
Mafia in Hoenn Region - Game Over

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@farto, you haven't anwered me, your whole angle on this push needs to be explained better.

fartownik wrote:

Okay, let's do this.

Vote: Jess

fartownik wrote:

Vote: Frostings

Well, that was pretty easy.

Also sems like we will have more Irre-like players this game than ever before.
These posts came after one an other, nothing about Frostings in between. You said:

fartownik wrote:

I would not get a reply from Jess ... I just realized that and went on to another target, which is you ...

... it really was easy to read your scumplay right from the beginning of the game.
So what I'm asking is, why vote Jess at all first if Frostings was such an obvious scum to you from the beginning? Before your vote on him you only mentioned him being too frivolous, is that all?
Or alternatively was there something he did between your two votes, which caused you to switch? If so you haven't really talked about that, only regarding his behavior AFTER your vote.

Frostings wrote:

^ wow ninja'd by a crab

Frostings wrote:

Magic Bomb wrote:

But anyway, I should actually be on not voting :^)
Tess no longer seems the most scum to me, but before I vote my next person I want to see what happens, to see if my opinion changes.
As for Tess, what she posted basically:
- 2 null-town reads: Irre, Zexion
- scumreads I'm not telling, voting for reasons I'm not telling, believe me I'm busy scumhunting
/this won't cut it unless you actually do something with it in the foreseeable future/
- everyone read the thread carefully!
/kinda towny I guess/
Wow really farto? You're getting way too emotional over simple accusations. FoS so hard.

fartownik wrote:

It would be ridiculous to tunnel only one player for the entirety of the day.
But like if you think he's scum wouldn't you want to get him lynched instead of delaying it over night?
@Drezi: that was more or less a reaction test. I wanted to see whether Frostings thinks I'm seeing something more in what he's doing than he actually is and goes quiet. He didn't really do that.

My read on him followed because of:
- his weird, absolutely unimportant posts during RVS
- still doing that despite RVS being pretty much done (has no sense of when the RVS should end for some reason)
- his townread on Jess
- p/4340340 these two posts (1. he's admitting his posts are terrible despite RVS being over ;o 2. implying that I implied is kinda too far-fetched at that point, it was just weird).
- p/4340372 this post, I think a Townperson could actually GUESS why Magic Bomb can be townreading me at that point, an attempt to discredit me perhaps

Basically his reactions were off. Later on he felt more Town, but that might be just because he got more cautious after being pushed so hard.
Yay, SNB is jumping on me as an opportunity arises. FoS so hard.
FoS all you want but I'm just here to state the facts.
Ok, that checks out, but regarding his RVS stuff you might want to check some of his previous games, it's his usual stuff so pretty null from him to me.
I'm not elaborating on my reads because they're hunches, and I don't like egging people on with my hunches.

As for my reply to Frostings and Irre, my vote remains on Frostings because the fact that he's acting like he previously behaved when town isn't necessarily a reason to believe he's town. His overenthusiasm is a bit suspicious. I don't like elaborating too much on my suspicions though, since I'm afraid it'd get in the way of my observation.

Tess wrote:

the fact that he's acting like he previously behaved when town isn't necessarily a reason to believe he's town..
yes, usual behavior = null
That's the thing I don't like about how things have been going so far. Nothing stands out in particular. Except for one thing, but it's fairly subtle. It'd take me too long to explain, considering the way things are going right now. So, I'm waiting for you guys to fuck up.

Static Noise Bird wrote:

fartownik wrote:

It would be ridiculous to tunnel only one player for the entirety of the day.
But like if you think he's scum wouldn't you want to get him lynched instead of delaying it over night?
Also forgot to answer this, yes I would want him lynched AT THE MOMENT, but there's still 2 more scum awaiting and that read might be off considering it's just D1 and the game has just begun. Everything is still up to debate.
I also consider rEdo to be null-town, leaning more town than the others.
farwedrnik seems to be on his time of this month.

V/LA for today, will post tomorrow noon (roughly ~30 hours from now).
Man, I forgot. I turned the PC on exclusively to do just that.

Vote: Irreversible

Be right back.

rEdo wrote:

farwedrnik seems to be on his time of this month.

V/LA for today, will post tomorrow noon (roughly ~30 hours from now).
Why do you even play mafia if you're AFK the whole time anyway.
It'd be nice if more people could post so reads could be done.

