
Sad news about Nintendo...

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Today, we mourn the dead of Nintendo's president Satoru Iwata. He died at the age of 55. He recently came out of surgery and then he finally passed away from cancer.

In my opinion, he has affected me a lot in gaming. Nintendo has been always of my favourite gaming companies, with the DS as well as the Wii. This was because Satoru that we enjoyed the feeling of gaming. With him finally passing away, it plants a black hole in my heart....

I really have no words left about this news.... it shocks but also makes me extremly sad that such a genius person like him is gone. Nintendo made me to that who and what I am, Nintendo is part of my life, of my everyday life. And he made it possible to give us such amazing games.

Shit will be different from now on, Nintendo will not be the same anymore.
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Stefan wrote:

I really have no words left about this news.... it shocks but also makes me extremly sad that such a genius person like him is gone. Nintendo made me to that who and what I am, Nintendo is part of my life, of my everyday life. And he made it possible to give us such amazing games.

Shit will be different from now on, Nintendo will not be the same anymore.
Nintendo has impacted so much in gaming, and you are correct, it won't be the same as it was back then....
Oh my god
He was so young :(
Rip Satoru, we can all say we loved him for all amazing things he did
He was definitely one of the main guys who made my childhood true, being greatly involved in 5 of my top 10 favourite games.

Rest in peace, good man.
I don't really have much love for Nitnedo games except for Zelda and I really don't have much history with Nintendo from my childhood.
He gave us Kanto in G/S. Earthbound, Kirby, and the list just goes endlessly into one of the greatest minds ever when it comes to video games. My childhood would never have felt so complete without everything he's done and contributed to my love of Nintendo games, or video games as a whole. Truly a programming genius, but most of all, he loved video games.

I'm just completely in shock at this sudden news. It's a major blow to everyone who plays video games. Even if you aren't a Nintendo fan, I urge you to go look at all his amazing accomplishments in life as it will simply amaze you.

RIP Iwata, you will be deeply missed. One can only wonder what the future of gaming will be like now.

Satoru Iwata wrote:

On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer.
Saddest news in quite a while, Nintendo is my whole childhood and big part of what i am now, he made a lot of the games i love the most come true, a truly excellent worker. May his soul rest in peace.
You have a place in my heart, Iwata-sensei.
Critical Dude
I was really shocked to hear this, a lot of people seem to be worried about how this will affect Nintendo overall.
Rest in peace Mr. Iwata.
Fuck whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
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Critical Dude wrote:

I was really shocked to hear this, a lot of people seem to be worried about how this will affect Nintendo overall.
Rest in peace Mr. Iwata.
Yeah, I'm just wondering how will Nintendo go by in the future
RIP satoru Iwata, I will miss you. :cry:
Awful news. =(
Nintendo was my childhood. They made the first games I've ever played in my life and I'm still playing them.

I'm really sad to hear that :/
There's a lot of sad pictures/drawings going around right now.

So much this (not me, btw):

Rest in peace
Rest in peace, Iwata.
R.I.P. :cry:
Professor Prinny
When I first heard about this I thought it was some sort of hoax but after finding that all the major gaming websites were posting the news, it hit me like a truck since this was all so sudden... Even now it feels surreal.

R.I.P Satoru Iwata 1959 - 2015

You will be missed greatly by the gaming industry and community.

Renevant wrote:

There's a lot of sad pictures/drawings going around right now.

the gif hits the feels.
Erotic Wizard
A friend of mine made a small tribute for him :(
even sega
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Blazevoir wrote:

Don't read if you don't want to cry a lot...
I read this, not knowing what I expected. I cried in my bed.

Renevant wrote:

There's a lot of sad pictures/drawings going around right now.

I really suffer with Mario in the first picture...
Rest in peace.

Erotic Wizard wrote:

A friend of mine made a small tribute for him :(
Woke up to this. I think I'll just go back to bed now...

Highly appropriate

There are some great remixes out there, but for the sake of respect, I'm posting this instead.
La Volpe
Wow sad news indeed, rest in peace Mr.Iwata. Thank you for your hard work.
are you kidding me

It sucks that Iwata died. He was a god-tier programmer, as he fixed Pokemon Silver and Gold AND made the game size so small he was able to add the entire Kanto region himself. Guess that's not saying a lot because Gamefreak isn't very competent.
Neil Watts
Thanks for everything, and rest in piece.
RIP Satoru Iwata (1959-2015)
I like Kirby and Mario games
Thanks you, Satoru Iwata (For making Kirby and Mario games)

I wish, i can mapping Kirby song!
Rest in peace, Iwata. Thank you for eveything.
damn, I only found out just now

RedPanda wrote:

damn, I only found out just now
Me too. I love his work and I wished he could have done more.

Rest in peace, Satoru Iwata.

Rest in peace Satoru Iwata,

you are one of the reasons why I enrolled into computer engineering

Genyo Takeda wrote:

As we gather here today for a joint funeral with Nintendo Co., Ltd. and Mr. Iwata’s family, I would like to share my heartfelt condolences. President Iwata, allow me to call you Iwata-san, just as I always used to.

Iwata-san, you left us far too soon. Having just chaired our shareholders’ meeting the other day on June 26, the news of your sudden death has left all the employees overcome with a deep sorrow. The late Yamauchi-san passed the baton to you in naming you the president of Nintendo in 2002, and the two Senior Managing Directors of the company, Shigeru Miyamoto and I, have been assisting and working alongside you. Being rather short-tempered myself, the thing that I am most deeply struck by is that you were a true leader in every sense of the word, overflowing with compassion for people. You always maintained a two-way dialogue, even with the next generation of employees, or with much younger members of the development and marketing teams, or with employees outside of Japan whose different customs and cultures can make communication challenging — sometimes even admitting your own mistakes to them. You demonstrated this through your belief that people could eventually come to understand one another, and your strong conviction that the best way for us to grow is through patient communication, even if it took several times, a dozen times or even seemingly endless discussion.

You succeeded in planting the seed in employees’ hearts that, in order to solve an issue, there is a fundamental cycle whereby you make a hypothesis, execute the plan, see the result and then make adjustments, and by which you have caringly nurtured these seeds to sprout and mature into plants.

Until now, our successors and the younger generation would take a few first steps and then look back at you for guidance because they could not tell if they had chosen the right path. Today they cannot ask for your guidance anymore.

However, I am sure that they have already made the firm determination that they will continue on their own, making the hypothesis, executing the plan, seeing the results and reflecting on the results to improve and adjust by themselves.

In the face of your unbelievable passing it will surely take some time before we can emerge from this deep sorrow. Please know, however, that the seeds you have planted, and the plants that have sprouted will put forth small flowers as they bring smiles to the faces of people around the world, blossom into a grand flower bigger than even you, our leader, Iwata-san. Together with Miyamoto and others of our generation, we swear in our hearts that we will continue our efforts so that, someday, we can report and present to you the blossoming of these flowers. May you continuously watch over and guide us managers, our employees and your family.

On behalf of all of us, I would like to offer my heartfelt condolences and sincerest prayer. May you rest in peace, Iwata-san.
Iwata was someone who I looked up to. From his Iwata asks to his Nintendo Direct he began to be a constant in my life. His energy and love for games showed and it made me think he would be here forever. He really did make Nintendo as weird as it was and really let it make all the risks that it did. Just like he said, he made games fun for everyone. It's going to be hard to fill that hole in my heart.
This might be late but thank you Iwata. Nintendo didn't really influence my life but I still play their games. Thanks for everything )
rip satoru, no more new games anymore `_J`
Why doesn't anyone close the thread already
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