want to mod your map right away I'll put it either in the waitlist or the accepted pile and get to it as fast as I can
Otherwise, I might return later and mod a map if the incoming maps slow down a bit.
More good news ~! I have recently opened up for M4M. So if you're interested in that check out my maps under the "My Maps" tab on the first post and let me know! Right now I'm only accepting 2 m4m's so I don't get too swamped
For M4M I will be a bit more strict, please wait for me to confirm interest in your map as well
before you begin modding !
Thanks for being patient with me and thanks for all your submissions
Time to catch up
Queue Status M4M:
OpenQueue Status: NM:
On Hold I have to catch up
please do not apply for NM's until I reopen the queue for now.