Irreversible wrote:

I guess it's best to wait some other people to state their opinions.
I guess people don't want to wait

Prodding please!

Tess wrote:

I'm not elaborating on my reads because they're hunches, and I don't like egging people on with my hunches.

Tess wrote:

I don't like elaborating too much on my suspicions though, since I'm afraid it'd get in the way of my observation.

Tess wrote:

Nothing stands out in particular. Except for one thing, but it's fairly subtle. It'd take me too long to explain, considering the way things are going right now.
So, do you just have no confidence, or is this for real

Tess wrote:

It'd take me too long to explain
I mean, we have like, what, 9 days until the deadline, surely you can explain it in that time. I mean, we are smart people (probably)
And yes, I agree. I'll dismiss it for now since it's their first game but I would like Jess and Sniverre to step up

Amianki too
I want to know if Sniverre's vote on Frostings was just a random vote or a legit vote, because it was done at a grey area, around when RVS ended, and if it is a legit vote, why did you vote him so early on?

Irreversible wrote:

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

Irreversible, any thoughts so far? Specifically on Frostings and Tess?
Frostings: Trying to be obvious town, behaves really attention whoring for probably a reason which I don't know what it could be yet.
Tess: Seems to have a strategy hence why she's trying to be careful.

Why are you asking everyone about Tess and Frostings in specific?
^Scum thought processes, especially about outing that he thinks there's stuff going on that they're trying to keep on the down low, THEN asking why he's being asked about them.

Frostings wrote:

The only actual reads I have so far is Jess leaning town
If he's telling the truth about being new, no way a new-scum would publicly townread me, whereas I can see why a new-town would
Substantiate this, please.

Static Noise Bird wrote:

I have no idea about farto yet tbh, they're posting seemingly in-depth content but it's way too early to judge whether they're going to be helpful or non-content miniwalls or whatever. Their last vote was pretty funny. If it was not a reaction test, then I'd be less amused and more suspicious though.
What makes you think this is a reaction test? The way this is worded indicates that there are situations where it wouldn't be.

Static Noise Bird wrote:

Wow really farto? You're getting way too emotional over simple accusations. FoS so hard.

Static Noise Bird wrote:

FoS all you want but I'm just here to state the facts.
If Fartownik ever dies and flips town, this slot jumps up to #1 scumspect.

Tess wrote:

That's the thing I don't like about how things have been going so far. Nothing stands out in particular. Except for one thing, but it's fairly subtle. It'd take me too long to explain, considering the way things are going right now. So, I'm waiting for you guys to fuck up.
Unless there's a specific reason that it shouldn't be stated, you should state it.
Vote: Zexion
Of course there's a specific reason that it shouldn't be stated. Why else wouldn't I?
Topic Starter

Votecount 1.5
fartownik -
Drezi -
Tess -
Irreversible (1) - rEdo
-[Jess]- (1) - Drezi
rEdo -
Sniverre235 (1) - Frostings
Zexion (1) - Amianki
- Magic Bomb - -
Frostings (3) - Tess, Sniverre235, fartownik
Amianki -
Static Noise Bird -

Not Voting: Irreversible, -[Jess]-, Zexion, - Magic Bomb -, Static Noise Bird

With 12 players alive, it takes 7 votes to lynch.

Deadline will be on July 25 8:30PM GMT -5. This is 8 days from now.
rEdo is V/LA for roughly 30 hours

Let me know if I made any mistakes.
> posts big wall trying to out scum
> votes the one not mentioned in said wall

Amianki wrote:

Substantiate this, please.
Ok, "No way" is kinda exaggerated because who knows what actually goes on in people's minds, but usually first time scum players in only their second ever mafia game don't go running around picking out a specific person to legitimately townread at the very beginning of the game after rvs (I say legitimate because I'm pretty sure he actually read me as town from my fluff posts and from your own "Ok Frostings is town" post)
Not sure why this is such a big deal (got fartow's jimmies rustled as well) when it's a small read after rvs that might not become of anything, and it's not an "obvtown" post that you always do
Vote: Tess ;)

Irreversible wrote:

Zexion wrote:

@Irre: why is Drezi null-town? Just because he voted Jess early game for that silly read? I hardly find that enough content to assume that. MB (magic bomb) being null-scum for the excess of questions I suppose?
He got my towncred for pointing out good quotes, also seems to pay attention.
You never answered about MB tho, I would like to ask you again.

fartownik wrote:

Frostings wrote:

The read is real. There is no new player that joins his first/second game, gets placed in scumfaction and plays "nonsensical scum" on day 1. I was at L-4 as the game just started, and so I gave my honest reads to let you all know that I am actually paying attention to this game, not just making trash posts for no reason. I don't know why you keep bringing up Irre and the last game either, when this is a new game and different things happen. Not sure if you think I'm scum acting naive, but, believe it or not, I'm one of the people actually making analysis here, unlike half the others.
Your posts are filled with hypocrisy: "More scumpoints to you, you're digging a grave" because I make a "weak" read on one person? Take a look at yourself and what you're doing to me right now. You make a scumread on me (off of what?) and now you're trying to backup your arguments with absolutely no evidence
They don't need to pretend to play nonsensical scum to be nonsensical. They simply have no idea what they're doing thus they can do anything. I don't like your read at all. The fact that you make analysis doesn't make you Town. There's most likely scum in the lurking, but that's not the rule. Also really? Mafia is all about assumptions, much less evidence. You can't really have 'evidence' on anyone in this game if you really want to go there, you can only assume to a certain point and base your actions on those assumptions. So far I assume you're a good candidate for being scum, that's all. I've made my points in previous posts, they may be trivial to you, but they're more or less scumtells to me.
Just to add to the meaning of this: While I agree with most of the post, I would have to disagree with the evidence part: there are some mechanics that could allow such evidence to exist, but for the most part, it is a game of assumptions and conversation.

Also the Frostings thing felt really forced, like if you were trying to desperately prove him as scum... Also what's the point on being so aggresive, like:

fartownik wrote:

Frostings wrote:

We make assumptions based on evidence. You're just admitting that your accusations are empty
You're seriously starting to annoy the fuck out of me. I'm not even gonna answer this.
This really felt unnecesary and could have been answered in a better way... I know he you had a lot of reasons you already posted to lynch him but the way you did it didn't felt right.

Tess wrote:

That's the thing I don't like about how things have been going so far. Nothing stands out in particular. Except for one thing, but it's fairly subtle. It'd take me too long to explain, considering the way things are going right now. So, I'm waiting for you guys to fuck up.
Please don't be a secretive player. That would make me scumread you for the entirety of the game. If you don't have the intention to explain a certain thing, then don't mention you have that thing. (you get the idea, right?)

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

I want to know if Sniverre's vote on Frostings was just a random vote or a legit vote, because it was done at a grey area, around when RVS ended, and if it is a legit vote, why did you vote him so early on?
Seems to me Sniverre was on RVS yet. Do you suspect them as scum with only two posts?


3 AM here. Stopping for now.

Also on a game-unrelated thing: is there anyway to know how to address each player (he, she) that could really help me make my posts lol.
I didn't want to mention said thing, was kind of pushed into it. Also, secretive does not mean scum.

Zexion wrote:

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

I want to know if Sniverre's vote on Frostings was just a random vote or a legit vote, because it was done at a grey area, around when RVS ended, and if it is a legit vote, why did you vote him so early on?
Seems to me Sniverre was on RVS yet. Do you suspect them as scum with only two posts?
I don't suspect him as scum, but at the same time, their lack of posts, as well as what could be taken as jumping on the wagon, is a tiny bit suspicious, hence why I want reasoning for the vote.

Tess wrote:

I didn't want to mention said thing, was kind of pushed into it. Also, secretive does not mean scum.
Lurking doesn't mean scum either, but it certainly is easier for them, just like acting busy tracking down unnamed scumreads, but never actually explaining said suspicions.

I fully expect you to reveal your thoughts you were referring to when it's ok to do so, even if the case has become moot. So we know they actually existed and you weren't just saying pretty empty words :)
So yeah I'm looking at you Sniverre and Jess.

I want the Frostings townread explained, and any updates based on the past like 10 pages of posts lol. If you're town, don't fret just honestly tell us what made you think of him as town.
I support what Drezi said.

Zexion wrote:

Tess wrote:

That's the thing I don't like about how things have been going so far. Nothing stands out in particular. Except for one thing, but it's fairly subtle. It'd take me too long to explain, considering the way things are going right now. So, I'm waiting for you guys to fuck up.
Please don't be a secretive player. That would make me scumread you for the entirety of the game.
Nice scumslip mate.

Vote: Zexion
Please explain to me how that is a scumslip.
He "would" scumread you if you were a secretive player, but you already are one. I read it as "if I were Town, I would scumread you for the entirety of the game".
Ah, you read "would" as "would have". Fair enough.
Well, perhaps? The first thing that came to my mind when reading that sentence was "scumslip". Notice that Zexion has operated with almost perfect english in his previous posts.
I don't think it should be "would have" in that case anyway, game is still ongoing.
Also I don't think it's a scumslip. He requested not to be secretive so following that, I read it as "if you continued that behavior - it would make me scumread you...", which sounds fine to me, but well I'm not a native speaker.
oh hey

reading now,will post later
I see.

Drezi wrote:

So yeah I'm looking at you Sniverre and Jess.

I want the Frostings townread explained, and any updates based on the past like 10 pages of posts lol. If you're town, don't fret just honestly tell us what made you think of him as town.
Sorry for the very late reply, but when I first saw the amount of vote for frostings..I figured that I should follow the crowd. Since I do not really want to change at all for who I vote, so I will just stick to Frostings. Since I am completely new in mafia, he may be equally good and equally bad in my senses.
I am really sorry for the low amount of post counts but I come here frequently to read. I do not have much intention to post here unless it is important.

Sniverre235 wrote:

I do not have much intention to post here unless it is important.
Well, we do not have much intention of tolerating that you know. Try to post your thoughts on stuff it doesn't need to be super important.
This game ain't gonna be easy.

Zexion wrote:

You never answered about MB tho, I would like to ask you again.
Sorry, missed that part. I have a slight town read on him, because he's acting pretty much as I'd expect it from a new player.

Sniverre235 wrote:

I am really sorry for the low amount of post counts but I come here frequently to read. I do not have much intention to post here unless it is important.
That just immediately gives you scumpoints. You are not helpful for town, or just pretending inactivity in order not to get any attention. So please keep track, post your thoughts as good as possible.

fartownik, do you even realize how often you jump, and how ridiculously contradicting you play? What goal are you aiming for ? Let me please reason my thought:

fartownik wrote:

Well, that was pretty easy.

fartownik wrote:

This game ain't gonna be easy.

I do see that your thoughts change (for somewhat borderline reasons), but why so arbitrary?

Vote: SNB
Good morning.

fartownik wrote:

Zexion wrote:

Please don't be a secretive player. That would make me scumread you for the entirety of the game.
Nice scumslip mate.

Vote: Zexion
I think you're really misunderstanding my post here. Drezi summed up quite nicely:

Drezi wrote:

He requested not to be secretive so following that, I read it as "if you continued that behavior - it would make me scumread you...", which sounds fine to me, but well I'm not a native speaker.
My post was meant to be some sort of warning to Tess, about not continuing that attitude since it could seriously make not just me but pretty much everyone to scumread her because she could be pretending to be scumhunting instead of actually doing so.

Sniverre235 wrote:

Drezi wrote:

So yeah I'm looking at you Sniverre and Jess.

I want the Frostings townread explained, and any updates based on the past like 10 pages of posts lol. If you're town, don't fret just honestly tell us what made you think of him as town.
Sorry for the very late reply, but when I first saw the amount of vote for frostings..I figured that I should follow the crowd. Since I do not really want to change at all for who I vote, so I will just stick to Frostings. Since I am completely new in mafia, he may be equally good and equally bad in my senses.
So if you think Frostings is "equally good or bad" then that means if we asked you about someone else, everyone here could be equally scum or town?... just wow, maybe if you posted a little bit more and contributed you would see that the good and bad thing is not so equal.

Also you're pretty much giving the definition of lurking which is not a good attitude to have in a mafia game.

Frostings wrote:

> posts big wall trying to out scum
> votes the one not mentioned in said wall
If this was going to Amianki's wall, I would assume his vote is RVS or OMGUS-ing my early game vote. Pretty weird anyways since the RVS was long over.

Irreversible wrote:

fartownik, do you even realize how often you jump, and how ridiculously contradicting you play? What goal are you aiming for ? Let me please reason my thought:

fartownik wrote:

Well, that was pretty easy.

fartownik wrote:

This game ain't gonna be easy.

I do see that your thoughts change (for somewhat borderline reasons), but why so arbitrary?

Vote: SNB

fartownik wrote:

Well, that was pretty easy.

fartownik wrote:

This game ain't gonna be easy.

fartownik wrote:


fartownik wrote:


fartownik wrote:


fartownik wrote:

I don't think the word "that" and the word "game" mean the same exact thing.
Also nvm that shit about Drezi's scumslip, it was a pretty bad reaction test from my side. It was worth a try tho.
I mean, about Zexion*.


fartownik wrote:

This game ain't gonna be easy.
Vote: SNB
This site is pretty laggy.

Also @Irre, you point out some random shit about me that can be easily explained if you actually read my posts yet vote SNB out of nowhere without context. Seems like a pretty bad way to push me even further, similarily to SNB, but even worse.
Vote: Tess

It stays.
Vote: SNB
fartowink, I disagree with you. Stating that finding a scum was easy pretty much says the game is easy.
Also, @fartowink: can you elaborate on your arbitrary jumping on people? Frostings, Jess, Drezi, Tess, if it was reaction test it's beyond bad, honestly.
No, it's not.

Also there's like a shitton of other things why your argument is irrelevant and having them all listed is a waste of my time. I don't even know why are you picking up on this so hard.
Because you're the only one doing shit like this.
Then list them up, and I'll maybe stop. Not going to leave that topic until you give me reasons to do so.

Irreversible wrote:

Also, @fartowink: can you elaborate on your arbitrary jumping on people? Frostings, Jess, Drezi, Tess, if it was reaction test it's beyond bad, honestly.
Don't make me vote you, mr. Anti-Town Jesus.

Honestly, if you don't know what my votes meant you either can't read because you're anti-town or you pretend you can't read because you're scum. Does the fact that I'm voting someone means they're about to be lynched right away? I do this shit every single game. Also the reasons for voting for Frostings and Jess are in the thread, if you want you can simply read my posts and you will know why I voted and why I unvoted. I didn't vote for Drezi anytime this game, but perhaps you meant Zexion, WHICH I FUCKING EXPLAINED AS WELL.

And for Tess - it's a serious vote that I will explain soon.

irreversible wrote:

Also, @fartowink: can you elaborate on your arbitrary jumping on people? Frostings, Jess, Drezi, Tess, if it was reaction test it's beyond bad, honestly.
No, I can fucking not. Irre, can you start reading the thread before asking people questions?

Sniverre235 wrote:

Sorry for the very late reply, but when I first saw the amount of vote for frostings..I figured that I should follow the crowd. Since I do not really want to change at all for who I vote, so I will just stick to Frostings. Since I am completely new in mafia, he may be equally good and equally bad in my senses.
I am really sorry for the low amount of post counts but I come here frequently to read. I do not have much intention to post here unless it is important.
Use your brain to think ,don't just following the crowd.They might be wrong,Sometimes.Also,as everyone said,try to be active and bravery share your thoughts to us,we are not monster that will eat you.

Just stop here.I will Read more later
Also no matter how retarded this might sound, I'm actually starting to read Irre as Town for what he's doing at the moment. I feel like this time he's being a clumsy Town, not clumsy scum pretending to be clumsy Town.
^This is basically why I think Irre is town.
I'll give my complete reads in due time, by the way.
Also that post of Jess only proves that this game is gonna be fucking tough with only a few players that are actually Town. Jess, Sniverre, Irre (to some degree, because he's kinda readable) - Anti-Town, good luck distinguishing whether they're actually scum without lynching them for being so obviously bad. Add to that the 3 scum that are not necessarily in this group and suddenly you're left with only a couple of actual Town players that want to win this game. That's why I said this game is gonna be hard.

I think I'm gonna summarize my reads for now.

Possible scum: Tess, Frostings, (maybe) SNB
Null: rEdo, Jess, Sniverre, Zexion (Jess and Sniverre are null only because they're noobs, they may as well be put in "possible scum" bracket)
Town: Magic Bomb, Amianki, Irre, (maybe) Drezi
farto, your reasoning is surprisingly off from what I'm used to, from you.
Thanks for everybody who had helped me.

Tess wrote:

farto, your reasoning is surprisingly off from what I'm used to, from you.
Strange behaviour....I will put thoughts into that...
Quite a lot happened whilst I was asleep, reading.

Tess wrote:

farto, your reasoning is surprisingly off from what I'm used to, from you.
Oh wait nevermind, fsr I thought I missed like 80 posts, I only missed like 30 lol

Sniverre235 wrote:

Thanks for everybody who had helped me.

Tess wrote:

farto, your reasoning is surprisingly off from what I'm used to, from you.
Strange behaviour....I will put thoughts into that...
Huh? Did someone say CHEESE? I want to eat some cheese.

Sniverre235 wrote:

Thanks for everybody who had helped me.

Tess wrote:

farto, your reasoning is surprisingly off from what I'm used to, from you.
Strange behaviour....I will put thoughts into that...
is not Strange for me, and i am curious about this post....
Done reading.

Vote: Sniverre235

vote: Sniverre235
oh god

so what's up with this SNB wagon guys, does noone even care that it just happened or something?


What made you vote SNB, Irre?
Nahh...For a second thought I should stick to what I am thinking right now

Drezi wrote:

oh god

so what's up with this SNB wagon guys, does noone even care that it just happened or something?


What made you vote SNB, Irre?
I'm confused why there's a wagon for SNB, maybe just because he's lurking?
My first thought was that it could be an attempted counter wagon from Frostings but then I realised most of the votes went off Frostings after the SNB wagon appeared.
m y g o d
this game is so bad
FoS: fartownik
Honestly, we're just trying to see where your thoughts lie, fartow, and you get extremely offended and hostile for no reason

FoS: Sniverre
sorry, but new player just isn't gonna cut it, bad play is just bad

Vote remains on Tess

I'll do better explanation of reads later, on my phone with 5% battery

Irreversible wrote:

Zexion wrote:

You never answered about MB tho, I would like to ask you again.
Sorry, missed that part. I have a slight town read on him, because he's acting pretty much as I'd expect it from a new player.
Please explain your SNB vote. I thought Farto was FoS'ing her because she pointed stuff that he didn't agree with then the wagon happened.

Also, I kinda agreed on MB, considering they are new and also posting a lot, it gives me town-vibes... at least until

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

Done reading.

Vote: Sniverre235
What's with this vote, I do hope you have an explanation because other than complete absense from the most of the game I couldn't think of Sniverre as scum right now, other than being so newb that you could think they're hiding something...

-[Jess]- wrote:


vote: Sniverre235
Where did this come from. What is this wagon. I don't even...

fartownik wrote:

I think I'm gonna summarize my reads for now.

Possible scum: Tess, Frostings, (maybe) SNB
Null: rEdo, Jess, Sniverre, Zexion (Jess and Sniverre are null only because they're noobs, they may as well be put in "possible scum" bracket)
Town: Magic Bomb, Amianki, Irre, (maybe) Drezi
How are you reading Amianki as town with a single meaningful post? He has barely contributed at all.

Tess wrote:

farto, your reasoning is surprisingly off from what I'm used to, from you.
We can't read your mind, you know. What are you used to from Farto?

Sniverre235 wrote:

Nahh...For a second thought I should stick to what I am thinking right now
Hello Tess #2. I do hope you're reading the game.


Also I can only summarize everything that's going on as:

fartownik wrote:


- Magic Bomb - wrote:

My first thought was that it could be an attempted counter wagon from Frostings but then I realised most of the votes went off Frostings after the SNB wagon appeared.
I would think Tess' wagon is the counter. SNB's one just kinda popped from nowhere.

Frostings wrote:

m y g o d
this game is so bad


Also I think your FoS on Farto may be just OMGUS from before. I can't agree with his overall attitude but I do see him scumhunting and actually worrying about the game.

Zexion wrote:

Also, I kinda agreed on MB, considering they are new and also posting a lot, it gives me town-vibes... at least until

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

Done reading.

Vote: Sniverre235
What's with this vote, I do hope you have an explanation because other than complete absense from the most of the game I couldn't think of Sniverre as scum right now, other than being so newb that you could think they're hiding something...

-[Jess]- wrote:


vote: Sniverre235
Where did this come from. What is this wagon. I don't even...
My vote on Sniverre is mainly because they're just following the crowd for the whole game, not really having their own thoughts (And if they are, they're not showing that they are). I know they're a new player, so I can't expect them to be fully independent, but at the same time, it feels like they're not even trying to read the game, and just voting whatever everyone else is, and I don't really like that kind of play.

However, I would still like to hear Jess's reasoning behind the vote on Sniverre. Whilst I assume it was the same as mine, I didn't really expect another vote, especially not so quickly.
Sniverre isn't voting anyone afaik.
oh he did drop a vote on Frostings earlier ok.

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

My vote on Sniverre is mainly because they're just following the crowd for the whole game, not really having their own thoughts (And if they are, they're not showing that they are). I know they're a new player, so I can't expect them to be fully independent, but at the same time, it feels like they're not even trying to read the game, and just voting whatever everyone else is, and I don't really like that kind of play.

However, I would still like to hear Jess's reasoning behind the vote on Sniverre. Whilst I assume it was the same as mine, I didn't really expect another vote, especially not so quickly.
Tess did also jump in the SNB wagon and didn't post her thoughts, exactly what you claim Sniverre is doing (and you're right anyways). Why you didn't vote her before?

In fact:

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

Tess no longer seems the most scum to me, but before I vote my next person I want to see what happens, to see if my opinion changes.
So Tess is not scum for doing exactly the thing that's making Sniverre scum?

I am pushing this issue because it kinda suprised me you would vote a player who is completly lost (they have no idea, I know being new isn't a shield and stuff but I would try to make him talk a bit more), while Tess had plenty of chances to explain what she's thinking and understands how this game works.

Also I agree on Jess' vote, hence my pointing out the second vote on Sniverre.
@Mod: Votecount please.

Zexion wrote:

Tess did also jump in the SNB wagon and didn't post her thoughts, exactly what you claim Sniverre is doing (and you're right anyways). Why you didn't vote her before?

In fact:

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

Tess no longer seems the most scum to me, but before I vote my next person I want to see what happens, to see if my opinion changes.
So Tess is not scum for doing exactly the thing that's making Sniverre scum?

I am pushing this issue because it kinda suprised me you would vote a player who is completly lost (they have no idea, I know being new isn't a shield and stuff but I would try to make him talk a bit more), while Tess had plenty of chances to explain what she's thinking and understands how this game works.

Also I agree on Jess' vote, hence my pointing out the second vote on Sniverre.
That was quite a while ago, and what made Tess not scum was generating discussion, unlike what Sniverre is doing of just agreeing with other people. I want to hear what he has to say about it, and then I'll drop my vote, if he convinces me he isn't scum.
Topic Starter
"Mauville City sure has changed. It's really different two years ago. I need a map so I won't get lost. Let's see.. here. Oh wait, it's a votecount. Where's the map though?"

Votecount 1.6
fartownik -
Drezi -
Tess (2) - Frostings, fartownik
Irreversible (1) - rEdo
-[Jess]- -
rEdo -
Sniverre235 (2) - -[Jess]-, - Magic Bomb -
Zexion (1) - Amianki
- Magic Bomb - -
Frostings (1) - Sniverre235
Amianki -
Static Noise Bird (2) - Irreversible, Tess

Not Voting: Zexion, Static Noise Bird, Drezi

With 12 players alive, it takes 7 votes to lynch.

Deadline will be on July 25 8:30PM GMT -5. This is 8 days from now.
rEdo is V/LA for roughly 30 hours

Let me know if I made any mistakes.

Zexion wrote:

How are you reading Amianki as town with a single meaningful post? He has barely contributed at all.
That post was enough. For now he's leaning more Town than null so I put him in the Town bracket.

He noticed how SNB jumped on me, same reaction as me. May be sheeping, but I doubt it. He questioned Frostings despite stating that he's Town in his previous post, seemed quite like a Town behavior.
Also Tess is not 'elaborating' for some time now. Did he/she went sleep? So early? :)
I forgot to include this in my post xD:

Kay, Zexion is leaning more Town for his recent posts.

Magic Bomb's logic fits a fresh Town player as well. But I have to correct you here, you can not really predict whether certain individuals that only begin playing Mafia will do. They may appear very scummy to you, as Sniverre is, but still be Town simply because they have absolutely no idea what they should do. For example, Sniverre's first post in the thread was that he doesn't understand the rules, but he still signs up. That's a sign of being a complete beginner and I believe he's being very confused at the moment, no matter the alignment. Lynching a newb so quick is a trap that Town can fall into very easily. I also hate such lynches because they're really easy to pull off from scum.

Frostings latest posts absolutely don't bring me any townvibes besides his vote staying on Tess. His FoS are rather giving me scumvibes again, especially the one on Sniverre (see up).
I like the wagon on me. I'll have to analyze the people on it now.

FYI everyone I slept for 14 hours and immediately went outdoors for 5 hours, hence why I'm back only now.

Reading and such, whatever. It's not like anyone is going to believe whatever there could be coming from a lurker anymore anyway :^)
I want to vote SNB after this post
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